Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

James nods. "Yeah I'm sure Zelda would love to show you around...just becarful what you say in front of her, she has a habbit of using a man's weak spot....believe me most of the guys who have flirted with her end up on the floor in pain." He said with a deep sigh and then waves his hand goodbye. "Please try to keep her out of trouble if you can." He said taking the occation to dich his sister so he can have time to really read his book. He walks away opening his book again. He smiles able to read without his sister bugging him.

Zelda rolls her eyes at her brother's warning although it was well warented. She had a bad habit of doing that to guys. She crosses her arms. "Well where should we start outside or inside?" She asked with a smile. She looked at some of the girls that where giggling and whispering to each other, pointing to Kesson and then gave them a death glare scaring them off. She chuckles and then looks at Kesson. "Man you weren't kidding." She said frowning.
Liza nods, still smiling, and fingers the bracelet with pride. "I won't. I promise. I'll wear it all the time. Every day. Except when I'm taking a bath. 'Cause wet hair would feel funny on my wrist I think."

As Raina agrees with her that Faith would certainly enjoy hearing about the "new addition to the family," Liza, quite convinced of the brilliance of this plan and of Faith's sure to be pleased reaction to it, gives an excited little bounces on the balls of her toes, her face alit with excitement. She reaches for Raina's hand and swings it back and forth, then begins to pull her towards the outskirts of the woods, reaching out with her free hand to gather up her bear again awkwardly.

"Come on!!! Let's go!!!"

She has barely taken two steps before she decides it's faster and more convenient to simply teleport them both. Giving Raina exactly zero warning, she grasps her hand tightly, and in a blur of rushing motion and dizzying landing that would make most people almost lose their stomach, the two appear inside Liza, Faith, and Macal's living quarters. Faith was just closing the door behind her, having just now returned to look for Liza, who is supposed to still be with Sheena, when they arrive. Seeing Raina with Liza, in her private space, Faith immediately stiffens, her hand moving towards the stake concealed up her sleeve, but as she takes in Liza's hand in Raina's, Liza's happy face, and what looks suspiciously like her daughter's hair wrapped around Raina's wrist, the initial response moves from alertness to full on near attack mode. Taking out her stake, she steps forward, saying with narrowed eyes and a dangerous tone, "What the hell are you doing in here?"

"Mama, you shouldn't say bad words!" Liza chides, then goes on to explain with nearly shouted glee, "Raina and me are sisters! I got her hair and she got mine and there wasn't even blood! See!!!"

She waves her wrist under Faith's nose, and the look on Faith's face changes swiftly from suspicion to utter horror.
Kesson looked at the girls and then to Zelda with a small smirk. He didn't know what to say about it.

"I guess I should find it flattering. But thank you." He mentally noted to remember what James had said about his sister, but he did not think he had to worry. Hopefully. Still so far he didn't see him making Zelda angry enough to attack him in anyway.

"Well we are outside, so I guess we can do that first."
(Guess Mac is back) *Walking in from our bathroom after taking a shower with nothing but the towel wrapped around my waist, just in time to hear Liza chatter off about blood* Wait you did what with your hair? *Sternly looking to Raina, I hold out my hand about to call my sword to me, my eyes glow as I catch a glance at the braclets, I sense nothing, no magic, no dark auras or sign of any dark rituals on them it was just hair, I relax my hand and smile as if that's gonna change the fact I was about half a second from taking this girls head. Despite the shades of darkness around her own aura, Raina was no threat at least not to me or Liza, Faith however, well there is some serious eye daggers going on there both ways I'm sure* Hello Raina...I'm just gonna go to the other room and get dressed now.
Zelda nodded and then started walking. "Well lets see....there are gardens all around this place. The north garden..." She said pointing at it. "The east and the west gardens....and the south garden." She said walking along a path. She smiled at him. "THere is also an outside pool." She said walking towards the pool. She looked at the water fall coming from the top of the castle were Flower's secret garden was. "The water fall is really cool." She said smiling. "Also their are many paths into the forest." She said as she continued walking. She pointed out everything.
"You can't even see where I cut my hair, Daddy! It's like magic. It's underneath. You can't even tell at all. It was Raina's idea," Liza explains, seeming entirely unfazed by the fact that he is mostly undressed in front of her newest "family member." In fact, she points blithely towards his chest and says matter of factly to Raina, "We can share my daddy too if you want. Your daddy didn't sound very nice. See, isn't he nice and tall and stuff? His chest is funny though. It bulges. Plus also he has tattoos. He won't even let me get none though unless I draw them with marker. Mama and Sheena Legs have tattoos too so I don't even think that's fair."

Faith, however, is not able to quickly smile and give a pleasant greeting to Raina, and she rather resents Macal's quick retreat, glaring daggers into his back before she shifts her eyes back to Raina, repeating in the exact same less than friendly tone, "Again. What the hell are you doing here?"
Rosa nodded in greeting but kept her lips sealed. However she saw real opportunity in this woman's arrival. Leo's past was far from an open realm and Felicity seemed to offer a means of entrance. But in order for this to work she needed to spend sometime with the woman but Rosa wasn't sure how she was going to accomplish that. While she silently thought Rosa began to form small ice sculptures in her hand, each different but nothing all that special. In fact sculpture was a strong word for what she was doing. The girl was merely forming small shapes in her hand just to pass the time.

Then it hit her, Leo did not seem to care for his mother. In fact Rosa got the feeling that the last thing he wanted was to spend time with this woman alone. Than again she could be wrong and to push her boundaries was both high risk or high reward. Seeing as she hadn't another idea Rosa said, "Well you and Leo must have some catching up to do and I know I wouldn't want to interfere."
"It's such a big place," Kesson commented. He was a bit overwhelmed by the place. It was one thing to hear about it, another to actually be here and see it all. He was glad for Zelda at this moment. He was sure he could have gotten lost if he was by himself or trying to escape his newly formed fanclub. He might even need to carry a map or have James or Zelda or anyone else with him for a while.

"The gardens though. I think I might come and visit some of them. Which garden has the least frequency of people?"


Lekki managed to find the office okay, even if she did get turned around quite a bit. Once everything was settled, she began to move again, looking for anyone who might be free for her to talk to. She was bored and lonely having just got here. Of course she did have time to socialize but she was an impatient person in the end. She thought she noticed the girl from earlier but when she looked again, she was gone. Shrugging Lekki began her person hunt.


Hayley bit her lower lip as she moved as fast as she could. She was uncomfortable in the school, not only because of it's largest but because of her newness as well. She really just wanted to find a place for her to relax. A small or comfy place. Maybe her room. Maybe the library. Hayley was moving quite fast and not paying attention, when she stumbled a bit. She was standing by the stairs and she began to fall down them, but managed to grab onto the railing before she made it all the way down.


She winced in pain. She wasn't bleeding but she sure wasn't fine. She felt incredibly stupid too for letting it happened.
*Coming back after putting on clothes* That's really sweet of you two, but I'm gonna have to ask for my daughter's hair back, if you don't mind, it's nothing personal I just don't trust anyone with something as powerful as a lock of my daughter's hair, if you like you can have anything else just not something that could be used in a spell or a hex..Granted you may have no intention of doing such a thing but my family has many powerful enemies that will.
Perturbed, Liza crosses her arms, one hand protectively covering Raina's bracelet on her arm as if afraid Macal will take it from her. She scoots back against Raina, shaking her head as she protests, "But Daddy, it's already cut off and you can't even tell! Plus also it's what you do to be sisters and stuff. It's called" She looks up at Raina, having forgotten the word, and says with more confidence, "Yeah, a dika. Plus also Raina is good now."

To say Faith is unconvinced would be an understatement. Turning on Macal, she said with some heat to her tone, jaw tensed, "Sweet? SWEET?! How the hell do we know even if she gives it back that she didn't already sneak a second lock into her pocket or hide it somewhere when Little Miss Hairdresser wasn't paying attention? You know who this is, this kid your daughter is calling your new daughter here? This is the one that has been picking fights with Sheena every time I turn around. This is the one who thinks she's gonna kill me by the end of the week or something. This is the one who threatened Liza's life. And you're gonna stand here and act like she has a halfway decent reason to be standing here in our space?"

To Liza, she adds, "Liza, can I ask you WHY you ditched Sheena, you know, your REAL sister, the one supposed to be watching you, for HER?!"
Zelda looks at him and then smiles a bit. "Well I'd say the North or the east... the north is filled with normal flowers and the East has a rock garden and coy fish pond....but if you want to see something brillent it's the West has the rarest flowers...but I guess if you are looking to avoid people the East and North are your best bets." She said and then pointed to the top. "Secretly I vist the garden up on top...but I warn you that is only for one person. Her name is Flower and she's kind of a big shot around here. James says she's the Queen of key holders and also the best fighter here. Well the record has yet to be claimed by anyone." She said with a smile. "If you can unlock to door it's completly people free....but at a rist of being caught by Flower." She said and then chuckled. "She's nice most of the time." She said with a shrug. "Again if you are willing to risk it that is the best non people garden there is."

Deathwish saw a girl fall down the stairs and ran to her. "Mis! Are you ok?" He asked her walking up as fast as he could. He looks at her and frowns. "Are you hurt?" He asked looking at her. He offered his hand to help her up. He hoped she was ok. He also noticed that she seemed to be nervous. Maybe she was new here? Whatever it was he hoped he could help her out.
Kesson thought the east garden sounded the best, though he would be sure to check out the others. But when Zelda mentioned the other one that belonged to a woman named Flower, he was curious. No one else would be there and that meant a perfect place for mediation and for alone time as well, away from school work and his new fanclub. But it was also someone else's as well.

"Has this woman Flower caught you up there before?"


Hayley heard a voice call out to her and she wasn't sure whether she was happy or even more nervous. She tried to stand, wincing in pain. She was pretty sure her ankle was twisted.year here.
'What a perfect way to start my time here.'

"I...I think I need to go the nurse's actually."

Zelda chuckles and then stops. "Yes." She hung her head in shame. "She wasn't really that ticked at me but she wasn't sure how she felt with me hanging up there all the time. If Flower was practicing she preferrs to be alone. Although since I'm a girl she'll alow it but a boy might be different." She shrugged. "However she's been busy so I think it's the safest time to sneak up there." She looked at him. "Anyways...shall we continue this tour inside?" She asked with a smile.

Deathwish nods and then grabs an arm putting it over his shoulder. "Ok...this way." He said trying to get her to lean on him. "Please excuse me I'm only trying to help." He said looking at her. He slowly started moving down the stairs but stopped not wanting to force her.
Kesson looked at it one finale time. He wasn't sure yet if he would go in there or not. He did not want to cause any problems and he particularly didn't want to fight someone who might be the best fighter here. But he was intrigued by the thought and, yes, by the danger it posed. Sure it might not be that bad, but there was still a risk of going in there.

He turned back to Zelda and nodded. "Yes, please."


Hayley did as she was told, trying hard not to wince anymore or do anything that might cause more pain. She was grateful for the help, but she didn't know this guy and he was touching her as well. She was sure he did not mean anything by it, but still. It was uncomfortable.

"'s not problem," she said.
Deathwish looked at her and then walked her to the nurses office. "I'm Deathwish by the way." He said as he grabbed a seat for her. The nurse came in and then started looking at her ankle. Deathwish wasn't sure if he should leave or not. He looked down and then looked at Hayley. It might be a good idea to leave....but then again...would it seem rude? He sighed just waiting to make sure her ankle was ok.

Zelda nodded and then smiled as she walked inside. She giggles and then looks at him. The place was huge. "Now this....this is where it would be easy to get lost...but there is a map on every floor around the halls so, unless you can't read the map you should be fine." She said and then started showing him around the first floor. "The pool...the gaming room and then the kitchen." She said pointing out everything. She smiled at him showing him other things on the first floor.
Faith I think you're over-reacting just a bit, Raina is a mere child and we both know children talk a big game but that's all it is. Besides you all seem to be fine so far. As for your question about her hiding another piece of Liza's hair, I don't think she did, simply because I'm sure by now she's sized me up and in her mind she's calculating rather or not she could take me and has come to the conclusion that she can't. See Raina is a smart kid and knows her life is forfeit if I even thought Liza was in danger by her. *smiles at Liza and Raina again* This is not about me not trusting Raina I believe her intentions are good but protecting my daughter is my first priority and having something as powerful as Liza's hair is not acceptable to me.
(Woh! Slow down Macal and Faith! xD Need to catch up!)

Raina stumbles as Liza teleports them, she blinks and speaks out of instinct, not noticing Faith's presence yet, "What the fu-fudgecake Liza?" She stops herself from swearing immediently, then glances up as she hears Faith's peed off voice, she glares at her and flicks her eyes to the stake and back up to Faith's own eyes, suddenly throwing up her protective bi**h walls that had been placed down in Liza's company. Before she can answer Liza starts her non stop talking and she smirks as Faith displays horror at the mention of Liza now being her little sister. But then another person shows up, one who Liza calls 'Daddy' And he seems on the verge of attacking her before he relaxes and vanishes to get dressed. Her body visibly tenses as she says that Raina's daddy's 'doesn't sound very nice' She lets her hand drop from Liza's and she crosses her arms over her chest, almost protectively as she glances away from them both. The mention of her dad had her tummy tightening even though she knows he is dead and gone. Faith then re-asks her the same question and once again before she can answer Liza's 'daddy' comes back, clothed now, and tells her that he needs the bracelet back. She opens her mouth to answer but Liza has already began protesting and Raina cannot help but let her tough mask fall for a second as Liza stumbles over the word, smiling at the girl as she mutters lightly, "A dueblek Liza." Faith then begins to get even more furious than she was before and Raina smirks once more as she goes on to tell Liza's daddy about how Raina fights with Sheena and has threatened to kill Faith. But then Macal calls her a child. Her hands fall to her side and her fists clench, her black eyes harden and you can see the anger leaping inside them now. Then he goes on to cockily assume that Raina cannot take on Macal and that he could end her life with a snap of his fingers. Before anyone can intterupt her again, she finally speaks, "God you guys talk a hell of a lot." She glances to Faith coldly, her tone bitter, "To answer your frickin' annoying question, I have no idea why I am here, Liza just grabbed my hand and BOOM, I'm here." She glanced down to Liza for a second, her hard eyes softening for the time she glances at her, "I'm guessing you teleported?" She directs the question at Liza before turning her black eyes on Macal, a fire dancing inside both of them as her tone sounds furiously controlled, "But I think it's best if I leave now Liza. Your arrogant Father is annoying this 'mere child'..." She pauses, raising an eyebrow at him, her tone bitter-sweet, "And that is never a good thing. Whether you be mortal, immortal, a god or anything else." Her tone was warning, "And no, I do not plan to clone or cast a spell with Liza's hair, nor will I let anyone else take it. I think one adorable little Liza is plenty for this world." She accidently cracks a grin at those last words, before it is gone and replaced by cold, emotionless eyes, staring through Macal. "Anything either of you wish to say before I leave?" Her tone is like her eyes, emotionless as she places one hand on her hip.
*Knowing Faith's temper I flashstep behind Raina leaning in close to her ear* Confident aren't you? I rather like that, Faith may take this as an insult but you almost remind me of her, brave and defiant to the end. *Flashstep again back next to Faith* Liza trust you so I'll allow you to keep the hair, yes I said allow. But don't get me wrong if you hurt my daughter there is no place, no world and no one that can hide you from me, I've spent my entire life destroying beings far more powerful then the likes of you. Now who wants to get some ice cream?
"I want ice cream, Daddy," Liza says simply, and she plays with the bracelet around her wrist, stroking it like a pet as she looks back at Raina, nodding in reply to her question. "Uh huh. I can go anywhere. Anywhere I want. I just gotta think about it and I can go. And take you too!"

"Wrong, Liza, you're not SUPPOSED to be able to "just go anywhere you want," you just happen to do it anyway," Faith corrected her, "which is something we've talked about. A lot. As well as the whole teleporting OTHER people without warning or permission? Remember that one?"

Liza, in her usual manner, shrugs this off as unimportant. "Uh huh, but it was faster to do that than to walk."

She watches with growing concern and perplexity as Faith and Raina show their resentment and anger, her brow creasing. She goes first to Faith, hugging her around the waist and nuzzling her face against her mother's arm, both in an attempt to calm her down and also to soften her up so Liza can get her way. Then she goes to Raina and hugs her too, still keeping her arms around her as she says hopefully, "I don't think Raina eats ice cream, just blood. But maybe if we put strawberry sauce it will be close enough? It's good."

As Macal tries to calm the waters, Faith takes his wrist and tightens her hand around it, hard, her nails almost biting into his skin as she says through her teeth, "Are you serious?"

She wants to scream at him about undermining her, about again letting Liza get away with doing whatever, which will make her that much harder to control when she's in genuine danger. She wants to tell him that he's undermining her authority as a teacher as well, that Raina will never respect or learn from her if her husband doesn't back her up. She wants to tell him that he has never witnessed Raina in action and cant' possibly understand, that he trusts Liza's judgment entirely too much. But none of this can be said with Raina present.
Kesson, so far, was enjoying Zelda's presence. He was beginning to like her in a friendly sort of way. She was not like any of the other girls he had meet so far, though to say he actually met them was not really true. He was more just whispered and pointed at mostly. He knew if Zelda was not with him, that someone might have the nerve to come up to him eventually. But so far they were left alone.

"I can read a map. I am glad that they are here as well. I don't think I'll be able to get anywhere without some help." He bowed a little at Zelda. "Thank you for helping me out so far. It is more than I expected when I arrived."


Hayley was a bit freaked out by Deathwish's name. It did not sound like a happy or friendly name, but she was distracted by the nurse and her need to not look like some weak fool.

"I'm Hayley. Thank you...Deathwish for helping me. You don't have to stick around."
Deathwish looks at the nurse who was staring at him strangly about his weird name. He sighed and then leaned back. "Ok, my dad wasn't exackly a happy guy ok? The name also referrs to my also referrs to the sticken fact that I'm a demon vampire." He said glaring at the nurse who backed off. "Sorry to upset you sir." She said before healing her ankle and walking away. Deathwish sighed and looked at her. Great...he lost his tempter over the looks he got from his name again and now, seeing as she seemed to be a shy girl...probably just freaked her out. He sighed and walked out putting his hands into his pockets.

Zelda looks at him and then nods. "Yes your welcome." She said and then walked to a map. "As you can see...the map shows this in the middle." She said pointing at the you are here sign. The map was split up into five secotions each one having a floor number. "As you can see there are many rooms and activities to do during the weekends and stuff." She said looking at him with a smile. "Oh...have you settled into your room yet? Or we could continue on showing you around...I'm not sure if you'd want to walk around all day having me show you stuff or if you'd like to just get a map from the main office and check out things on your own time." She said.
*I don't need to hear to know what Faith is thinking, but she needs to realize that Liza will never get real world experience unless we give her space to make mistakes and to learn from them, as for Raina being dangerous well of course she is everyone in this academy is dangerous that's the point of this place. Bottom line is I can't order Liza to not try to be friends with someone, it's just not in her nature to try, and despite Raina's past I sense no malice from her against Liza and even tho she talks a big game I sense none towards me, but again Faith is another story..Sometimes I think Faith can learn more about diplomacy from Liza. The fact is Liza has done something Faith refuses to do and turned an enemy into a friend..for a 5 year old that's pretty amazing.*
Hayley watched, afraid and trying not to show it. But when he freaked out the nurse, she let out a squeal. When he left the room, she was mostly relieved, if a little guilty. So not only did she manage to hurt herself but also make someone dislike her and all in the first hour.

Hayley wished she could just shift into some small animal and let the ground swallow her up, but she didn't. She stood, testing out her ankle, and smiled. At least she was able to walk now. She exited the nurse's office, but realize she didn't know where she was in the building. Deathwish had lead her there and he wasn't around to help her back out. She wondered if maybe she would run into someone else who might help her.


Kesson shook his head.

"No I quite like your company. I do not mind letting you show me around," he told her, sincere in his words. He really did not mind. "But I have yet to see my room."
Deathwish went outside again finding it calming. He sat down next to the coy pond in the east garden. He sighed and then watched the fish carefully. He sighed, with Flower so busy keeping his half brother Jace on a tight leash....they haven't been spending much time together, even Nick has had his time consumed by his new girlfriend, not that Faye wasn't a sweet girl. He sighed, for a supposed emotionless creepy guy....he felt quite lonely.

Zelda smiles at him and then starts walking again to the second floor. She looks back at him, happy to make a friend. She almost fell as Ginger and Trinity run up the stairs. "Hey! Watch it girls!" Ginger was 14 but Trinity was 16 shouldn't she be acting more her age? Suddenly two older angry wet boys ran up after them. Trinity hid behind Zelda laughing and giggling. was a boy crush and she just g ot him all wet. The two boys stop in their tracks. Zelda looks at Trinity. "Shouldn't you behinding behind Flower?" Trinity looked at her. Zelda gave the boys a death glare and they ran off.

"Well I would but she's been busy." She said and then looked at the guy following Zelda around. "Who's he?" She asked coming out from behind Zelda. She gave him a smile, however her friend Ginger was still hidding not liking strangers. Ginger was a human....a rare and protected breed in this time. However she couldn't be to careful.

Zelda looks at Ginger understanding why she hid all the time. "Don't worry dear...I don't think he'll bite." She said and then looked at Kesson. "This is Kesson...I'm giving him a tour. Kesson...this is Trinity..." She said pointing at Trinity. "And her friend Ginger." She said pointing a Ginger who was still hiding behind her. "Ginger is shy...but being a human it can't be helpped." She said patting Ginger's shoulder.

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