Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Sheena rolled her eyes at Raina's imitation of Liza and blatant sarcasm, but after Raina has passed enough that she is sure she can no longer see Sheena, she smiles. Ha, so something about what she had said must have sunk in, or else the other girl would have attacked her. Sheena could tell how much she wanted to...and yet she hadn't. And that said something...that was a start.

Sheena is proud of herself, her posture straighter than usual, her depressed feelings about the day's date lessened as she remains by the lake, starting forward and letting her shoes dampen at its edge. She just kind of wishes Faith or Macal had seen how she had not lost her temper and no one had physically fought.
(This is gonna be fun :P )

Rosa grit her teeth feeling a bit of heat rise to her cheeks. She quickly chilled her body but it couldn't hide everything, "If by "ninja boy" you mean Leo than the answer is no. I am not his girlfriend," she wanted to tack on the word yet. She wasn't his girlfriend yet but at that moment she didn't want to share that with him and she wasn't even sure if it was true. Rosa decided to ignore his other comments and delve deeper into this ninja idea.

"What exactly do you mean by Ninja boy?" she asked cocking her head ever so slightly. She opened her eyes even wider. Swift had told her that her blue eyes were unnaturally clear almost unnerving. She tried to look as innocent and curious as possible as she asked the question. Rosa had found that the combination of being blind and looking hot if not slightly naive got the results she needed.
(sorry if it feels like I'm ditching Leon...I just need to make this the new role player has something to do as well.)

Flower left and walked around looking straight down. She didn't look up deep in her thoughts. She closed her eyes letting out a deep sigh. She opened them again only to bump into Vulcan. She looks at him and then backs up. "Oh terribly sorry." she started and then lightly smiled at him. "I was in deep thought." she said and then shrugged. She looked at the surrounding area and then back to the new guy. "Hmm you are new here aren't you?"

Nick was looking for faye. He hasn't seem her all day. He looked around starting to get itchy for a girl. (Classic nick) he looked around and then continued down a hall. He stratched his arm waiting to see Faye. He had Jo clue were she had gone. What was worse is he had James by his side looking for Myra. James was much calmer then nick was.
Jace grinned at Rosa, noticing the blush that crept onto her face and the way her jaw seemed to tighten for a moment. He was getting to her; perfect. "Leo?" He spoke Chameleon's nickname thoughtfully, so that was his name? He did look a bit like a Leo. Although Jace preferred to call him Ninja boy. He made a mental note that she was single before taking her question into his mind. He looked at her clear, big blue eyes and blinked. "Uh..Umm.." He stuttered for a moment as he took in her innocent appearance. Why on Earth was he reacting this way? He had killed toddlers before, innocence shouldn't faze him. That wasn't you Jace, that was Sethos. Sethos could handle Rosa, no...Sethos could kill Rosa, he probably would. Jace blinked again, bringing himself back. "Didn't you see him earlier?" He then looked at her eyes once more, was she blind? "The other day when I put a knife to Ninja's boy's neck he freaked out on me, he like, switched into a mouse and then reappeared as himself again, his eyes looked almost black and they were completely blank, no emotion whatsoever. Then he grabbed my hand and made me stab myself in the shoulder, the arm and the side, then he spun behind me, twisted my hand behind my back and kicked me to the floor and pinned me there. In exactly three seconds. I didn't even have time to blink let alone react." He had no problem with telling her what had happened, it wasn't like it was a secret....right? He then grinned suddenly, "Oh wait, did Ninja boy not tell you?" He smirked now, "That's it isn't it? You had to ask me because Leo wouldn't tell his beautiful little Rose about his freaky ninja skills."

Chameleon watched Flower leave before leaving himself, he needed to check that Raina hadn't killed Sheena yet. He switched into a cheetah and sped back to where he had left them; the lake. He drew to a halt when he noticed one lone figure at the water's edge, Sheena. He switched back to his own form when he was beside her and glanced to her with a grin,
"I see Rai hasn't tried to kill you in my absence. That's actually a bit of a shock." He looked down at the water and frowned, "Hey, do you know what happened to her?" He glanced up to look at Sheena, "She's been acting a bit odd the past few days."

(Great. I now have a new thing for Jace. Every time he sees Rosa he will produce a different coloured Rose and give it to her
xD Oh and Fire, sorry about not replying to Nick and James, I just have no idea what to do with Myra and Faye =/)
Sheena has heard Chameleon's approach but did not look up until he drew near enough for his reflection to come across the lake's surface. She looks first at his reflection, to the side of her own, vaguely interested in the way the figures ripple and expand across the water, before she looks up to him, trying to keep her face neutral at his question.

"Yeah, well, with any luck the whole killing at first sight thing is over...and as for what's up with her...uh...well...if it was anyone but Raina we were talking about, I'd say you ask her. But then she'd kill us both or try to, so...maybe we should just stick with a 'that's her business' answer."
Rosa didn't like the way Jace said Leo, she wanted him to just brush over it make it unimportant name soon to be forgotten. The less anyone was involved with this creep the better. She noticed the stutter and smirked a little. Whatever she was doing was working, she could tell he wasn't sure if she was blind yet because he didn't stumble over the word see or try to correct his mistake. She would just keep playing dumb until he figured it out. Rosa liked to see how long a person thought she had perfect vision and than surprise them with her little "handicap" if it became a nuisance.

As she listened to what happened the day before a pit began to form in her stomach. Rosa wasn't sure why, but something felt off. Maybe it was the fact that she hadn't known his powers as a shape shifter or his unmentioned skills in hand to hand combat. She had already sparred with him and he must have been holding back which bugged her. Rosa practiced so she could protect herself in a real fight, holding back was almost detrimental. Why would he hide his talent, there had to be reason or else he would have told her. Leo had said his talents had something to do with fading into the background or disappearing, she had figured that he could make himself all but invisible but shifting was a totally different front. Rosa slit her eyes trying to piece together a meaning but she realized Jace was done talking.

Rosa didn't like the way he called her beautiful or little or even his tone of voice, "What Leo tells me is between me and him, if he wants you to nothing something he will tell you," her voice cold and threatening. He was toeing at the line and might want to step back.
Vulcan turned to see who bumped into him, as he raised his sunglasses to look and see who it was. At first anger ran through the man like an intoxication but once he saw it was a woman he pushed the feeling aside. Lowering his sunglasses he looked at the woman. With a smile upon the mans lips he spoke "Dont worry about it, its nothing." Said the man as he placed his hands within his pockets. The man looked at the women listening to her asking him if he was new. "Yea you can say that, i just got here a little while ago. The names Vulcan, whom might you be beautiful." Said Vulcan.
Flower blinks as she looks at him. She at first had been a little worried that he was mad but then it suddenly felt calm. She blushed a light red but hid it in her hair at the beautiful part. It only lasted a few seconds. She would let the flirting slide since he was new and gave him smile. "I'm Flower." She said and then held out a hand to shake his. "Nice to meet you Vulcan." she said and then looked around. "Since you're new I could show you around a bit." she said looking at him with that smile still on her face. She was being nice like she normally is. She pushed her snow white hair behind her ear.
(we are not as lose here as in Order of the lycan...we don't do one or two lines as you can see. You think you can keep up?)
(on the first page)

--- Merged Double Post ---

[QUOTE="Fire of Hearts]Flower blinks as she looks at him. She at first had been a little worried that he was mad but then it suddenly felt calm. She blushed a light red but hid it in her hair at the beautiful part. It only lasted a few seconds. She would let the flirting slide since he was new and gave him smile. "I'm Flower." She said and then held out a hand to shake his. "Nice to meet you Vulcan." she said and then looked around. "Since you're new I could show you around a bit." she said looking at him with that smile still on her face. She was being nice like she normally is. She pushed her snow white hair behind her ear.

(here is my last post before talking to the new role player.)
The man extended his hand forwards shaking flowers hand with a smile. Looking around the area the wind blew making his hair sway in the wind while his sunglasses fell from his face slightly. "nice to meet you to" said vulcan while pushing his sungalsses back up to the bridge of his nose. The man took a look around seeing he had no idea where anything was at this school "sure that would help me alot, so where is something fun to do?"
Flower looked at him and then pushed her hair out of her face because the wind made it fall from her ear. "Well...we do have a gaming room...also...there's a swiming pool, outside and inside...and some people find the sparing rooms fun." She said looking at the school and then looked at him with a smile. "And others find it fun to walk in the forest or the gardens." She said.
Looking through black shades the man walked forwards with his long hair swaying in the wind. He turned to flower "What do you want to do, im ok with any of these things" The man said tring to keep a mental map of where the two had traveled to for future reference. The man pulled out a pack of smokes from his pocket lighting up one.
Flower looked around. She loved swimming but rather not. She looked around. "How about a walk." She said and then looked around. The gardens were nice...but she wasn't trying to be romantic or anything, a walk in the forest would be good. She smiled, she hadn't walked in the forest for a while. "Then maybe later we can spar...I'd love to see what the new student can do." She said and then headed for the forest. "Come along then." She said with a smile.
Chameleon chuckled lightly, running his hand through his coal black hair as his own bright blue eyes stared at both reflections in the water. "Yeah, I think she has let up on killing people recently, let's hope it sticks right?" His joking tone faltered a bit at the end as he kept staring at his reflection with a subtle frown. He always found it odd to look at his own reflection; it either annoyed him or confused him. It annoyed him because it reminded him what a true monster he was underneath his kind appearance, it reminded him what he had done to make him a monster. But it also confused him because he wondered what people saw in him, his deceiving bright blue eyes that looked as if they held no secret, yet they held so many. His raven black hair apparently didn't give enough of a danger hint to warn people off. But then again, they all thought he was no danger, right? He then noticed her other words and shrugged, "I might ask her. She'd have no reason to take it out on you...and she can't kill me." He grinned lightly, "She's tried a few times already."

Jace noticed her sudden snap of tone and he rose an eyebrow, a smirk on his face,
"Nice tactic, blue eyes, play the innocent act to get what you want." His eyes suddenly grew darker and his fists clenched as he felt a shudder run through him and a black shadow-like substance filtered from his hands and floated around them. "S**t." He commented as he glanced down at them. Rosa's fake 'sweet girl' act had annoyed Sethos. And when Sethos got annoyed....someone got killed. Like that day when Raina's disgusting Father had brutually murdered his beautiful girlfriend; Sethos came out to play and ended up killing Raina's mum and baby sister, and almost Raina. He looked back at Rosa's face, she looked a lot like Méilǐ, maybe that is why he was attracted to her, or why he didn't want Sethos to so much as touch her. "I-I gotta go Rosa." The black cloud of pure evil surrounded his hands intensified and seeped over closer to Rosa, ready to grab her until Jace stumbled back suddenly, his eyes growing darker and darker as Sethos's thoughts become louder in his head. Get her. She used you. She wants nothing more than for you to fall in a pit and die. GET HER. He took a step closer to her, his eyes almost black, then he fell backwards again. "R-Rosa." He muttered her name, almost sounding weak, like he needed help. Then, before he could continue speaking. Raina appeared. Standing right infront of Rosa as she glared at Jace. His eyes turned black. She rose an eyebrow, "It's me you want to kill Jace, not her." Although his voice was the same, the tone was utterly different, more cold and cruel, "Where's the fun in you offering, Raina?" Raina's eyes hardened, Jace had been holding back the past few days, this was the Jace who killed her loved ones. "Oh, I'm not offering. Bast**d. Catch me if you can." She sped off in seconds, Jace/Sethos glanced at Rosa, his eyes black and cold before he chased after Raina with the same speed she had.

(Rosa can follow them if you wish for her to do so. Or go find Chameleon at the lake with Sheena, either one. Just decided I might have Chameleon's mum pay a visit today ^.^ Or at least give him a call. Oh gosh, you'll have all these other characters like, 'MY mum is dead D:' Then Chameleon with his Mum right there, offering a hug, and he's like. 'Go away. :mad:' xD )
"If she connects it to you, I'm in for it, and I kinda want to avoid that," Sheena replies, shrugging. She kneels slightly, trailing the tips of her fingers across the water's surface, and when her hair dips into it, she shakes her head to shake the strands back behind her shoulders. Straightening, she looks up at Chameleon again, assessing his expression, before continuing.

"Does she hate everyone but her sisters?"

(Sheena would probably go back into depressed mode if she sees his mother with him, lol. All GIVE ME A MOTHER, JERK, if YOU DON"T WANT HER! lol)
Chameleon shrugs, watching her kneel down to the water, "I won't ask her then." He doesn't want Raina to go tearing after Sheena for something he has said, so he decides he won't ask her. As they fall silent, he gazes back down at the water, now assessing her appearance. His distant, faraway look is snapped away from him as she speaks once more. He frowns at her words and glances to her. His eyes now seem to be lost in thought as his brow furrowes and he speaks slowly, as if thinking about each word before he says it. "I think...I think that Raina doesn't actually hate everyone..." He pauses before carrying on, thinking about how her actions seem just a little TOO perfected, her words rehearsed. "I think she feels like she has to put up some sort Like she has to protect herself from people trying to get close to her, so she acts like a bi**h to them and hopes that they believe her little act and stay away from her." He shrugs, "I don't know of course, just a guess." He frowns, "She may indeed hate Key-Holders though, Vampires and Key-Holders seem to have this mutual hate for each other, besides the exceptions of course." He added as an after thought, thinking of Flower, Liza, Nick and Deathwish. And Faye of course, she had a Key-Holder for a sister and a Vampire for a sister, not to mention she was half of each. She was like the key to Vampire and Key-Holder peace if you thought about it.
Frowning, Sheena kicks her foot in the water again, then steps into it up to her ankles, continuing to kick idly for a few moments before looking up at Chameleon.

"My little sister is a key holder...but you have to be crazy or totally evil to hate Liza. Have you met her yet?"

Without waiting for a reply, she goes on, thinking aloud to herself, "I...kinda get that. About wanting people to hate you first."

She doesn't elaborate, but she is thinking of how long and hard she tried to push Alex away from her, how very hard it was for her to trust him even enough to sit on his she had tried everything to get him to hurt her, just so she could prove that it was his desire to all along. How long and hard she had tried to anger Faith and Macal beyond all forgiveness...and they had held on. Any one of them would drop anything, sacrifice everything for her in spite of it all. She's not worth it, she knows that...and maybe Raina knows the same. That she isn't worth whatever someone could give her.
Chameleon frowns lightly, "I think I've seen her hanging around with Rai a few times, but I haven't met her properly." Wasn't she the little girl who gave Rai that picture? "I'm pretty sure she gave Rai a picture or something." He smiled lightly, "I saw that picture framed in her wardrobe like it was a certificate." He then falls silent as she carries on to speak about how she understands wanting to make people hate you. He doesn't understand it. Hate is such an awful feeling, not as bad as fear of course, of being feared, but it was almost as bad. "Have you ever wanted people to hate you before?" He asks lightly, he realizes this is the second time he and Sheena have had a heart to heart now. The first one was about being your own demon, your own monster. He noticed it was also by the lake, and that he revealed to Sheena that he himself had killed many an innocent before, then he ran before she could find out anymore about his past. Hopefully this time his own little dark past would keep itself hidden.
Rosa smiled and was about to reply wittily but she felt a shift in his being. The girl was immediately on the defensive trying to understand what had changed, she heard him mutter a curse but his voice wasn't giving anything away. His heartbeat seemed to fade, it was there but almost ghostly and threatening. Rosa took a small step back, "Jace," she muttered ice daggers forming in her hand. She kept her hands behind her back worried that any aggression would cause more problems. There was a pause and she could practically feel the tension wafting off of him, for the first time she was afraid. What beast had she awakened within him, how could she fight something she didn't know. Swift let out a low hiss and pressed against her owner's leg begging her to move on. Then Jace said he had to go but he didn't move, "Yeah maybe you should," Rosa said softly, calmly doing her best to lower the tension level. Then Raina showed up and before she could get a word in they were gone. She had gotten Jace's attention and run off taking him somewhere else. Rosa paused wondering whether she should follow or let it be. It wasn't her battle and she was almost absolutely sure that Raina could handle herself in a fight.

The shift in Jace was unnerving, she hadn't trusted him to begin with but what she had heard and felt today was so bizarre. She could feel herself shaking and Rosa realized she was standing in position ready for an attack. She straightened and clicked her tongue, "Come on Swift," she whispered heading outside. She needed a break and she had heard about a lake on the property. She needed to take a dip, of course she wouldn't be able to go far without someone there to guide her back to shore. For some reason water always messed up her senses.
The man nodded accepting the invitation for a walk in the forest. Vulcan headed towards the forest with flower, looking upon the green he couldn't help but think of his last time in the forest. Although the last time wasnt nearly as peaceful as now. It was calm currently with a nice swaying breeze, unlike his last trip through the woods which ended up with a crimson fire and large clouds of smoke rising into the sky. "If you think you can handle a spar with me i will spar with you." he said walking in the forest

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