Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Liza stands her ground, turning and smiling at her as she points at the picture. "That's for you, Raina. I made you a picture. Do you like it? I used all my crayons. I want us to be friends 'cause I had bad stuff happen too so you know what, we should just make up and be friends 'cause I forgive you anyways. I know you musta been mad 'cause you think I never had bad stuff, but I did. See?"
Faye nodded, not daring to cast a glance back in the King's direction for fear of trying to burn his eyeballs out. She walked over to the door, and took a look at it. She shrugged, "Might as well try this. Stand back Nick." Once he was out of the way, her eyes focused on the door and she grinned, "Hah. I hope the school has a go at me for this." Her hands heat up and red hot flames leap from her hands and hit the door, the heat intensifes as she focuses even more, they shake lightly and the door catches alight and begins to burn until it is a pile of ashes on the floor. She makes sure the fire doesn't spread to anything else and grins at the empty gap where the door once was, "Well, that was rather fun." She turns to look at Nick and her eyes are alight with mischief.

Myra nods, not quite sure that James even believes what he just said. Her eyes widen as Faye shoots flames at the door, "Not again!" Her normally shy personality fades as she leaps down from the gap and uses the water from the still wet floor to shoot up and carry her to the ground. She runs over just as Faye turns to Nick and speaks. "Faye!" She yells, probably loud enough for the King and the others to hear, "You can't go around burning down doors whenever you feel like it!"

--- Merged Double Post ---

Raina frowns at the child and pieces her mixed up words together, her fists clench lightly, "Why is everyone trying to get into my mind today!" She looks at the girl and sighs, "Look kid. I don't need any friends. Why don't you just leave?" She opens the door and walks into her room, but as she does she takes the picture from the door and rather than tearing it up...she takes it with her and shuts the door. Maybe there is some hope for her.
Nick grabbed myraand pulled her back. "Hey she got us got of here...Think of it!" He said and then was grabbed by a furious james. "Oh crap." James blew smoke from his nose. "Oh come on!" Nick yelled and then james dropped him.

James sighed "Myra....doors open." He said quickly grabing Myra and pulled her out of the room and then looked at Faye. "You guys better get moving." He said and then around.
Liza stands outside the door and knocks politely. "Raina? If you wanna wait, I can come back and bring one of my friends. They like to cuddle and you can borrow them. You can have a pony or a dog or a cat or a horse or lion or anything. I got a teddy bear I like best."
Looking to Faith, Garos sighed and gave a shrug, not sure how to explain it quickly. He went to say something, but was cut off as the King's blade got too close, slicing across his chest. He yelled in surprise, ignoring the pain and looking back to the King with a strained smile. "Ooh, did that piss ya' off?" he asked with a laugh, looking down at the cut. It wasn't too deep, but it was bleeding fast. "Yer' gonna' have to do better than that if you wanna' take down this human!"

Ignoring everything else around him besides the king, Garos rushed forward with his blade, slashing once more at the larger, armored being. This time, his attacks were quicker, using the quickness that he'd be taught to dash back and forth as he attacked.
Flower watched Garos fight. She smiled and sat up. She qucikly healed Garos with light. She stuck up her middle finger at the vampire king. She stood up slowly rubbing her ribs. "Man he hits hard." She sighed deeply and smiled up at Garos. Watching his quick movments surprise the vampire king.

He jumpped back getting hit several times. He roared with anger and then slammed his sword down at the Human. Then he blasted shadow at Garos. Only Flower's light blocked the shadow. She held up against the shadow. The vampire king jumpped to the side letting light hit the wall. He growled and looked at FLower. "Stop that." He yelled and then looked at the Human.
Faith decides to stand back now, sighing loudly and crossing her arms. "I'll just wait until one of you is dead, I guess. You're worse than my five year old."
The vampire king stops. "Ugh this is annoying human. You are stronger then I thought." He said and then looked to flower. "I will give up....but you need to answer one question." He said and then looked at Garos. He slowly dropped his sword and walked up to flower.

Flower looked up at him and then her eyes widened as he whispered a question to her. She blushed and rubbed the back of her head nodding while adding something. Although it was quiet enough for no one to hear it. He grabbed Flower angry and then through her. She landed on her back. "Ow....that hurt....You're the one who asked!" She said with a bit of a smile. Once he disappeared in shadow she snickered a bit. She got up as Nick walked over.

Nick looked at her as if check she was ok and then crossed his arms curious at what made he dad not want her anymore. "What was that about?" He asked looking around. "He never gives up that easily." He added as he sighed deeply.

Flower looked at him. "He asked....and I lied saying that I wasn't a virgin." She blushed a bit rubbing her side. "Ouch...He asked who and then I said Garos, easy really." She said shrugging and then stretching out a bit from pain. "Ow....Man garos you hit hard!"

Nick's eyes widen. "You said....and he believed you?!" He looked quite shocked. "Man were you're key holder Honor! To say that you did that!?" Flower backed up blushing. She held her hands up

Flower chuckled nervously. "Well that flew out the window as soon he asked....You and I both know key holders mate for life...I did not want to marry him bad enough to lie." She looked down. "Marrying him for life was a no for me." She rubbed her arms embarrassed now. "Garos I hope you don't mind....But I thought it was the only way he would believe me. Hehehehehe." She was blushing and looked at Nick and James staring at her. She glared. "Seriously I lied!"

James nodded. "Just checking." He chuckled teasing her. Flower glared at him not really liking it. He looked at Myra and then looked down. Flower sighed. "No that doesn't count." James smiled and nodded reassured.
As the King announced he would give up, Garos stopped in surprise, looking shocked. As the man got close to Flower and tossed her aside, he growled again. "Just go," he spat, moving over toward the girl as she got up. Listening to her explanation, the scarred human flushed just a bit, then regained his composure and smirked. "Sorry about that. I had to stop him from controllin' ya' somehow." At the next set of words, he waved a hand. "I guess I don't mind, but hell... ya' could'a just let me finish the job... no offence, Nick. I know it's yer' dad an' all."

Giving a shrug, he turned and touched his chest. It was healed, thanks to Flower, but it still hurt. Looking to Faith, he sighed. "Guess I'd better explain, huh? I got caught up in a mess between the 'Holders an' 'Vamps, because I just so happen to have a thing for the Queen. She was arranged a marriage to the King 'Vamp, I didn't agree, we fought. Bad spot to be in as a human." Smirking, he shrugged. "That's just the short version of it. I'm Garos by the way. I guess ya'd call me a trainer a' sorts. I help out with a bunch of the combat trainin' around the school."

Shaking his head, he continued. "Sorry I was ignorin' ya' like that, but when I'm in a fight, 'specially a serious one, I'm kinda' hard to talk to."
"Yeah, that's what I'm supposed to do. Train people. Even monsters like that. Apparently." Faith exhales, then holds out her hand, watching over his shoulder as the king exits, suspicious. "I'm Faith. And I was not exactly told that story when I signed my daughter and sister up for this place."

(is anyone around here still single btw? characters i mean)
Flower rubbs her head. "Sorry...But personaily I grather not have to face the fact that we would get into a lot more touble if I did." She looked at Nick as he started speaking again. She frowned.

Nick shrugged. "Hey dude I couldn't care less." He said and then looked to Flower blinking. "But won't he tell your friends back at the castle?" He said thinking about it. "Roger won't be happy at all will he." He chuckled a bit.

Flower looked at Nick and sighed deeply. "Well if you think about it...if you're dad does tell them they certainly willo not try and have me marry someone else. If Roger shows up...hopefully I can explain before he kills Garos." She chuckled and then looked at Nick. "Like I said key holders mate for life. I would have to marry him now. If it doesn't work out I'll have to tell them the truth and then find another way to take down your father before I have to marry him again."

Nick nods and sighs. "I when do you think Roger will show up?" He asked and looked at Flower shrugged not knowing. She looked at Garos.

Flower sighed and shivered a bit. "Man that was scary....I was like a zombie thing. I don't thing I've ever looked more terrifing." Nick raised a hand to disagree till flower raised an eyebrow at him. He put his hand down.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Deathwish, Peter, um I leon....but he's not my character. Um....there's another one but I can't remember the role players name....Is it xxjackson? Something like that)
Garos nodded with a bit of a sigh. "Well, trust me, it isn't usually as crazy here," he said with a smirk. "Ya' just happened to come at a pretty weird time." Turning back toward Flower and Nick, the scarred human raised a brow at the mention of Roger. "Ah, hell. Didn't think about that..." he murmured, rubbing his forehead. At Flower's mention of her 'transformation' earlier, he nodded. "It was damn awful havin' to attack ya', too."

Thinking more about it, the situation worried him. What if he hadn't been able to disable Flower? Could he have brought himself to take her down some other way? Shaking off the thought, he leaned back against the wall, trying to ignore the craving for a cigarette.
Flower sighed. "Yeah..." suddenly she relized her arm was still bleeding. She looked at her clothes. "Darn did I not feel I'm all bloody." she said healing the wound quickly. Normal key holders heal by themselves but light holders such as flower often have to heal by using light. The light charges up the cells in the body and gives then so much raw energy they become much faster. So it heals much faster. After healing the cells go back to normal. Flower stretches out. "Yeah normally it's pretty quiet." she said with a smile. "Three two one. Excuse me while I go try to save garos from roger." she said turning to see a very angry roger. "Roger!" she ran up but roger had his sword up going to slam it at garos.
Roger was a huge key holder guard. Flower's most trusted friend and often takes on being Flower's father. Hear of the lie that Flower told the Vampire king there was one thin on his mind. Punish Garos for touching his 'little girl'. He was much bigger then Garos.
Chameleon walked up to the door of his room, he frowned as he saw little Liza and he heard her talking, "Raina? If you wanna wait, I can come back and bring one of my friends. They like to cuddle and you can borrow them. You can have a pony or a dog or a cat or a horse or lion or anything. I got a teddy bear I like best." He almost hit himself as he realized his room mate was Raina. Of all people he got stuck with the vampire girl who bit him. He smiled kindly at little Liza and tapped her shoulder, "Hey Liza, maybe you should come back later." He looked at the door then back at Liza, smirking, "I think you should bring your teddy bear along." He didn't know why, but he had an inkling Raina was more of a teddy bear person rather than dog, cat, horse or lion. Once the small girl had left he sighed, and shoved open the door.

As the door opened Raina's glare snapped to it,
"I told you to leave--" She spots Chameleon and jumps up in a second, snarling at him, "What are you doing here?" He walks over to the other bed and drops himself onto it, looking across at the seething Raina, "That's no way to treat your new roommate now is it?" Raina's eyes widened then hardened, "No way." Chameleon grins, "Yes way." She growls and plonks herself back down on her own bed, glaring at him. Chameleon frowns as he notices the card on her bed, "What's that?" He snatches it up and as she yells and jumps up, he quickly reads it, she runs at him and he side-steps her, "Der Rana, i'm sory you had bad stuf hapin win you were five to. i had bad stuf hapin my dady was bad to me and my mama and they didnt even no how to be to kids. i think we shud be friends ok? love liza." He looks to Raina, "Aww that's so---" His words get cut off as she tackles him to the ground and snatches the card back, jumping off of him and going back over to her own bed, muttering, "It's rude to snatch." He sighs and sits up, "Look Raina, whatever it was that happened to you when you were 5--" "Nothing happened to me when I was five." She emphasizes the 'I' and Chameleon narrows his eyes, "Well, whatever happened to someone else when they were five.." Raina growls, "My sister." Chameleon walks over to his bed and frowns at her, "What?" "My little sister was killed when she was 5." Chameleon goes silent, then speaks softly, "I'm sorry Rai--" "Why should you be? You didn't kill her, some damn Key-Holders did. Plus, it's in the past and I don't give a f**k." He looked at her and her eyes were emotionless, he knew that tactic. She did care. He swallowed, "Raina. Don't you see? If you kill'll be just as bad as those Key-Holders who killed your little sister." He looked at her, "Do you want to be like them?"
Garos watched as Flower healed herself, slightly curious as to why she did it as such, but not saying anything at the moment. As Roger appeared, he gave a sigh, holding up his arm as the larger man's blade raised, meaning to drop on him. "Believe me, I know ya' must be angry, but now isn't the time..." he said, feeling strangely calm after the fight with the King. "I didn't do what yer' here to kill me for." Looking over at Flower, he smirked. "Mind telling him before I start to lose body parts?"
Faye watches up until the point where Roger appears and she smirked, "Garooossss! You're in troubllee!" She grinned, but as she spoke she sped over to them and blasted a line of fire infront of Roger, stopping him from getting to Garos for the moment.

Myra felt shame course through her as James looked at her and Flower spoke about it not counting for her. Her eyes hit the floor and she suddenly felt dirty, used, like she wasn't good enough for James. She shook her head lightly as everyone began talking and Roger appeared, spacing out and drifting into her own world as the voices around her got quieter and disoriented.

She blinked as she heard screaming and suddenly she was standing back in her house, at the top of the stairs as he shot her Father through the head with a pistol, her Mother gasped and covered her mouth, "No." She whispered as he sped over to her and held her from behind, his blade pressed to her dainty neck, "Did ya' miss me Maria?" Tears streamed down her eyes and her gaze lifted to Myra, the man caught on and looked up, a creepy smile covering his face, "Now who's dis?" He whipped the blade across her Mother's neck as she screamed, "MYRA RUN!" Blood spurted from the wound and Myra legged it across the hallway, before she could get to the window and jump from it the sharp pain of someone tugging on her hair made her let out a yell as a disgusting voice whispered in her ear, "'Ello darling."

Myra stood still as she was, she was still trapped in the dream but her eyes were glazed over and looked empty, as if she wasn't there.
Tiffany smiled evily has she tacked her new found victom. She saw him talking to a vampire girl and hid watching them. She waited to stike. That was before....Dark Flower. She grabbed Tiffany and dragged her away. Tiffany suddenly ran away scared. Dark Flower smiled and then walked down the hall. She wanted to get Leon alone so she would wait.
Roger looked at Faye then at Flower. "What?!" He glared at Garos and then at flower. Flower blushed slightly and then walked up. "ROger I lied to the get him off my back." She said and thats When Roger grabbed her hugging her tightly. "Oh Thank God!" Flower reatched out with her hand. "Choking not breathing!" Once he let her go his gaze turned to Garos. "....Yeah...thank God." He chuckled a bit.

James walked over to Myra and then frowned. "You ok?" He asked putting a hand on her shoulder. He was very conserned and worried. She always seemed to be beating herself up. He really liked her a lot. There was no changing that. Why did she always do this to herself?
Liza teleports back to her room, carefully selecting one of her teddy bears; seeing her, Sheena starts toward her and grabs at her.

"THERE you are, damn it, Liza,, you can't just take off like this all the-"

"You shouldn't say bad words Sheena Legs...I gotta go bring Raina a bear. Bye!"

As she teleports out again, Sheena's mouth drops, and she fumes...Raina?! As in Raina who tried to kill Liza twenty minutes ago?

"DAMN IT!!!"

Sighing, Faith shakes her head and backs towards the door. "Why don't you guys give me a write up for your first homework assignment of who everyone is?"
Raina glares at Chameleon and sighs, "Fine. I'll give her a chance...but if she bugs me....I swear I'll---" "You'll what?" He asked steely, glaring at her. She glared back, "Don't try and intimidate me Chameleon!" A floopy grin spread across his face and he jumped up, heading towards the door, "Now why would I try such a thing? I'd be frightened you'd bite me again" He laughed and opened the door, looking slightly shocked to see Liza standing there with a teddy bear in her arms, he shrugged, "She's in there." He left the door open and walked off down the corridor, trying to find the kitchen since he was hungry.
"Thank you Mr. Chameleon!" Liza calls, smiling as he leaves, then opens the door, coming inside and thrusting out the teddy bear, which happens to be electric blue. "This is Stevie. Stevie says you can borrow him a while. Do you think he's pretty?"
Myra jumps at the contact and lets out a yell as she collapses into James's chest, sobbing as her hands grip the cloth of his t-shirt lightly, "No, please, don't!" She sobs more as she slowly brings herself out of the memory, releasing it is James and not him. She still cannot manage to let go of James though, the memory of what he did to her still in her mind.

Faye looks back at her sister as she yells and her eyes widen, "Myra!" She runs over to her in a flash and pauses as she notices she is clinging to James like a child clings to it's mother. She stands by them awkwardly, wishing she could pull her close and hug her, pain filling her eyes as she watches Myra sob her eyes out.
James looked at Myra. "What!? WHat?!" He held his hands up. "Myra?!" He wanted to touch her but that is what caused this. "Myra please calm down...I...I don't know what's wrong." He said looking worried. He slowly put his hands on her shoulders. "Hey....Calm down." He said softly. He looked down at her.

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