Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Raina hisses at Faith, "Usually people have the courtesy not to eavesdrop on other people's conversations." Her eyebrows harden as Liza speaks, "This is your mum?" Her eyes harden and she slams her hands so that they are pressed against either side of the doorframe, stopping Faith from entering, "Liza. I think it's time you left." She glares at the woman, "Your Mum's presence is irritating me and I want it to leave before I make it." She spoke dangerously, her words obviously implying that she was going to kill Faith if she didn't leave, now.

Faye smiles at the child and is about to answer when Raina begins to threaten Faith, she gets off the bed and walks over to them both. She ducks under Raina's arm and steps so she is between them both, stopping either of them from attacking each other. "Raina, calm down. I'm sure Faith wants to leave as much as you want her to." She takes a step closer to Raina and Raina looks down at her, her eyes soften in the slightest before she looks back up at Faith and glares at her.
Faith, however, stares Raina down, not at all impressed. "It's REALLY interesting how everyone here thinks they can threaten me."

She looks over at Liza, who is watching worriedly. "Raina, how come you're being mean to my mama? That's not nice," she says worriedly, as Faith speaks to her.

"Liza, go back to your room. Right now. Don't even argue with me, don't open your mouth, go." Liza scowls but disappears, and Faith continues to eye Raina.

"Let's get this straight. My daughter, it's my job to know what she's doing at all times, and you, you happen to be a student whereas I'm a trainer. Also, you threaten me and you'll see who it is you're dealing with. Now, I'll be leaving because honestly, I have no interest in fighting a little girl."

Backing out of the doorway, Faith starts down the hall.
Raina goes to run after her, "I don't give a f**k who you are, what your 'status' is or how damn old you are bi**h! Don't you dare look down on me or call me a 'little girl' because I've been through enough s**t to be the one calling you the little girl." She glared after her, speaking loudly enough for her to hear, "I wouldn't even blink twice while killing your 5 year old kid, that's how fu**ed up I am." She would have ran after her and tore her head off, but Faye was shoving her backwards, "Raina! Shut up!" After getting nothing more than ignorance as an response Faye shoots fire up at the ceiling, causing a nice, loud sound of fire crackling as the hallway filled with red light, "RAINA! Shut the hell up and get back in your room!" She looked back at Faith, "She isn't worth it." She looked back at her sister and the flames from the ceiling flew back into her hands as she followed her big sister into her room.
But there is absolutely no stopping Faith now. One threat to her child and she shoots back into Raina's room, seizing her by the throat and slamming her down to the ground. Straddling her, still holding her throat in one hand, flipping her stake out into her other and holding it over Raina's heart, Faith stares down at her with burning eyes, her voice almost strangled with fury.

"First off, you don't know shit about me and what I've been through. There is no way in HELL you have seen even a tenth of what I have or been through a hundredth of the pain I have, and I have lived for centuries so I've had a lot of time for it. And if you ever lay a HAND on my child or even make one more sound about it, I will kill you with a smile. You DO NOT KNOW who you are dealing with....CHILD."
Raina looks to the stake against her chest, then up at Faith. Her fear isn't even visible, in fact you would think she was completely fearless if you met Raina, she never showed her fright, ever. She glares up at the woman and mustering up all the saliva in her mouth, she spits right in her face.

Faye's eyes widen and before Faith can kill her big sister she holds out her hands and a burst of flames leaps from them, sending Faith clear into the wall and off of Raina. "Get away from her!" Faye glares at the woman and her usually amber eyes turn black as she hisses with fangs in her mouth, she walks right over to her, her fangs vanishing but flames coating her hands and arms as she stands a finger width away from Faith, "She won't touch Liza." Faye glares up at the woman, not at all seeming imidated even though Faith is a decade and a bit older than her. "But I would prefer it if you didn't press a stake to my sister's chest. I understand that you're pissed off right now. So am I. But you don't see me pulling out my gun and plastering a bullet through your head now do you?" Faye was having an EXTREMELY hard time controlling her fiery temper and it showed. Her eyes - which were still black - looked to the flames on Faith's sleeve and she raised an eyebrow, "Oh, sorry about that. Didn't mean to hit you so hard." She flicked her finger and the fire darted back to her and vanished into her skin. Raina snarled from behind Faye but other than that made no move to attack Faith, the appearance of the stake had shaken her slightly but she pretended it was because she thought Faye could handle Faith. "Now, if you would be so kind as to leave my sister's room. She won't touch your child." Faye looked up at Faith, her fists clenching as she spoke through gritted teeth, the fire inside of her desperately wanting to escape and burn the woman's face. But Faye knew that would not end well, this woman seemed experienced.
Faith too is barely controlling herself from lashing out at both Faye and Raina, every muscle tensed with the effort of restraining herself. As she stands to go, she abruptly throws her stake, which impales itself in Raina's chest, two inches to the left of her heart. She turns, eyes them both deliberately, making sure they understand that was a deliberate miss but COULD have been otherwise, before stalking away.
Raina winces and goes to run after Faith and rip her throat out but is stopped by a blast of fire infront of her face, "Don't even think about it Rai." She walked over to her and slammed the door shut, her body is radiating intense heat and Raina takes a step back as she winces lightly, Faye turned to look at her and her hands grasp the stake. The end of it sets alight, "Oh s**t!" She sucked the flames back into her hand and closed her eyes, thinking of Nick once more and their kiss. Dammit, why was that the only thing that calmed her down? Once the heat had stopped leaping from her she gripped the stake and tugged it out, Raina winced but did nothing more as Faye chucked the stake to the side and hovered her hands over the wound. They glowed a sparkly red colour and Raina's wound vanished completely, Faye muttered to herself furiously, "I'm going to fu**ing kill that bi**h." "Not if I don't first." Faye shrugged, "We can both kill her." She smirks up at Raina, "Just don't tell Myra, she'll stop me." Raina shrugs and sits back on her bed, her eyes flicking to her burnt wallpaper, "I won't." Faye sighs and sits down on Chameleon's bed, laying down on it, "Rainaaa...." Raina looked at her, "Yeah?" "Whatt dooo I doooooo?" Raina felt a small pain in her chest, was this what it would have been like if her little sister was still around? Would she be having this conversation with Mabel instead? "About what?" "I think..." Faye pauses and looks down, "I think I like Nick.." Raina raises an eyebrow, "Nick?" Faye nods, "The hot bad-boy vampire who's actually a prince....and has probably slept with nearly every girl in this school.." Raina sucks in a breath, "Wow." "Mhm...We kissed." Raina blinked at Faye as Faye waited for an explosion of outrage, "You what?""We kissed." Raina smirked, "High five Faye!" She holds up her hand and Faye looks at her in slight shock, well this was going to be hard to get used to, a big sister who critizes her at every turn, and one who cheers her on all the time.
Flower nodded and leaned on the wall beside him. "Well good." she said and chuckled a bit. "Maybe I'm just that good on reading you." she stretched out her arms. "Well i'm hoping that's enough fighting over me." she looked at garos. "it's been a long week." she put her head back on the wall. She then leaded her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes. "Ugh who knew being with someone would be this hectic."
(Is James going to go inside and speak to Myra?)

After her chat with Raina Faye leaves the room, to, ironically, find Nick. She speeds along the corridors as she looks around for him, not calling out his name this time, just wanting to try and find him.

Myra lies on her bed underneath the covers, she has stopped crying and is now just lying in the darkness silently, thinking about everything. She truly believes that she isn't good enough for anyone anymore, she's used.
James looked as Faye left and then opened her door. "Serriously....You think that you aren't good enough for me? HA! Right....a beautiful girl thinks she can't be with a guy like ME? I like you a lot myra." He left the door open because he really didn't want to close it. This being her room and all. He walked over and stood beside her bed. "I'm with you because I like you...maybe...even love. I don't want another girl....I want you!" He said kneeling down to her level while she was crying on the bed. "Myra nothing will change how I feel about you. If anything I don't deserve you." He smiled at her opening his arms wide wanting to hug her. "I'm sorry I didn't say anything Before I guess I wasn't paying to much attention. With all that went on I was stuck in my own thoughts. I really feel terrible that I would make you think that you were right. I must be the werse boyfriend ever." He sighed deeply.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Nick was talking to a girl. Of course, he sighed as she tugged him along. "Hey....Jenny...I...ugh." He stopped and then looked at her. "Listen...I um...there's another girl and I-" Slap, he rubbed his face and then sighed as she ran off. "WELL AT LEAST GIVE ME A KISS GOODBYE!" He blinked as she stuck her middle finger up at him. "Girls!" He quickly lifted his arms then let them fall. "This sucks."
Dark flower looks at him. She stepped closer and moved his head to the side. She looked at his neck. "ouch." she backed up and then sighed. "Wish I could help but I can't heal like flower." she said and then leaned back on the wall.
Faye watched and heard as he mentioned another girl, she smirked lightly before didn't assume it was her, she was just glad that the girl was gone. She ran over to Nick - acting as if she had only just spotted him - "Nicckkk!" She hugged him and then as she pulled back she looked up at him and pouted rather playfully, "Nick? Can you kill someone for me?" She hid her inside grin, wondering what his reaction would be.

Myra slowly pulled the covers away from her face, she found herself looking at his cheek rather than his eyes, unable to meet his gaze, as he spoke she slowly felt her spirits lifting higher and higher, and as he said he may even possibly love her, well she hit heaven. She suddenly flung herself into his arms and hugged him tightly, her head resting on his shoulder, at his comment about being the worst boyfriend she shook her head, "No, no you're not." She kissed his cheek lightly, "You're the best boyfriend in the world."

Chameleon shrugs, "It's fine, it'll heal by itself." He frowns at her, "You know, I don't see you and your sister together very often...don't you get along?" He asks casually, but he had to admit something still felt off about Bella. He just couldn't tell what it was.
Nick looked at her and then raised an eyebrow. "Kill?" He sighed and then pushed his fingures through his hair as he stared stright infront of him thinkig. "You want me to kill someone?" He looked down at her and sighed as he hand fell to the back of his neck rubbing it. "Um Faye....who do you want me to kill?" He asked no indicating if he would do it or not. Not yet anyways.

James smiled as she hugged him and then hugged her tight. "I'm not so sure about that myra." He said as a reply to him not being a terrible boyfriend. He was smiling, happy she wasn't crying anymore. He looked at her and with a wide smile. He slowly stood up again lifting her from the ground. "Now I hope I don't have to keep telling you that, you need to see that I think you're just purfect, nothing will change how I feel about you." He added looking down at her.
Faye noticed his slight unease and shrugged, "You don't have to." As his question of who she folded her arms and spoke in a slightly angry tone, "Some stupid vampire slaying chick who tried to kill Raina and gave me major evils..That Faith woman from earlier..." Heat started radiating from her as she clenched her fists, "Damn, she irritates me." She looked up at Nick's eyes and the heat slowly stopped, calming herself as she looked at him, "If you don't want to, we can do something else? Like prank Deathy?" She grinned at him, liking the fact that it sounded like she had just asked him on a date...a date in which they prank his twin. Yeah, it soooo totally a date.

Myra giggled lightly as he picked her up, as he spoke she smiled up at him and pulled herself up slightly, giving him a soft, small yet meaningful kiss before slowly pulling away and nodding, "Okay." She paused and looked up at him, "I like you a lot aswell James."
James smiled and then looked at her loving the kiss. He nodded. "You better or I'd be a pretty sad boy." He nodded and then looked at the door. Looking at her again he smiled. "Um so what do you want to do?" He smiled wondering if he should put her down now.

Nick shrugged. "Yeah she's got a daughter so no....let's prank Deathy!" He smilled and leaned over her. "So what were the idea's again?" He smiled down at her. Deathy never wanted anything to do with girls. He barily spoke at all. Maybe a good prank could lighten him up. Or end in both their deaths. Nick thought about this while he waited.
Dark flower sighed. "Well no, besides she's to busy loving on that guy garos." She sighed and then looked at Leon. "Really you are the only one who's talked to me nicely so far." he smiled and then looked around real quick. She winked at him. "Well one that's interesting anyway." She looked at him chuckling. "Sorry I bet I'm making you feel uncomfortable I'm sorry."
(You know what I thin Peter can be Nick's son. Be so cool now that I've been thinking of it. Just Peter's dad at the moment is his step dad.)
Garos looked over at her and smiled at her words. "Yea', could be," he agreed, then nodded. "Tell me about it. Who else is gonna' need an ass kickin' to stay away from ya'?" he continued in a joking tone, moving his arm around her as she lay her head on his shoulder. It was a comfortable feeling. Hopefully, things could setting down a bit for the time being. When she mentioned how hectic it had been, he laughed. "I know. Can't say I've ever had so much trouble just havin' feelings for someone before. It's been crazy. And all in a short time too."
Flower chuckled. "I got some Queen things to take care of when I get back to the castle." She said snuggling closer to him as he put an arm around her. She sighed and looked to the ground. "Hopfully no one else....I hate to see you fight and get hurt just to keep me around. I hardly deserve it at all...I'm bairly a Queen anymore." She said closing her eyes. "I guess I could turn the guys back at the castle human." She said knowing if she had her crown she could do it.
(Well that would be awkward xD Nick's son being older than Nick's potential girlfriend O.o )

Faye grinned and looked up at him as she leant over him, "Well, Number 1, Classic bucket of slime ontop of door, simple yet effective. Number 2. Make some 'looking for a girlfriend I'm desperate' posters and stick 'em around the school. And lastly, Number 3, we pretend you got attacked in the forest and then at the last second you jump up and scare him" She grins at him, "I think we should do number two. See how many girls call him" She laughs lightly, like a giggle but less girly.

Myra shrugs, "What do you want to do?" She hops down lightly from his arm but remains close to him as she leans against him lightly, "What do you do for fun?" She asks as she closes her eyes, she hasn't had any fun in ages.

Chameleon smiles at Bella lightly, his eyes focused on her as he looked down at her. "No it's alright" He reffered to her comment of making him uncomfortable before he took a very small step closer to her, "I think it's sweet" He spoke in a low tone and very quickly, not like he was nervous, but like he didn't know he was saying it until he did. He frowned at her lightly, "Why aren't people nice to you?"

Raina was heading off to find some blood from the kitchen that the school provided - being too tired to go kill someone right now - when she spotted Chameleon and Dark Flower. Of course she had no idea who the girl was, but her resemble to Flower already gave her a hatred of the girl. She quickly hid in the shadows and listened as Chameleon complimented her, she rolled her eyes. Oh Chameleon, I can't believe you of all people are a natural flirt without even trying.
(Well nick is over 100 years old....and he's been married three times.)

Nick nodded. "I bet a lot...I mean he looks like me and if he wasn't so harsh about girls he'd have plenty of girlfriends." He said and then suddenly his smile left his face. "...." He went silent. It was peter...he could sense him near by. "Take another step closer....and I will knock you right off your feet, Peter." He said and then heard peter run away. He looked in the direction and sighed deeply. "Like I was saying number two would be fun." He nodded smiling at her again. Came to see me huh? I wonder if she's told him yet, that I wasn't the one who cheated. He sighed holding his head for a second. (Lol Peter's mother is with a demon, remember? Peter was given his powers by his dad to ensure he never knew about Nick....However recently he found out but for the sake of his mother when Nick came around he said he cheated on her really the women cheated on nick. Irony for ya)

James looked down at her. "Well um I wish I could think of something." He said and then looked down at her. "Maybe just a walk or something? I don't know...." He said staring at her. He looked up and around, before someone caught him maybe it would be a good idea to get out of her room. Not wanting to move away from her though he waited for her.
Dark flower shrugs. "Well I really don't know." she sighed lying bu it's not like you can tell. She puts her hair behind her ears watching as he got closer. She smiled hiding a smirk. She sighed a bit and nodded. "Glad you think it's sweet..." she said softly faking a shy girls tone.
Faye grinned about to speak when Nick spoke of someone called Peter, she flicked her head in the direction of Peter and for about a second their eyes connected, she frowned at him before he ran off and looked back up at Nick. She was about to comment on it when he re-spoke of the prank, she smiled back mischievously and nodded, getting the sense he didn't want to talk about it. "Alright, number two it is!" She grabbed his hand and sped off to her room, which is where she had prank number two prepared already, a bunch of posters stacked under her bed. When they got to the room and saw Myra and James standing really close, smiling at each other, she raised an eyebrow. Leaning against Nick lightly as they both looked at James and Myra. "Bleurgh, do you guys mind not making out in my room?" She raised an eyebrow as she noticed how close they were to the bed, and how it was all messed up, but made no further comment, feeling a bit wary to do so because of the recent revelation of what happened to Myra.

Myra nodded, "Yeah, a walk sounds good." She also knew that they needed to move, but didn't want to for the same reason James didn't. She opened her eyes and smiled up at him, still leaning against him until her sister's voice made her jump and blush bright red as she looked over at Nick and Faye.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Raina frowned at the girl, She is so faking! She exclaims to herself then looks at Chameleon and back to the girl, but why? Raina carried on watching, she knew she was faking because it was like looking through a mirror. You gotta be a bi**h to know a bi**h.

Chameleon smiles at her, "Maybe it's because they're jealous." Flirting came naturally to him and he didn't even know he was doing it until someone pointed it out.
Nick looked to the bed then at james. He didn't say anything ether, james wasn't that kind of guy at all. It probably was just that the bed wasn't made when Myra got up. Looking at Faye he smiled. "So this is your room?" He chuckled jokingly. That's when James smacked him upside the head. " know you are acting just like flower." He said rubbing his head.

James looked at faye. "..." He stepped back a bit. "Sorry, we were just talking is all." He said and looked to Nick surprised he didn't say anything about Myra and him. Then he smacked him on the back of his head once he said something about this being Faye's room. He glared at him. "..." He looked at Myra. "Well I guess this would be a great time to take that walk?" He said walking out of the room like he didn't do anything, well because he didn't. He stopped looking back at Myra with a smile on his face. "And faye...I wouldn't be are quite close to Nick." He said not sure if he should leave them alone. Even though nick probably wouldn't do anything. Still it seemed not to far below Nick.

Nick glared and watched him leave. He put his hands on his head. He looked around deady hasn't been seen since his dad was here. Probably hidding out in their room. He sighed a bit and smiled thinking of all the girls that would swarm to him. He'd be so mad.
Dark flower smiled. "Really think?" she said stepping closer. She suddenly got the smell of a vampire and put an arm behind her. She pointed right at the vampire. Her shadow power covered her hand a bit. Then she just ignored it. She wanted to have some fun with this boy first. Besides she didn't want to fight right now. She looked up at Leon. "I bet girls are always after you,"

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