Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Deathwish sat down as well. He wondered if he should leave. His brother didn't need him anymore. He sighed and leaned back listening to the music. At least he got a few dances in. He slightly was disapointed he didn't get to dance more but needing a partner hindered him from being able to dance all that much without a girl thinking it was something more then just a friendly dance. He sighed as he stretched out his arms and set them on his head. He looked around real quick.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Nick sees Sheena go to the dance floor and then give him a look like she wanted him to join her. He was kind of in the middle of something but james was there. He shrugged and slowly followed her. However his gaze went to faye. he looked at Sheena. "Glad you stayed. I do however hope that this school isn't to bad for you." He sighed deeply.
Sheena shrugs, attempts a smile as she lifts her chin, saying bluntly, "It sucks here. But whatever...I guess some people can't be all bad." She looks at him pointedly as she speaks, then lays her hand on his arm, looking up at him through half lowered eyelids. "Dance?"
Nick shrugs. "Sure I guess..." He was uncertain how Faye would take it. He looked at Faye and then at Sheena. He nodded. "Yes, I'm sure there are quite a few people here to get along with." He smiled and then held out a hand to her. "Well I could get a few people for you to meet and see if we can't get you some nicer people to hang out with." He chuckles.
(Good! Thanks)

Heather decided it was time to go. She said bye to every one and went back to her room and dozed off. She had an awesome night and was worn out. Tomarrow would be normal and she would have her first real class. How exiting!
She snickers as she raises an eyebrow, taking his hand and positioning herself close, one hand on his hip as she steps in towards him. "You saying your girlfriend isn't nice?"
Nick chuckles as he starts the dance. "Oh no Faye's nice once you get to know her but she's got a temper. Got watch out what you say to her." He chuckles. "I just happened not to do anything to tick her off. Well that and if she ever gets mad I could just kiss her to calm her down. Well if she on fire it works." He chuckled and then looked at her. "Well I think you've seen that right? In the hallway?" He started laughing a bit.
"In the hallway, in the hallway again, and right now, if you didn't happen to notice," Sheena mutters, not laughing herself, and not meeting his eyes. "They happen to teach any courses about anger management along with fighting around here?" She smirks, looking up at him as she moves in slightly closer. "Think she'd calm down if /I/ kissed her next time?"
Nick Looked at her. "No they don't and no that would probably tick her off even more." He said and looked up. He looked back at her. "Alot more." He said chuckling. "Although anger managment might be a good idea, training normaly helps so I guess they thought that some good downtime or training might keep the anger low." He smiled. "Of course sometimes that just gets this castle damaged more."
"Well, I won't be here long," Sheena informs him, her eyes shifting to the side as she turns him along with her, remaining close, her hand squeezing his slightly. "It's not like people wouldn't be happy to see me go, and it's only been like two days. They'd probably throw a second party."
Nick looks at her. "I don't think so. I mean it's always sad to see a student go. Even sadder to know they quit even though you tried. It's always hard the first few days...That's school for ya. To quit now shows no spirit Sheena. How do you expect to fight well if you let your first challange beat you? A fighter never gives up, and I've seen pleanty of fight in you, I'm sure you can last at least a few weeks." He chuckled.
"Has nothing to do with fighting, I can beat their asses any day," she rejoins, lifting her chin and pulling slightly away from him, but it's not the comment about physical fighting that stings her, it's the part about having no fight in spirit. This bothers her more than she wants to let on, and she replies with a bit of an edge to her tone, "I dropped out of regular school when I was fourteen, has nothing to do with giving up. I'm too old to be back in school, starting over again...all this bullshit.... I'm...past this."

Still, despite her words, she is she really a quitter, is she really being a complete pushover by even thinking of leaving? But why /should/ she stay, when she's not wanted and doesn't like it here...then again...isn't running from everything she doesn't like what she's been doing all her life...isn't that exactly waht Faith and Macal and Diana and everyone else are always telling her she can't do anymore?
Nick nods. "I see." He didn't say anymore slightly getting the feeling he has affended her. He stays silent and then looks at her. She seemed bothered and he sighed thinking he did say to much. Although he wazs trying to be nice. It wasn't his strongest side of his personality. At least he tried. He looked back at her.
Pushing all thoughts aside deliberately, Sheena wraps her arms back around Nick,pressing herself against him and swaying with the music, tossing her hair back over her shoulders. If she can't distract least she can distract him...
Nick seemed a bit nervous. He looked at Faye and then at sheena. He didn't want faye to think he was doing it to her again. He looked at Sheena and then looked straight up. He wanted want to make it seem he was promoting this. He glanced at faye constently. He listened to the music as he continued to dance. This was a friendly dance? Oh how he hoped it was just a friendly dance. (lol)
(lol she does have a boyfriend...but she's also an impulsive, insecure, sensitive, and somewhat vengeful girl lol) Sheena doesn't even glance towards Faye and appears oblivious to her existence; all previous suspicion and distrust of Nick for who he is she has managed to store separately from her feelings in the moment, and she behaves as if there is no one else near as she says to him with a slow smile, " You're good at this."
(I know lol)

Nick nods. 'Well I am a prince dancing is one of the things we learn to do." He said and then slightly gave a small smile. He looked at her then back up again. "It did come pretty easy for my brother and I." He said looking at deathwish and then back at SHeena.
Nick thinks for a few seconds. "Well, Rules and Laws, manors I tend not to use, all things dealing in money and trade, different kingdoms rules and laws, I few other languages, many things needed to rule a kingdom." He said looking at her with a bit of a smile. He looked at faye again and then back at Sheena. "Advance schooling and even agriculture."
"Smart guy, huh?" Sheena smiles; as the song ends, she draws away slightly, cocking an eyebrow. "So, they have any real drinks around here?"
Nick nodded puting his hands in his pockets. "Yes over there...Water, punch, all kinds of good stuff." He said walking over there. He grabbed some water and sipped it. He looked at Sheena and smiled. "What do you want?" He asked looking over the drinks.
Heather sat there in her bed, not being able to sleep due to the party. Her eyes became slits. "It better no be like this every nigh," she said to her self. Not being able to sleep she walked back to the party, AGAIN. She was a little mad. She sat at the same table but she climbed on top of the table and sat with her legs like a pretzel. She sipped the the same old blood and cheered up a bit. She might have been tired but it was a fun party.
Nick chuckles. "I or wine? I got both. Man when I quit blood I was sucking them down my the gallons. Oh course Vampire's can't get drunk....which in some cases sucks." He laughed and pulled a few things from under the table for her. He stretched out have a verity of stuff there.

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