Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

As Macal appears behind Raina, extremely close to her, close enough to feel his breath on her neck. A flash of her past hits her, the way that Macal says, 'I rather like that' Reminded Raina FAR too much of him, of them. She cannot help but shudder once more and she steps away, but by now Macal has flashed back to Faith's side. She decides to ignore his threat - the idea of her hurting Liza is now preposterous to her - and then glares at him as he offers up ice-cream. She speaks very simply, as if she is just casually discussing the weather, trying to pretend his sudden closeness didn't affect her as it had, "Don't you dare come that close to me again. You have no idea of my power so don't judge it just yet." She then looks down as she feels Liza's little arms around her in a hug, then the mention of strawberry sauce being like blood makes her grin lightly at the kid. She drops down to Liza's level, smiling at her as she looks into her eyes, "I so do eat ice-cream. But you're right, strawberry sauce is the best." She grins at her, whispering now as if she's telling her a secret, "Know what's better though? Melted marshmallows with a bit of chocolate sauce tastes wicked." She pushes back the memory of her and Mabel sitting at their dining table on Friday evenings, munching the exact same ice-cream she just described to Liza. She offers up a smile to Liza, a genuine one as she forgets that Faith and Macal are there to witness this weakness of hers, "You should try it."

Jace looks to Flower with a raised eyebrow as she states she must be confusing him, "Just a tad." He said sourly. See! She's so annoying! Can't we just---


But why not?

She's a keyholder.

You sure it's not because you care for her?

Of course not. Now shut up Sethos.

Jace waited for a moment then grinned lightly at the silence in his head, he then looked back to Flower as she told him he could take control and then giggled,
"You sure about that? Your giggle doesn't sound too convinced." He couldn't help but smile and sit up a bit more on the bed. "How come Sethos is suddenly talking to me now though? He never has before..." He frowned, trying to think of a reason for Sethos's sudden activity.
Liza smiles back up at her, still keeping one arm wrapped around her leg, and nods. "That does sound wicked. I'm gonna try that I think. Plus also I like gummy worms. And Reese's. And skittles. And M&Ms. And-"

As she rattles off seemingly the entire stock of candy in the world, Faith continues to regard Raina with narrowed eyes, not yet saying anything. It had seemed that a genuine change had come over the girl's tone and expression when she spoke to Liza, that she had softened entirely. She even appeared affectionate...but then, of course it was possible she was an excellent actress. But then...Raina had never bothered to act before. If she still did hate Liza so much, then would she even bother letting her hug her and talk to her for so long before getting to the chase?

Liza WAS well known for getting evil people to change their ways, or at least to feel love towards her. Still, Faith wasn't jumping on the Welcome Raina bandwagon. And she was definitely NOT going to let the day pass without a confrontation with Macal.
Flower looks at him and then rubs her head. "Hmm I have no idea...could it be just all this activity? I mean you were pretty alone in your house. Or it could be the appearance of your father. The full demon could have awakened him somehow. It also could be frustration and anger or seeing Raina again. Really if you want an expert...let's talk to nick." she said and then sighed. She looked away and then stood up. "Or you could ask him...if you haven't already." She said and then looked at the door. She looked back at Jace.
Raina grins at Liza as she endlessly lists all her favourite sweets, ignoring the little stabs of pain when she mentions one that Mabel used to love. As Liza continues to list them all, Raina cannot help but glance at Faith, who happens to be staring back at her with narrowed, suspicious eyes. She smirked at her. Faith obviously still thought Raina was after her precious baby. She then looks back down at Liza, regret in her eyes, "Sorry Liza, but maybe we could get ice-cream another time?" She glances to both Faith and Macal coldly, "I don't particularly trust Mummy or Daddy." She says the titles with an added dash of bitterness, but especially the word 'Daddy' She herself had NEVER used that form in a sweet way, so she saw the word as mockery in itself. She looks back at Liza, her tone softening, "Maybe just me and you could get some ice-cream one day, yeah?" She really wouldn't be able to relax and eat ice-cream with a Raina hating vampire slayer and a creepy, arrogant 'mighter-than-thou' Father around. She chuckled to herself, that summed them both up rather nicely.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Jace nodding, his words musing over all the ideas, "Could be one of those, or all of those." He then looks over and chuckles lightly, "Ask Sethos? He's an a$$, he wouldn't tell me even if I bribed him." He was glad Sethos made no comment on that. He got up from his perch on the bed and nodding, moving to follow Flower, "You could ask Nick, or whatever his name is, just don't expect me to like him because he is my 'brother'" He did air quotes around brother. Family meant extremely little to him.
Flower rolls her eyes at Jace. "Just be happy you have a brother...Remember Sarah? Oh wait...she's dead." She said bitterly to him and then walked out. She looked around and then sighed as she pushed her hair out of her face. "Besides...He's the one who can completely understand your situation..." She said looking at him. SHe started walking to find Nick
"Okay!" Liza agrees readily, then adds, in spite of the obvious signals to the contrary that Faith is conveying, "Oh, it's okay, Raina, you can trust Mama and Daddy. They only kill bad guys and you're not a bad guy no more. Right?"

"Liza, we need to talk," Faith said flatly, tearing her eyes from Raina to her daughter. She does not outright forbid Liza from going with Raina later, knowing full well that the child is literally able to do whatever she wants through her teleporting ability, but anyone with eyes would be able to tell what she thought about Liza's choice to do so. All, of course, except Liza herself.

"And so do we. Today," she adds, this directed at Macal with more than an edge of anger.
Kesson studied the new girls who had run up to them on the stairs. He smiled a little as wet boys followed, amused by the new girls actions. He just hoped that did not happen to him. He didn't think it would, but he knew he might have to watch himself better.

"It is nice to meet friends of Zelda," Kesson said, with a small bow. He knew he should stop with the bowing, but he couldn't help it. He looked at Ginger, the one who was human and nodded. He had met one human before, but he had not seen another in a long time. The other human was with his family and Kesson would never see them again, his own choice. "You shouldn't be running on stairs though. You might fall."


Lekki teleported again and almost once again did she manage to land on someone. Instead she was knocked backwards in her attempt to not land on the boy and feel crashing into the koi pond instead.

Trinity looks at him and then smiles following the bow. She had learned a few things from Flower but much as Flower chooses not to use them much. "It's nice to meet you to." She looked at Ginger who stayed behind Zelda. "Come on Ginger it's ok to come out." She said and then smiled as shy Ginger stepped out from behind Zelda. "Yeah we know...but if the boys caught us...I'd be more afraid then if we fell." She said and then looked at Zelda who chuckled.

"You two girls are just asking for trouble." She said and then thought about something. "Next time...instead of running get yourselves a safe spot and splatter them with a hose or something." She said and then laughed with the girls. "Although if you want them to like you getting them wet might not be the best idea." She said and then looked at Ginger.

" it was Trinity's idea..." She said in a hushed voice. She looked at Kesson and then looked at Zelda. She looked at Trinity who smiled at her. "Ok we won't splatter them with water...but no way am I saying sorry!" Trinity said and then Ginger nodded.

Zelda rolls her eyes. "Yes, two run along I have to continue t0o show Kesson around if you please." She said and then Trinity looked at Kesson and bowed a bit before running off. Ginger however stayed put for a second. Zelda looks at Ginger. "Something wrong dear?" She asked.

Ginger looked at her. "No...I...I don't want to tell Trinity this but I think...we should say sorry." She said and then jerked for a second when Zelda put a hand on her head. Ginger looked at her but didn't smile.

"Now now why let the boys get all the fun...don't worry they'll be laughing at it soon enough...Next time if you feel uncomfortable you should stand up...isn't that why you are here to learn to fight back?" She asked and Ginger nodded running off. Zelda chuckles. "Ginger really is to shy for her own good." She said and then continued to walk up the steps. "Sorry for there intrution...shall we continue?" She asked.

Deathwish felt shocked as the girl fell in the coy pound. He stood up and grabbed her arm pulling her out. "You ok there?" he said shocked that she suddenly appeared. He looks at her and then looks at the pound, she has scared the fish away. He looked back at her.
*As much as I would want to continue this conversation, from on the dresser my commbadge starts beeping, and we all know for my badge to go off now must mean some big bad evil is tearing crap up. I look over at Faith I know she's gonna be pissed that I have to take off and leave her here while I go take care of this, but I'm still the director and it's my job to go. I pick up my badge and touch it activating the armor that flows over my body at the same time I hold out my hand just as a massive sword appears in it, sliding it onto my back* I'm sorry I have to go Liza, someone needs me. *I walk over to Faith and lean over and kiss her cheek* Yell at me later ok. *Walking to Liza I lean down and peel her off Raina leg* You be a good girl for me Princess, I mean it do what your mother tells you.
He followed behind her, rolling his eyes, "Be lucky?" He scoffed, "Every time I frickin' see a vampire, Sethos tries to come out and kill it, and I bloody hate demons." He pauses, "For obvious reasons." He sighs irritably, "So basically whenever I see my 'brother' Half of me wants to kill him and the other half hates his guts. Sound lucky to you?" He then drops his voice, frowning lightly at her, "I didn't know Sarah was dead. I left town when you were five and I was nine." He frowns, "When did she die?" He spoke in an oddly gentle tone for well, Jace.

Raina chuckles as Liza declares she's not a 'bad guy' anymore. "I wouldn't be too sure of that Liza." Her tone is ominous as she focuses her gaze on Faith. She still hated her for the whole holding a stake to her chest thing AND the embarrassing Faye unfairly infront of the whole class thing. "I might just end up using my powers for only darkness!" She smirks at Faith then, using her phrase from in the classroom when Faith had ridiculed Faye. Raina did believe what she had just said though; she saw no hope for herself and her messed up little head. Raina doesn't seem at all impressed or even frightened by Macal's armor and sword; but as he walks over and peels Liza off of her, Raina steps away sub-consciously. Not because of the armor or sword, but because of the freaky way he had come too close to her earlier. She didn't trust men.
Flower looks at him and then sighs. "WHen I was six on my birthday...the same with my parents." She said her voice filled with mixed emotions. She looks at him and stops. "If it ticks you off to see Nick then we shouldn't go see him." She said and then leaned against the wall. She sighs and puts a hand to her head pushing her hair back. She crossed her arms and then looked at him.
Jace frowned as the new revelation that Sarah was killed also with Flower's parents came to light. He looked at the floor as Sethos's sneering voice fills his mind.

Why should you care Jace?

I don't. He answered back defensively, a scowl on his face now.

Yes you do.

You're just like dad.

Which one?

Shut up Sethos.

Make me Jace.

Do you know how insane this is?

You are insane.

Do you hate me?

Jace was greeted with pleasant silence before he heard Flower's comment about not going to see Nick. He glanced up, his eyes a bit worried. He growled lightly, not at Flower, just in general, "You said he could help right?" He also stopped, placing one foot flat against the wall so that his knee was sticking out as he looked back at her, "If he can help, I'm sure I could keep Sethos in his cage."

You so sure about that Jace? You're not that strong.

I'm as strong as you.

No, you're weaker.

We have the same physical strength Sethos.

But your mind is weaker, you let emotions get in the way.

You let your temper get in the way.

Sweet silence once more before Jace spoke again to Flower, "Plus, I'm sure Nick could handle Sethos." He shrugs, "Or run away. Whatever keeps him alive."
Flower looks at him and then sighs. "Alright..." She said and then opened a portal. She smirked at Jace. "Oh...this is how I cheated in hide and go seek." She giggled, knowing it was very hard to find her when they played. She grabs his arm and then enters the portal pulling him gently in. She looked up and looked around in Nick's room. "Hmm...serprise serprise....he doesn't have posters of women on his walls." She said looking at his clean walls.

Nick walks out in a towel and then jumps grasping the towel seeing Flower in his room. "Woah! Ever think of knocking!?" He said rushing back into the bathroom after grabbing some pants. "Why is Jace here?" He asked annoyed with her.

Flower blinks and then sighs. "Sorry Nick..." She said not laughing one bit although she thought it was slightly funny. "Anyways...we thought you could help with Jace's demon...Sethos...since your demon is Ogy." She said sitting down on his bed. She suddenly stood up. "Sorry it feels dirty to sit on his bed." She said.

Nick comes out with pants on. "Ha know me I don't sleep around." He said in defence and then got on a shirt. "Sethos huh? What's the problem." He said looking at Jace. He looks back at Flower.
"Oh you bet your soon-to-be-kicked ass I will," Faith promises Macal with fervor, her glare in his direction actually more hostile than the one she had just been showing Raina now as she seethes to herself silently. It figured he would do this. Every time she got pissed at him in front of people when he KNEW she was right, he just conveniently had to go off somewhere, supposedly to save the world or something else MUCH too important to actually hang around and get chewed out by his wife or actually attempt to discipline his kid, the one HE had let run wild way too much. She could guarantee that if she had just taken off when he had something to say to her, he wouldn't take it too well either. And the part about telling Liza to obey her, what a damn joke, he had just announced to Liza she didn't have to three minutes before that!

As Raina makes her own comment directed towards Faith, though she was speaking to Liza, Faith's hand returns to her stake as she says darkly, "You'll be doing more than flinching if that's your intention, or you do ANY of whatever you've got planned when you're around Liza." She emphasizes the word flinching with meaning, her eyes on Raina's. She had not failed to notice the way the girl flinched around Macal, the way she had seemed even more angry at his patronizing mannerisms...but also almost threatened.

Liza frowns at Raina, telling her with her arms crossed, "You better not do dark stuff, Raina. I think that's bad probably. If we're sisters you can't be bad 'cause I don't like bad stuff."
([MENTION=1488]xJobozx[/MENTION] I posted Rosa's reply a few pages back do you want me to repost or add something?)
Kesson listened and watched silently as Zelda talked to the younger girls. He really didn't have anything to add but he did agree with Zelda's comments to Ginger. He smiled after the girls, shaking his head a little, turning back to face Zelda.

"It's no problem really. I didn't mind. They seem like such nice girls. Well unless you are the object of their affection apparently," he said with a teasing smile. "But let us move on with the tour. I am sure we have a lot more to cover."


Lekki was embarrassed by her fall, especially now that she was wet and seen. She shook her head at the boy, taking his hand to help her get up.

"Sorry bout that. I can't always tell if there are people around when I teleport. I really should work on that." She shrugged, still embarrassed, her glasses haven fallen off as well. She could see fine without them, though things tended to be much more fuzzy, but they were probably wet as well. "I'll be fine. I just need better aim."
Zelda looks at him and nods. "yes they are but Trinity can be a bit demanding...she probably pushed Ginger into doing i guess if they get you wet you should be flattered." She laughed and then continued to walk. She pointed out all the things on the second floor. She looked at him. "Interesting huh? This place is as big as they come...of course it is owned by Key holders....amazing how they allow vampires in this place." She said and then pointed out a few random pets. "Pets are allowed I hope you knew...they are widely accepted...a few help their master's fight...Like James' White tiger...that thing can do some damage." She said and then looked around. "Oh and here...I'm sure will be fun to explore." She said opening a weapons volt. She looked around at all the guns and swords....anything you could think of was here. "There is one on every floor." She said with a smile.

Deathwish looks at her and then grabs her glasses drying them off with his shirt. "Yes...well isn't that why you are enrolled here?" He asked and then handed her, her glasses. "It is completely fine." He said, a little wet himself from her fall. "I'm sure you some of the teachers could help you." He said with a light smile. "I have not seen you around here before." He said putting his hands into his pockets.
( Oh sorry, I didn't see it! Posting now :) )

Felicity looks at the three friends of Chameleon, noticing how none of them actually answer her question about how they are celebrating this day. That ticked her off a bit; she didn't like it when people didn't answer her. Yet her warm eyes and gentle smile showed no signs of her annoyance - that's why she was so dangerous. She does also noticed how Alex and Rosa both imply that her and Chameleon should go speak privately, maybe they did not wish to speak to her themselves? Another reason she was beginning to dislike them even more. She glanced at the silent girl who Chameleon had introduced as Sheena and offered her a private smile before glancing at her tall son. "Yes, it has been a while, has it not Chameleon?" Chameleon glanced to his Mother, almost blankly, with a nod, "Yes Mother." His tone was obedient, as if she was ordering him to do something, "Shall we go to my room?" His Mother smiled at him, looking pleased with his response, "Of course. I would love to also take a look around the school once we are done. See the environment my son is being taught in." Chameleon nodded, biting his tongue to stop himself from blurting out how he didn't want her here, how she should leave right this very second and not come back. But he couldn't. He would pay dearly for it and the others would know something was up. He had to act like he had a normal life, like he was normal; it was his salvation. His Mother walked over to him, her back straight and her posture looking as if she was balancing a book on her head. Chameleon resisted the urge to roll his eyes, giving much away? She took a few steps ahead of him, before glancing back to smile at his friends, "It was delightful to meet you all." She then carried on walking ahead of Chameleon. He glanced back to Rosa and the others, giving them a nod with an unintentional small, weak grin on his face, one of those 'grin-and-bear-it' type of looks, before turning back around and following his Mother, always a few steps behind her until they vanished out of sight, into the school.

Raina glared at Faith openly now, her eyes shooting daggers at her as she noticed the grabbing of the stake, but she then smirked, sickly sweet. Time to do the bi**h act Rai, extra fake smiles this time. She put on a mocking, babyish voice, "Now now Faithy-poo, you wouldn't stake me right infront of your daughter...right?" She tilted her head slightly, the voice gone to one of intrigue now, her black eyes filled with bottomless nothingness; emotions had been switched off. "Then again, I could imagine you doing that. You do seem rather controlling when it comes to Liza, I could totallllyyy picture you killing her friend because she doesn't fit your standards." She then rolls her eyes as Faith mentions the flinching with obvious emphasis. She dropped the head tilt and intrigued voice for that of an sarcastic, bitter tone. "Ooo, well done Faithy. You noticed I don't like your hubby all too much." She doesn't mention why of course, neither will she in the future - why should people have any more reason to pity her than they already do? At least the other half of her history was hidden. Although she remembered now that only Sheena, Liza, Jace and Flower knew about the first half. Good. She can't answer Liza right now, she is in the state of being her emotionless, bit**y self, and she couldn't be that to Liza. So for fear of upsetting her with the horrible side of herself, she keeps her gaze directed at Faith, her stance defensive already. No weakness Raina. She ignored her Dad's favourite phrase and the pain that he often brought to her before or after using it; she had to give it to him that his phrase of no weakness had worked pretty well so far.

Jace instantly couldn't help the scowl when Nick asked why he was here. Sethos was already sending vile thoughts into his head about Nick being a vampire, and Jace was trying his best not to agree, because that's when Sethos usually took over, when Jace lost the argument.

Look at him, he's annoyed that you're here Jace. He doesn't like you, why should you protect him?

He's my brother Sethos.

We both know family means nothing to us.

Ah, he the old 'us' trick eh Sethos? You think that's gonna win me over?

I could just skip to controlling your limbs instead then Jace, would that be better? Sethos clenched Jace's right fist. Not if I stop you.

You can't stop me. Sethos clenched Jace's left fist.

I have before.

Jace glanced to Nick as Sethos didn't respond and he was able to unclench his own fists again, he heard Nick say, "Sethos huh? What's the problem." He tried his best not to glare at him, but there was clear anger in his eyes, yet his tone of voice was controlled enough, "Uh. Sethos keeps taking control of my body and killing vampires?" He couldn't help but glare at him slightly as Sethos clenched both of Jace's fists. Okay...maybe Jace helped him just then. "He's kicking up a real storm right now, for obvious reasons." He figured Nick was smart enough to realize Sethos was freaking out on Jace because of the fact that Nick was a vampire and standing right infront of Jace.
Nick looks at Jace and nods. "Have you tired-" Flower nodded. "He's more stubborn then ogy or Ori..." Flower said and then looked at Jace. She put a finger on his forehead. "He's a real pain in the butt." She said and then looked at Jace's fists. She looked at Nick taking her finger away. "We need your help." She said.

Nick sighed sitting down. "I don't know Flower...if Ogy gets out that'll be bad..." he looks at Jace. "But I'll try...." He looked at a chair. "Please sit Jace." He said and then turned off the lights and closed the windows. He lit candles and then looked at Flower. "Are you sure you want to be here?" Flower nodded and Nick looked at Jace. "I need you to try and relax. Close your eyes and think of nothing ok?" He said and then looked at Flower. "Sit by him...I may need your assitance." He said and Flower sat by Jace. Nick looked at him. "Now forget that I'm a vampire....forget that I'm a demon...I'm just a human....ok?" He asked and then took a deep breath.
Jace moved away from Flower as she touched his forehead, frowning like a toddler about to have a tantrum, truth was that he was currently fighting Sethos. Sethos wanted to splatter Nick's blood across the walls; as disturbing as that was. Jace took a seat like Nick said to, watching the pair of them with narrowed eyes as Nick began lighting candles around the room, "What is this? A seance?" He was trying to joke, but you could tell he was struggling already to contain Sethos by the way his voice sounded tight. However, when Nick instructed him to 'try and relax' He felt like punching him. Which was not a good thing for Sethos to hear.

Why don't we? We could do more than punch him Jace.

No. Shut up. Jace closed his eyes.

Aw, no snarky come back? Are you giving up Jace? Gonna finally let me take over and show these idiots what we can really do?

I'm pretty sure you are the worst split personality someone has EVER had. Jace was finding it harder and harder to respond to Sethos, which was a bad thing.

What about Jekyll and Hyde? They were pretty fun.

Shut up. I need to focus.

Come on Jace, just let me kill the damn halfie, we both hate him.

Remember why I hate half of him Sethos? He's a demon, like you.

Like you Jace. You're half demon.

You are that half.

Jace opened his eyes with an inhuman, demonic growl, Sethos's growl. But it was still Jace. "I can't. I can't think of nothing 'cause Sethos won't shut the hell up."

Interesting word choice. Hell.

Shut up.

Jace glared lightly at Nick, "You're not a human." He states simply.
Flower looks at him and then sighs. "Jace...please...." She said and then lit her hand up. "Sethos...I will murder you...I'll leave jace alone...but I will murder you." She said and then stuck her hand on Jace's head. Her eyes glow and she tries to set up a block to sethos. She looks at Jace and then sighs deeply. She closed her eyes trying to consintrate. She keeps trying to block out sethos.
As Chameleon and his mother leave, Sheena shifts her weight, a strangely empty feeling swelling inside her chest. She does not seek to identify it, wanting to simply deny or outthink its existence, and she certainly doesn't want Rosa or especially Alex to see. Pulling away from them slightly, she gives them both a quick nod of acknowledgment before beginning to walk away.

"See you, Rosa...Alex, I'm...heading off," she finishes in a near mutter over her shoulder as she heads towards the academy front gates.

The way Raina is acting, her tone of voice, the ugly expressions she's making, the malice in her eyes...if it were up to Faith, if she were going by her first and most dominant impulse, she would kill her without a second thought and enjoy every second of it. But she manages to hold herself back, her logical mind barely managing to override her instincts.

She knows that Raina is trying to get a rise out of her. She knows that Raina wants to fight her...she cannot give in to provocation, not while standing in her own home, not with her daughter at her side, not with a student, not when she is not being physically threatened but only verbally harassed. She is beyond that...she's better than that.

But she soooo wants to f*cking tear her to shreds.

"Let's talk about that flinch, Raina," she says evenly, zooming in on the one area where the girl had shown discomfort and vulnerability, the one area that she had faltered. "What, you don't like people being scared of men? Scared of my husband? You should be. However big and bad you are, he can do things you've probably never even dreamed were possible, if he wanted to. But he won't. Because he's better than that. And so am I. I'm not going to hurt you. You can say whatever you want. It's words. If it ever gets to be more than words, if you ever do hurt my daughter, and if you try to hurt me, that's when I will hurt you. It's in your hands."

Liza is gawking at Raina now, having slid away from her, and she looks up at her solemnly, disapproval alit in her eyes as she shakes her head at her, fingering the bracelet around her wrist uneasily.

"I don't like you talking like that, Raina," she said quietly. "I think you're being mean and you shouldn't oughtta be. You're supposed to be good now. I love you and I wanna be your sister but sisters shouldn't be so mean to people their sister loves, you know."

She pauses, then adds, "You don't gotta be scared of Daddy. He won't hurt you."
Rosa, having no desire to stay in the woods, took her leave. She flicked her hand as if saying good bye in the general direction Alex had been standing before making her way back towards the school. She really hadn't a clue what to do next considering it was her day off and celebrating mother's day was far off of her list of things to do. The woman who she was supposed to call "Mommy" couldn't stay sober long enough to even recognize her daughter. Oh know she jumped from cocaine to meth and from a fruity little cocktail to shots of whiskey so fast it was amazing she was alive for so long.

These were the bitter thoughts that stabbed Rosa's mind and made her steps loud and monstrous. Swift could feel the tension wafting off of her owner but had no idea how to handle it.
Jace frowned as her hand lit up. She then mentioned killing Sethos and his eyes widened as his gaze dropped to the floor, blocking Nick and Flower's view of his face as his hair covered his eyes.

She wants to kill us.

She said only you. She won't kill me.

We are one person you idiot, I die, you die. Got that?

Jace didn't know what to say back, his fists began to shake and he felt himself losing control of his limbs. Oh s**t. Sethos had won. A cruel, sadistic smile grew on his face and his head suddenly shot up as his shadow engulfed hand slammed into Flower's stomach, hard. His usually blue eyes had changed black and he glared at Flower, "Guess what Princessss?" His voice sounded like the definition of evil, the word 'Princessss' being hissed out, "I die. Jace dies." He smirks coldly, "And we wouldn't want that would we? He wouldn't be able to confess his undying love for you then." His eyes flickered to Nick and the malicious smirk across his face grew as his black eyes turned a bright yellow - draining him of his energy. On Flower it hadn't worked so well, since she was key-holder, and on Raina and her family, well because they were full vampires, they had been down for about three full minutes - which was actually a long time if you couldn't move at all. So Sethos guessed that Nick would be down for a full minute, maybe two if his vampire half was more dominant than his demon half. That gave him enough time to take him out. But as the shadows from the candles flickered back and forth, Sethos stumbled back. His black eyes turned icy blue for a moment as Jace muttered, "No you fu**ing don't." Then Sethos was back again, his black eyes wide. What the hell? Jace had never fought back this much before.

Raina glared openly at Faith now, her fists clenched so hard that her knuckles were white. She also, like Faith, wanted to tear her to shreds. She took one step closer, just one, her voice bitter, "I'm not fu-frickin' scared of your husband Faith. I'm not scared of anything and I don't give a toss about what your husband can do." She has no idea why she stops herself from swearing, maybe it's the sub-conscious reaction she has to a toddler being in the room. She smirks now, finding someway to turn this into a joke, "That's none of my business really, what you guys do in your...personal time." She says the word personal with exaggerated emphasis, obviously indicating that Faith was talking about her and Macal's love life. But then she looks down to Liza as her small voice fills the room, she sees the clear disapproval in her eyes and feels a stab of pain in her chest as Liza tells her she's supposed to be good now. She lets her finish speaking before she shakes her head lightly, even groaning as she puts her hand to her forehead, her eyes closing for a moment as she speaks, she forgets Faith is in the room somehow as her voice comes out strained, almost weak. "Please don't look at me like that Liza..." She opens her eyes looking down at her, she frowns, utterly confused. Where was that bi**h inside of her gone? She needed her right now. She folds her arms, still frowning, "I don't think I'm ever going to be good Liza. I just haven't got it inside of me." Her frown increases, "I'm sorry." She turned on her heel and headed for the door.

(Just left it like that in case Faith or Liza wanna stop her)
Flower looked up and then looked at nick. "Oh crap." she go up and then blasted light at jace. She ran to Nick and tried to get him up. "Come on Nick!" suddenly she was kicked off. She wipes blood off her lip. "Ok ow." she stood up. "Hello Ogy." she said annoyed and then blocked the door. She set up a light shield to stop either one of them from getting out. Her eyes glow and she creates a light sword. "Ok you just ticked me off." she slashes nick but instead of hurting nick it let you see Ogy. Nick got control back.

Nick looked at Flower and then nodded. He looked at Sethos and Jace. He stood up. "Jace...the key is..:to always think you winning. There is one think demons don't want us to know....they are always weaker." he said and then looked at Flower. He looked back at Jace.

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