Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Raina watched Nick leave and then she looked back to Deathwish as he spoke, she rose an eyebrow expertly, having perfected the act of it. "It's all good feeling sorry for Nick then isn't it? I mean, yeah, he beat himself up about it, oh poor Nick. He let another girl kiss him and now he's upset." Raina scoffed, "What about Faye? She didn't do anything wrong." She flicked her eyes to Faye and back to Deathwish, "Yeah, she seems happy right?" She didn't wait for an answer, "Well she's not. She was in a state when I found her. And she is right now, despite the smile, wishing that was Nick, then getting upset 'cause she thinks that she was just another one of his little games." She paused, speaking calmly now, "Now you know she wasn't, I know she wasn't. But Faye? Faye doesn't know she wasn't." She looked to Faye, "And she's not going to believe that until Nick shows her that she wasn't." She gets up and glances at Deathwish, "You want a drink?" She spoke really causally considering the conversation they were just having.

Myra was also enjoying the kiss, especially when he cupped her face. But then she felt them moving back towards the dance floor and she stopped the kiss, smiling at him with a small blush on her face. "I can't dance James" Out of the corner of her eye she saw Nick leaving, looking rather upset.
Heather looked at death and Raina with raised eyebrows. "Um....ok. she looked at Raina who was quite confedent in telling death off. She raised her eyebrows and said, "seriously? Come on! Its a party! Fun!? Lets all get along and be happy for red head..." she turned to Death. "You want to dance?" she said hopefully.
James chuckles and then looks down at her moving away from the dance floor. "Alright." He said smiling. "Tell you the truth I'm not so great either." He chuckled and then watched Nick leave. He sighed and looked at Faye taking a note on why he was so upset. He looked back at Myra and smiled.

Deathwish looked at Raina and shook his head no. "I'm fine." He watched as Nick came back in only....did he do something with his hair? He noticed Nick had changed clothes as well. "..." He chuckled. "He is full of surprises." He said chuckling. Nick had his hair in more of a bad boy look and had a black suit on making him look very handsome. It was a look he only pulled out once in awhile.

Nick leaned against the wall now catching quite a few girls gaze. He smirked a bit and then looked straight at Faye, then quickly looked away. He sighed a bit only getting other girls to come over. He looked down putting his hands in his pockets. He ignored them and walked somewhere else. He leaned on the wall their hoping that the girls out his hint to get away from him.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Deathwish looked at Heather and then shrugged. "I don't know." He said and then watched his brother give the girls that brush off. He looked at Heather and then sighed unsure if he should or not. He got up and then looked at her. "I guess." He said and held out his hand. "Just one though..." He said looking pretty serious about that.
She tilted her head. "If you don't want to...then that's fine." She looked at his hand with an unsure look. "I better not. Besides, you need to keep an eye on your brother.." she pushed his hand away gently, smiled, and disappeared into the crowd.
Deathwish shrugged and sat down. "Ok..." He said leaning back looking around. He sighed a bit as he stretched out. He was very careful about girls, since his brother was the one who was after all the girls. Well untill Faye came along. He sighed still having a few girls who wanted to have him. It could get a bit annoying for him.
Myra smiled, glad that she hadn't had to dance after all, she was about to speak when she followed James's gaze and frowns, she looks to her sister and her eyes widen as she notices the boy leaning in for a kiss and notices Faye's uncomfortableness, she can also tell because Faye fiddles with her thumbs.

Faye stopped dancing and starting chatting to the boy instead, but then it fell silent and he leaned in to kiss her. She panicked slightly, she didn't want to kiss him! What did she do? She knew she was leaning back a little bit, away from him, but he didn't seem to notice. Thankfully just then Myra ran over and grabbed her hand, "Sorry to interrupt guys! But it's Faye's turn to sing on the karaoke!" Faye's eyes widened as Myra dragged her onto the stage, "Wait what?" Myra chucked the mic at her, grinning. Finally time for people to hear Faye's amazing voice, "You'll be fine!" "Myra wait!" But it was too late, a song started playing and Myra sped off the stage, standing beside James and watching in the audience as Faye began to sing.

"Some people call them players, but I'm far from terrified. 'Cause somehow I'm drawn to danger, and have been all of my life. It feels my heart's divided, half way between wrong and right. I know I'm playing with fire, but I don't know why!" As she sung the fire she started getting into it properly, moving around the stage and lowering her body as she sung the last sentence, standing back up to normal as she continued, doing all the right actions and movements to match the song perfectly. "Yeah, the bad boys are always catching my eye! I said the bad boys are always spinning my mind! Even though I know they're no good for me, it's the risk I take for the chemistry. With the bad boys, always catching my eye!" Her voice hit every note perfectly and Myra smiled at the same time that Raina smirked, thinking of how perfectly that song fit Faye. Even as she thought this her eyes flickered to Nick. Faye hadn't chosen the song, Myra had.
James looked at Myra. "Purfect song for her." He laughed and then smiled at Faye. She had a nice voice. He looked at Myra and sighed happily. He looked at the food and went over to check it out. He was hungry and after getting a plate full he went back to myra eating.

Nick watched the boy get close to faye and then sighed relieved Myra saved her. He walked over to the boy. He hissed and then grabbed him by the shirt. "Stay away from her, try doing that again and I'll kill you. I promise that." He said leting go of the boy and then moved towards the stage. He stopped waiting for Faye to finish. He looked up at her hoping she'd notice him. He wanted her to notice him.
Faye did have a nice voice. Heather loved the song. She say Nick threaten the boy. "God why do all the guys here have to kill every one? Like, seriously. Why does every guy have to be the top dog?", she said to her self. She went from seeing Nick as a hot bad boy, to being a selfish jerk who always got the girl because HE said so. She put it out of her mind and mingled with others, laughing, dancing.
(Sorry I'm so late/behind)

"Come on, there has to be something in my room that will work," Rosa said giving his hand a little squeeze. With that she began to walk pulling him along beside her quickly as they darted through the hallway. Swift was pressed against her leg and Rosa smiled feeling assured of herself and almost lighthearted. "So what was going on outside the classroom?" she asked trying to make conversation as they approached her room and stuttered in her step wondering if it was appropriate to have him in her room. She ignored it and continued into to her room. Once inside she released his hand taking a second to orient herself. Rosa paused making herself remember the number of steps to her closet. She turned, took four steps then pivoted a bit her hand searching the wall until it found the door handle. She swung the door open turning back to face Chameleon, "Any of this work?" she asked.
Deathwish had gotten up to see if Nick was alright, but before he could do that a few girls tried to get him to dance. He shook his head no but they were getting close to him. He Backed up feeling a bit crowded. He sighed, his life was always like this. He tried to talk his way out of this but one girl was trying to get herself around him. He looked up thinking help.
Heather saw deaths distressed state. She ran over and shoved the girls back and hissed at them, her fangs showing white and pearly. Then she smiled. "Sorry girls....hes off limits! Walk away!" She turned and patted death on the head. "Your welcome." she said happily. She hugged him and turned to the girls. She took off her 10 inch heels and swung it into a girls gut. "Take that, you whore!" With that, she was gone again.
Deathwish looked at the girl that saved him and then smiled a bit. "Um thanks." He said and then sighed and went to sit down. His brother had caused him enough trouble. He sat down looking at his cup of water. He sipped it and then looked around hoping no other girls were going to bother him. At least heather had saved him. He got up to dance a bit. He suddenly froze knowing he wasn't good at all without a partner. He sighed and then headed back to his seat.
(well look, can we have a class after this? because it is kind of a fighting academy...which means fighting...and Faith has been here three days and met close to zero people)

Sheena slips into the room with Alex, feeling somewhat awkward and out of place; she's gone clubbing before, and to bars and dances, whether or not she was of age to do so, but someone's birthday party is a different matter, and she's not sure what to expect. She looks around at everyone, trying to assess what's going on.
Dark flower walked in the party. She was in a seductive black dress. She walked over to deathwish and put her black hair behind her ear. "Hey deathwish." she smiled and leaned over him. "You're looking hot." she put a Han on his shoulder. She leaned her face in very close.
Deathwish's eyes widened as he saw what looked like flower. "whoa! When did you change your hair color to black....and start....thinking I was hot!" He backed away. "Flower what about garos....I mean...don't you like him?" He asked looking panicked a bit. "Flower you're cute but I don't like you this way....As a scary friend!"
Dark flower gets closer. She rubbed his shoulders. "Incase you haven't noticed garos isn't that good looking." she pulled him close and kissed him. She pulled back and then held his head. "come on you aren't being fun." she said looking at him. She pushed her hand through his hair. "It's not like you haven't dreamed of this." she said looking him up and down.
Deathwish eyes widened even more as she kissed him. He pushed her away. "Flower! Stop it! I like you strickly as a friend! I though you hated the idea of kissing a vampire! Look fangs." He said showing his fangs. He frowned closing his mouth. "I mean I know you can be considering this!" He said trying to get her off of him. "You like someone else I know it!" He said looking terrified. "You really are freaking me out!"
Heather slapped her forehead. "I'm so tired of saving him.." she walked over to death and looked at flower. Her eyes became slits. Then she smiled. "Hello there...what's your name? Look. I just shoved my heel into a girls gut for being all over him. I'm sure kissing him has a worse punishment. She growled and showed her fangs.
Looking between Flower, Heather, and Deathwish, Sheena remains near the doorway, shaking her head half in disgust, half in bemusement.

"Some freaking party...seriously, do you guys do anything other than fight and tongue?"
Flower walked into the party. She sighed having a few cuts from her training. She walked over to faith. "Hey you must be the new trainer." She said smiling. "I'm Flower." She said and then looked to see Dark flower with Deathwish. "Oh crap....not again." She said and looked at Heather. She sighed. "Oh by the way Steve the head trainer here wanted to talk to you after the party." She said. "I got to, get of Deathwish real quick...She is oh so glad I can't kill her."
Dark flower looked at heather. "Get your own guy. This one is mine." she said sittin on deathwish's lap. She smiled and looked at deathwish. She smiled and then looked at the girl. "besides why do you care." she said grabbing deathwish's head and leaned in to kiss him again.
(WHy do I keep doing that?! Ugh I must be tired.)

Flower sighed and looked at Sheena. "Hi...I'm flower." She smiled and held out her hand. She looked to see dark flower. "Oh crap not her." She sighed and looked at Sheena. "I got to get her off of por deathwish....please excuse me." She said growling. "YOU GET OFF OF HIM NOW!"

Deathwish looked at Dark flower and threw her off. "Stop that!" He looked to see the real flower. "WHoa! what the heck? Flower.....then who's that!" He pointed at Dark flower. "Ok cunfused!"

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Sorry guys got to go want to be well rested for my Birthday tomarrow!!!! lol yay!)
Looking between Flower and Dark Flower, Sheena double takes, taking a step back. "Don't tell me there's an evil twin and a good twin...and here I was thinking those were just fairy know what, you'll find me over by the food." She slips over to make herself a plate, though she is still watching.
Heather lifted her hand above her head, ready to smack dark flower. She stopped when death told her to get off. She looked at the other, nicer flower, happy to have back up. Heather went behind death and gripped his shoulder. "Stay the hell away from him! He has a girlfriend! Her name is...uh....her name is..ME!" Heather wasn't sure what to say so it slipped out. She sat on deaths lap. "Hes MINE!" She leaned in and whispered to death, "Just play along. She'll eventually leave." She sat back up and smiled, waiting for dark flower to leave.

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