Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Jace had managed to settle Sethos with the simple killing of an animal today, but as he headed back to the school, he knew next time Sethos wouldn't be so compromising.

Nope, I won't.

Shut up d**khead.

Someone's a bit fiesty, what's up Jacey boy?

Don't call me that, and I have no idea.

Jace honestly didn't know why he felt so s**t all of a sudden, now that he thought about it, he was feeling a bit weak, even some pains in his stomach. "What am I, a girl?" He groaned to himself as he looked over and spotted Nick, wait, was that Nick? He looked like Nick, but....he seemed a bit different. Was this Nick's twin? His other brother? He began to head towards the school enterance, planning to avoid Deathwish. Until he heard something that made his whole body freeze. "But a Queen dieing is a serious thing....Flower is the last Key holder royalty...this is very serious." His head shot over to look at Deathwish as he picked up the next thing he said, "I want to save her...I have to." Flower was dying? Before he even had time to question what he was doing, he was beside Deathwish in a flash, his eyes full of worry that he swore he would never feel for anyone, "Flower's dying?" He hadn't realized he was gripping Deathwish's arm. "How? Who?" He glanced around before looking back to him, eyes still dripping with anguish, "Where is she?" His eyes widened in shock, is this why his tummy was hurting and he felt like someone had just rammed into him with a bus? He winced slightly, his hand holding his stomach. Was this the bond?

Raina simply blinks as Liza outrights says to her that she belives Raina is sad, really sad to be exact. The rest of Liza's words flitter through her mind, but she is still focusing on that one line. You're really sad. Really sad. If it were a different situation, Raina would find it hilarious how a five year old girl knows her better than anyone else in her whole life. Maybe even better than she knows herself. Then she hears Liza's other words, about crying to stop feeling sad, and that Raina isn't going to cry, so she won't ever stop being sad. But she is shaken out of her frozen trance when Liza tells her that it is ok to be sad. How is that she is being taught a life lesson by a toddler who she didn't even know a month ago, let alone like? Liza then begins to let off a stream of words, explaining how she was brought about. Raina listened, smiling to herself. Then she frowns lightly, Faith's dad did bad stuff to her? What kind of stuff? She made a mental note to herself of this new information. She carried on listening, Liza was born through mental abuse? Wow. That's not something you see everyday. She nodded lightly at the end of the speech, so, Liza couldn't grow up? Or age at all? And Faith had bad stuff happen to her via her dad too? She had so many questions to ask, but for now she asked just one, her voice very soft, gentle,
"What did her dad do to her?" She is genuinely interested, maybe even concerned, but she would never admit the second feeling of course. Did she and Faith have something in common afterall? It was possible, since her and Sheena did.
Deathwish looks at Jace and then blinks. He pulls his arm away. " uh..." He sighs deeply. "A's feeding on her and slowly killing her. It's been on her for a while at least a few months." He said looking at him. "She's at the nurses office. Hey there....what's wrong with you?" He asked looking at him as he holds his stomach. "We think it was father." He said looking at Jace.
Jace looks to Deathwish once he is done speaking, "A demon?" His wide, concerned eyes turn to that of anger, "Father?" He spat the word, it was clear he had issues with the idea. "Where is she? In the medical room?" He winces again, looking down at the ground, he couldn't help it; it had to be the bond. He looked up to Deathwish, "'Father' put a bond between me and Flower when we were kids, it had something to do with her not being able to kill me or something like that." He groaned lightly, standing up straight now. "I think I'm feeling what Flower is feeling, or a lesser version." He glanced back to the school then Deathwish, "Is she in the medical room? I'm going to the medical room." Without waiting for anything he turned and sped off, even though he felt weak, he still managed to burst into the medical room in record time, his eyes searching over all the faces before looking to Flower. "Flower." He breathed out her name breezily, noticing how pale she looked. "S**t girl." His voice was surprisingly soft as he walked over to her, kneeling down beside her so that their faces were level. He glanced over her, ignoring how tired he felt, "What did that idiot do to you?"
Flower looks at him with serprise. "Jace." She looked at him and then blinks. "Why are you here." She jerks and rolls over the demon showing itself. She cries out in pain. "AHHHH!" The demon open's its red eyes and then enters Flower again. FLower cries out, the pain was unbareable. She holds her stomach. "UGH! Leave please!" She said crying. She didn't want to let him see her so weak. "It hurts!" She yells out. The demon was just hurting her for pleasure.

Zelda flinches. " are Jace huh..." She looks at Flower. "Ugh I can't stand it we have to get that thing off of her!" She said twirling her staff. "Holy fire." She said waving the staff over Flower. Fire spreads over her but doesn't burn her, it attacks the demon but Flower starts screaming. "STOP IT! STOP!" Flower yelled and then Zelda pulls the fire back. Flower rolls over away from them. She was shaking and crying it hurt so much.
Sheena really has no desire to come and stand awkwardly by a girl who is dying, especially if there's really nothing she can do to help makes her nervous, even slightly scared, to think about it, to be so close to death, in light of her own previous deaths, and those of so many she has cared for. Death, unless she is the one causing it to something or someone very, very deserving, is one of her deepest and more prevalent fears.

But if Flower might actually want to see her, though Sheena has no idea why she would....could she really say no?

Swallowing, she nodded slightly. "Um...okay...are you SURE I shouldn't get Liza to try to help her?"

Liza thinks that Raina looks a little calmer now, though still she's thinking hard about something. When Raina asks her about Faith's father, Liza's biological father, Liza bites her lip, looking away as her small shoulders hunch inward. Her voice comes out small and sad, and she doesn't meet Raina's eyes.

"Mama's daddy, he's my other daddy too, he used to do bad stuff," she started, her eyes downcast. "Bad stuff you don't do to little girls. He used to kiss bad and touch where it's bad...and he made us do bad touching. And he hurt us. He said he wouldn't hurt but it did too, it hurt real bad. So Mama would have to go away in her head and then he'd be doing it to me too only Mama didn't even know it."

She looks up almost defensively, not wanting Raina to not understand, to blame Faith for the abuse of either Liza, as an unknown split personality at the time in Faith's head, or of Faith herself, as a child and young adolescent.

"Mama didn't even know I was there. She couldn't help it. Plus also she was a little girl like me and stuff. Plus our other daddy, he just didn't know that you don't do that to little girls. Daddy says he loved me and Mama, but he just didn't know how to love us right. Daddy says it was bad and that's how come I can't go see him in hell. 'Cause he and my other mama are there, you know, in hell. I sawed them. I was gonna get them out but Mama came and got me and she said no I couldn't, and she was sooooo mad at me."

Liza is still solemn after this rendition, and she wraps her arm around Raina's leg again, putting her face against her hip. "I know my other mama and daddy were bad, but I still don't like them in hell. I just wanna teach them how to be good for me and Mama, that's all."
Raina listens solemly, getting the gist of Liza's words easily. Faith had been sexually abused by her own father. Wow, she thought sullenly to herself, does anyone here NOT have a messed up past? Maybe they should re-name this school, 'Academy for the Mentally f**ked.' Yeah. She thought that was a pretty good name, maybe she'd suggest it to the head. She then listens further as Liza becomes slightly defensive, obviously trying to get it clear to Raina that it wasn't Faith's fault that the same things happened to Liza - but she already understood this. As horrible as Raina believed herself to be, she would never judge anyone in the matters of rape. That would be hypocritical. Then Liza becomes much more serious and sorrowful, hugging Raina's leg as she tells her that she doesn't like them being in hell, that she wants to help them and teach them how to be good. Raina bites her lip lightly, not even noticing she is doing it. "Some people....some people can't be taught how to be good Liza." She thinks of her own dad as she speaks, how even at his death bed, he was still threatening to kill people and laughing at Myra's fear of him. He had no last kind words for Raina, no apologies, he didn't even look like he cared about anything he had done. He never did. "Some people just can't be good." She sighs lightly, dropping to her knees so that she is now Liza's height and is hugging her properly. "You can't make everyone good Liza." She thinks back to what Liza had said earlier, about visiting her parents in hell. Raina wonders now, she knows her dad is in hell - what with all of his sins - but she wonders if Liza were to go to hell again, would she see Raina's dad? Could Raina go with her and finally get that apology she knows he wouldn't ever give her. 'I made ya' a strong fighter, I made you better, I got rid of your weakness, what do ya' want an apology for?' Yup. Raina knew her departed Father all too well.

As the demon enters Flower again, Jace lets out a cry at the same time she does, gripping his own stomach. "Dammit.." He hissed, looking for the demon again, his eyes were pained but he was oddly enough, worried for Flower. Not himself. "How the f**k do I get this thing off of you?" His voice was laced with hurt as his ran his eyes over her, looking for something, anything to get rid of the demon. When Zelda said his name, he glanced to her. It was clear he was somehow being hurt aswell. He looked back to Flower and then when Zelda set fire onto her, and she cried out, he turned back to Zelda, eyes blazing, "Stop it! You're" Wince. "Hurting her!" He turned back to Flower, speaking quickly, "When Father put that bond on you." He paused, holding back a wince, "I think..." A pause to breath, "It affected me too, and now I'm feeling." He winced lightly, "What you're feeling." He ignored the rest of the people in the room, noticing how she was crying and facing away from them all. "Shhh" He reached out and moved her chin slightly so that she was facing him. His icy blue eyes look worried and pained at the same time as he spoke, "Don't worry ok? I know it hurts." He groaned lightly, "Literally. But we're going to get that leech off of you ok?" He had no idea how though. His energy draining power was deemed useless immediently, and the ghost power would do, well, nothing. So the only thing left was his shadow power. But wouldn't that hurt Flower too?
Liza burrows herself into Raina's arms, her own grip strong, enough to be painful to any normal human. Resting her head against Raina, she says firmly, "Nuh uh...I can do it. I can make them good. I can too. I just gotta tell him he was being bad is all. He didn't even know it so I just gotta tell him and maybe kick his ass a little and then he'll be okay. Plus also then he'd be alive. I could go back if I wanted to. But Mama and Daddy would get real mad again and say I can't go nowhere else and I gotta give up my toys a while. Plus also if i went back I would tell my other mama that she was bad too. 'Cause you shouldn't drink the beer so much and you shouldn't hurt little girls. My mama now, she don't never hurt me, and my daddy don't neither. They know how you're supposed to be with little girls."

She lifts her head and looks straight into Raina's eyes, saying softly, "Did your mama and daddy know how to be with little girls?"

In the hallway, Faith has been continuing to listen, finding herself progressively tensed as the conversation takes new and highly uncomfortable terms. Listening to Liza recount the story of her birth, of her and Faith's own abuse, it was all she could do not to burst out into the hall and snatch Liza away for her to finish. How many people does she tell that story to? And how could she tell it to Raina, of all people?

Undoubtedly Raina will use this against her. This is entirely too much for the girl to know, and too much about Liza too...SHIT, why didn't Liza know how to keep quiet about things like this? No matter what Faith tried to teach her...

It's only worse when Liza starts in about hell and her other parents there. Faith had hoped she had forgotten it, or at least put it in the back of her wouldn't surprise her if she started taking everyone else to hell just for kicks.

She was SO kicking Macal's ass tonight.
Deathwish looks at her and then sighs deeply. "Sheena...thank you." he grabs her arm. "This will be a bit breezy." he said and then used his vampire speed to gt back to Flower. Once he saw her he stepped back. He set sheena down wince he was holding her. "Sorry....about that sheena." he said and saw jace indeed had come and that he was comforting flower. He sighed and then walked up setting a hand on jace's shoulder. "Yes we will." he said as a reply to the leech thing. He looked at Flower sadly.

Flower looked at jace and hen nodded to him. She wipes her eyes. "This is ridiculous I'm going to kill your father." she said and then turned her head away hating to seem so weak. She looks as Deathwish came in and then gripped her stomach in pain. "I'm have to feel my pain." she said looking at jace. She looks at Deathwish who kneels beside her.

Zelda sighs deeply and then backs away leaning on a wall. "holy fire didn't work...." she sighed and looked at James. She saw the look on his face. "Oh no we are not trying that." she said. (Dragons can have magic so lesson can have limit magic powers. Limited) she sighed. "James no!"

"We have to try something." James said his hand turning to claws. "Fire separation can safely get it out of her." he said looking at Zelda. "Or get a heart and lung bone head!" Zelda yell at him. James rolls his eyes. "My head is made of bone." he said knocking on his skull. He breaths fire on his dragon claw hand and then held it up. "I'm ready to try it.
Kesson watched it all in fascinating horror. He had the sudden urge to leave the room. To go somewhere else. To leave the room and the scene before him. He couldn't think of a way to help them, help his woman. He was knew and he wasn't all that strong either. He also knew nothing about the situation. The explanation Flower gave, was simple, but confusing. He wanted to scream, but Kesson was too calm and level-headed to do so. But his restrain was weakening as his worry grew.

"What are you going to do," he found himself asking.


Lekki appeared somewhere inside the school. A familiar cry made her turn to see the girl from earlier. Lekki waved at her hesitately, not sure if she would run off again.

"We keep meeting," Lekki said with a nervous laugh.

"This is only our second time," Hayley said, looking at Lekki with a mix of anxiety and uncertainty. Lekki shrugged as if that didn't matter. She studied the girl, this time better as Hayley hadn't run off yet. The shape-shifter fidgeted under the half-breed's gaze.

"I'm Lekki. I am half-demon, half-human. No I will not try and harm you. I am very much in control of myself," she said, beaming with pride. Lekki tried not to gloat, especially to other half-demons who had less of a good time with their demon side, but it was something Lekki liked about her a lot. She would never talk about it more than just mentioning it though.

Hayley nodded, frightened now by the half-demon part. "I am...Hayley. A shape-shifter."

"Ooo. That's pretty cool."

"I just so," Hayley said, her voice lessening each time she talked.
A little disoriented from Deathwish's rapid transportation, Sheena sways slightly before gathering her bearings. Stepping forward, her brow creasing, she bites her lower lip as she looks to Flower. The other girl looks miserable, clearly pained, her eyes almost feverish, and Sheena can barely stand to look at her. She steps forward, trying but failing to smile.

"Hey,'re strong, right? You'll get over this."

She can't think of what else to say.
Raina opens her mouth to respond to Liza, but then Liza looks up at her, softly asking her if her Mummy and Daddy knew how to treat little girls. Her fists clench. "My mummy did." She says softly, her voice sounding full of love for the Mother she had lost. She pauses, Liza had just told her so many was Raina's rule to never tell secrets to anyone. She couldn't trust anyone. But Liza was different, right? Liza was so sweet and good-hearted that she was willing to go to hell and try to teach the sickest of people how to be good. "My father wasn't so nice." She whispers softly, almost as if she doesn't want to admit it. "He was a coward." She squeezes her eyes shut as she hugs Liza back almost as fiercely, trying to keep tears away. It works. "You know that bad man that tried to kill me earlier, the one who killed my mum and little sister?" She is speaking softly despite her clenched fists, taking her time with her words as if she is having trouble speaking, because when she says it out loud, it makes it all too real. "Well, he killed them because my Father did something bad, he killed the bad man's girlfriend because he knew the bad man would kill my mum and my baby sister." She pauses, taking a moment to keep the tears away before continuing, "And then when I got Father found me." Her voice sounds full of dread as she gets a flash of his cruel face, the first thing he had done when he saw her was smack her across the face. Younger Raina was shocked of course - sure he had ignored her, but never hit her before. She speaks softly now, "He did bad stuff to me too." She blinks, a tear rolling down her cheek as she pulls out of the hug and wipes her cheek fiercely, "He made me do bad stuff with other men aswell, for money." She doesn't meet Liza's eyes now, looking to the ground. Even though it had been hard, saying that aloud, she somehow even felt a little bit better, like a small weight had lifted. Of course the story was sugar-coated slightly, Liza was only five. But that was pretty much the basics of it. "I wasn't as little as you. But I wasn't old enough to do that kind of stuff, and those men were always horrible so I didn't ever want to do it, but they made me." She also speaks a bit defensively, like Liza would think of her as a prostitute or something. She then looks to Liza, fear in her voice and eyes, "You can't tell anyone else about this, ok?"

Jace is right beside her, closer than anyone else in the room, and as she mentions killing his Father, he nods in agreement, muttering a, "If you don't, I will." As she grips her stomach, Jace groans lightly, frowning at her words, "Don't you dare apologize Flower. It's not your" A wince. "Fault." Jace then looked behind him at James as he held up the blazing claw, he frowned again. "That won't hurt her, will it?" He still had pain in his eyes, but he was holding back from crying out, he had to be strong for Flower. He didn't bother to ask Flower why his Father would save his life from Raina and then send a demon to kill Flower which could possibly end in Jace's death - from the way this whole 'feeling the same pain' as you thing was going, he is assuming if she dies that he might die. Or just feel dead.

(Thought I'd let Faith hear Raina's past - though of course Raina doesn't know she is listening, oh gosh, if she did she'd probably go up in flames or something - so they are even now xD )
James looks at jace. "Not at all...however it depends if the demon is an-" Zelda eldowed him. "Ow....butt and causes her pain itself." he said and then stood up. His hand entered Flower and moved freely inside her. He feels the dark creature. "Gotta now you little jerk." he said and then grabbed onto it causing he demon to screech. "Aw shut up you!" he said pullin it out quickly to limit Flower's pain. He pins the demon to the wall. "Got it!" he laughs. Flower looks at the demon and then looks at jace. She lays down and then faints. She was breathing but it was shallow. She slowly started looking better as she soaked in light. She opened he eyes seconds later and jerks up now sitting up. She looks a he demon and then swurls light in her hand. "Working for the king?" she asked and he demon nodded. She smirks and then jumps ups slamming the light into its head and kills it. She then falls to her knees where James helps her get up. "Careful you are still weak flower." he said looking at her with a frown. He makes her lay down.
Jace watches as James PULLS the demon out of Flower. He suddenly felt weak and dizzy and as he glanced to Flower, he felt himself pass out at the same time she did. But then his eyes shot open not long after - once again, the same time she did - and he sat up, rubbing his head from where he had fell. "Aw s**t. That hurt." He then watched as the demon admitted to working for his Father. He smirked as Flower elimated the leech herself and then groaned, grabbing his head as she fell to her knees. "Wowza." He blinks, looking at Flower, " is just a bit odd." He paused before looking to her, "Do you reckon that if I die, you die? Since we're feeling the same pain and all, and since we both just passed out AT THE SAME TIME?!?!" Jace was so confused right now. He had never encountered something like this before.
Alex-*Been wandering the grounds trying to find a quiet out of the way place to be alone. Just me, my guitar and the stars. This is well deserved downtime, after being gone for weeks on a mission that went wrong every possible way, it's the first time I've failed a mission given to me. All I can think about is what a damn waste, I missed all my classes and was away from Sheena and I still failed, everything I did was wrong, Macal will probably never give me my own command ever again. I lost focus and suddenly I hear the distinct sound of one of my strings snap.* Damn!
Flower looks at Jace. "More then likely....which means....I've got to protect you even more now. Greaaaaat..." She said growling to herself. "Raina is so not going to be mercyful just because my life is envolved now." She said and then looked at Jace once again. "It seems the bond has gotten stronger by being in close for a long period of time." She sighed deeply. Flower sighed and looked down turning her head away. "Hm...." She slowly tries to stand again but James forced her down yet again. She sighed. "Fine! I'll rest but...only for a bit." She said and then looked around at everyone. "....SHeena?" She blinks and looks at Deathwish who smiles. FLower smiles a bit at Sheena. "Hm...Nice to see you...I guess." She smiled and then looks at Jace. She turned her gaze away and then looked at Zelda and her new friend. "It was nice to meet that I am going to be fine...again...I do hope to get more aquanted with you." She said and then laid her head back.

James gets up and then looks at Zelda. "Well...I'm going to leave and spread the word she's going to be ok....also...a few less people in here will help her to rest." He chuckles and then walks out looking for Ginger and trinity. Hunter and Sky following James out.

Zelda sat down and then smiled. "I'm glad it worked out this time Flower....You sure all hard to kill." She said with a laugh. FLower giggled a bit at her comment. Zelda smiles and then blinks. "Oh speaking of which....can Kesson have permition to use your garden? He likes to be alone." She said and then smiled. "Please...he's got fan girls already and he's new."

Flower looks at her. "Um.....I guess...if he really wants to." She said and then looked at Kesson. "Hmm...Sorry to hear about the fan girls...They get nuts this time of year." She chuckles a bit at her joke. " long as you are not always up will be fine to use it." She said to him and then stretched out. She looks at Jace again. He came because he was feeling pain probably. He was very comforting none the less.
Kesson watched, silent throughout it all, stunned into silent. Though even if he wasn't, he still would not know what to say anyways. But he was glad that that the woman was not dead and seemed to have recovered. When Zelda asked her for permission for him, he blushed a little.

"Thank you, my-Flower," he said, bowing again. He was really going to have to stop doing that. Maybe. "I won't be in there all the time. I promise. It was...nice to meet you despite the circumstance it was under. I hope you feel better." He turned to Zelda. "Would this be a bad time to ask to resume the tour?"
Zelda looks at Flower and then smiles. "No...she should rest." She said and then looked at Flower. She smiles and then walks out. She looks around and then points. "This way Kesson." She said and then continued walking. She smiles happy that Flower would be ok. She looked back and stopped waiting for kesson with a wide smile. She pushed her pick hair back behind her ear.
Sheena has watched all the ongoings with increasing confusion, not at all sure what's going on, who half the people in the room are, or what exactly Flower has experienced. She feels very much useless and in the way, and from Flower's slightly mystified reaction to her presence, rather foolish to think that maybe she actually did want her around. Not that Flower acted like she didn't, was just...the room was freaking crowded to the point she was getting claustrophobic. And now that it looked like Flower would be okay...well, Sheena didn't see much reason to stick around.

"Um...I hope you'll be all right then," she said somewhat awkwardly as she backed out of the room, slipping back down the hallway.

Liza had listened very soberly as Raina revealed her own past, her eyes darkening, and when Raina is finished she hugs her fiercely, nodding. "I won't tell no one. I promise. I won't never."

Still hugging her, she looks up at Raina again, holding her gaze intently. "Raina...what that bad man and your daddy did, it was bad. It wasn't your fault. He didn't know how to treat little girls. You oughtta be able to be happy and good though. You don't gotta be sad and bad just 'cause what your daddy and that bad man did."

But as for Liza's promise to Raina...well, Faith has already heard. Still standing outside the door, she processes Raina's tale with little outward emotion, but inside she is somewhat conflicted.

It's not as if she couldn't have guessed that Raina had such a past. It's not like she has no sympathy towards her...that would be hypocritical to the extreme.

But she doesn't want to have sympathy for Raina. She doesn't want to know...Raina may be a student in her school, and Liza's new bestest buddy...but...she's still a freakin' vampire. She's still one who is threatening to Faith and her family.

And yet...god, why had Faith listened again?
Deathwish looks at Sheena and then followed her out. "She's glad you came...Flower is an agressive but very sweet girl....She likes to be friends with everyone and well, I think she would like to get to know you better. I hope you don't feel unwanted." He said having tooken notice of her awkward leave of the room. He smiles being very excided Flower was going to be alright. "
Raina nods lightly as Liza hugs her and promises not to tell anyone. Promises usually mean nothing to Raina, but coming from Liza...She believes her completely. Raina then manages to meet Liza's eyes as she tells Raina that it wasn't her fault. It was. She thought bitterly to herself. It was totally and utterly Raina's fault. Yet she still listens until Liza is finished, but that thought is growing louder and louder in her head now. "It was my fault." She whispers lightly, her voice cracks slightly, oh no, she better not cry. But she is getting to the stage when her throat constricts, and as she tries to finish her sentence she can feel the tears coming, her voice shaking. "It's my fault, I didn't save my little sister." A little sob manages to escape as she hides her face now in Liza's shoulder, not wanting her to see her cry - even though she has already. "I couldn't save her." Another sob turns into another and now she is crying lightly. Forgetting the fact that she isn't in the privacy of her own room. "She didn't deserve to die, she was so sweet and she was only five." She cries for a little while longer before she makes herself stop, she lets go of Liza and wipes her wet cheeks to eradicate any evidence of tears, she is now at the stage of sniffling, still trying to stop even that.

Jace rolls his eyes as she mentions that SHE has to protect him. Who's the older one here? Then she mentioned Raina and he grinned,
"I can handle Raina." He then fell silent as she explained why the bond was stronger now, because they were close? Does that mean that once they go away from each-other, it might diminish again? But could they take that risk? What if one of them were to go away and got killed while they were away, would the other still die even though they had been apart from a while? He had no idea. He glanced at Flower, at her arms and legs and stomach before looking back to her face, it wasn't in a creepy way, more of an checking-if-she-had-any-wounds sort of way. "You're okay now right?" He asks her, not noticing how...concerned he sounded. Wasn't he supposed to not care about anyone? Must just be because if she is hurt, he is hurt, yeah...that must be it.

You sure about that Jace?

Shut up Sethos.

Aw, Jace, what happened to the days when we were good buddies?

We were never 'good buddies' Now shut up.

No reply. Good. Jace glanced to Flower once more, waiting for her answer.

(Oh dear. Raina is going to freak out if she finds out Faith heard her CRY. Oooo! In Faith's next lesson, can they have to pair up and spar? Then Raina gets paired with Jace! It'd be hilarious, people would be like, 'Woh. They look like they actually want to kill each-other' And then Flower would be like, 'They do.'
xD )

Somewhat surprised to sense someone following behind her, Sheena turned just before Deathwish spoke, thinking he was going to ask her for a favor- getting Liza after all, maybe. But at his reassurance, she gives him a hesitant smile, shaking her head.

"It's'd like to get to know her too...I don't exactly have an army of friends around this place. Or any place."

Pausing, she regards him with new interest, a knowing smile creeping over her lips. "You're totally into her, aren't you?"

Liza continues to hug Raina tightly, her small hands rubbing over her back and hair, and she kisses Raina's head, cheeks, and forehead, her brow creased with concern and empathy, her mouth drawn into a frown as tears stand in her own eyes. She hates to see Raina so upset, but she also, despite her simplistic thinking, senses that the girl needs to have venting for her bottled up pain.

"No, no, Raina, it was not neither. Your daddy and that bad man shouldn'ta done that. It was their fault, not yours. ' know what, Raina? I heard Daddy say to my mama before that it wasn't her fault my aunt Buffy died 'cause she didn't know and she can't be everywhere all at once and stuff and that bad people just do bad things sometimes, and it's their fault, not ours. And I think he's right. 'Cause you can't even teleport or nothing and you didn't even know and you tried and stuff, right? And he was bad anyway. So it's not your fault. know what, Raina? If you're not good, that is your fault. 'Cause if you're're being like your daddy and that bad man who hurted your sister. You don't wanna be like that, do you?" Liza opened her eyes wide, looking straight into Raina's face.

"You don't wanna be like your bad daddy and that bad man. Just be good, okay? I can help you. I can tell you when you're being bad and then you can stop, probably. I wanna help. 'Cause I think you'll feel better then."

Faith had long ago told herself to step back from the door, but it's like she can't bring herself to move. Now she can hear crying, and she stiffens at first, thinking it's Liza...but no. No, to her utter astonishment, Raina is crying. Raina is CRYING, and she can hear her daughter comforting her....encouraging her, as only Liza could, to be good.

Forget kindergarten, forget training...her kid needs to be a world peace administrator.

(we so should, Jo. let's do it)
Raina listens solemly, sniffing every so often until she finally stops even that. As Liza says that if she stays bad, she's being like her dad. If ANYONE else had said that. She would have slapped them. Hard. I mean, when that demon who pretended to look like Nick said it to her, she kicked him through a window and stabbed his hand into the ground. So let's just say Liza was lucky that she was Liza. To top it off, she also said that she would be like Jace aswell, if she carried on being bad. So really Liza was saying that Raina would torture and ruin lives of children? She tuned out after that, her eyes had left Liza's and her gaze was on the wall across from them now. She looks down to Liza once she is done speaking, she glances up suddenly and realizes they are STILL outside Faith's door. And Faith is still in there. Her eyes widen lightly, what if she had been listening? She wouldn't put it past her. "I...I gotta go Liza." She speaks in a slightly panicked voice, still looking at the door. Although, she glances down to Liza, whispering a gentle, "Thank you." Before she speeds away from Liza using her vampire speed. Heading to wherever her feet would take her.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Yay! :D So, when should we Faith's next class? Soon? We need to get everyone to be there aswell ^.^)
(could time skip to it now if Fire is fine with it...did you ever make a blog?)

Liza watches Raina go with continued concern, calling out after her. "Raina! Raina, I love you! We're still sisters, okay? Okay????"

Her face is slightly puckered as she turns back towards her living quarters. Faith, who had still been standing there, of course, has enough presence of mind to quickly back off and pretend to busy herself before Liza can come in. She attempts to sound stern and unaware of the conversation as she turns to Liza.

"Liza Kathleen, when your father gets back from wherever he's gone off to, the three of us are having a conversation, because you going off wherever you want, whenever you want, without telling anyone else about it, and totally ignoring what I tell you to do, that's not gonna happen anymore. You need to stay home the rest of the night, and I mean that. Go straighten up your room, there's stuffed animals all over the place. You can hardly walk in there."

"Mama, they were having a battle. They can't battle in the corner or on my bed, they gotta have a BIG space-" Liza starts to explain, but Faith just looks at her.

"Hm, was that a little girl who's not listening again I hear? Liza, go do it already!"

As Liza leaves, Faith watches her, her expression almost mirroring her daughter's. It occurs to her that perhaps, as much as she truly doesn't want to do it, training Raina personally, as she is now training Faye, would be for the best not just for Raina, but for Liza.
Kesson nodded, taking one last look at the people in the room and then leaving it. He would have liked to talk to the others, meet them as well, but Kesson also wanted to be out of the room. He felt uncomfortable in there. Not just because of the demon thing but because of everything. It was weird starting a new school like this and Kesson felt very out of place right now.

"So where to next?"

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