Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Sheena had been revving up to make fun of him as it was- after all, what kind of VAMPIRE asked a 17 year old for parenting advice, and was dead serious- when Nick made the mistake of calling Faith her mother. At this, Sheena guffaws, not even trying to hide it.

"My MOTHER? You mean FAITH?! Holy sh*t don't EVER let her hear you say that, she'd kill you for real!" she laughs for a few more moments, then attempts to explain in an explanation that likely makes little sense to them. "Faith is my SISTER, her husband is my dad. She's only like 25, jeez. She'd love to hear you calling her old."
Deathwish turns and grabs him by then neck. "No nickname." he said just as quickly letting go. He looked at nick and then started walking (They look exactly alike you know right? They share the same picture.) Nick sighs and nods as he keeps walking.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(ugh this website is messing up my posting sorry)

Nick looks at her and shrugs. "Hey don't ask me about age i look 18 and really am over 100 years old sorry." he looked at the ground. "ugh I must be tired I'm acting weird." he started laughing.
Her laughter immediately stops when Deathwish grabs Alex's throat, and Sheena stiffens, anger flaring quickly, fists knotting at her sides. "Don't touch him. Ever."
(Oh he knows, just making fun of them) *I rub my neck then laugh* That's your new nickname then "No name" fitting don't you think? I think it is for now on when I need you I'll just say hey No Name can I borrow a pencil? *Most people would be shaken being grabbed by 100 year old vampire, but I find it exciting to test myself, besides I sense no real threat from him, more or less annoyance* So No Name want to get some pizza with us?
(Hey guys mr. Grin is very far behind this role play will be closed till he is caught up sorry plus my parents will shut down the Internet soon so I might poof on any other role plays fair warning)
Garos laughed as Trinity fried all of the dummies to a crisp. "Wow," he said with a smirk. "And yea', I probably would. Ya' tend to make things interesting around here, Flower." Grinning, he moved closer and pulled an arm around her again, tugging the girl close as they watched the other two practicing with the weapons. "As cool as those things are, I'm still gonna' have to stick with a blade. No fancy 'Holder weapons for me thanks," he joked again, leaning back a little onto the wall, but not enough to break contact with the female 'Holder.

( If there are any mess ups with how the characters are positions, let me know and I'll edit accordingly. Also, sorry to everyone else for holding up the RP! D: )
Myra is sound asleep within a few minutes of Peter arriving and her face becomes peaceful. Her white hair spread out on the pillow around her and her lips parted slightly as she sub-consciously clutches the duvet up to her shoulders.

Faye speeds back into the room and shuts the door behind her, unaware of Peter's presence, her eyes drift over to Myra and she smiles lightly at seeing her so peaceful before she strides over to the wardrobe, drops down to the draw below it and pulls it open, her eyes scan the insides of it before she slowly reaches in and pulls out two pistols, she grins and flips them in her hands before slipping them into this beat thing she is wearing around her hips, she tugs her top down and it covers the pistols effectively, she reaches in to grab the sword when a scratching at the door causes her to sigh and walk over to it, she pulls the door open and two small furry creatures run in, one being a tiny red fox cub and the other a white cat that leaps up onto Myra's bed and lays down. The cub runs over to Faye's bed and is about to jump up when it freezes and looks in the direction of Peter, it growls lightly and Faye frowns at it, "What's up Flame?" It carries on growling at the air then suddenly stops and jumps up on Faye's bed, laying down and keeping it's eyes on Myra. Faye frowns and pulls her sword out of the wardrobe draw, sitting on the edge of her bed and stroking Flame as she wondered what he was growling at it.
Flower nodded and then smiled as he pulled her close. She laid her head on him watching them. She watched trinity control the chains and spin them around. She watched as the tip hit Ginger. "Think before you act! Careful now Ginger." she looked her over and then nodded. She wasn't hurt. She looked at garos and quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Peter smirked a bit and then looked at Faye. He stuck his middle finger up at her and smiled with the fact that she wouldn't ever know. He looked at myra. He silently walks nearer. He leaned down over myra. He stuck a hand down on the side of the bed as he kissed Myra's forehead now looking through her mind.

Nick looks at her. "Yeah we can eat other things then blood..." He watched a teacher walk by. She stopped and then looked at Nick. "Nick...I need to talk to you now." Nick blinks confused. "what did I do now?" He asked and then looked at Deathwish. "Sorry bro got to go! Bye Sheena and friend." He said quickly walking off.

Deathwish watched his brother walk off with the teacher. "hmm...curious." He said and then looked at the two. "Well shall we go?" He asked sighing deeply.
Rosa slipped into the hallway Swift brushing casually against her legs. In the past few days she had become a bit more familiar with the school and today was her first official day of classes. The school had provided her with a simple uniform of clothing. The night before Rosa and Swift had sat on the beds for hours while Swift slowly projected image after image into her mind. By the time they had finished Rosa knew what her uniform looked like and the basic idea of her room.

She had gotten up early and Swift had guided her to the stableyard where her stallion Leader had been showing off for the mares. Although she couldn't see his movements Rosa could here and feel the vibrations of his hoofbeats and the changes in tempo based on the bucks and gaits. Once the stallion had finished Rosa groomed Leader making sure she could not feel a bit of grime on his coat before returning to her room and getting ready for classes.

While she showered Swift had pulled out what she would need for the day and aside from a small set of teeth marks on each piece of clothing everything was perfect. Although Rosa couldn't really see the exact outfit she had the basic idea from the previous nights projections and she felt put together in her crisp grey skirt with her soft blue blouse and her knee high white socks that slipped into a simple pair of rich brown flats. Her hair fell down her back softly and wrapped around her like a scarf.

And with that Rosa grabbed her books and opened the door. Swift walked beside her keeping an eye out for people as they made their way down the hallway.
*I step between Sheena and Death smiling* I'm serious you're welcome to come with, I think you'll be fun to hang out with I bet even Sheena would like you if we hung out, maybe I could even design you a new weapon, unless you're one of those type that don't like modern weapons. Anyway I hope you know I'm just messing with you on the nickname thing, I meant no offense to you. *Holds out my hand to Death* Friends?

--- Merged Double Post ---

(LOL I missed everyone again oh well.)
Deathwish looked at him and then his hand. He stared for awhile and then grabbed it shaking it. "Alright." he said and then watched as a girl was walking down the hall. He watched her and then looked back at the boy. "Thanks." he looked at sheena. "I wouldn't say that vampires seem to be a source of fear or triggers some protection mood. Of course as I explained before to her. I don't drink blood."
(Alright, I hope this doesn't complicate things, but I'm changing it so that it was only two years ago when Faye and Myra's parents were killed, so Myra was 14 and Faye was 12)

Myra began to fidget slightly after he kissed her forehead, her dream quickly turning into a nightmare. A 14 year old Myra was yelling at a 12 year old Faye, Faye was dressed up in dark clothes and had a baseball bat in her hand.

"I can't believe you're going out with them!" Myra screamed at Faye, "When Dad finds out he's going to---" "Going to what?" Faye laughed bitterly, "He's going to what? Ground me again? Like I give a f**k." Myra glared at her younger sister, "Faye, you better not leave this house!" Faye's hand froze on the doorknob and she turned back to look at Myra, stuck her middle finger up at her and left, slamming the door shut. Myra sighed and went up into her room. The dream then skipped a few hours to when her parents got home. "Myra! Faye! We're home!" Myra appeared at the top of the stairs, "Dad, Faye went out with her friends.." He looked up at her and his eyebrows raised, "Her friends?" He opened his mouth to say something else when the door behind him burst open, he turned around, "About time you got home Faye! We have some ser--" His words were cut off as a bullet whizzed through her Father's head, his blood splattering the walls around them, Myra tried to scream but found she couldn't, no sound could leave her lips. A middle aged man with pure black hair and black stubble coating his chin became visible when her Father's dead body fell to the ground with a thud. Myra's Mother gasped and covered her mouth, "No." She whispered as the man sped over to her and held her from behind, his blade pressed to her dainty neck, "Did ya' miss me Maria?" Tears streamed down her eyes and her gaze lifted to the silent Myra, the man caught on and looked up, a creepy smile covering his face, "Now who's dis?" He whipped the blade across her Mother's neck as she screamed,"MYRA RUN!" Blood spurted from the wound and Myra legged it across the hallway, her heart thudding dangerously fast, but before she could get to the window and jump from it the sharp pain of someone tugging on her hair made her let out a yell as a disgusting voice whispered in her ear, "'Ello darling." She screamed once more and a dirty hand covered her mouth as she began to get dragged backwards, feeling a blade against her stomach as the man hissed his words at her, "You've sure grown up ain't ya Myra? Don't ya remember me?" A memory flashed through the nightmare as the same man, but a younger version, broke into their house when Myra's dad was out, Myra was only two, but she remembered it vaguely enough to hear the screams of her Mother as she herself was r@ped. A pain hit her stomach as she realized what the man intended to do to her, he dragged her into the nearest bedroom - which happened to be her parents - and she struggled violently, "No!" Her protest managed to escape her lips as he shoved her and smashed her head against the hard wall, pain immediently following it, "Shut up" He hissed furiously, his hands going to her trousers, "No! Please don't!" Myra was sobbing now and the man just smacked her across the face, "Shut up you little bi**h."

Myra moved in her bed, groaning lightly as she murmured a repeated 'No', the nightmare carrying on as she whimpered in pain and thrashed her head side to side. Faye looked over at her sister and frowned, "Myra?" She spoke softly and walked over to her, clenching the sword in her hand a bit tighter as she got closer to her seemingly distressed sister, she gently brushed her hand over Myra's forehead, "No! STOP!" Myra's whole body jerked and Faye stepped back, her eyes wide, "Myra!" She bent down beside her, worry filling her as she dropped the sword, "Myra! Wake up! It's just a nightmare!" Her hands went to her shoulders and she gripped them, trying to wake her up as she shaked her lightly, Myra screamed with her eyes closed, Faye leaped back and ran over to the sink, "God dammit!" She muttered and filled up a cup with water before running over and throwing it over Myra.

(Thought I would cut off the dream before it got, uh, yeah. Oh, can Myra wake up even with Peter still inside her mind?)
Sheena bristles, her chin lifting defensively as she faces Deathwish. "I'm not afraid of you. Or any vampire. I've killed them before, you know."

(jeez Faye's only fourteen? I thought she was older)
(Yeah, sorry 'bout the details. Just wanted Peter to know what he's getting into here xD Oh yeah, that's another thing...I was thinking of changing Faye's age to 15, she does seem older doesn't she? Maybe I could just make it her birthday soon?)
(Yeah she can. On iPhone so can only use one character at the moment.)

Deathwish held his hands up. "I ment no affence...and I know you are speaking to a prince of vampires. I know of all vampire hunters." he said and looked at her. "Yes I know it's weird that the prince himself does not follow a typical vampire's blood lust. However me and nick both were put in our places, or learned to respect life because a certain white hair girl." he chuckled and then looked up. "Yes at one point it was toldal fear that got us." he looked back at them. "Flower as I might mention is not just a key would be embarrassing to have a normal female key holder kick our butts. She is a queen you see. She has also paid dearly for her power. But maybe i've said to much."

--- Merged Double Post ---

Peter backed off as soon as faye freaked out. He stepped away and quickly wiped the smirk off his face. Peter looked at Myra. He soon turned himself visible. "hmm...." He said and then watched faye as he quickly ran out. He ran towards his father's scent. He saw his father and then smirked even more once he saw what he was doing. (I'm so mean!)

Nick didn't notice Peter, he was to busy making out with the girl teacher. (Yep soooooo mean) He was french kissing her (Ok ewwww.... oh and by the way all this is not were Deathwish, alex, and sheena just thought I'd make that clear.)
Myra sat up once the water soaked her, she was shaking from the nightmare and the water and when Peter appeared, she was instantly warmed up from the heat that Faye was providing. "PETER!" Faye screeched his name and instant flames leapt onto her hands. "I'm going to fu**ing kill you!" Faye ran from the room, chasing after Peter as she threatened his life. He had made Myra re-live that nightmare, it was bad enough that it happened once, but HE made her go through it again. She was going to tear him apar---Her rapid thoughts of Peter's death froze to a halt when she entered the same room as him and her eyes caught onto Nick making out with the Teacher. The flames on her hands vanished as she did nothing more than blink, the intense heat radiating from her fell until it was no longer existent. The only words that left her lips were, "Oh s**t" But it was barely a whisper. Her eyes had widened and she had got a good enough look to know that Nick had defiently been making out with the girl teacher. She shook her head. Stupid, stupid Faye. How could you possibly think he would change for you? How could you fool yourself into believing that you had something, something in your life that made you happy and controlled your anger? Her eyes watered and she didn't even look at Peter as she fled from the room, tears leaking from her eyes as she ran past Deathwish, Sheena and Alex. She paused and looked at Deathwish, even though she knew it was Nick kissing the teacher, she looked at Deathwish just to confirm she hadn't mixed up the two. But one glance at Deathwish, just the way he was standing and acting, she knew she was right. She carried on running after her brief pause and didn't stop, pushing the exit doors open and running outside. She tried to propel herself up onto the ceiling with fire but it didn't seem to come. She frowned, that had never happened before. So she ran to the flower filled gardens and flopped down in the midst of the flowers, looking up at the sky with teary eyes, "Stupid, stupid Faye." She rolled over and hid her face in the grass, "Stop crying, you're not one of those stupid girls who cry over a guy..." Even as she tried to stop herself, she couldn't.

When Faye had run out in flames Myra sunk underneath her bed, her eyes wide open and her body unmoving as she hid under the duvet. She was still shaking from the nightmare and she just couldn't and didn't want to move.
Nick heard faye and pulled away from the teacher. His eyes widened as he saw her. "Oh crap." He said wiping his mouth. Once she ran he stopped not sure what to do. He looked at the Teacher who was confused. Feeling a bit embarassed she was caught making out with a student. Nick shook his head and then ran after Faye. "FAYE!" He ran fast. He stopped and looked at Deathwish. Deathwish quickly pointed. "Did it again didn't you?" Deathwish said. Nick ignored him and kept running after faye.
Rosa grasped the small bits of conversations as she made her way through the hallways. Based on the subjects everyone had a past, there was not a single person not dealing with inner demons except for those who were in fact a demon. Swift managed to guide her reasonably well through the hallways and she had only bumped into one table edge but that was because that portion of the hallway was packed. As they rounded a corner before Swift could stop her Rosa ran into someone (any takers on that someone? if not I'll doing something else)
Raina had been walking along the halls when she saw Faye running past in a flurry of tears, her eyes widened, "Faye?" She immediently chased after her and slowly walked closer when she watched her fall onto the flowers, her body shaking from sobs, she heard her muttering to herself and rolled her eyes, she got closer and gently rested her hand on her little sister's shoulder, "You're not stupid Faye." Faye looked up with wet eyes and Raina felt anger growing for whoever had made her cry, "What happened Faye?" Faye blinked and spoke quietly, "I caught Nick kissing one of the girl teachers" Raina's fists clenched, "A teacher? Seriously?" Faye nodded and her eyes moved to look at Nick who had just emerged from the exit doors, she swallowed and looked to Raina, Raina looked over her shoulder to see Nick then looked back at Faye, "You want to speak to him?" Faye shook her head, "Not yet. Not right now." Raina nodded and stood up, standing infront of Faye and placing her hands on her hips as she glared at Nick. Her black hair moved slightly in the wind and her black high heeled boots, tight leather trousers and black tank top increased her whole 'don't mess with me' look.

Myra lay alone in her room, the only thing she did was get up, close the door numbly and go back to her bed, sitting on it now instead as she wrapped her arms around her legs and rested her head on her knees. Staring forward blankly.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Chameleon can be the one who bumps into her if ya want? :D Oh, can you tell that Rosa is blind because of her eyes? Are white or a diluted colour or something?)
(Chameleon sounds good and Rosa's eyes are kind of diluted but is difficult to tell if she is blind just based on her eyes :) )
Nick glared at Raina suddenly giving a "Back off stance." He walked over glaring at Rain, his rank should be enough to get her to stand down. He looked down at Faye and sighed deeply. He stood over her not yet sure what to say. He kneeled down beside her staying quiet. He side and tried to put his hand on her shoulder.
Chameleon bumped into someone on his way back to his room, he was still thinking about Raina's inquiry of his past and had obviously absent-mindly walked right into someone. He instantly reacted and reached out, gripping them gently so that they didn't fall, "I'm so sorry!" He helped the girl up that he had bumped into, he looked at her and smiled, "Sorry 'bout that, had a lot of things on my mind." He stuck his hand out, oblivious to the girl's blindness, "I'm Chameleon"

Raina glared right back as Faye moved away from Nick, not wanting to talk to him yet. She moved again so that she was blocking Nick from getting to Faye and she raised an eyebrow, "Listen, she doesn't want to talk to you yet." She paused, "I don't care if you're the prince or not Nick. You made her cry and that's enough for me to stop you from going near her until she's ready." Faye stood up but ducked behind Raina, when she however mentioned her crying Faye wiped her eyes stubbornly and you could hear a muttered, "I'm not crying.." But it was a very weak protest since her eyes were already red rimmed and she had been sobbing only a second ago. Raina rolled her eyes and then glared back at Nick, he had just gone and kissed another girl - a teacher infact! - and then he had the nerve to try and get her to back down.


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