Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Turning back to Faye, Faith says levelly, "You're correct, age has nothing to do with wisdom. But experience has a hell of a lot to do with it, and that I have. The fact that you can stand here now and talk to me like that when I first off, HAVE that experience to be able to say something to other people, second off, am your teacher, and third off, am correcting you on behavior that you know damn well is not appropriate is telling me more about your level of control. If you can't handle that from me, who's here to teach you and help you grow and actually does give a damn about what happens to you if you continue to go down the path you potentially could by not controlling your powers, then how do you think you'll be able to handle criticism or conflict down the road? The time to work on yourself is now. This is lesson one, test one of self control. Right now, you're not passing."

She turns to Nick and Flower. "Guys, let's get on with this, those of you not being evaluated here, go with Garos to train. Deathwish, if your power is harmful, you don't have to demonstrate if it has to be used on another person. Heather, you haven't gone, and the three of you haven't either." She nods to Raina, Myra, and Faye.
*Alex sat in his chair silently not wanting to get caught in the crossfire, he's seen Macal and Faith in action before but he wants to keep his new friends from turning on him and Sheena..Still he feels ashamed because he didn't say something to them back talking Macal and Faith. To have these two show the slightest interest in someone is a blessing most will never get*
Eyeing Nick, the human begins to speak when he's cut off by Flower's yell and Nick shifting to look like him once again. Frowning, Garos said nothing, until the vampire began counting his scars. Growling, the man's hand shot forward and gripped around the other's throat, lifting him up. "Yer' quite the joker there, Nick," he murmured, leaning forward and eyeing the other, his eyes flickering red before he dropped him. Looking down, he gave him a glare. "Mess around all ya' want, but keep it in check. Yer' one to talk about age when it works in yer' favor." Extending a hand to help the other up, he smirked. "Oh yeah, don't ever mess around when it comes to my scars, alright?"

Looking over to the girl that had mentioned wanting to spar, Garos spoke again to her. "I'll spar with ya' in just one minute here. Lemme' warm up. Just no usin' too many powers, alright? Some've us can't heal the best," he said with a chuckle. Turning his eyes to Faith, he gave a simple nod to show he was would keep training the others while she observed abilities.
Heather sat quietly threw this small quarrel. She was actually kind of offered by Faye's comment on how it was a vampire not a mortal. So what, just because were Vampires means you can use your powers on us since were not mortal? She looked very upset but didn't say a thing. Ever herd of peace between species? Isn't that what this school was for? Faye obviously didn't realize how offending her comment was. "Just cause I'm a vampire you can use your powers against me," she thought. "Well as long as I'm not mortal!" Again, to her self. She wanted to go of on Faye but decided to let Faye go on. She wasn't worth it to Heather.
Nick rubbed his neck and laughed. He looked at Flower as he got up. "You sure this guy is just human? Hey I got a question..." He started and then blinked as Flower looked up once again with a dazed look. He smirked and then laughed. "Please tell me you weren't day dreaming about Garos again?" Flower shook her head no.

Flower sighed and then looked back at the ground. "No, just thinking really. What's your question?" She asked as she tried to pay attention. She wasn't to sure what was wrong but...something was bothering her. She looked at Nick as he continued his question. "Hey if you were to have kids with this guy what do you think would happen, Human or Key holder?" Flower shook her head no. "Highly unlikely nick. First off do you know what keeps the key holder population from growing to fast?" She asked and then narrowed her eyes as Nick shook his head no. "Ugh now I have to explain it...." She sighed hating to talk about it. "Well first off Key holders are not very fertile....meaning the chance of having kids is already shaky with a key holder and a Key holder. Surprisingly and the fact is often ignored the chances of having a key holder vampire go up, weird huh?" She laughs. "Anyways, a key holder human, the chances go way down. The DNA with a human and key holder aren't very compatible at al, in fact so much that the resulting baby might die within a few months. (I wasn't sure if I wanted to point that out about their trouble with having children, when I created key holders I added this to balance it out, even though their not real I like to keep it realistic.) If the baby pulls through then she or he would most likely be more like the key holder then anything."

Nick blinks and then nods. "How much did you look into this?!" He asked surprised with how much she explained it. It was a bit sad to think key holders can't have kids to often at all. He looked at Faye. He shrugged and looked back at Flower.

Flower blushes and then chuckles. "I didn't, but others have before, it's in the book of keys, passed down from one King or queen to another and other key holders that happen to be around the Queen." She said since other key holders here have looked into the real book. "The fact about that has been taken out of copies but I have the real book of Keys here. Let's just say I'm not the first to fall in love with a human, but certainly the first to try and stay with the human. It seems the others choose different." She sighed and then rubbed her head.

Nick blinked and then rubbed his head. "But Flower, you had an older sister correct?" Flower nodded and then sighed again. "So your parents, they were just lucky!?" Flower nodded and then blushed a bit. "They did have a lot of help from key holder doctors. They whole kingdom celebrated when Sara was born and were ecstatic to find that they were going to have me. Even though I don't consider my birthday a good day most would. I guess i never celebrate it, at all even though everyone throws a big party I never go." She sighed as nick looked at her confused and then it hits him. " was your birthday then wasn't it?" Flower nodded and then shook her head. She hid her eyes and then looked back up with a fake smile. Nick sighed deeply and then rubbed his head.
Faye knew it was going to happen before it did, she felt her skin heat up, this damn stupid teacher was acting like she knew her. She didn't know Faye, she didn't know what she's been through and how she works. Sure she can take a guess, but Faye had more than one side. And the one that was coming out now was pretty angry. "Just because you have the experience doesn't mean you can do what you just did. Nor the fact that you're a teacher." She spoke calmly but her orange eyes actually looked like they were moving, flickering back and forth like flames, "You've unnecessarily picked on more than one student, and I know that one of them didn't deserve it." She didn't look at Myra, but she was of course talking about her, "You're not the only person in this room with that experience, and as we've both agreed, age has nothing to do with. A person of sixteen years may have more experience than a person with a hundred years." As she thought of her and her sister's own 'experiences' a few flames leapt from her wrist and she looked down at it, it happened again and she glared at it, all the skin from her elbow to her fingertips erupted into flames until you couldn't see the skin anymore. She let out an irritated noise which only managed to make the flames enlarge, Myra then touched her shoulder, "Don't get angry with it Faye. It makes it worse." Faye looked at her sister and shook her alight arm slightly, she remembered what Faith had said, "Self-control?" She rolled her eyes, "Guess I'll have to fail this test then." She thought of Faith's last bit of lecture to her and the flames on her arm suddenly 'poofed' out as her mood turned saddened, she spoke with no anger but didn't show her sadness either, "I've had enough criticism and conflict to last me an eternity thanks." She grabbed Myra's hand in a sweet sisterly fashion and she suddenly appeared to be the young, 15 year old girl she was as they left the room and headed after Garos to go train.

Raina watched them leave and glanced to Faith coldly, "Nice teacher you're turning out to be, Miss. VampireSlayer. You've already got half your class either hating you or fearing you." She rolled her eyes, "You wanna teach her and help her grow?" She quoted Faith's words and didn't move from her spot, "Don't treat like she's an idiotic child, it might just help." She didn't make any indications she was going to do as Faith said and move, she was thinking of maybe bunking and going for a walk or something.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Haha. Just reading through the posts on page 119 and realized Faye and Raina said they were going to kill Faith together. And Faye asked Nick to kill Faith for her xD Haha)
Faith entirely ignores Faye and Myra, speaking to the class at large. "Faye has just demonstrated that she is not capable of becoming the controlled, peace-seeking, responsible warrior that this school is intended to train you all to be. Until she proves otherwise, she is no longer welcome in my classroom."

She looks down her nose at Raina. "She behaves like an idiotic child, than that is exactly how she will be treated. I have heard word of your extremely stupid plots against me, CHILD, as well as your sister too, and though I was willing to overlook that now to help you both, if neither of you can grow the hell up and learn to be an adult worthy of her powers, then that is your decision. If anyone hates me for telling them the truth, then that's the way it is. I don't have time for people who aren't willing to work and aren't worthy of their skills. So you're gonna have to make a choice too. Are you going to actually try, or are you leaving too?"

Sheena looks as torn as Alex; on one hand she doesnt' want her sister alienating everyone before she has friends, but on the other hand, she is astonished how Faye and Raina are speaking to Faith.
Flower stops and looks at Faith. "Woah there, kicking her out isn't going to help at all. WHo else is going to teach her?" She sighed and lowered her voice. "Faith...I know this is your class but please. You're not helping her you're making it worse." She said and then walked up. "How about this, train her one on one...Or let Garos do it." She asked. "I could train her, know how hard it is to control one own temper." She said and then looked at Faye. "With respect please, if she isn't taught now it'snly going to get worse." She asked.
Raina snarled now, Faith was being extremely unfair, picking out Faye to the whole class even though she had just managed to control the fire on her arm and do as Faith asked by going to train with Garos. She stepped forward, her black eyes furious, "Excuse me, 'mam." She spat her words, mocking Faith's exaggerated point of being the 'adult' and needing more respect because of the fact that she was the 'teacher' and apparently deserved it more than they did, "Just because she doesn't take your c**p doesn't mean you can be a bi**h about her. She just then controlled herself, she made her anger go away and stopped the flames before they hit anything besides her. She fu**ing did what you said and went to go train with Garos and the others. All she did wrong was tell the truth, just as you claim to be doing." Her fists were clenched as she carried on, "She's clearly willing to work and you can't tell her or me that she isn't worthy of her skills because the way I see it bi**h, you're not worthy of your own skills if you're going to judge every person you see depending on their race, their age or their first appearances." She scoffed, "I'm sure she won't give a damn about being kicked out of your class, there's plenty more teachers and trainers who can help her and not use their 'status' to justify their words." She rolled her eyes and walked to the door, "Oh and as for me, I wouldn't stay in this class even if I had to." She glared at her, her hand on the doorframe, "Faye wasn't planning to kill you by the way, she merely mentioned it after you physically threatened my life with your pretty little stake." She glared at her with a smirk on her face, "Oh, and you might want to go to your boss now and tell them that your life has just been threatened by a student, 'cause I'm so ready to splatter your blood against the wall now." She grinned, "Go ahead and tell the class how I can never become a 'controlled, peace-seeking, responsible warrior that this school is intended to train us all to be' 'Cause I knew that before your ugly a** showed up around here anyway." With that she sped off from their sight, slowing down as she reached the exit doors and kicking them open with a loud smash, a smirk on her face while she walked over to her motorbike and threw her helmet on. She wanted Faith to comment on her outrageous behavior to the class, it's what she lived for.
Faith turns to Flower, her voice barely controlled now. "She has been plotting with her sister to kill me, and from what I've seen she is entirely uncontrolled. She has made it clear she is unwilling to work with me. I will not twist anyone's arm to get respect or to make them train with me. You saw for yourself that she walked out. I've made myself clear. When she is willing to work to prove herself worthy of having the powers she has, and is able to conduct herself like the adult that she wants to be seen as, then she can return. I am not going to work with anyone who doesn't want to work, and I'm not going to work with people who can't take correction. And I will definitely not take bullshit like that from a fifteen year old girl who's multiple times been hostile to me and my family."

Turning back to the others, she raises an eyebrow. " You guys probably all think I'm a real hardass who doesn't know a thing about you or anything you could have been through, huh? Let me tell you a little bit about my life. I was born into a family that was abusive to the point I formed split personalities in my head, one who is now my daughter Liza. I was homeless by the time I was thirteen. I was called as a Slayer at fifteen, and I have killed and seen killed so many by now I have no way of estimating how many. I have lost every person in my life I have ever loved or cared for with the exception of my daughter, my husband, and my sister, and even my sister has died three different times. I have died and been resurrected. I have been a goddess and then stripped of my powers and my husband's kingdom. I have murdered in cold blood and spent years in prison, and I have gone on to save the world on more occasions than I could recall by now. I have trained hundreds of kids like you, most who went on to save the world themselves and to become the powerful, independent sort of warriors I hoped for them to be. And that is exactly what I want for all of you. If what you want for you differs from what I want for you, I'm not gonna force you to try to walk my way. You walk your own path, but I'm gonna warn you now, it's not gonna take you where you're hoping."
Chameleon - who had been blended in with the class - watched as Raina flipped out on Faith. His eyes widened slightly, "Woah Rai." She didn't hear him of course, but he watched as she stormed out, he got up from his chair and looked to Faith. He thought that they had both gone a bit too far. Almost everything Raina had said about Faith was true, but there was no need for that. He looked to Faith, "I'm sorry miss, but, excuse me." He ran out of the room then, chasing after Raina. He could see past her little facade. He knew she was like that for a reason.
Rosa was tired of waiting and deciding they would get to her whenever they got to her. She walked away using the vibrations and sounds in the room determine where to go. Swift nudged her leg every few steps describing different tools. Rosa finally stopped in front of the archery range. She didn't have a bow per say but she could make one quite quickly, plus this exercise was hardest for her. She had to listen to the slight wind to discover the general point she wanted to hit. With people they always gave off a slight vibration of some kind but things that were immobile were near impossible to shoot at. Taking a deep breath she formed an arrow of ice before her and aimed carefully. With a flick of her hand she sent the lithe weapons flying. She heard it shatter against the back wall. Swift told her she had been off by a half a foot too high. Sighing she tried again.
Flower looked at her and then got teary eyes. "Ok fine...I'll accept that...but let me let you in on something, I was on the streets at 6! My family, mother father older sister were murdered on my birthday! I was taken by vampires and beaten till I stopped breathing a few times, I have so many scars on my back I can't count them. I was on a battle field by accedent and murdered vampires at age 12 (You weren't here when I mentioned that lol that was early on in the role play. xD ) I also been through a lot...and my spit personality....well she has black hair and wears a seductive dress hoping to seduce a guy, she's walking in this castle right now...My kingdom doesn't respect me...they've tried to marry me off to the king of Vampires." She turned around almost in tears. "I'm only a puppet to them, just a show nothing more." She looked at Garos and then down. "At least you have a sister...a few family members still alive. I only got Garos...and even that....still doesn't take away my pain."
Faith's eyes soften slightly as she regards Flower, and she nods slightly, acknowledging what she's said as she steps toward her. Her voice is softer as she replies, and she is addressing the rest of the class along with Flower.

"I realize that everyone in this classroom, most likely, has had extreme pain in their lives. That is the nature of having these powers. I'm sure Faye and Raina have too...but what is very important right now, is to get past that pain, and to use it to further your strength in powers and mind. It took me years to learn. I'm sure it will all the rest of you too. But you have to be willing to do what's needed. You have to be willing to struggle past all of that. Flower, I'm impressed with what you have shown so far. You have a reputation in the school for a reason, clearly. Some of the rest of you are not as far along, and that's okay. But that does not mean you don't need to be working just as hard, in more than just your training. We have a huge responsibility, people with our powers. We can't just be as good as everyone else, we have to be better."
Heather almost fell on the floor laughing. "Oh my God people! Just shut up! Faith is just doing her job. I mean come on! Faye is being pretty immature. I understand shes your friend but you have to understand both sides before saying anything. Quit being immature, 3 year oles." She smiled at Faith. "I think your a great teacher."
Faye meanwhile, was innocently training in the other room where the others had been asked to go by Faith, she had gone ahead with Myra once Garos had shown them which room it was, (Hope you don't mind!) and Myra was waiting on one end of the mat as Faye picked up a sword, chucked one to Myra and grabbed one for herself. She had no idea what had just gone on in the other room, and looked to her sister, she wanted to prove Faith wrong. She wanted to learn to control her impossible power and herself. Myra bit her lip slightly, "Faye, are you alright?" Faye looked to her, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Myra shrugged, "Your flame just suddenly went out, like someone had chucked water on it, and what you said, about conflict and criticism." Faye waved it off, "I'm fine Myra, shall we spar?" Myra stared at her sister, " it about Mum and Dad?" Faye blinked at her, and suddenly rushed, Myra responded quickly and blocked the attack, "Maybe" Faye spoke as she spun around her sister and tried to get her from another angle, using the flat of the blade as to not hurt her. Myra spun quickly and just managed to block the attack, "Is it about those...'after years'?" Faye shrugged and swung at Myra's arm, blocked once more. "Maybe." "Is it about all of it?" Faye swung again, much quicker this time and hit Myra's legs with the flat of the blade, causing Myra to fall on her butt and drop the sword as Faye put the tip to her sister's neck, she looked at her without a response and then pulled her sword away, grabbed Myra's hand and helped her up. She grabbed Myra's sword and chucked it to her, re-taking her position, "Can you actually try this time?" Myra frowned at her, then they had a proper spar. Although you could Faye was the better of the two.

Raina was just about to rev off when Chameleon grabbed the bike by both handles, she glared up at him, "What the hell do you want Leo?" He frowned at her, "Raina, come back inside." Raina glared at him and pressed accelerate on the bike, causing it to jolt forward, still he held on, "No." "Raina, I know she was being unfair, but swearing at her and threatening her life isn't going to get you anywhere." Raina glared at him, and moved the bike forward again, he still didn't let go, "I know it won't. But it could get her dead, and that would make me a lot happier." He rolled his eyes, "Give it up Rai. Just because you grew up with death surrounding you doesn't mean you have to cause it just to feel normal." Her eyes widened but she hardened them and got rid of the surprised look just as quick as it had came, "Get the f**k of my bike Chameleon, before I run you over." His grip tightened, "See what I mean? There it is, right there! More death threats!" She hissed at him, "It won't be a threat soon." Silence fell around them before she spoke, "Gonna move Leo?" He shook his head determindly, "Fine." She pressed down hard on accelerate and the bike drove forward. Chameleon lifted his feet off the ground and flipped into the air, over Raina's head and onto the seat behind her. He grabbed the steering of the bike and turned it so it headed back to the school while he kicked her feet off the accelerate. She blinked for a moment then leapt off the bike, "Where do you keep getting all this fighting s**t from! And how come you never show anyone else!" He got off the bike and kicked the break so that the bike rested, he then grabbed the keys from it, "That's for me to know, and you to never find out." He smirked at her and she glared at him, "Now, if you want your bike back" He jangled the keys then hid them in his hand, "Then you'll come back to class." She glared at him, "Even if I wanted to go back to that class, which I don't, I'm not welcome in it anyway." He shrugged, "She never said anything about the training room next to it, that's where we're all going." She glared at him and in an instant was right infront of him with her iron grip around his fist which held the key, squeezing his bones as she spoke bitterly, "Or I could just crush your hand and take it." He looked at her with a smirk even though he was in immense pain right now. "How come every time we talk you end up trying to kill me or hurt me?" She shrugged, "Be grateful, you're the only person besides my sisters that I haven't actually killed or ignored." He frowned, "Sisters?" Raina stared at him, s**t, did she say sisters? "I meant sister." "No, you meant sisters." She let go off his throbbing hand and spoke steadily, "I meant sister." Before turning and walking off. He watched her go, noticing how she had her head held just that bit too high for it to be natural, and how her step faltered just in the slightest as she walked back into the school. He sighed and followed her after a while, heading back to Faith's classroom rather than the training room so he could apologize for just running out. He got back and looked to her, "I'm sorry Miss. I just had something to deal with." His left hand was red and he slowly unclenched it, not wincing as he noticed the keys in his hand had cut into his flesh slightly and caused some cuts.
Faith rolled her eyes slightly. "I haven't actually had much of a chance to teach anything yet, and my class has just been cut in half. But whatever. Like I said, I'm here to teach people who want to learn, and who are willing to do it the best way even if it's also the hard way. They can still do that if they make that choice. If not, then whatever."

--- Merged Double Post ---

Faith nods acknowledgement to Chameleon, even smirking slightly. "I take it she's off on a rampage swearing to slit my throat in my sleep, huh?" She sounds entirely unworried by it.
Flower nods and then looks at Faith. "Yes...mam..." She looked down and then rubs her eyes. "I think my reputation has just been killed by tears." She chuckled slightly but not to much. She sighed and then looked at everyone who was staring at her. She sighed and then leaned on the door. She tries to recover from her emotions being so high. She scratched her head. Now annoyed and nervous. She looked at the ground again and stared not wanting to meet anyones eyes. She grabbed her shoulder and then sighed again. "Ok I really need to get some training in."
Heather shrugged and smiled with a face that said: yeah, so, what's your point? Can we train now? She stood up and began stretching her long legs, showing off her flexibility.
Faith nods, then exhales, looking around at everyone who's left. "Those of you who haven't demonstrated anything yet, and that's Chameleon and Heather from the looks of it, go to the training room. Alex, Sheena, I already know what you can do, you go too."
Chameleon frowned lightly and lifted his hand, he turned it over, he then shifted it into a gorilla hand and back to human hand, the snapping and replacing of some bones occurring rather loudly, he rubbed his normal, unbroken, uncut hand now and looked to Faith, "Uh, she's actually in the training room, I think." He slipped her keys into his pocket, "I spoke to her and said she can't have her keys back unless she stays at school and does something productive like training." When she spoke of 'demonstrating' he frowned slightly, he really didn't want to do this part of the school. He was hoping to somehow get out of it, but this teacher seemed too strict for him to try to sneak away.
Faith nods. "Okay. Chameleon, right? What is your power?"

--- Merged Double Post ---

In the training room, Sheena waits until Faye seems a little calmer; she is sparring with Alex for a while before she makes her way over to Myra and Faye, carefully avoiding looking at or going near Raina. She takes in a slow breath before speaking hesitantly.

"Faye? Look...Faith isn't as bad as you're thinking, seriously. I mean, she really does just want everyone to succeed and stuff...she does care. She used to be really pissed at me all the time too. And I did way worse things to her than you did, and she loves me like more than anyone else hardly, now. I mean...I...well, I sort of...killed her mother. And...I sorta stripped her powers...and...well...pretty much ruined her life...and she still ended up forgiving me, you know?"
Chameleon rubs the back of his neck lightly, maybe he could just lay it on lightly, leave few bit outs. He then looked at her, you could see he was reluctant to speak, he sighed lightly and spoke anyway, "I'm a shape-shifter." He looked down at the ground and his bones shifted until he was no longer standing there and instead was a black wolf with bright blue eyes, he then sat down and the wolf shifted into a white tiger with the same blue eyes and then finally an eagle before he shifted back to himself and looked at her, his appearance seeming no different. As if he hadn't just shifted multiple times. "I can shift into anything really...although I've never tried to be an inanimate object and don't really want to."

Faye and Myra were still sparring in the training room, you could see Faye was really giving it her all and trying her best. Raina walked in and watched them for a moment, she then picked up a shotgun and walked over to the gun section, beginning to shoot bullets at the wall to vent out her frustration and of course 'train'. Her bullets were leaving marks in the center of on the edge of the center. Though she clenched the gun and gritted her teeth whenever she missed the exact middle of the target. She could hear her Father screaming at her to do better, feel his fists across her face and body as he threatened her to do better. To hit the center of the target.
Faith gives him a brief smile and nod. "Okay, thank you. You can go train too now. Is there any real reason you don't want to be an inanimate object?"

(see Sheena approaching above, and now i gots class lol)

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