Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

( Ah! So sorry! Just had like ten exams piled into one week and got so busy and exhausted that I actually didn't even touch my laptop the whole time, not even to go on Facebook or anything! But all my exams are finished now completely so I should be on more! :D Okay, lemme try and catch up. And thanks for waiting :) )

Jace looks at the teacher, Faith she had called herself, as she asks him why he is there, stating the obvious fact that he's not a teenager. He manages to catch Raina's almost non-existent hiss of, "Yes. Get the f**k out of here." And it brings a smirk to his face. He can't help it with Raina. Not only does Sethos have an almost uncontrollable urge to tear her pretty little limbs apart, he himself also has a hatred for her, for her Dad. He killed his sweetheart and therefore he needs to eradicate every single member of the Sharpe family. He glanced to the fiery girl Faye, who was currently taking a protective stance over her elder sister. Is she involved in that?

Yes. She's HIS child aswell, and she's a vampire, you saw her black eyes earlier.

She's also half-keyholder idiot, see the keys?

Give it a rest Jace, just break the stupid key-holder thing once.

No Sethos. Now shut up.

We'll talk about this later, your teacher is waiting for an answer.


He opened his mouth to respond to Faith, but then some machine boy burst in and starting shooting the f**k out of the place. What the heck? Then Faith let loose on the kid and then demanded he 'come up there now' He shrugged, took a step forward but then the machine kid started talking again and a conversation was started up once more. Then Faith repeated that it was his turn. He couldn't help the nervous knot at the thought of Sethos escaping; he counted as 'what he could do'

Yup. I do. So let's show them.

How do I get rid of you?

You can't.


He walked up infront of Faith kind of awkwardly. "Uh, well." He really DIDN'T want to announce his half-ness infront of the whole class, but oh well, might as well admit to it for now. "I'm half key-holder...half-demon." He muttered the last bit quietly, hoping most didn't hear. "So I have an....odd range of powers." He glances to her, "I can control shadows." He flicked both hands up and about five shadow hands reached out from the shadows and grabbed Faith's feet, but he flicked his hand again and they went back to normal. "And I can make myself transparent." His form shimmered before he became translucent like a ghost and walked right through Faith, he then walked back through her again to stand infront of her once more, he turned back to normal. "And I can drain energy from people." He glanced to Raina subtly before looking back to Faith and carrying on, "It works best on vampires. Can keep them down for a full four minutes if I'm charged up enough." He noticed Raina turn away uncomfortably out of the corner of his eyes, he smirked very lightly as he knew the reason why. His eyes flickered back to Faith, "And to answer your earlier question of why I'm here. It's because Flower reckons I can suppress my demon side and I'm all for it." Jace's eyes darkened suddenly and his hands clenched as he felt Sethos trying to take over, "See, I have a demon side, his name is Sethos, and he likes to brutally kill vampires or anyone - besides Key-Holders - who annoys him and then he leaves me to deal with the aftermath." His voice changed throughout the sentence, as if two people were fighting to control it, before his eyes went back to icy blue and his fists unclenched as he offered Faith a grin, "Sorry about that, Sethos wanted to introduce himself. But that wouldn't end well." Once again, his gaze flicked to Raina before she walked out. Sethos wanted to splatter her blood on the walls right now.

Raina was finding it harder and harder not to place a nice shiny bullet through Jace's head with every passing second. She had to turn away when he mentioned his power. She had to. Or else she would have leapt at him there and then. Yes. It did work well on Vampires, didn't it? Well enough to get her Mother and baby Sister killed, and almost her. She shook her head, covering her face. "I need to get out of here. For a moment." She muttered to Chameleon - who had returned to her once he had said hello to Hayley - he frowned at her, then glanced to Jace knowingly. "Ok." He spoke surprisingly softly. Raina walked to the door and pulled it open, stalking outside of the room and leaning against the wall outside, breathing. Just breathing. Chameleon walked to the door and glanced over at Faith, ready to tell her that Raina was just taking a moment rather than walking out of the class altogether.
Satisfied that people are calm, the class is being cleaned up, and everyone seems under control for the moment, Faith watches Jace's powers, mentally noting their potentiality for range and force. She gives a brief shudder when Jace walks through her, not having expected that, but it is mostly his talk of Sethos that grabs her attention. If this guy was for real, and he really did want to control that...Sethos...well that was lucky, because she sure as hell didn't want a dangerous murdering sociopath running around the school slaughtering her humans. Someone at the registration office needed to be a hell of a lot more selective than they currently were, if you asked her.

Still...if he did lose control, or changed his mind...he was definitely a threat to everyone, someone she would have to watch and work with closely.

Thanking him for his demonstration, she turned to see Raina walking out the door. Having missed the exchanges between Raina and Jace, and unaware that it is Jace/Sethos who had had her family killed, she clinches her jaw unconsciously. If the girl walked out of every class she ever had, how was she supposed to work with her?

"Everyone pair up again- with someone who shares your own powers or similar ones to yours. Don't do anything yet, I'll be right back," she says, before walking out the door, already suspecting this conversation won't end well.

Sheena, though, had watched Jace look at Raina, seen the flickers of emotion in Raina's eyes, and she frowns, watching Faith move towards her with concern both for Raina and for her sister. She wonders briefly if she should tell Faith she'll go instead, but then decides it would call to much attention to the fact that Raina seems upset.
Raina is still outside, she is slumped up against the wall with her eyes shut. Her body is steadily leaning against the wall - as if she needs the support - and she is breathing slowly, silently thinking to herself. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. She is so focused on this, this trying to compose herself, that she doesn't hear Faith follow her out.

Chameleon goes to follow Faith and tell her that Raina isn't walking out, she is only taking a moment, but then it is too late anyway, and there doesn't seem to be any yelling yet. But now he is preoccupied on the task at hand. Fighting. No. He cannot fight. He refuses to. So he pushes himself into a corner of the room and leans against the wall, blending in like a Chameleon could. He forcibly uses his 'power' this time, making himself invisible to those both who are not purposefully looking for him and to those who have no observation skills anyway. He refuses to fight.

(Trying to leave Jace open because I want him and Raina to 'pair up' and fight when she comes back in. Just assume that Faye and Myra are fighting together aswell please)
Sheena looks around, meaning to partner with someone who can shapeshift, and catches Hayley's eyes, giving her a smile. She might as well be friendly to the girl. Sheena knows if it were her who had reacted like that to the soldier guy, she'd be mortified. "Pair up?"

As Faith comes out into the hallway and sees Raina slumped against the wall, breathing deliberately, eyes shut, she stops, regarding her with a slight frown. The girl looks obviously upset, or maybe the very least, she is struggling for control. Faith moves slowly, but makes sure to make her movements broad and obvious, hoping not to startle her as she stops several feet away from her. "Raina? We're pairing up in class. Find a partner of your approximate skill set and level when you return."

She speaks very neutrally, careful to keep her expression neither friendly nor concerned.
Hayley was surprised by Sheena. She had been looking for Chameleon, she would admit. He was the only shape-shifter she knew she so far. So Sheena being the one to approach her startled her.

She also didn't think anyone would willingly after seeing how afraid she had just been. Why pair up with a coward? But she nodded, not wanting to lose this chance. Maybe Sheena wouldn't expect much out of her. Or something.


Lekki was a bit confused by mar's tear. She found the story horrible and tragic, but she did not think it was something to cry over. Of course Lekki was very distance from most emotions besides her normally peppy mood. Still she nodded, giving mar a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what to say. My own past had been...mostly uneventful. I've lived with my human mother, never knowing the demon who fathered me. I was mostly normal as a child which I guess is weird for a demon half-breed. Most can't handle it or have splits. I've always been more human than demon though." She thought to pair up with mar, but decided against it. She looked around, trying to see if there was any one suitable for her.

Kesson knew right away who he wanted to pair up with. He walked over to Zelda, bowing to her. "Would you like to pair up with me," he asked with a smile and a small wink. With the "danger" passed he was back to his good mood.

Mar observed the room to see if he could find a suitable mach for his powers while spreading his nanos outwards to do a quick head count, upon returning to their wielder they confirmed that there was one more person than he could see inside the classroom "active camouflage?" Mar pondered to himself noting that members of Badger company specialize in infiltration and assassination so naturally their nano machines would come equipped with such capability's at the sacrifice of their shielding capacity, however he was not reading any nano machine signatures besides his own. he decided to let it go thinking if he dosent want to be seen it was on him.

Mar immediately ruled out his shielding and nano replication powers, "so that leaves basic elemental control and close quarters combat " he thought before saying out loud: " can anyone here control elements or fight hand to hand? "
(I'm just gonna say Rosa has been there the whole time, sorry I've been having trouble keeping up)

Rosa really had not wanted to pair up or get involved for that matter. No she was more than happy to try and figure out the damn guns she had been assigned so that she could get this unit over but the new kid needed a partner with elemental powers and that was her forte. "I can pair up with you, I handle fire and ice," she called leaving out the portion about her ability to speak to animals. Rosa assumed that he didn't no she was blind and she did her best to keep it that way. If or when he figured it than he was more likely to treat her differently and that could get annoying.

Swift weaved between her feet as the girl kicked her shoes. She spread her toes getting a better feel of the ground beneath her and everyone's source of energy. She balled her hands into fist taking a deep breathe than opening them. In one hand hovered a small ball of sparks ready to erupt and in her other hand was a constantly shifting ball of ice that melted and froze at lightning speeds making it look as if it were moving. She smirked, "Then again we can pair up if you don't mind losing," she teased playfully while closing her ice blue eyes. When she opened them on was a burning firey red with a spark for a pupil and the other turned white with blue crystals for the pupil.
"Sure thing" Mar replied chuckling at her when she teased, not noticing in the least bit that Rosa was blind he continued saying "i can manipulate the atoms around me to control elements but i only have the basics down so far" Mar shifted an air current beneath his feet, rising himself a few inches above ground, he let himself drop with a soft woshing noise before he talked again : " i can`t control darkness or earth and i can only manipulate ice in cold climates, lights also difficult to control because few atoms contain photons , i specialize in air, fire and water.

Mar took heed of his instructors directions telling Rosa : "as soon as we get permission be sure not to hold back just because i`m younger than you. kay?"

noticed how easily Rosa shifted between elements as if she was born with ice in her hand. "she`s obviously way more expirenced than me at this" Mar thought, bracing for a hard fight. he was sure that the craftiness that saved his hide on missions would pull though for him here as well.

Raina is so focused on trying to breathe, to control herself and her desire to shed Jace's blood that she only realizes Faith's presence when she speaks. But as soon as she becomes aware of her being there her back straightens immediently and her eyes shoot open. She is now standing up straight, her back not even brushing the wall as she glares at her. She still has a sneaky supiciousion that Faith heard what Raina had said to Liza, so now Raina's guard is up even further - if possible. She had to admit she was surprised that she hadn't snapped at her or anything, which only added to her theory that she had heard Liza and Raina speaking. She shrugged casually at her words, trying to act like she was completely and utterly fine, pretending that she wasn't both frightened and enraged at Jace's presence, "Pairing up? Ok." She brushed past Faith, not saying another word as she entered the classroom. She glanced around the room, looking for Chameleon before she felt a rough grip on her hand and she was suddenly tugged in another direction, she found herself face to face with Jace and she ripped her hand from his grip roughly, hissing at him, "Don't touch me." He smirked, his eyes getting to a dark blue now. "Wanna pair up Rai-Rai?" She spat her words, "With you? I'd rather die." His smirk fell and his eyes became cold, and black. "That can be arranged." Raina felt two shadows grab her hands and restrain her. So she lifted her legs up and slammed them into his chest, making him fly back and hit the wall. The shadows dropped her and she did a flip to stop herself from falling. Then she sped at him and slammed him further against the wall the knife from her boot now pressed against his neck. They were both glaring at eachother as her knife pressed into his flesh, drawing a bit of blood. He winced lightly before he turned translucent and walked through her, she spun around just in time for him to slam his fist into her stomach. She let out a gasp of air and dropped the knife as she doubled over, trying to catch her breath as Sethos picked up the knife and made a move to stab it through her heart. Her foot slammed up and kicked the knife right from his grasp before she flung her fist across his face. He stumbled back slightly and glared at her before running right at her, and right through her. Before she could spin around to face him, he had turned back to normal and wrapped one hand around her waist and the other across her neck, her body up against his as she struggled and Sethos whispered malevolently into her ear, "I'm going to kill you." She growled and brought her foot up, smashing it into his crotch, he let out a yell and fell to the floor as she turned and slammed her foot into his ribs on the way, she hissed down at his pained form on the floor, "I fight dirty." She dropped down so she was kneeling beside him, "Remind you of anything?" Her tone was infuriated, remembering how he had drained her of her energy and spoke to her as she lay on the floor, he had brushed her hair from her face and she now did the same as he groaned on the ground, clutching his own manhood. "Guess what?" She leaned even closer, her lips brushing his ear, "I'm going to kill you first." She brought back her hand and slammed it into his stomach, causing him to let out another yell. She then stood up, becoming cold, "But not in class. That would be too messy, right?" She looked at the blood on his neck from where she had cut him, walked over to her knife and picked it up. She examined it for a moment before carelessly tossing it behind her, it did a spin or two in the air before falling and piercing Jace's hand, pinning him to the ground. She smirked slightly and walked over to the wall, leaning with one foot flat against it. She glanced over to Faith, speaking to Jace although she was staring at Faith, "I win."

Chameleon watched Rosa speak to Mar, his fists clenched slightly as he remained unnoticeable to them. Rosa hadn't spoken to him for a while now. Not since his Mother showed up, maybe even before that. He couldn't explain right now why he felt so dang jealous. Sure Rosa hadn't spoken to him in a while, and now here she was, chatting easily with Mar - the guy who had almost killed everyone - but it wasn't like she liked Mar or anything...right? Why does it matter if she does anyway? Chameleon and her weren't even dating, she probably didn't even like Chameleon anyway. He glanced to the door, should he leave? It wasn't like he was doing anything anyway.
Faith had stood outside in the hallway for a minute after Raina had reentered the classroom, still thinking about her with reluctant unease. It had been one thing to listen to the girl with her daughter the day before, one thing to hear upset, even crying, when she could not see it for herself, when a small part of herself could still almost hope it was all an act for Liza's benefit. But seeing Raina for herself, the taut emotion in her features, when there was no one watching, no one to fool or impress...she had no doubt now that what Raina had told Liza was true. But what had set her off in the classroom? Who was this Jace guy, and what did he mean to Raina?

When Raina and Jace began their violent confrontation, Sheena had immediately stepped in front of Hayley instinctively, wanting to protect her from them, but also remembering Hayley's earlier terror. If Hayley faints or freaks out again, Sheena is going to make sure that her own body is blocking Jace and Raina from attacking her. She watches Raina entirely tensed, her eyes narowed, not yet experiencing enough emotion to wolf out, but if one attacks, she will be provoked to that.

Faith returns to the room just as Jace/Sethos tries to stab Raina in the heart. Incredulous that in such a short time this could already be out of control, she barks both their names, running forward to get between- but stops when Raina promptly handles herself with extreme skill. She chooses then to stay back, watching very closely, still primed to jump in between them if Raina seems intent on a kill. Though Jace would deserve it, Faith actually does not want to kill him at this point- not without finding out more about him.

As Raina turns to her, speaking coldly of her win, Faith gives her a slight nod, acknowledging this, but her eyes are as fiery as Raina's are cold as she looks down at Jace, yanking the knife from his hand and ignoring for the moment the blood. She addresses him only for the moment.

"You are too old and too out of control to be in this classroom. You are beyond lucky to even be allowed to remain here at all, but it's gonna be like this. You will not return to a classroom setting for any time where other students are present. When you train, you will train with me, and me alone, until I say otherwise. If I see, hear, or think you're doing anything to hurt or bother one of my students, or any student, I will make sure that that student and every other one of my students will have ample opportunity to try out their training on you, and then, you'll have to deal with me. Get out of the classroom, and don't come back until this lesson is over. If you don't come to me, I will find you."

Dismissing him, she looks around the classroom, trying to make sure no one else is hurt.
Mar looked up in time to see Sethos/Jace strangling Raina, out of instinct he drew the Judge, unveiling its cylinder by hand and loading it with 7 nonlethal rubber rounds, although it had a swing out cylinder Mar did not bother opening the cylinder with a flick of the wrist like in the movies. no. such an action would eventually wear down the pivoting joint called a crane that allowed you to access the cylinder and in bad cases the crane would bend, this would cause the cylinder to become unaligned with the barrel, making any further attempts at firing the revolver.... ........... explosive. seriously people lose their fingers and large chunks of their hands because of that kind of stupidity.

Mar took aim at Seethos but quickly holstered the Judge in its concealed carry location on the inside of his overcoat beholding Raina not only gain the upper hand but also dealing a fatal blow to Seethos`s family jewels !, sure that his yell reached Heaven itself & equally sure that Seethos would live with one ball for the rest of his life Mar closed his eyes and gently rubbed his temples in circles with his pointer and middle fingers as Faith took hold of the situation " well he definitely had it coming to him one way or the other" Mar thought, more afflicted by surprise than disbelief he made his second mental note for today:

don't mess with that girl

(note you may or may not have noticed that the taurus judge is a five shot revolver
:;DD: we`ll just say that Mar modified it to hold seven at the cost of it not being able to hold shotgun rounds deal? :) )
Sethos's pain subsided and he lay there for a moment before leaping up as if he hadn't just been kicked in the balls. He grinned at Faith maliciously, his eyes were Sethos's black colour rather than Jace's blue. "Aye aye mam'" He saluted her, imitating a soldier. "I don't even want to be here anyway. Jace is making me." He lifted his hand in a wave before his hand dropped and his eyes turned back to icy blue. Jace looked away and growled lightly, leaving the room without another word.

You're such a d**k.

I'll take that as a compliment.

You shouldn't.

Oh whatever Jace. You want to kill her too.

Yeah, but I have the common sense not to kill her in public! And she's gotten stronger! We need a plan, not a random attack!

Jace felt the sweet relief of getting no answer as he trailed back to his room. His eyes suddenly widened. Wait...if he got kicked in the balls? Did Flower feel that pain too? Woah, that must be f**ked up. He went into the bathroom and turned on the water, washing the blood from his neck and where Raina had cut him.

Raina watched as Faith ranted at Jace, then as Sethos responded, gave Jace back his body and left. She didn't care if it was Sethos or Jace who killed her family; she hated them both. She looks to Faith once he is gone, thinking back to her words. If I see, hear, or think you're doing anything to hurt or bother one of my students, or any student, I will make sure that that student and every other one of my students will have ample opportunity to try out their training on you, and then, you'll have to deal with me. "You are going to have fun." She comments, her tone neither bitter or kind, it's just...empty. There is nothing there to pick up on, nothing that could possibly be used as a weakness or a strength, it's just empty. Her eyes glide lazily to Faith's, holding her gaze as she speaks, "Jace won't stop 'till I'm dead." She pushes herself off the wall, stretching unnecessarily as she sweeps up the knife, flicks the blood from it and slides it into her boot, "So good luck."
Turning back to regard Raina, seeing the returned flatness to her gaze, Faith can understand this reaction. How many times has she herself deadened her expression, unable and unwilling to let anyone see what is going on inside her after something like this? Still, understanding is not an alliance, and she continues to keep her voice very neutral as she responds.

"Looks like you can hold your own. And I'm going to make sure all the rest of you can too."

Turning back to the others, she says, "Okay, change of plans. Right now, today, what just happened is a good lesson that we can all use regular combat skills just as much and with just as much effectiveness as any supernatural power. So that's what we're doing. In your pairs, you are to take turns practicing specific skills of combat, I'll assign and demonstrate to each group. The person not attacking will learn effective blocks and retaliating movements. Right now, you will not be using supernatural powers. We'll start without weapons, and after we have that down, add those in. For right now, we're going to work on specific powers in smaller class settings and in private trainings, save the larger scale power trainings for next week, or when I think you've got the basics down."

She starts to walk around speaking briefly to each group.
Kesson waited for Zelda to say yes or no to pairing up, he watched Raina's and Jace's fight. He wanted to be out of the room at that moment. Not because he thought he might get hurt, but because watching it gave him a large sense of unease. Kesson would rather avoid people like them, but he didn't want to walk out of class on his first day either. So he turned back to face Zelda, focusing on her instead of the fighting.

Lekki moved away as mar and Rosa paired up. When Raina and Jace began to fight, Lekki let out a short shout and stumbled backwards, almost falling right into Chameleon. She turned, not seeing anyone there.


Hayley let out a low whimper and looked at Sheena who had not yet said anything back to her. "What..." She wasn't sure how to finish that sentence.
Zelda looks at him and then nods. "Sure." She looked at Flower. "This is bad....she looks really angry." She said and then looked at Kesson. She sighs and then looks at Flower. She looks at Kesson. "So pairing sure you want to pair up with me? I'll kick your butt worse then Raina over there." She said with a smile. (I'm confused on what happened lol)
Sheena gives Hayley a grim smile, shrugging. "That's Raina...she...kinda fights a lot. First time I've seen where she didn't start it, actually...but...believe it or not, she's not that bad. Sometimes. So, what kind of stuff do you know? I know a lot of fighting stuff, I can teach you if you don't."

Stopping in front of Zelda and Kesson, Faith focuses on them first. "Start with a sideswipe kick. Trick is drop low and sudden, and be fast about it but accurate, measured- goal is knock the person totally off their feet, not just make them stumble. You have to put a lot of force to that."
(Basically Fire, Faith said everything had to pair up to spar, then Jace/Sethos grabbed Raina and they 'paired' up. Which resulting in them nearly killing eachother. Jace came out of it with a surface wound on his throat, a stab through the hand and he got his ribcage kicked, stomach punched and manhood kneed. So that's a sum up of his injuries ^.^ Jace has now left and gone back to his and Flower's room, Raina is still in the room.)

Raina finds herself alone as she rests against the wall, watching everyone else. She feels slightly hollow now, and allows herself the momentary pleasure of just being. No needing to be bitter or bit**y, no fake smiles or mocking laughs. Just to stand there and watch the others, as herself. But then the moment was over before she really had time to revel in it and she pushed herself away from the wall, from it's support. She really wished to leave the room. Everyone was paired up already and she therefore had nothing to do. She was bored and didn't want to hang around and let herself relax.

Chameleon blinked as the girl stumbled back into him. Then she turned and he let himself be revealed, might as well, she already bumped into him. "Oh hey there." He grinned lightly, "No problem, I shouldn't really be lurking in corners anyway, not a good habit." He stuck his hand out still with a smile, "I'm Chameleon."
As Faith moves around the room, continuing to instruct, correct, and assign and demonstrate moves to specific pairs, her eyes come to rest briefly on Raina, who is leaned against the wall, either refusing to work, or not having partnered up with anyone. Her expression is again blank, unreadable to Faith, and she tries to resist interpreting it. She doesn't care how this girl feels or what she's thinking. Still...

Groaning inwardly, Faith nevertheless approaches her, standing back far enough to not be within touching range as she addresses her again. "No partner? You can pair with me."

She just KNOWS she's damn well asking for it right now.
Flower's hand was bleeding. She grips her hand. "Now blood? It's getting worse." She said gripping her hand. She looks at Raina and then gets up. She looks at Faith and then frowns. She looks down and then walks out. She kept gripping her hand and then sighed. She walks to her room. "JACE!" She growls loudly. She was ticked.
"I have fought...some, but I am a beginning fighter. I'm sorry," Hayley said. She didn't mean to apologize but it was a hard habit to break. "If you want to find a different partner I'll understand." She didn't want to be a burden to Sheena. Still she thought if Sheena didn't find someone knew, she might be able to learn from her.

Kesson smiled at Zelda, his expression almost cocky, but not quite. 'I guess we shall see if that is true," he told her. He heard what Faith said and before Zelda could make the move, he did it first, not sure if he'll get it but ready to keep going and win this.

Lekki shook her head, smiling. "No worries! I mean I guess it isn't the best place, but it's fine. I am Lekki."
when Faith had announced that power specific routines where to be delayed until later on this week Mar was instantly relived, while his capacity for elemental manipulation was o.k he did not believe that he could hold his own against Rosa who seemed to be more adept at the art.

"pardon me Ma`am but can you assign me and miss Rosa an action next?" the boy asked his new instructor with a voice sounding older and more formal than when he was talking to Rosa or Lekki.
"No, no, it's totally cool. I mean, we're all here to learn, right?" Sheena reassures Hayley, shaking her head. The more she talks with the slightly younger girl, the more weirdly protective towards her she's beginning to feel. On some level the girl reminds her of Maddy, her first best friend, whom she has since lost track of and wonders about often. Maddy had been small and scared, lacking physical power, supernatural power, or the knowledge how to fight...but oh, she had been fierce in her efforts, and willing and eager to learn. Maddy had looked up to Sheena as powerful, smart, and strong, the first person in Sheena's life who ever had...this Hayley wasn't like that, from what she could see, but still, the vague connection had made itself in her mind, and Sheena was determined to help Hayley too.

"I didn't get my Lycan strength and stuff until this year, so everything I learned, until this year and stuff Faith taught me, it's all stuff I had to learn on my own, through real fights, you know? With guys mostly too. We all gotta start somewhere."

Faith watches Flower go, frowning, but decides not to follow her. With her bleeding hand, and the drama of this lesson, it might be best to give her a day off. She can always get Macal to work with her individually, since they'd had some success in training together before.

As Mar calls her, she leaves Raina for the moment and goes to him, raising an eyebrow. "Yes, I want the both of you to practice using another person's weight against them. If you can, using the momentum of their weight to flip them over your shoulder and onto their back. The trick is to grab their them in such a manner that the speed of your movement as well as their weight serves to flip them before they can regain control...Sheena, come here a sec!"

As Sheena looks up, then comes over warily, knowing her sister wants to use her in a demonstration rather than another student she doesn't know as well, Faith half smirks at her, as she continues to explain to Mar and Rosa.

"Take the other person like this." She rushes at Sheena suddenly, hooking her at the upper torso just under her arms, and flips Sheena onto her back, leaving her sprawled out on the floor, eyes wide, slightly breathless. "Careful though, don't just slam them down, and use the mats." Helping Sheena up, she gives her a quick grin, which shows a flicker of dimples in her cheeks that until now, most of the class has probably never seen. "Thanks Jinxy, all I needed."

Returning to Raina, she raised an eyebrow. "So?"
Mar nodded as Faith left "understood" he turned to face Rosa after placing mats within the area of engagement making sure to order his nano machines to hover closer to the ceiling so they wouldn't be crushed, it was a tiring process that would cost him a large sum of calories to make his body produce more of them not to mention the side effect of making too many would be days of sleeplessness dispite having no energy , Mar particularly hated the thought of jamming a needle laced with sedatives into his arm just to get a few hours of sleep.

Mar already knew a throw similar to the one Faith showed them so he decided to let Rosa go first. " Whenever your ready" Mar said preparing to be thrown. he did not weigh much so it wouldn't be very hard to throw him....

( what happened to Garos?)

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