Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Flower sighs deeply and then looks at Jace following him out and then looked at the ceiling. Somehow....This day is very tense....or is it just Jace? She sighed and then walked away right now not caring a bit about Jace. She had two more people watching over him now. However Raina was clever....three people might not be enough...what's worse...Jace is an idoit and a fool, a clever fool but a fool none the less. She looked at the floor and then looked up someone running past her. She looked back at then blinked seeing nothing.
Jace grinned lightly once he had lost Flower. Maybe he could find something to take his mind off of this dreadful day. What was up with that ninja boy anyway? He had to have a secret, maybe he could find it out. Yup, Jace knew what he was going to do today. He carried on drifting up and down corridors, looking for Chameleon - not knowing that he was outside.

(Rosa could bump into him now if you wish xD )
Flower sighs and then walks out. She grabbed her best horse and then sighed deeply. "Hunter!" She called and her happy Key dog came running in her dog form. "Find Jace and bug the heck out of him...then bite him let's see if that posion of yours can kill demons as well." She said with an anger. She was upset and she was about to make Jace pay for it. She kicked her horse lightly on the side to get her going and then headed for the royal grave yard back in kingdom kira.

Hunter tilted her head. "Jace? Flower's best friend Jace?" The dog's eyes went wide and then sat down not planing on finding Jace at all. She growled. "I'm not going after that killer." She said and then sighed deeply laying down. "No way."

Nick on the other hand was out searching for Faye. He turned the corner and put his hands into his pockets. He let out a sigh and then continued to look around.

Name: Haru Nirvantum

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Demon

Powers: Can form scales all over my body that are thicker then steel and breathe fire

Weapons: A katana

Vehicle: A motorcycle

Pets: none

Family: all dead

Husband/wife: none

Girlfriend/boyfriend: none

Crush: none at the moment

Looks: long black hair, blue eyes, 6 ft tall

--- Merged Double Post ---

Haru sighed walking up the steps of this new academy he just transfered into. He had long black hair, blue eyes was six feet tall. He wore blue jeans and a black t shirt with a Anarchy A on the back. Walking around he felt anxious, he felt the want, no the need to do something extremely stupid but fun. So Haru turned around heading outside he went for his motorcycle. starting the ignition he smiled while begging to rev the engine. The bam, haru went into motion turning his cycle and running upwards over the steps then heading into the castle. Haru drove through halls recklessly until he jumped off the cycle slamming it through a wall. The cycle crashed into a room as the man laughed walking away looking for something more interesting to do. For thrill is what haru craved, he wanted something amusing to do, and he wanted it now. "What to do, what to do?"The man said walking down the halls.Thats when the idea hit him and his face lit up like a christmas tree. "Im gonna start a fight!"
Seeing no way of denying Raina's question, Sheena simply nods, arranging her features into a blankness almost rivaling Raina's. She has no idea, based on the other girl's expression, what she is thinking, but there's a safe bet it's not something pleasant. Even as she hopes the other girl isn't about to attack, she prepares herself mentally for the possibility, her muscles tensed.

"Yeah...sort of hard to miss."

(btw Joboz, Fire of Hearts...Street kids post? :) )
(Hmmmm who to put in there for Haru? OH! I'm going to be mean and put Deathwish in there! are in for a lot of trouble. *Evil laugh*)

Deathwish was walking down the halls reading a book when he heared a crash. He was a half vampire, half demon with a 18 year old look but over 100 years under his belt. (Well if he had one) He closed the book in one hand and then walked towards the crash. Deathwish always had a death ora giving off. Most people either ignored it or stayed away from it. People who tried to face it head Deathwish looked to see a new student (Haru) walking down with almost a scent of fighting. He turned deciding to be nice (Merciful.... xD ) and walk away.
Rosa made her way down the corridors counting steps all of the way. Whenever she went out in public she had to be "on" she could never just relax and enjoy the moment. When she walked down the halls Rosa had to constantly count her steps, think about her next turn, listen and feel for other students in the hallways and avoid tripping over her own feet. She envied the people who could just walk down the hallways playing music or strolling down the hall half asleep but Rosa knew that never be her.

As she rounded the corner Rosa felt another presence, a new heartbeat with a totally different breathing pattern. She paused mid-step trying to match the heartbeat with the right person before Swift gave her the answer, it was Jace and the tension wafting off of Swift confirmed her calculations. Rosa grit her teeth not wanting to really deal with this menace.
A red convertible corvette pulled up infront of the academy. Its paint shinned with amazing detail looking brand new from a dealer ship. A young lady opened the back passenger door, stepping out with a bag in her hand. She had long legs and a blue dress going up to her knees with a matching pair of heels. The woman had long green hair with blue highlights, she wore a pair of black shades. She smiled looking at her new academy with a smile that would light up the sun. Her figure was perfect and her body was tan. She took her bag and began to walk towards the school went the young lady heard acrash from inside the school. The woman was startled proceeding to the academy with caution after all this was her first time in a academy she never knew what kind of people attended these things. Stepping inside the school she saw a young man with a wrecked motor cycle. The woman took off her shades as she walked closer to him she winked at him while starting to walk by him. once the lady passed the man she would reach into her bag. Pulling out an iron club about 2 feet long. She took the club and rose it over her shoulder swinging the club like a bat at the back of Vulcan's head.

lol accepted. Welcome to Fighting academy.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Deathwish looked at the new women and then blinked. "Hm... the two new students I'm guessing?" He asked walking over. He didn't pay much attention to the club. He blinked at the two. Great trouble makers it seems. He looked at the women and then at the poor guy. He let out a chuckle and which showed his two sharp fangs.
Jace grows a malicious smirk as he spotted that Ninja boy's little girlfriend. This should be fun. He reminded himself not to throw his weight around too much though, she could have a hidden power underneath her frail appearance, then again, almost everyone looked frail to Jace, almost every girl. "Hey, didn't catch your name the other day?" He had already made his way over to her before he spoke suddenly, watching her eyes, was she blind? (Can't remember if he found it out or not, so imma pretend he didn't)

Raina nods, still blank before her eyes harden. She hated what had happened the past few days; she had let her guard slip. Now Flower knew about Jace, Faye wanted to ask her about Jace, and Sheena knew EVERYTHING. Well, almost everything. It was still only her who knew about her Dad. Just her. "Sheena." She says her name, her voice neither soft or sharp. Emotionless even though her eyes hold a secret warning. "Let's forget the past few days. Including just now." It isn't a question, or a plea. It's a demand, a command.

Chameleon still stands behind Raina, frowning down at her. Why couldn't she just let someone close? Did she have a fear of friendship or something? Of course he had never thought to ask why the guy had stabbed her the other day, he just assumed it was because they got in a fight or something, but maybe it was something more. But, if he asked about her past, and got an answer, she would probably tell him it was only fair that she got an answer about his past. And no way was he going to tell ANYONE about his past unless forced...and it was pretty hard to force Chameleon to do anything. Only one man had ever succeeded in that task.
Flower soon came back. She walked in and went straight to look for Leon. She knew his secret now. Once she found him, she hide her red eyes from her crying and then let out a deep sigh. "Leon....can you come with me for a second?" She asked trying to ignore Raina know she would be so ticked off at her. She didn't show her eyes, but she was favoring a leg and a whole side as well. Also she was hiding something on her neck. She went to her mother's a dangerous place to be, even for Flower. Raina probably could smell the strong scent of blood.

Nick looked around for Faye with James at his side. He blinked and then smelled blood. He covered his nose. It was Flower's. "Darn it I told her not to go there!" He said angry and then looked at James who was looking at him strangly. "Tell you later man."
(By the way, Chameleon, Raina and Sheena are all outside by the lake, not inside xD )

Chameleon frowned and glanced up as Flower called his nickname, his black hair flopping over his bright blue eyes slightly before he gave a small smile, "Hey Flower, uh sure." He then frowned, taking a step closer to her as he noticed her hiding her eyes and her holding her neck, "Flower? Are you ok?" His voice held concern in it and his brow furrowed in confusion.

Raina didn't break her steel gaze from Sheena as she spoke, "No, she's not. I can smell her blood a mile off, it's actually making me really frickin' thristy." She smirked coldly, tearing her eyes from Sheena for a second to look over at Flower, her tone bitter and that of a perfected bi**h voice. "What's wrong Flower?" She rose an eyebrow, her frosty stance was perfect, her head tilted at the perfect angle to sneer at her and her eyes giving away nothing soft to hold onto, but looked just that bit TOO perfect, like it was practiced, learnt like it was a protective shield. Still, she kept it up as she put on the mocking baby voice, "Did your besty Jace attack you too? Not so nice is he." She gave her elevator eyes before shaking her head, "Oh no, that's not the work of our dear Jace is it? No...must have been someone else, who knew you had so many ene---" "Raina. Stop it." Chameleon's icy tone cut Raina off and she switched her gaze to see he was staring at her, not a glare, but not a nice look either. She glared at him, "What?" "I think you heard me Raina." She glared at him, moving away to Sheena and walking up to him until they were face to face, well, face to chin. She rose an eyebrow at him, "I heard you alright. I was just giving you a chance to change what you said." Chameleon looked down at her, his gaze not threatening, but not weak either. "Raina, don't even think ab---" Before he could finish his sentence Raina had sped behind him and struck out her fist to hit his back, but he had spun to face her and ducked down to the floor, grabbing her wrist from above him and flinging it backwards over his head so that her whole body lifted off of the ground and slammed down onto the ground behind him. He stood up and moved to face her as she groaned, leapt up from the floor and rushed at him. He rolled his eyes and spoke before she reached him, "Seriously Rai, cut it out." You could see the discomfort in his eyes at the thought of having to fight her, she growled and stopped a few feet away from him, "What? You go around ordering people like some sort of Prince and then you won't even fight them to prove your worth?" She hissed her words at him and he glared at her now, "I will not fight you Raina. Fighting may be how you get through life, but you seem to forget that fighting ends lives aswell." Raina folded her arms and glanced to Flower, "You better get her the heck out of here, her blood smell is burning the heck out of my throat." On the word 'throat' her voice cracked slightly, it was true, her throat was stinging. Chameleon simply nodded, glad she had stopped attacking him. He glanced to Flower, "Come on, let's get you cleaned up." He gently took her arm, worried it was hurt aswell, before leading her in the direction of the medical room.

Raina looked to Sheena, her arms crossed and her expression blank once more, still waiting for her earlier answer about forgetting the past few days. Her black eyes had a tint of dark red to them; blood lust.

(Hey, could it be that Sheena was the only one who noticed Raina's 'fake/perfected' bi**h attitude, if anyone notices at all?)
Flower slowly walked with Leon. "I knew I shouldn't have....Followed you..." She said quietly and then looked up at him. Showing her red eyes. "I'm sorry...I was at my mother's grave....Vampires....they control that area...I have been trying to get them out of there..." She said and then looked back down. She started walking a bit slowler. "Leon...You know i am the Queen of Key holders right?" She said and then coughed a bit, the pain was to much....she pushed herself not to faint or fall in such a weak state.
'Why should I tell you? You do realize you nearly killed a girl yesterday which would make any normal person a little wary of you. But the thing is I'm not normal, I'm always on the defensive either avoiding danger or destroying it. So what you should get from this conversation is either stay away from me or be prepared to get your ass kicked when you piss me off,' is what Rosa wanted to say. The sheer fact that he was so close to her made her want to form a ice dagger and hold it to his throat but she needed information. Leo had obviously done something to freak him out and she needed to know what. She needed to know who what she was around. "The name is Rosa," she said forcing herself to be tolerably nice.
Vulcan continued to walk down the hall when he spotted a rather attractive girl walking in. He smiled looked at as she walked by him, until bam. A hit in the back of the head, the man turned around immediately looking at the woman with a club. The man was pissed he wanted a fight, but to fight a woman? That was something this man had been raised not to do. Never hit a woman his mother told him when he was young. Vulcan grabbed the club from the woman and breathed in deeply. Then with a heavy exhale he breathed fire melting this iron club to scrap metal. He took the remain flinging it over his shoulder into the hall. Right before walking away form the woman he smiled taking her sun glasses and walked outside. The man reached into his pocket pulling out a pack of smokes, he quickly packed them and pull out a cig. With a quick exhale of his breath he ignited the smoke and took a puff. Taking a quick look around the outside of the academy he started walking looking for something of interest to him. He just hoped that woman wouldnt come starting anything with him again.
Chameleon looked a bit shocked at her red eyes, but then as she coughed his grip on her tightened slightly, "Wait a second Flower" He said then in a few seconds he had swept his arm underneath the back of her legs and picked her up swiftly, he could tell she was having trouble walking so he Princess carried her instead. He grinned lightly at the irony of it, "Of course I know you're the Queen of Key-Holders. Although this is a Princess carry...but I have no idea what a Queen carry is." He walked into the medical room and placed her down on one of the chairs, the medical teacher there was a healer and had Flower sorted out in almost seconds before leaving the room, telling them both to stay there while she fetched some medience for that bite on Flower's neck. He looked at Flower once she had left, "What did you want to speak to me about anyway?" His brow furrowed slightly and his electric blue eyes sparked with curiosity.

Jace grinned at her, he could tell she was biting her tongue, people usually were with him. "That's a beautiful name, Rosa. Latin for a Rose." He rose an eyebrow but still with a smirk on his face, "You're ninja boy's girlfriend, right?" He referred to Chameleon as ninja boy now, since he didn't know his name and Chameleon had basically exhibited a lot of ninja skills. He watched her face for her reaction, he noticed she was very pretty. No wonder ninja boy likes her.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Oh dear, I believe Jace may start bugging Rosa in a romantic-annoying way. xD )
Flower looked at him her eyes very weak indeed. "Hm...yes well...I'm sorry you have to see me this way....but...let's just say I know exackly who you are. I'm guessing a more secretive room would be best for this...conversation?" She asked and then took a deep breath gaining strength. "Why you never told me...seems a bit odd. Since our kind are...allies?" She said looking back at him with a small smile.
Chameleon frowned, "What do you mean?" The nurse then walked back in and walked over to Flower, he looked down at the floor, a frown on his face until his eyes widened visibly. Oh s**t. He looked back up at her just as the nurse handed her some sort of pill thing and dismissed her from the room. Did Flower know about his heritage? "Uh." He stood up, obviously a bit shocked, "Thank you Miss." He took Flower's arm once more - still gently despite his hurry to leave - and ushered her from the room silently. He still held onto her as they left, worried she was too weak to walk alone, before glancing to her, "Where should we talk?" He asked her, his eyes on the ground as he frowned at it, utterly confused.
Flower slowly looks at Leon. "Here." She slowly led him to her secret garden. (Remember that place? lol) She slowly sat down feeling much better now. "I'm sorry to give you such a shock. are royalty?" She said looking at him with a slight smile. "Or more like your uncle...right?" She said and then looked down at the river putting her hand in. "I'm sorry to bother you with this...I'm sure you didn't want anyone to know."
(Yeah, I remember it xD )

Chameleon followed her silently, looking around with a small smile at the beautiful garden. He glanced to her as she mentioned him being royalty, but his muscles visibly tensed as his uncle was mentioned. His presence followed him everywhere, even to school. Was there no-where that he could hide from the truth? He watched as she dipped her hand in the river, he slowly unclenched his fists and nodded, trying to get over the mention of his uncle. "Yeah...I'm next in line, a Prince I guess." He rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably, there was no guessing about it. He was the Prince of Shape-shifters. His relutancy to talk about the subject showed through his silence before he spoke quietly, "Can you not tell anyone else? I'd rather people don't know..." He trailed off. He had always tried to reject his approaching future, ever since his uncle 'trained' him to become King, Chameleon knew he didn't WANT to become King. Chameleon's father was the oldest kid out of him and Chameleon's uncle, but when Chameleon's dad was assassinated, Chameleon's uncle became King instead. He never married and had kids so Chameleon is next in line to become King, he would be anyway, even if his uncle had kids, since Chameleon is higher up in the royal bloodline than his uncle is. He could become King right now if he wished, but of course he didn't.
Flower looks at him and then nodded. "Of course...I do not tell many things you know." She said putting a finger to her mouth and then she giggled. "I'm sorry...I can tell this is not a subject you like to talk about." She said and then looked at the water. "I was mearly curious...because...well in the future...I was hoping to keep our people allied....but I see I shouldn't have. I am terribly sorry."
Sheena watches all of Raina's aggressive behaviors without comment or physical action, her arms crossed, little expression on her face. She does not move to get into the middle of it; she knows better by now, both for herself, and for Raina. In the past two days she has started to feel that she gets Raina, just a little bit...and the last thing she wants to do is go back to square one, pretend that she doesn't know what she knows of Raina.

For a while there, they had seemed to have a chance of if not a friendship, at least a civility. She doesnt' want to go back to having to constantly fight the other girl and defend herself against her. Chances are that Raina might force it to return to that anyway...but if it's going to happen, it won't be because Sheena is going to lie to herself and everyone else, and pretend she doesn't know the truth of Raina's past and who she is, beneath her not wholly truthful front.

When Raina turns back to her, issuing her a look of challenge, Sheena just raises an eyebrow, then very deliberately shakes her head.

"I don't lie to myself or anyone else, not anymore, Raina. I face up to what I know, about me and about everyone else, even if I don't like it or it's harder than how I want it to be. And you know..I think you should have enough courage where you can do the same thing."

She pauses, then adds, "I won't use any of what I know against you. I don't pity you, and I don't think you're weak or anything else like that. But I won't just pretend it never happened."
Chameleon sighs and moves slowly to stand beside her, also looking down at the water. "Of course our people will remain allied." He looks up at her with a small smile, "We have no reason not to be allied, right?" He then sits down by the river, one leg flat out on the grass and the other one bent at the knee. He sighs lightly again, his eyes cast to the grass strands infront of him as he speaks quietly, "It's just a touchy subject, my heritage and my family are something I'd rather not talk about." He moves his eyes up to Flower with a weak grin, "Although I'm pretty sure that rule applies to almost everyone at this school."

Raina's fists clench. So that was a no. Her black eyes harden at Sheena's words, lie to herself? Was she implying that Raina was lying to herself? No. That wasn't true, Raina knew of her own past, she didn't deny that it happened, she just didn't want others to know about it, it was her personal business and she didn't want people treating her differently to how they would before just because they found out that her loved ones' were brutally slaughtered before her own eyes. Raina would hate it if suddenly everyone wanted to be NICE to her. Because to Raina, being nice always meant you had an ulterior motive. If someone was nice to Raina, it was because they wanted something, not because they cared. Why would people care when they all had their own problems to deal with?

Liza cares, Chameleon cares, Faye cares....maybe Sheena cares too. Why don't you give her a chance? She ignored her stupid inner voice and kept her glare directed at Sheena, her arms crossed over her chest. She still held onto the fact that Sheena didn't know all of her past; just the beginning of her end. Many people have the stupid notion that Vampires are dead - like seriously, come on, Vampires were born to a mother and father, not shot in the head by a crazy person and then suddenly grew fangs - but no. Raina only considered herself dead after the death of her mother and sister; she died with them. At least her soul did. "Right." She commented bitterly, you could see she was struggling not to rip Sheena's head off as she walked right past her. "I hope you have a bootiful day Sheena-Legs!" She imitated Liza's voice almost perfectly, although the dialect was a bit off. Then regaining her own voice again she glanced over her shoulder at Sheena, "Oh, and if you see Jace...." She smirked maliciously, "Tell him Raina wants to have a friendly little chat with him." She spun her head back again and carried on walking, heading back for the school, not quite there yet though.
Flower chuckles and then nods. "Well...I guess that is true. I was only crying at the factmy mother is surrounded by the very same people who killed is...sad." She sighed and then touched her neck. " has become a sore subject...I wish I could meet someone....and know what it is like to have a family again." She smiled lightly. "Well...I hope you have a good day Leon." She said and then stood up. "Stay up here as long as you like..." She said heading to the door.

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