Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Chameleon smiled as Rosa responded then as Bella spoke to Rosa he switched his attention to her, noticing the slit in her dress that showed off her leg, once again the conflicted feeling came back to him. He seemed drawn to Bella, but his thoughts kept snapping back to Rosa. Then as Rosa's pet Swift yelped he looked down to her and frowned, was she alright? "Hey Swift you ok?" Just after he spoke Rosa moved her chair back sharply and spoke bitterly. He frowned at the two girls, shifting his eyes between them silently. Was it Bella who hurt Swift? He frowned now, focusing on his 'Chameleon' power as he slowly made him invisible to Bella and Swift - who he saw as Rosa's eyes - wondering if they would speak any differently to each other when he 'wasn't there'
Bella looked around and then sighed. "You know what....I've had enough..." she said storming out. She wen toner room and started packing. She didn't get the guys she wanted, flower won when it came to garos. She's had enough of trying to keep leon's attention. She grabbed a knife and then though about killing rosia but flower would put a stop to it since their feelings were connected. She sighed deeply.
Raina grinned at Liza and also took a fighting stance, her own eyes became serious, but there was a slight glint in them of playfulness. She ran at Liza, making it look as if she was going to hit her head on. Until she flipped over her head at the last second, hit the floor and spun around, hitting Liza in the back with the staff, with enough force to make her fly foward, but not enough to seriously hurt her. She then, without any time to waste, pulled back from Liza, placed her foot behind her and held the staff in a defence position, her eyes locked on the kid. Her accuracy was 94.7. Always that bit too low for her Dad, always that bit too low for her to avoid his cruel fists. She was trained through pain.

Faye noticed something in Nick's eyes and grinned, she walked over to him and leant up, her hand going to the back of his neck as she pressed her lips to his, after a few minutes she pulled her lips back, teasing him. She grinned at him,
"How much trouble do you reckon I'll get in?"

Myra rolled her eyes at Faye and Nick, she nodded at the mention of water ground.
"Okay, one second." She closes her crimson eyes and looks down at the ground, her white hair hiding her face as her fists clench. Instantly in her head she sees the underground map of water. Finding the water source James spoke of, she clenches her fists tighter, her knuckles turning white. The ground shakes slightly before you hear a burst of water, she opens her eyes to see the burst of water in the air, she waves her hand and it spreads itself over the forest. She then looks to the sky and nods her head downwards, causing it to start raining. After a few minutes, the fire has been put out, but the forest is now demolished. Dead, gone. Myra sighs and finds herself leaning against James lightly, "Now that's done. Who should we tell about this?" She motions to the black, dead forest.
Liza took the hits well enough, even grinning, seeming to view it as play. As she gets back to her feet, she launches herself at Raina, making as if she is going to simply throw the staff at her, but then tucks and rolls with surprising skill, swinging the staff as she goes down to sharply connect with Raina's kneecaps to overbalance her. As she comes up she pulls the staff up as well, running around to Raina's other side and jabbing towards her side before pulling back, having feinted again, and delivering a strong swing towards her face.
Nick smirks a bit and then puts his arms around her. "Well I don't know, with forests sometimes it takes alittle fire to bring new life." he smirks and then kisses her forehead. He looked at Myra. "Well no one at the moment." he put his head on faye's shoulder. He smirks a bit. --------------------------------------James smiled at myra and then put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm not sure."
"Oooh I see I'm the mean one," Rosa responded. Sarcasm rolled off of her tongue and her every word was backed up by anger. The girl stood up and exited the room saying something about being done. "B*tch," she huffed under her breath. Rosa sat back down and snapped her fingers, Swift hopped into her lap purring softly. Oddly enough she could feel Leo's presence anymore, it was as if he had left. Great now she had scared him off with her anger, she laid her head down on her desk taking a few deep breaths trying to calm down.
Raina watched with narrowed eyes as Liza runs at her, half expecting a trick. But not expecting the blow to the knees. She drops down once she is hit and immediently jumps up and dodges to the side as the staff jabs at her side. She sees the hit to the face coming and brings up her own staff to block it, she fights against her for a moment before she drops down underneath the staff and slams her foot into Liza's ankle, planning to knock her off balance. Her knees sting from Liza's hit but she has put up the wall now, not really feeling the pain as she slids through Liza's legs and does a back flip to get herself back on her feet. Standing behind Liza she sends a harsh blow to the back of her head.

(Hey Faith, can Faith see the burnt forest or something and come find the kids? Tell them off or something? 'Cause right now they're just standing around xD )

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Oooh! Don't make Dark Flower leave! Can't she go all psycho on Rosa? Or like try a different approach with Chameleon?)

Chameleon frowned as he watched all of this happen, he then watched Rosa, still invisible as she tried to calm herself. He reappeared, although the rest of the class didn't seem to be able to see him just yet, then again, they didn't really care anyway. "What was that all about?" He spoke suddenly, but softly, confusion in his tone. "Did she hurt Swift or something?" He looks at Swift, concern in his eyes.
Liza jerks her head away so the blow barely glances off of her, then twists her body into a leap that spirals out of the way, her staff drawn in close against her. As she lands she comes up immediately and then stabs it into the ground, using it as an aid to jump forward and kick Raina in the solar plexus. Landing, she grabs her staff out of the ground and knocks her in the ribs, then holds it so it is aimed at her throat.

Faith is not yet able to find Faye, and there is only twenty minutes left before she's supposed to teach her next class. She decides to let it go for now and instead check on her, Liza, and Sheena's horses in the stables, but as she heads outside she immediately smells a thick cloud of smoke. Coughing slightly, she heads towards it, realizing quickly that it's coming from the forest....a forest that at the moment is rather, well, burnt, nearly gone. Beginning to run, she is already yelling as soon as she sees Faye standing with Nick, Myra, and James, even before she's quite within hearing range. It is obvious what happened.

"What the F*CK, are you f*cking SERIOUS here?! You just burned down an ENTIRE FOREST!!!????"
Nick looked at her and then tightened his arms around Faye. He looked at the others and then back at Faye trying to keep her calm. "Please it was my fault." he said looking at her and then back at Faye.
Raina watches Liza as she spirals, as the girl flys towards her she frowns, this seems familiar. She then cuts off from her and Liza's fight as she is dragged back into a memory. Her father sparring with her, insulting her with every fighting choice she makes, he then runs at her and strikes a blow to an area located in her abdomen that he called her 'solar plexus' She then snaps back, but by the time the memory has passed, Liza has already landed the blow to her solar plexus. Raina, still lost in her memory, keels over and drops the staff but immediently does a roll and the hit to her ribs sweeps straight over her head. She sticks her feet out from the roll, aiming for Liza's tummy before she pushes herself up into the air using both hands and soars right over the child, she lands behind her, spins around and using vampire speed runs at Liza and tackles her to floor, pinning her to the ground as her fangs go to the kids neck. She blinks, as if she realizes she is about to bite the kid and pushes herself off of Liza, she looks at her with a weak, distracted grin, "Sorry 'bout that Liza." She apologizes for the almost biting before speaking once more, "But I think you win that one since you made me drop my staff and all" She gives her a stronger grin, acting as if her whole memory thing didn't happen, she holds out her hand, "Nice battle. Who taught you to fight?"

Faye looks at Nick and smiles, she then gently moves his arm off of her and steps forward to Faith. "He's lying. I think we all know that you know it was my fault." She tilted her head up, looking Faith in the eyes, "I'm sorry" She takes a breath, "And I'll take whatever punishment you have for me." She needed to keep her cool and own up. If she wanted Faith to help her with her fire problem, she needed to start acting like she wanted help first.

Myra watched her sister with a smile, she was actually owning up? She was proud of her. Now she looked at Faith, hoping the teacher wouldn't freak out too bad, she looked pretty angry.
Nick smiled and crossed his arms looking at Faye. He chuckled a bit and then slowly rubbed his chin as he thought about a little less angry Faye. He smiled and then looked at James. He chuckled and then walked over patting James on the back. "You know...I just thought of something...If you marry Myra and I marry faye....We'll be brother inlaws."

James eyes widen and then takes a few steps back. "Oh crap." He put a hand on his head and then looked at the three girls. Nick was laughing.
Instead of answering his question Rosa asked her own. "What are her powers?" she said coolly. Her patience left her the moment Swift or Leader was put in harm's way. Rosa really didn't care if she had pissed the girl off or that she might have hurt her, if you can't take what you dish out than your a coward. She didn't associate with cowards, they were pathetic and far below her.
Liza's body tenses beneath Raina's as Raina prepares to bite her, and she prepares to use whatever force necessary to push her off before Raina backs away herself. She still scowls at her, scolding.

"That was mean, Raina, you shouldn't oughtta try to eat me when we're just playing."

But when Raina apologizes and offers her hand Liza gets up, mollified, and even smiles when Raina tells her she won. "I just kinda learned is all. Well my mama and daddy taught me some stuff and Mr. Stick and Tsai but I just learned too."

Faith studies her, her eyebrows still slanted, arms crossed. She had not expected an apology or for Faye to take responsibility, and for the first time she thinks that perhaps she does have potential. She continues to regard her for a few moments, then exhales, though her voice is calmer it is not exactly warm.

"Tell me how this happened."
Raina nods stiffly, almost in a robotic way as her voice becomes a monotone and her eyes cloud over, "Sorry. It's just instinct." She shrugs, not explaining her 'instinct' any further. She shakes herself mentally, her eyes going back to normal as she grins lightly at Liza, "Well, I gotta get going kid, thanks for the spar, you're good." She then speeds off to who knows where. But just before she goes, a faint emotion passes through her eyes, grieve.

Chameleon frowns, looking at Rosa. "Her powers?" He repeats the question, still frowning as he looks away, he didn't really know, she said she was Flower's sister. He looked at Rosa once more, she didn't answer so he took it as a yes, "I don't really know." He spoke honestly, "She said she's Flower's sister, and Flower's a key-holder, so I really don't know." Just then the bell rang and the Teacher concluded the lesson, students bustling out of the room, he stood up and offered a hand to Rosa to help her up. He frowned still, why would Bella hurt Swift?

Faye bit her lip lightly, then stopped, it was a silly habit anyway. She took a breath and explained quickly, "Well, me and Nick were having a race through the woods and then once we were finished I looked back and noticed the forest was uh, on fire. I don't know how..." She waited for Faith to explode, shout, swear, call her irresponsible or something like that. It was what her Mum and 'Dad' always did, and Myra too.
As Raina takes off, Liza watches her go with a frown, concerned. She isn't sure why this would be, but she has a feeling that Raina is sad. As she walks off looking for someone else to "play" with, she is thinking earnestly about what she can do for Raina to make her feel better for losing.

Faith counts to ten silently before she replies, her voice still very measured and calm despite the look on her face. "I guess you would say strong emotion, even positive ones, trigger your flame reaction? It's very obvious that you need training to help control both emotion and your power."
Nick chuckles listening. "..." He thought silently to himself and then looked up at the sky. Strong emotion yes, that was correct it seemed. He looked at Faye with a smile as he thought to himself, not wanting to upset either girls. He leaned against a tree, before someone walked up. Seeker Jame's brother. Nick glared at the boy who couldn't seem to keep his eye off of any girl.

Seeker was checking out Faith before he looked at James and Myra. He held himself not wanting James to punch him again. "James dear brother....I was wondering if we could catch up and maybe take your girlfriend out while we talk?" He chuckles.

James glares at Seeker with much anger. "The only thing you will be catching up on is the bus out of beat it!" He said with anger as he looked at how Seeker was looking at the three girls. He clenched his fists, nick at least had some restraint....even more now because he had Faye. Seeker was soooo much worse.

Seeker laughed and looked at James. "Aw but if I leave how will Zelda find us?" He smiled, Zelda was their sister who James had always had a string bond with.

James seemed to calm at the name. "Zelda huh? Hm..." He crossed his arms. "Fine when she comes....I'm so kicking you out."
(Aw, no checking out Faye? xD Oh, and Zelda....just reminds me of Zelda - as in Link xD )

Faye nods, actually listening to every word Faith is saying. I can do this. I need to do this. She then speaks once Faith is done talking, her cheeks heating up a little bit from embarrassment, "Um, would you still be willing to, uh, train me?" She finally gets the request out and manages to meet Faith's eyes, wondering once again how she will react. She is so focused on hers and Faith's conversation, she doesn't notice Seeker's appearance or James conversation with him.

Myra takes an unconscious step closer to James as his trouble-making brother showed up, emotions she did not like appeared as he did. Fear, confusion and subtle anger. At the mention of a sister, Zelda, she smiled lightly at James, "You have a sister?" She looked up at him, it had only ever been her and Faye, she had no other sisters...or brothers. She just wondered what James's sister would be like.

Raina is on her way out, heading to her motorbike and sitting upon it before she looks over and notices the dead forest, she smirks now, her eyes lighting up with mischief. Her hand reaches to the gun in her boot, her fingers lingering on it for a moment before she retracts her hand, leaving the gun in his hiding place, "Maybe I can skip blood feasting for one night. I'm sure this sh**ty little school has some source of blood around somewhere." She gets off of her bike and speeds through the forest, she silently and stealthily clambers into a tree near the little group, sitting upon a branch with her knees up as she watches them with a glint in her eyes. Her tight black tube top showing off her cleavage nicely and her tight leather pants and black killer high heels complementing her long legs. You could tell she was dressed to seduce a human, the best way to get easy blood.
(Were do you think I got the name? xD )

James nodded. "Yes my Older sister, I'm the youngest in the family...anyways she's muct less annoying then Seeker who can't seem to control himself." He glared at Seeker.

Seeker looked at Faye and smirked. "I could train you..." He said with a chuckle as he got close to Faye. (You asked for it....) He grabbed her chin smirking. Nick of course hissed loudly.

Nick fists clenched. "Get away from her." He hissed again showing his fangs which were not very sharp considering he doesn't drink blood. He held himself though giving Seeker a chance to run before he beats the crap out of him.
At Seeker's approach, Faith looks up, irritated, and turns a fully fierce expression his way. "Was having a conversation. You weren't invited, last I check."

Turning back to Faye, she eyes her for several moments before slowly nodding. "Understand this, Faye. If I am training will be agreeing that you're gonna defer to what I have to say. You don't have to agree. You don't even have to understand. But you have to put trust in me that I do know what I'm doing. If you have concerns, you can discuss them, but if you disobey me without a damn good reason, then I'll assume you no longer want training. But I really hope that's not the case...because I think you see that the longer you go without having control, the more dangerous it is to every single person around you."

She can sense Raina nearby and frowns, tensing, but says nothing and deliberately does not look for her. No doubt the girl will show herself if she wants.
Rosa shook her head, "It doesn't matter, I know she did it anyways. Swift told me something cold and harsh hit her, I could feel it because at that moment we were linked. When that Bella girl came close to me I got the same feeling. She hit Swift for no reason and I don't care if she is pissed," she huffed taking his hand to steady herself. When she was this angry she never thought straight which tended to translate into how balanced she was. She clenched her hands than realized she was holding Leo's. "Oh sorry," she said quickly releasing the pressure.
He listened to her speak silently, his frown slowly going as he nodded when she apologized and let go off his hand he looked down, "Oh, it's fine, don't worry." To be honest, he hadn't really felt it, that tended to happen though when he got lost in his thoughts, he became numb to the world. He frowned, "Maybe I should go talk to her...." He trailed off, thinking to himself, did he really know Bella? She could be anyone, anything. He sighed, a sound of confusion and upset. Looking back to Rosa for her answer.

Faye glares at Seeker as he grabs her chin, a fire sparking in her eyes, she shoves him back, enough to send him a distance from her, but not enough to harm anything he may hit, like a tree. "Don't touch me." She speaks calmly but there is a threat behind her words and a slightly malicious tone within it. She turns back to look at Faith and the fire in her eyes is still there as the orange colour itself flickers like it is moving, but it slowly stills while she listens to her speak. Finally, Faye nods and you can hear Myra sigh in relief very subtly, "Ok." She smiles slightly, "Thank you."

Raina rolls her eyes as Faye thanks the damn vampire hunter. Why is she THANKING her? That bi**h upset Faye so much earlier! She had seen it in Faye's eyes earlier that day that she was distressed by Faith's 'lecture', and now she was thanking her?!?!? She growled lightly and dropped down from the branch of the tree, not even wincing as her feet hit the floor, obviously she was used to falling from high heights. She doesn't make a move to run over and interject their conversation, but she leans against the tree bark instead, her eyes scanning each and every one of them there. They finally rest on Seeker and she raises an eyebrow lightly, he was the one who pi**ed off Faye. Her eyes then narrow and the eyebrow goes down as she keeps her piercing gaze on him, the wind blowing her hair over her exposed chest slightly. She doesn't move. If that boy touches Faye again, she'll kill him.
Nick moves and then grabs seeker. "She was being kind...but I won't if you touch her again." he said hissing and then let's go of Seeker. "James put him on a leash or something." James nodded and then grabbed seeker and then walked away dragging seeker with him. Nick looked at Faye. He wanted to protect he but he held himself as she talked to faith. He stood there with a frown on his face. Seeker of course stopped James when he saw Raina. James was blown smoke ou of his mouth. Seeker smirked at Raina.
Raina watched as James - Myra's little obedient boyfriend, urgh - dragged the boy off. She watched them go, a glint in her black eyes as she smirked lightly. Seems like her and this 'Seeker' boy have something in common, practically everyone hates them. At least Raina had Faye and Liza, and possibly Chameleon, although she wasn't too sure on that one...wait, why did she care? She didn't. She shrugged, giving a last glance to the others before chasing down the two boys and maybe showing Seeker what happens when he messes with Faye, she smirks at Myra who catches her eye. Myra eyes widen as she realizes what Raina intends and shakes her head, Raina smirks even more and turns around, speeding off so fast that it makes a 'woosh' noise.

Myra rolls her eyes at the stupid vampire, was she seriously going to get involved with Seeker? Really? She looks to

Nick, "Uh, I'll be right back, look after Faye, okay?" You could see the annoyance on Faye's face as Myra asked Nick to look after her, what was she, a baby? But she wasn't too bothered, she was used to Myra not trusting her. Myra then speeds off, chasing Raina. She catches up to her just as Raina reaches the two boys and shoves her against the wall, hard. It is loud enough to draw James and Seeker's attention, but Myra doesn't even spare them a glance as she glares at Raina. Raina hisses at her, "What the hell?" Raina glances to Seeker then back to Myra, "I was just going to show him what happens when he irritates Faye!" Myra rolls her eyes at Raina, "Faye doesn't need you to fight her battles for her." Raina glares at her and steps closer, her heels making her slightly taller. "If I don't who will?" Myra glared at her, hearing the second meaning behind that, was she implying Myra didn't help her sister? "She can look after herself, she doesn't need some fake, stupid leech to." Raina snarled and slammed Myra against the wall, gripping her throat and pinning her up against the wall, holding her so her feet weren't on the floor. Her grip tightened and she glared at Myra with unforgiving cold eyes, Raina had no issue with killing. Myra's eyes widened and her face paled, but she glared at Raina and slammed her hands against the wall behind her. The sprinkler above Raina shook then burst completely, ALL the water hitting her like a tsunami as a loud crash of thunder ran around the building. Raina growled and let go off Myra, stepping back and flicking her wet hands, Myra landed and then vanished from sight. "Don't ever do that again." Raina heard a furious voice in her ear before Myra re-appeared behind her and slammed her into the wall with her foot. She hit the wall, spun around and was about to run at her when Myra lifted the water from the floor and made it into a force field shape, moving it around like a stormy wave so that Raina couldn't get through it. She instead growled and turned her gaze to Seeker and James, she smirked and looked directly at Seeker, "Seeya later Seeker." She then vanished from her spot as she sped back to her room with vampire speed. Myra dropped the water and looked over at James, "Uh, hey." She smiled lightly then her gaze flickered to Seeker briefly before looking away with a hint of fear, her gaze back on James as she fell silent. They had just watched her kinda fight.
James let go of seeker and then ran to Myra. He looked over her worried. He looked at her with worried eyes. He checked her neck. His breath became much hotter with a bit of smoke in his breath now. He looked at her and then in his eyes he said he was worried about Raina. When he turned around Seeker was gone. He knew why, seeker went to check more into Raina. He got even more angry.

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