Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

(Ok I'm making it tomorrow...I'd suggest replying to what the characters did before they went to bed and then wake up the next morning or what not. xD )

Flower stirred slightly, she rolled to her side having a dream about fighting off vampires and demons. It was not a good dream, but one of terror. She moaned a bit out loud and rolled to her other side as her eyes slightly opened. She was sweating and her legs were overly warmed and a bit damp from her sweat. She looked around the room. She looked to see Hunter fast asleep on the end of the bed and slowly moved to sit up. She leaned on her pillow and stretched out her legs and arm. With a quick look at the clock she got out of bed. "Hunter, get up." She said hearing a dog yawn as she awoke. Hunter jumped off the bed and slowly moved to her pillow on the floor, with another yawn as she lay down and curled up. Flower giggled a bit and quickly made her bed.

The sun was just coming up. She made her bed quickly and rushed to the bathroom slipping a bit on the floor. She managed to catch herself. She took off her pjs and entered the shower giving a quick wash. She got her towel and wrapped it around herself. She grabbed her clothes, when suddenly; she saw the perfect clothes to mess with Garos today at his class. A smirk across her face and she grabbed them. It was slightly armored skirt with a sleeved shirt that showed off a part of her back. It looked battle ready while making her look cute. She smiled and then sat down blow drying her hair and then brushing it out. She put it in a pony tail to continue her teasing look for Garos. She looked at Hunter who rolled her eyes guessing what flower is up to. Flower giggled. "Oh come on I'm only messing with the poor human. Plus I think I like this look.” She got up, her long black boots matched perfectly with the black armored skirt and then hot pink shirt. The shirt also had hand protectors on the ends, or an armored point that covered the top of her hand. She fitted her sword holder around her waist.

She smiled and then giggled looking over the outfit in the merrier. She looked great in it. She looked at Hunter and sky, giving them food and water. A last wave goodbye and she was off to get in an early mornings training. She smiled very happy with this look.
Garos woke with a start, looking around quickly and giving a sigh. It was early, he didn't need to be awake for another hour or so. Sighing, he got up anyway and began getting ready for the class he was to co-train with the new teacher. Stretching, he headed to shower again, then stepped out, dressing in a simple pair of pants and a sleeveless shirt. He hated showing off so many of his scars, but it was tedious to train in a long-sleeved shirt. He could have worn armor as well, but the human usually avoided it. Even the lightest armor slowed him down and seconds could mean the win or loss of a fight.

Shaking the thoughts from his head, he pocketed everything he would need and set out for the dining hall, stomach growling angrily. He hadn't eaten much in the last few days and it was catching up with him now. Running down and grabbing something quick to eat, he wasted no time in finishing it and disposing of the plate, knowing that the class would be starting soon.

Making his way to the training room, he stopped along the way to grab his black claymore, giving a friendly wave to the few people up and around that he saw. Hefting the blade over his shoulder, he made way to the training room and pushed through the door, wondering if anyone would be there just yet or if he was the first arrival.
Flower was in the training hall. She was practicing on a punching bag and then looked to see garos had entered. She stopped and turned to him with a smirk on her face. "Told you I would be extra cute." she spins around showing off her black and hot pink outfit. The skirt showing off some of her leg as she spinned. The armor on parts of it keeping it pretty low though. She stopped and smiled at him. "I know I'm so mean. This was designed by my older sister, I guess it fits me now." she said smiling at him waiting for his thoughts. She was quite happy.
In the morning Faith rouses Liza and Sheena and makes sure Liza gets ready for her own class, then preps for hers; her first class yesterday hadn't gone so well, seeing as how it seemed half her class had skipped, and today she's determined to actually get a feel for how the students are currently operating. Not sure which weapons she'll need, she takes a duffle bag of various types and slings it over her shoulder before heading down the hall, making her way to her training room as assigned.

(she working with Garos, Kevin, or both?)
(I think just garos although the other guy could have a class with a few people in it like nick and Deathwish or trinity and Ginger.)
Garos blinked, noticing Flower and her outfit. He tilted his head, grinning, and sighed. "Ya' weren't lying," he joked, watching her spin about and show off the outfit. At words of her being 'mean', he nodded and laughed. "Yeah, that is pretty mean. Jeez, yer' gonna' be catchin' my eye all day. Just not fair." Snickering, he moved forward to give the girl a light hug before anyone else entered.
Flower smiled and giggled. "Yeah, Good." she said and giggled as he gave her a hug. She looked at him and noticed he was wearing short sleeves. "Short sleeves huh?" She looked up at him with a smile. She really didn't mind, she liked him none the less with all his scars. She had a few on her back herself. She hide them well but garos didn't have much of a choice.
After the hug, she mentioned his attire and he shrugged. "Yea', not the biggest fan of wearing 'em, but it's a pain to try and train in longer sleeves. Get in the way and all that." Looking over his arms, he chuckled. "Plus, maybe my scars'll scare some of the newer students into trainin' harder?" he joked, giving another shrug as he looked toward the door. "Wonder when everybody's gonna' start showin' up? Guess I am a bit early."
Flower chuckles. "Aw now you don't want to be alone with me." she giggled teasing him and then looked over his arms. "Maybe it's just because I like you but it's not that bad." she smiled and looked up at him. "Well I guess they say love is blind." she smiled and then looked at the door and then at the clock in the room. She tilted her head a bit and then blinked. "Well we're not that early, but I do dred nick and deathwish's coming." she said rubbing her head, lightly though, her hair was in a pony tail. Which really was odd for flower, she loved her hair down, but that tended to get in her way while fighting.
Coming through the door, Faith glances at Flower and Garos, looking them both over, not remembering whether she's met them or not. Everyone's faces are starting to blur in her mind, and she nods at them, introducing herself just in case. "I'm Faith, new trainer...where's everyone else?"
Flower looked at faith and nodded. She smiled and then waved. "Flower." she replied and then looked as nick and Deathwish were heading towards the door. She sighs and then rubbed her her arm. She looked down and then back up at garos. She smiled, but then as nick walks in and stares at flower, she growls and crossed her arms. "And so it has back fired." she said looking at faith. "Nick and Deathwish, probably going to be the troubled students."
At that comment, Faith smirks, then laughs outright, shaking her head as she eyes Nick and Deathwish up and down skepticallly. "I was in prison by the time I was eighteen, my little girl has gone to hell on three different occasions to try to SAVE its occupants, and my little sister has died on three different occasions and is still here and breathing. I think any TROUBLE they bring in no way is gonna compare to what I'm used to."

She nods at both of them, still smirking. "Looking forward to seeing what you got."
Garos smirked at Flower's comment. "That is not what I meant at all," he explained with a laugh, knowing she was joking. When she mentioned his scars not being so bad, he smiled wide despite himself. "I think yer' just trying to be extra nice," joked the human, then blinked at the comment on love being blind. "Guess they do."

At the mention of the twins, he nodded. "Ah, shouldn't be too bad. Might have a chance to spar with'm. I've been meaning to." Turning at the sound of the door, he smiled to the trainer as she entered and gave a nod. "Pleased to meet ya', Faith. I'm Garos, I'll be the co-trainer for yer' class."

As the twins stepped through, he eyed them and chuckled at Nick's stares. "Watch the eyes," he said, only half serious. Turning to Flower, he winked, then nodded at her words. They could be trouble, but lately, he'd seen a bit of a change in Nick at least. Maybe they weren't ALL bad as he'd once thought.

When Faith spoke, his attention went back to her for a moment, raising a brow. "Sounds like you've seen some things. Sounds like ya' won't find TOO much issue here," he said with a laugh. "Though, things have been a bit more crazy lately."
Nick looks at Garos. "Hey she never goes to the pool while other people are there, So sorry for getting an eye full today." He smirks looking at Flower. He chuckled as she glared at him, he took a few steps back.

Flower glared at his words. "This is the reason why I don't go to the pool while other people are there!" She crosses her arms. "I did it once, and regret it till today." Nick eyes widen. "AW I missed that!?" Flower glares and grabs him by the hair. "Worse day ever." Nick looked at her and didn't move. He looked pretty scared. Flower smiled and let go. "Good boy." Deathwish was laughing at Nick. Flower looked at Garos. "You're training starts next." She said chuckling.

Nick looks at Garos. "Run dude! She's a nightmare, a rose with poison thorns. Just run." He looks at Flower. "Well you are." Flower rolled her eyes. "Aw I just put two vampire demons in bed for three days." She said cutly. Nick swallows. "Worse three days ever, I was having girl withdraw!"
Macal: *With a few hours to go before I teach my first class, I decide to file in behind the students into Faith's class, moving into the corner I lean up against the wall and watch Faith as she started to introduce herself.Shortly after I come in Alex does to finding a seat towards the front.*

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Flower looked at another man in the corner. She smiled and waved and then watched Alex. She smiled happy to be olretty unnoticed nick looked at her smile and then chuckled. "Don't worry Flower, most guys will start staring." Flower glared. "The only one I want to stare is Garos not back off before I kick you where your brain is offen!" Nick tilted his head. Flower glared. "Where it hurts and where the sun don't shine." Nick backed way off. "Not again, please."
As Faith notices Macal coming in, she looks up and smiles briefly; Sheena comes in a few minutes later too. Liza has a separate class. Faith waits a few more minutes, then introduces herself.

"I'm Faith, I'm human but also a Slayer, which is sort of like a warrior. Used to be a goddess, not anymore, doesn't mean I don't remember a lot of what I knew or how to train people who can do more. Alright, I know this one's Flower, obviously I know those two, met you two, who else are you guys?" she asks, nodding at Flower, Alex and Sheena, and then Nick and Deathwish before looking at the others.
Alex: *stares down at my datapad, I feel kind of stupid, I have advance degrees in 4 different fields, thinking to myself.."I'm a trained agent and pretty sure my iq is higher then this entire class so why did I decide to come her and be treated like I'm in a high school." Glances over at Sheena and grins* "Oh yeah cause I'm completely whipped and don't want to be away from her."*
Heather woke up with a not so good attitude, especially from the event at the party. She knew she would have to were something for combat purposes so she wore super tight, white colored jeans and an exotic top that had a callor around her neck with straps that extended over her chest and tied in the back. No shoes and she let her hair down. She walked super bored to all her classes. She didn't really feel like introducing herself so she said it in a barely audible tone. She expected her first classes to be fun but.... oh well.
As Heather walks in, Faith raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms, staring her down pointedly.

"Heather, right? Remember the last conversation we had about not wearing clothes you'd wear to a strip club, as the woman on the pole, to training? You can't train without wearing SHOES, and whatever shoes you put on, they better not be stilettos or something along those lines. Look, you can't keep coming to class dressed like that."

Sheena's eyes bulged when Heather first walked in, and then narrow, her jaw clinching as she steps slightly closer to Alex, as though to safeguard him. She is more than certain Heather looks like that just to try to get his attention.
Heather put on her famous mischievous grin. "Relax teacher lady. I don't wear shoes because I'm a martial artist and very flexible. The only reason I'm wearing this because it allows me to menuver around, sly and agile." She faced the others. She raised and an eyebrow at sheena a grin on her face. She brushed all ofher hair of her shoulder and walked over to the rest, her focus on Faith.
At this Faith's eyebrows shoot up, and she makes an affronted noise in her throat, coming closer to Heather and saying more forcefully this time. "Listen here, /student child/, first off, I'm not "teacher lady." I'm not a lady at all and I'm definitely not a TEACHER LADY. Second off, you're putting on shoes and changing your clothes, period, I don't care how flexible you or your boobs are, no one wants to see them, at least in this classroom. Third off, you're wearing shoes, because if you don't, it would be very easy for someone to shoot a crossbow through your foot or drop a two hundred or more pound weight on it. And you WILL listen to what I"m telling you to do as your TEACHER LADY, or you will get out of this classroom. So, what's your decision, student child?"
*Alex, shakes his head at Heather* You can't be serious, that outfit offers you no protection what so ever, there are so many points for someone to exploit it's not at all funny..You're such a rookie Heather and your over confidence will get you killed one day. (Remember Alex was trained as a soldier, he believes body armor is always needed for combat..Even tho he's seen others fight with out it but they were like 400 year old vampires)
Sheena smirks, thoroughly enjoying Heather being taken down by Faith, and looks over at Alex with a smile, glad he's not drooling over her...obviously the grand scheme to seduce him had gone too far today. Score one for her.

--- Merged Double Post ---

PREVIOUSLY THE NIGHT BEFORE: (if you want to read it)

s Sheena attempts to slip inside the living quarters of herself, Liza, and Faith, she tries to make her way to her bedroom quickly, hoping Macal isn't already there and waiting for her.

Macal: *Flicks on the lights I lean against the wall with my arms crossed* Whatcha doing? Sneaking in really? I guess I should check your closet for boys now. Seriously Sheena I don't care you were drinking, what I care about is you seem to not be fully in control or aware of your surroundings.

Turning quickly, her face already a little red, Sheena looks up before meeting your eyes, shoulders hunching awkwardly. "Uh...there's no one in my closet. Or room....and...I know exactly where I am, seriously, I do."

Really so you are aware you jumped on a vampire while surrounded by other vampires, fine well I'm not going to lecture you we sent you here to live and learn and yes make a few mistakes along the way, I just wish you put your ego to the side and realize that you are not invincible and you need to be more careful.

Sheena blinks, because she doesn't actually remember that part fully. She stops and tries to remember, then it clicks. "Ohhh that stupid Heather would have too!"

Not about what I would do, after all I'm over 12,000 years most of it in war or training to fight vamps and demons, you are not me little one. What you are is my daughter and no matter what you say on this matter it will not keep me from worrying about you. So how about you just givbe me a hug cause it's been weeks since I've seen you. *Holds out my arms and steps closer* I missed all my girls..oh yeah and Alex too just don't tell him that right now he's probably waiting for me to come kill him so I'm gonna let him sweat till morning.

Startled but relieved by this reaction, Sheena just looks at you for a moment, then smiles, stepping forward and hugging you, resting her head briefly against your chest. She doesn't want to tell you yet about her difficulties at the school so far, not wanting you to think she can't tough things out or is behaving badly. "You don't have to worry. I mean, I'm ok."

Of course you are name or no name you're a daughter and we are always ok, its what we do..It's why people follow us..depend on us, cause no matter the challenge we will find a way..Just one correction tho you're not ok..You're remarkable, despite what you think you've made friends here, I was watching you, I saw people step up and stand by you..It's no longer just you and Alex. It's you and your new friends.

Sheena is startled by the hell have they gotten to the point where she could be drinking and fighting and Macal could still stay she's remarkable? She blinks again, then says in disbelief, "Why aren't you pissed off?" Deciding quickly not to look a gift horse in the mouth, she adds, "Uh...well, I think they probably just really don't like Heather."

It is no longer my job to get pissed off at you, now my job is to be there and guide you and advise you when you need me, you're no longer the reckless impulsive child you were when you frist came to me. You've gone on missions and risked you life..I can't say that you're old enough to fight and risk life and death then turn around and treat you like a kid and say you can't drink and have a good time..You're to old for that..But you're never to old to come to me and ask me for my help or to just talk.

Sheena smiles again, even as she mutters, "Faith thinks it's still her job...I guess it's different with her, though." She hesitates, because talking to you like this, gaining this validation, is causing her to rethink her reluctance to speak to you. Finally she looks over at you, her eyes half hidden by her hair, and says hesitantly, "I don't know why...I mean I've changed and stuff, and I try. But it's still seeming like...well, I always screw up anyone liking me for forever when they first meet me. Like, I do something wrong or stupid or rub people the wrong way. I kinda doubt anyone will ever like me without me having to like, readjust them to the idea it's possible first."

Sheena first impressions are overrated, if the everything in life depended on first impressions nothing would get done and everyone would hate everyone else. In time people will see you for the amazing woman you are and not only value your presence but crave it..Worked on me and look how we turned out, Although I know one person you made a perfect first impression on and she's been your biggest fan from day one.

Clueless, she looks up at you frowning, then shrugs. "Not Faith. I mean, I had to reconvince her to like me too...who do you mean?"

You have friends Sheena and people that love you, even tho you haven't seen Mitsy and Akira and the others you're in their hearts always.

Well...I know that...*she looks away though, then says quietly* I don't think they really do, actually. Mitsy and all them. I mean, Izzy didn't even want me around much, and I don't know. It's not like anyone was really all that sorry we moved, or....*she shrugs, then adds quickly* I mean, I get it, really. Marriage and new lives and moving on from bad memories and all that. I don't know. I guess I just...*she's quiet for a while, then bursts out with* I know you guys are my family and everything and I'm really glad for it. But why does everyone in my REAL family, my blood family, just either can't stand me or can take or leave me being there?

I guess it's because mortals don't see what we see they don't get to live as long as we do and realize how lonely eternity is when you're alone, so they take their lives and love ones for granted..They always think they'll have more time to fix whatever damage they do, when the realiity of it is they're wasting their lives over petty differences. But most of all I think mortals fail to understand that even the smallest ripple makes a difference and has lasting effects, and when that ripple was produced by hate it can scar a person deeper then any blade...I guess what I'm trying to say is if your father knew how short his life was but his actions would live on in you that maybe he would have been capable of showing you love instead of hate..He would have treated you like the princess you are in my eyes. As much damage to you that he's done which I can never forgive...I'm still gratful cause he's given me something I could never have even with all my powers I could never create you.

Sheena is not sure if her Lycan relatives count as "mortals" or not, and she had been thinking of them along with her father as she spoke. Nevertheless, your words touch her, and she smiles a little, looking down, before she looks up at you again. "This must be how you got Faith...saying things like that."

You make it sound like I'm just so full of wisdom but all I really did was with Faith was show her my heart no strings attached..She makes me feel like I'm perfect even tho I know I'm not..Makes me feel like I'm more powerful with her at my side then I ever did as a god. I hope you find someone like that,,,If you haven't already. One more thing with you Faith and Liza to come home to I feel like I will never lose a battle, cause I want to see you all again...That my little one is why I fight now..Not for glory or even for justice I fight so there is a world that allows me to see my girls be happy.

She smiles again, longer and more fully this time, then hugs you quickly before pulling away, not really having a response to that. "I guess I'll go to bed...Faith's gonna teach tomorrow. I hope she kicks Heather's ass." She says this with great satisfaction, eyes glowing at the thought.

Ok, good night little one perhaps I'll stop in to Faith's class tomorrow it's been awhile since she's taught a group it will be fun to see how she does.
Rosa slipped out of the party feeling the vibrations of the music mixed with the fidgeting of those around her. As she made her way down the hallway, counting he steps all the way, the thumping bass line slowly faded. She kept one hand on the wall as a guide just because she was tired and it steadied her so she could focus more on counting. Upon reaching the room Swift mewed from her bed and flicked her tail against the sheets. Rosa quickly undressed slipping into a nightgown before pulling back the covers. Once she was settled in Swift gave her a layout of the room as she fell asleep. Everything was muted tones of blue and cream with a few hints of yellow. Everything had a different texture to it. There were shag carpets on the floor made with different yarns and the bedding was made with different fabrics. Some of the pillows were smooth while others had puckered fabrics, or even intricate embroidered designs. As Rosa fell asleep her hands were spread wide against the fabrics trying to picture everything in her dark world.

Upon waking the next morning the sun had not even come up for the warm rays weren't shining through her window. Rosa hadn't taken the time the night before to really clean off so she slipped into the shower careful not to disturb the sleeping bobcat at her feet. The bathroom really was the most treacherous place for which was silly to say but very true. She couldn't puddles of water and one fall could knock her out cold. That was why she moved with extra care never getting cocky or fast. After she was cleaned off the warm rays of light weren't peaking into her window quite yet bu the birds were singing of daylight. Rosa shuffled around in her closet until she found the armor and a pair of riding breeches. She felt the tag of the breeches and determined that they were brown. Everything was labeled in her closet with braille on the tag. She grabbed a creamy tank top to put on under the armor.

Once everything was on and her hair was braided across her shoulder Rosa roused the Swift heading for the stables. She didn't have time to ride but she wanted to see how her stallion was adjusting. The trip was short and sweet and Leader only whickered from a far he was having fun flirting with another mare. Rosa and Swift than made their way to dining hall where Rosa grabbed a can of tuna for her Swift and bagel for her. They ate quietly under a tree as Swift described the sunrise to her owner. Then they headed for the training hall.


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