Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Sheena smirks slightly, shaking her head at Nick. "Try a life time. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if I never saw that bit-" she glances at Liza and modifies her words. "That big mean girl again."

"She wasn't being nice," Liza repeats, then tugs at Sheena's hand. "I wanna go talk to her. I can make her feel better."

"No," Sheena shakes her head quickly. "No, no, Liza, we have...stuff to do...and places to go...and..."

"Like where?" Liza asks, blinking, and Sheena is stumped.


Faith looks at Faye, noticing her seeming embarrassment at her words, but she doesn't seem to think they are funny at all.

"Singing and stars...are you good at visualizing in your head? If you concentrated on picturing stars...and with the singing...if you thought of songs in your head, are you good at hearing them like they're playing inside your head?"
(Flower is going to be soooo ticked off at Raina.)

Flower was busy reading when a guard appeared whispering into her ear about something. A human had set off an alarm. Flower got up and opened a portal. She glared and then stepped through in front of Raina and the human girl. "Raina..." She said and then looked at the human. She opened another portal and pushed to human inside closing it up again. "One of my and I know that it is illegal to kill or hunt a human right?" She asked looking at Raina. She did not have her sword with her. In fact she only had a knife up her arm sleeve. She was making no threats just speaking calmly. She sighed a bit. "If you want I can get you blood, just without killing a human."
Raina glared at goody-two-shoes Flower, gosh did she remind her of Myra. That graze on her side had healed, but she was still majorly peed off, at everything. That Jake guy had started it, bringing up her dad was NOT the best thing to do, and then comparing her to him made it five times as bad, then this annoying little human turns around and throws knifes at her, and now Flower shows up and 'saves' her kill and declares it illegal to hunt or kill a human. She grunted, obviously annoyed and looks at Flower with a steel glare, "No actually, I didn't know it was illegal, 'kay?" She then changes her tone so much that it is obvious she is being sarcastic, making it sound girly and 'angellic' "I promise I won't do it again, really, I care about being legal and good like an honest, true person." She then rolls her eyes, glancing away for a moment as her tone goes back to normal, "Pfft, I can't even pretend to be good." She looks at Flower, slight anger grazing her features, "I don't need your help to get blood, I don't need help from anyone, especially a Key-Holder." Her tone quickly becomes bitter, showing her obvious distaste for Flower's race. She now waits for a violent reaction, maybe a stab, a kick, a punch, who knows?

Faye nods, having quickly there and then imagined the stars she memorized in her head and then singing a quick chorus of a song in her mind, "Yeah, that bit's easy." She frowns, "How is this going to help me control my anger tough?" She doesn't sound scornful when she asks, just curious.
"Well, I don't know that it will. But it's something that can help." Faith looks her up and down one more time, then takes a few steps back, slipping on one of the protective fireproof cloaks she has on and offering one to Faye before speaking again. "What I'm going to do right now is really try to piss you off. So I'm going to be saying and doing whatever I can think of to get you going. Keep in mind, just because I say it, doesn't mean it's true, or that I think's a training tool. Just words...I want you to understand that."

She watches you for a few moments before continuing. "Now while I'm doing all this, your job is to keep from lashing out with fire. Keep your cool...literally. See which works better for you, picturing stars or hearing songs in your head...let's just see how effective this is. Then we can go from there."
Flower sighs and then looks at her. "You act as if I did something bad to you. Me. One little key holder does something bad to you and you acuse every single one. You know what vampires did to me? Killed off my parents and my sister. In the key holder vampire wars they took me and beat me but not before they bit my neck so I couldn't heal right away." She said and then looks at raina. "Yet here I am trying to help you. your kind and mine. You aren't bad in my eyes, you just need to let it go." She said and then held her hands up. "I wasn't here to punish you I was here to help that's all."
(Tip for peeing off Faye: She'll get kind of annoyed if you mention the half-breed thing, half vamp, half key-holder. But she'll probably snap if you talk about family, especially her parents, since her mum basically neglected her her whole life and her dad was always yelling at her for one reason or another)

Faye simply nods, slipping on the fireproof cloak. "Go for it." She watched Sheena, already tensing up, but still having the image of the stars ready in her mind to break out as soon as she feels the heat under her skin beginning to rise.

Raina just stares at Flower the whole time she is speaking, her voice is calm but her eyes are maddened as she speaks, an underlying tone of 'Watch what the hell you're saying' is there in her voice, "First point, it wasn't one. Second point, you don't know what happened, so don't even begin to speak to me about it. Third point, it's not just because you're a key-holder." She shrugs, "Besides the fact that when I first came to this school you blasted me with light and stuck a SWORD in my back." Her voice raised then lowered, going calm as she shrugged, "I just don't like you. Deal with it."
Faith's face is thoughtful as she assesses her, considering what it might be that makes her most angry. Since Faye seems so similar to her when she herself was fifteen, she thinks back to her intense anger at her age, and what in particular had poked at her nerves. For Faith, it was any implication of her deepest insecurities and hurts- that she was unloved and unwanted, a failure, a loser, nothing but a waste of space. That her father used her and her mother wished she had never been born...looking at Faye, she decided to take a shot at it, seeing in her, her own younger reflection.

"You know, Faye, that no one wants you," she began, her voice low, mocking, hostile. "The second you were born, all anyone could think was they were sorrier for it. You're nothing but a freak, a loser, a waste of space...Miss Fireball, Miss Freak? Your own family can't stand you. Your parents were glad to have you out of their sight."
Flower looks at her and then sighs. "You're the one who started it. From the first moment you met me, you decided that you would treat me like dirt." She said stepping closer. "What happened..." She asked looking at her. Her hands still up away from her knife she had hidden even.
The tension wafting from the school was evident. Rosa slowed Leader to a halt underneath a window listening thoughtfully. Everything was just a slur of insults but discovering why they existed was beyond her. She just knew that the drama was heavy in the air and brought the whole atmosphere down in humid fog. It rested heavily around Rosa making her tense and stressed as if it were her fault.
Faye felt herself tense even just as Faith started the insults. Touchy topic. She felt the heat under her skin start to rise, and she guessed that her eyes had turned black as Faith said that Faye was 'a freak' Did Faith even know that Faye was half-vampire? She knew that Raina was her sister, so she must have. She fiercely imagined the stars in her head, after trying the singing and finding it not to work too well. Maybe singing was a way to let out anger without burning stuff, but it was certainly not the way to calm down. She found herself not erupting into flames throughout that first bout of insults, nothing too personal was in them, then again, Faith had no idea about her past, right? She looked at her stonily, her eyes were black and her fists clenched, but no fire...yet. "That all you got?"

Raina looks at her skeptically as she steps closer, should she tell her? Tell her what happened that day, and all the days after? Half of her would love to, watch the empathy grow in her eyes as she mutters apologies like idiots do, half of her would love for Flower to finally understand WHY Raina is such a bi**h, to understand why she is the way she is. But the other half of her, the more dominant half, doesn't want the pity that comes with it, she doesn't want for Flower to know about her past and about her, she may tell others whether she means to or not, it may slip out. But most of all, she doesn't want to open up, she doesn't...she can't let her emotions and herself become vulnerable, it's a weakness, she can't be vulnerable, she won't be. She finally glares at her, "You think I'll tell you? Just like that?" She rolls her eyes, looking to the side rather than at Flower, "Are you done yet? I want to have fun and you..." She pauses glancing at her, "...Aren't any fun at all."

(Dang, I really want to reveal Raina's past, but it's so out of her character that it won't make sense if I do it that easily
xD )
Flower chuckles. "Oh really....well if you would tell me and if at least one of them was still alive....I could find them. Of course there is a change you murderously killed them all which is perfectly fine with me. Or we could head down to a key holder prison and then leyt you feed there. I'm sure there are plenty of willing want to die people there." She sighed. She looked at Raina. "Or we could get back to the school, I'm sure a certainly friend of yours is waiting worried sick. It's not Seeker either." She giggles. "Well maybe a little bit on Deathwishs part." She looks at Raina. "Or we could head down to te key holder castle. Give the jerks back there a scare." She looks at Raina thinking about changing her human. Flower did have that power to change someone human. Even deathwish could do that as well. Flwer of course would need her crown to change Raina human. However that was a last resort for flower.
(I actually really would like Sheena to hear Raina's past...but I bet Raina would hate her more for it, even if Sheena understood then)...

Liza pulls away from Sheena's grasp of her hand and makes a beeline in the direction that Raina had been heading, her eyes bright and eager to "help her feel better." Sheena is fast and manages to stop her just as they draw close enough to see Raina from a distance. Grabbing Liza around the waist and lifting her to her hip, Sheena covers her mouth with one hand, whispering to her fiercely to stay and watch a while, that Raina might not want her just yet, but Sheena would tell her when the time was right. From the distance Sheena's Lycan hearing allowed her to hear what was going on, and she didn't inform Liza that the right time, in her opinion, was never. She stayed to listen.

Faith can see Faye's emotion struggling below the surface of her stony expression, and she takes a risk. Stepping closer, invading Faye's personal space, though not touching her, she sticks her face close to hers and lowers her voice further, every word a hiss.

"What are you but a worthless half breed, a mutt? You don't fit in anywhere, FAYE. Neither world wants you because you belong to neither. You're half and half, and together, you're nothing. No one wants you."

She laughs, then goes deeper into her quickly assumed take of what might get to Faye. All of this is only speculation on her part, but she hopes that even if it turns out to be false, that the mere accusations will piss her off. "Your sister, Myra, is nothing but a weak little victim who will always need you hovering over her for protection. Helpless little Myra, soooo irresistible to those nasty men...she asks for it. And Raina, Raina who would kill you as soon as look at you, if the world ever ran short of fresh blood supplies...but then what do you expect? Your father would have chosen you over Myra if only you were more his TYPE...your mother couldn't give a shit about you. No one could. When it comes down to it you're alone, little half breed, little mutt...and the second you turn your back, poof goes Myra, and when you face front again, there will be Raina, sticking the knife in deep between your ribs...and your parents, whatever they're doing now, wherever they are...they couldn't give a shit."
(Scratch what I said earlier, it was just one Key-Holder, but a realllly bad one)

Faye snaps. And not the regular, snapping, the kind that requires A LOT of anger. She held it in quite well...until she mentioned Myra 'asking for it' But still, no flames then, the air around her just grew hotter, and hotter, so hot that Faith probably felt like she was roasting over a fire herself. But once Faith finished her little speech with her parents 'wherever they are' not 'giving a shit' She literally burst into flames. The area from her fingertips to her shoulders and from her tippy-toes to just below her shorts line was engulfed in the fire that leapt up from inside her. Her hands shot out and shoved Faith backwards by her shoulders, her palms covered in flames still even as the flames leapt onto Faith's top. She knows Faith said nothing she was saying now was true, but Faye can't help but overlook that in her anger, what if Faith did mean all this? What if this 'training' was a payback for Faye's outburst in class the other day? Her eyes are pitch black, the fire reflected in them as she speaks furious, almost a shout, "Shut up, shut up, shut up! Myra's fine, Raina wouldn't hurt me!" The flames extracting from her skin flare up a bit more, getting larger, "My parents are frickin' dead so I don't care anyway!" The flames leap off of her skin and land on the floor around them, though more flames quickly replace them, her eyes widen and she closes them, fiercely imagining stars in her mind. With her eyes still closed, the fire slowly, rather slowly, dies down until you can visibly see it pull back inside of her skin, back inside her body. She finally re-opens her eyes, and they are an amber colour again, "Lost it didn't I?" She is slightly proud though, that's been the first time she has been able to calm herself down afterwards, though usually when angered it is because someone is physically hurting her or Myra, or threatening to hurt Myra for real.

Raina laughs bitterly, "Find him? Good luck." She shrugs, "I'm sure you've heard of him, well his fake name anyway, Jace Kalhorn, the famous 'vampire ripper' right? The key-holder who goes around carving his initials into his victims before he cuts off their limbs and drowns them in their own blood?" Her eyes widen slightly, damn, her stupid mouth had let a clue slip. She made a 'pffft' sound, trying to cover it up, "Whatever, back to the boring school it is. I need to train anyway." Of course she didn't need to train, it was a habit. She spun around and took a few steps before spotting two figures, Sheena and Liza. She frowned, then her eyes hardened, why couldn't people just piss off and leave her alone? Of course she didn't suspect that Sheena had heard anything. She spoke lightly, so that Flower could heard but Liza couldn't, "Can you tell Liza that I'm fine, and that I'll speak to her later, but not right now?" She is unaware of how...un-Raina that sounds, especially considering Liza is a key-holder. But as she speeds away, right past Sheena and Liza, her hair moves to the side, exposing the back of her neck...and the two little capital letters that rest there, carved into her skin. JK. Jace Kalhorn.
Flower knew that name right away and as she ran saw the letters on the back of her neck. Flower knew if anything, she could find him. She looked at Liza and then sighed. "Sorry, but she doesn't want to talk right now." She said with a small smile. "She said she will talk to you later ok? She also said she's fine." She smiled and then looked up signaling a guard to come down. "Number stalking me...number two...." She leaned close whispering something in his ear. He nodded and disappeared, most key holder guards could teleport. "Sorry you two....I can give you a quick way back or....maybe we could see the ice cream shop." She shrugged, she wanted to make sure they didn't bother Raina right now.
The fireproof cloak Faith is wearing has protected her from the flames, but still she coughs, waving her hand in front of her face and clearing her throat to try to get the smoke out of her eyes and nose. She takes a step back, then gives Faye and the area around her a onceover to make sure they're basically okay before speaking.

"Well...obviously you lost it for a little bit. But that was better, Faye. I was pushing hard, and you did pull back. Definitely an improvement. But not enough. Not yet. Which was it that worked for you, the stars or the singing?"

She straightens out her cloak, then gestures towards her, saying more seriously. "What I said...whether or not there's truth to it, that's for you to know. And make your one else owns that. Just...remember whatever gets said here, I'm trying to help you, not hurt you. Words might hurt in the moment, but this isn't out of malice...this is because I care."

She holds her gaze for a few moments before adding, "If you want to go again, we can take a breather first."

Sheena's eyes widen as she catches sight of the words carved into Raina's in Jace Kalhorn? The guy who had...had he done that to Raina? Or tried to?

She squeezed Liza's hand, hoping Raina hadn't seen them as her mind sped off in an entirely new direction.
(Oh, if/when Flower finds Jace Kalhorn, can she bring him to Raina rather than just declaring she killed him?)

Faye also takes a glance around the room, glad to see nothing has burst into flames or is already in ashes. All clear. She looks back to Faith, "Uh, stars. Singing just doesn't work too well." As Faith carries on speaking, she falls silent, she doesn't speak until Faith asks if they should try again in a bit, "Yeah sure, what time should I be back here?"

Raina - after walking a bit away - clambers onto her motorbike and revs it up, loudly, probably loud enough for Flower, Liza and Sheena to hear, oh well, motorbike's are loud. She pulled off the curb and sped through the city, her hair flying back behind her as she lowered her body and sped up, going WAY over the limit. She went faster, and faster and faster, the city blurring past her as the faint sounds of a siren started behind her, a smirk broke out onto her face. She sped up. Now the siren was louder, a police chase, how fun. She zipped through the streets as the cops chased after her, dodging cars and larger vehicles with ease, she reckoned she now had about 3 cop cars behind her. Her eyes caught onto a pile of tires that were stacked up outside a car repairal shop. Perfect. She kept going straight until at the last second when she crashed into the pile, chasing tires to go flying behind her, stopping the police cars in their tracks. She laughed and increased the speed, pulling up to the school a few moments later, cop free.

Chameleon was heading back from being out all day, he had taken a journey to the city for a bit of a break from the stress and tension of the school, he had just come in through the front door and taken a few steps when he heard the undeniable roar of a motorbike engine. Raina. He carried on walking when he heard the door behind him open, "Leo!" He looked over his shoulder to see a grinning Raina, adrenaline in her eyes and clear on her face. He frowned, "Rai? What the heck did you do?" She smirked, "What do you mean?" "You look like you just robbed a bank or something." "Maybe I did." "Raina..." "Oh calm down blue eyes, I just got chased by cops, nothing major." He rolled his eyes, but tried to hide his grin, she smirked, "See! Even you find it funny!" He shook his head, "Yeah, whatever, and what's with that name?" "Huh?" "Blue eyes?" She rolled her eyes like he was dumb, "You've got blue eyes, duh." "Right....." He spun around to go and felt a grip on his arm, he looked down at Raina's hand, then up at her, "What?" "Wanna spar?" He frowned, his voice coming out stiff and determined, "No." "Aw, come on Leo, I know you can fight." "So? I'm not going to spar with you." He goes to move but her grip doesn't relinquish and as he looks at her, she looks serious, "Come on, fight me Chameleon." He pulls out her grip, "No." He moves away and then is suddenly up against the wall, Raina glaring at him. "I wasn't asking." Chameleon's eyes harden and he transforms into a mouse, skidding behind her before switching back into himself, now behind her. "But I'm answering, No." She moves to hit him, but he catches her fist, she spins around him to kick him, but he has already ducked to the side, grabbed her leg and tugged on it, causing her to fall on her butt. Chameleon's got skills. She looks up at him and jumps up, having grabbed his wrist and he lets out a gasp as she bites into his wrist, her fangs sinking in. Hunger got the better of her. She starts draining his blood and he winces, not pulling away though, "Ouch Rai, if you were hungry you could have told me." She slurps more of his blood before pulling away suddenly, wiping her mouth and looking away, "Sorry. Flower saved my meal from me." He nods, covering the bite with his hand, she looks at him, "Why didn't you pull away? I could have killed you." He shrugs, "Nah, you couldn't have, and I knew you wouldn't have." She rolls her eyes, "Idiot."

(Just to make things clear, I am not planning on suggesting a relationship between Chameleon and Raina, they're just friends and will stay that way xD )
"Whenever you're ready," Faith tells her, "now, if you want...later today,if you need some time. Look, Faye, you're doing just need more practice. A LOT more practice."

(sorry, don't know what else to post just now :/ )
Faye listens, then nods, "Thanks.." Her mind drifts for a moment before she looks at Faith, "Uh, I kinda have some stuff to do today, involving a lot of catching up with, how about after dinner?" She looks around again, as if expecting that her eyes missed some fire somewhere.

(Hah, same, awful writer's block.)
"Sounds good. See you around seven then." Faith hesitates, then adds, "Faye? Once you've gotten more accomplished, the next step is to learn to fight with fire. I know you can send out fire perfectly well...but keeping it inside you is different from keeping it controlled while you deliberately use it against something or someone. Anyway, I'll see you then."

She's more hopeful than before by far; the fact that Faye is trying at all, and didn't shut down permanently in rage when Faith provoked her, gives her considerable more respect towards her than she harbored before. But it is also causing her to think and much of what she said was true? Faye had said her parents were dead...when, and how? The rumors of Myra...were those true too? What had happened to Faye and her sisters?

It was not her business, exactly, but it was her concern. Faith knew all too well what it was to have a traumatic childhood.
(I know....I was considering Raina and Deathwish, of course we haven't seen he wrse of Deathwish and. Have perfected his blood coffin. Lol in fact Deathwish can be worse then Raina, that is only when is drinks blood. There is more then one reason they quit blood. Oh yeah I planned from when you mentioned it she was going to bring him to Raina)
(Okay, should we skip to that bit? I kinda want Sheena to be around when it happens, if that's okay with Faith? I was thinking maybe Sheena and Raina could be in the middle of an argument or something and Flower just walks in with Jace like, 'Poof, here he is.' Then Raina freaks out and both Flower and Sheena get to find out what happened to Raina and her family?)
(Sounds pretty good to me xD Raina could walk past her, or be training when Sheena tries to approach her, they get in an argument over Sheena wanting to know and then Flower is like 'poof' xD Or Raina could tell Sheena accidently what happened THEN Flower could be like 'poof'? Either way, Flower 'poofs' xD )
As soon as Sheena can, she gets Liza busy playing with some other children, then takes the opportunity to slip away from her, still troubled about what she had seen and overheard with Raina. She can't stand Raina...she would be glad if someone staked her or at the very least rocketed her to some far away planet. And she knows Raina hates her. Raina is a vampire. Raina has threatened her life and both her sisters' why should she care if some evil person tried to kill her and branded her neck?

But still it bothers her...and Sheena can't quite shove it out of her mind. Sheena more than anyone knows what cruel treatment from others can do to you, how it can make you angry and bitter and not trusting anyone in the world, how it makes you want to put up a defense and lash out rather than try to believe in anything. She knows her own pain, her own past...what if Raina had something similar? What if it was possible that if someone confronted her with it, Raina might come she and Faith had?

It was a stupid idea, she knew. Raina would kill her if she knew Sheena knew...but still Sheena found herself using her tracking ability to seek her out.
(FLower doesn't poof....she uses portals lol.)

FLower smirks finding were he is. She was in Kingdom Kira's crystal castle. She looked at the book she was reading. She put it back. "Time to find this guy." She walked to her room and opened the large doors. There in a force field that only she could penitrate was a crystal on a fabric to put on her head. She smiled. Her Key holder crown, she put it on. "If he tries anything....human he becomes." She said with a frown. She opens a portal. "Please be home....please be home." She walks in.

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