Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

"As long as you're in clothes you can move in, that aren't totally a health risk, and aren't flashing your goodies every time you move, then wearing whatever you've got on is fine," Faith tells Kesson as he and Lekki come to stand together. "All right then. Let's see."

For the moment she ignores what just occurred with Chameleon, making a mental note to talk to him later; she also ignores Raina's baited words. But when she has watched Lekki and Kesson for several minutes, she then slips away to Chameleon, asking quietly, "Can I ask why you aren't going to fight? It might not be something you want to do, but it is something you'll have to know."

Sheena blocks Hayley's moves easily but still smiles at her as she looks to her for her approval. "Pretty good, maybe you should practice like, feinting? Where they think you're gonna hit one way but you do the other?"

She demonstrates, pulling her punches so they don't hurt Hayley. "Like that."
Chameleon glances up when Faith speaks to him quietly, not at all seeming shocked or surprised by her sudden appearance, not even startled. But once he hears her question, he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, it is clear in his eyes that the question has made him uncomfortable. He glances to Raina, who is still beside him, "Hey Rai, can you---" "Go somewhere while you and Faith have a special private talk?" She rolls her eyes, "Sure you'll tell the Teacher but not me?" She pushes herself off the wall however, obviously a bit miffed as she walks away from them both. Chameleon frowns after her for a moment before turning to Faith, letting out a small exasprated sigh, "It's not that I don't know how to fight. I do. I've managed to keep both Jace and Raina from killing me quite a few times." He pauses, "It's just that..." He is obviously finding this hard, "I have unpleasant memories associating with fighting, and whenever I fight it reminds me of what I----" Another pause before he changes the sentence completely, "I don't like fighting. I don't see fighting as a nessacity. And I don't agree with it unless you're fighting for your life. And since I know how to fight for my life, I don't think I need to fight any more then nessacary." Chameleon is obviously holding back a lot, holding back on why he won't fight. He just hopes she won't suggest calling his guardian. Because then his mother will know, and she will tell his uncle and then he'll.....No. Chameleon will think of some way to get out of it if that happens.

(I always wonder how Chameleon's going to do when he grows up and takes the throne for Shape-Shifters from his Uncle. How is the King of Shape-Shifters going to rule if he hates fighting? xD Oh, by the way, Chameleon's royalness is a current secret. Only Flower knows. I guess Faith could know if she was super high up enough to know who all the royals are.)
(Faith wouldn't know. She herself was born as a Potential Slayer, and was called into power at age fifteen. It gives her strength, speed, endurance, agility, and reflexes, but it doesn't give her any special introduction or knowledge of other worlds. What she knows of other species she knows only from meeting them and from her husband, who is much more connected.)

Faith considers Chameleon's words carefully, finding it interesting that he has chosen to exclude Raina, whom he seems to be friendly with, from the knowledge. There does not seem to be anything embarrassing or private about his words that she can see, and so she knows he must be holding something back. Maybe it's not her business, but that doesn't mean she isn't curious. Still, she doesn't ask.

What she does say is, "Knowing how to fight for your life is great, you're gonna need to do it a lot no matter what you try to make of yourself, just because of what you can do and who you are. Sometimes the two aren't gonna be as separate as you might want. The problem is, how are you gonna improve how you can fight for you life, the odds that you'll keep having that life, if you don't practice for the next time when you'll have to do it?"

She glances around before saying more quietly, "I know a lot of people don't want to be in any kind of violent situation, memories or whatever else, or not sure they've got the control they need. But this is something important to be working on here. You can't know all of what you could do or be if you won't test it."
Zelda looks at faith and raises an eyebrow at her comment. "Yes it'll be dressy...I mean I'll be wearing a dress oh and bring a mask to wear to..." she said and looked at Kesson having blocked his strike being experienced in this Type of thing. She ducked into a roll trying to get behind him she looked at him, IF she completed this she would kick him in the back and the. Strike at his sides as he went stumbled or falls. (He can block that's why I said if.)

--- Merged Double Post ---

James looks at nick and then stops fighting for a moment to look at Myra. He walks over and then rubs his head nervously, but only because he saw she was feeling down today. "Hey Myra....there is a dance tonight and I was wondering if you would like to go with me." he smiled lightly and then looked at nick as he asked Faye to go to the dance with him. James looked at Myra. "I don't know why but you seemed down...and may e it'll cheer you up?" he said very nervously.
(I think you got a bit confused Faith xD If you go back over the last few messages between Legendless and Fire, Kesson and Zelda were talking about the dance tonight - while fighting - and Kesson asked Zelda if he had to wear anything in specific to the dance. Oh gosh, if Chameleon does have to end up fighting, I have no idea how that's gonna work. I've made him out to be the best fighter ever and yet it would be considered godmodding if he actually fought like that Dx)

Chameleon looked at Faith as she spoke, glancing for a few moments to watch Rosa fight with Mar, he really needed to speak with her later, why did it seem like she was avoiding him? He could ask her if she'd go with him to the masquerade ball tonight, she'd probably say no, but it was worth a try. His gaze drifted back to Faith and he shrugs, "I know enough to keep myself alive. I've been 'tested' plenty of times." He somehow managed to keep his tone from sounding bitter or surly, it just sounded average. He glanced to the clock, when was this lesson going to be over?

Myra glanced up, pausing her sparring with Faye as James approached her. She felt her cheeks heat slightly as he asked her to go to the dance with him. She was glad she already knew about it - Faye had made her go dress shopping earlier with her to try and cheer her up - and she found herself nodding. "I'd love to go with you James." She spoke in her small, sweet voice, and pulled James into a hug. Wrapping her arms around the back of his neck as she leant her chin on his shoulder. She hadn't meant to be so upset lately, it's just that sometimes she has days where she doesn't feel like anything is worth it. She was glad that she still had Faye and now James aswell - otherwise she would have ended it all a while ago. She pulled back her face from his shoulder, still hugging him though and looked up into his eyes, "I'm sorry, I've just been a bit upset lately. And being around constant death fights doesn't help." She managed to give James a small smile before she leant up and gently pressed her lips to his for a moment before pulling back and smiling at him properly.

Faye grinned at Myra and James before she felt a presence beside her. She spun around to see Nick there and her smile only increased as he asked her to go to the dance with him. She pushed herself onto her tippy toes and pressed her lips to his, unlike Myra's gentle kiss for James, Faye's kiss was a lot more passionate. She grinned and pulled back for a second, resting her head against Nick's chest as she looks up at him, "Of course I'll go with you silly, who else would I go with?" She kept her position, her lips daring him for another kiss.
As Zelda clarifies, Faith blinks, mystified as to what she is talking about. Why would she need a mask and dress for training? Who was she, that Heather chick who had showed up barefoot and in a bikini that one time?

Then continued context clues fill her in as to what they had been talking about- some school dance, apparently- and she rolls her eyes slightly. "Oh. Well with the dance, don't ask me, I'm not in charge of dress code anywhere but here. I would assume you wear a dress. Preferably one that wouldn't be seen in a strip joint, but I'm not one to judge."

She gives a slight smirk before turning back to Chameleon, looking him over and then shrugging at him too. She personally doesn't agree with his assessment of self without any proof, but she can hardly make him fight, and says as much.

"Well, I guess being a pacifist is better than you trying to kill everyone in the room, but I can't say I think that's the best idea in the world. I can't make you practice and I'm not gonna try though. So I'll just hope you know what you're doing."

She moves on to help some of the others, and about fifteen minutes later calls the class to an end. "See you tomorrow, we'll practice a little more, than add weapons, all right?"

She finds her eyes straying to Raina briefly as people begin to leave, unsure of what to think of what had occurred between them. Sheena, meanwhile, has been listening to the talk of this dance and wonders if Alex has heard. She kinda doubts he'll want to go. Turning to Hayley, she smiles at her impulsively.

"Want to go to the dance thing? I mean my boyfriend might take me but he kinda gets lost in computer world, so if not we can hang out. We can even if he does come up for air and take me."
Rosa straightened her back and rubbed her shoulder before turning around. “Uh Thanks and yeah it was my first time but I got the general jest of what we were supposed to be doing,” she said feeling slightly bad for putting so much force into the attack. Than again the kid needed to know that he was just one among many who had power and he couldn’t use the school as firing range because people, like her, would retaliate. Her attack was slightly passive aggressive and metaphoric and Rosa didn’t really care if he got the message.

She also knew that her aggression had a lot to do with the frustration and confusion she felt. She wanted to talk to Leo but she wasn’t sure what to say and whether or not it was safe. He had never told her all of his powers and even now she didn’t know what he was capable of. On the other hand he had always been good and nice to her, but maybe that was lie for some more sinister purpose. Taking a deep breath she turned and focused on Mar realizing she had just left hanging. She pushed a smirk onto her face and extended a pale hand in his direction, “If ya ain’t too beat up why don’t you try and give me a little throw,” she teased.
Flower looks at hunter and then looked at the door Jace had slammed it. "What's the matter with him?" She asked and then looked at the dess. She put it back in her closet and then sighed deeply. "I better get ready huh girl?" She asked looking at Hunter who was still in human form. Hunter left the room and closed the door. Flower went and took a shower slightly wondering why Jace had ran out. She shook her head and thought about the dance tonight. Her partner would probably end up being Deathwish....he might be serious but he was a great dancer...and a friend. She sighed, now with Jace around so much...her single life just got worse. She was almost glued to him now....between that and using her extra time to train and be a Queen, no love in her future. She groaned.

Nick smiled at Faye. "It's just polite to ask." He said and then chuckled. "And bring a date...speaking of which...I wonder if Flower is could dance with her deathwish." she said smirking at him. He looks at Faye and then put an arm around her. He smiled.

Deathwish jerks back and glares at Nick. "I'm not going...and I highly doubt Flower will have time since Jace is pretty much needing all her attention. Not to mention she got the life sucked out of her with that demon father sent she needs to rest." He said and then looked at Faith saying it loud enough for her to hear. Flower probably would say no but Deathwish disagreed....after all that pain. He continued. "And with Jace getting that beating today....remember she is bonded to him by father's doing so she feels every pain he does...creeps me out but she does and he feels hers as well." He said and then crossed his arms.

Nick rolls his eyes at Deathwish. "Nice Deathwish Flower is going to kill you if Faith let's up on her because of what you said." He said and then looked at Faye hardly holding himself. He smiles and then looks as Deathwish sighs. "Oh just kiss her already before you start to get all jitterly like you did yesterday." Deathwish said walking out. Nick smiles and then kisses Faye.

James smiles at Myra and then nods. "It h been tense since Jace came around....and as Deathwish said....he's pretty much causing problems everywhere." He said and then hugged her back. He looks at her. "Everything should be calm soon." He said and then pushed a peice of hair out of her face.
Kesson saw the move and was able to half-dodge it, moving to almost tackle Zelda to the ground, but most likely just going to fall. He didn't mean to make a move, but he got off-balance.

"Would a kimono of some sort work?"

Lekki didn't get anything back, but she looked at Chameleon, one last time before looking around the room for a new partner. Apparently there was no one else and she sighed, unhappy with being by herself. Still she giggled at the couples in the room kissing.

Hayley flinched a little as Sheena demonstrated but managed to remain mostly unflinching and watched her as she moved. She adjusted her stance and tried out a feint, hoping to be able to do it okay enough. She heard something about a dance though.

"Dance? Is there a dance going on?"
Sheena shrugs. "Apparently. That's what they're saying, anyway. Not that I got an invitation. Or want to get all dressed up and girly for it...I mean, the last time I wore a dress was because I had to for a freakin' wedding. But if I can show up however I want to, then, I don't know. I guess I could go."

She looks over at Hayley again, meeting her eyes. "Just thought maybe you'd want to hang out or something if you went."
Hayley looked at Sheena, her expression almost disbelief. Sheena was offering to hang out with her? She felt confused and happy at the same time. She thought about it and nodded.

"If I go, but I probably won't, sure. I mean I am not good with crowds. Not that is something you couldn't tell," Hayley said with a laugh, a quick smile on her face. Still it could be a fun experience if she could avoid most of the people. "I mean I don't know anyone here really, but I am glad." Hayley looked down at her feet. "That you would want to be my friend. Not that I am assuming anything! I just..."
"alright" Mar said smiling as the pain subsided he felt like the hit meant something, most likely a reprimand for what happened just a few minutes ago, he dropped his posture low and rushed towards Rosa mirroring the procedure Faith had demonstrated with what he hoped was just enough force to throw the older girl yet cause the least amount of trauma necessary.
The girl was obviously so self-conscious and shy, but when she gave a quick smile, Sheena liked it. She wanted to make her smile more, make her stand up straight and talk without apologizing for herself. This girl was like Maddy, yes, but more so like Rita, and Sheena remembered how she had worked with her other friends, years ago, to shape Rita into the confident, even fiery girl she had become. She could do the same with Hayley...

"Why not assume anything?" Sheena asks Hayley directly, raising an eyebrow. "You can assume away...I don't have a ton of friends around here either, you know. I think you ought to go. If it's not fun you can always leave early."
Faye grinned as Nick mentioned Deathwish taking Flower. Then she took another glance at Deathwish's face as he reacted. Was...was he jealous? She watched as he walked out. Yup. He was jealous that the bast**d Jace was taking up all of Flower's time. She sooo needed to talk to him later. But then Nick's sweet lips were on hers again and she smiled under the kiss, happily kissing him back with just as much need as he was showing to her.

Myra nods in response to James, she blushes as he moves the piece of hair from her face and tucks it behind her ear. She then finds herself leaning against James, her head resting on his chest as she looks sideways, muttering lightly, "I don't like Jace. That demon side scares me.." She sighs lightly, "I hope everything will be calm soon, but you never know at this school."

Raina let out a sigh of relief, class was over? Yes! She was still shaken up from Jace's surprise 'oh-look-i'm-joining-your-class-let-me-ruin-your-life' visit. Pssh, who was she kidding? He ruined it already. Raina watched silently as everyone left the room. But just as she was about to leave she felt a tug on her arm, she glanced back to see Faye had paused sucking face with her boyfriend and was now tugging on her arm. Raina felt a warm smile spread over her face, "Hey Faye." Her eyes then flickered to Faith, reminding her that she was there, and the smile fell in seconds. This didn't seem to faze Faye though, "Hey Rai, me and Myra are getting ready for the ball tonight in our room, and you've got to come." Raina rose an eyebrow, but you could see the warmth clear in her eyes - even though she was trying to hide it. "Myra? Really? Why can't just you and me---" "She is my sister too Raina." Faye had let go of Raina and was folding her arms now, Raina rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah, I know. Doesn't that irritate you?" Faye frowned, "What?" "Having a Key-Holder for a sister and a Vampire. Must be annoying." Faye shrugs, "Not really. I'm just glad that I've got two sisters, better than having none at all." Faye says this with complete honesty, smiling up at her older half sister. Raina's eyes seem to widen slightly, clearly affected by that sentence before she lets out a fake groan of annoyance, covering her face with her hand, "Urgh fine. I'll be there in 15 minutes okay?" Faye frowns, "Why don't you just come with us no--" "I need to deal with something first." Faye frowns at her, "Don't go killing Jace alright? Not tonight anyway, I think we all deserve at least ONE night with no blood shed, 'kay?" She grins at Raina joyfully before tugging Myra away from James, "She'll see you tonight! You better get some paramedics standing by 'cause her beauty's gonna take your breath away, dragon boy!" She flashed a grin at James before turning her eyes to Nick and smiling, "I'll see you tonight." Her voice much softer than before as she drags Myra out of the room.

Raina watched the two go, smiling slightly at Faye's bubbly behaviour. She then, without a second glance to anyone, pulls a dagger out from what seemed to be no-where, - really it was just a belt armed with weapons that hid under the trouser line of her shorts - threw her hair up into a quick yet perfect ponytail and stalked out of the room. Of course to anyone in the room it looked like she was about to go kill someone, but she headed into one of the training rooms instead. She glanced around then flicked her wrist, sending the dagger into one of the punching bags. She smirked. Doing a set of handsprings over to the chosen punching bag before she began beating the c**p out of it. Smashing the sides with her feet and slamming punch after punch in a rapid, vampire-paced flurry of fists. Her eyes hard and focused solely on the punching bag as thoughts of Jace flew through her mind. "F**king bas**rd." She hissed as she carried on mutilating the punching bag.

(Faith could have followed Raina, if you wish. Aww poor Raina, she wants to kill Jace soo bad! P.S Chameleon is waiting for Rosa to be finished, he's still in the classroom)
Flower got ready for the dance and put on the dress. She sighs looking at herself in he mirror. It showed of her back which was scared by whip marks. She sighed and sat down and then brushed out her hair. It would not be long before the dance. She sighed deeply and then felt a little scared to go.

Nick and Deathwish look at each other. "If she kills jace..." Deathwish started. "Then flower dies as well." nick finished and thy both sigh with worry. Deathwish because he liked flower and nick because she was his friend. They both leave to get ready.
Rosa resisted the urge to step into a fighting position and allowed her body to relax. She wanted to be limp so that when he tossed her the fall would be less painful. Any other person might close their eyes but that was unnecessary for her, if anything she needed to be floating a few feet above the ground and have her ears closed off if she really wanted to be surprised by the attack. Hey but you can’t always achieve perfection right?

When Mar finally hit she let her body fold making it easier for him to flip her. Rosa landed with a soft thump on her back and if she could have seen, everything would have been a blur. With a grunt she pushed herself up onto her elbows, “Well that was pretty good,” she said while standing up. She wasn’t sure if the class was over but it seemed she and Mar had a pretty good understanding of the technique and she hadn’t any real desire to sit and wait around for nothing. Rosa carefully walked to the edge of the mat where Swift waited with her shoes, there she sat and slid her sneakers on.

While she got ready the girl began to count the number of people in the room and tried to match heartbeats to faces. It was difficult but she eventually concluded that Leo was in fact still in the room. However he didn’t seem to be doing anything, he was just standing there, his heart rate hadn’t spiked like everyone else’s.
As the students are leaving the room, getting ready for some dance from the sound of it, Faith starts to pick up the training room they had just exited, stacking mats, replacing weights and weapons, prepping it for its next use. She had overheard some of what they said about the dance but not paid much attention other than to think to herself that she hoped her sister didn't get her underaged little butt drunk during it, and that if she did Alex would be there and sober to watch out for her.

She has half an hour until her next scheduled lesson, with one of the newer students, this time a private session, but Faith decides to head towards the training room she'll be using for it anyway. As she approaches the doorway she is surprised to see the outline of a person and starts to call out the student's name, thinking her student is even earlier than she is. But when she sees Raina's profile, she stops, standing back.

The person in the room is Raina, totally going to town on destroying the punching bags. And Faith could swear she heard her hissing something at it.

She stops, remembering Raina's fight with Jace, the new student, and wonders how badly that had stuck with her. If it were anyone but Raina, she would step forward and see if she could help...but this was Raina, and Faith remained where she was, trying to decide whether to leave her be or make sure she wasn't going to do something to hurt someone. Or maybe even herself.

If she cared...did she?
"Do you want to go together?" Hayley asked, looking up at Sheena. She then realized how that sounded and blushed. "You know as friends! It'll be nice to go with someone I know." Hayley blushed deeper. "I didn't mean anything by that. It just came out wrong."

She stopped blushing though and got ready to fight again. She was excited for the idea of the dance, but she wanted to learn more today too before the class was over.
Raina, totally unaware that she was being watched, carried on slamming her fists and feet into the punching bag. Then with an uncontrolled yell of anger she did a perfect windmill kick, slamming her powered foot into the punching bag and sending the poor, broken thing straight off of it's hinges and crashing into the wall. She stood still, panting slightly as she watched the punching bag slide down the wall, split open from the force Raina had delivered to it. She pulled herself up straight, clicked her sore knuckles together, and remained still, staring at the broken punching bag. Her vision clouding with tears, "A$$hole." She spoke again, covering her face as her body shook lightly. She was crying. Jace showing up and speaking so easily to her, having people like Flower protect him, after all that he had done to was messing badly with her emotions. Sure, she'd been messed up in the head for a good six years now, but she was always able to just hide it and be a cold-hearted bi**h. She didn't have to face the man that started the end of her life. But now she did, and she couldn't handle it properly. One minute she was dealing with it through violence, the next she was crying? She dropped down to her knees, infront of the broken punching bag as her body shook more definitely now, resting her head on the smooth, cold surface of the punching bag as she left her tears on it, raising her fist and slamming it down beside her, "Damn bast**d!" The image of Sethos's cold, smirking face as he slowly slit her Mother's throat painting itself on the inside of her eyelids.

Chameleon felt his heart jump slightly as Rosa was slammed down, he started forward, but then realized she wasn't hurt as she sat up and told Mar his throw was 'pretty good' He felt himself lean back against the wall again as she stood up, his heart had long calmed by the time Rosa counted the amount of people still left in the room. He felt himself growing nervous at the thought of asking her to the dance. He wanted to wait until she was alone though, he didn't want her to shoot him down infront of Mar.
Sheena put a reassuring hand on Hayley's arm, laughing slightly at the girl's embarrassment, but not in a mean way. Hayley really did remind her of Maddy and Rita, the way they had both sometimes come across so awkwardly as they attempted to show her what her friendship meant to them...even what she herself meant to them. It makes her heart twinge with wistful aching as she remembers them, is reminded of them, but at the same time, it feels sort of nice...almost like a second chance with them. With Hayley, maybe things can go right.

"Hayley, relax...I'll take whatever you say to me, however you want me to take it, okay? So don't worry about stuff being wrong or's fine. I get it anyway. And you're right, it will be nice to know that I won't end up hanging around in the corner waiting for my boyfriend to pry his nerdy little hands off his computer. Just as long as you're not gonna make me get all fancy, right?" she smiled back at her. "In case you didn't notice, I'm not much of a girly girl. I wouldn't mind not being a girl at all, actually, I don't really see what good it is."

Although Faith and Macal have provided her with perfectly good clothes, Sheena is, today, as usual, dressed in sloppy pants that are too big for her and a loose tank top, she is wearing no makeup, and her hair looks like if she brushed it, she did so very fast and with little interest. This is her usual appearance.

Faith's jaw clinched slightly as she watched Raina, her fists knotting at her sides unconsciously. She ought to know by now that spying on people never lead to anything she wanted to see...she didn't want to feel for Raina. She didn't want to watch one more second of her that showed a side she wasn't comfortable acknowledging existed. She wanted to walk away, shut the door, and leave this where it belonged- not a part of her life.

But it was a part of her life. Her daughter, her sister were involved with this girl. Liza loved her...and Faith herself, like it or not, could understand, even identify with, pieces of her.

She still didn't want to approach her. She didn't know HOW to approach her. But...if anyone else came in, seeing Raina in this state, she could very well lash out at them, attack them...and if she was going to attack anyone, it should be Faith, not a student.

With this reasoning, rather than the more traditional one of feeling a need to show empathy, as she would with any other student, Faith stepped forward, having convinced herself.

"Raina," she said quietly, and nothing more .She kept a distance back from her, and then shut the door as she stepped fully into the room. She waited for the girl's reaction, making no move.
Raina had slowly calmed herself, enough so that when she hears Faith's quiet voice, she is able to stop crying completely, her whole body freezing. She slowly pulls herself up, her back straight and facing Faith. She reaches her hand up, as if she is wiping tears, before she turns her head slightly to look at Faith, her chin resting on her own shoulder. Besides a slight tinge of red around the eyes, only a slight tinge, there is no evidence of her crying left. She raises one eyebrow, "Yes?" Her voice daring her to say something about Raina crying. Keep a brave front Rai. Both fists are clenched, and while she waits for Faith to speak, she walks over to the punching bag, pulls out her dagger and slids it back into it's holding place. If Raina were to walk through one of the metal sensors at the airport, she'd probably have to spend half an hour giving all of her hidden weapons to the security guard.
Faith regards Raina silently, trying to decide her response. Clearly the girl doesn't want her to know how upset she was...and there is a knife in her hand. She struggles inwardly for a few moments before deciding.

"I need this room soon for another student. You can use the room beside it, if you want to train."

Still she watches her, feeling like she should be saying or doing...something...and having no idea what that might be, or how it might be received. This was exactly the moment Liza would be useful...where was she when you needed her?

Oh yeah. Faith had grounded her...dammit.

(ooc: This is not required reading unless you're interested past the above post-age...this is the story of Liza's grounding if you do want to read. Joboz may be interested since it mentions Raina quite often and what Faith is thinking about her)

After Raina has left the room and Liza has been put to bed, Faith has calmed down, but is no less angry. She isn't near explosion, but the tension of her voice and expression make it clear that she is not pleased with Macal or with the situation. She keeps her voice low, but no less pointed as she addresses Macal.

"Do you not remember all the other times Liza was dead wrong about just KNOWING everyone in the world was really greatly misunderstood deep down? Kind of don't appreciate you overriding me in front of Liza AND a student, Macal. It's been hard enough getting people to actually want to learn and respect me around here without you dismissing me in front of the worst one."

Macal: So what would you have me do order her to stay away and then what, you know her Faith she'll go behind our backs and we'll never know what's going on. I'm sorry if you think I over ruled you but Liza would not accept us keeping Raina away, we have to be the ones that turn this to our adavantage and at least this way we can keep an eye on her...Not to mention I meant what I said I'll take her head if she hurts Liza.

"It's not about that, Macal! Don't you worry about your kid lately? She does whatever she wants, whenever she wants, and we can't control her, she has no fear or anyone or anything, including us, and I don't think we should just keep letting it get worse! God, we're lucky she's so damn innocent because otherwise she would be a spoiled brat drunk on her own power, getting worse and worse the more we let it slide! You always let it go, you always let her do whatever and basically dismiss whatever I'm trying to get her to do, and you end up with saying that she'd do it anyway, but meanwhile she's still doing whatever the hell she wants, but now it's with your permission!"

Realizing she's starting to get way more pissed, Faith clinches one fist tightly, still making an effort to have control. "Raina is bad news. I don't care about the vampire thing, I don't care if she can ACTUALLY hurt Liza, the fact is she wanted to, she definitely wanted to hurt Sheena and me, and if she keeps trying enough and talking to Liza enough, she might find a way. Not saying we can't handle ourselves, because we can. But if you'd ever heard her talk like I have, you'd damn well have a different opinion."

Macal: Faith I'm the most over protective father ever! You know that, but Liza is no mere child she..I'm sorry I guess she's so much like me I sometimes forget she's still a child..It's easy to think she's indestructible cause I see her out there taking risk..hell you where like that too..I guess I like seeing things through her eyes sometimes, to her the world isn't bloody and evil to her an enemy is just someone she hasn't convinced to like her. I don't want to take that from her until I absolutely have no choice. Liza's innocents is what we have to protect as long as we can.

Crossing her arms, Faith shakes her head, letting out a exasperated breath. "I'm not saying don't let her have fun, don't let her have friends, don't protect her innocence. Sh*t, you know I want her to be happy and have everything we couldn't, but don't you think maybe you go too far with that? You let her do whatever she wants and you write it off as her being good and sweet and not knowing better or that she's strong and powerful and whatever else and she'll turn out okay in the end. That's not what it's ABOUT, Macal. I don't care what she can do, she's still five years old, and we're still supposed to be able to tell her no and have her think that maybe we actually mean it. You know why she was even with Raina? Because I told her to go to Sheena and have her watch her, and she decided she'd rather do whatever she wanted. There's no telling if she ever saw Sheena at all, there's no telling if she left Sheena in Antarctica or Mexico, there's no telling if she just ignored me and decided Raina was more fun, and that's NOT a good thing."

Macal: Faith I'm sorry but she's my first born..sort of I wasn't much older then her when I lost my own mother so I may overcompenstate with her and give her more freedom then I should, but I meant what I said I do trust her judgement and yes she's made mistakes but that doesn't mean she doesn't deserve my trust...But she did disobey you and for that she has to be punished and since you think I'm to soft I'll be the one that gives it to her.

She watches him for a few seconds, then nods a little stiffly, exhaling. "You know it's not like I want to punish her. I want her to know that she doesn't have total control and free reign of the entire world. There's a difference."

Macal: Actually she does, she's a goddess and a little curious one at that, I can't keep her from exploring and getting into stuff but I can see if I can get her obey the set rules..I'll also contact Master Stick to see if there is a way to limit her powers maybe. But you and I both know the best way to get Liza to do what we want and it breaks my heart doing it, I have to tell her that I'm disappointed in her behavior and try to look at her without caving in and just reaching out and hugging her. Not very good at seeing my daughter sad Faith it kills me, but if it will help keep her safe I'll do it.

Faith rolls her eyes, but for the first time she's starting to smirk. "Point is, she shouldn't think that just because she CAN do whatever she wants that she's ALLOWED to. Or should. You've just gotten soft, Macal."

Macal: Well at least I'm "Hard" when you're around. But I get your point. *leans over and kisses your cheek* See this is why I need you so much to remind me of stuff like this, and I know you don't like being the one that gets stuck taking care of situations like that with Raina and then I shrug it off like it's nothing, so I promise right now to not take your feelings for granted so much, and support you more. Soooo still love me?

Faith shrugs, still moody. "Yeah, yeah...I'm serious, though. It's not just about my feelings, though I damn well don't appreciate you basically waving off what I say every time I disagree with you about Liza. It's about her too. Whether or not she can handle herself, it's not good for Liza to think she can just ignore us whenever she wants. I don't care if what I tell her IS over the top. The point is I told her, I'm her mother, and she shouldn't be able to just disregard it, and you shouldn't basically be all "Oh Faith, it's's some ice cream, Liza." That's what I'm getting at. It's not about Raina."

Macal: Ok I get it but you have to remember I didn't exactly have a normal childhood when I was her age I was out doing stuff far far worst...Crap just thinking about the stupid things I did then makes me cringe to think Liza may want to do similar things. We need to find her now and deal with this and now that we have our powers back she can't just blow us off cause we now have the power to enforce her punishments.

"Yeah, but whatever you were doing, I bet if your mother said no, your dad wouldn't say, oh, he's fine." She exhales, still frustrated, and then, lifting her head, calls out, "Liza! Come here!"

A few minutes later, Liza appears, a large armload of stuffed animals in her arms, and looks up expectantly, smiling. "Can Raina get a room here?"

Faith's jaw clinches so tightly it looks like she'll grind her teeth down to nubs, and it takes all her willpower not to respond.

Macal: No she can't Liza, Raina has her own room. *Trying hard not to show how much what is about to happen hurts him* Liza your behavior as of late is unacceptable, it's been brought to my attention that you have on more then one occassion disobeyed your mother, taken off without telling anyone where you're going and placing yourself in danger. Liza this is not something that will be tolerated any longer! I admit I've given you to much freedom and that will change, for now on you are only allowed to go somewhere we designate as safe you will inform us when you are going and when you will return, if you are going to be gone outside this academy you will go with an escort if it's available if it is not you can not go. You will not be allowed to have a free run any longer. Is this understood.

Liza's eyes grow huge, and her mouth opens, but doesn't close. She stands there gawking at you, totally and completely blown away, before she finally manages to say, "But...Daddy...not EVER?" Her chin quivers, and she bites her lower lip. "Never never?"

Macal: **Taking my sword in the scabbard and slamming it into the ground the room shakes, outside you can hear thunder and lighting* you heard what I said, WE NEED TO KNOW WHERE YOU ARE AND WHO YOU ARE WITH AT ALL TIMES! Now apologize to your mother for what you've done and I do not wish to have to speak about this ever again. And for your bad behavior I'm force to punish you, so you are resticted to your room only leaving for classes and meals for 2 weeks, if I hear you've violate this punishment, I will not be happy.

Liza gasps, almost screaming when Macal slams down his sword, and then immediately bursts into tears, as much because he's angry at her as because he actually scared her. She immediately hides her face, her shoulders hunching as she sobs, "I"m sorry, Mama, Mama, Daddy, don't be mad! I didn't wanna be bad. I can't never go nowhere no more? Never?"

She tries to go to Faith and hug her, and though Faith's already softened inside to see her look so upset, she doesn't show this to Liza, instead not letting her hug her, holding her out at arms length by teh shoulders and making her lift her face to look at her as she speaks seriously.

"Liza, it /is/ bad not to listen to me or your father when we tell you to do something. You might not think it's an important thing, and sometimes, maybe it isn't. But it is a VERY important thing that you listen to us and do what we ask, because that means you're showing respect to us and doing what we think is good for you. Do you understand?"

Liza nods, but she's still crying, and trying to reach out and hug Faith. "I don't wanna be bad. I'm sorry. I won't be bad no more. I just wanna go places. I just like to make friends."

Macal: *I've turned my back so Liza can't see how much this hurts me* Liza that is enough, I suggest you get ready for bed and return to your room and do not come out until someone sends for you, you've disappointed me today Liza and you've broken our trust, I hope whatever you were doing was worth it.

When Liza sees that Faith isn't letting her hug her and that Macal has turned away, her face crumbles entirely, and her sobs intensify. She tries to cling to Faith's leg, and Faith forces herself to detach her gently but firmly and lift her up to her feet, but not letting her climb into her arms or lap, not yet. It's hard for her to keep her face blank and her voice neutral as she speaks to her though.

"You heard him, Liza, go get ready for bed. Remember what we said about listening to us? You need to earn our trust back, so go get ready for bed, show us you can be a good girl when you want to be."

"I can!!! I can!!! I'll be good, not bad, I will!!! Mama!!!" Liza cried, but Faith repeated for her to get ready for bed, standing her ground. Liza leaves the room still crying, and as soon as she's out of sight, Faith lets her shoulders slump.

"That REALLY sucked."

Macal: *Once LIza is gone, I sink to my knees slamming my fist into the ground over and over* She was scarred of daughter was scarred of me, what kind of monster scares his little girl like that! I've seen Liza with fear in her eyes only one time, when she first came to live with us, she was so tiny and scarred all the time especially of me and now that look was back in her eyes..Faith what have I've done! I've gone to far this time she'll never look at me without fear again..I'm a monster!

Faith stares at you, flabbergasted. Though she had certainly not enjoyed seeing Liza bawling and upset, this response of Macal's to her is rather extreme...not to mention inaccurate.

"Babe?" she said tentatively, with some disbelief as well. "She's not SCARED of you. She's upset she's being punished, and that we thought she was bad. She's not SCARED. She's five. That's all. I think maybe you're forgetting that most five-year-olds cry and get upset when they're in trouble. She'll be fine."

Macal: *I take your words under consideration and after a few hours I manage to calm myself but I still don't forgive myself for making Liza cry, I get it I'm soft now but I don't care when it comes to Liza. She's one of the only things in my life that is compelely right and untarnished by the blood I've spilled. After I'm sure you're alseep I get out of bed and make me way down the hall to Liza's room, I can tell she was crying for a long time after we'd talked, I lean over and scoope her up blankets and all, seeing the chair you use to read to her in. I sit down with her wrapped in my arms gently rocking in the chair. I whisper as low as I can* I'm sorry for yelling at you Princess, I didn't want to but I need you to be a good girl for me and your mother.

Liza's eyes open after several minutes, and she blinks up at you, not entirely sure you're real. She reaches out one hand and wraps it around your collar, her eyes still only half open as she whispers, "Sorry....don't wanna be guys...just don't get it...I think."

Macal: Shhh go back to sleep Liza, we'll talk more in the morning. I know you don't want to be bad, but you can do better..we both can do better Liza.

"Raina cried, Daddy." Liza is a little more alert now, though her eyes are still heavily lidded, and she slips her thumb into her mouth, still resting her head against your chest. "She was mean to Mama and I told her...she was bad...and she cried...people aren't nice to her."

Macal: *Want to say Raina brings that down on herself but I can't say that to Liza, but I'm not about to encourage her to hang out with what I now realize is an unstable vampire, so I'm pretty much at a lost for words at the moment* Well I think that's awful that people aren't nice to other people. But I need to know you're safe Liza so you have to do what we say and be where we say, otherwise we won't know if you're safe or not. There are alot of bad people out there that don't mind hurting little girls.

She nods, totally missing the point, opening her eyes a little more. "Uh huh. That's how come I kick their ass. 'Cause they might hurt Sheena Legs."

Macal: Liza you need to be careful and another thing if you get into it with someone you need to let us know and let us deal with it.

"So you can kick their ass? But what if they're my friend and they're just feeling bad?" Liza tries to sit up a little more, rubbing at her eyes with the hand not sticking its thumb in her mouth as she talks around the thumb. She yawns a little and mumbles, "I think Mama's still mad." Actually Faith had come in and tucked her into bed after letting Liza stay alone for a while, and had even kissed her and told her she loved her, but Liza still remembers her disappointment strongly.

Macal: *Sighs* I don't think either of us is mad at you, but we're scared of losing you, neither of us could stand it if something happened to you..Look I know you're powerful and everything but you still lack the knowledge and maturity to know exactly how to use you powers, I can't keep treating you like you're indestructible and let you do what you want, it's not fair cause your mother worries that you will one day not listen to her and you could get hurt and now that I think about it I'm afraid of that to. So for now on unless you have no chance of getting away I don't want you to fight anyone, you come to me or your mother, you can even go to Sheena or Alex for help if you can't find us.

At this Liza's eyes widen, and she pops her thumb out of her mouth, sitting up all the way and saying earnestly, "But I'm stronger than Alex and Sheena Legs, Daddy! I gotta protect them! Plus also I'm stronger than Mama I think!"

Macal: What you have in power you also lack in experience, Alex and Sheena are weaker then you but they are more experienced then you and until you're training is complete you shouldn't be getting in fights in the first place, what if you use to much power and hurt someone you care for by accident, Liza your powers are to be used to protect yourself when there is absolutely no other option, I need you to hold back on using your powers in public for now on, only used what is asked of you by your instructors no more no less...It's gonna take sometime for you to earn our trust back completely but doing this is a good start.

Liza is quiet, placing her thumb back in her mouth, and she nods finally, her features drooping. She looks fairly miserable at the thought

Macal: Don't worry Princess after you're off restriction we'll figure out a way to have fun, you can even train with me if you like, cause I don't mind if you cut loose on me with your powers.

Liza nods, accepting this, though still not happy, and snuggles back against you, her eyes drooping. "You gonna sleep with me?"

Macal: *Nods then kisses the top of her head* Yeah I'm gonna stay here tonight, now go to sleep Princess, your daddy has you.

Liza lays down against you, closing her eyes, and falls asleep. Within five minutes Faith comes to stand in the doorway, raising her eyebrows. "Sucker."

Macal: *Grin at you while I softly stroke her hair* Yup, one of those big all day suckers but I think she understands that there are rules to be followed no exceptions, the thought of her being hurts makes me ill so you're right we have to tighten the reigns so she doesn't get more out of control. *Slides over into Liza's bed and pats the spot next to me* Why don't you stay with us tonight?

Faith comes and sits next to you, reaching out to pet Liza's hair too as she shakes her head at you. "We all gonna fit on this tiny twin bed?"

Macal: We'll manage, just trust me I don't want to move her again and wake her up, besides it's nice squeezing together like this.

Faith shifts Liza just enough so she can squeeze onto the bed, wrapping one arm around her and taking your hand overtop her torso. "So...actually been kind of working with Raina. Believe it or not."

Macal: I thought Raina was suppose to be the Devil's Love Child in your eyes. So what's going on did she do something that changed your mind?

Faith sighs, looking down at Liza with something half like affection, half like resentment. "This one chased after her in the hall after she brought her home saying she was new family and me being me, I sort of listened to their conversation in the hall- totally for Liza's own protection," she adds a little defensively. "And Liza started telling her everything the way she does, about our parents and hell and all the rest, and how she came from my head and etc etc. And Raina...kind of listened...and seemed to...well, care," she said in total disbelief, shaking her head slightly. "She...well...she started to tell Liza shit too...about herself. And she..." she paused, then said almost like the word is foreign, "she CRIED."

Macal: That's not good I mean you're usually not one to care about what people know about your past but for Liza to tell one of your students could undermind your authority over her. Listen if you're asking me to give the kid a chance then I will, but I won't trust her, she's going to have to earn that and from what I've seen of her I don't see that ever happening.

Faith shakes her head, frowning, still absently twining one hand in Liza's hair. "No...I'm not asking that at all. And I don't like it, what Liza said, trust me. If I was gonna pick a student to know that my parents are in hell and I killed people and I have a girl stuck in a cage in my head and my dad screwed me, it wouldn't be her, that's for damn sure....and she knows what happened to Liza." Her voice tightens then, and she stills her hand, not wanting to accidentally pull Liza's hair. "And Sheena...she knows that Sheena was "bad" in some way, but Liza didn't specify on that. She could definitely try to pull something in front of people, get other kids to mistrust me or something based off all that, or find out more about Sheena and try to screw with her advancing."

She exhales, shaking her head again. "These kids are finally starting to listen and try and respect me as a teacher and she could shake that up if she wanted. No, I dont' trust her. But...if what she said is true...then I know exactly how she got to where she is. Because I was almost her, once. And so was Sheena. And what drove us more than rage or homicidal kind of was pain. So...I don't know. I don't want to give her a chance, I don't want to even know anything about her at all. I don't want to care. But I kind of wonder if I do. Or should."

Macal: *Looking down at Liza* It's hard for me to care about anyone else then Liza..At least that's how I used to think before Sheena came along..But this Raina girl she's not like Sheena, she has some serious darkness in her, I'm not sure if she can be helped. *sighs* But if it is possible then I'd put my money on you every time. Just let me know what you need from me.

Faith raises an eyebrow. "I had some serious darkness in me. I murdered people. I hurt dozens more for no reason other than they were there. I didn't care what happened to me or anyone else...I don't know, Macal. I don't know what I need or want, really. Kind of wish I never heard her and Liza, it would make it all easier."

Macal: You've also saved the world half a dozen times and I don't mean oh we stopped a terrorist or a war I mean you saved the whole damn planet, and sacrificed more then anyone person should ever have to sacrifice. And if you want to forget something you can always get drunk. *Leans over and whispers a sexually suggestive comment just in case Liza could hear in her sleep* ..Seriously if you think this girl needs some support and some kind words then we should do it, cause I really don't want her to hurt Liza's feelings cause student or not I'd have to kill the little bitc..Nevermind.

"KIND WORDS is going wayyyy too far...I'm not saying anything yet except I want to watch her, and work with her in class just to see what she can do. That's it...what's that comment again? With the kid here? Seriously?" Faith says.

Macal: At least I whispered it, not very subtle there babe...But yeah I get it slow and steady with her well sounds like you got a solid plan but seriously what were we thinking buying all these stuffed animals I think I got a zebra poking me in the ass.

Faith shoves all the stuffed animals off with one sweep of her arm and kick of her foot. Still, with Liza squished between you the both of you barely have room still, and she starts to snicker, trying to muffle it in the pillow so Liza wont' wake up.
Raina shrugs at her words, her black hair still pulled back into a ponytail and it flicks to the side as she glances at the broken-WAY-beyond-repair punching bag. "Yeah...I think I'm done." She mutters lightly, almost to herself. She flicked her eyes back to Faith, "Another student? During the dance?" She walked past her to the door, "Aw, sucks for them. Being stuck with you when they're supposed to be having fun." She turned the door handle, but then paused and looked back to Faith, a small frown on her face, "Hey, where's Liza?" She wouldn't admit that she had actually missed the bubbly, happy-go-lucky child. But of course that was the reason for her asking.
Zelda jumped back and in mercy catches him before he hits the ground. "Yes...I'll be fine." She said and then chuckles. She looks at him and then smiles. "Try not to fall all over the place though." She said teasing him a bit. She looks at him and then looks around. "Come on...let's get ready for the dance." She said and then stood tall. She looks at the time.

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