Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Rosa rolled her shoulders as she stood her back aching a bit from the toss. She grasped her book bag that contained her riding breeches and clucked her tongue for her Swift to follow. She needed to change if she wanted to ride today. But first she wanted to speak with Leo, even if it just was a hello. Then again she was kind of hungry and that seemed like a good way to try and talk to him about what was going on. Rosa wanted to know who he was even though it was none of her business and he didn’t know a thing about her…Totally a reasonable request. “Hey,” she said walking towards the corner in which his heartbeat resided.
As Faith exhales, walking around and rather unhappily noting to herself the extent of the damage all around, she still says nothing, beyond turning to answer Raina's question about Liza. Automatically her muscles tense slightly at the sound of her child's name in Raina's mouth.

"Liza is with her father. She's grounded, so you won't be seeing her very often for a while," is all she answers, but she watches Raina, wanting to gauge her reaction.
"I wouldn't think of falling all over the place at the dance," Kesson said, with a large smile. But something was bothering him and he knew what it was. He was beginning Zelda. Sure she was older than him, but she was fun to be around and he really liked being with her and talking to her. Besides she was also a DHH.

Kesson thought about this as he looked at her. What would Zelda say if she knew? Sure it was only a little crush right now, but still. He had a feeling the more time he spent in Zelda's presence, the bigger it would grow. But he didn't want to stop being around her either! He decided to deal with it later.

"I'll see you there," he said, not sure if she would wait for him or not or if he was expected to wait for her.

Hayley nodded, smiling again. No matter what she was glad that Sheena came over to talk to her. She felt happy about it and a little less nervous as well. Sheena seemed so nice to her, despite her nervousness and awkwardness.

"Don't worry I won't make you dress up."
Zelda looks at him and then smiles. "You could pick me up...but whatever you want." She said and then stretched out. She looks at him and then smiles. She looks around thinking about a few things, what to wear, how to do her hair...what might Kesson think of what she wears? She blinks and then looks at him. "I better get ready." She said and then began walking out but then stopped waiting for his answer of what to do.
Mar left the classroom making sure to close the door softly behind him with a click instead of slamming it. he hated the sound of slamming doors, and began the trek back to his dorm so he could get the room in order.

upon arrival to his dorm he quickly emptied his suitcases folding and putting up his clothes, shelving some books , hanging up his class A`s (formal clothes used by militants for special occasions) and stacking his pantry with ramen noodles and other instant meals. Finally done with his other personal belongings he retrieved his short sword and bow strapping them onto custom holders on the back of his overcoat and proceeded to exit the dorm exploring the lower floors of the academy going nowhere in particular untill he found himself in the library. Mar was oblivious to the talk about the upcoming party as he found himself a copy of The Wind In The Willows and began to read silently while sitting on a couch near the library walls.
"I'll come by your room once I am finished," he told her, with a small smile. He shoved all this new found feelings down. Zelda probably would never like him like that. Still he didn't mind too much.

'For right now.'

Kesson shook his head and headed to his room, going to get changed.

Chameleon had been silently watching as Rosa and Mar finished their spar and then felt a smile creep onto his face as Rosa came over and said hi. "Hey Rosa." He pushed himself off the wall gently, so that he was standing infront of her rather than up against the wall. "You alright?" His voice was the usual tone it was when he spoke to her, gentle yet casual.

Raina's body seems to tense at the mention of Liza being with her 'Father' She assumes nothing like that is happening, nothing like what happened to her. Simply because Liza doesn't show any of the behavioral symptoms of a child in that situation. But then Faith adds that she is grounded. Raina frowns, "Grounded?" She sounds almost confused, but then she glances away to hide the confusion in her eyes, looking to the punching bag as an excuse, "Oh yeah, grounded." Of course Raina was confused when being grounded was mentioned. She had never been grounded by her mum - she was an angel up until her Mother's death - and why would her Father have grounded her? It wasn't like he ever let her go out and do anything fun, so he had nothing to ground her from. He'd just beat the s**t out of her if she misbehaved. She then let her eyes fly back to Faith's, "Why is Liza grounded?" She frowned still, but her eyes had hardened slightly. Won't be seeing her for a while? That sucked. She might kill someone in her absence. She oddly enough hadn't killed anyone for a while - not since her Liza began getting closer.
Flower sat on her bed petting Sky gently. She sighed deeply. "Looks like it is time." She said and then let Sky fly out the window. She got up and then walked out slowly heading to the bail room. She was nervous because the dress showed of her scarred back. She looks up to see Deathwish leaving as well. Nick and James were heading over to pick up their girlfriends.

Zelda had gotten into a red dress and was waiting on Kesson. She didn't do much with her hair, she just curled two front strands and then the bottom of her hair curled up. She looks at the door waiting for Kesson with a smile. She was happy that he was going to take her even if it was for keeping the girls off him. She took a deep breath and then fell back on the bed her legs hanging off as she waited.
Faith shrugs, keeping her words as short and lacking detail as possible as she replies, still eyeing Raina. "She disobeyed me." Still studying the girl, though careful to keep her expression as flat as possible, revealing nothing, she continues, "If you're finished here, I'll need this soon. If you do want to practice privately some time and want help or supervision...let me know."

She highly doubts the girl will take her up on the offer, but what more can she do? She's hardly about to insist she take private lessons.

Sheena nods in reply to Hayley's shy response as she begins to walk with her down the hallway. "So are you here by yourself? I have my sisters- Faith, and the little one, Liza, she's five, and Faith's daughter. And my dad. He's Liza's dad too, but Faith's husband...kind of a long story. It's nice though."

Glancing towards Hayley as they walk, she adds, "Are you gonna get dressed up for the dance? You can if you want, you don't have to do what I do or anything."
"I am here by myself," Hayley said. She didn't want to talk about her family in detail. "I mean it's just me and my mom and now I am here. But it must be nice to have a family here." She wanted to add "as weird as it sounds" but she didn't want to be offensive in anyways and didn't know Sheena well enough to say something like that. It was odd though. She never had siblings and as for her dad, she didn't know him.

"I think I might dress a little nicer," she said. "You know a nice shirt and a skirt maybe. I'm not one for dresses."


Kesson changed into a kimono type of outfit not sure if it was the right dress code. Still he didn't own a tux, nor did he think he could get one so soon. Still he thought he looked good enough. Still as he looked at himself in the mirror, a sad smile appeared on his face. He hadn't dressed like this since...

Kesson shook his head. No he wouldn't think about it. He had left them behind for a reason. No need to bring up memories all the time. Still he couldn't help but think about his mother's proud expression or his brother's envious look, though a small smile also on his face.

He shook his head again and left the room, heading towards were Zelda was, knocking on the door.
Zelda opens the door and then looks at Kesson. "Nice...I may not be able to keep your fan girls away." She chuckled. "Come on...we can get masks there." She said and then walked out with a bright smile. She looks at him. "This way." She said pointing down the hall, she waits for him to start walking. She looks at him, her smile wide and her excitment slowly rising.
Kesson looked down at himself. His clothing was a white and light blue color and he thought that he looked very much like he was Eastern. But if Zelda thought he looked really good, it was good enough for him.

He followed her, ignoring some of the already stares and whispers. For a moment, he almost took Zelda's hand, but he didn't. He wasn't sure how she'd response to that. So he just ignored it.
Faith's short snappy response made Raina frown, although it wasn't like she expected more, and she was quite used to that type of reply. Disobeyed her? How so? Liza is an angel. She however shrugged it off. Her eyes narrowed at Faith's words, and she tugged the door open easily. "Help, from you? No thanks. I'd rather not." She raked her eyes up and down Faith's body scrutinisingly. "I'd probably end up with a stake to my chest. Again." She emphasizes the last part of the sentence, clearly bitter about Faith almost staking her. With that point hanging in the air, she leaves the training room, the door slamming behind her as she heads to Faye's room to get ready for the ball.
Faith rolled her eyes as Raina stalked off, exhaling a breath she had not been aware she was holding. She had thought as much, that Raina would have some smartass comment as well as a rejection. No skin off her wasn't like she WANTED to work with the girl. Potential or not, sad background and obvious depression now or not, if the girl didn't want to be better, nothing Faith did would change that.

If she really wanted Raina to be better, she'd send Liza out as her new shadow. But that wasn't an option.

As she began to work to clean up the room, she cannot put her finger on why she's still bothered.

Liza mopes around watching Sheena solemnly as Sheena gets ready for the dance- which for Sheena, means putting on more comfortable shoes for dancing, and that is all.

"I wish I could go to the dance," she says wistfully, opening her eyes wide, as if to make sure Sheena gets the hint. "I really really wish I did. And wasn't grounded. And could wear a pretty dress and go and dance and get a boyfriend."

"Get a boyfriend?" Sheena laughed, shaking her head as she bent to ruffle Liza's hair. "I think Macal wouldn't like that part...aren't you grounded?"

"Uh huh," Liza says sadly, reaching up and tugging on Sheena's hand as she tries and fails to look innocent. "But you could take me. I could pretend I'm asleep and you could take me, maybe. And we'd have fun, probably. And Mama would never even know it, probably."

"Nice try, Liza-doll, but Faith might end up chaperoning for all I'd know, and you'd get me in trouble," Sheena shook her head, then tweaked Liza's nose, smiling at her. "Sorry, but you can have fun again next week. Or you could ask your dad, he's a softy, bet he'll say yes."

As she walked out the door to meet Hayley, she was already predicting the little girl would find some way to manuever herself to that dance.
"Are you done yet?" Faye groaned as Raina swept the last bit of blusher onto her younger sister's face. "Yup. Just about." She could distincly hear Myra grumble in the background, "Don't see why you got to do her make-up." Raina placed a petite hand on her hip, turning to smirk at Myra who was sitting down on her bed, "Aw come on Myra, you gotta admit I'm better at make-up than you."

Myra rolled her eyes, glancing down nervously at her red dress that went beautifully with her eyes. "What do you think Myra?" She looked up to see Faye standing up infront of her, she twirled around in the beautiful sea blue dress, her fiery red hair pulled up into an elegant bun with a few curled strands dangling down on either side of her youthful face. "You look beautiful Faye."

Faye grinned, "Why thank you, but I must admit." She grabbed both of Myra's hands and pulled her to stand up on the floor, admiring her big sister's beautiful red gown and her gentle make-up. She smiled at her, "You should have your hair free more often." Myra frowned, "I always have my hair down." Faye tapped her nose, "Ah, but you always hide it with your silly red cloak." Myra rolled her eyes and they both looked over to the door as Raina spoke.

"Well, you two have fun complimenting each other." Raina smirked, a mischevious glint in her black eyes. She was up to something. "You look beautiful aswell Rai" Faye spoke with a proud smile, which caused Raina to look down at her own beautiful red dress with the sweetheart style, it complimented her curves perfectly and her massive, loose curls of black hair looked stunning, not to mention her lucious red lips, black eyeliner, black eye shadow and mascara that made her features stand out. She did look beautiful. Not in a 'I'm-trying-to-show-off' way either. Raina found herself smiling at Faye's compliment, "Well thanks. But I'm gonna head to the ball now while you two saddos wait for your boyfriends." Raina stuck her tounge out at Faye and left, shutting the door. She glanced around, checking no-one was in sight before she sped to Liza's door. Checking that Faith, Sheena and/or Macal were absent before slipping a note under the door. It read, 'Hey if this is Liza, step outside. If it's someone else...ignore this note!' Then it was signed with a smiley face, yes a smiley face, at the bottom. Raina stepped back into the shadows and waited. If Liza opened the door, alone, she'd reveal herself and ask her if she wanted to get out and have some fun. If it was someone else, she'd keep herself hidden.

(The girls dresses:

Faye: View attachment 4790

Myra: View attachment 4791(Without the skeleton wings on her back)

Raina: View attachment 4792)
Liza was supposed to have been in bed about an hour ago; in fact, Faith had tucked her in and kissed her good night, having finished with her student in the extra training, and waited until it seemed a reasonable amount of time for Liza to be fast asleep before going into her own room with Macal for some private time. But Liza had actually been wide awake, waiting to hear her mother's door shut and the sound of soft music begin to play before she slipped out of bed, clutching her bear in one arm, and begin to pace around the living area, doing headstands and cartwheels as silently as possible just to amuse herself.

When the note slips under the door, Liza jumps up excitedly and hastens to get it, unfolding it and frowning as she struggles to sound out the words. It takes her several minutes to get the gist of it, and she opens the door quickly, still in her nightgown and holding her bear as she beams up at Raina, whispering loudly.

"Raina! You comed to see me!"

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Raina stepped out of hiding and grinned, whispering as to not be heard. "Liza!" She drops down and hugs the younger girl, pulling away to grin at her. "You wanna go to that dance?" She asks, beaming with excitement. She glances back over Liza's shoulder to check that Faith and Macal aren't going to pop out of no-where and ruin Raina's plan. She then looks back to Liza and notices she is in her nightie. "'Cause if you do, you need to find a pretty dress to wear." She smiles at her, looking stunning with her black hair pulled to one side and curled massively.
Liza hugs Raina back enthusiastically, her teddy bear squashed between them, still smiling. When Raina speaks of the dance, her eyes light up, and dimples immediately display themselves in her cheeks as she nods excitedly, giving a little jump for emphasis as she claps very softly.

"Yay!!! Yay I wanna go! I wanna! I asked Sheena Legs and she said no, yay!!!"

Remembering her parents in their bedroom, she glances back then, lowering her voice back to a loud whisper as she looks Raina over. "Wowww you look so so pretty Raina." Smiling, she fingers Raina's dress. "I'm gonna look pretty too. And we can dance. Wait for me okay? Don't leave!"

Shutting the door softly, she runs back into her room and proceeds to tear her closet apart searching for a dress she wants to wear. Coming up with a white, frilly party dress and Mary Janes, she puts it on hastily and then runs back to Raina in the hall, still holding her bear in one arm. She has her dress hanging open in the back because she has not buttoned it, her shoes are not buckled, and the ribbon she grabbed is loose in her hand as she looks up at Raina.

"I need a little help I think."

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Raina smirks as Liza runs back into the room. Sheena said no? Awesome. This means it will defiently irritate Faith and Sheena then. Of course that's her excuse for taking Liza to the dance with her, but Raina doesn't want to admit that it's really actually because she misses hanging out with Liza, and she wants Liza to have some fun. As the little girl in questions runs back out, dress unbuttoned, shoes undone and ribbon not in hair, Raina smiles kindly.

"Come here." She says softly, spinning the girl around to button up the back of her dress, speaking lightly, "This is a very pretty dress Liza." She then spins her back around, leans down to buckle up her shoes and then takes the pretty ribbon and ties it in her hair expertly. You can tell she is used to helping a 5 year old get ready by how fast she just helped Liza. She pulls the door behind Liza shut silently then grins at her, giddy about helping Liza sneak out, "Let's go!" She takes the little girl's hand and begins to head to the ball room with her.

(Oh dear. Just realized Sheena will be at the dance and will see Liza with Raina xD Haha, that'll go down well.)
Triumphant, Liza continues to beam as she walks with Raina, swinging her hand happily. She really feels like she's getting away with something now. This disobedience, should Faith find out, will definitely not earn Raina any points in her favor, nor will it make her very pleased with Liza, but this is not a thought in Liza's mind now. She can only focus on the fact that she is getting to go to the dance after all, that she will look pretty and gets to be with Raina who is pretty, and she almost skips her way down to the hall, still dragging her bear by her free hand.

"I never went to a dance 'cept at Sheena Legs's birthday. She's old, you know that? Real old. She don't like dresses and I don't know why. I love dresses. I love being pretty. I think Sheena Legs is real pretty but she don't ever wanna hear me say that and I don't know why. She don't like girly stuff but she's a girl so that's just silly I think. My mama is pretty too and she don't wear dresses much but she does sometimes. You're pretty, Raina. You should wear dresses more," Liza declares, smiling up at her.
Raina smiled at Liza, she missed her constant chattering. She grinned at Liza, "Old? How old?" She carried on listening as Liza chatted away happily, she looked to their joined hands, a small, sweet smile spreading across her face as it reminded her distinctly of when Mabel used to grab her Mother's right hand and Raina's left hand, then lift her little legs up off the floor and swing as the three of them walked along. She looked away from their hands, her vision blurring for the slightest second before it vanished as quickly as it had appeared. She smiled back as Liza told her she was pretty, "I would wear dresses more, but they just get in the way when I'm fighting with people." Raina speaks honestly, "Shorts are much better when you're fighting." It was true though, and Raina got into a fight almost every day. Speaking of fights, she realized with a small shock that Jace would probably be here tonight, at the ball, and they would probably end up trying to kill each other again. Raina glanced down at her dress; she really didn't want to ruin it with blood or tears.
"I can fight good in a dress," Liza shrugs, still swinging Raina's hand. "I can teach you how maybe."

She doesn't realize that a tight, close-fitting dress like Raina's is different than her own dresses, all which have loose skirts and only come to her knees. As they approach the ballroom, Liza can hear music playing and gives another hopping skip of excitement.

"Sheena Legs is eighteen I think," she informs Raina, the awe in her voice apparent. "Old old old. I'm not never gonna be that old. But you know what, my mama is even older. She's twenty-something. Old old old. But she don't got gray hair yet."

Outside Hayley's dorm, Sheena knocks, waiting for her to open up and join her.
Raina grins at Liza's comment about fighting in dresses, looking down at Liza's flowing dress. She understands what Liza means, of course it's easier to fight in flowing dresses rather than tight dresses. "Maybe I'll try that one day." She muses, before letting out a 'upset' gasp and stopping in her tracks, "18? You think 18 is old?" Raina covers her face, making light sobbing noises as she shakes slightly, "I'm almost 18! Does that m-make me ol-old?" She puts the sound of tears into her voice, 'breaking down' infront of Liza as she pretends to cry in shame.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be? So I feel like I haven’t been around you in a while,” Rosa said cocking her head to the side. Her heart gave a little jump when he spoke, she knew it was stupid that a boy was making her feel this way but at least she hid it well….she hoped. Rosa knew she needed to be heading to her dorm soon if she wanted to get ready for the dance.

Some of the girls from the barn had helped her pick out her dress and had volunteered to help her with her make up and hair. All things she couldn’t do by herself. A small smile crept across her lips as she pictured her dress in her mind, Swift had gone with them and with each dress the cat had taken the time to send a visual image to her Master. It had taken a long while but when Rosa saw her dress she had just known. It was calf length black and ivory dress and her friends said she looked like a movie star from the 50’s.

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