Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Ginger shakes her head no. She slowly comes out from behind Trinity but stays pretty close. She looked around and then looked at Trinity. Trinity smiles. "I'm her protector....She's in the human protection program flower has." SHe smiled and then looked at Ginger.
"I thought this school was supposed to like unite all the how come we have protection programs and everyone's been fighting and trying to kill people since the second we came?" Sheena asked bluntly, rolling her eyes. "Some false advertisement."
Trinity looks at her. "Well Flower and Nick are friends and both are trying to stop this war...and the point of the protection program is to protect Humans outside the school." She said smiling. "It's not easy when nether side is giving the other a chance." She said glancing at Ginger who was nodding.
"Well the stupid VAMPIRE girl I met was trying to KILL my little sister, my sister didn't do ANYTHING to her, she's five years old and she loves everyone!" Sheena said indignantly, throwing up her hands. "No way in hell is her mom gonna give them a chance when they attacked Liza for no reason!"
Trinity nods. "I try and be friends with Deathwish or Nick, they never tried to kill anyone....well after Flower made them lay in bed for three days, and they are VAMPIRES." She laughs and then looked at her. "Not all vampires are the same...I mean faye is half Key holder half vampire. Made she would be more to you're liking?" She said.
"I don't know who that is," Sheena shrugged, still scowling slightly. "Or those other guys. But anyone who wants to hurt LIZA...I mean, this kid doesn't even eat meat because she thinks it's mean to eat animals."
Trinity chuckles. "Well nevermind..." She said and looked around. "oh look...theirs deathwish." She said pointing to a boy who looked exackly like nick but he was reading a book while walking so trinity knew it was deathwish. She waved over at him. "Hey Deathwish! I'm a key holder!"

Deathwish looked up and stopped looking down at Trinity. "WHy should I care?" He said and then jerked back as Trinity hugged him. "...Please tell me Nick put you up to this..." He said looking down at her. "I am way to old for you." He said not smiling.

Trinity laughed and let go. "Just showing you're a nice vampire." She said smiling. Ginger hid behind trinity again. Trinity looks at Sheena. "Just don't call him deathy."

Deathwish raised an eyebrow. "Please tell me that nickname is not spreading?" He said and pulled out a poster. "And Nick put up these....I need to go have a talk with him." He looked behind him. "Oh crap there are the girls....sorry Trinity and Ginger, and um friend!" He didn't run away fast enough. "AH!"
Sheena blinks, staring between the posters and Deathwish as she takes in the information written on it. "Uh...why don't you actually try to, you to a girl and ask her out rather than advertise yourself?" She smirks, then snickers, shaking her head. "It's Sheena."
Deathwish roared scaring off the girls. "I am not nick!" he walked over to sheena. Nice to meet you... And I didn't want these posters...this is prank nick must be pulling on me." he sighed and looked down. "Yeah nick known as the bad boy vampire..." he shakes his head. "Since we are twins I got to deal with girls wanting to hug and kiss." he sighs. "I'm not looking for a reastionship." he shook his head.
Garos waved a hand at her apology. "Don't worry about it," he said, smile widening. He listened as she spoke, nodding and looking into her eyes as she did his. "Hell, might be nice to have a few more humans running around," he said with a laugh, showing he was just playing. It wasn't that he had anything against humans, but most others simply let the other races walk all over them. It drove the scarred man crazy.
Flower smiled and then looked around the room. She giggled and then looked at him again. "Well I bet ginger would love another human to be around." She sighed deeply and then looked out the door watching some kids walk past. "It's only to teach them a lesson it wouldn't last. At somepoint they would need their keys back." She said and then kept her sight at the doorway. "Anyways...I think you better get to your room, I need to find Trinity and ginger...I said I would train them this evening." She said staying put not really wanting to pull away. "Unless you're ok, you could watch." She said her head still against him.

Deathwish looked at her. "Listen i'm over 100 years old....none of the girls here are even close to that age. I'm not gay I mean I really like girls but I just don't want to be with anyone at the moment and it's hard to get a girl that is serious when you got a twin brother who has kissed nearly all the girls in this school." He said and then turned around to find Tiffany and Ginger gone. He blinked and then looked back to Sheena. "....It would seem odd that someone my age has yet to get with someone, but I guess I haven't met the right girl." he shrugged and then looked down the hall. "And I haven't had a drop of blood in over three years. So maybe."
"Huh...well, that's different than most guys. Unless that's a line you're using," Sheena shrugged, then, as the part about not having blood sinks in, she adds with a raised eyebrow, "No blood? How are you living then, or don't you count animal blood?"
Deathwish chuckles. "Being half demon helps...sometimes a good stake but for the most part, yeah no humanoid blood." he said and then leaned against the wall. "It seems weird probably but I guess we aren't normal." he said and then looked around.
Faye was on her way to the training room when she spots Sheena, Deathwish and the two other girls...Ginger and Trinity was it? She grinned as she saw the girls surround Deathwish and she walked over to them, as Sheena mentioned not knowing who Faye was, she sped over with the speed of a vampire and tapped her on the shoulder just as she mentioned something about blood, she grinned at the girl, "You've met me before, remember?" She smiled at the girl, her eyes not black like a vampires. Infact, her eyes only went black when she was mad. She then looked over at Deathwish and smirked lightly, "Hey Deathy! How many girls have called you?"

Myra smiles as he wraps his arms around her and kisses her head, when he mentioned his parents not coming to visit him she frowns, not understanding that since her and her parents were always very close until they died. "Why not?"

After her chat with Chameleon Raina left her room, deciding that she had changed her mind and she was totally up for a kill in order to get some blood. But once again she got interrupted by seeing Liza's big sister, Deathwish, Trinity, Ginger AND Faye. She paused a little bit away from them all and watched with scrutinizing eyes, being able to smell the human's girl blood from where she was.
Deathwish looked at Faye and then hissed loudly. "You did this!?" he made a fist. "You just stay out of my love life." he said glaring at her. He crossed his arms and the. Looked back to see nick walking away from Peter." Nick grumbled. "Daddy already said no!" Peter on the other hand was insisting. "Dad just listen!" nick hissd and then stopped once he saw Faye. "Oh sh*t" he said knowing she probably heard Peter call him dad. Deathwish looked at Peter. "Shouldn't you be with your mother?" he asked Peter just glared.

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JAmes shrugged. "you could say my dad won't fit in the castle." he said with a chuckle. "I really rather not see my brother and my sister is such a know it all." he said looking down at her. "Besides I would only get teased by them because I found a nice girl....not to mention my brother would try to steal you away from me." he said glaring at the thought.
Faye was smirking at Deathwish and was about to answer back when she heard some people approaching, she looked over to see Nick walking with some boy and her eyes widened as he called Nick 'Dad' She blinked at Nick, her eyes wide. "Dad?" She repeated quietly, she flicked her eyes from Peter back to Nick and stood, frowning lightly.

Raina also frowned as Nick and Peter appeared, knowing Peter much better. She sped over to her little sister as she looked shocked and looked at her, "Faye?" Faye blinked sharply as if she had shaken out of a trance and looked up at Raina, "Yeah?" Her voice was soft and Raina frowned at her, "You alright?" Faye nodded, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She attempted to smile lightly and it worked, she looked back over at Nick and Peter but didn't say anything else. She wasn't sure what to say. She didn't want to be all bi**hy but...he had a son...who was older than her? Yeah, she was freaked out.

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Myra smiled and she gripped his hand a little bit tighter, "I wouldn't let him steal me from you." She grinned and leant her head on his shoulder, enjoying this blissful moment. She blushed lightly as his words sunk in 'a nice girl' It may not seem like much of a compliment, but to Myra it meant a lot. In a world full of such bad people, it was a good thing to be nice.
Nick slaps himself in the forehead. "Darn it! Peter now I really don't want to talk." he said looking at Faye. He looked down. Peter walked up to Faye and then looked at his dad. He shook his head. "Would mom be happy about this?" he asked and then looked as his father now had a very grave face wiu a death glared on him. "Stop....talking...about....her!" he said now furious. Looking at Faye he sighed. He walked up looking down at her. "Yeah I have a son...I was married three times you'd figure I would have at least one offspring." he said rubbing the back of his head. "I guess it won't matter now." he said still glaring at his son.

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James closed his eyes and smiled. He put his head on hers. He chuckled a bit think of how they took like three steps outside and now had stopped just to snuggle. He didn't want to move it was a nice veiw of the gardens. He smiled happy to have Myra near. He then smiled and lifted his head and then started walking again. Keeping Myra very close.
"Oh, right, forgot your name," Sheena says to Faye, then hesitates, shaking her hand. "Sheena."

Sensing a movement down the hall, Sheena glances over, and seeing Raina, stiffens, her eyes narrowing. If the girl makes a move, she'll be ready for her. Speaking in a low voice to the others, she nods towards her. "That's the one who attacked Liza."
Ginger and Trinity lean forward to look at the girl. They both suddenly start walking away to be with Flower where they would be much safer. They both suddenly dashed off and ran into the training hall to see Flower. They both stared seeing Flower and Garos so close. Ginger smiled slightly feeling safer with a large human male to hel defend her. She walked over to what she call her big sister. So did that make Garos her big brother?

Deathwish looked at the vampire girl and then back to sheena. "I see..." He said and then looked at his brother and Faye. Faye didn't seem alright. In fact he wouldn't be to surprised if she was far from it. He looked back at Sheena ready to stop any fighting. Being a prince maybe the vampire girl would listen to him.
Noticing Faye's strained look, Sheena frowns, looking between Nick, Peter, and Faye before fixing her eyes back on Raina, unblinking, setting her jaw. She wasn't sure why Faye was bothered but she knew what bothered herself- Raina,anywhere near her.
Faye stood silently until Nick walked up to her and spoke, she shook her head lightly as if trying to wake herself up before she looked up at him, "Yeah" She grinned very lightly, shoving away her true feelings like she had been doing for all those years. "Deathy found out about our prank" She flicked her eyes to Deathwish and kept her eyes on him, not wanting to look back at Nick just yet. She needed a bit of time.

Raina heard Sheena's whisper - barely - and turned to her, smirking now like the bi**h she was. "Actually, me and your baby sister are good friends now" Her black eyes boring into the girls dangerously even though she was smirking. It was as if her eyes were saying, 'Better watch out' and her smirk was saying, 'Just kidding' Although which was the one who was telling the truth? Not even Raina knew.
Sheena glowers, her hands forming fists as she faces her directly, head lowered slightly. "Like hell you're just playing her. You tried to EAT her. You're just taking how she is, how she loves everyone, and you're gonna try to do something awful to her. She's just a little kid, why don't you just leave her alone? She would LOVE you if you would just leave her alone."
Nick frowned deeply and then just turned around. He grabbed peter's shoulder hard nearly crushing the bone. Starting to walk away dragging his son with him. He was feeling furious and very sad so he didn't say anything else to Faye. He looked straight forward and kept his black eyes there. He didn't listen when Peter was yelling at him for having his grip way to tight and was hurting him. "..." he said silent like he was a accused of something that was terrible and true. He didn't let go of Peter.
Raina let out a bitter laugh, filled with no humour at all. "Maybe I am." As she continues she raises an eyebrow and places her hands on her hips, "Why don't you go ask her what she would love before you assume you know what's best for her?" She spoke with a cold tone and her black eyes seemed - if that was possible - to turn darker and blacker.

Faye noticed Peter's exclamiation of pain and she - having recovered a little bit - rushed after them, she somehow managed to pull Peter so that Nick lost his harsh grip, she looked up at Nick, knowing he was pi**ed so she didn't speak in a mean tone, "Calm down Nick, it's alright" She only thought he was annoyed because of her reaction, and she hoped that he would calm down rather than go in the opposite direction.

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