Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Raina sighs. Just try to be nice Raina. Try. For Mabel. She looks at Liza and as her eyes catch on the teddy bear, a very small smile tugs at the corner of her lips, "He's very pretty" She moves so that she is sitting on the end of her bed and she looks at the card then back at Liza, "Thank you for the card"
Liza beams. "You're welcome! I didn't know what color you liked best so I used ALL the colors!" She runs over and sits uninvited on your bed. "I'm glad we're friends now."
Myra leans further into his touch, knowing it is James now. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" She mutters repeatedly, stuck in a combination of the past and present.

Faye stands beside them, heartbroken as she watches her sister, she notices her shaking and gently radiates a bit of heat to warm her surprisingly cold body. It wasn't like it was cold or anything in the academy..why was she so cool?

Raina flinches with the urge to hit Liza as she jumps onto her bed and she grits her teeth, "My favourite colour is black and my second is purple." She doesn't respond to the friend comment, badly wanting to correct her but biting her tongue, she speaks tightly, trying her best to be civil, "What's your favourite colour?"

Chameleon smiles and his ears go back to human once he has heard what he needed to. Raina being nice. He walks down the seemingly deserted corridor, feeling a slight eeriness around him but brushing it off. He could deal with it, whatever it was.
James held her close. "It's ok." He smiled down at her and then kissed the top of her head. He loved having her close. "What's wrong myra?" He asked looking down at her still. He smiled slightly and tightened his hold on her. He watched her carefully wondering why she suddenly was upset.

Nick looked at James and then at Faye. He walked over and crossed his arms. "....WHat happened?" He asked looking at faye with a slightly creepy. He was thinking of their kiss. If only he could do it again. He looked around and then stretched out. "..."
Dark flower smirked and then leaned on the wall waiting for him to come closer. She glanced at him and then chuckled. "Leon..." She said waving slightly. She stretched out a bit and then leaned calmly on the wall. She stared at him. He seemed to timid to rush in. She sighed she really hasn't had much fun with the guys here. Garos personaily was a let down.
Faye shrugged, not noticing the creepiness because of her concern for her big sister. "She just freaked out..." Her eyes were focused on Myra and she bit her lip nervously, she subconsciously took a step closer to Nick as her sister talked lightly.

Myra shook her head gently, "No-Nothing...ju-just thinking.." She looked up at him, you could tell she had been crying, she suddenly spoke her thoughts as she looked at James, "Why are you with me James? You deserve so much better..." She looked down again nervously, back on the verge of tears.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Chameleon looked up at the sound of his nickname and spotted Dark Flower, he waved back lightly and suddenly noticed he was walking a bit faster. He reached her and stopped infront of her, "Hey Bella, you alright?" He looked down at her, still thinking about Raina and Liza, his mind was elsewhere.
James nodded and then smiled down at her. "Ok." He smiled and then looked at Nick and Faye. He sighed and then looked at Myra. He smiled again wondering what to do now. "Well....Um...." He smiled and then looked at Faye. He sighed.

Nick smiled and looked as she got closer. He chuckled and put his arms around her shoulders. He smiled down. "Well that's taken care of." He chuckled and then looked down at her as he leaned slightly over her. He looked at James who was glaring. He stepped back alittle.
Dark Flower and then smiled. "I'm fine. You seem to be thinking of something..." She asked standing up straight now. She watched him carefully smirking slightly. She turned it into a smile quickly giggling. "What's up?" She asked leaning in alittle not to much. She didn't want to scare him off. She tilted her head cutly.
Garos chuckled a little at Roger's reaction, running a hand through his hair and sighing in relief. He leaned back against the wall and smiled, shaking his head a little. "Oh, what a helluva' day," he said, half wanting to just slump down the wall and sleep. It wasn't that he hadn't rested well of late, but the training with Steve and the fight with the King had been trying on him in various ways.
Flower nods and looked at Roger laughing. "I guess you don't know me as well as you should." Roger only smiled at her. Once he was gone again Flower looked at Garos and frowned. "You look beat." She chuckled a bit and then walked over to him. "Hope steve wasn't that hard on you." She smiled at him.
"I like red," Liza informs her, swinging her legs back and forth. "So how come you like to eat people? Do you think they taste good?"

Sheena, meanwhile, isn't even trying to look for Liza this time around, resigned, as Faith continues to familiarize herself with the place.
Raina smirked a little bit, "I only 'eat' their blood, and yes, it tastes very good." She wrinkled her nose a little bit as she crossed her legs, seeming to relax a little bit more, "'s a bit like food.." She paused, trying to think of a way to explain it to the little girl, "Like...some people's blood tastes like....chocolate and cakes and sweets!" She smiles and then makes a 'yucky' face, "But other people's blood taste like disgusting broccoli or rotten eggs" She grinned at her, "You just have to sniff out the right kind of blood is all." She was almost laughing now, discussing the taste of blood with a 5 year old Key-Holder.

As James didn't respond Myra looked down, "I knew it..." She whispers to herself before pulling from his grasp and running from the room, feeling her heart slowly breaking.

Faye grinned a little bit as Nick slung his arm around her shoulders and she leant against him even more, but as Myra ran from the room..crying? She couldn't tell. Her eyes widened, "Oh s**t!" She ran after her, causing Nick's arm to drop, "Myra!" She yelled before she also sped through the non-existent door and vanished from sight.

Chameleon shrugs watching her and as she tilts her head a small smile threatens his lips, looking down as the edges of his fringe flop over his eyes, "Oh, just trying to make a vampire be nice is all." He looks back up at her and grins, the bite scar on his arm and the slight red marks on his neck visible as he speaks in a joking voice, "It's rather hard work though."
Liza considers this seriously, her brow furrowing. "How come you don't just eat candy and chocolate then? Then no one even gets hurt."

Coming down the hallway, Faith sees Myra and Faye running past, Myra in tears, and stops, sighing and shaking her head. "Did someone else get attacked too?"
(Myra is the one in tears xD )

Faye pauses to look at the woman, shakes her head with a frown, "Uh, no. Boy trouble" She briefly explains before she carries on running after Myra, who seems to be heading for their room.

Before Raina can respond, she can see through her partially open door Faye and Myra speeding past, she frowns goes to move then stops herself, none of her business. She tells herself, Faye seemed to be alright, Myra looked upset and quite frankly, Raina didn't give a damn about Myra. She looks back at the girl and a smirk crosses her face, "It doesn't work like that kid, if I don't drink people's blood, I die."
Liza is still frowning, swinging her legs. "I got a pet vampire named Spike. Or I did before Mama made me give him away. Can't you drink water with red food coloring in it? Won't that work? Or, or, you could drink animal blood. If the animal died 'cause it was sick and not 'cause you killed it. 'Cause otherwise that's just mean."

Faith is somewhat relieved at this, shaking her head. "Figures...why did I sign up to work with teenagers again? Did I NOT think Sheena was enough trouble?"
Raina laughs bitterly, the sound loud enough for Faith to probably hear it. "Look Liza, people die. It's the 'circle of life'" She makes a circle with her hands, "If no-one killed anyone, then the world would be overpopulated and there wouldn't be enough food for everyone, and then we would ALL die." She looks at her, "See? It's so much better to have a few people die rather than everyone." Raina shrugs
Liza considers this, then shakes her head. "Nuh uh. We could all eat stuff that's not blood or animals. Like candy and fruit and stuff. And bread. That sounds good."

Faith, overhearing the laughter, stops, listening; a moment later she is sure she hears Liza's voice. What the hell?
James ran after Myra. He wondered what the heck he did wrong. He ran faster then Faye. "Darn it what did I do this time?" he said inwardly cursing himself. "Myra! Myra wait!" he yelled after her. He spread his dragon wings and dashed forward. He reatched to grab her arm. "Come on just talk to me!" he said looking at her worried. He sighed deeply as he hand curled around her arm. He pulled back.
Raina rolls her eyes, "Yeah, but there would be not enough bread, candy and fruit for EVERYONE." She shrugs, "Anyway, I'm sure that every single vampire around the world isn't going to give up killing people for their blood 'cause a 5 year old told them too" She smirked at Liza, finding it easier to talk to her as each moment passed.

Myra pulled away from him and shook her head, tears running down her face as she looked down at the ground and her white hair covered her face, she turned and opened the door, ran into hers and Faye's room and shut the door on them both, throwing herself onto her bed and sobbing.

Faye looked up at James and noticed the confusion he had, didn't he know what had made her so upset? She sighs, "She's upset because she asked you why you were with her, she told you that you deserved so much better." She pauses and raises an eyebrow, "And when you didn't deny it she thought that you believed it, so now she's upset because she thinks she's not good enough for you." Faye placed her hands on her hips and nodded her head at the door, "Go on" She took a few steps away then looked back at him, pointing her finger at him seriously, "But if you break her heart, I'll break your face, got it?" She gave him a serious look before she sped off, she needed to speak to Raina.
"They could just make more," Liza tells her earnestly. "All the magic people can. Lotsa people can make food just come outta nowhere. That could be their job even."

Outside the door Faith is listening, trying to make sure it is Liza, and looks up as Faye approaches.
(It's Faye, not Chameleon xD )

Raina rolls her eyes, "That's not how life works Liza. We all do what we have to do and for vampires that involves drinking people's blood so that we can stay alive." She shrugs then speaks in a quieter, colder tone, almost as if she is speaking to herself, "At least most Vampires have a reason for killing, when Key-Holders kill Vampires, it's out of spite, not to live."
As Roger left, Garos gave him a nod and a knowing smile. Despite the other almost attacking him, Garos knew he was just being protective of Flower. Somehow, it made things okay between them, in the human's mind at least. When Flower spoke, it pulled him away from his thoughts and he nodded again, smirking. "That obvious, huh?" he joked, then rubbed his head at the mention of Steve. "Nah. I didn't get as much done as I woulda' liked, but I think I surprised him a couple of times there. He didn't expect fightin' a human could be so damned tricky."
(i edited both)

"I didn't never never kill no vampire!" Liza protested. "Just my mama does, that's all. And she's not even a key holder. And she won't kill you if you're my friend."

Outside the room, Faith raises an eyebrow at Faye. "That girl calm down?"
Raina speaks bitterly, "Your mum does?" She opens her mouth to speak, but then her sharp hearing picks up the voice from outside, "That girl calm down?" She knows it is not Faye nor Chameleon - the only two people she feels slightly comfortable around - and so leaps up, speeds over to the door and wrenches it open, glaring at the woman on the other side, "Do you mind?" She glares at her with black eyes.

Faye shakes her head and is about to elaborate when Raina flings the door open, glaring at the woman, "Do you mind?" She reckons the woman has been eavesdropping and she also gives her a small glare, she then looks to Raina, "You alright Rai?" She troops into her room and stops as she sees the small child on the bed, she recognizes her from earlier and smiles at her, "Hey Liza! Remember me? Faye?" She walks over and plonks herself down beside the child, smiling at her still, "Have you been having a chat with Rai over there?"
Raising her eyebrows at the girl on the other side of the door, particularly so when she sees Liza sitting on her bed, Faith retorts, "Excuse you, generally people start off with an introduction."

"Hi Mama!" Liza says with a cheery wave, and Faith turns her attention to her, eyebrows raising higher.

"Liza, what are you doing here, and where is Sheena? Are you teleporting again? You don't just go running around wherever you want without permission, how many times do I have to tell you that?"

Liza smiles at Faye. "Uh huh! We're friends now! Guess what, my mama has a girl named Fay who's big like you in her head. Only that Fay is really mean and bad and she's in jail." Looking at her mother, she says, "Mama, Raina is my friend now so it's okay."

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