Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Rosa blushed a bit as Leo took her hand but quickly rationalized it. He was just helping her, leading her to the gunshots so they could get there more quickly. They raced through the hallways Swift still darting behind them sending her messages to be wary, maybe even to just disappear. This school was too dangerous and not worth it but the thought of doing so pained her too deeply. Rosa refused to determine why this was, she was scared of the truth. As the slowed Leo squeezed her hand and she could feel his every move beside her. The vibrations kept changing and based on the heartbeat patterns Flower, Faye, Nick and the killer were all in the room. She longed to ask what was going on but contented herself with forming an ice dagger in her empty hand.
Jace shrugs, already having decided he would stay, he frowned though as his 'dad' mentioned this two new half-brothers protecting him. Protection? What was he, a little kid? He decided to ignore that comment, although you could already see the disdain on his face at the idea of being treated like some little toddler. His 'dad' had a point though, where would he stay? He knew that you could share a dorm with someone else, but who the heck would want to share a dorm with a half-demon? He looked at Flower, of course she wouldn't WANT to share with him, but it was all he had right now.

Faye smiled and as he asked if her eye colour changed, she frowned and blinked; it instantly went back to an amber colour. "Huh?" She frowned, "Uh, what, did they go black or something?" She knew her eyes went black like a vampire when she was mad, or if she got a bit too excited when kissing Nick. (Haha xD )

Chameleon watched them all, frowning a bit as they spoke, he finally spoke up, his quiet yet still dominant voice adding to the conversation, "Wait, he's staying?" He looked at Jace, the idiot who had pressed a knife to his neck and caused him to react by performing expert deadly moves on him, Jace looked over at the boy who had freaked out on him and turned into a ninja kid. "Hey! It's you, Ninja boy!" Chameleon rose an eyebrow, "Ninja boy? Seriously?" Jace nods, his eyes narrowing as he looks at him, "How the hell did you do that earlier? You just frea--" "Don't mention it." His commanding words cut Jace off in the middle of his sentence, it sounded like a simple, 'Don't mention it, let's forget about it' Nothing threatening there. But the way he looked at Jace, his blue eyes darkening slightly and his gaze dark and downright scary. Jace frowned at him, was he the host of a possessing demon or something? "Uh sure." He looked away uncomfortably, unable to hold Chameleon's gaze anymore. Chameleon blinked suddenly, his eyes going back to the bright blue as he nodded and glanced down at Rosa who was still holding his hand. Chameleon wasn't evil, far from it, he just didn't want anything to do with fighting, which involved his little surprising burst of expertises in fighting earlier being forgotten.

Raina frowned at Sheena, what was she doing? She simply nodded in response. If Sheena wanted to have a long, mushy, girly conversation about dead parents and little sisters being murdered, she could forget it. Raina wasn't in the mood, she was actually in the mood to kill something, and that wasn't a good mood to have a conversation in. "Hey Sheena." Her curt reply was given as she strolled past her casually and headed for the door to enter the school. It wasn't exactly a nice response, but she didn't roll her eyes, glare at her or call her '*****' instead of Sheena. An improvement maybe?
Sheena watched Raina leave, then shrugged inwardly, giving up her initial desire to talk with her. Obviously the other girl was in no sort of mood, and just as obviously, she had recovered fine from her near death experience. She hadn't sneered at her, tried to attack her, or called her names...actually, she had addressed her by her own name. She couldn't hope for much more than that by saying any more, could she?

Actually somewhat satisfied by the brief exchange, Sheena waited until Raina was almost out of sight, then followed her back into the academy, heading back towards her living quarters. She was sure Liza was up to no good as usual by this point.
Flower looked at Jace and then sighed. "Apparently....much to my distaste." she said and then felt the king slowly disappearing. She turned around and he was gone. She looked at Jace and raised an eyebrow. She turn to Leon and then Rosa. She walked over. "Hey Leon....who's this?" she asked with a bright smile. She was trying to ignore Jace now but considering what happened with him. "I know it will be annoying Leon but I can't co trol what he does or go against the vampire king's wishes for now." she crossed her arms. "Just chain me to a mass murder why don't you. I should have killed him." she sighed knowing she really couldn't

Nock shook his head no. "They were more like a brown or something." he said and then smiled before looking at Jace. He looked at Flower just thinking on how she would react if they had to share a dorm
(no one else has to skip ahead, this is just me for now)

The next morning, Faith is awakened by by the sound of very loud whispers and banging noises in her bedroom, followed often by hissed shhhh sounds.. Smiling to herself, knowing full well what's going on, she pretends sleep until a small form bounces itself on her bed, almost shouting, "Mama!!! I got you a surprise!!! Happy mother's day!!!"

Sitting up with a faked yawn and stretch, Faith smiles as she takes in Liza's efforts. The child has a tray balanced precariously in her hands, with a crayon and glitter homemade card on one corner, a bunch of clearly handpicked dandelions and daisies in a cup of water, and Liza's attempt at breakfast- half full juice and cereal, both which have slopped out onto the tray. Liza beams, proud of herself as she thrusts the tray at Faith, almost spilling yet again.

"Surprise!!! Sheena Legs wanted to help me but I said no, I'd do it!"

"Yeah, she was way insistent on it too," Sheena said from the doorway, smirking slightly as she came into the room too. "The living area's a wreck. How she did that based off that little bit of stuff is beyond me, but she managed."

Flinging her arm around Faith's neck, Liza snuggled in close to her, kissing her cheek, and Faith hugged her back warmly, then pulled her into her lap, setting the tray beside them as she rocked her a little.

"Thank you, Pip, I love you. Glad you're my daughter."

"Not my mom, obviously, but happy mother's day anyway," Sheena shrugged, and Liza held out one arm to her.

"You oughtta come hug too Sheena Legs. 'Cause you can't even hug your own mama today."

Looking more than a little uneasy at this outright request of mushiness, for her own style is to simply accept affection when it's offered and act like it's no big thing, Sheena shrugs, remaining in the doorway.

"You guys look fine where you are, and anyway, my mom, that's-"

"Oh, come on, Sheena Legs, you afraid to be nice to your own sister on mother's day?" Faith smirked, then held out her arm with a raised, mocking eyebrow. "Come onnnnn Sister Sappy, come tell me what a great mommy I am."

"Screw you," Sheena shot back, but she was trying not to smile, and when Liza jumped up, dragged Sheena over by the hand, and pulled her down on the bed, she accepted Faith's one armed hug as Liza climbed back into her lap, saying more softly, "Yeah, yeah, happy mother's day, you're a good mom, you happy?"

But despite the sarcastic words, she did mean them.
(Aw, can we skip to Mother's day too after a few more posts? Only problem is that ALL of my characters no longer have Mummy's. Depressing much? Oh, besides Chameleon, he has a mum, but uh, yeah...their relationship is a tad complicated. Let's just say he won't be celebrating either xD )

Jace looked as his 'dad' vanished. "Thank god for that." He muttered to himself, he didn't want anything to do with his sudden new family. Why should he? He left his family and friends behind for a reason; they just get in the way. He glanced at Flower, smirking lightly, "Heyyyy Flowerbud, can I pleaseeeee room with you?" He used his childhood nickname for her, hoping it would make her less mad.

Chameleon nodded as Flower confirmed Jace staying, she then asked who Rosa was and he cast a glance in her direction, unable to stop the smile that grew on his face before he looked back to Flower.
"Oh, Flower, this is Rosa. And Rosa, this is Flower." Obviously he knew Rosa couldn't see Flower, blindness and all, but he still introduced Flower to her, it would be considered rude otherwise. He then looked at Rosa once more, the smile on his face was also reflected in his eyes, he couldn't help it. He looked over at Jace, his eyes narrowing as he noticed the mischevious look he had. What was he thinking?

Faye frowned,
"A brown?" She grinned, "Oh! That's like a mix of orange and black, ohmygosh! I can change my eye colour to brown! That's so cool!" She focused and her eyes began to change slowly, turning darker and darker until they were a chocolate brown. She looked up at Nick, "Are they still orange?"

(Oh dear, I think Jace may threaten Chameleon by saying he'll hurt Rosa O.o )
Flower flinched a bit and blushed when Jace called her Flowerbud. "Why would I want a known killer in my room while I sleep? I'm going to have to moonsoak to stay up all night!" she said and then looked at Rosa. "Please excuse me It is very nice to meet you rosia." she looked at Leon with a wide smile knowing that look in his eye.

Nick shakes his head. "Nope they are brown." he said and then looked at Flower. "Moonsoak? What's that?" he asked and then smiled. Oh Flower wouldn't sleep at all with Jace in her room.

Flower sighed a bit. "I use light right? So the more light I have the more power I control. Light key holders such as I can go days without eating or drinking or even sleeping if we moon or sun soak." she sighed. "I'm not called Flower for nothing." she looked at Jace. She though it over and while she would hate to have him in her room, she wanted to keep a close eye on him. She let out a deep sigh, signaling to Jace that she gave.
Rosa nodded in acknowledgement of Flower's greeting but her mind was elsewhere. For one thing another mad killer was going to be living, breathing, studying here at the Academy and Leo was keeping secrets. She knew it wasn't any of her business but the fact that he wasn't telling her something irked her to no end, and from what Jace was saying it might be kind of dangerous. Maybe she should just ask Leo what happened, would he tell her?

"Why are we letting him stay?" she asked her voice curling as she thought about this killer staying. From what she had seen he was causing some serious damage and stress for a lot of people.

(By the way if Leo doesn't tell her what is going on she is gonna go to Jace which could be kind of interesting :P )
(sure Jo...Sheena doesn't have a mother either. Faith sometimes semi-mothers her, but they're sisterly, not mother/ still does make her sad. Faith is motherless too, though she's an adult)

Even after the playful affection between herself and Faith, Sheena finds herself somewhat saddened as the day wears on. Macal and Liza of course want to spend time with Faith, since she's their wife and mother, and though Sheena knows she's a part of the family, she's not part of THAT. Faith is not her mother and never will be. Even if Macal is Sheena's father now, she and Faith have a history that is too complex, and are too close in age for Faith to ever be more than a motherly sister to her. It isn't the same as it is with her and Liza, or even similar, and Sheena knows it.

What's more...even if that were the case, she would feel bad for even trying to treat Faith like she was her mother. Sheena had had a mother, a mother who had loved her...a mother who was no longer with her not by choice, but because of her father. For Sheena to want any other mother would be a betrayal.

But god, it has been so long since she had a mother, her mother...even now, so long after her death, every time mother's day comes around, it hurts to see all the flowers and cards and gifts and watch everyone else loving on their mothers, while Sheena is left out.

She slips out the academy entranceway as soon as she can, planning to head for the woods.
(Haha, she can go ahead and do just that, although Jace doesn't really know anything, he just knows Chameleon used some killer moves on him. Oh and after this little bit, can we skip to the same time as Sheena, Liza and Faith?)

Jace grinned at her sigh, "Is that a yes?" You had to admit that when he grinned like that, he did look a lot like Nick, or his dad, either one worked. He shrugged, "Any way, I wouldn't kill you Flower, you're not a vamp, right?" He smirked lightly at her, then his eyes flickered to his 'brother' and that firey girl who had almost frickin' burnt him to death. He remembered her eyes turning black and he also remembered seeing a glimpse of two pointy fangs when she had yelled at him earlier, was she a vampire? His brow furrowed as he stared at Faye, thinking to himself that vampires didn't have powers like she did.

Faye frowned as she noticed Jace staring at her, looking entirely confused, her eyes began to grow darker as she glared at him. What the heck was he staring at? Her eyes were now a pitch black and Jace's confusion in his eyes had grown. What the hell was this fiery girl? She continued to stare back at him, her look full of anger - he had tried to kill her sister afterall - and his full of confusion. A long silence passed before Jace spoke up, his voice rather blunt but still confused, "What the hell are you?" Faye rose an eyebrow, clearly not impressed by his answer. She so wanted to smash his face against the wall, but he was Nick's brother, right? "Well, that sure is a nice way to start a conversation." Jace was still frowning, "Are you a vampire?" He asks now, Faye's angry gaze falls as her eyes hit the ground and she actually bites her lip a little bit. Everyone else at this school had actually responded so well to her being a halfie - besides Raina, but that was before they found out they were related - that she had forgotten a lot of people saw it as an ugly disgrace. They saw HER as an ugly disgrace, a mistake, an abomination. She didn't respond now, her eyes on the floor.

Chameleon shrugged in response to Rosa, "We don't really a choice I guess. It's not like we own the school or anything.." He muttered lightly, he didn't want Jace here just as much as Rosa, maybe even more. He had accidently used one of his fighting moves on Jace, so now he knew Jace was suspicious of Chameleon.
Flower looked at Jace. "Yes....that is a yes...and if you dare touch or say anything to faye I will put you into the ground." She said and then looked at Faye. "I'm sorry...." She said and then grabbed Jace by the back of his neck. "I'm very serious." She said glaring at him.

Nick hugged Faye tightly and then hissed at Jace. He showed his fangs probably more as a insult as he was his half brother and was half vampire. He looked at Faye and then sighed deeply.
Rosa returned the dagger in her hand to vapor. She was tired of this and she knew Leader, the poor horse, was still waiting for her below the balcony. She didn't want to spend another moment in this room with the creep and she needed to find out what was going on with Leo. His vibe had shifted from one of cool and collected to something sharp, defensive and secretive. It wasn't that he wasn't being nice its just that Rosa could read what he or anyone else might be feeling or hiding based on the vibes they gave off. When you can't read someone's face you have to figure something else out. "Whatever, I gotta go. You can stay away from me... creep," she said Swift was already staring at Jace so she just faced the same direction as the bobcat before spinning and striding out of the room. She wasn't really sure if she wanted Leo to follow her or not.
Jace nodded then actually smirked lightly as Flower grabbed him, "Okay, okay, I get it. Just wondering what she is." He managed to push away from Flower's grasp and glanced over to Rosa as she told him to stay away from her, and added the tempting nickname of 'creep' He smirked at her, not speaking but you could see in his eyes that he was already planning on 'having a chat with her'. When she was gone he looked over at Nick, watched him hug Faye and then hiss at him. His eyes hardened as he saw those gleaming, sharp fangs in his 'brother's' mouth, his 'brother' was a vampire? That sucked. Like REALLY sucked. Couldn't he just kill him? It wasn't like he knew him enough to regret killing him, the only thing that bonded them was their father's blood and even that meant close to nothing to Jace. Family meant nothing to Jace...not anymore. He realized he had been glaring at Nick the whole time but only now did he speak coldly, "Feel like doing that again?" He was under the impression that Nick was his younger brother, he looked younger. Not that age really mattered anyway.

Faye smiled lightly as Nick hugged her, she didn't speak anymore, not wanting to tell Jace what she was. She didn't HAVE to tell him, so she might as well not. She looked over at Chameleon, catching his eye before looking away.

Chameleon looked at Rosa as she spoke, she seemed a bit offish, was she ok? He frowned, the fact that Jace was being a d**k probably didn't help. As she told Jace to stay away, he noticed the look in his eyes and felt both of his fists clench, Jace glanced at him and smirked, Chameleon felt the fight in him kick up a notch. No. Chameleon. Stop. His eyes almost looked like they glazed over as he used the screams to drag him back from the brink of running over and beating Jace to death. He blinked and the glaze was gone as his fists unclenched and he glanced at Faye and Nick. They look so happy together. Can me and Rosa ever be like that? He shook his thoughts away, what was he thinking? He sounded like a creepy stalker guy.
Nick smirks at him and then chuckles. "Watch it little bother..." He said and then looked at Faye kissing her cheek. He pulled away and then looked at Flower. "Good luck Flower." He nodded to her and then grabbed Faye's hand walking away. He looked at Faye and then at Jace wanting him to stay away.

FLower looks at Jace. "He's over 100." She said and then sighed. "I'm going to see if I can get another bed in my room. She grabbed his shirt tugging him along. "And a leash for you." She said and then let out a deep sigh.
(Sure :) )

Flower woke up right next to the window. "Darn it....not even moonsoaking is helping me to not sleep." She growled and then fell off the window. She looked around, hating having to sleep in her clothes. She missed her silky clothes she slept in. She opened her closet to see what else to wear. "..." She looked around to make sure Jace was still here. "..."
Jace had fallen asleep rather quickly last night - what will all his wounds he did kind of need it. But he lay there, peacefully sleeping as Flower woke up. He was facing her but his eyes were shut gently, hiding the mocking stare behind them, his lips for once not twisted into a sardonic smirk and his eyebrows resting gently rather than being raised in disbelief. He grunted lightly in his sleep and tossed a bit, his eyebrows now furrowing as he muttered something unintelligible. His body thrashed suddenly; he was having a nightmare.

Faye lay with her eyes on the ceiling, usually she would go do something fun at nighttime - what with the fact that she didn't sleep. But she decided to retire to her room for once and kept her eyes on the ceiling as the sun rose and Myra stirred in her bed across the room. It was Mother's day today. Mother's day...She remembered Mother's day. It was supposed to be the day to celebrate how great your mother was right? How she did so many amazing and special things, like looking after you, cleaning up after you, giving you advice, telling you how beautiful you are and so many other things that made Mum's special. Faye never celebrated Mother's day, even when her Mother was around she would spend the day somewhere else, out getting drunk maybe or if she was a bit younger she would go hang out in a park somewhere by herself, getting odd looks from other parents who obviously wondered where her mum was. She didn't see the point in celebrating how amazing her Mum was when she was never really a Mum to her, just a cold distant stranger who looked at Faye like she was a constant reminder of her Mum's worst nightmares. Faye even found days where she wished her Mum had gotten an abortion; ended Faye's life before it started.

Myra blinked open her tired eyes and glanced over at her younger sister. A smile didn't reach her face as she spoke softly to Faye who had her eyes fixated on the ceiling as if there was a ghost up there. "Faye?" Faye looked over at her big sister's vulnerable, tired voice, "Yeah Myra?" Myra's eyes softened, "You okay?" Faye smiled lightly and sat up, crossing her legs on her bed as she rose an eyebrow at her sister, "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Myra also sat up, hugging her knees as she frowned at Faye, "Faye, you lost a mum aswell." Faye frowned now, did she? In her eyes, she never really had one. But instead of saying this and drowning in the self-pity, she shrugged, "Today's just another day for me Myra." She pushed herself off of her bed and walked over to her wardrobe, her back to Myra as her big sister frowned at her. Just another day?

Raina woke up, her eyes shooting open as usual and her arms propelling herself up to glance around the empty room. No-one there? Good. She always did that, checked. Probably because her Dad used to be always standing there, 'Get up idiot, you got training.' She shoved away the sound of his voice and looked over at the other bed, Chameleon was laying asleep, snoring so lightly that it wasn't annoying, but rather sweet. She smirked and snuck over to his bed, still clad in her oversized black t-shirt and grey shorts - her nighttime attire. (If Vampires don't sleep in this RP....uh, let's just pretend she either decided to sleep...or she just wanted to snuggle up in bed anyway) She grabbed Chameleon's shoulders and shook him violently, "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" Within a few seconds her wrist had been grabbed and spun behind her back as Chameleon stood behind her. He groaned irritably and let go off her, sitting down on his bed and running his hands through his morning hair, "What the heck Rai?" Raina smirked, "Not a morning person eh Leo?" He rolled his eyes and then frowned, "What day is it?" He only meant the actual day, like Wednesday, Thursday, Tuesday? But Raina thought it meant the date. "It's Mother's Day little Leo, got a card lined up and ready to be sent off to a special mummy?" She turned her back to him and walked over to the wardrobe as she asked, wondering how he would react - did he still even have a Mum? "Little Leo? I'm taller, bigger AND older than you Raina." She rose an eyebrow, turning to glance at him briefly, "Really? That's the only comment you have?" He shrugged, standing up, "Just diminishing the nickname before it begins." Raina shrugged, turning back to her wardrobe as she pulled out clothes, "Alright then, I'll just add this conversation to my list of reasons why you're a spy, assassin or working for the government. Not sure which one yet." Chameleon chuckled at that, "Trust me Rai, if I was working for the government I would have turned you in by now for numerous murders and death threats." Rai shrugged, "Good point. So, spy...or assassin?"
As it was Sunday, there were no classes, and this gives Sheena ample time to herself. Though this is not what she needs, and she knows it very well, this is somehow what she wants. To be with Alex, who has also lost a mother, would be of little comfort, even if he expressed understanding or sympathy; somehow, she always felt that Alex secretly judged her for being unable, after all these years, to let go of her longing for Stella Sadovsky. To be with her father and sisters would be worse, because although she knows logically she would be welcome and wanted, she cannot help but feel that she would not truly belong or be comfortable, not today.

As she walks slowly towards the outskirts of the lake, Sheena's head is lowered, her hands stuffed in her pockets. She remembers when she saw her mother last, when Bo and Enyo, hell goddesses and daughters of the hell mistress Erisdelia Grimstoul, had allowed her to see her mother and her sister Evangeline one last time. She remembered the warmth and beauty of her mother's smile, the joy she had felt to feel her mother's hand on her cheek...even now, even after Faith and Macal had warned her that it had all been an illusion, that nothing she had been shown had been real, Sheena does not fully want to believe them. Even now, she is not entirely sure that if Bo and Enyo were to offer again, she would turn them down...even if she did know it wasn't real.
Flower looked at Jace and then ignored him. AT least he was still around. She out of a pair of shorts and a tank top to wear untill her clothes were washed. She went into the bathroom and then entered the shower. She looked down remembering what day it was. She would have to visit her mother's grave today. She closed her eyes as her birthday came to mind, the day her parents were killed. She opened her eyes again, she was crying. She let out a sigh and then continued to soak before continuing her shower.

Nick and Deathwish came out of a vamp state. They couldn't sleep so they would sit on there beds and stay motionless for hours. In their minds hours were only seconds in this state. Nick stretched out and hit the shower while Deathwish got dressed and then walked out.
***Night Before***

After returning Leader to his stall and cleaning the disgusting amount of grass from his bit Rosa had returned to her dorm room. She needed to practice cleaning, loading, building and dissembling the gun she had been given to work with. The task was tedious, each part had to be taken apart and Rosa had to hold it for a few moment gaining the proper knowledge of what it was exactly before typing the steps on how to put the gun back together. It took her at least two hours and by that time it was already late at night.

Swift was weaving between the legs of her desk chair mewing for food, Rosa wasn't hungry but her pet was. With sigh she stood slowly making her way across the room to the fridge. Rosa pulled out a small frozen packet of ground beef she laid the Styrofoam package on the ground then washed her hands in the sink and prepared for bed.

***Next Day***

Rosa awoke early feeling just as confused as the day before. If anything it was worse because the questions had had time to fester in her mind creating sores and anger. She needed answers to close them up which wasn't such a hard thing to get if you asked around for long enough. Sighing she slipped out of bed and quickly made it, folding the multi-textured quilt into square at the end of her bed. She than showered, raided her hair sloppily over her shoulder and tossed on a pair of jean shorts and a tank top. Swift the whole while slept on her bed but the moment she exited the room the cat was up moving.

(Hehe, I so want to make all four of my younger characters bump into each-other...)

Chameleon groaned as Raina dragged him along, "Rai? Where the heck are we going." "Somewherreee.." Chameleon rolled his eyes, why was Raina in such an usually good mood? A lot of stuff had happened to her recently and yet she was acting more happy than she would on an average day. "Can you at least give me a clue?" Chameleon asked just as Raina's grip on him jostled slightly and she stumbled back into him. "Rai? You okay?" He looked up just as he heard Raina snarl in the slightest. "I was."

Myra bumped right into someone on her way to the training room, Faye was right behind her and she bumped into her younger sister as she stumbled back. "Oh sorry, my b---" She trailed off as she met a pair of cold black eyes and a snarl. "Nevermind." Her voice came out sharp and clipped and her eyes quickly flickered up to see a tall-ish guy with breath-taking bright blue eyes and black hair that flopped lazily over his forehead and just touched his eyes. She felt her chest tighten slightly before he smiled at her, she managed to give a small smile back and relaxed slightly. Even though his eyes were so sharp and piercing, he did have kind eyes, she needed to stop being so scared of every single man she saw.

Faye stepped around her sister just to see her OTHER sister and that Chameleon kid. She grinned, "Hey Rai, Hey Chameleon." Her hand found Myra's and she squeezed her hand reassuringly, she knew Myra got scared of guys, she had a good enough reason to be. Faye noticed Raina's hard eyes loosen slightly as she grinned back at Faye, "Hey Faye, haven't seen you in a bit." Faye nodded, her eyes filling with worry as she remembered the last time she had actually seen Raina; when she was dying. "Hey Rai, I need to talk to you, got any time?" Raina's warning bells flew up, she noticed that look in Faye's eyes when she said that, and easily guessed Faye wanted to talk about what had happened the other day. "Later okay Faye, me and Leo gotta go." She began to drag Chameleon in the other direction again before Myra's voice stopped her, "Nice. You rock at being a big sister Raina." Her voice was oddly mocking for such a gentle girl, and Raina let go off Chameleon. Her shoulders tensed and her fists clenched.

SLAP. The sound echoed up and down the corridor, that's how hard it was. Myra let out a yell before she found herself shoved up against a wall, a seething Raina gripping her arms so tightly that they stung along with her red cheek. "Don't EVER say that to me." Raina spat her words as her crazed eyes glared at the also now mad looking Myra. She was somehow aware of Chameleon grabbing her arm as Myra spoke, "What? It's true isn't it?" "Myra stop." "Something could be seriously upsetting Faye and you brush it off like it's nothing." "Myra!" Raina glared at her, being tugged away by Chameleon, "I know what Faye wants to speak to me about." "Then why don't you speak to her about it!" "Because it's about Raina almost dying Myra! So shut up!" Myra fell silent and the last thing Raina heard her say as she was tugged away by Chameleon was, "What?"

Raina stormed past Chameleon on their way to the lake, he let out a groan and followed her, "Rai! Raina calm down!" They passed Sheena on their way, neither of them really noticing. Raina was too busy muttering about annoying key-holders and Chameleon was focused on trying to catch up to her. He rolled his eyes, still in viewing distance of Sheena, and switched his body suddenly, turning into a eagle before flying right over Raina's head, switching back in mid-air and landing right infront of her. "Raina. Stop." She paused so that she didn't run right into him but her hands flew out and shoved him backwards, closer to the lake. "What Leo? What are you going to do?" She glared at him, "How you gonna stop me? You won't fight will you?" She shoved him once more, his feet now centimeters away from the water. Chameleon's eyes darkened slightly, "Raina. Calm down. You've had a bad few days." "BAD?" She growled at him, prodding his chest so that he wobbled slightly on the edge, "A bunch of people found out about my secret, then Jace the bast**d himself shows up, almost kills me and is given a glorious second chance by that b**ch Flower! Not to mention the freaky visit from my DEAD mum and sister! I saw them Leo! Mabel even f**king HUGGED me! She's dead! She shouldn't be able to hug me!" She hadn't realized until now, but tears were flowing down her cheeks freely. "Why did Jace get a second chance!" She hissed now, she had stopped crying, "Why didn't they get a second chance! Mabel was a sweetheart! She wouldn't even drink human blood from a blood bag let alone hurt anyone! It's not FAIR!" She slammed her fists on his chest and he fell backwards. Using the tip of his toes he pushed himself backwards and did a flip in the air above the lake, then he suddenly spiked downwards and as his feet touched the water he flew back upwards, a small burst of water following him as he flipped back over Raina's head and landed behind her. She spun around, "What the heck? Did you just jump off of water?" Chameleon shrugged and then ducked to the side as Raina's fist flew at him, "Raina! Cut it out!" He ducked down as her foot swung at his head, "Fight me Chameleon! Why won't you fight?" She lashed out a few more times, him dodging each one and taking a few steps back, "It's none of your business Raina, now stop it!" She growled and brought her knee up, aiming at his gut. He grabbed her knee and spun her around, so that he was back to the lake again and she was infront of him, then he grabbed her wrist and pulled it behind her, immbolising her. His eyes as hard as steel, his voice determined, "I am not going to fight you Raina." Raina opened her mouth to speak before her eyes caught onto Sheena. She blinked.

Jace woke up lazily, stretching and yawning as he sat up in bed. His eyes searched the room for Flower before he noticed the sound of the shower. He shrugged and got out of bed, changing into some black jeans and a dark blue top before walking over to the door. He paused as his hand grasped the handle. Wait. What day was it? His grip on the door handle tightened as he remembered. Mother's day.
From where she had watched all this, Sheena stood very still, not wanting to announce her presence. They had all breezed right past her, not seeming to have noticed her until too much had been said and done to take back. She had known Raina's story...but for her to show such emotion...for her to cry? She knew Raina had feelings, after their last encounter. She knew Raina had softness, even...but to see her cry, to hear her scream about her mother and sister made something twist sharply in Sheena's stomach that even she cannot put words to.

When Raina catches her eye, Sheena still says nothing, unsure of what to do. If she left, Raina might chase her. If she spoke, it would undoubtedly provoke a war. In this moment she is torn from her own thoughts of her own mother, so caught up is she in this present dilemma.
Flower walked out dressed in shorts and a tee shirt. Her shirt had a white tiger on it. She looked at Jace. "Hmm... remember what day it is too?" She asked drying her hair. She looked down and then looked at Jace. "I'm going to visit my mother's grave today....if you want to come....of course I'd have to leash you to Nick then." She said with a slight smile that fadded.
Jace's fist clenched visibly on the door handle as he heard Flower's voice. Remember what day it was? Of course he remembered what day it was. What was she, stupid? "I'm good thanks. I don't want anything to do with that vampire." He kept his back to her the whole time before pulling on the handle and swinging the door open. He spoke so bitterly of the brother he had never even gotten to know, he didn't want to get to know him. He took one step out the door, still not looking back as he glanced up and down the corridors.

Raina blinked again, eyes caught onto Sheena's. "Leo." Her voice was soft and it caused Chameleon to look up at Sheena. "Oh crap." He let go of Raina's arm and she stepped away, shaking her arm lightly, "Man Leo, you got a grip." Chameleon shrugged, obvious uncomfortable as he slipped his hands into his pockets and dropped his gaze to the floor. A real man always keeps his head held high. Look up boy. Chameleon couldn't help the involuntary reaction of glancing up only to see Raina had made her way over to Sheena. He sighed and followed her silently, almost like a bodyguard. Reality was that he just didn't want her to kill Sheena or anything.

Raina walked up to Sheena, she glanced back at Leo and discreetly rubbed the wet from her cheeks before looking back at Sheena. "You saw that?" She asks now, her tone completely normal and void of any emotion although one of her eyebrows were raised.

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