Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

*Wraps my arms around you* I take it you missed me after all..*Sighs as I get a whiff of your hair* Yeah I'm back where I belong with you.

*As soon as I close my arms around you all doubt and jealous feelings fade away, I still look out at Chameleon and give him defiant glare from over Sheena's shoulder*
Not moving away, Sheena smirks slightly, saying loudly enough for Chameleon to hear in a teasing tone, "Yeah, well, good, because if you stay away much longer you'll flunk out, not to mention I might forget what you look like or something."

Lowering her voice, whispering this part in your ear, she adds, "Today's mother's day, you know...kind of a weird day. I think Raina isn't gonna kill me every time she sees me now...and..." Her voice drops a little lower. "I missed you. Not just today...just a little more today."
I know today is just one of those days we have in common, neither of us able to spend it with our mother's, which is why I had to get back today. *Smiles at you* Wait a minute me flunk are you kidding me that's just not possible, remember who you're talking to. So what's his story are you guys peeing in the lake?
Sheena rolls her eyes and steps back from you a little, gesturing towards Chameleon. "Uh, this is Chameleon. I don't know what else to say other than that because I'm still not...all the way sure who you are?"

As she realizes this she reddens a little again; why had she been running her mouth, for the second time now, to a guy she barely knew? What was with that...was he a hypnotist or something? A little suspicious now, she gestures back to Alex.

"This is Alex Sage, my boyfriend."

(now would be a good time to bring in Chameleon's mom, if you want, Joboz....)
*Extends my hand while keeping one hand on the small of Sheena's back* Hi, it's nice to meet you Chameleon, how are you? *Hard to get a read on this guy but Sheena seems to like him so I'll be friendly for now.*
Rosa slowly made her way around the water's edge, Swift was ahead of her scouting and hunting but never wandering too far. She kept close to the lapping water but never let her foot touch it, the water had an odd effect on her. Unless she was working with ice her mind become cloudy and discerning the origin of sounds became nearly impossible.

Rosa took a deep breath letting the outdoor scents fill her lungs. It was a mix of the crisp water and the musky scents of pines. She stopped and took off her shoes letting her toes sink into the clay, it was soft and cool chilling her whole body. With every step she felt something new, a pebble, a granular of sand or just smooth silky clay. Of course the going was slow because she had to feel with her foot carefully before letting it touch the ground.

Something interrupted the sounds of nature, they weren't loud just obtrusive. A clashing cymbal misplaced in the soft melody. As she got closer Rosa was able to discern voices. One was Leo, the other Sheena and than a new figure, most likely masculine. At the thought of Leo Rosa began to wonder what she was going to say to him. Jace could have lied to her but she struggled to find a reason why he would. The girl tred carefully and quietly as she approached her shoes hanging carelessly from her hand.
(Might wait for a bit before I bring in Leo's mama, it's a bit too crowded and I was hoping people such as Flower, Jace and Raina would be there too, so perhaps inside the building a bit later on.)

Chameleon frowns as Sheena begins her little speech about why she would want people to help her, and he is still frowning down at the water as this other man appears. He then glances up with his bright blue eyes, confusion still in their depths as he gives a simple acknowledgeing nod to the guy Sheena introduces as Alex. He feels his guard fling back up as Alex asks what his story is, and then as Sheena admits she doesn't even know it. He extends his own hand out and shakes Alex's hand, a firm grip yet not at all vicious or commanding. "Hey, nice to meet you too." He smiles, though you could see he had been affected slightly by something Sheena had said; it was the confusion and thoughts in his stunning blue eyes that gave it away. Chameleon could tell by just Alex's stance and way of keeping close to Sheena that he was obviously at least slightly threatened by his presence; he hoped nothing would break out - fighting was not an option. He hadn't noticed Rosa's approach yet as his black hair draped down slightly over the top of his eyes.

Raina's fist clenched as Jace grinned up at her from his spot on the ground. The tension in the air was evident; he wanted her dead and she wanted him dead. But her plan was to kill him now, whereas he wanted to drag this out, he wanted to play with his victim first. But then Raina noticed movement, and she glanced over to see little Liza. No. Once before, she had tried to kill her, threatened it, thought about it. But after Liza ignored the death threats, and saw past Raina's 'bad girl' act, after she gave her a card and even made Raina laugh....No. Raina wouldn't let Jace hurt Liza. It never crossed her mind that Liza could beat him - of course she knew Liza was strong and powerful - but this was the man who had easily killed her mum and sister; she thought he could do anything.

Jace glanced over to where Raina was staring with a smirk, "Why hello there little one." He looked Liza up and down before spotting the key chain hanging around her neck loosely - she was a Key-Holder. He growled lightly before looking back to Raina, he could get her another time. Jace didn't have much control over Sethos, not much at all, but the one thing he could do was control Sethos enough to make sure he didn't hurt another Key-Holder like him; it was their one rule. Before Liza could respond he leapt up and sped away, Sethos trying to find another victim to murder.

Raina looked back to Liza with relief in her eyes before she walked closer to her, she then frowned. What was Liza doing out here? Why did she look so furiou----Her eyes widened. "Li-Liza? Did you hear that?" She felt fear pound against her chest; Liza saw that. She saw her being weak. Even though it was just Liza, the five year old key-holder, it was still someone seeing her being weak. She hated it...but yet couldn't bring herself to be mad at Liza.
Sheena looks between Chameleon and Alex with some discomfort, now noticing the awkwardness between them. She is starting to realize from the slightly possessive way Alex touches her that he might actually be a little jealous. This strikes her as faintly incredible, until she looks at Chameleon and starts to wonder why he always does seem to get her talking about highly personal things. Is it possible he does sort of have a crush on her?

Liza's scowl deepens as she watches Jace run, and she yells after him, indignant. "YEAH! YOU RUN AWAY, YOU BAD BAD KILLER MAN! YOU LEAVE MY RAINA ALONE OR I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME! I MIGHT EVEN HURT YOU REAL BAD, PROBABLY!!!"

Her bear is strapped to her back now, but the sword is clutched tightly in her hands as she looks up at Raina, her dark expression softening a little, but she is still clearly angry. She comes closer to her, saying with her usual complete lack of deceit or careful wording, "Yes, I did, I heard that bad, bad man, and I don't like him at ALL! He is mean and nasty and I think I oughtta hurt him bad. I'm gonna do it next time I see him just for you, Raina!"

Then, her expression softening further, tears coming to her eyes, Liza suddenly flings herself at Raina's legs, hugging her tightly, the sword pressed against Raina's legs along with Liza as she attempts to comfort her. "I'm sorry Raina. That makes me sad what he did to your mama and sister."

She is crying a little bit as she keeps hugging her, trying to make her feel better. "My sister Sheena Legs don't got a mama either so I try to share my mama with her. Plus also my mama don't got a mama either. Plus also my aunts died, and my cousin, and my uncle. And my daddy don't got a mama either. Plus also I broke up with my boyfriend 'cause he killed my teddy bear but that was a long time ago. You can share my mama if you want. And I can be your little sister if you want, okay? I don't mind."

(ok, that's fine...SK post, Jo?)
Rosa appeared from the underbrush pausing for a moment to get a better idea of where everyone stood. Sound bounced differently outside and it took her a little bit longer to discern it origin but once she was locked in she had no trouble finding them. There was a lull in the conversation so she felt better about interrupting, "Hey," Rosa said walking towards the groups. She could tell now that Leo was in front of her with his back to her and Shaina and the other mystery dude were facing her. Swift weaved between her legs as she walked trying to give her more information about the scene before but she hushed her bobcat, sometimes it was okay not to know.
Chameleon hears Rosa's soft voice just after her light footsteps, he once again couldn't help the smile that grew on his face - although he desperately tried to hide it - as he looked over at her approaching form. "Hey Rosa." He of course had no idea that she knew about his freak-out on Jace the other day, so he acted as he usually would to her. He of course was unaware of the way his eyes softened when he looked at her, so he glanced back to Sheena and Alex. "Oh, Sheena, Alex, this is Rosa." He motioned with his hand to show who he was speaking to and about. He paused for a brief moment, would Rosa take offence if he introduced her to Sheena and Alex, since she couldn't see them was there any point? He pushed the thought away after a mere few seconds, "Rosa, this is Sheena and Alex." Even if she couldn't see, she would be able to tell Sheena was the female voice and Alex the male one. (He has no idea that she can 'see' through Swift xD )

Raina is still too worried to even chuckle at Liza yelling after Jace, saying she was going to get him and that she was going to hurt him. She takes a step forward, opening her mouth to speak after Liza admits that she heard what Jace said, but then her whole body freezes as Liza hugs her, crying and talking twenty to the dozen about being sorry and sad, about the lack of mothers and increased amount of death around Liza and finally, her offer of sharing her own mother with her and....and Liza telling her that she'll be her little sister, if she wants. Then it happens. Slowly at first, but then more predominantly tears begin to drip down her cheeks as she falls to her knees and hugs Liza at her own level. She is now shaking violently - eight years worth of tears rushing out of her all at once as she sobs and hugs Liza. It was the suggestion of Liza being her little sister that got her the most. To think that someone would even offer such a thing, something as sweet and pure as Liza aswell. "Thank you" She manages to choke out inbetween sobs. She is ashamed that it has to come to this - her being comforted by a 5 year old while she sobs - but it has, and now all she can do is try to stop crying and move on. But her body doesn't seem to want to obey that order as she carries on crying, her head pounding from it all and her throat de-hydrating.

(Oh yeah sorry, I'll post nao. Oh look! Raina has FINALLY shown some sort of real emotion. xD )
As Rosa approaches, Sheena, glad for the distraction of her presence too, looks up and gives her a quick smile, nodding her acknowledgement. "Yeah, I think we had a class with Faith once? You're...are you Lycan too? Or just a shapeshifter? I forget."

Liza is even more upset when Raina starts to cry, but unlike Sheena, who would have frozen, utterly alarmed by this unpredictable display of emotion, Liza simply takes it for granted that Raina would cry, since something so upsetting has happened to her. In Liza's mind, there is nothing at all wrong with emotion, and in fact, Liza very much expects someone to cry, just like she herself does, when something upsets them. Raina crying now does not seem unusual to her, but she is upset by it, as she feels such empathy for her.

"I'm sorry you feel so bad...I wanna make you feel better. Do you want me to go kick that bad man's ass? Do you want me to make him say sorry and then kick his ass? Do you want to be my sister? I will be, really. And you can share my mama and my sister. Okay? Okay, Raina?"

Liza is still crying with sympathy for her as she hugs her tighter, nuzzling her head against Raina in an attempt to cuddle her, and she wipes at Raina's face and then with awkward, not very skilled movements of her hands, tries to stroke her hair in a soothing manner. All she manages to do is tangle it a little though, so she stops and then solemnly kisses Raina's chin, trying to explain her reasoning for the gesture.

"My mama, she and her sister, not Sheena Legs but Aunt Buffy, they used to kiss foreheads but I can't reach yours..."

Giving up on her rambling, anxious attempt to comfort Raina, Liza settles instead for pulling back just enough to set down her sword and take her bear off her back, then offers it up to Raina to take just before cuddling back into her arms, now including the bear in the hug. To Liza, the bear will certainly fix all sadness.
Rosa nodded in greeting feeling somewhat distant as she stood beside Leo. Right now she wanted to ask him what was going on? How had he disarmed and done all of those things to Jace and why did he hide it. She was hurt that he had hidden it from her but she more wanted to know why? By being around someone with no knowledge of their abilities Rosa had thrust herself into the hands of danger leaving herself to its mercy. But now she knew something was up with Leo and she needed to know what before she got any closer.

Sheena's question broke Rosa out of her thoughts forcing her to pay attention. The gap between Leo and her was painful considering she was so used to being a hands length away, close enough to grasp hands without much change in stance. "Oh um, I'm a key holder," she replied one handing resting on the braid over her shoulder.
Vulcan slammed his fists down while flower dodged his move. The impact of his hands caused a dirt, rock debris and a large amount of land to explode outwards. A large crater was formed as the hulk like figure roared in anger. His feet dug into the earth as he pounded down pissed off that he had missed. Then from above flower attacked him, she used a light magic within her hands to burn vulcan. Unfortunately for her vulcan's scales were not only tough but they were heat resistant. These scales were that of a fire dragons, made to with stand not only physical attacks but to with stand scolding fires. A roar exploded from Vulcan as he spun his body back handing flower with his giant muscular hand. This force was strong enough to send her back about a few feet. Once he moved the man would slam his fists into the ground. Another crater was formed as the man was inraged in anger. Deep within the man, he had become lost in rage, he slammed his fists trying to gain control as he continued to pummel the ground inwards. Then in a explosion of force the man exhaled breathing out the fire he held within him. Once the fire was released the mans large muscular body began to fade turning him from the hulk like figure back to his original self. "Sorry" said vulcan "I got way to carried away"
Flower was on her hands and knees holding her head. "Yeah....I got that." She said in a lot of pain. She smiles at him anyways. "I guess you won....I really am hurting right now." She said her whole arm burned and her side bleeding from landing hard on the ground from his forcive blow. "Geez I barly know what hit me." She said laughing. She cringed a bit though. She took a deep breath her wounds slowly healing. "I haven't had a fight like that in a long time...thank you for sparing. It was fun." She said slowly standing up.
Vulcan stood up picking up his sword before getting to flower as he reached out his hand tring to help her up. "Sorry again, sometimes when i use my dragon form, i just get taken in rage. I didnt mean to use that im terribly sorry about that" said vulcan.
Flower grabbed his hand and put her weight on his hand as she got up. She looked at him and then smiled. "Ah...a power with a price...sometimes we can't avoid it." She said referring to the fact she tends to burn herself a lot. She looked at him. "Please it was no problem at all." She said and then looked at the school. She looked back at him. "I will however....have to explain the gaint craters." She said rubbing the back of her head. "Don't worry about it though. You will hopefully learn to control that better." She said as suddenly an idea hit her. "Oh...have you settled into your room?" She asked.
*I'm relieved that Rosa shows up, for some reason I let my guard down when I think the other girl is somehow with the other guy even if it's not the way it is I tell myself he's no longer a threat...Give me a break this mature self assure thing is still basically new to me I still have my moments of self-doubt especially when it comes to Sheena, I'm damn lucky she wants to be with me in the first place, after all I'm an over-achieving hyper genius that spends way to much time researching then I do with her.. Rosa's approach I've seen that kind of thing before, a few of my former martial arts instructors were blind, they always walked with a hint of caution even tho I believe they always knew exactly where they were and what's around them, personally I think it's to lull people into a false sense that they're helpless, when in fact they're probably the most dangerous people on the planet. Holding my hand out to where I'm sure Rosa can sense it and shake it*

Hello Rosa, I do believe I've seen you around also, of course you probably don't remember me since I've been away for a few weeks anyway nice to meet you officially.

*Watches Rosa and wonders if she be interested in getting her eye sight back. Dammit there I go again going mad scientist, even tho I'm sure some of my research could help her but I don't think saying nice to meet you then hey can I experiment on your eyes with nanobots I happen to keep in my room, would be very polite.*
(Ah, what the heck, Imma throw in Chameleon's mama now, she can follow him into the school and she can meet Flower, Jace and Raina later)

Raina manages to slow down her erratic sobbing enough to chuckle, although it comes out more like a mixture between crying and laughing, as Liza asks if Raina wants her to make Jace and apologize and then kick his ass. She still cannot bring herself to completely stop crying though, especially as Liza re-offers to be her sister. The idea of it all bringing an un-common warmth to Raina's ice cold heart, maybe even thawing some of the thick layers of protective ice away from it. The thought that someone as sweet as Liza, the same age as her own Mabel, offers such an important thing as being considered her family, even though Raina has so many times been rude to her and her family. She can't take it in fully yet. Raina manages to wipe her eyes slightly and calm her sobs as Liza puts down the sword and then presents Raina with a cuddly bear, she then goes on to hug her, the bear squished inbetween them. Raina has finally managed to stop crying, but her eyes are painfully red-rimmed, enough so to see she has been crying, majorly. But for now she doesn't care about that, and she gives Liza a final squeeze before pulling out of the hug, wiping her wet cheeks with a small grin on her face. "Sorry about that Liza." She moves back slightly before pulling herself up to her full height, giving Liza a watery smile, "Thank you." She did a fake bow to Liza, as if she were royalty, smiling as she speaks cheerfully, "I would be honoured if you were to be my sister." Even though she is acting as if the crying never happened, the evidence is clear in her watery, red-rimmed eyes.

Chameleon looks between the three, the silence settling amongst them rather awkwardly. He realises that his and Sheena's second heart-to-heart moment is over, and is thankful that he did not reveal any more secrets of his past - she already knows more than anyone else. He opens his mouth to speak before a soft, motherly voice cut him off. "Chameleon!" He turns his body slightly to see a middle-aged looking lady with soft black waves of hair cascading down her back and pale green eyes, her cheeks naturally a rosy colour and smile wrinkles around her eyes and lips. His eyes suddenly seemed to change, as if they became glassy, and as the woman runs over and pulls him into a hug, his voice comes out neutral, no happiness or joy yet no anger or bitterness, "Hello Mother." She pulls away and looks at his face, still smiling, "Is that all you have to say to me on this most joyful of days?" Ah yes, Chameleon almost forgot, Mother's day. "I meant to send a card." He spoke a lie, his tone still the same as earlier. He was being respectful, but of course he wasn't at all glad to see her. His mother turned to face the other three, a kind smile on her face. She is such a good actress, Chameleon thought as he turned his emotionless eyes out towards the forest. He didn't want to watch her put on a show for the others. "Why hello, you must be Chameleon's friends. No wonder he has been so busy." She turns to glance at her silent son for a moment, still speaking in that motherly, blissful tone, "Your uncle wishes to hear news of your progress." He looks to her for a moment, both of them holding their stare for a few seconds. He knew what that REALLY meant. His mother then turned back to Sheena, Alex and Rosa. "My boy hasn't been causing any trouble now has he?" She turns to Chameleon again, "Why don't you introduce me to your friends Chameleon?" You could tell by his mother's posture and dialect that she was rather wealthy and well mannered, even by the way she asked Chameleon to introduce her - it was common manners for someone else to introduce people to each other when they didn't know one another. Chameleon nodded, his tone still rather emotionless yet not cold or bitter, just distant and polite, "Mother, this is Rosa, Sheena and Alex." He gestured to each of them, "Rosa, Sheena, Alex, this is my Mother, Lady Felicity." Felicity smiles at them, "You can just call me Felicity, no need to worry about all this 'Lady' business." Chameleon had to restrain himself from rolling his eyes.
As Raina seems to calm, even to smile and give her a goofy bow, Liza watches her doubtfully for a few moments, then, believing her gestures, smiles in relief. Wiping her own eyes, she hugs her teddy bear against herself as she smiles back at Raina, shallow dimples appearing in her cheeks.

"Yay! Now I got TWO sisters." As another thought occurs to her, she cocks her head curiously. "Does that mean you're a princess too? 'Cause I'm a princess you know. And Daddy said Sheena Legs is too now 'cause she's his daughter too so that means you're a princess? OH! Do we gotta be blood sisters? Do we gotta do cuts and rub blood and stuff? 'Cause that might be wicked. But I don't wanna cut you. You can do that all on your own I think."

Sheena is startled when the woman approaches them, more so when Chameleon introduces her as his mother. Without intending to her eyes narrow slightly and she scrutinizes the woman, trying to tell herself that she's merely trying to make out whether she's a threat. It is true that Chameleon seems less than happy to see her...but it's also true that whether she would say so or not, she's jealous. Here's another one with a mother more than happy to be around him, who CAN be around him, today, and he's looking at her like he could care less?

"Hi....Felicity," she says with a nod, then sneaks a glance at Chameleon again. What's with him, anyway?
Rosa accepted Alex's hand and shook it. She felt that he wanted to say something else but he hid it. She cocked her head wondering what it might be or if her mind was just playing with her. As the silence expanded enveloping them in an awkward shadow she tried to search for an escape. But something distracted her. The crunch of a leaf here a small twig snapping there and then the small changes in vibrations signaled someones approach. She began to widen her senses trying to pin point the source. But before she could tell Leo a voice interrupted her thoughts.

It was Leo's mother and more than that it was mother's day. She had completely forgotten not that the day meant much to her. Rosa's mother had been less than present being too wrapped up in drugs, alcohol and prostitution. She could feel the tension wafting off of Leo yet his mother seemed relaxed, she cocked an eye brow shifting her attention so that she was better facing Felicity's voice.
*Facing the new woman that either whas able to sneak up on us with the skill that would make Sheena and I old sensi be impressed or I'm just dead tired and distracted by being near Sheena again, either way she wasn't hostile so she was very welcome here. I only wave to his mother but as I look at him I get a sense of impatience towards her, don't get me wrong I don't think he doesn't like his mother but I do think he doesn't exactly want to see her, truth be told I hope I'm wrong about that cause if you ask me he's damn lucky she's here and cares enough to visit him, wish I could see my mother even it it was for one more second...crap I can barely make out her face anymore I wonder if one day if I'll completely forget how my mother looked.

Dwelling on such a thought was depressing and the last thing I wanted to do is make anyone especially Sheena think I'm depressed, so I smile and laugh even tho there is little truth behind both I do it anyway. Hello it's nice to meet you, like your son mentioned I'm Alex this is my girlfriend Sheena.
Felicity nodded at Alex, offering him a warm smile. Chameleon watched her, remembering how often she had used that deceiving smile on someone and then stabbed them in the back only a few moments later. (Not literally, xD Can never be sure in this RP) The most dominant time was when she had done it to him - although his Father was a close second. "It is a pleasure to meet you Alex, Sheena." She turned to Rosa who had not spoken, "And you also Rosa." Chameleon felt himself tense slightly as she talked to Rosa - he didn't want anyone from his family life involved with her. He felt this protective urge to get his Mother the hell away from her...but of course he couldn't. So he un-tensed his fists and tried to let calm take him before his Mother could notice his momentary anger. But it was too late. She smiled at her son, a smile that could be seen as gentle and sweet. She turned back to the others gracefully, her posture elegant as her soft voice spoke once more, "So, may I ask how you are celebrating this delightful day?" She of course had no idea about the absence of family at this school, Chameleon thought to himself, right? He glanced over at Rosa, wondering when his Mother would leave and hoping it was soon. He was conflicted with himself. He did not want to be alone with her because he was sure she would turn into that cruel, vindictive woman that fell in love with his bas**rd of an uncle. But he similarly did not want her to be around his friends because he hated to watch this fake act of hers and hated even more to watch them fall for her sweet smiles and kind eyes.

Raina chuckles at Liza as she starts her habit of speaking endlessly and asking many odd questions throughout her speech. Even though it annoyed most when kids began talking and talking AND talking, oddly enough it calmed Raina. It was almost like home to her. It reminded her of darling Mabel before the last few hours of her existence. The happy, chattering Mabel. Raina finds herself smiling as Liza declares that Raina is a 'princess' but frowns slightly at the mention of blood. "Uh, I don't think that's such a good idea Liza." She quickly carries on speaking, not wanting to sound like she hates the idea, "It's just that I'm a vampire and all, and well, I haven't uh..had any blood in a while. So I'm not sure that we should do that." She smiles suddenly, "There is something else we could do though, but you might not want to." She pauses, kneeling down to pick up a sharpish looking stone. "We could make a deublek. It's where you cut off a piece of your hair, not too much, but enough to make a bracelet, and then I cut a bit off mine and you braid the two pieces of hair together and make two bracelets out of it, one each." Her eyes light up slightly with happiness as she speaks of deublek making.

(If you haven't read the Ingo series, you probably have no idea what a deublek is. But don't worry, Raina explained it pretty well. It just symbolizes the joining of two people really as siblings.)



Species: Half Vampire

Powers:Hypnosis, Poison fangs

Weapons:Bow and arrow, or Magic Blade



Family:All dead


Girlfriend/boyfriend:None, but is searching for Love



--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Mai



Species: Vampire

Powers:Hypnosis, Poison Fangs

Weapons:Bow and Arrow, Magical Sword



Family:All Dead



Crush: None


I think I posted wrong let me try again.. If it did work i cant see it so sorry if this appears twice. thanks ;)
(Accepted welcome to fighting academy. For the rest of you, I have something planned but I'll wait till you are finished finished with leon's mom :) )
*Something about this woman was eerie to me, I mean she smiles sweetly but she gives me a feeling of danger, sort of like Lady Viper, so beautiful but would gladly crack your skull open with a smile, I was I had Macal's ability to read auras then I would know what's up with her, but I can tell one thing for sure Chameleon was on edge, especially when his mother turned her attention toward Rosa. I could tell his feelings were deep for her I bet he would even take out his own mother to protect her.*

So I take it you and Chameleon have plans, I guess we should get going, we don't want to intrude.

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