Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

*Can't hear you but the veins popping in your neck make things so clear for me, oh well you told me to stop acting like a dork so I keep playing, starting to find my stride now and losing the butterflies in my stomach, back into my old performing self.*
Sheena is not about to stop now; in fact, she mounts the stage in one leap, coming up behind you and hooking one arm around your waist. Smiling for the audience in a way that looks more like a glower, she sways with you to the song for several moments, seemingly just grooving along with you and providing loving support.

Then, in one motion she yanks down your pants and backs away, her smile now genuine.
(LOL) *Without losing a beat I just step out of my pants happy today I wore boxers, When the song ends I turn to Sheena and laugh* Rock and Roll is a pants optional lifestlye* I'm feeling it now all those old memories of jamming with my friends when I was younger.* You gonna stay up here with me for more moral support? *I don't wait for an answer I just start ripping into the next song. "Sick Puppies, You're Going Down"*
"Babe, believe me, I can pull down the boxers too," Sheena warns, stepping forward again. Her eyes are glinting with mischievous glee, and it seems she has every intention of doing so if provoked. "And I'm way, way faster than you."

She looks out at the others in the audience, seeming to be making sure that the majority have eyes on them before she turns back to Alex, calling out over his music, "Sick that supposed to be some kind of passive aggressive message or what? I'm not a PUP!"
Hayley thought about that and figured Sheena was right. If she had a guy hounding her all the time about dating, she thought she might break. Or something. She wasn't really good with people anyways. Besides she didn't think she'd date here.

She let herself be pulled onto the dance floor with Sheena and although she was embarrassed by Sheena's dancing, she was beginning to enjoy herself. She giggled at Sheena's and Alex's interactions, blushing still as Sheena pulled down Alex's pants and threaten to do the same to his boxers.
Sheena, catching sight of Hayley in the audience, notices that she's loosening up even without Sheena with her. She is actually laughing when Sheena depants Alex, and Sheena, catching her eye, smiles back at her, then gestures.

"Hayley, come on up!"

Without waiting for the girl to reply, she jumps off stage and heads straight to her, taking her hand and tugging her towards the stage. Jumping back up herself, she reaches down for Hayley's hand, pulling her up alongside her with a strong yank.

"Dance, Hayley!" she yells over the music, laughing. She knows the girl will be embarrassed, but she hopes fun will outweight that.
*I just shrug and continue to play, hell the more the merrier if you ask me, we don't stop playing jumping straight into the third song "Remy Zero, Save Me" I start playing the song but looking directly at Sheena, keeping eye contact with her, letting her know this song I'm singing to her*
Sheena has never heard the song before. But as she catches the lyrics, starting to pay attention to what they're saying when she realizes that Alex is staring straight at her as he sings, she begins to smile. She is trying to hide it at first, but then not caring who sees, she lets herself look back at him, swaying slightly and smiling. When he is finished she nudges him with her hip, not shouting this time. In fact, she is almost whispering."Okay, pass."
*Placing the guitar down, I lean in and whisper* I told you...You complete me. *kisses your cheek, then takes your hand in mine as I walk off stage* Crap where are my pants?
Name: Evangeline Sadovsky, nicknamed Lina or Eve

Age: 16 by appearance

Gender: female

Species: vampire

Powers: abnormal strength, speed, and endurance, healing

Weapons: her fangs, of course, also is skilled in hand to hand, has proficiency with knives and daggers

Vehicle: none

Pets: none

Family: Margaret “Sheena” Sadovsky is her half-sister. Evangeline’s mother, Muriel Orvis, is estranged from her. Muriel was an uneducated and none-too-bright woman who struggled along to support her daughter. She did not marry Evangeline and Sheena’s father, Ab Sadovsky, but did live with him for most of Evangeline’s childhood. Evangeline’s father is also estranged from her and has been since Evangeline’s mother left him at last, when Evangeline was thirteen. He was a physically abusive and neglectful alcoholic who did not provide well for his common-law wife and daughter, and though he did not physically abuse Evangeline, as he did Sheena, she often witnessed violent fights between him and her mother.

Evangeline did not know her sister, growing up, as Sheena broke all ties with her family and became permanently homeless after nearly killing a man. Because Sheena was presumed to be dead, and Evangeline was an infant at the time, her parents never told her of her sister nor spoke of her as she was a child. It was not until at the time that her mother left Ab, during a drunken rage, that he began to reference Sheena and how she left him too, that Evangeline realized she had a sister at all. But because Sheena died by the time Evangeline was a year old, and then was not resurrected until over a decade later, by the time Sheena came back, still seventeen years old, her sister had aged to sixteen. They are now much closer in age than they would have been, had Sheena not died.




Looks: Small, very pale, long, straight blonde hair, pale blue eyes that appear to be black at times, very thin, appears more like a child of 12 or 13 than a sixteen-year-old in appearance

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History: Evangeline was born prematurely with very low birth rate, and as a result and developed bronchopulmonary dysplasia, otherwise known as chronic lung disease. She was what is sometimes referred to as a “blue baby,” meaning that she often turned blue from lack of oxygen and needed to be put on ventilators in order to breathe. Her medical difficulties were highly expensive, and the main reason for what drove her sister Sheena to first began “hooking” for money before she was fully homeless, and also what eventually drove Sheena to kidnap a millionaire for ransom.

Evangeline spent the first year of her life in the hospital, and her medical difficulties remained for the rest of her life. She was unable to eat normally at times, requiring intravenous nutrition, which meant that her physical development was stunted. Frequently she had to be hospitalized due to her continued difficulties, which put her family into further stress and dysfunction and financial debt. Evangeline internalized this as the result of her birth and illness and was guilty and unhappy. Unable to attend school normally, and often ostracized when she did attend it not only for her illness and small size, but also for her poverty and her father’s notoriety as town trash, Evangeline had no friends and was desperately lonely.

This is why when Atherton, a man in his late twenties by appearance, began to pay attention to her on her frequent short walks to the library or local stores, Evangeline was very flattered and naïve to his advances. Within a few days and a few encounters with Atherton, she thought herself to be in love with him and agreed to accompany him to his apartment. What she did not know was that Atherton was a powerful vampire, loosely associated with Mia Dana Cambridge, also known as the current Madame Hydra. Atherton, while pretending to walk with her towards his apartment, instead attacked her. He did not intend to kill her, but because her blood flow, due to her illness, was already so poor, she was dying within a few moments. Atherton chose then to turn her, then left her lying on the ground, dying.

When Evangeline’s body was discovered, the small cuts at her neck were thought to be merely mosquito bites or the like. Her family refused to allow an autopsy, not wanting any more money to be spent or attention to be on them and their daughter than necessary, and because it was well known through medical records that Evangeline was ill, her death was chalked up to natural.

When Evangeline arose as a vampire after her burial, she did not have her sire there for her, in order to teach her and control her. As a result she was viciously out of control in her thirst for blood and in her killing. Only recently has she begun to manage any semblance of control over her instincts, but even so it is badly faltering and faulty, and she has no soul or conscience to encourage her to keep control at all times.

Recently memories of her father’s mention of her sister caused her to seek out information about her, and it is through Mia Cambridge herself that she discovered that Sheena is in fact alive and currently residing at a training academy for supernaturals, with her newly adoptive family. Partly because of Mia’s command, partly because she herself is intrigued, Evangeline has now been registered in the academy. It is her intention to gain her sister’s love and loyalty, to the exclusion of all others, and to eventually isolate Sheena from everyone else while using her as a shield of protection for herself so she can continue to kill others outside of the academy as she pleases. She is also supposed to report back to Mia the ongoings of Sheena and the Cords, and to take any given opportunity to destroy them or give Mia information to do so.
( :o Destroy the Cords? Oh dear, if she includes Liza in that. Raina will go all tough, bad chick on her butt! Oh, I apologize in advance for my sucky RPing, lack of muse, writers blockness right now, I've had three hours sleep after Prom-ing all night and early morning.)

Raina laughs at Liza's request, "Alright then." She swips up five cups, ignoring the odd looks she was getting from a group of girls in the corner, and did as Liza requested, pouring orange juice in the first, then the second cup recieved apple juice, the third cup was lucky enough to get blackcurrant juice and the fourth cup was graced with sweet strawberry juice. She then smirked and poured a quarter of each juice into the fifth cup, watching as the liquid turned an unidentifiable yet intriguing colour. She placed them all on the table infront of Liza, before she poured herself a drink of blackcurrant juice. "Try one Liza!" She grinned at her as Liza turned to her and told her Alex was silly. "Boys are silly." Raina shrugged in response, taking a casual sip of her drink.

Jace blinked at her. "Now that's a possibility." He didn't want to get beaten up by Flower. She hits hard. He moved her around the dance floor elegantly, not even noticing the other couples dancing as he smirked at her. "Just leave my man area alone? Okay? That's a no violence zone" He then pause, his eyes widened in the slightest, "Uh..Um, I was wondering, if..if I get..." They carried on dancing, but he leant closer to whisper in her ear. "Kicked in the nuts, does it hurt you too? Like the same pain?" He pulled back to wait for her answer, glad he wasn't the type to blush, even though the embarrassment was clear on his face.

(Hey Fire? Could you make Peter show up or something? 'Cause I'm not sure what to do with Faye or Myra. If Peter showed up and said something to Myra, or even looked at her then I'd be able to kill my writers block
xD )
Flower looks at Jace and then growls loudly. (To make it less weird I'm going with no) "Of course not you idiot!" she said and then sighed. "And if you want to keep them I'd sugest keeping questions like that to yourself." she said and then looked up at him. She'd had enough so she pulled away. She looked at him and then sighed turning around looking for the food table, she didn't know the last time he ate, thanks to a certain half demon. She would be staggering if it wasn't for the fact she could make energy from light.

(I think I discontinued Peter.....but what the heck.)

Peter was invisible before he entered. He soon saw myra and then smirked. He walked up behind her and then lent down. "Boo." he whispered in her ear, hos grin as wide and twisted as ever. However he also spotted his father nick and his amger grew seeing him with such a young girl, Faye. He was surprised to find them still together.
(Fire, Evangeline is accepted, right? lol)

Liza smiles as she tries each of the drinks, narrating to Raina how each one tastes. "Good, yum, yummy, I like this one too...ewwww this one is weird!" she giggles as she tries the last drink, the one with all of them combined. "That is weird Raina. You try it!" she says, holding out the cup for her towards her lips. Looking at Raina's mouth curiously, she tilts her head.

"You got fangs, right? My uncle Jirro had fangs. Plus also Sheena Legs does when she's a wolf. Plus also my dog."

Still onstage with Alex, though now holding Hayley hostage by the arm so she has to stay on stage too, Sheena begins to dance as she had on the dance floor, heedless of anyone watching. She is smiling, enjoying herself, oblivious to the audience below.

(bc...I want to bring Lina in soon if possible :) )
(Yes she is lon as they are not all powerful one I accept your first character feel free to add more jury don't have more then you can handle.)
(noooooo, I want to add Evangeline into the dance! Just not now...keep it here a bit longer, or else I guess I can have her come in just as the dance is letting out)
(i'M IGNORING ALL Opps caps I'm ignoring all attempts to shorten and or lengthen the ends when I say it ends muhahahahahaha! Sorry mar you shouldn't have had your character leave so soon. I have a few things planned and untill they finish the dance doesn't end. lol)
Hayley resisted a little when Sheena pulled her up on the stage. She looked at all the other students down there and blushed like mad, not able to move out of shyness and fear. She really didn't want to embarrass herself.

"Sheena I can't-" But it seemed Sheena was kind of busy with her boyfriend and so Hayley moved over to the side of the stage, so that she would be no longer in much view. Hopefully the others would be too busy with their own things.


"Is it because I can't dance," Kesson asked teasingly. He laughed a bit at that and shook his head. "But drinks are fine for now. I am not really one for dancing anyways at least not like how everyone else is."
Zelda looks at Kesson. "Well....I don't dance really well but I guess it's ok...but I...would feel embarrassed...." She said very quietly. She grabs some pop and then sips it looking away from Kesson. She didn't want to seem stupid in front of Kesson. She looks at the ground and nervously and then crosses one of her arms over her stomach.
Ah guys, just to let you know, I'm going away for a few days, on holiday, and I'm not sure if I'll get internet where I'm going - most likely not. I'm sorry! I know it sucks, but there's nothing I can do. I'll be back on the 6th and will post ASAIGH. (As Soon As I Get Home) I'll try my best to post while I'm away, but I can't promise anything :(

Again, I'm sorry! You guys can either put the RP on hold for a few days - a lot to ask, don't worry about that if it's going to annoy people - or just subtly acknowledge my characters in your posts, such as just noticing they are there or doing something. As long as you don't make them do anything out of character or create dialogue for them that they wouldn't say.

(I'm posting this on every RP I'm in by the way, just to save you reading it again and again)
Once out of the shower Rosa dressed rather quickly wanting to meet up with Leo as soon as possible. Her friends continued to pester her but she wouldn’t release a peep. They forced her to sit and allow them to do her hair and make up but it didn’t feel as if they did much. They did not want to hide her beauty just highlight their favorite parts. Rosa was told what they were doing even though it meant nothing to her. Apparently they went with a soft smoky eye filled with charcoals and blacks but the eye shadow had a hint of blue. She felt them brush what she assumed was blush across her cheeks and apparently painted her lips a deep red. They allowed her brunette waves to fall across her shoulder after they were curled a bit and tucked away from her face.

She was than rushed out the door but Swift was forced to stay. Rosa took a deep breathe carefully counting her steps until she reached the place where she was to meet Leo. She smiled as she heard his heartbeat ahead of her and she raised her hand to wave. When she was closer it took her a moment to locate his exact point of standing. Rosa reached out a hand, it brushed against his chest and she blushed realizing how muscular he was. “Hey,” she whispered.


(I am sorry I am so far behind my great grandfather died and we are in Florida right now)

Sheena continued to smile, laugh, and generally enjoy herself on stage, not caring what she looked like, what anyone else thought of her, or if she looked like she cared too much about Alex in front of everyone else. The truth was that she did…this was someone she loved, someone she believed now loved her too, and she didn’t care who knew it. Of course, there were certain things Alex himself couldn’t do or say in public, but right now, she was in control, and she didn’t care who figured out what she felt.

In fact, part of her hoped people did take notice, not so they could tease her or hold it against her somehow, but so they would know that Alex Sage was a claimed man, and he was HER claimed man. With her guy up here playing guitar and singing in front of everyone, it wouldn’t surprise her at all if another Heather-type came after him and started getting all up on him. Girls fell hard for guys with guitars.

Though she had no microphone, and could probably not be heard over the volume of the music, Alex and the others’ playing, and their singing, Sheena was singing too, for once forgetting her self-consciousness over her nice, but unremarkable singing voice in her enjoyment of the moment. Her eyes meet Alex’s, and she smiles, shaking her hair back behind her shoulders, her heart full.

But then her eyes shift towards the audience, just in time to see a figure coming through the entrance. And that is when her breath catches in her throat, her flushed features immediately pale, and she takes a step back, nearly stumbling off the stage. Sheena bites the inside of her cheeks subconsciously, her eyes glued to the girl who is stepping forward, intermingling with the crowd, but clearly, at least to Sheena, not a part of it, far from being able to blend in.

The girl is small, with nearly childlike features, almost translucent skin, what looks even from a distance like very pale blue eyes, and a pointed chin. Her hair is long and flaxen blonde, very straight and reaching to the middle of her back. She is wearing a simple blue dress, really hardly more than a shift, which outlines the thinness of her frame. She appears to be a child no more than twelve years old, if her size is anything to go by, but as Sheena stares at her, looking into her eyes, she would have been sure, even had she not recognized her, that this supposed child was older. The knowing maturity in her gaze was not that of a preteen at all.

But Sheena did know her, even if they had not met in person…at least, not while she was in this particular state of body. She had seen photos of her…she had them in a small album that she carried with her, each time she moved to a new housing situation. Those photos were some of her most cherished and fiercely guarded possessions…because they were the only ones she had of her only biological sister.

Her sister…her biological father’s younger daughter, Evangeline Sadovsky. This was her sister…Sheena had no need to speak to her to make sure of it. She knew. Even as an infant years and years ago, so tiny and shriveled and blue she had looked more alien than human,Evangeline had had those same eyes.

There was one problem with this surprise appearance, this reunion with her sister after all these years…Evangeline was dead.

Sheena knew she was. She had read the death certificate, seen the file…Alex had gone to extreme trouble and effort to locate it for her. He would not have made it up, he would not have lied…he had no reason to. Evangeline was dead, had been for nearly two years now. She had died at age sixteen, of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, the chronic lung disease she had developed soon after birth. Sheena had never had a chance to really know her, apologize to her for not being there throughout her short, difficult life…she had never been able to tell her how sorry she was for leaving her, how sorry she was for screwing up any chance Evangeline might have had at a happier life.

She had never had a chance, because by the time she could have tried, Evangeline was dead. But here she was, in the room with her, standing back politely in the crowd, looking up at her…and as Sheena continued to stare, Evangeline looked straight at her, her pale pink lips curving up into a knowing smile.

And then she waved. Just a tiny gesture, a ripple of fingers some might not acknowledge at all. But Sheena saw, and Sheena knew. This…whatever this was…this thing pretending to be her sister, this vision, or…whatever…it knew her. It knew she knew its game.

Without warning Sheena jumped off the stage and began to shove her way through the crowd, squeezing past them all as she ran past the girl she was certain could not be her sister and out the exit door. She saw Evangeline turn with her out the corner of her eye, seeming to be prepared to follow her, but she did not look back. She could barely bring herself to draw breath.

That was not her sister. Her sister was dead. That thing…that…that could not be her sister.

Could it?
*I jump down and chase after Sheena, through the crowd and out the door and down the hallway* Sheena what's going on, why did you leave I thought we were having fun, was it all the mushy stuff in public, I'm sorry about that it won't happen again if that's what you want. *I didn't noticed the girl she chased after, I think I did something wrong, so guilt starts to flood over me.* Sheena come on tell me what I did.
"No it's fine Zelda," Kesson said, not wanting to make the girl uncomfortable at all. He felt bad for making her feel that way. "We do not have to dance if you don't want to. Besides I think I am better off not dancing anyways," he said with a quick laugh. "Instead we can do other things." He grabbed his own drink. "I have not met another DHH before. What was your childhood like?"

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