Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Flower looks at Jace and then smiles a bit and then giggles. "You're worried about me?" She blinks and then frowns. "Oh right...anyways I'm fine." She said frowningf and then rolls over her back facing him. "Yeah I'll be fine you can leave if you wish." She said and then closed her eyes. She wasn't that tired however.

Zelda looks at him and then smiles. "Well the training and sparing halls." She said and then walked through the halls and the floors showing him the work out, training, and Sparing halls. She looks at him and then smiles. "Ugh....such a huge place to walk through." She chuckles a bit.

(Yeah if you want.)
(I will soon, I'm just a procrastinator xD Oh, is it okay with 14hca and Legendless aswell if we skip?)

Jace smiles lightly when she giggles, but then she frowns and rolls away from him, facing in the opposite direction and telling him that he could leave. He frowned. He gets up and grabs a chair, dragging it over beside her bed. "Nuh-uh." He says stubbornly, plonking himself down in the chair, pulling up his knees like he used to when they were younger. "I'm not leaving until you do." He grins at her turned back, "Looks like you're not the only one being the protecter, eh?"

Raina is running full speed, but still manages to hear Liza's shout. She lets out a sob. I love you. She hadn't heard those three little words for a long time. And the last person she heard them from was her darling Mabel. She burst into hers and Chameleon's shared room, not actually expecting him to be there. But just as she flung the door open, a very beautiful, sweet looking lady slammed her hand across Chameleon's cheek with a hiss of, "Idiot." When they heard the door open, both of their eyes flung over to look at Raina. Chameleon didn't seem at all affected, by anything, but the women glared outright at Raina, her eyes turning into little slits. "How dare you barge into my son's room while--" "While you're beating him up?" Raina said casually, moving past the woman and placing herself on her bed. She looks up to the lady, her eyes free of any tears. "Sorry lady, but this is my room aswell. You wanna go beat up Leo, go do it somewhere else." Felicity raised an unamused eyebrow, "Leo?" Raina simply nodded. Felicity rolled her eyes, her tone surly, "How adorable, she has a nickname for you Chameleon." She turned to look at her silent son, not even caring that his cheek was a throbbing red colour as she spoke, "A friend of yours I presume?" Before Chameleon could respond Raina's lazy tone had adressed Felicity once more, "Oh no, we are nowhere near being friends. I just share a room with him and irritate the heck out of him." She smirked lightly at the lady, "What with all my random killings, he can't get a break, eh Leo?" She glances over to him, skillfully hiding her concern at the blank, emotionless look he had. She knew that look and what it meant all too well. Felicity looked at Raina with a mix of confusion and anger. "Hmm, well. What shall we do with you eh?" Raina noticed the brief look of worry Chameleon had before he spoke up, his tone distant yet polite. "Nothing Mother, I will make sure that she doesn't say anything." Felicity turned to look at her son, the room was silent for a moment before she smiled and walked over to him, her hand caressed his bright red cheek softly, as if she were comforting him. "My dear boy, you are so smart." Suddenly her smile vanished and her eyes turned cold. "Speak to your Uncle." She slapped his cheek lightly with the hand that was carressing it, it wasn't hard, but his cheek still stung from the slap she had given him earlier. He bit back a wince as she moved to the door, opening it as she spoke without looking back. "I am not leaving yet. I will be getting a tour from your head master. I will speak to you when we are done." She left without another word, and Chameleon could not meet Raina's eyes as he looked down. But then Raina had got up, and her own hand was on his red cheek, although unlike his Mother, she was actually looking at him gently. He looked up silently and met her gaze, his bright blue eyes still held that emotionless look. "Stop it." She whispered softly, "Stop looking like that." He frowned lightly, "I don't know what you mean." His voice was still distant. "Don't make me slap you Leo." She hissed lightly, but it was clear it was an empty threat, "I mean that emotionless look you've got. You stop that right now." He frowned and opened his mouth to speak, but she cut him off, "I know that look. I am that look. I use it all the time so that people can't actually see my real emotions. Because my real emotions suck okay? I don't want them to know that I care, so I don't let them see any emotion in me at all." Chameleon smiled lightly and tapped her forehead, "I got in there." His eyes flooded back with emotion, looking like they themselves were smiling again as he wrapped his arms around Raina, constricting her arms to her sides, as he pulled her up in a bear hug. She let out a gasp and thrashed in his arms. Dang he was strong. "PUT ME DOWN LEO!" He grinned and dropped her back to the floor, Raina pulled back her hand and went to slam it into his cheek, but then stopped a few inches away. It was still red. "Mum issues?" She asks lightly, looking into his eyes, he frowned, then nodded. "Wanna tell me?" He shook his head. She groaned. "Come on Leo!" "I might tell you, if you told me what happened between you and that Jace guy." Raina froze.

(Thought I'd stop them there, realized it's probably a bit boring for you guys just to read my two characters interacting xD )
(time skip is fine with me too..anyone who wants to train with Faith in her class, go for it. Jo feel free to finish your scene though.)

The next day, Faith is ready and waiting in her classroom for her students, expecting Sheena, Alex, Myra, Faye, Rosa, Flower, Deathwish, Nick, and Raina, among others, particularly the new students, Lekki and two others, whose names she has forgotten. Because there are new students again, she is prepared to assess them much as she had the others when she first became their teacher. It is Raina, however, who is mostly on her thoughts...foolish or not, Faith has made up her mind she wants to train her. This will no doubt end badly....but after what she's heard, she feels she must try.
FLower looks at Jace and rolls over facing him. She blinks and looks at him. She smiles and then sits up. "Apparently not." She said and then smiled at him. "Still have that habbit do you?" She said and then looks around. She frowns as a shadow moves across the wall and thne disappears. It was The king and Flower knew it. She looks at Jace and then smiled again. "I'm glad you are here..." She said and then relaxed again. (Time skip here soon.)
(I am all for time-skipping. Hey FoH is it okay if I just have Kesson say they finished the tour?)

Lekki appeared in the class, ready to begin the lesson. She looked around, excited to see who would be in the class with her. She was also excited to meet more people beyond Hayley and Deathwish. This time she was lucky. She did not land on anyone. She saw Hayley walk into the room, looking nervous as hell. Lekki waved to her, but Hayley didn't seem to notice. She was looking at the ground as if expecting it to rise up and eat her - or maybe hoping it would.

"Oh well," Lekki said when Hayley ignored her. She could talk to her later.

Kesson walked into the room feeling nervous. He hadn't had any formal training in quite some time. He had seen the whole place yesterday with Zelda. He hoped to spend time with her again. She seemed like such an awesome person and Kesson enjoyed their time together. He was glad she was his first friend here.

He saw a few others already here and the woman who, Kesson guessed, was their teacher. He looked her over and then waited for the rest to join if there was more. He felt anxious to begin as he was new.
Sheena walks into the room shortly after Kesson, gives him a quick glance and nod of acknowledgement, then stands towards the middle of the room, waiting for more to arrive. Faith observes the people who have arrived so far, noticing that the three to arrive earliest are three of her new students- two females and a male. Their early arrival bodes well for them and their commitment, or at least for their nerves, and she gives each a brief smile as she introduces herself to them at large.

"Hello, my name is Faith Cord, and I'm obviously your teacher for this class and probably a lot of other ones too. Which of you is which, and what are your powers?"

(sorry for shortness, I would have waited for Jo's reply but figured Faith would introduce herself to the newbies at least)
(Time skip is NOW! Oh, Jace is a newbie aswell, but Faith probably doesn't know about him joining since it was a last second thing xD )

Faye skipped into Faith's room, feeling MUCH better about their relationship then she did last time she was in here. Sure, if that Macal guy showed up, it might get worse, but she was determined to correct their impressions of her and to keep her cool. She was here to learn. She flashed Faith a smile before grabbing Myra's hand - who was behind her - and pulling her shy older sister into the room.

Myra followed behind Faye, looking at the ground, she hadn't socalized much lately, since she had been having a bit of a depression issue the past few days, but now Faye had dragged her to class so she had to suck it up and put a smile on her face. She felt her little sister grab her hand and glanced up at her blankly, Faye gave her a reassuring smile before pulling her into the room. She blinked at her for a moment before trying to smile back and failing, her hand dropping from Faye's. Faye couldn't help but think of what Faith had said the other day. Your sister, Myra, is nothing but a weak little victim who will always need you hovering over her for protection. Helpless little Myra, soooo irresistible to those nasty men...she asks for it. She blinks as Myra looks down again, letting her white hair drape down and hide her face. Faye can't help but glance at Faith, even though she knows she didn't mean it, those words are still stuck in her brain. She takes a step closer to Myra, linking their hands and lifting her chin up slightly, as if daring someone to try and upset Myra.

Jace had been like a body guard to Flower for the past day and even up until now. He had stayed with her throughout her stay in the medical room and even went with her to their room once she felt ready to leave. And now here he was, following behind her as she entered Faith's classroom. He nodded to the woman who he assumed the teacher - since she was introducing herself to the three other new students in the room who he had yet to meet - for a new 'student' (He's 22 xD ) He had met alot of people already. "Hey, I'm Jace" He said simply.

Mind if I introduce myself? Sethos's mocking voice rung in Jace's head and he scowled lightly at the floor.

You want to freak the woman out?



Aw come on, she's your fighting teacher, she deserves to know what WE can do.

Sethos, shut up. I don't think killing the teacher would go down well with anyone.

Sweet head silence. Jace looked back up again, catching Flower's eye. He was still standing close to her.

Chameleon and Raina headed to class - although Chameleon was practically dragging Raina. Neither of them had managed to get any past stories out of each other but Chameleon was making Raina go to class and 'socialize' Yeah, like that was gonna happen. But with a massive grin on his charming face, he burst into the room, Raina behind him, "Hi! We're here!" For a boy who had been so cold and dead last night, Chameleon sure knew how to bounce back. Infact, he was more happy than usual, maybe it's because his Mother had been and gone without any deaths happening - though Raina was close.

Raina groaned as she entered the classroom with Chameleon, "Leo! Let go!" She whined, but then Leo stepped aside and her eyes collided with icy blues ones that still struck terror and fury into her heart. Jace smirked...or was it Sethos? Raina hissed, "What are you doing here Jace?" He smirked, his eyes seeming to turn black, "Oh, didn't you hear Raina? I go to your school now." Raina glared at him, her eyes blazing as her fists clenched, Jace rose an eyebrow, still smirking, "What's the matter Rai-Rai? Upset you haven't killed me yet?" "Yet being the operative word" She hissed and lunged towards him, but Chameleon grabbed her arms and pulled her back, she flicked her head to glare at him, "What the f**k? Let me go Leo." Her voice was much different to how it was earlier. Now it sounded so much more threatening. "Rai, we're in class. Calm it." Raina looked back at Jace, who was silently smirking beside Flower. She hissed lightly but Chameleon felt her body slowly relax. He let go off her and she turned so that her back was to him, looking up at Chameleon. She was scared that if she looked at him, she would have to kill him. "Tell me if he throws a knife at my back." She sounds deadly serious and Chameleon finds himself nodding before his eyes scan the room for Rosa. Habit.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Gosh, my posts are getting so long O.o )
Flower elbowed Jace. "Stop it would be better if you don't irritate her." She said harshly and then sat down. The worce part of this is probably keeping an eye on Jace and raina while they were in class. She turned her attention ack to Leon and then nodded and thank you to him. If Jace really got hurt it would hurt her as well. Even though Jace seemed to have been on his best behavor while she was recovering. She sighed and then pulled out a picture she was given of her father and her sitting on his lap. She smiled slightly, she looked more like her mother then her father but she had her father's aditude and strength, then his eyes and some say his nose. She smiled but then frowned putting it back into her desk.

James entered the class room and nodded to Faith. He looks at Myra and Faye. He frowned seeing something was wrong. He slowly walked over looking at Faye for an answer. He didn't say anything not knowing what was wrong but he hoped Faye would talk to him. He looked around class and then sighed. Maybe later, however he was worried for Myra.

Nick sat down in class and looked around. He spotted Faye and instently forgave her for not seeing him yesterday when he saw how gloomy Myra was. He frowned, slightly worried himself. He looked back at Faith waiting to start the class.

Zelda was already in class when faith intruduced herself and was sitting down when she saw Myra, Faye, and Flower walk in. Although she watched when Raina tried to attack Jace. She looked at Flower who didn't even notice her. She didn't blame her, Jace practicly had her chained up with the stupid bond thing, so Flower wanted to make sure he didn't get hurt. She still had that drained looking in her eye though. Zelda was slightly worried but it wasn't uncommon for Flower after the heck of a day she had with that demon. Even Zelda could feel the stress. Turning her eye away from Flower she saw Kesson and two other girls enter. Wow this was becoming a rather large class.

Deatwish walked in and then sighed seeing how big a class this was becoming. He's eyes set on Sheena. She somehow figured out that he liked Flower. Watching her he nervously took his seat. He looked to see Flower was here with Jace. He looked down. If Sheena could keep her mouth shut that would be great. He glanced at Sheena rather nervously.
Kesson looked at the teacher - Faith - and bowed low to her. He decided that his customs were all he had left of his old life with his family. He would keep them after all no matter how others reacted.

"I am Kesson ma'am. Kesson Shinoya. I am a DHH, so I can turn into a dragon - though I don't think it would be good to do that here for right now - but I can also just grow my wings for flight if I have to, I can summon fire in both forms, and can call up scales to protect my body."

Lekki and Hayley listened to Kesson introduce himself. Hayley opened her mouth to speak, though nothing came out. Instead Lekki moved in front of her, smiling at Faith.

"I am Lekki Owca, half-demon, half-human! My powers are my ability to teleport, though I have yet to see how far I can teleport, I am stronger than most people, though I have yet to test it against a lot of people, but I can usually change it to suit my need. I guess we'll see. I can also see in the dark."

Lekki nodded and smiled widered. She had not really gotten into many fights or had many chances to test her skills against people like this before, so she was excited to see.

Hayley opened her mouth again and said, softly. "Hayley Ericks. I can just shape-shift. Not into animals right now either. Just other human-shaped forms really. I'm not that strong or impressive. I'm sorry."

As Kesson waited for the others to introduce themselves, he saw Zelda and waved to her.
Zelda looks at Kesson and smiles waving to him. She looks at him. "So you have dragon magic? Well I guess it depends on the dragon you were born from...but some dragons have dragon magic." She said and then looked at James. "He said fire speration and I have holy fire. It mostly has something to do with fire....I guess you could also call it attack moves." She shrugged.
"I don't know," Kesson said honestly, shrugging a little. "I can call fire from within myself, but beyond that I cannot do anything special with it beyond the normal things nor is it special. But I have not really tested out too much of my abilities anyways, so there is a possibility." He smiled a little. "I guess I am a pretty boring DHH."

Zelda chuckles. "Hardly." She said and then smiles. She looks at him. "You just need to experiment more." She said and then leaned back in her chair. She looks down. "I'm sure you can do many cool things." She said and then pointed to James. "He was boring till he found his fire power....I mean the guy is a toldal book worm." She said and then giggled.
(Posted my blog!! Check it out if you wish :D )

Jace groaned slightly as she elbowed him, rubbing the spot, "Ouch girl, you elbow hard." He grinned at her suddenly, "Hey did that hurt you too?" He then looked around the room, his eyes landed on Raina, who still had her back to him, and his eyes widened slightly in realization. "Oh shit. If Raina kills me, you'll die too, right?" He glances to Flower, she was sat down, she had a picture of her dad when she was younger. He moved slightly to stand behind her, remaining silent until she placed it back, he spoke surprisingly softly, "You always looked more like your mum to be honest." He glanced at the picture, "Though you sure as heck had his strength." He grinned at her, remembering when they used to play fight as kids - she always won. He rubbed the spot she had elbowed, inbetween his ribs, "Still do."

Chameleon glanced over at Hayley as she spoke softly, she was a shape-shifter? He had yet to encounter another shape-shifter. Maybe he should go say Hi...He goes to move over to her, but feels a grip on his wrist. He looks down at Raina, who is looking back up at him. "Where are you going?" She asks very softly, trying to be as quiet as possible. She is fearful that he might leave her here, with Jace, and Faith, and all the others who hate her. He frowns lightly, is she scared? He smiles and pulls her into a hug, as his head rests on Raina's shoulder, he can see Jace staring at them. He glares at him and to his surprise...Jace looks away uncomfortably. "Don't worry Rai, I'm not leaving, I'm just going to go say Hi to the new kids, one's a shifter like me." Raina suddenly feels so stupid, and weak. She pushes out of the hug, folding her arms, "Oh whatever. I'm not worried anyway." He looks down at her, rolls his eyes and ruffles her hair like a big brother, "Sure thing Rai, I'll be right back, okay?" She grunts and pushes his hand away, leaning against the wall with one foot pressed up against the wall as she straightens out her hair again.

Chameleon walks over to Hayley, not speeding over but not walking super slow like a zombie either, he reaches her and puts one hand in his pocket, the other stretched out to shake her hand, "Hey, I'm Chameleon. Just thought I'd say Hello" He smiles at her, "Us Shape-Shifters gotta stick together, right?"
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "Yes if you die I die and as a matter of fact...that did hurt and I know." She said and then smiled at him. "I wonder when you got your pride back from all those lost fights." She said and then leaned back in her chair. "Why are you hovering over me?" She smirks at him and then chuckled. She looks at Leon and Raina and then looks down.
Faith smiles back at Faye briefly, then, noticing Myra's completely stilted shyness bordering on fear, directs a smile at her too, making a mental note that Myra, in particular, needs to have more personal interaction from her. For the girl to be so shy and unsure of herself is for the girl to potentially be unable to defend herself in a hostile situation, and Faith does not intend to let her leave her time training with her without this being remedied. Myra needs confidence, and Faith intends to do what she can to bring it to her not only in her fighting and skills, but emotionally as well through her learning. She doesn't fail to notice Faye taking Myra's hand and looking towards the others and Faith almost defiantly, and notes to herself to speak with Faye too during their training. Yes, it is commendable that Faye is so protective of her sister...but it is time that Myra learns to stand on her own feet, find her own strength.

As Jace comes into the classroom, Faith, not knowing his name, nods at his introduction. Something about his expression and posture, however, seem slightly off to her, and she watches him for a moment, with the feeling that before the day is out, she'll be watching him a lot more. He looks nearly as old as she is...why is he a student?

Raising an eyebrow, she asks outright, "You're not a teenager...why are you training?"

Sheena, noticing Deathwish's nervous glance towards her, is puzzled as to what he was thinking. Did she look strange somehow? Inwardly shrugging it off as a weird vampire thing, she smiled at Flower, then, after a long hesitation, very quickly at Raina before facing Faith again.

Faith takes in Kesson, Lekki, and Hayley's intros, listening carefully, and says briskly to Hayley, "Never apologize for what you can or can't do, all you'll have to apologize for around here is if you are wasting what ability you have on laziness or being an all around ass." Looking to Kesson, she adds, "I don't have to be called ma'am or Mrs. Cord or Miss Faith or anything like that, I've been Faith all my life and it's fine now too."

Faith notices the encounter between Chameleon and Raina and finds herself frowning slightly, unwillingly thinking back to the words between the girl and Liza the night before. Pushing these thoughts aside, wondering how Raina will act now, in class, with no Liza as a buffer between, she raises her voice to be heard over the others.

"Okay, since we have so many new students today, there will need to be more assessments, it's gonna be another practice day just until I can see what they have going for them. New guys, come up here against the wall. This time though, I want everyone to watch each person. It's important we know the abilities and strengths of others as well as your own self. Then I want some of you to work with me individually while the rest of you pair up. For right now, Lekki, Hayley, and Kessen come first, Zelda, Jace, you guys are next."
Hayley looked up at Chameleon, smiling at this name somehow suiting him being a shape-shifter. For the first time she is less nervous. She had yet to meet another shape-shifter. She nodded at him, still feeling somewhat shy.

"Y-yeah. We do. It's nice to m-meet you Chameleon."

She looked over at Faith and wasn't sure what to say. She then nodded again, confirming she understood. But when Faith said that she and the two others were going to be first to tain apparently. Hayley didn't like being first or with people she did not know, but she wouldn't argue.

Kesson thought about it. "I guess we shall see what happens." He smiled at Faith, shaking his head slightly. "I would prefer to treat my teacher with respect. But if you wish I just refer to you as Fath then I will not argue. I am ready to begin." He moved over to the wall.

Lekki looked excited to be going first.
Nodding in acknowledgement of what Kesson says, Faith tells him, "Nothing's saying you won't be treating me with respect. It's not what people call me, it's the way they say things and how they respond that show respect."

Nodding towards Lekki, Faith addressed her specifically. "You said teleporting, strength, seeing in darkness. Show me what you've got. Someone can turn off the lights when we get to that part of it."

Speaking to everyone now, she adds, "When we're in here, the only time or reason we will be holding back is if there is any concern that your abilities will hurt another student. If that is the case, then we gotta take our precautions, set up individual and paired trainings that will stretch your abilities to their best while still keeping people safe."
mind if i join with this character?

name: Mar,Shadow



species: genetically augmented human (Species perks : all Augmented humans have increased intellect and boosted tactical capability's. there nano machines gives them boosted immune systems they also draw powers from nanos )


nano shield

can create a shield fabricated of nano machines that mitigate damage and slightly heal the shielded targets

Nano replication

Mar can make simple machines and objects with his nano machines, useful for scouting, logistics support and direct combat

Basic Nano elemental control

finaly Mar`s nano machines can meddle with the atoms around him to manipulate elements (for example he vibrates combustible atoms with his nano machines to manipulate fire. he cant control earth or shadows and light and ice are difficult to manipulate.)

weaknesses: Augmented humans have a need to intake more calories than normal because nano ability's take a massive amounts of energy to constantly use, their great for short skirmishes but wont help much in a long drawn out battle, cant raise his shield or deconstruct things to field more nanos while attacking, has low pain tolerance and tends to over think strategy s on occasions

weapons: a tarturus judge 7 shot revolver (modified so it could hold 7 shots), a short sword, two W.A.S.P Co2 combat knives and a long bow. ( Mar received extensive muay-thai training )

Vehicle: can dash by manipulating the air pressure under his feet and using the same method he can glide for short distances.

is able to nano replicate a Sherman tank but only for about 30 sec . (if mar nano-replicates anything large or complex it will be taxing on his stamina and if he attempts to sustain the replica longer than 30sec he may pass out, the time limit can improve with practice but the process is very slow and very dangerous )

Pets: none so far

Family: never knew his real family, taken into the 2nd deft war fighter augmentation program at birth his fellow Augmentated humans are considered family

Husband/wife: none

Girlfriend/boyfriend: none so far

Crush: none so far

Looks: (looks a bit older and taller than the depiction with normal sized eyes.)
Everything was starting to flow for Rosa, she knew her way around the school, she was doing well in her classes and the constant outbreaks of fights weren't so bothersome anymore. Swift as always would not leave he side but the bobcat was a bit more relaxed giving her more room to explore. Rosa had also ridden Leader through all of the trails around the school and quickly became well liked on the equestrian team. She rode by feel so everything was much more relaxed and she helped other team members do so.

Weaponry was a different story. Rosa hated guns the feel of the metal, the loud noises, the noxious smells; she couldn't stand any of it. She felt that they were a weapon made specifically for those with sight and could barely be adapted to those who only heard and felt. Rosa always worried the thing was going to be loaded while she cleaned it and she was going to accidently shoot herself in the temple but she pushed through her discomfort. What she really wanted to do though was talk to Leo. She hadn't talked to him since Mother's day and even than they hardly spoke. She had so many questions for him but she wasn't sure she wanted an answer.

Rosa sat quietly in the stableyard, it was her free period and she liked to spend it with Leader. She was cleaning his coat feeling for any speck of dirt and practicing the braids some of the girls had taught for his mane and tail. The braids created new textures something exciting and different.
"Very well," Kesson said, with a slight bow. Then he watched as Lekki nodded, ready to show her powers. She was a bit hesitant about the strength part. She knew there were things for her to use it on.

Lekki moved a little away from the wall and began to teleport, trying to land near object she could user her strength on. Once or twice she almost teleported ion top of someone, but she managed not to.

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