Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Garos blinked at the look and as she pulled away, he frowned a little. "Aw, ruin my fun," he said jokingly, moving his eyes toward the younger ones as they stopped. At Flower's blush, he chuckled a little and nodded, leaning against the wall. "Okay, no tickling," he said with a knowing look, hoping he hadn't bothered her somehow.
Flower sighed relieved and then once the girls returned to their practicing Flower walked over and stood by Garos. She looked at the two and then looked at Ginger. "To be a good must trust your weapon. You must also respect it or you can hurt others. A weapon is only weak when the holder is fearful. You are strong ginger. Not even key holders can match a human spirit when it is at a high. That is why they are all not dead."

Ginger listened to Flower and then looked down. " long do humans live?" She asked not knowing to much about her own Kind. She looked at Flower. "I mean everyone else seems to live for a long time or forever." Flower looked at her and then blinked.

Flower didn't know herself. She looked at Garos in a questioning manor. She blinked and then looked at Ginger. She had no clue. Looking back at Garos Flower crossed her arms.
As Flower moved to stand by him again, he moved closer, giving a confirming nod to her words toward Ginger. "It's true ya' know. A weapon ain't worth anything unless somebody can make it a true extension of themselves. 'Least that's how I came to think've it."

The scarred human's smile dropped, however, when Ginger asked about how long humans lived for. As Flower looked toward him for the answer, he sighed a little and explained. "Well, most of us live for around a hundred years, but there've been those that've lived longer," he said with a somber nod. His own mortality bothered him a little and it wasn't a topic he usually found himself talking about.
Flower blinked suddenly feeling her heart drop. Well it felt like it did.e looked down and then grabbed her one arm . "Oh...." was all she could manage to say. Only 100 years? She lived much longer. Key holders had longevity where they live for a very long time unless killed. Key holders don't exactly know if they live forgever or if there is a limit so far one has reached 1000 years but was killed, he did not die on his own. No key holder has died naturally. Flower thought about this. She really liked garos enough to really consider him at a mate but key holders mate for life. If he died then she could never choose another. She sighed deeply and then looked at trinity Nods. She got her answers.
Chameleon, glad that he had managed to catch nearly all of them, nodded. He had hesitated a moment before, he had a thing about fighting, he didn't like to show off and do it unless it was necessary...but he then reminded himself he was at a Fighting School. Maybe just one spar wouldn't matter. Then remembering she couldn't see his nod he spoke, "Sure, there's a spare mat over here." He led her over to the spare mat and his eyes flicked to the two swords that were laying beside it, he looked back up, "Do you want to use swords or hand-to-hand combat?"

Myra smiled at James, glad he was going to help, she then laughed as he mentioned making it fire proof, "That actually wouldn't be a bad idea!" She then smiled at him, "Thank you for helping." She then beamed at the prospect of sorting out the party, "Okay! You get the room and the people, I'll go sort out the cake!" She gave him a hug and went of to the kitchens, glad when the Chef agreed to help her. She didn't want to be alone in the kitchen, she didn't want to be alone at all.
James walked around and got a room the teachers said he could use the game room. He ran around spreding the word. He smiled as a few who knew faye said they would come. However when he told nick. He found that Nick said she wouldn't want him there. WHen Nick told him what happened he hit him on the head hard. " to talk to myra now." He ran to the kitchen and then looked at Myra. "Myra...we got a problem."
Rosa followed him to the mat and decided she better take off her shoes and socks. She had a better feel of her surroundings when she was barefoot plus she could feel where the mat would end before she actually lost her footing. The cool rubber felt nice against her feet and with each step it cushioned her steps, surprisingly she could still feel the vibrations of Chameleon's steps. Swift sat beside on the edge of the mat ready to step in and give direction if Rosa struggled. "Hand to hand, you would have to teach me how to use a sword, I only work with a dagger," she replied as she pulled the small weapon out of her bust. There wasn't any pockets on her skirt plus she liked to keep her weapon close at hand and where was closer than her chest. She flicked the weapon and it landed in the ground, hilt up, beside Swift.
Myra spun around, she had just shoved the cake in the oven and she had a bit of flour on her cheek, her eyes filled with worry as she turned around to him, "What's the problem? Can't get a room?" She bit her lip lightly, that could be a problem. If they can't get a room then where can they hold the party? "I mean we could always do it in mine and Faye's room, but it's rather small and not the best place..."

--- Merged Double Post ---

Chameleon nodded, grinning a bit as she flicked the weapon, "I can already tell you're going to be good." He got ready for her attack, he had already planned on only blocking and not attacking, he didn't want to hurt her since it was a rule of his not to hurt girls unless it was a dire situation, like the threatening of his life.
James leans on the wall. "No I got us the game's just I asked nick to come and he said faye wouldn't want to see him there....apparently poor faye was chasing Peter and saw Nick making out with a teacher. Maybe a party would cheer her up, but..."
"The flattery is nice but if I find out you are holding back on me I will set Swift on you," she teased and with the bobcat let out a low growl. In a way Swift and Rosa threats had been conflicting. Rosa wanted a real spar with adrenaline and the possibility of getting hurt while Swift was basically saying if you hurt her I will hurt you. Rosa began to circle him listening to his movements, he really was making this hard for her considering she was usually on the defensive listening for attacks and reacting to them. She wasn't one to throw the first punch. Taking a slow step forward she made as if she were going to throw a punch with her right hand but shifted her way performing a graceful roundhouse kick with her left leg.
Garos' heart sank as well at Flower's expression and reaction to his words. "Yeah," he said quietly, looking away with a frown. It was a harsh reality that he really hadn't put much thought into. Putting a hand on her shoulder, he squeezed it lightly, then turned. "Listen, I should let ya' keep trainin' these two. I think I'm gonna' head outside for a bit," he said with a faint smile, heading toward the door. Of all the things he wanted at that point, a cigarette was the one he could easily obtain.
Flower looks at Garos, she nodded and then looked down. She looked at the girls and then sighed. Trinity was about to say something but flower glared. "Say nothing..." She sighed and grabbed her sword. "Come on Ginger." She said holding up her sword. She dashed forward and swung her sword. Ginger blocked and jumped back blasting fire out of her weapon. Flower spung around and then blasted light at Ginger. Ginger fell to her knees once she was hit.
Walking outside, Garos scowled to himself in frustration. "Why the hell didn't I think about all this?" he spat, leaning against the nearest tree and lighting a cigarette. He exhaled, smoke drifting around him and was silent for quite a long time, just thinking. He shook his head, lowering his eyes to the ground. "Just what the hell am I gonna' do?"
Flower sighed and helpped her up. "Try again....Trinity Ginger go!" She said backing up. Trinity swung her chains at Ginger. Ginger jumped back and then blasted fire at Trinity. Trinity blew it away before it hit her. Trinity grabbed Gingers leg and picks her up. Ginger yells out, trying to get down. Flower sighed deeply it might take a while for ginger to be able to fight.
Chameleon grinned, "Go ahead, I'm sure Swift doesn't want me hurting you either." His eyes flicked to Swift, "Plus, I'm not really scared of any animal." He smirked at his secret joke, he wasn't scared of any animal 'cause he could be any animal. When she went to punch, rather than moving to the side he jumped back, effectively dodging both attacks. He smiled, "Nice." He then switched into a bird, flew right over her head, then switched back once he was behind her, his foot struck out at the back of her knee, hoping his element of surprise would help him land the shot, "Did I mention I could shift?" He asks afterwards, basically asking if it was alright to use his 'power' to help him.

Myra frowned, "Nick kissed another girl? And she saw it?" She could almost feel her own - very rare - temper spiking up. She pulled out her phone and dialed Faye's number in a second, pressing it to her ear, when it answered she spoke quickly, "Faye?" A chuckle came from the other end and Myra's eyes widened, "Faye's currently unavaliable, she's getting her hair done." Myra actually growled lightly, "Raina?" "Yup, the one and only." "Is Faye alright?" A pause. "She's been better." "Where is she?" "Like I said, she's getting her hair done." Myra clenched her fists, "Why?" "Because after what that jerk Nick done, I reckoned she needed a little pick me up, and nothing makes a girl feel better than a make-over." Myra calmed slightly, "Ok. We're planning a surprise party for her for tomorrow, can you keep it a secret?" Raina laughed lightly, "What, don't trust me Key-Holder?" Myra growled once more, "I don't tend to trust leeches" Raina laughs bitterly, "Ooo nice one softie, who knew you had such a bi**h inside you?" "Can you keep it a secret?" She could imagine Raina's rolling her eyes as she next speaks, "Yeah sure, I'll bring her to the party when we're done here. Bye." Raina hangs up and Myra looks at James, she sighs, "Sorry, I'm like a typical Key-Holder, hate Vampires."
After a few moments had passed, the scarred human snuffed his cigarette and headed back inside. He looked around, not sure exactly where he should be going. He wanted to go back and talk to Flower, but didn't have a clue what to say. Growling, he leaned against the wall and sat, trying to figure out what the hell he'd do.
Rosa smirked deciding the banter was too time consuming and focused more on the fighting. When attacks failed and her opponent suddenly disappeared and flew over her head. Swift quickly sent her the message and she spun around facing Chameleon. She felt the breeze of his kick as it missed her knees, "Now your name makes since but let me show you what I can do,"and with that she held lifted her hands forming a ball of ice that was constantly shifting in one hand and in the other she held a flashy ball of fire. She brought her hands together thus cooling the fire and softening the ice. Now she held a pliable weapon that shifted more easily to her command. With a flip it shot forward changing into a string ready to wrap around his hand.
James nods and then sighs deeply. "I see...better be nice just for your sister." He said walking out. He looked around and then walked to the game room preparing it. He was working alone but at least he could put the decorations up on the high ceiling. He looked down at the ground.

Flower looks as Garos doesn't enter the room again. She looks down as she doesn't say anything to trinity and ginger. The room was silent. She looked back at Ginger and trinity and dismissed them. She didn't look for garos. However she looked at the ground and then started to clean up the dummies.
Name: Heather Harrison

Age: 15

Gender: female

Species: Vampire

Powers: basic vampire powers

Weapons: any martial arts weapon

Vehicle: black ferrari

Pets: Boa Constrictor

Family: Who knows

Husband/wife: I'm only 15! Is that legal?

Girlfriend/boyfriend: she'll find one

Crush: she'll find one


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Standing, Garos headed toward the training room again quickly. He couldn't just run from the problem, or ignore it. He needed to talk to her. Moving through the door, he saw her, eyes on the ground and cleaning up training dummies, of what was left of them. "Flower," he said quietly, looking down to her, trying to think of the words to say. "I hadn't even thought about this. We should've talked about it, I s'pose. Hell, I though ya' knew..." he muttered, trailing off for a second and moving over to lightly touch her shoulder.
Flower didn't look at him for fear she would start crying. "What am I going to do now? You though I knew? I live forever garos, you think I know about when other speices dies? No! This is so unfair!" she crossed her arms and then stood up straight. Is this why her advisers didn't want her with a human? She didn't know anymore. With a deep sigh she kept her eyesight on the ground.
Chameleon watched with fascination as she merged the two elements together, then as it shot forward and wrapped tightly around his hand he cursed, slightly in pain, slightly at himself, "Dammit Cham, don't get distracted! Rule number one!" The way he spoke it was as if he was mirroring the words of a trainer. As he spoke his hand shifted to that of a hamster hand, looking rather freaky until he jumped back quickly and it shifted back, glad he had managed to slip out of the icey-firey combination. He looked at the weapon type compound and grinned, "Nice trick." Shaking his hand and eyeing the fire-ice before dropping down in a crouch and swinging his foot across her ankles, the classic 'tripping over' trick. He wasn't really giving it his all.

Myra frowned once James had left, why did he seemed so bothered by that? The way he had sighed. She turned back around to the stove and began clearing away and washing up as she waited for the cake to be ready for decorating.

(Haha, just found the PERFECT song for Faye! Bad Boys by Alexandra Burke!)
Nick enters the kitchen. He looks in the frige. "Darn it....the only thing bad about being a vampire is you can't get drunk!" He said grabbing a bottle of wine. The chef glares at him but nick hisses at him. Nick opens the bottle. "Still can't get drunk." He sighs and grabs a glass.
Pulling up to the massive school In her black ferrari, Heather was nervous and a little shaky. She went to the back of her car opened the trunk. She pulled out one suit case and a cage that was containing a Boa Constrictor. She walked into the school. "Could this place get any bigger?" She said to her self. She fond her way to her room. 'I hope I don't have a room mate," she thought to her self. She sat on her bed exhausted. After Realizing she should probably go to her first class she left her room. She wondered around for ever. She had no clue where to go. After about an hour, she sat down in a hall way. She gave up. She figured someone would come through eventually.

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