Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

"I KNOW my sister. She loves everyone, even if they don't deserve it. And I'm pretty sure it's not BEST for her to have some walking dead thing sucking on her neck," Sheena snaps back, one hand on her hip, her own eyes darkening. Her eyes flicker briefly towards Nick and Faye and Peter further down the hall.
Nick looked at Faye again. His face turned emotionless. Looking at her he put his hands down. "..." He turned around and looked down at her. He looked at his son and then straightened up. He looked back to Faye and put his hands in his pockets waiting for her to continue. He still was very upset although now he wasn't about to show it. WHat was he kidding? She younger then his own son and half key holder. So far his relationships with girls has not worked out, ended in heart brake like peter's mom, or wasn't really anything. He stared kind of coldly at her.
She noticed the coldness in his stare and looked a bit uncomfortable before she lifted her chin in a slightly confident way. "Nick.." She started to speak, but finding that she had no words to say she stepped closer to him and stood up on her tippy-toes. Before she could even register what it was she was doing she had pressed her lips to Nicks and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck.

Raina was about to respond with an axe to the face until she heard Faye's soft voice, she turned to look at them and her eyes widened as she watched Faye kiss Nick, she smirked, "Go Faye!" She turned back to look at Sheena and the smile vanished from her face, "You don't know me Sheena. So shut the hell up." Was her simple response, having been slightly distracted by her sister making out with Nick.
Nick just stared at her and then lent back a little as she got closer. When she kissed him, he accepted her and then put his arms around her waist. He pulled her closer as he leaned in and closed his eyes. He deepened the kiss and was completely zoned out. Peter suddenly started choking. "Ah gross!" he said closing one of his eyes sticking his tongue out at the two.
Sheena, however, is not terribly bothered or even paying attention to Nick and Faye, and she continues to stare Raina down, her voice rough.

"I don't CARE about knowing you. Like I said, I know my little sister, and I know my older sister too, and I know neither one of them will let you hurt Liza again. And neither will I. I don't want to fight you if I don't have to, but if you make me, I will gladly. So if you hurt Liza...if you bite her, or are mean to her, or you try to use her innocence against her somehow..."

Following Raina's gaze to Nick and Faye, she raises an eyebrow. "They're"
Raina shrugs, "I'm just happy for my little sister is all" She smirks at Sheena and then she glares as her words sink in, "Are you not hearing me bi**h? You don't know me, which means you have no fu**ing idea whether or not I'm going to hurt your sister or not. I never did and MAYBE I never will." She hisses at her, her anger showing, "But don't fu**ing tell me what I can and can't do or maybe it will be YOU who pushes me to do it!" As she speaks she slowly takes a few steps forward, her fists clenched and her eyes hard. She pauses infront of Sheena and glares at her, her voice low enough for only them both to hear as she speaks seriously, "I'm not going to touch Liza, because I'm not like them." She spits the word 'them' speaking of it as a disease.

Faye pushed herself closer to Nick as he accepted her kiss, also finding herself zoning out as she kept her own eyes closed, a small smile on her lips as they kiss. She was vaguely aware of Raina shouting in the background, but was too deep in the kiss to pull away from Nick.
Nick was having to much fun to care about anyone else. He holds her tightly and then slightly lifts her up as he continues. He wasn't about to let her go. When he did pull back he still had no idea what was happening with the vampire girl and the other one. He looked at Faye smiling. "I can get use to this." He chuckled kissing her forehead.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Trinity stared at Garos and Flower. "Please tell me you two won't make out, like James and Myra." She said crossing her arms. "You are going to train us today right?" She asked looking at Ginger who was smiling. She was happy to have another human around.

Flower chuckles and looks at Trinity. "I never would have thought James would beat me in the affection level." She chuckled again and looked at Garos. "I can't have that." She said getting closer to Garos, their lips only a few centimeters apart.

Trinity and Ginger stick out their tongues. "AHHHH! GROSS!"

Flower laughs and nodded getting the reaction "I'm just teasing you two...and well maybe Garos." She said backing up and then crossing her arms. She looked at the two. "Alright first let's get Ginger set up with a weapon."
When Raina calls her a b*tch, Sheena's anger flares, and she comes very close to wolfing out right then and there. But when Raina keeps talking, and some of what she's saying sinks in, she calms- very slightly. Not backing down, showing aggression in her stance just as much as Raina, she says tightly, "Who is THEM, Raina?"
As Raina seems to realize what she had just said, she shows slight worry, but then places her brick wall back up again to hide her emotions. "I don't think that's ANY of your business Sheena." She speaks bitterly, "And even if it was, I see no reason to tell you." She sneers at her, her fists clenched and her temper about a second or two away from punching Sheena across the face.

Faye nods in agreement, "Mhm. Mee too." She mutters appreciatively, she then hears Raina's furious words and she flicks her head in their direction, as Raina sneers and her fists clench, Faye mutters to herself. "Do I always have to sort out her problems for her?" She sighs and looks up at Nick, as if she doesn't want to move from his arms, but then she steps away and heads over to Raina, she wraps her arm around Raina's lightly, "Raina, calm down before I end up losing my temper and setting something on fire." She gave the area a quick glance, "Probably that potted plant over there."
Sheena glares back at her; she noticed the flicker in her eyes, though it was brief, smelled the momentary shift in her emotion, and though she doesn't quite understand, she jumps on it, lowering her voice provactively.

"Who's them, Sheena? Is Big Bad Raina actually SCARED of someone?"
Nick looks over and watches. He stays were he was smiling a very small smile. He looked over to his brother who has his arm crossed and was tapping his foot at him. Nick just shrugs and then looked at his son who was gagging. Nick glared at peter and then sighed. He leaned on a wall waiting for faye.
Raina glared at her and spoke dangerously, stepping closer, "You better shut up and watch what you say Sheena, I'm not scared of those fu**ing sickos. That's why I'm going to find them and decapitate their disgusting ugly bodies and hang them from the top of the tallest building I can find." She hisses at her and before she can say anything else, Faye has pushed her back and is glaring at Sheena.

When Sheena mocks Raina, Faye feels herself also flaring up. She has no idea why Raina got that look in her eyes, but she recognizes a weakness when she sees one and begins to dislike Sheena for jumping on it and trying to make Raina feel weak. She turns to Sheena once she has shoved Raina back and she glares at her, her own eyes turning black, "Even if she was scared of these people. That gives you no reason to jump on it like it's something to be ashamed of." With each word she speaks she feels the heat rising to the top of her skin cells, begging to be released into the air around her. She knows something bad has happened to Raina, and she wasn't about to stand and watch as this girl used it to her advantage. Heat was radiating badly from Faye and Raina winced lightly, "Sheesh Faye, even I get pi**ed off, but you don't see me throwing out heat like it's oxygen"
"Are you actually THREATENING me? Your sister tries to kill my sister, who is FIVE, not a teenager like RAINA-" her voice dripping with dislike with Raina's name- "and what, I'm supposed to back off and pat her on the back and say it's okay, that just because she's scared of people like my sister, even though my sister would never hurt ANYONE without them forcing her to, I'm supposed to just let her go all around calling me names and threatening a little kid? You're insane if you think I'll do that! And you might think you're both so badass and strong, you say I dont' know you, you don't know ME. You don't have a clue who I am or what I've been through, the things I've done!"
Nick sighs and gets between all of them. "SHUT UP!!!!! You! You aren't being very fair!" He said pointing at Raina and faye. "You are not being fair either! ALl of you need to stop it! So what she's not attacking you're sister now and I'm sure she's fine! You two need to shut up yourselves. You know nothing of eachother! You aren't even giving eachother a chance! And Faye...calm down please." He said putting a fingure on her. "Hey look burning vampire."
But it was too late now. Faye was gone. The skin from her fingertips to her shoulders erupts in furious flames and the area from her toes to the bottom of her shorts also vanishes underneath flames, "She said you and her sister are friends now, and they damn well are!" She manages to step around Nick and gets closer to the girl, ironically enough the potted plant beside them bursts into flames as she brushes it lightly, "I don't need to know who you are or what s**t you've been through because EVERYONE here has had c**p happen to them! WE DEAL WITH IT!" She hisses at Sheena now, her fangs coming out as a random flame or two grows higher than the others and causes the air around her to waver, "I've only actually just started to enjoy life and I don't want annoying bi**hes like you coming along and making me do another stupid thing that makes Myra hate me and everyone else back off like I'm some freakin' infectious disease!" She yells the last bit and all the fire on her shoots out and hits the ceiling and walls around her, this is what she meant about 'doing stupid things' Faye always someone managed to set things on fire, she was sure that if she didn't calm down - somehow - right now, then this school would become the second one she had burnt to a crisp.

Myra hears Faye's yell of: "WE DEAL WITH IT!" And her eyes widen, she looks up at James, "James....I think Faye's about to explode the school!" She runs back into the school and follows the light smell of smoke until she finds her sister yelling in Sheena's face about making her do another stupid thing. "Faye! Stop!" Myra runs over and her hands coat with water as she sprays Faye back into the wall. Faye hits the wall rather hard and blinks, the fire gone from her thanks to Myra's water, "Ow.." She mutters rubbing her head, "That hurt." Myra puts her hands on her hips, "Good! You were about to set th--" She blinks as she hears the crackle of fire and looks up to see the ceiling and part of the wall on fire, "Faye!" She yells again and quickly puts the fire out with water from her hand, standing infront of Faye as she does so. She then looks to Sheena, "Sorry. She has a VERY bad temper." She glared at Faye.

Raina was about to yell at Sheena when Faye did it for her, her eyes began to widen as the fire leapt from Faye, she looked just a bit insane when she did that. She had no idea what to do and was extremely thankful when Myra showed up. "Wow...Faye....uh...that's one temper you got there..." Faye just shrugs, pulling herself up off the wall, "Having the element Fire doesn't help much..." Faye looked over at Nick and bit her lip lightly, hoping she hadn't freaked him out.
Nick caughs a bit. "Ok....number one rule....Do NOT make her angry....she's almost as bad as flower." He said looking at Faye. He looked at Myra. "Yep...I guess it's a good thing I heal easily." He chuckled and walked over to faye. "You ok?" He asks smiling. He looked at Deathwish who raised his eyebrow. Nick blinks and shrugs.

James followed her quickly and then looked around and then jerked back. He blinked and looked around. "Wow." He said rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah fire sure doesn't help." He said looking around at the burned hallway. He looked at nick then at Deathwish. He looked at Raina and then at SHeena.
Watching Flower as she spoke, Garos couldn't help but smile warmly. He couldn't exactly place WHY he felt the way he did about this girl, but it was nice. "Hmm, bet she would," he agreed, then continued to listen. Raising a brow, he shrugged with his free shoulder. "I'm fine. Hell, I could even help if ya' need it."

At the sound of running feet, the scarred human turned his attention toward the door, seeing Ginger and Trinity dash through it. "Hey there, both'a ya'," he said with a kind smile and wave, blinking a little as they stared at both him and Flower, then spoke of making out. "I dunno', I can't rightfully promise that," he joked with a devilish grin, then flushed as Flower's lips neared his quickly.

The exclamation of "AHHHH! GROSS!" from the two girls drew a laugh from his mouth as he glared playfully at Flower, nodding at her words. "Yea'... what's up with that?" he joked, tipping her a wink.
Flower chuckles. "Sorry." She laughed and let looked at Ginger. "I think I got something for you." She said grabbing a small cylinder. She clicked a green button and it stretched out into a long flag. The material at the end was odd. It was ruff and gray. She gave it a quick swing and flames blasted out. She smiled as it got the attention of the two girls. She clicked a red button and at the end a spear point appeared. "You think you can handle this weapon?" She said chuckling. "Oh I love key holder weapons." Gringer grabbed it and then swung it around. Flower smiled and nodded. "My personal was made for girls." She laughed referring to the fact it was a flag spear.
But Sheena had not just stood there as all this happened; the moment Faye stepped in her face, fury rose beyond her control, and when Faye became the mass of flames, Sheena too, adrenaline at an all time high from both anger and fear, was shifting. Bones cracking, breaking, and reforming, black fur sprouting as she grew in length and bulk but hunched over onto all fours, she shifted into her Lycan form, teeth pulled back in a fierce snarl; even as Faye is pulled back, she leaps out at her, intending to seriously maim, if not kill her.
Nick saw this and grabbed her falling on his back with her on him. He hissed. "Don't you dare touch her!" He yelled his nails starting to grow as he stared at her. "If you want to harm her you better make sure I'm dead before you do that!" He yelled once more furious at her.
Sheena snaps at his face, then writhes, breaking his hold, and getting to her feet knocks him hard in the face, not using claws, but enough to get him off her before leaping up again and taking off after Faye.
Nick grows. "Don't you even try!" He said rasing in front of her and then smacked her away in the muzzle. "Still not know for someone accusing another of attacking a girl you sure aren't doing much better. It seems to me You and raina are a lot alike." He said glaring. He said hissing at her. Deathwish stood in front of Faye his hands turning into claws and dripping with poison. Nick raised his long nails ready to defend again.
Sheena, seeing that she's outnumbered, is nonetheless still enraged, and snarls threateningly, teeth still bared, fur standing up straight, though she doesn't yet make a move. Her eyes dart, attempting to assess which might be leaving an opening for her to act.
James sighs and joins in. "Sorry can't hurt My girlfriend's sister." He said not really wanting to fight. He stood with his dragon wings out. He looked at Nick who nodded at him.

Nick sighed and then looked at James and nodded. "Please Sheena....let it go." He said looking at her and then smiled slightly hoping she would. He looked at Faye and then looked around the hall. He looked back at Sheena.
Sheena is still too angry to immediately be capable of shifting back, and she needs to vent her adrenaline and anger in some manner, but knows Faye would be likely to set her on fire if she tried. Turning to the wall, she gauges holes and rips in it with her claws roughly for a few minutes, until plaster is strewn over the floor, before she is able to shift back; her clothing, given to her by her adoptive father as a gift recently, meshes with her when she shifts and so does not leave her naked. (unlike in Street kids, lol, she's not so lucky with that in that)

Standing before everyone, she glares without speaking, her chest rising and falling sharply; she is a little calmer but still just barely controlled.

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