Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Back in their rooms, Faith, finding Liza, gives her fierce instruction and lectures that go straight over her head; seeing this, Faith is more insistent until Liza pouts, then cries, and Faith doesn't send her to her room, since that gives her an opening to teleport off, but instead makes her stay near her. She turns to start in on Sheena for not watching her closely enough but by this point Sheena has wised up to what's coming and slips out of the room, intending to avoid the vampires, but just wanting to get out.
Myra nodded and hurried after James, hitting Faye on the arm lightly as she left.

"Ow!" Faye rubbed her arm and glared lightly after her sister. As James turned back and spoke to her, a small blush spread across her cheeks before she made it vanish and stuck her tongue out at him, "Whatever lover-boy!" She quickly shut the door before Myra or James could run back and hit her. Most likely Myra. She grinned and then looked up at Nick, seeing the plotting smile on his face. "Well, since I was gonna do this prank anyway, I gots the stuff already." She strided over to her bed and ducked her head underneath it, her butt sticking out in the air as she gripped the posters and tugged them out, she looked up at Nick and handed him one, "What do you think?" She asked as she stood back up, on the poster was a picture of Deathy (Don't ask how she got it xD ) and a title above it that read, 'Looking for a girlfriend, anyone will do' and had a gap that said phone number and room address below it. She handed him a pen, "I don't know his number" She explained, implying that she wanted him to fill in the phone number gap.

Chameleon tried his best not to blush - and thankfully - he didn't. He shrugged lightly, "Besides the one who bit me, I'm not too sure that they are." He grinned at her, showing that he didn't seem to give a damn about the bite. He didn't even notice her getting closer but his eyes were focused on hers and nothing else, almost like he was in a trance.

Raina frowned at Chameleon, as he spoke of the bite she rolled her eyes, Baby. (By the way if it's in italics it's her thoughts) She frowned even more as she noticed his trance-like state..was he alright?
Passing Faye's room, Sheena sees Myra exit and stops, thinking she looks familiar, and trying to place her. She watches her for a few moments before speaking. "You're not a vampire, right?"
James raised an eyebrow at her as she shut the door. He thought about it for a second and then put his hands in his pockets and looked at Myra walking off to go outside. He sighed a bit still thinking. "Well shall we head to the forest? I hear it's a nice day out." He said looking back at her real quick. He stopped as I girl asked if she was a vampire. He blinked. "Another vampire hater?" He asked and smiled. "Sorry non of us are vampires." He said smiling, showing his pure white teeth to reasure her he wasn't.

Nick looked at her. As she got the posters he was staring. (lol STTAAAARRRRREEEE) He looked up at her face as soon as she got up and grabbed it writing down deathwish's number. He was alittle surprised that she had a picture of deathy....well at least he thought it was Deathwish, for all he knew it was him but who cares. Looking at her, he hands her the poster. "Here." He said again staring.
Dark flower got really, really close to his face. "Aw to bad..." she said smiling as she did. She looked at the ground though again, she smiled as she looked up at him again. She stared right back into his eyes. She got him, this would be fun.
(Just in case you don't know, Raina and Myra aren't related at all)

Myra looks at the girl and shakes her head, also recognizing her, "No, full key-holder." She pauses and looks at her, "My sister is half-vampire though." She frowns at her and then hearing James voice, she quickly follows him, she nods in response, her hand slotting into his naturally, "Okay" She smiles up at him and then looks down as her eyes catch on his, blushing lightly as they walked along.

Faye grins and in seconds every poster (There's about 10 of them) has the exact same number on each of them. "Come on then!" She looks up and pauses as she notices Nick staring at her, she also stares back, unable to break eye contact with him.
Sheena nods, somewhat relieved. " sister is a keyholder." She watches her go, hanging back; already she doubts that she'll actually find any friends in this place.
James looked down at her and chuckles a bit as she blushes lightly. He looked back at Sheena and waved. He breathed in deep and then looked to the front door as they headed towards it. "So myra....what's your favorite flower?" He asked looking down at her again.

Ginger and Trinity were running down the hall before they hit Sheena. The both back up Ginger hidding behind Trinity. Trinity looks up. "Oh I'm sorry!" She said looking down at the ground.

Nick nodded and then took a step closer to her. He smirked as he leaned over her. "So faye....I was wondering, I mean I first I thought it was just an act, but it seems I have caught a certain someone's eye?" He chuckled looking down at her.
Raina's eyes widened at the proximity of them both and she noticed the look in the girl's eyes. She had no idea why, but she felt as if she had to save Chameleon from this bi**h. She strided right over to them and pushed them apart, placing herself inbetween them as she basically wrapped herself over Chameleon, she leant up and spoke into his ear in a purring voice, "Hey babe, I need to speak to you." She looked at Dark Flower with a death glare and grabbed Chameleon's hand, dragging him into their room and shutting the door behind them. She shoved Chameleon so that he fell onto his bed.

Chameleon's eyes widened increasingly as Raina wrapped herself around him seductivly and purred into his ear, he was snapped out of the trance and he didn't register what was going on until Raina had dragged him away and thrown him onto the bed. His eyes widened and he held up his hands, shoving himself against the bed's headboard, "Woh woh woh! Raina! I mean, you're pretty and all, but I just don't see you in th--" "Oh shut up idiot, I was just getting you away from that s**t." His eyes widened, "She wasn't a s**t!" Raina raised an eyebrow at him, "Seriously? She was this far away from making out with you!" She held up two fingers and put a very short distance between them to prove her point. Chameleon's eyes widened, "Really?"
Dark flower glared with anger. She watched as he was dragged away back her a room. She just walked away. Made she still had a chance but for now she would let it go. She wasn't stupid but so far this has been poor pickings for her. She held her head high looking for some other boy. She held her head annoyed.
Myra shrugs, smiling as they walked hand in hand, "I love Lilies, they look so sweet and innocent..." She has no idea how a Flower could look innocent, but Lilies always reminded her of innocence, she smiles at him, "What's yours?"

Faye blinks up at him, a million thoughts rushing through his head. She finally decides to just play it cool, not wanting to be like all the other girls. She shrugs and holds the posters to her chest, smirking at him playfully, "Maybe you have" She walked past him and and stopped at the doorway - which was now open. "You coming?" She grins at him, and holds out five posters for him to take, planning for them to spilt up and spread them out around the school.
Nick suddenly gets a look on his face like he was just let down. He looked at her with a slight glare and turned around putting his hands in his pockets. He looked at the posters. "Ruin my fun why don't you?" He said taking the posters a bit snappy out of her hand and then walks out mummbling to himself.

James shrugged. "I guess....white roses....but being a guy I don't really think about it. I feel girly enough saying it's roses." He chuckled looking down at her. "Yeah lillies are pretty too." He said and then opened the door walking outside.
Faye blinked, what just happened? She sighs to herself and bounds after Nick, forgetting her idea of splitting up, she caught up to him quickly, "Fine...turn that Maybe into a Yes." She stuck one of the posters to the wall and noticed a group of girls looking over at it already, she smirked a little bit, "People already seem to be interested." She smiles up at him, "Looks like your brother has the same affect on girls that you do." She looks up at him, hoping that he wasn't still pi**ed at her.

Myra smiled and walked outside, instantly stepping a bit closer to James as she did so, "I think Roses are lovely" As she spoke she noticed some flowers in the distance. She frowned as she looked at the floor, "Hey James, since you know a bit about me, mind if I ask you something?" She looked up at him, waiting for his response.
Nick stopped and looked. "Of course...I am the most wanted guy in school and Deathwish is as close as you can get to me." He said ignoring her change in answer. He wanted her to see just how many girls go crazy over him, he was going to punish her for scaring him like that. He almost thought she really didn't like him like he was starting to of her. He walks along looking for the right girl to show off with. He saw that girl they Faye burned once. He smirked, and then nodded his head to her winking at her. She almost ran over to him. He put an arm around her. He glanced at faye then put another poster up. The girl clinging to him, she whispered something in his ear that made Nick smile widly. Yep he was really heading to punish Faye.

James smiled at her and then his face looked more of a curious one as she asked if she could ask him something. He smiled nodding. "Of course you can." He said looking around outside. "Anything." He added and then looked back at her.
Garos smiled as Flower pulled closer to him, listening to her words and shaking his head. "Hey, ya' don't need to worry about me gettin' hurt or fightin'. Hell, it's something I'm pretty damned good at and it's kept me on my toes," he said with a laugh, kissing her forehead lightly and then raising a brow. "Turn them back human?" he asked, not knowing exactly what she meant.
Faye frowned a little bit as he answered cooly, then as the idiot girl from earlier ran up she instantly caught on to what he was doing. She glared at him and then looked away, two could play at this game. Well, she hoped she could anyway. She walked right past him and the girl, smirking lightly as the girl winced from the heat she gave off as she passed them. She cooled herself and as she walked away she noticed a guy heading down the corridor and smirked lightly, he was rather cute. She bumped into him lightly and the papers scattered across the floor, his eyes widened, "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Faye put on a cute little blush and ducked down to grab the papers at the same time he did, "It's okay..." She accidentally on purpose brushed her hand against his, he looked at her and she smiled back. He stood up quickly and handed her the papers, she smiled at him and put on her best cutesy voice, "Do you mind helping me put these up? They're for my brother but he is a bit too shy to do it himself." The boy nodded, staring at her like he was looking at Beyonce or something. She smiled at him, "Thanks" She looked over her shoulder at Nick before walking off with the guy.

Myra looked down at the ground as she lightly kicked a tuft of grass, "Do you have any brothers or sisters?" She asks softly, hoping it wouldn't hit a nerve or anything.
Flower looked up at him smiling as he reassured her after fighting and then chuckled. "Oh sorry I guess I was thinking out loud...but i can take away their keys with out killing them. Since key holders will die if they take off their keys. (Hear that xjobozx?) but with I get my crown, I can turn them human." She said having never broke eye contract with him. She smiled thinking of how horrified they'd be.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Nick glared. "Of course she does." He said dropping the papors. He just walked the other way with the girl. He suddenly just was furrious. The girl he was still holding onto smiled at him. He sighed and gave her the brush off. She of course slapped him and he went to his room. His brother wasn't there. He sighed and shut his door. "WHat am I doing? She's a keyholder?" he said just going to lay on his bed. He wasn't in the mood to prank his brother or even go looking for girls. This was bad and completly out of his character. He sighed.

James looked at her. "Yeah I got one sister and one brother....although I don't think you'd want to meet my brother." He said with a chuckle. He looked up. "He's just like Nick only he goes around without a shirt." He shook his head. "He says it's because he'll burn it off anyways but I never did believe him."
Faye looked back as she heard the slap and she also suddenly didn't feel into the prank or the guy beside her anymore, she sighed and he looked at her, "What's wrong?" She looked down at the floor then up at him, "I'm sorry, it's just...there's this other guy that I really like, but I'm having a hard time telling him." The other guy nodded sadly, "Should have expected as much, a pretty young girl like you." He looks at her, "Look, you should just tell him, and if he likes you back, then there's nothing to worry about" Faye nodded and smiled at him, "Thanks" He nods back, "Seeya around Faye" (She told him her name while they were walking) "Bye!" She runs off, having put up all of her posters already anyway. She isn't quite ready to speak to Nick yet so she heads for the training room, one of her favourite rooms now.

Myra nodded, "Oh right..." She paused, "What about your parents?" She leant further into him as the cold spread up and down her arms, it was times like this where she wished she had Faye's power to keep her warm.
Peter ran past the taining hall. He was looking for his dad. He knocked on Nick's door. "Dad! Dad open up!" He said sighing deeply. He looked at the door.

Nick sighed and sat up on his bed. "Daddy doesn't want to talk!" He said looking at the door. He sighed and then looked at the floor.

Peter shook his head. "yeah I know...She's younger then ME dad!" He said hitting the door hard. "OPEN UP! I want to talk to you about mom!"

Nick's eyes widen and he gets up. "I do not want to talk about her!" He said walking up to the door and then leaning on it.

Peter rolls his eyes and then looked at the door. "I want to!"

Nick hisses and opens the door. "DADDY SAYS NO!" He said opening the door angry. He looked at his son and then sighed deeply feeling hurt feelings suddenly. He crossed his arms glaring at him.

James looked at her and puts his arms around her making his body a bit warmer for her. He looked around again. "Well...My dad is a dragon and my mom is human. Don't ask me how that worked." He said laughing. He kissed the top of her head. "They don't come around to often." He said sighing a bit.
As Ginger and Trinity almost run her down, Sheena backs up, startled, then looks them both over. They look a little younger than she does, and from what she can tell, aren't vampires. "It's okay...uh...hi?"

(so who else is out in the hall near them?)
Trinity looked at her and smiled, however Ginger hid behind trinity still. Trinity glanced at Ginger then looked up at sheena. "Sorry...she's a bit shy." She smiled and held out her hand. "Hi I'm trinity and they girl behind me is Ginger." She looked up at her, the chain around her neck slightly showed the tops of her three keys. Ginger however was just a human.
(are any of the other characters out in the hall with them?)

Sheena took her hand and shook quickly, though she looks past her to Ginger curiously. "I"m know, Ginger, I don't bite. Unless it's that time of the month," she snickered, then added by explanation, "I'm half Lycan."
Trinity moved to the side to show the little cute timid girl. Ginger just ran to keep hiding behind Trinity. Ginger looked at the Half Lycan. She spoke quietly. "Human..." She said looking at Trinity. Trinity smiled. "I'm a Keyholder." She smiled and looked at Ginger once more.

(I don't think so.)
Still watching Ginger more than Trinity, Sheena raises an eyebrow. "Jeez, I'm not THAT ugly, am I?" she jokes, smiling slightly. "How old are you anyway?"

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