Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Faith, watching Lekki teleport, nods when the girl concludes and looks to her for approval. "Okay, I can see you haven't really got this under the greatest of control right now, that was a bit rough in the execution, but that's what we're here to learn, how to understand and use our powers with control and force. So we'll work on that. What about the strength? Hayley, Kesson, you're next."

She glances towards the rest of the students, making sure they're watching and paying attention rather than trying to half kill each other, which is what she half dreads will happen before the class is over.
Lekki nodded, knowing that she didn't have the best control over her teleporting. She thought about how to test her strength, unsure of what to do for it.

"Is there something I can use my strength against?"

Hayley didn't look like she wanted to do anything at that moment, but she nodded and moved forward. She wasn't sure what to do, but she had to do something. She didn't want Faith to yell at her or look disappointed. Hayley shifted into the first person she could think of, Lekki. Lekki looked at her, curious. She walked over to Hayley and jabbed her, using some of her strength.


"Wow. That's pretty cool. Sorry about hurting you."

Hayley shifted to herself, but she didn't think that would be good enough. She then shifted to Faith herself, but quickly went back to her own form. She looked down at the floor. "How did I do?"

Kesson, moved forward as well, ready to show off what he could do. He let his wings come out and floated a little bit, then went back down. Next he summoned fire and then put it out. Last he walked over to Lekki, his skin taking a light green color and looking harder and scaley.

"Go ahead and hit me," he offerred to her. Lekki looked at him as if she wasn't so sure. She didn't want to hurt anyone after all. But Kesson nodded again. Lekki shrugged and let loose a punch, which sent Kesson back a foot and he let out a grunt. But he looked okay. His skin then returned to normal.

(I fail at showing off powers!)
(that was perfectly fine, Legend.)

Faith can't tell the extent of strength from Lekki's demonstration, except that she appears to have some. Of course, this isn't something she can fully demonstrate without hurting anyone, and Faith knows she will have to make arrangements for her to train and improve its range.

"Alright, gonna have to arrange stuff with heavy weights, destructo-type exercises for you, Lekki," she says before turning to Hayley. "I can't really see all you've got yet."

Hayley in particular seems very insecure and unsure about her powers, so Faith smiles at her again and nods as she outright asks for her judgment. "Looked pretty tight to me. Is that your main ability?"

Kesson's range of skills are what interest her the most, however. "Okay, so fire, shifting, and offense, but are you like a specific species, or you just randomly have those powers? Not too many have that combination together."

Turning to Jace and the other new students, Faith adds, "Okay, who's up next?"

dashed the rest of the way down the castle corridors towards his assigned classroom making a mental note to have his nanos map the academy. (the Guards either suck at directions or their just trolling me) "This is gonna make for a horrid first impression!" the boy thought, even though he had hastily left his luggage of research notes, clothes and dossiers unsorted inside his room he was still running more than 15 min late "

if this academy was anything like fort Gunther he would be lucky getting away with just being court marshaled.
"hear it is!" Mar exclaimed making

a long skidding halt in front of the classroom door, hastily opening it and giving Faith an even hastier salute "mar, shadow reporting in tardy ma`m! permission to begin demonstration?"
Flower turned to see someone enter in a hurry. She looks at him and then looks at faith. An army type? Was he human? Unsure she simply turned away and looked at Faith waiting for her reply. She blinks, another new student? This was odd that everyone was being shoved into one classroom. Faith must carry some weight to her name with the board members. She looked at the new studen again trying to get a read on his strength.
Mar could feel someone eying him, "did i say something wrong?" he asked puzzled, this was the very first time he`s been anywhere out side of human territory so he did not notice that as a result of strict military tradition the only social stance he knew made him sound much older that he was.

Mar surveyed the room noting that he was mixed with people of different species he`d only read about even if he couldn't tell them from Adam. sensing impending culture shock Mar tried to calm himself : "key to victory #481 those who can control there emotions are the masters of the battle field" he kept repeating the saying in his head but nothing could stop the chilling sensation from going up his spine making him think : " the other species where notorious for killing humans indiscriminately before the peace accords where drawn. Mar could not decide which emotion to pick. fear? or excitement? he`s seen combat since he was 12 but he only fought against human drug cartels and rebels, nothing like what was to be expected of him in this academy for the next few years. it felt like hours before Faith spoke.
Flower suddenly smiles. Yes he was human. She being the key holder Queen always liked humans. Humans were protected in her territory and with most allies. She looks around however and then chuckled. "No...some of us like to get an early read on some people." she explained and then looked at Deathwish and nick who were also watching him. "Others are just being rude." she said watching their gaze turn to her and then down.
As the overly eager, apparently military wannabe male practically skidded into the room, Faith blinks, not even attempting to pretend she isn't staring at him. To the side Sheena first smirks, then snickers, knowing very well the thoughts that must be going through her sister's head.

"Uh, who are you?" Faith asked bluntly, eyebrows raised. "And since you're like...what, fifteen or something...why are you talking like you're some kind of soldier? If you're looking for ROTC, you're in the wrong class. Wrong school too."

(obviously this is up to Fire, would make it much easier for me and probably others to read if you used spellcheck before posting :) Some of your words, it took me a little while to figure out what you meant)
"I'm a DHH," Kesson said to Faith's questioning. He shrugged a bit as if he didn't think what he could do was all that special. He could just selectively change into his dragon form, to get wings or his scales without becoming the dragon. "I am sorry if I was not clear on that."

Hayley nodded at the teacher. "I am a shape-shifter. But I can't do animals. Just humans and human-like creatures." She was still nervous. What kind of shape-shifter couldn't change into other things besides a human-shaped form?

Lekki looked excited to be able to test out her powers some more.
(no no not you, Fire, I'm talking to Mar. Lol. Sorry. I can always tell what you're saying, Fire, it's just typos. Mar, I'm not trying to be rude, it's just a suggestion to make it easier to follow)
" because i am a soldier" mar explained simply as if Faith would understand his circumstances by just hearing that sentence before realizing that she could not possibly understand how 15-year old boys became soldiers "let me show you" Mar said thoughtlessly abandoning protocol.

The boy ordered his nano machines to replicate 3 ballistics gel bodies and 7 target boards close to the far side of the class room before shifting the air pressure around him propelling himself forwards fast enough that anyone with out a battle-trained eye wouldn't see him draw his combat knives and puncture the two nearest gel dummy's necks, the compressed Co2 in the blades hilts released leaving gaping holes where there throats should have been. he called the propulsion trick "dashing" , he landed a reverse elbow into the remaining gel dummy's temple with enough force to knock it to the ground before Mar proceeded to draw his modified Judge taking aim he opened fire, 6 rounds hit perfect bulls eyes on the boards, he missed his 7nth shot on purpose so he could shift the air under his feet this time boosting him into the air so high he almost hit the ceiling as he quickly thrust out the palms of his hands firing 3 baseball sized masses of fire at the 7nth board cleanly incinerating it. Mar gave his remaining nanos that were not on tasks orders to remove the oxygen from around the flames extinguishing them before he hit the ground with both feet and a hand to retain balance before he stood up facing Faith .

this concludes my demonstration Ma`am " Mar
stated plainly with another quick salute not even a hint of the fearful part of the emotion he had a few seconds ago, the quick pass he made at the equipment seemed to have calmed his nerves .

Mar didn't think he could fire his Sherman tank without hurting anyone so he haden`t bothered replicating it

(Why did you mention me then?! You're confusing!)

--- Merged Double Post ---

Flower watched him and then smiled. This human was much different, much like the last she encountered before he ran off on her. She sighed deeply trying not to think about it. She looked at him and then looked around. To bad Ginger wasn't in this class. To meet another human with such abilities would be great for the poor shy girl. She looked back at Mar. She leaned back in her chair thinking silently to herself.
(I mentioned you, Fire, because it's your rp, it's up to you how well-spelled/formatted things are expected to be. Sorry for the confusion...

Mar...I can't really respond until I understand this better. So...Mar came in here toting all these machines and just started shooting them all in a class full of about 20 people?! Did he have these machines when he first came in?)
( nope. the only thing he carried into class was his weapons Mar has nano machines implanted into his body that can replicate objects and change the property of atoms its mentioned on his charecter page )

(i may have to run my writing through word for spell check though -_- )
Faith had stared, flabbergasted, as the new and still nameless student basically proceeded to destroy the majority of the training room. She hadn't tried to stop him, worried that if she touched him or yelled at him he would be distracted and accidentally hit one of the students- because after all, there were nearly 20 people in the room while all this went on. Sheena too stared, her mouth open, and backed as far against the wall as she could.

When Mar finally finished up, Faith took a few seconds before she could speak, but then she didn't hold back.

"One, I did NOT give you permission to do /anything/, for someone who acts like they're asking for permission you sure shifted straight into destroying my entire classroom without blinking an eye, giving me any kind of introduction about what you can do before you actually do it, or letting me as the instructor here tell you what you can and can't do here to keep everyone safe. You realize you could have killed someone, going off like that without warning and not standing where I tell you to and using the precautions you need?! What if someone had panicked at the sudden flames and shooting and got in the way? Dude, you might be a soldier, but you sure as hell haven't learned how to be a student. Go take down every single one of those things you just burned to a crisp and open the windows to the room. Now."

She shakes her head, muttering something rather insulting under her breath, before raising her voice again. "From now on, Nameless Soldier man, you're gonna be taking orders from me. You do another stunt like this, and you're out of my class. I'm not having any of you deliberately put people in needless danger in my classroom. Get moving with what I said for you to do, and Jace, you come up here now."
" understood. i guess i got nervus i apologise. my name was mar , shadow " mar said sullenly dissaimbaling the traning props and opening the windows as he was told. mar did not arugue the point that he had already introduced himself.

couldent help but wonder if he was going to be killed by his instructor on the first day
Kesson and Lekki seemed to be mostly okay, though Lekki was startled and Kesson was mad at the recklessness of the new person. He had a few things to say to him, but it seemed most was already said by Faith. He looked around, making sure what she said was true. That no one had been hurt. Hayley was crouched down, whimpering and shaking. Kesson moved over to her.

"Hey are you okay?"

Hayley looked up and shook her head, temporarily muted by the scene that had just occurred. She thought she was going to have a heart attack or something. She suddenly felt very afraid and wanted to leave, but had no strength to leave. She watched Mar with a frightened expression.
Mar had just fully realized the magnitude of the scene created by his own recklessness had caused And seeing Hayley’s reaction made his heart feel like it had sunk into his stomach.

He`d inflicted collateral damage to a classroom and frightened colleagues he had yet gotten to know, but still his first concern was for his own safety after being rightly scolded by Faith.

“I truly am sorry” mar said softly while he moved away from everyone else, it was the least and the most he could do in terms of damage control since his nano machines could not repair a structure not created by other nano machines. whilst we where born and raised with the intent to be shields, augmented humans living under the roof of the military since birth are only good for destroying things” mar thought staring at his feet , the smell of a recently put out fire still present did nothing to lighten the mood.

(are my posts "flowing" any better?)
(yes, much better Mar, thanks)

Seeing Hayley's distress, Faith gives Mar another harsh look before making her way over to her, kneeling along with Kesson beside her. She makes sure to give her space and moves slowly and with care, her voice softer than usual when she speaks to her.

"Hayley. You all right? Listen, no one's hurt...right?" she looks around quickly, just to double check. "Although they damn well could have been," she adds pointedly for Mar's benefit.

Carefully she places a hand on Hayley's cheek, turning her face to meet her own eyes. "Breathe. You all here?"
Lekki looked at the newest addition in a studious way that could almost be invasive. Still she was curious about him. He scared her when he had come in, but now that he was not shooting off guns or anything, she found him approachable. He seemed to regret his actions as well and Lekki was not as caring to Hayley's fear.

"Hey mar. I am Lekki. Are you human? Well I guess not."

Hayley was not comforted by Kesson's attempt and not so much by Faith's. But she was more ready to listen more to Faith as she was older and in charge. "I'll be okay," Hayley said softly. She felt like a loser. A coward. She looked into Faith's eyes, trying to breathe. She was able to calm down.

Mar looked up at Lekki brightening to the fact that someone would still want to approach him, he humored the girl with a quick smile.” I was born to human parents but I never really knew them” Mar paused looking away from Lekki in favor of staring distantly out a nearby window with a sigh.

“you see, shortly after I was born the docs discovered that I had a rare blood type making me capable of receiving augmentations to my brain as well as host nano machines inside and around my body. you’ve seen what they can do” mar said . ” The human Government at the time needed capable soldiers to fight there wars and they offered a small fortune to my parents in exchange for my life”. Mar looked back at Lekkie a sorrowful expression his face.

“When you are instated into the 2nd deft augmented warfighter program as they called it, you lost everything from your birth certificate to even the name you where born with. Your last name would become the company to which you where assigned to, for me it was Shadow Company based at a large island fort off the coast of human territory they called it fort Gunther it would be and still is the only home I know.” Mar broke eye contact with Lekkie staring at his own feet.

“Your first name would be later bestowed to you by a director based on your actions. “Mar literally means to destroy, deface and ruin”. “NoMar finally said answering Lekkie`s question “ in no way shape or form am I truly human anymore I’m just a weapon with no enemy to be aimed at since the peace accords between the races where signed “. Mar had looked down so Lekkie wouldn’t see a single hot tear stream down his cheek.

(i almost cried myself writing this. i`m such a softy) xD

(p.s kinda confused with the multitude of characters we have here, would Fire mind making a Character thread?)
Faith watches Hayley for a few more moments, making sure that her breathing has resettled to something approaching normal and that her coloring has returned before she nods, satisfied, and gives her a quick smile and pat on the shoulder. But although she smiles at her, she is concerned. For Hayley to be so alarmed by Mar's actions, as startling and potentially dangerous as they were...was she very inexperienced with any form of battle or fighting? Or was she traumatized...had she experienced something so terrible that she, like when Sheena first came, was fragile to anything that served as a reminder?

Whatever it was, they had to get her accustomed to it, and fast. She could not have Hayley taking part in battles if they scared her so badly she could not conduct herself.

"Jace, you're up," she repeated as she returned to the front of the room.

(Maybe should wait for Joboz?)

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