Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Faye raised an eyebrow, he was irritating her now. And she could feel herself heating up. Oh great, didn't her and Faith just work on this? Stars. Imagine stars. The heat around her and Benjamin had rapidly raised, enough for him to notice, then as she imagined stars, she calmed and the temperature dropped back to normal. She took a breathe and glared at him, "Yes. And I have already burnt an entire forest down without even meaning too. Either way, you are in someone else's room and you shouldn't be. She needs to sleep, so either respect her privacy and get out. Or..." She took a step closer, you wouldn't think she was 15 years old from her confident demeanour and how she looked about 17, 18ish. "I will make you get out." She rolled her eyes, "So please don't make me get unnecessarily mad."
Flower smirks and then laughs. "Oh yes that Faye. I love the fire girl now that she burned you alive." She said smirking at him. "I wonder how much light it would take to do that again." She said and then grabbed his hair. "Of course you didn't do anything back at the house now did you demon boy." She said and then sighed, letting go of his hair.
Jace made a mental note then, Faye. Her name was Faye. And from what he observed back there, she was Raina's was that possible? She looked nothing like the mother and she wasn't around when he broke into their house. Maybe she was out like the dad was? He glared at Flower now as she released him, his eyes hardening as she 'nicknamed' him, "Don't call me that."

--- Merged Double Post ---

(What the heck is a Voidblast Barrage? O.o )
(A bunch of purple crystals that when hits something, they explode)

Edit: the crystals have some kind of haze around them, so it looks like some kind of weird floating purple water.
Flower looked at him and then sighed. "Fine." She looked at him and then looked down. "Great now how am I going to get food if I leave you here who knows what you will do." She smiles as she hears someone coming. "Nick....and Deathwish!" She opens the door grabs them and pulls them in closing the door and locking it. "Hi guys."

Nick blinks and then smirks. "Well Flower I never thought you'd give in." Deathwish smacks him in the back of the head. "I'm here too you idoit." Nick looks at Deathwish. "Oh...right. Flower what the heck do you want?"

Flower walks up and slaps nick. "Numer one you have a girlfriend....number two NEVER IN MY LIFE WILL I EVER CONSIDER HAVING A RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU!" She smirks as both of them back up. "I need you to get me some food."

Nick looks at her. "Food? Hey I am a prince not a servent!" He looks at Deathwish who was staring at Jace. Nick blinks and looks at Jace. His eyes widen. "Flower?"

Flower puts her hand on his shoulder. "Yeah demon boy I got Jace here and I can't leave him for fear he'll get out and kill someone. So will you please get me something to eat?" Nick looks at her nods. Flower smiles. "Good boy."

Nick looks at her and then pushes her away. "I'm not a dog....and what is with demon boy?" He asks and then looks back at Jace. That's him....father's other son...also a vampire killer....why does flower have him here....tied up....TO HER BED?! He looks at Flower with a certain look.

Flower looks at Nick and then smiles. "Well I was going to call jace that but he doesn't like it." She shrugs and then looks at Nick's face. "WHy are you looking at.....Hey! That is not what is going on here! You sick idoit." She smacks him in the head again.

Nick rubs his head. "Ok sorry! I didn't think you would but-" He was interupted by flower. "NO BUTTS YOU JERK GET OUT!" she yelled and then pushed him out the door. She slammed the door. "Ugh." Mean whil,e Deathwish was staring at Jace the whole time.
Faye was freaked out, and when the crystals hit her, her confusion turned to rage. Her eyes turned black and she hissed at him, her arm bleeding until it shimmer a pinky colour and the cut vanished, "Now I'm pi**ed off." She was still wearing the fireproof robe from earlier and it worked to her advantage because she happened to be so annoyed, that her whole body went alight, from her toes to the last strand of hair on her head, fire. Her hands shot out and slammed into Benjamin's shoulders, flames leaping from them as she spoke furiously, "I asked you to get out nicely, you frickin' attacked me!"

Raina woke up as the sound of the crystals exploded flew through her room, she groaned and sat up in bed, her eyes widening as she saw a random dude at the door and Faye on fire, completely and utterly covered in it. "Faye! S**t!" She leapt out of her bed, then stood back as Faye's flames revved up, causing some nice thick smoke to fill the room, Raina covered her face with her arms and staggered back a bit, "FAYE! CALM DOWN!" But Faye wasn't listening as she ran at Benjamin again, still on fire as she rugby tackled him to the ground outside the room, in the corridor. Her fiery fists pummling down on him.

(Someone like one of the twins or Flower migghhtt wanna stop Faye before she sets the school alight...)
Faith is walking down the hallway when she smells smoke. Groaning under her breath, rolling her eyes, she runs around the corner towards it, already suspecting Faye behind it. As she comes across her, rolling on the ground with a boy Benjamin doesn't recognize, Raina standing nearby, Faith stands back slightly but calls out to her sharply.

(Jace doesn't know 'bout the twins, right? I'm assuming not xD Oh, and is he technially younger than them? Since he grew up with Flower and therefore can't be like, a 100 years old? xD Oh, he is defiently 22 at the least though, since he had to be old enough to kill Raina's family)

Jace stood up as the two guys came in, staring at them with a death glare, especially as one of them called him demon boy. When however, Flower mentions him 'getting out and killing someone' He smirks, "I would say that I wouldn't kill anyone if you let me go, but I don't lie, remember?" He then looks at Deathwish, half frowning, half glaring at him. Why is he looking at me like that? He finally speaks up, but speaks to Flower instead, "Why is your friend staring at me like I've got two heads?" He suddenly fakes panic, "I don't do I?" He grabs both sides of his neck, "Oh nope, I'm good."
Nick while he was out getting food for Flower sees Faye and runs up. "FAYE!" He looks at her and then hugged her pulling her back. "NO!" He yelled out in pain but didn't let go of Faye. He kept pulling her back. He squeezed her harder and then yelled out again.
(Powa, she's on fire, and just tackled you, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't wanna touch her at all and your clothes might be alight. On another note, I gotta go! Seeya!)

Faye kind of hears Faith in the distance, but when she is kicked and thrown, her blind rage increases, you can tell because the flames grow larger and louder, her hair literally a mane of fire as she leaps back at Benjamin and grabs him by the neck, slamming him into the wall as she knees his gut twice and grabs his hair, setting it alight. Suddenly, as if she has realized that that was Faith's sharp voice calling her, she pulls back and closes her eyes for a few seconds, fiercely imagining stars. She feels someone move infront of her, and re-opens her eyes to see Raina has stood protectively infront of her. The fire goes out. She looks around and notices the hallway is kinda, sorta, on fire. "Oh s**t!" She curses aloud before holding out her hands to it, the fire wavers before flying back into her hands. She looks at the damage, pretty good actually, just looks a bit burnt.

Raina manages to push past the flaming Faye when she closes her eyes, she stands inbetween Benjamin and Faye, stopping them from fighting. She actually feels a lot better now, her 'fatal injury' feels as if it is not there anymore and she glares at Benjamin, finding it hilarious that his hair is on fire. She smirks now, her tone bitter cold like a true bi**h. "You've got a little something on your head, might wanna look in a mirror. Or dive into a pond, either one will do."
Flower rolls her eyes and then looks at Jace. "Be respectful Jace, before I kick you so that you have double vistion." He chuckles and then looks at Deathwish. "You ok there deathwish?" She said and then crossed her arms.

Deathwish looks at Flower. "He is half demon.....right?" He grabs her shoulders. "Is he half demon!?" He yelled at Flower and then blinks as she pushes him off.

"Yes he is!" She looks as Deathwish backs u nd then glares at Jace. "I thought so." He sighed and then looked down. He looked at Jace. "I'm sorry....I...I have to go." He said and then walked out. Flower was now even confused and then looked at Jace glaring at him.
(Benjamin has no hair... He's a quadruped humanoid with horns running along his back. He's Masochistic as well, so he doesn't care. Benjamin is practicly Part Insect and Part Some-What human creature. His legs are insect like, but his upper body is Human like, but more muscular)

Benjamin is absorbing Faye's energy, then pushes Raina out of the way and puts Faye in a headlock.
Removing the fireproof cloak she is still wearing and throwing it over Benjamin, Faith turns to Faye, arms crossed, and stares her down, ignoring the others.

"About that training. Don't know and don't care what happened here. But I damn well better see you tonight."
(first off, how about you actually put your guy as someone who is allowed to join the rp? Check the rules. I don't believe a guy like that meets the description of participants at this school. It's up to Fire but honestly, I don't believe a creature like that was allowed by her original rules).

Faith slips out of his hold and slams him to the ground, holding him by the throat and keeping her foot on his chest as she glares down at him. "I was trying to f*cking help you but maybe I should just as Faye to go to it again. You ask me, you don't look like you belong here with MY students. Maybe I oughtta send you on your way in the least pleasant way possible."
(did you specify it was an evil hybrid? Everyone here is either a student or a teacher.)

Ducking aside both the Voidblast and the knee, Faith lands a sharp kick in Benjamin's side, then pins him down again, flipping out her stake and holding it over his eye as she hisses, "You try that again and find yourself burning alive...Lesson two, Faye. Control over your fire is important, but so is knowing when to use it in the case of self-defense."

To Benjamin she adds, "Make one more move and I'll let her burn you alive. You get the hell out of this hallway and leave my students alone, and don't even think of making a move toward me. Get. Out."
(Ok then. Just be wary that he will attack you on sight if he attacked you before).

Benjamin grabs Faith by the arm and throws her into the wall.
Catching herself against the wall, Faith has had enough. She turns to Faye. "You do whatever you want...we'll talk control later. In other words...go get him."

(yeah, kinda done fighting. sorry but you seem to be basically not paying attention to anything anyone is writing, and relying in one sentence posts...)

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