Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Kesson took Myra's hand, happy to have met someone else. He did a mini bow again, find it hard not to do it at all. He then listened at Zelda and James bickered with each other. It reminder him of home in a way, though he didn't fight as often with his siblings. Kesson frowned. He had to stop thinking about them!

Kesson smiled a little when Zelda spoke to him. He looked at Myra. "They are so lively. It is nice to meet you Myra. I am still new and the person I know the most right now is Zelda."


Lekki thought about it. She really didn't like talking about her half-demon side or how well she had control over it. She shrugged.

"Don't worry. We all deal with things in our own way. I most definitely have my troubles too with it. It's just not as noticeable as other demon half-breeds."


Hayley blushed harder. Was Sheena doing this on purpose? Probably not. Hayley was so shy and nervous that she felt if anyone was saying these things to her, treating her so kindly, she'd react the same way.

"I guess..."

She looked around and was puzzled by Sheena's reaction. "Is something wrong?"
*Walks in mere moments after Sheena does, placing my hand on her back* Don't ask just act like you don't see her, remember ignorance is bliss. *Turning my back so I can't see Liza* Sorry I won't keep you from your friends for long, just wanted to say. Hi and if you get a chance save me a dance maybe? Anyway I'll be near by I'm just gonna find a wall and hold it up. *pulls a datapad out of my pocket, then kisses Sheena on the cheek* Have a ball that sounded way cooler in my head, anyway have fun tonight. *Starts to walk pass her, making sure not to look towards Liza so I can deny any knowledge of her being there.*
"Yeah, my little sister's here...not only is she five, and dancing with someone her mother hates...she's also kinda supposed to be grounded. And I told her that like five minutes ago," Sheena explains to Hayley, rolling her eyes, but also smirking. "That's Liza for you."

She jumps when Alex puts a hand on her back, then turns and smiles. "You DID pull your head out of the computer to go out for a change...what are you doing taking off now? Don't you dare go back to the screen-land!"
Deathwish looks at her and then hears the was the type he could dance to, a two partnered dance. He looks at Flower and then sees she was talking to way he would be able to pull her away from keeping Jace under her watch. He sighed deeply and then looked down. He rubs his head and then looks at Lekki. He smiles lightly at her. "Good for are the lucky one."
Hey I'm multi-tasking I got weeks of back assignments to make up, but look my foot is tapping and now I'm writing an essay. Screenland I wish it will be filled with nothing but anime and monster truck shows. Besides you're being entertained so it's all good and I promise you I will only work for a bit longer and hour max then you'll have me all to yourself, and we will dance until you wear down the heels of your shoes.
Mar danced through all of the song undaunted by his uncomfortable class A`s. By the time Cha Cha slide ended he had danced himself into oblivion, yet the boy still had a little of DJ Casper in him so with none of his new found childlike silliness aside Mar prowled the outer edges of the ballroom , just for today he would allow himself to be unprofessional and seek out someone to chat flirt or joke with.
"I'm wearing sneakers, dumbass." Sheena sticks out her tongue, then smacks him upside the head, exhaling loudly. "You really suck, you know that? Who does homework at a dance?" She rolls her eyes at Hayley as if to commiserate with her, but she's smiling, not really angry. "Dork. How did I end up with a dork?"

Gesturing towards Hayley, she says, "This is Hayley, she's cooler than you, you dork. This is my dork boyfriend Alex."
First of all end up? Babe you hit the jackpot with me and you know it, Hello Hayley I'm I guess a dork, even if I'm waayyy cooler then my girlfriend who I love dearly but is a bit of a pain in the ass. Sheena go have fun with your friends and I'll finish this up, maybe I'll run for my guitar and we can have some fun and sing a bit. *steps toward Sheena and leans in kissing her deeply, I smile as I pull back* No dork ever kissed you like that.
Sheena kisses him back without hesitation, even as she smirks back at him and shoves at his chest in playful protest. "You know I'm way too hot for you, Lady Gigabyte." This is said facetiously, however, as Sheena does not at all think of herself as attractive, let alone hot. "Whatever, hurry up though...and you're GONNA dance, you don't escape that."

Taking Hayley by the arm, she smirks over her shoulder at him. "I might find a better partner if you don't haul ass."
Oh I don't doubt you could but no one will ever be able to complete you like I do. *mocking her and laughing* Babe you hear me you complete me! *Begins to walk away when I can hear Liza giggling so I quickly change direction, I won't be the one scrubbing bathrooms if her parents find out she's here, I bump into Mar on my way to find a nice corner to finish my work, I nod to him and keep moving* Hey, sup?
Mar was still scanning the the room when he was bumped into and greeted at the same time, a quick status report came into his head conveying that none of his nano machines where damaged by the collision, of course they don`t break that often but occasionally what other people don`t see can hurt him "hello there" Mar replies smiling up at Alex while resisting the urge to salute the man just because he looked a lot older then himself "is there events like this all the time sir?"
(Awwww, can Raina and Liza have a sleepover after the dance? :DDD)

Raina finds herself laughing out loud, just as hard as Liza is, and forgets that she is in a crowded room with others, forgetting they can see her weakness. Her own eyes light up with exhilaration as she tries to stop laughing herself to death, her cheeks aching from smiling too much. "You're very good at it Liza!" She is still laughing as she speaks, and as the song draws to an end, her and Liza are in fits of giggles. She grabs Liza's hand - knowing she herself is out of breath and dehydrated - and pulls her over to the refreshment table just as a slow, romantic song starts. "Want some juice Liza?" Her eyes scan the drinks and she gives Liza a list of choices, editing out the fizzy as a habit, "There's orange juice, apple juice, blackcurrant juice and strawberry juice." She is actually, for the first time in a while, having a lot of fun.

Jace frowns, sitting in a moment for silence before he spoke lightly, "I'm....I'm sorry I wasn't there." He looked down before noticing the slow song that had started to play - Corinne Bailey Rae - Like a star. He wondered why he recognized this song, but shrugged it off as nothing. He stood up, trying to distract Flower by bowing and holding out his hand in a gentlemanly gesture. "Would you care for a dance, my lady?"

Faye felt herself blush lightly as Nick bows to her and asks for a dance. "Of course you may" She smiles pleasantly at him, feeling her blush drop as she takes his hand and gets pulled close to him, beginning to dance with him as she gently lifts her face and pecks her lips to his. Smiling at him.

Myra was biting her lip to stop herself from laughing at the two of them. But then Zelda spoke about the huge DHH guy and Myra burst out laughing, still with her arm linked through James's. She noticed his nervousness and smiled at him, leaning up and kissing his cheek, not wanting to start making out with him infront of his sister, and she was sure if she kissed him properly, that would happen. "I think it's adorable James." She then looked to Kesson, feeling her own shyness perk up at the new face, a boy aswell. "Oh hi, it's nice to meet you too." Myra's voice was quite small again. But you had to cut the girl some slack, she had been mute for a few good years.
(lmao you think Faith would be able to not explode over that? Do you want poor Liza to bawl again when her parents ream her out? Can't really blame her though...who would at five say "No, I'm grounded" if someone showed up at the door like a fairy godmother and said "Put on your pretty dress and party" lol)

Sheena blushes at Alex's comment, yelling back at him over the music, "I NEVER ONCE SAID THAT YOU LIAR!"

Still, she is smiling as she turns back to Hayley, rolling her eyes. "He's so dumb, I never said that. I mean...I didn't. want to dance? Since Dorkface isn't?"

Liza follows Raina willingly enough, concentrating on the choices described and tilting her head. "Can I try them all?" she asks, as her eyes shift through the crowd, and she suddenly beams, spying Alex beside Mar in the distance. "HI ALEX!!!!" she shouts, and again, her shrill child's voice is fairly easily heard over the music.
Flower looks at him and then looks at his hand. Crap, first she saves his life and then she gets bonded to him, now she goin to dance with him, could her morals get any worse? She sighed and then lightly smiled. "Fine." she said taking his hand. She stood up and then led him to he dance floor. She looks at him and then slightly looks away. She was a bit unsure of herself, even though Flower was a great dancer this was Jace she was dancing with.

Zelda chuckles and then reaches up patting his head. "Yes now look who's the huge DHH?" she said and then looked at his golden eyes through his mask. They had the same golden eye color. She smiles and then looks at Kesson. "Well these two are a hard nut to crack....didn't your last girlfriend not call you for days?" she asked giggling slightly.

James looked at Myra and smiled softly leaning down and then kissing her cheek back. He looks at Zelda and groans slightly. "First off that was Tiffany, the girl Seaker tricked into going nuts over me, second she was never my girlfriend, third I was happy that she wasn't calling, texting, or constantly nagging me." he said frowning.

Nick was happy to be dancing with Faye even though his fan girls seemed to be making a huge dark cloud with their evil jealous faces. (Lol anime moment!) he shook his head and looked at Faye and only Faye. He smiled happily and to him to seemed, she was the only girl here. (Aw nick is such an idiot when he's a player but now he's so sweet.)
Mar glanced at the loud 5 year old, the firstthought that came to his mind was "she looks way to young to be in a fighting academy" he silently questioned himself as to why any parent would be as reckless as to allow their child to be at a school dedicated to sharpening students abilities to commit violence but he stopped the thought process about half way, mentally rasping his knuckles against his forehead for calling someone else "reckless", even in his head it was too soon to chastise other peoples reckless actions considering what he had done earlier today, besides Mar was told to expect anything when he left for the academy so he wouldn't be surprised if the kid could possibly beat him senseless, put his mouth to the curb of a street and leave him toothless. The mental image would almost be comical if it was someone else`s teeth.
*Crossing my arms over my chest* Did you just call me sir? *Thinking crap this kid knows that I'm an agent, there is something weird about him cause the nanobots in my tech is giving me some feedback, so I decide to go along with him, if he wants to call me sir I'll give him a reason to* What's your designation son! And why on God's Green Earth are you staring at a 5 year old child? *Can't stay serious I'm starting to lose it, I wish I was more like Macal or Faith they would have this kid peeing on himself, but I just don't have that Urber Solider thing in me* I'm sorry I'm just pulling your chain, I'm Alex by the way. Putting my datapad behind me and trying to be social* (can't remember if they've met before or not)
Mar turns back to face the man who addressed him however all of his previous playfulness was set aside the instant his nano machines picked something up, it was definitely other nano machines but he was not receiving information about them in the form of a signature that he would get with another member of shadow company or any other division of the 2nd deft war fighter which would tell him the users name , age, rank, and current assigned tasks , Mar began cross referencing the unknown signal he got with every other human government organization`s nano machine signals that he knew of but he was curtailed by a series of questions delivered to him in a commanding voice, Mar was about to answer them all when Alex made his introductions, not wanting to be rude Mar turned a blind eye to the last few seconds , recovered his childlike expression and extended a hand out to him ;"nice to meet you my name is Mar si-" Mar paused remembering that Alex had crossed his arms when he asked if he had called the man "sir" "would you rather have me address you informally?" the boy would not press Alex for information about the signal he was getting just yet, he had his secrets so this guy probably had his own. "wait did you just say just say 5 year old? are you the parent?" the boy broke eye contact for a few seconds before quietly saying; "im sorry, that was a personal question you dont need to tell me anything."
Lekki reached out a hand and placed it on Deathwish's shoulder, her expression becoming comforting.

"Don't worry. I am sure some day you'll realize that it had gotten easier and had been for some time. I mean I can't understand what it's like for you, but I have faith that you can learn to live your life without worry." Lekki then beamed. "So shall we dance? I mean of course if you want to that is."


Kesson tried hard not to laugh at Zelda and James and their exchanged. It made him feel a little on the outside, but not too much. Besides it was fun to listen to them.

"Well Zelda I think you bothered your brother enough. Why don't you come and dance with me? Or I can get use something to drink?" Kesson felt oddly like he was with with Zelda at the dance, talking like that. "Or something."


Hayley got shy again once Alex appeared, but he seemed like an okay person. Hayley found herself smiling again as Sheena talked about him, calling him a 'dork'. She let herself be dragged off by Sheena.

"He does seem like a dork, but you're lucky. I could never date someone."
(Aww, so no sleepover then? [insert pouty face here] Ooo! And when are Faith/Macal gonna realize Liza's gone? xD )

Raina laughs at Liza's question, "All of them? Like, mixed together or in four different cups?" She asks this rather seriously, having the same dilemma with Mabel once or twice, and having to ask that question. She then lets her eyes drift over to where Liza has yelled to, spotting a new boy who she recognized as Sheena's boyfriend. She smirked lightly and lifted a hand, waving mockingly. She then looks back to Liza, waiting for her answer.

Jace smirked slightly as she agreed. He brought her a bit closer - since this was a slow dance - and linked one hand through hers and the other wrapped around her waist, his hand resting gently on the small of her back. He chuckled huskily, "First I compliment you, then kiss your hand and get to dance with you? And you haven't punched me yet?" He grinned and spun her around before pulling her back. Jace was a good dancer. "Aren't I the lucky one?"

(I'll respond to the other two later, gotta go to bed! PROM TOMMORROWWWWW! :D Wish me fun! ^.^)
Flower looks at him and then glared slightly. "Maybe i'm not in the mood to hurt myself...." She said and then sighed looking away. She agreed to a slow dance....a slow dance with JACE! She looks at him. She chuckles and then smirked. "Or maybe I'm just waiting till I get another partner to kick your butt." She said and then looks at him. (HAVE FUN!)

Deathwish looks at her and then blinks. "It's a slow dance....but if you want to...I don't have another partner." He said and then looks at Flower and Jace. He flinches slightly. "Yeah no partner." He said and then looks at her with a smile. He offers his hand. "I say again....a slow dance." He said looking at her.

Zelda looks at him and then glares as James snickers. "Uh Sure....let's..." She looks at the music. A slow dance? W-With Kesson. " about we just get drinks and not slow dance." She said and then started walking to the food table. She looks at Kesson. She looks at James who seemed to shake his head at her.
*Grinning at Mar* Hmmm...Yes yes and no, well it's good to meet you Mar, sorry to cut this short but I have to finish my homework so I can go join my girlfriend. *Always the spy I delicately probe him for why he has nanobots as far as I knew I was the only one that used them and my code was unique for mine only still I have to be very subtle and sneaky about getting information from him* Sooooo You got nanobots too? *Yeah I'm still a beginner at being a spy got to work on my subtle questions*
"Oh, sure you could, if he beat you down for like a full year until you said okay," Sheena said carelessly as she pulled Hayley onto the dance floor, straight into the center. "That's what Alex did with me...I don't even normally like guys like that. But he's...he's just dance? Well if you don't, you're gonna soon."

She grabs Hayley's hands and begins to dance with her, in a fairly provocative manner. Her clothing may be casual and almost sexless, but her dancing is certainly not.

Liza considers this question of Raina's carefully, then brightens. "Ooooh both both! I get four cups, one with each kind...and THEN a fifth cup where we mix them all!!!"

When Alex doesn't seem to respond to her, Liza scowls."How come he won't even answer me? I think he's pretending he don't hear me probably. Or else he's doing his nerd stuff like Sheena Legs says and he don't even notice you exist on this planet. HEY ALEX!!!" she bellows, now waving her arms too. "YOU OUGHTTA DANCE WITH SHEENA LEGS YOU SILLY!!!"

Turning to Raina again, she says matter of factly, "Alex is silly."
Mar smiled like a little kid with a new toy when Alex told him he wanted to be addressed informally and simply answered yes with a quick nod, he both didn`t want to and wouldn't delve into all the details about his nano machines though and when Liza called for the man to dance with "Sheena Legs" Mar took the opportunity to make a break for it "don't keep her waiting too long kay?" the boy was unused to talking informally to anyone who appeared over 19 so his voice still sounded super respectful as he walked towards the exit retrieving his book on his way out, it was getting late anyways.

Mar had retired to his dorm, put up his class A`s, taken a shower and changed into dark green fuzzy P.J`s complete with a turtle cap before hitting the sack, completely forgetting about dinner as he laid on his back looking up into the darkness of the room elated with his new home for at least 8 minutes before he finally drifted off to a peaceful sleep.
*I finally give in and wave to Liza and I was about to take her advice and go dance with Sheena but she looks like she's having fun and I really should have some fun too, lucky for me this is a dance and not just a dj cause that would suck all the way into the room I see a band setting up so I walk over to them and after some considerable chatting I convince them to let me play with them, borrowing an extra guitar from one of them, we take to the stage, really don't mind playing in public but singing is a whole other story, but I start playing the first song on the band's list, soooo glad they're a cover band cause I couldn't bear doing some lame band's original songs. Stepping up to the mic*

Hey everyone I'm Alex, I think most of you know me I attend this academy and I'm Sheena's boyfriend HEY BABE YOU STILL COMPLETE ME! *sticking my tongue out* She's gonna kick my ass later. Anyway this cool bunch of guys and ladies are gonna let me jam with them for a bit so hope you enjoy. *We open up with "Stone Temple Pilots, Plush"*
Sheena stops immediately any and all motions, turning a vivid red and clinching her fists at her sides, gritting her teeth. "That ass, I NEVER SAID IT LIKE THAT!" she said more to herself than to Hayley, just before she started towards the stage with Hayley. "Alex, I'm kicking your ass right NOW actually!"

Liza, satisfied when Alex finally acknowledges her, turns back to Raina, smiling. "Alex likes to make Sheena Legs mad 'cause he thinks it's funny. So does my mama."

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