Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

I'll look for her but first I need to find someone, she's a young lycan or I guess you would call her a werewolf even tho that's really an insult to her. She came ahead of me.

(LOL we decided they did know each other after all sorry for the confusion folks)
Deathwish nodded. "Oh yeah she wolfed out, somewhere in the hallway near the training rooms." He said and then smiled at him. "She's been in a pretty bad mood with all the vampires here, so I'd be careful." He said looking back to the others.
*kneels putting my rifle away* She's upset damn I hope she's not mad at me I'm really late but it couldn't be helped I was on a mission...Wait non of you tried to get her to wear a dress did you? Cause she hates that. I mean she's like allergic to the things or something. Oh well now that I'm here she'll be in a better mood, well after she pounds me for being so late.
Deathwish looked at him. "No...." He said raising an eyebrow. "Anyways I'd sugest you get to her fast then." He chuckled and then yawned a bit. "Better hurry or she'll beat you down even more."
*Sighs* Yeah well can someone tell me where the nurse's office is just in case. *Waves then heads out to the hall, suddenly meeting those eyes that burn straight to my soul and as soon as I do I know you're pissed* Hey Sheena I know you're mad but I have a good excuse for being so late...But for the life of me I can't think of it when I think you're about to knock me into a wall.
But as Sheena sees Alex, then blinks several times, registering first that it is indeed him, then second that he appears solid enough and not a delusion on her part, the lost, troubled, slightly p*issed look in her expression lessens considerably, and she breaks out into a smile, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him hard.

"HOLY SHIT, IT'S ABOUT F*CKING TIME YOU SHOWED UP!!! Where the hell have you BEEN, I thought you'd be here when I was, then Faith was saying something about it maybe being weeks or MONTHS, this place SUCKS, shit, I already about killed someone!"
*Relieved I'm not gonna be in a coma from the beating, slowly wrapping my arms around you.* Sorry but that thing your father asked me to do took longer then expected, it's good to see someone I know, no offense to the others here, just no place I go feels like home until I see you. So I hear you've been grumpy is it because you missed me?
"NO!" Sheena pretty much yells this in your ear, before pulling back slightly, eyes narrowing again as she goes off into a rapid fire rant. "Faith's been making me watch Liza and she about got herself KILLED by this vampire chick Raina, so I had to get in the middle of that, then Liza keeps disappearing on me every time I turn around and Faith would kill me if she knew Liza kept giving me the slip and then about getting killed! Then I find out she made FRIENDS with this vampire who tried to kill her, then that vampire is going all aroudn saying she could kill Liza, so I got pissed off and she sicced her sister on me, and she tried to burn me to death, so then I wolfed out and all these people were attacking me because I don't know ANYONE here and they're all BEST FRIENDS and now they're out there all swimming and laughing and I thought I'd just have to stand around like a total loser and do NOTHING because already no one likes me! Shit, like it's not bad enough that all our friends from the Gates are gone, now we come here and everyone wants to start shit too?!"
*Grins at you* How the hell did you just do that without taking a breath? Listen to me it's not that bad here I'm sure..Although I prefer Having Akira or Mitsy around when there are vampires around or even better Jirro, but at least we got each other to watch and we'll watch each others back, as for Liza well I think I have something that will keep her near and out of trouble. *pulls what looks like 20 chocolate bars out* She'll seek these out like a bloodhound, no kid can resist the chocolatey goodness. *Taking your hand in mine and smiling sweetly at you* Seriously we'll be ok, I say we use this chance to meet some new people and maybe learn a thing or two.

(I'm taking off have to be up at 5am to beat traffic for work)
Taking a deep breath, then hugging Alex fiercely again, Sheena has relaxed noticeably since he's turned up and she got to use him to yell at, muttering against him. "I don't like vampires. Especially ones that think they can threaten me or my family." Unconsciously one hand moves from around Alex's neck, rubbing briefly over the scar of a vampire's bite at her throat, then trailing down to cover one scarred arm. "I don't care if she did lose her sister," this to herself as much as to Alex. "She can't just...DO that."
Faye blinks, she had been listening out for the two in the hallway, using both her key-holder and vampire hearing, and she didn't manage to really catch anything apart from Sheena's rapid fire rant. She blinks and looks to Nick, "One second!" She swims over to the edge of the pool, clambers out and pulls her purple sarong up from the floor and wraps it around her chest so that it falls and covers her whole bikini, feeling that it is a bit more modest than just wearing it as a skirt. She gently makes her way to the door where she saw the guy go and she pops her head around the corner, her hair being already dry from the self controlled heat she just directed through her head. She notices them both hugging lightly and Sheena looking slightly stressed but not as much as earlier. She blinks and trails over to them, poking Sheena's arm lightly, "Hey, sorry about earlier. I just have freak out moments...I didn't mean to almost burn your skin off or anything..." She looks at her rather sheepishly, only just thinking about how alone she really must have felt, and despite Faye's fiery temper, she does like to make friends and meet new people. She hopes that Sheena may understand her 'freak out' moments since she seems to have them aswell, but as a wolf rather than a freaky fire chick. "I should really learn to take out my temper on punching bags rather than people..." She seems to mutter to herself.

Myra opens her eyes when she hears everyone staring to talk and she loosens her hold on James lightly but remains where she is, loving how warm his body is. Although when Faye clambers out of the pool she lets go off James, wondering if she should go after her. She mentally scolds herself, just because she had to watch out for Faye when they were younger doesn't mean she still has to now. She looks back at James and grins, after about a moments pause she splashes water at his chest - careful not to get any on his face - and giggles, "Got you!" The water pushes her away from him slightly as she waits for him to try and splash her back or something, yeah, we'll see how that turns out.

Chameleon nods as the girl runs off, he rubs the back of his neck, "Dammit, why do I always end up making girls run away?" A laugh is heard from behind him and he spins around to see Raina smirking at him, "That's 'cause you're you Leo." Chameleon frowns, "Leo?" Raina shrugs and walks to their door, opening it, "Just thought it sounded better than Leon. Damn I hate that name." Chameleon shrugs and follows her into the room, plonking himself down on his bed as he looks up at the ceiling, he then frowns and pulls himself up so he is resting on his elbows and looking at her, "Leo isn't even in my name! Ca-me-lee-on" He sounded it out and Raina looks over at him, sighing, "Yeah, if you sound it out, but if you SPELL Chameleon, it's in there!" He frowned, "But...that's different! You give people nicknames 'cause its a short way to say their name! You don't change their name completely." Raina shrugs, pulling something out of the wardrobe, "Yeah, well I just did. Deal with it Leo." He rolls his eyes and drops back onto the bed once more, he heard the click of a gun and his eyes widened, "Raina...what are you doing?" He could almost hear the smirk in her voice as she spoke, "Getting out my gun." He sat up immediently, "Why?" He frowned at her and in an instant she was right beside him and the gun point was pressing against his forehead, she smirked and he narrowed his eyes, "You really want to play this game Raina?" She nodded with a grin on her face, she wanted to see if Chameleon actually was a good fighter or not. But as she was thinking he had gripped the arm holding the gun and spun it around so that her back was facing him and he was holding onto the arm pressed against it, she held back her wince and then he lifted his foot and - gently - kicked her back, causing her to stumble forward, she spun around with her gun pointed at the now empty bed and frowned, she heard a voice behind her and before she could spin and point her gun two arms had wrapped around her waist, restricting her arms aswell. "Don't get distracted Raina, it's the number one rule." She blinked in light shock and as he let her go he slammed one hand against her wrist and the other against the end of the gun, causing the gun itself to flip out of Raina's hand and into his own. She spun around and looked at him, "Holy s**t Leo, where did you learnt to fight like that? I thought you were a pu**y." He rolled his eyes, "Thanks a lot Rai" She frowned as she noticed he didn't answer, "Where did you learn to fight like that Chameleon?" She asked again, her tone more demanding, he shrugged and chucked her gun back at her, giving her no other answer than that before he shifted into a cheetah and sped from the room. She frowned after him, "That boy's hiding something.." She then left the room also and headed for the training room, where she had originally planned to go when taking out her gun.
Turning to face Faye, still leaned back into Alex's chest, Sheena frowns slightly, not moving away from him, but then nods somewhat reluctantly. Realizing her hand is still locked over some of the scars on her arm, she removes it quickly, not wanting to draw any attention to it, as she looks back at her.

"Yeah...well..." She trails off, not really knowing what to say in response to that.
Faye opens her mouth to speak when Sheena's movement actually causes her to look at the scars, she frowns lightly as she looks at them, she looks back up at Sheena, "Vampires?" She asks gently. Her eyes get an almost self-conflicted look as she looks at Sheena, half-vampire...half-keyholder...both races hate eachother, yet she's both of them. Is she more vampire? Or more key-holder? She has no idea. Is it wrong for her to criticize vampires? She just doesn't know.
Sheena's eyes fly to meet Faye's, and she doesn't reply for several moments before nodding stiffly. "Long time ago. Over it."

(Faye is half vampire? because Sheena definitely isn't...although in her previous life she actually was turned into a vampire...haha)
James smirks and then grabs her ankle. He pulls it down till she was under water and then let's go. He chuckles waiting for her to strike back. He stretched out his dragon wings which would make pretty big sized splashes. He decides against it and puts them away. He looks at Myra laughing a bit,
(Yup, Faye is a halfy. Half vampire, Half Key-holder. Her dad - who actually r@ped her mum which created her - was a full vampire, and her mum was a full key-holder. Raina is the daughter of the guy who r@ped Faye's mum, which makes Faye and Raina half sisters. 10 years later and Faye's dad comes back when Faye is out (although he didn't know that Faye was his daughter) And he kills Faye's and Myra's parents and also r@pes Myra. Yeah..their family is messed up.)

Faye nods, "Ok." She looks back at the pool then at the two hugging, "You guys wanna come in the pool with us?" She grins, "It'll be fun!" She smiles at them both, trying to make up for her explosion earlier.

Myra gasps as he tugs her under and quickly closes her mouth before any water can get in, she smirks underneath the water and rather than popping up she swims down to the bottom of the pool, hits the water beneath James and watches as it flies upwards and propels James into the air like a water volcano. She pops up and shakes her head, laughing at him as the water dies back down and takes him down with it, "I win!" She grins at him, making the water catch him so that it doesn't hurt.
Sheena glances back at Alex, knowing full well he'll say sure and go, and she does sort of want to go too. But she also knows Raina is there, and the chances of she and Raina fighting again are pretty high...especially if Raina does anything in any way to flirt with Alex.

She hesitates, then shrugs. "Whatever...uh..." she mutters this to Alex alone- "You're gonna say yes, aren't you?" Smirking slightly, "Even if it's just to see me in a bikini."
James yells out as it happens and then laughs when he is back in the water and then looks at her. He nodded and then closes his mouth he goes under. He swims behind nick and spits a small fire ball at him. He laughed as nick ran out off the pool patting his back to get the fire off. Jame smiles and then tries to get away once nick jumps on him. James was pulled down into the water. Nick and James fight each other under the water. James comes up first laughing.
Faye notices her hesitation and frowns lightly, "Raina isn't there, it's just me, Myra, the twins and James.." She smiles lightly as Sheena jokes with the boy she was hugging, Faye gives them a grin, "We'll be in the pool!" She hurries off, and seeing James and Nick messing around she grins. She notices Myra floating by, watching them both with a grin on her face, and she pulls off her sarong and does a running leap into the water, landing on Myra's back and pushing her under the water, she pops back up and giggles, then her eyes widen as the pool begins to grow a massive wave, "Oh s**t. Probably shouldn't have messed with the water queen!" When she finishes speaking a huge wave of water knocks her over and she re-surfaces after tumbling around, ironically enough she pops up right infront of Nick, she feels someone behind her and turns her head slightly to see Nick floating behind her in the water, she grins, "Hey there." She then looks over to see Myra trying to stop her laughter, "That's so it Myra!" She raises her hand and heats the water around Myra, but then Myra lifts the bubbling water into the air and sends it straight at Faye and Nick, "Oh c**p!" She grabs Nick and pulls them both out of the way as the hot water hits the space where they were.
Somewhat relieved to hear Raina isn't there, Sheena nods again, then looks back at Alex. "I'll show you where your room is...if I can even find it, it's so freakin' easy to get lost around here." She smiles slightly. "I don't know if there's any rules about girls staying with guys but if there are, we'll break them, right?"

She starts to lead him towards her, Faith, and Liza's living area first, to get her bikini.
Nick was to busy laughing to notice Faye. Then he looked surprised to see Faye grab him and pull Jim out of the way. He starts laughing again as James got hit and was at the end of the poll spittin out water between his laughter. Nick looks down at Faye and puts his arms around her. "Oops." he chuckles and laughs. He watched as James swam after Myra trying to get back at her fo hitting him with hot water.
(I'm assuming he's holding her from behind?)

Faye giggles as James got hit, then as Nick wraps his arms around her she leans back against him, grinning as she also watched James swim after Myra, "Who do you thinks gonna win?" Her cheeks actually hurt from all the laughing and smiling she's been doing and she pulls her head back to look up at Nick, even though she reckons Myra is going to win.

Myra is laughing too much to notice James until he is a few feet away from her, her eyes widen, "No way!" The water causes a few ripples that shove James backwards as she steps back in the water, she is smiling majorly as the water continues to shove him backwards, "Hehe! You can't get mee!" She speaks in a sing-song voice as she smiles at him.

James uses his dragon wings and bolts out of the water. He dives down and grabs myra. "I wouldn't be so sure." He said smirking as he starts to lift her up with him. He smiles down at her trying to make eye contact. His hair was slightly in front of his blue eyes. (I least i think they are blue....I'll check.) He chuckles only closing his eyes for a few seconds.

Nick laughs. "I don't know James is very clever." He said leaning back on the pool wall. He looked down at her. "SO tell aren't going to leave me for Deathwish are you?" He smiles jokingly at her and then watched James and myra. Inside he was slightly serrious. That has happened but Deathwish never returned the feelings towards the girl.
Myra squealed as he lifted her up, she then wrapped her arms around him and clung to him, "Ok...maybe you can get me!" She giggled even though they were in the air - since she doesn't have a fear of heights like Faye - "You better not drop me James!"

Faye rolls her eyes as he speaks about James being clever, "So is Myra." She then looked over, "Although she seems to be losing right now.." As he speaks about her leaving him for Deathwish she spins around so that she is facing him and his arms are on her back instead of her stomach, she raised an eyebrow, "Leave you for Deathwish?" She guessed that made sense, since Deathwish and Nick were identical twins and all, she frowns at him, has that ever happened to him before? She leans up and kisses his cheek, "No way Nick. You and Deathy may look the same, but you have such different personalities" She leans on his chest with her head and her eyes drift to watch Myra and James, "And I didn't fall for you just 'cause of your looks.." She mumbles this part, admitting that she did fall for Nick, that she does like him. And it's true, she likes him for his personality aswell.

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