Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Bella saw Leo and smirked as she approached him. "Leon." she said seductively and then put a hand on his shoulder. She was wearing a new outfit, a shorts and a black shirt with one sleeve that really showed her off. She smirked at him. "I just came to say goodbye." she said looking at him.
Chameleon was tuned out until he heard his name being spoken seductively and he glanced down a little bit to see Bella, he frowned lightly, he felt his body being pulled towards her, and half of him wanted her, but the other half was confused about Rosa, worried about her. "Hey Bella." He spoke distractedly, also thinking of his secretive past, he needed to clear his head and he was sure Bella wasn't good for that. "Saying goodbye?" He frowned even more, "Why? Where you goin'?"

Faye felt the kiss intensify and she moved her hands up, her hands gripping his hair lightly as she pushed herself up against him further, the rain around them now falling harder and soaking them, still she didn't notice, too caught up in Nick and their kiss.

(Hey Faith, if you hold on a sec, I'm gonna send Chameleon to where Sheena is, if ya' want?)
Nick kept the kiss going, he was soaked as well, but was to busy enjoying Faye. He leaned down at bit for her and then pulled back to catch his breath. He looked at her and then noticed they were all wet. He chuckled and then smiled at her. "Maybe we should finish this inside." He said looking at her. He slightly rubbed her back as he smiled.
Bella had her hand on his shoulder still. She slid her hand up and down his arm. "Well I don't really know, I'm very welcomed here at the moment." she sighed getting closer to him. She looked in his eyes seeing some of want. She looked at him with a cute smile.
(I think I have a few characters free. Ugh I haven't been role playing Flower for a Or Trinity and Ginger. Peter but Sheena would murder him. Oh Deathwish is free as well.)
Faye also took a deep gulp of breath when Nick pulled away, then grinned at him and looked up at the rain, "Yeah, we probably should." She glanced back to him, her lips flushed from kissing him. She grabbed his hand and began to race back towards the school, giving him a glance every now and then, a beaming smile on her face.

Chameleon was aware of her getting closer and he felt himself get pulled towards her, he leaned in closer and closer, until their lips were only inches apart. Rosa. His eyes widened and he moved back, "I'm sorry, I just...I need time to think." He sped off before she could respond, flying to the lake in bird form and hopping down next to it before transforming into himself and dangling his legs in the cool water, closing his eyes.

Raina stood at the doorway where Chameleon had sped out, wearing black short shorts and a beautiful top that had two big circle cuts in the side and showed off her cleavage, she strode into the room, her long black high heeled boots clacking against the floor harshly, she rose an eyebrow at 'Bella' and hissed her words, "I know your game, infact I play it too. But leave Leo out of it." A dagger flew past Bella's head, barely skimming her skull before it struck the wall behind her, dug in nicely, Raina smirked at her coldly, "That one was a miss. The next one won't be."

(Thought I'd throw some more Drama in for 'Bella'
xD Oh, Raina's outfit here:

(send them to whoever lol)

Sheena continues to pace, arms crossed, head lowered. Faith is in one of the training rooms, practicing spear throwing, available for any student who might come by. Liza, meanwhile, has finished classes and is roaming outside the castle hoping to find someone to "play" with.
Flower looked at 'Bella' and then Raina. "Wait don't hurt her!" She grabbed Raina's arm. "You hurt her you hurt me." She said panting. She looked at Bella. "I thought youy were leaving." She said glaring. She looked at Raina. "What do you know of her?" She asked.

Nick smiled and followed her opening the door when they got to the school. He was smiling at her and then chuckled. "Well that was....wet." He laughed shaking his head like a dog and then pushing his hair out of his face. He looked at Faye once again.
Bella saw flower and grabbed her head and looked at the blood. "Oh look flower is bleeding as well." she laughs and the waves at flower. "Come to see me off?" she smirked at flower and then leaned against the wall.
Rosa slowed her pace when she turned the corner. She had made a fool of herself in front of him, but her thoughts were interrupted by Swift's. 'Your overreacting although I think you don't need him anyway. You have Leader and me plus that Bella girl seems like trouble' the voice came through her head prodding her quietly until her breathing slowed.

Rosa stopped and tried think about where she was, she hadn't been thinking and now her striding was off. She had lost count of her steps and now she was unsure of where she was. After a moment she realized she had just continuously made left turns. Swift sighed and hopped out of her arms, the cat plodded off and returned within a few moments, 'Your right back where you started but now that Bella girl is here,' she hissed in her mind. Once again anger swelled through her mind but Rosa tried to quell but now something was off. Swift could smell some blood and there was tension in they air. Rosa took a few steps then turned the corner to figure out what was going on.
Name: Zelda

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Species: DHH

Powers: Fire and then power to call other dragons.

Weapons: a staff

Vehicle: My wings

Pets: Nope

Family: James is my younest brother and Seeker, along with my parents

Husband/wife: no

Girlfriend/boyfriend: Nope

Crush: not yet

Click this bar to view the full image.

Raina glared at Flower as she appeared, "You think I care?" She laughed bitterly, "I don't care what happens to you Flower, she pisses me off, then you'll both pay for it won't you?" She noticed the blood and her black eyes almost seemed to grow blacker - if that was possible. She hadn't drunk for a while. She glanced to Flower, hunger in her eyes, "Keep her away from Chameleon, and we'll be fine...maybe." She then grinned at Flower's later question, how much did she know of 'Bella'? She knew a lot. Snooping around and sometimes breaking into the CCTV room helped. She shrugs, an unbreakable smirk on her face, "Why? You worried the world will find out about your evil clone Flower?"

Faye grinned at him, "Maybe this will warm you up." She leant up again and continued their kiss, instantly a warmth spread throughout her and she knew Nick probably felt it too. As they kissed her hair started drying and so did her skin and clothes. Advantages of having fire power. But not only did she dry, she could feel Nick's hair drying underneath her fingertips as she ran her hands through his hair, knowing his skin and clothes were probably drying too, but she was able to actually control it so it didn't hurt him, the ring must be helping.

Chameleon heard footsteps behind him and glanced back to see that girl Sheena pacing back and forth, where had he seen her before? Oh yeah, when he first got here and at Faye's party. He noticed her pacing and sighed, "Hey you alright?" He called over, nodding his head in the direction of the cool, soothing water, "Wanna sit? You'll get tired pacing like that."
Her head jerking up, Sheena narrows her eyes at him, vaguely recognizing Chameleon but not remembering his name. Letting out a sigh, she approaches him slowly, taking off her shoes and throwing them aside before wading into the water, letting it wash over her ankles gently. She is silent for a time, hugging her elbows to her sides.

"I'm not tired."

(street kids posts, jo, fire :P )
Flower eyes widen and then she backs up. "I'll make sure she stays away...don't worry." She pulled out some of her blood. "I'll save you the trouble of bitting my neck." She said held the small vile on a chain. "You want it?" She asked and then looked at Bella. She looked away in anger.

Seeker was watching and he looked over Raina with a smirk. He looked at Flower and then walked over. "Flower my girl." He patted her head and Flower growled. He backed off a bit. "Ok, Ok sorry." He went behind her and then looked at Raina. "Hey you never told me your name." He said winking at Raina.

Flower rolled her eyes. "You know Seeker you haven't changed and if you even try sliding your hand down my back I'll cut your hand off. In fact get your hand off my back..." Seeker pulled his hand away.

Nick kissed back and started feeling himself dry off. He pulled back just enough to talk. "Oh yay that did warm me up." He chuckles and then pulled her closer kissing her again. He put his arms around her tightly.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Waiting on Grin! lol)
Chameleon shrugs, looking up at the pitch black sky, "Me either." He looks back down at the water, seeing the moon's reflection shimmering in it. A silence falls between them, but he finds it to be a rather comfortable one, not an awkward one. Finally after a while he speaks first, glancing to her, "You got something on your mind?" He looks back at the water, "Pacing is a sign of stress you know."

Raina smirked, "Good." She then looked at the vile and rose an eyebrow, "No thanks, who knows what you could have done to that." Raina was trained by her dad not to drink bottled or offered blood, the only blood to drink was the one you got fresh from someone's neck. When Seeker appeared, and asked for her name she smirked lightly, "Oh no, guess I didn't." She looked him up and down, before smirking at him and turning around, walking out of the room casually.

Faye smiled underneath the kiss but then pulled away when she heard an amused voice, "Is this what you spend your night time doing? Sucking face?" Faye turned with a blush on her cheeks to see Raina leaning on the wall, grinning at them, "It's none of your beeswax if we do." Faye stuck her chin up a little bit and Raina laughed, "Sure, whatever, just leave some lips for tomorrow." She smirked at them both before vanishing from sight again, Faye turned back to look up at Nick, "Sorry about that." She was blushing lightly.
Nick looks at Raina and then chuckles. He looks at Faye. "That's alright." He said and then put him hand on her head and rubbed it messing up her hair. He still had an arm around her so she couldn't get away from him. He laughed and then continued loving messing with her.
Sheena kicks her feet in the water slightly, stirring up faint ripples, but she is doing so without hardly noticing her actions. Still she itches to be moving, anything to take her mind off her thoughts. She stuffs her hands in her pockets, the faint night breeze stirring her hair as she looks over at Chameleon.

"Maybe it's my natural state."
Chameleon shrugs, chuckling a little bit, "Guess I can't argue with that." He looks around, finding his mind almost being refreshed by the cool breeze of midnight air and the gentle ripples through the clear, cool water. "Either way, this is a good place to forget all those demons and just relax..." He found himself forgetting the demons of his life, his past, he wasn't getting rid of them, just locking them up for a brief time so he could just breathe.

Faye let out a squeal and squirmed away from him, "Stop it!" Even as she spoke she was giggling and laughing like mad, her demand obviously not sincere. She quickly reached out, tickled him and then ducked away from his grasp, she looked at him with a glint in her eye, a grin on her face, "You're so gonna get it now!" She speeds around behind him and leaps on his back, wrapping her legs around his waist as she begins to mess up HIS hair. Still laughing as she clings to him and messes up his hair like mad.
Sheena continues to kick her foot moodily in the water, the movements growing broader and more powerful gradually, and when she finally looks up at Chameleon, her eyes are bright with feeling. "What if you are your own demon? How do you forget yourself?"
Nick looked at her and then grabbed her by the shirt. "Hey!" He pulled on her trying to get her off. He laughs trying to smack her hands away with a free hand. He looks at her and then stuggled trying to pull her off.
Faye giggled and ducked under his arm, swinging her whole body around so that they were face to face and her legs were still wrapped around his waist, both of her arms resting on his upper back as she fell silent and looked at him, a blush crept onto her cheeks and she dropped her legs from around his waist, her eyes dropping to the floor as the blush increased.

Chameleon looked at her, seeing the deep emotion in her eyes, and a slow frown forms on his face, "Your own demon?" He then looks at the water, his voice is laced with emotions he never showed anyone, EVER. "By that, I assume you mean you've done stuff...stuff that you consider demonic." He looked up to her, "Have you?" The way he asks her, it is as if he isn't going to judge, it's like he's been there, by the tone of his voice, the deepened colour his eyes have changed.
Nick looks at her as she swing around and then chuckles when she drops off of him with a blush. He looks at her and then messes a bit with his hair trying to get it a certain way. "Ah and I was just starting to have fun." he says jokingly. He looks at her with a smile. He chuckles at her and then pats her head. (Nick almost incapable of blushing)
Sheena stops kicking the water, staring down at its slightly rough surface, nails digging into the skin of her arms. When she looks up at Chameleon her eyes are dark, pained, and her voice shakes slightly.

"I almost killed my boyfriend just because he got in my way. He's gonna be scarred the rest of his life. And I don't care what anyone says, that's not okay."
Chameleon keeps his gaze on her as she looks at the water, and when she looks back up, he sees the darkness in her, sees it almost consuming her with guilt. He nods, looking away to the grass, "You're right...that's not ok." He looks back up, "But you know the key word in that sentence?" He pauses, "Almost." He looks at the water now, "Even if he is scarred for the rest of his life, at least he still has that life." He shrugs, still staring intensely at the water, "I've killed lots of people before, innocent people. Women, children. People that did nothing wrong, at all. But I'm still here, dealing with myself, my own monster" He looks up at her, "Your boyfriend is still alive. Make the most of it." He looks back away, "The only solution seems to be that he either needs to understand not to get in your way, or you need to learn to control yourself enough to not hurt him." He looks back to her, "Sorry if that doesn't help much." Without another word, Chameleon gets up from the pond, and is gone before she can utter a word, having switched into a cheetah and sped away, changing back at the school doors and heading back to his room. He had never talked about his past before.

Faye grins at him then rolls her eyes when he speaks about only just started to have fun, she glances at the window behind him, "Yeah well, looks like the sun is starting to show, so." She placed her finger on the center of his chest, grinning, her voice seductive, "You." She traced her finger slowly downwards, her eyes mixing with his, "Have to get ready for class." She leant up and kissed his cheek quickly before speeding off to her room, payback for messing up her hair.

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