Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Flower looked at the picture. Was....was that Raina? She turned her head away and crossed her arms. She didn't answer. "I told you I don't answer to you." She said looking at him. She consintrated her light at the photo so much that it bursted into flames.
His eyes widened and he let out a curse, blowing on the photo and shaking until the fire goes out, that photo is key to finding the girl, if anything happened to it.....

He looked at the photo as the smoke around it cleared, soley focused on it like his life depended on it, once the smoke cleared, he breathed a sigh of relief, it was fine. (Sorry, I want Raina to see it :D Her dad made her leave everything behind, all photos and memories, everything) It was a bit burnt around the edges, but fine. He glared at Flower, slipping the picture back inside his pocket immediently, "It is her isn't it? Or else you wouldn't have tried to destroy it." A smile re-broke out onto his face, "It is!" Forgetting about everything, everything but finishing what he started, he grabbed Flower's shoulders, staring at her with determination and excitement in his voice as she spoke hurriedly, "Where is she, where's her dad?" His tone changed slightly as he asked about her father, easily showing his intense dislike for the man.
Flower looked at him glaring. "Don't touch me." She said harshly and then looked as Sky pecked his hand making it bleed. Flower looked at him not answering where Raina was. "I had her dad killed." She said looking at him. "I would have done it myself....but someone had a more painful way of killing him."
He winced and shook his hand as it was bitten, letting go off Flower. His eyes hardened, but also filled with slight disappointment when she announced she had had Rain's father killed, "He's dead?" He groaned and hit the wall, leaning his forehead against it, "For f**k's sake. Well that's just dandy isn't it?" He spun around so he was leaning against the wall, facing Flower, "How did he die?" He frowned, hoping it was as painful as possible. He did come after Raina's family for a reason; her dad killed the girl he loved.
Flower sighed. "Ever heard of Blood coffin? You are taken into it by a grim reaper and your power is slowly drained while spikes perce you, making it harder for you to heal everytime. It keeps you alive while your power is soaked into the holder. In this was prince deathwish. Anyways this repeats till you turn human and all the spikes perce you till you die." She said looking at him. "Why do you care anyways?"
He nods, satisfied with the answer, hopefully it hurt a lot, a hell of a lot. He looks distractedly at Flower as she asks why it matters so much. He glares lightly at her now, "I'll tell you why I care if you tell me where she is." He directed his gaze to her, "What do you plan to do with me anyway Flower? If you were going to kill me, you would have done it by now. What are you waiting for?"
Flower looks at him and then sighs. "Listen I'm taking you to her....for her to do what she wishes for her revange so you'll see her either way..." She crosses her arms. "I don't know what I'm waiting for." She said looking down. "Oh and by the way. I surrounded your house in you can't go out there unless you want to be burned. Probably why it's so hot in here." She said sighing, a sad side effect of her light. It tends to burn her a lot and also make her very hot.
Sheena listens to Raina's extremely graphic story with her lips slowly pressing together until they are a thin line, her eyes glinting alternately with sadness, dawning realization, anger, and her own private grief...but strangely enough, what she doesn't seem is shocked. She doesn't look away from Raina, doesn't go pale or betray the fact that there is bile rising in her throat. As terrible as what she is hearing...Sheena has lived through and even caused terrible things as well, some even on the same level.

She did not fail to notice the watery sheen to Raina's eyes, however brief...she can vividly picture everything Raina had described, and fights to keep away her own memories that it brings to mind. Her father's face, close to hers, the alcohol on his breath as he sneers at her that he killed her mother, describing to her exactly how he had dismembered her, one limb at a time...Mr. Kellogg's shocked, pale features as the blood blossomed across his chest, V.V.'s wails as she tore at her hair nearby. Her baby sister, blue in the face as she struggled for breath...her father, standing straightfaced in court as he called her a whore in public, as he sealed her sentence to jail at fifteen years old. The guards' hands on her skin, holding her down, tearing at her clothing as she sobbed, wanting to kill them all, wanting to die...

The vampires, circling around her, biting her all over, torturing her, tying her up, holding her down, forcing her betrayal of Faith...and then draining her all the same. Waking up a vampire...dying at the end of Faith's stake...suddenly alive without understanding or causing it, ten years later, in a different world and time with everything left behind, only to find her sister dead and herself a Lycan, in her own eyes, a monster....possession by a hell goddess, the murder of her long lost cousin, the rejection of all her blood family, repeated torture by autobots....and this was just a small section of the past couple of years of her life, the first things that flitted across her mind.

When she thought about it like that, Sheena was amazed she was still half way sane. And her empathy of Raina remained strong.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly but not in a manner of pity or discomfort, attempting to catch Raina's eyes. "I won't say anything stupid like I know how you feel...but I do know what it is to be tortured. To watch other people tortured, and to know it was all my fault. I know what it is to lose a mother and a sister and cousins and friends. You're right. If it didn't f*ck with a person they'd be a damn robot."
Raina had faced away after glancing at Sheena, and has long cleared her eyes of the water that threatened to spill down her face and betray her, to make her look weak in the eyes of Sheena. She had also been progammed to not cry; each time a tear fell, even just one simple little tear, her blood would be spilt. When Sheena apologizes, she almost decides to try and cut her head off aswell, maybe that's a tad extreme, she tells herself, but Sheena knows her secret and that creates a loose end. Oh well, maybe she would mull it over. But then she is stopped by Sheena's next sentence, her back is to Sheena currently, and it stiffens slightly as Sheena carries on to say she knows what it is like. She cracks a grin as Sheena finishes with a slight bit of humour, about people being robots if it didn't mess with their head. She shrugs, her back still facing Sheena as she clears herself of emotion, of any kind of grief, sorrow or pain, any kind of weakness, she turns back to face her now, her eyes cold and empty and a crooked smirk planted on her face, "Whatever." She glances at her, still with that 'I don't care' smirk on her face as her eyes give away nothing, nothing at all, "I had daddy to look after me, didn't I?" She ignores the painful memories of her Father 'raising' her, if it could be called that.

Jace's eyes lit up as she mentioned taking him to Raina, then they dimmed once more as Flower mentioned Raina's revenge, "Her revenge?" He shook his head, "Never matter, I'll finish what I started whether it kills me or not." He looked to her, "Oh, and as promised, I care about how painful her father's death is because her scum of a dad killed the girl I love." He stretches lightly, "So I killed his wife, his annoying little toddler and I almost killed Raina too, but that sneaky little bi**h bit me and got away."

(Raina said 'Whatever' ! :D )
(lol is Raina saying whatever significant other than the fact she's softening?)

Sheena can't see Raina's face, but something about her posture appears to be loosening briefly before she turns back to maybe something Sheena had said had struck home. Sheena hopes before Raina turns to her that she will smile, or at least soften, but Raina's face is as blank and cold as always when she turns back to her.

Still...she isn't screaming at her or cursing her out. She isn't lashing out at her physically...she had said whatever. Whatever...exactly the words Faith had always used when she was either unable to think of a cruel comeback, or knew very well that the other person was right. And that was enough to almost cause Sheena to smile, just before she controlled it, looking back at Raina.

"Yeah, well...if you actually did...then you were lucky." She pauses, then takes a risk, saying very quietly, "my father killed my mother. Macal is my father now...and I'm lucky for that...but the guy who acted as my sperm donor, which was about all he's good for...he killed my one of the worst ways someone could."

Her voice drops, and she briefly bites the inside of her cheeks. "It's not easy to kill a full blooded Lycan."
(Yeah, Raina's 'whatever' means that Flower can bring Jace to them now xD )

Raina is struggling so much to keep up this bi**hy, 'I don't care' facade she has. It was just her way of survival, if she acted like she didn't care that her Father basically killed her Mother and baby sister, if she acted like she didn't care that every time she made a 'mistake' she would pay for it in blood, if she acted like she didn't care about anything, then she would receive less beatings, if she could just cut her emotions clean off, nothing mattered.

She doesn't tell Sheena how unlucky she actually was, how better of she would have been if her Father had died along with the others, how grateful she would be if he had never found her stumbling through the streets with blood dripping down her neck and her mother's and sister's blood splattered across her clothes. She would be that little bit less fu**ed up, she might have even ended up as a nice person with hidden turmoil underneath.

Still holding the sword, Raina forgets that she is supposed to be a bi**h to Sheena, her secret kind side showing as she asks gently, "How did he kill her?" Oddly enough, the question sounds genuine, not like she just wants to hear gossip, or so that she can use it against her in some way, it just sounds like she cares.
Sheena looks away, her shoulders tensing, and she finds herself cupping her elbows against her sides instinctively, as though to embrace herself, before she looks over to Raina again, assessing her. The other girl is looking at her in a way Sheena has never seen in her before, with what appears to be genuine feeling...genuine interest. She sounds's completely out of character, and Sheena hesitates. What if it's a trick, and Raina just wants to use this against her later? What if she is going to do something terrible with the knowledge? Speak of it every time they come face to face..draw it, write about it, or worse, carry it out to someone else, force Sheena to watch? What if she does it to Sheena's new family?

But...what if she doesn't...what if she really might be trying to reach out? What if there was a chance that things could be better between them?

Sheena doesn't look at her at first when she starts to speak, her voice low. By the time she finishes, though, she is looking her in the eye, and though there are no tears in her eyes, she can feel them in her throat.

"My father...ordered chains made of pure silver. For a purebred Lycan, that's...well, you know. Not good. When my mother went to sleep at night...he drugged her, to make her stay asleep, then he tied her up. Even after she woke up she couldn't shift all the way because of the drugs...and the chains kept her. Then...he...he..."

She took another deep breath, her nails biting into her palms, and fiercely pictured her new family in her mind. Macal, Faith, Liza...even Alex now. Her father, her sisters, her boyfriend, they were what she had now. She had them and they would never have that happen to them, she wouldn't let it. Thinking of them, she is able to continue.

"He cut her into pieces. Her legs and arms...her head...everything."
(I'm still in the rp and I am reading everything so Im keeping up but I don't see a way to get involved but Rosa still exists...the plot line is soooo intricate!)
FLower looked at him and then walked up to him. "You think that means you can just go and do that? Have you forgotten what happened to me?! YOU STICK *******!!!!!!!!!!!!" (One of the rare times she cusses.) She grabbed him. "That's it I'm going to let her have one chance to kill you and then I'm doing it myself if she doesn't." She said grabbing him by the shirt. "And I wiull put you through more pain then that other ******* Raina's father!" She said throwing him down and then opened a portal. "SKY GET RAINA NOW!" She said letting Sky go through first. She opened another portal and grabbed chains out of it putting them on him. She tightened them as tight as she could get them. "I can't believe we were ever friends you stupid idoit!" She throws him in. "Now you better beg for forgivness or I will force you to!" She yelled as she came threw angry as ever. She grabbed him by the back of the neck and held him up. "Raina....I think you will be very interested in who I found." She said furious. "Make her weak Jace and I will turn take off your keys which would put you in a lot of pain and then slowly kill you."
(I'm gonna assume Flower brought Jace to Raina rather than Sky bringing Raina to Jace)

Jace eyes widen, she was mad, so mad. Oh well, he may have a disadvantage, but she was taking him to Raina. He acted as weak as possible, not even struggling as she held him up. Then he saw her. A malicious smile spread across his face, his icy blue eyes glinting dangerously as he took in how much older she looked. Last time he saw her, she was a ten-year-old girl with coal black hair pulled back into a ponytail, a bright pink top on and a white skirt. Now her black hair was longer and she wore it so that it flew down to her hips, she had black leather trousers on and a black tight top, she even had black boots on. No colour at all. "Hello Raina."

Raina looked at Sheena, being able to visually imagine it in her head, in some way, she felt maybe even that bit closer to Sheena, knowing that her father killed her mother, she found a similarity between them. Although Sheena's father had ACTUALLY killed her mother, and Sheena hadn't been made to watch, and Raina's father had just got someone to do his dirty work for him and Raina had been made to watch. "Sheena....I.." Before Raina's soft words can go any further, a bird - was it Flower's? - flew through a portal like thing and squawked at Raina, she frowned and turned to look, but as she did a furious Flower came through the portal, holding up a nightmare. Raina's nightmare. He spoke her name and the sword in her hand fell onto the floor with a loud clatter, her eyes wide and full of another emotion Raina hadn't shown for eight years. Fear. She stumbled backwards, this man, he had the power to kill her mum, her little sister, almost killed her. Her hand flew to the back of her neck and she covered the scar of his initials, "J-Ja-Jace." The man grinned, "Nice to see you remember me." Suddenly, Raina's fear snapped to that of something else. She leapt up, grabbing the sword and before anyone could even blink, she had sped right up to him and driven her sword through his left thigh. He hissed in pain and she growled at him, grabbing him from Flower's grasp and slamming him down against the ground, his head bouncing as it made sharp contact with the floor. He looked at her, a mix of fury and confusion on his face. She was so much stronger than before. But he was stronger. Even though his hands were chained together, he grabbed the sword from her hand and spun it around in seconds, driving it right through her stomach. Raina gasped, her face paling as she fell right off of him, blood already spreading from the deadly wound. Jace leapt up, holding the sword above his head, about to pierce her right through the heart.

"RAINA!" A fury filled screech filled the training room and Jace looked up to see a girl standing at the doorway, she was wearing an odd looking robe and had orange long hair and completely black eyes. Raina looked over, gasping for breath as her shocked eyes caught onto Faye's angry ones, "Faye?" Raina spoke weakly, her face even paler than usual. Faye looked to the man who was about to kill her big sister, "Oh no you don't!" A fireball flew right at Jace and knocked him into the wall, fire spreading over his body, she zoomed over, her whole body completely and utterly on fire, ALL of her. Her hair was now a mane of flames as she sped over to him and punched his gut, "WHAT THE F**K DID YOU DO TO HER?!?!" Faye screamed as her whole body erupted in flames, hitting the floors and consuming Jace, his eyes flashed yellow and Faye staggered back, hitting the floor as her flames died down. The robe was still on, and she looked normal again. Jace also hit the floor, covered in flames as he screamed in pain, being burnt alive. Faye's eyes watered and she crawled over to Raina, "Rai? Rai? Don't worry, you'll be fine, you'll be fine." She whisperes repeatedly, tears dropping onto Raina's body as Faye pressed on the wound desperately, her hands turning a reddish/pinky colour as she healed Raina. She needed help, she needed another healer. "Dammit!" She cried out, ignoring the burning Jace in the corner.

(Sorry, a lot went down then xD Sum up: Raina is dying, Faye is trying to heal her but not doing too well and Jace is still alive, but burning to death against the wall. Flower may do what she wishes with him.)
(Liza can help heal her)

As all of this is occurring- Raina's soft eyes and words, Flower bursting seemingly out of nowhere with the man- Jace? Jace, the one who had killed Raina's family- Raina's stabbing, Faye's appearance...Sheena is standing back, too stunned and confused to yet spring into action. But as Raina lies bleeding, Faye hunched over her form, it registers to her that Raina is dying, that Faye cannot heal her. That if she doesn't do something, Raina will bleed to death in front of her...

Even an hour earlier, Sheena wouldn't have cared. An hour earlier, she might have been glad. But now she stands frozen, horrified...and she is sorry.

It dawns on her after a few seconds that there is in fact something she can do. Liza...Liza, Liza can do this...Liza can heal her, she can...

"My sister!" she yelled, already beginning to run, calling to Faye over her shoulder. "Liza's a healer, Liza can...I'll be right back!"

It only took her a minute to run with her Lycan speed back to where she had left Liza with the other children. Relief swells in her heart that Liza had not ventured off for once, and she grabs her shoulders, looking hard into Liza's startled eyes.

"Liza, Raina is hurt, I need you to heal her. Take me to her, now!"

Liza gasps, then grabs Sheena's hand, closing her eyes and concentrating hard on picturing Raina in her mind. Within a few moments she has teleported Sheena back to Raina, Faye, and the others. She gasps again when she sees Raina, then starts to cry as she kneels beside her.

"Raina...Raina I'm gonna heal you okay? Raina!"
Flower takes the light out of the fire and the fire dies down. SHe grabs jace and heals him but she kicks him in the stomach. "I am being to kind to you Jace." She said and threw him down. "Now stay there! Or die you hear me?" She ran over to Raina. "I'm sorry I should have made sure he couldn't move his arms..." She looked at Jace. "IDOIT!" She said anger and then walked up grabbing him by the back of his neck. "I said beg for her forgivness. Not try to kill her." She pinned him against the wall glaring at him. Could she really kill her friend? Her best friend.
Rosa finally couldn't stand it anymore the sounds of fighting had escalated to a point of no return. She stood in the saddle blindly using the wall as a ladder. Her hands found niches in the jagged stone and she pulled herself higher and higher. Swift let out yowl beneath her telling her stay but right now lives were on the brink of being lost and from what had been said she had a basic idea of what was going on.

Once on the ledge of the window Rosa could decipher the scene. Just to her left the wall was hot where a fire had been burning. A few yards from that spot she can feel the vibrations of healers at work, they must be helping the Raina girl. No one really noticed Rosa but she noticed everything, ignoring nothing. To the left of them Flower was with this new figure this killer that had done so much harm. She wasn't sure why she cared so much, hell this people probably didn't give a crap about her but they all went to the same school they all wanted the same thing and she couldn't let that stop. She darted over to Flower and this mystery figure's side using the vibrations in the floor to guide. Her hands each held and ice dagger.
Jace is relieved when the fire goes out, it hurt so much. His features are now disfigured from the flames and he looks over, despite everything his eyes are wide with fear, fear that Raina will survive, he reaches out, as if he can grab her from his distance, but he doesn't move, his body hurts now, from the stab, the fire and Flower's kicks. "No no no! She can't live! Stop them! I need to stop them!" His eyes are desperate, begging, pathetic.

Raina looks over as she hears Liza's cry, her eyes half closed as she murmurs lightly, "Liza?" She mumbles something else, her eyes closing even more, so now they are only a quarter open as she mutters, "Mabel..? Is that you?" She frowns, in her mind, she can quite clearly see her Mum and her baby sister, standing across the room in a ray of light, smiling at her. Mabel is clinging to her Mother's hand and they are beckoning her to join them, to go with them. "Mabel?" She mutters again, tossing her head slightly to try and clear her vision, it doesn't work, they remain there, "Mum? What are you doing here?" She mutters once more, clearly appearing delusional.

Faye watches Raina, her vision blurred by her tears. She barely glances at Liza before she carries on trying to heal Raina, she listens to Raina as she mutters to herself, "No....Mum....can't go with you...Faye...Faye needs me." Faye lets out a choked sob before trying even harder to heal; it seems to be working with Liza's help. "Need to loo-look after couldn't look after Mabel..." Raina's eyes flutter closed and Faye cries out, "No! Raina! Don't die on me!" Raina meanwhile - like in some sort of odd movie - has left her body and has moved closer to her mum and sister, who are extremely clear now. They smile at her and she glances back at her unmoving body, at Faye crying, hunched over it as she sobs and desperately tries to bring her back. She looks at her Mum, takes a step closer then shakes her head, "Mum, I can't, I have to stay and help Faye." Her mum looks at her sadly, then nods, suddenly she can hear her voice, as clear as day, "Don't worry about us Rai darling, we're perfectly happy where we are. We're at peace Rai, you need to be too." Raina is trying not to cry, seeing and hearing her Mum after eight years, then she hears tiny Mabel's angellic voice, "Please Rai-Rai, don't be sad no more." Raina looks down at her, the tears now spilling over her eyes, "It's real nice where we are, me and mummy, I have lots of new friends and there are no bad people anymore." Raina drops down to her level, suddenly being able to hear Faye's voice and sobs, hearing other people too - Liza? Flower? "Ok Mabel, as long as you're happy." She reaches and gives her a hug, letting out a sob of her own when Mabel's tiny arms wrap around her in a hug, a real hug. "I love you Rai-Rai." "Love you too Belle" She pulls away, looking at Mabel's happy little face, her black locks of hair curled around her face and her black eyes glowing with joy. Then, they are gone, just like that. She finds herself being pulled back into her own body and her eyes shoot open, she looks at Faye and Liza, her eyes wide. She feels a bit better, like she's not dying anymore, is she? "Raina! Stay with us!" She hears Faye's desperate voice and nods, "Okay." She whispers, her eyes moving to look up at Sheena, they are confused and still a bit pained.
Flower grabs Jace and then pins him against the wall. "NO! SHe will live....Jace snap out of it..." She looked at him very saddened. "Jace if I have to I will kill you...don't force me." She said and then touched her sword. "Jace just's time to stop." She said and then looked at Rosa. "Leave him be...let me take care of him."
Liza grabs both of Raina's hands as she continues to pour her healing into her the best she can, watching her with huge, frightened eyes as tears continue to trickle down her face. She doesn't know what happened, only that Raina is badly hurt and is scaring her in the way she talks. Normally the burning man nearby would scare and upset her too, but she barely notices him now, too focused on her friend.

Sheena stands back, feeling somewhat useless, her stomach twisting. She can barely stand the smell of Jace's burning hair and flesh, of Raina's blood and Liza's and Faye's fear, and she doesn't know what she should be doing to help. When Raina opens her eyes, seeming somewhat disoriented, and clearly still in pain, she feels the relief settle through her so strongly she almost smiles. She'll be okay...and somehow...she has a feeling things might be different now.

"I...should I get sister, maybe Faith can..." she trails off, not knowing exactly what it is Faith could do, but feeling like she should do something.
Faye continues to heal alongside Liza, glad the girl is there to help but sad she has to see Raina like this. She is going to kill that man if Raina doesn't make it through, heck she'll kill him even if Raina does. Of course Raina might want first pickings. She has no idea who he is, what he means to Raina or why he stabbed her, but she is pretty sure she will know soon. She glances to Sheena really quickly before focusing back on Raina, sensing that Sheena feels a bit useless and wants to do something, "Uh, Sheena? Umm, if you want to help or something, this might gross you out...but could you possibly get a blood bag or two from the school fridge? You don't have to of course" She says the last bit hurriedly, knowing that both Faith and Sheena shared the sameish views on Vampires and their dietary habits. But it's better than asking her to go kill a human and bring it back, right?

Jace looks at the group desperately as they heal Raina, as she begins to look alright, "No! She-she can't...!" He looks at Flower now, glaring at her with maddened eyes, "I can't stop! Not until she's dead! She has my mark! She has to die!"
Sheena flinches at the thought of the blood, almost shuddering when she thinks about Raina drinking it, but takes in a slow breath and gives a very faint nod. "Yeah, yeah I' right back."

As she passes Jace in her exit, she finally registers his appearance again, disgust and anger flaring up in her blood at the thought of what Raina had relayed to her of his crimes. She slows just slightly and angles herself to get her foot past Flower's blocking to kick him in the balls, hard, then heads off to get Raina's blood.

She's NOT going to watch her drink it, though.

As she comes into one of the main kitchens, rummaging through the fridge and finding a blood bag, she holds it with the tips of her fingers, careful not to look at it or think about it too often as she returns to Raina and the others, handing it to Faye gingerly before turning away, unable to suppress a shudder this time. To watch Raina drink from the bag would make Sheena remember too much the feeling of her own blood being drained from her body.
Flower looks at Jace and then sighs. "Why should a haven't been my friend for a long time." She looked at him. "Jace....time to die." She said and pulled her sword. "I'm sorry." She said stabbing him. She pulled her sword out and then backed off looking at him. She kept her sword out incase she needed to finish him off.
Rosa took a step back knowing this wasn't her battle. She really wasn't needed her, you would think in the midst of a person dying and a villain being killed an extra person would be needed to do something anything. But when the battle isn't yours to fight there is never anything for a person to do. Rosa took a step back trying to visualize the scene, feeling the vibrations in the floor. Swift darted into the room severely po'd with her owner, the bobcat sent an image into her mind of the so she could see and tugged at her boot. Raina was alive and seemed fine and now Jace was dead on the ground. Rosa took a step towards the door.

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