Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

The answer was, of course, that Sheena couldn't be. She couldn't possibly be happy knowing that Evangeline was not in fact at peace, that her mother likely wasn't either. She couldn't possibly be happy knowing that she had no idea what was true and what was a lie, no idea how long Evangeline had been walking the earth, how she had in fact died and how whoever had done her autopsy or faked a death certificate had managed to miss the critical fact that she was in fact killed by a vampire. And most of all, she could not be happy knowing that her sister was exactly the type of creature she most she herself had once had personal experience in becoming.

To think of her baby sister enduring the torment she herself had before she died, to think of her now in the body of a soulless, bloodthirsty being was more than Sheena thought she could stand, and she slowly stepped forward to Alex again, still fighting back tears as she maneuvered herself into his arms.

"The last time I saw her...she was just a baby," she managed before beginning to cry. "This shouldn't have happened...and what about my mom?"
*Stroking her hair, while I hug her* I'll help you find out Sheena and this time I won't stop until you're happy with the one and only truth but for right now even if you don't want to talk to her we need to find out what she wants, is she gonna be a threat or not? Don't you agree with me on that? (sorry short post I'm getting sleepy)
Sheena shakes her head against your neck, her grip on you tightening as she tries to bring herself back in control. After a few moments though, she nods slightly, pulling back enough to rub at her face with the palm of one hand.

"I...I guess. Yeah. I mean...yeah, I will...later. Not now. Not today...I need to let this sink in...god, this...this is so bad, Alex. This hurts so bad..."

She lets her head fall against him again, allowing him to hold her, to comfort her, in a manner that would , been unthinkable even a few months before in her mind. Sheena does not see Evangeline for the rest of the day, but always she is aware that she is nearby...that she is waiting.
Sheena did not want to see Evangeline.

She did not even want to know of her existence…she did not want to be aware that somehow, somewhere in time, in her own personal world, Evangeline, or the creature that now wore Evangeline’s skin, was walking around, looking, speaking, and sounding exactly as Evangeline must have looked, when she was alive. She didn’t want to be faced with the knowledge that everything she had known and believed about her sister must have been only a trick, a lie she had trusted and desperately tried to believe.

Her sister was not at peace. Her sister was not happy, was not living a utopic existence with Sheena’s mother, was not protected by Erisdelia, Enyo, and Bothilde Grimstoul from all harm. She had never visited her sister at all, past the time her sister was an infant…she had not visited her mother either, had never encountered either since the days they died. It was all a trick, a lie dreamed up by the Grimstouls to gain her trust…none of it was real.

Evangeline was not only not at peace…she was a vampire. She had been murdered and perverted in the worst way for Sheena to have possibly been violated.

Even thinking about it was enough to make Sheena want to attack things and scream with the unfairness and cruelty of what she still could barely accept as a cold, hard fact…but worse, it made her want to simply curl herself into a ball away from everyone else who might, well-meaning as they were, try to comfort her, to assure her it was okay…or to tell her that now, she knew what she must do. Accept her sister for what she was now…or stake her.

Both were fully unacceptable options to her.

She avoided her sister- ALL of her sisters- for two days, skipping class and spending most of her time in the woods. She knew that Liza, with her cheery ways and nonstop chatter, would be more than she could take with the way she currently felt, and god knows she didn’t want to face up to Faith. Faith with her insistence on staring problems straight in the face, and with her annoying insight into Sheena and her emotions, would no doubt not only kick her ass for class-skipping, but also force Sheena to sit down and talk to her, and then probably hunt Evangeline down and either smack her around or put a stake to her heart. If Sheena was to let anyone be around her in this frame of mind, it would be only Alex, and even he felt like too much sometimes.

But she should have counted on Evangeline not being content to simply wait for her to find her when she was ready, and sure enough, day two of avoidance, the small, deceptively frail-looking blonde appeared behind her so suddenly and silently on the academy’s west wing rooftop that Sheena jumped, stunned.

“I’d always heard that Lycans liked to keep their feet on the ground…guess you’re an exception, huh, sis?” Evangeline said casually as she gave Sheena a sweet smile, flipping her hair back behind her shoulders as she stretched her arms briefly in front of her, then looked out over the land below with interest. “I can see why you like it up here though, it’s kind of neat. Shows you exactly how things really look overall, huh?”

Sheena backed away from her, aware peripherally of the building’s edge as she bit her lower lip, her eyes shifting away as pain gripped her heart. It hurt to look at her…it…whatever the thing was, that wore her sister’s face. She could not think of this thing, this VAMPIRE, as her baby sister, her hairless, blue-faced baby sister with the lyrical, haunting name.

Her sister had been beautiful, tiny and delicate and innocent in appearance even as a teenager, like a little porcelain doll…and for this thing to look at her with her sister’s blue eyes, to smile at her with her sister’s lips, was so wrong Sheena could not stand it. And for it to talk to her with her sister’s voice, saying the things she might have said, had they ever met when she was older…

“What did you do,” she managed, the words barely able to squeeze out past the tightness in her throat, “Turn into a bat and fly up here?”

Evangeline laughed, shaking her head, and Sheena noticed that there was a single dimple in her chin when she smiled. It reminded her of Faith, and Sheena shook her head hard, as if attempting to deny this small detail of the girl before her as Evangeline spoke.

“Nah, that’s just a myth, as far as I can tell, I can’t do any of that. Can’t fly, don’t sleep in a coffin, don’t sleep upside down wrapped in a cape…I don’t even HAVE a cape. It would be kind of cool if I did though, every supernatural being is just supposed to have a cape, if you read books you’d think so, anyway. I can’t turn into a wolf either, apparently that’s your department.”

Sheena didn’t reply directly to any of this, turning herself away so she didn’t have to face her, didn’t have to look at her as she wrapped her arms tightly around herself, lowering her chin and gritting her teeth. The last thing she wanted or needed was to lose control now, probably exactly what this thing wanted…she could not give it the satisfaction.

“Leave me alone,” she managed. “I don’t want anything to do with you. Leave me alone, or I’ll…”

She trailed off, unable to complete the sentence, because she knew very well that it was not truthful. No matter what this thing was, no matter what it did…was she absolutely certain that she could look into her sister’s eyes, even if they were no longer Evangeline’s at all, and put a stake through her heart? Could she really do that without permanently breaking her own?

“Oh, Sheena…I just want to talk to you,” Evangeline sighed, sounding genuinely disappointed. “Look, I understand that it’s hard for you to accept…I know you don’t like vampires-“

“You don’t understand ANYTHING,” Sheena almost spat back at her, shaking her head fiercely, and for a split second she did look the other girl in the eye. “I don’t care what you know about me or how long you’ve been spying on me, I don’t care if you can read my mind or possess me or anything else…you don’t understand anything. You…you’re supposed to be dead. You’re supposed to be in hell…but…you’re supposed to be at PEACE…not…”

She stopped, turning her face away and swallowing hard, forcing back the tears that were already threatening to rise to surface. Her body and face remained rigid, and she hoped Evangeline read this as purely anger rather than distress.

“I get that you’re upset,” Evangeline said quietly, not moving towards her, just watching her from the distance that Sheena had chosen. “I get you’re disappointed…I mean, yeah, most people wouldn’t choose for their sister to be made a vampire, it’s not the most prestigious position on the planet. But hey, at least I’m here, right? At least we get a chance to have SOMETHING.”

When Sheena did not respond, Evangeline sighed, holding out one hand towards her as if in an offering of peace.

“Okay…I guess I understand if you don’t want to talk. But can I talk, Sheena? Do you mind if I call you Sheena? No offense, but it’s better than Legs, and way better than what Pa called you. I don’t know what the hell he was thinking naming you Margaret, like you’re sixty or something.”

“It was his mother’s name. I lived with her for a little while,” Sheena blurted in spite of herself, then quickly pressed her lips back together, swallowing again, but Evangeline acted like they were just having a typical conversation, even laughing.

“Yeah, well, it’s not like he was so close to her so I guess there must be something with guilt going on about that one…I didn’t meet her much, she always said I was sickly and talked about me like I was going to drop dead on her any minute, so I didn’t like her very much either. She always called me by my full name too…you don’t have to though, you can call me Eve…or, no, Lina, would you call me Lina, Sheena/ Then we can be Sheena and Lina…that would be sort of neat,” Evangeline said with some enthusiasm, and for a second Sheena let herself shift her eyes back to her, unable to understand that she seemed genuinely excited by the idea, like a genuine teenage girl. Like her own sister might have.

Seeing her sister’s reaction, Evangeline smiled apologetically, shrugging. “Sorry…I’m just…this really is exciting, Sheena. I always wanted a sister.”

“You’re not my sister,” Sheena said tightly, her spine stiffening further, but Evangeline was insistent, taking a step towards her. Sheena could feel her eyes on her back.

“Yes I am, Sheena. I am. We have the same blood, even if the bloodline kinda sucks. I can’t help what I am, any more than you can help what you are. You think I don’t wish I knew you when we were both still human? But I didn’t…I can only know you now. This is the best we can do now, and I’m not gonna say I’m not still excited.”

Sheena remained silent, taking in slow breaths, keeping her head lowered, her eyes turned away. Sensing her struggle, Evangeline took another step forward, her voice lowering, intensifying as she continued to address her.

“Sheena…I didn’t WANT to be a vampire. I didn’t even know they were real. I was just a kid, and I was sick all the time and never around anyone…I didn’t have any friends, or much of anything, really. Pa and Mom split a few years ago, she couldn’t take him shouting and knocking her around after he’d been drinking anymore, because…well you know how he was, he pretty much drank all the time. Anyway the one who turned me, his name was Atherton, I just thought it was cool that this older guy liked me so much and wanted to be around me…I didn’t know it would happen. And then when he left me after, and I was all alone…I had to figure out who I was and what I had to do all on my own, Sheena, and it was horrible. I was so alone.”

She pauses, seeing that this is affecting the older girl, that her shoulders are hunching even as she keeps her back turned, and she adds softly, “I was so happy when I found out about you…Pa never even told me about you until he was really drunk one day, it was the day Mom decided to leave, actually. I was really upset when I found out you were dead, and no one ever told me about you. Then when I found out later you were alive after all…Sheena, I was so happy. I don’t really care how you’re back or what you were or are. I mean, I’m not really big on Lycans either, we’re sort of on opposite sides with that. But I don’t care, because you’re still YOU…you’re my sister.”

She sounded so sincere…she sounded like everything Sheena ever could have hoped or wanted Evangeline to be. Minus one factor.

“You drink blood, Evangeline,” Sheena choked, still turned away. “You…vampires KILL people.”

“Oh, and you don’t?” Evangeline made a partly amused, partly affronted noise in her throat, putting one hand on her hip. “Sheena, really? You’re a LYCAN, you drink blood when you’re in that form too. And Lycans kill people too if they’re not controlled. And anyway, we don’t HAVE to do anything. We can drink animal blood or whatever…it’s all about learning control. That’s what I’m here for, in this school. You think I’d really be here if I didn’t want to be controlled and not do that kind of stuff?”

Sheena wavered, turning partly towards her, though still not looking her in the eye. She ran one hand over her face, sighing again.

“Evangeline…Lina…you don’t have a soul…”

“So?” Evangeline shrugged. “Lots of people don’t, Sheena, it’s not a dealbreaker. And what does a soul mean, anyway? Do you even know what it is?”

Sheena didn’t, not by dictionary definition. But she knew what not having a soul had mean to her, and she spun on her heel to fully face the other girl, her words coming out with heat.

“I used to not HAVE a soul, so yes, I do! I was a vampire too, that is how I died, that’s what gave me the chance to get resurrected! I remember dying! I remember them biting me all over, everywhere, making it last as long as they could, because they LIKED it, because they ENJOYED making me suffer…look!” She shoved up the sleeves of her arms, shook back her hair behind her shoulders, to display the scars of bite marks marring her inner arms, both sides of her throat. “That’s what things without a SOUL did to me. Then when I had no soul, I killed people, I drank their blood, and I didn’t care. I enjoyed it. I came to Faith, my sister, my sister with a SOUL, and I tried to hurt her, every way that I could, just because I could…I made her put a stake in my chest. I had loved her more than I loved anyone, and I wanted to hurt her. I didn’t care. That’s what it means to not having a f*cking soul!”

Sheena is breathing heavily now, and she is blinking against the tears in her eyes as her voice cracks, dropping low again.

“This isn’t what I wanted for you.”

Evangeline watches her, her brow furrowing, and her voice is soft as well when she replies, gentle.

“Sheena…would you have had me sick, barely able to breathe? Would you have me a weak little child, who was never anything but easy prey? Would you have me ignorant of everything in the world, and afraid of what you are…would you have it where we could never meet, never know each other? Because…if I was never dead…if I was never a vampire…that’s how it would have to be.”

She took a step towards her, not touching her, but close enough to do so as she continued.

“I’m strong now…I’m happy…and I have you. I’m here to learn control, to be more like you. This is our chance, Sheena. We’re both back, against all odds…this is meant to be. I’m old enough now to appreciate what this means for us…I mean, come on, we’re both back from the dead and we’re only a couple of years apart in age? What sort of chances are that? It HAS to mean something. All my life I’ve felt like something was missing, and when I found out it was you, I was so sorry to know that I’d never have it…and now I can. I can have my sister. Please…please, give me a chance. Please let me be your sister.”

Sheena didn’t want to say yes. She didn’t want to have to make this choice…but she could not help but look back at her, and Evangeline was so beautiful, so sincere…and her words were true. How could this not mean something, happening against all the odds?

What if this were not a curse, but a gift…what if she could truly have her sister back?

When Evangeline touched her shoulder slowly, Sheena allowed her…and when Evangeline drew her into an embrace, Sheena closed her arms around her, hugging her back. Feeling Evangeline’s arms around her, colder, harder, and stronger than one would have thought possible from their frail appearance, Sheena’s emotion came to a head, and she hugged her back fiercely, her choice made without words.

When they finally pulled away her cheeks were wet, and Evangeline was smiling, seeming to know without needing to be told what she had decided. Still, Sheena raised an eyebrow as she commented, “My older sister is a Slayer…her daughter is a Key Holder with pretty intense powers…and my dad is a god. So…you better behave…Lina.”

“I said I’d get control, there’s a difference,” Evangeline grinned. “Who wants to behave?”
Raina's eyes widen as the two vampire twins turn into demons. "S**t." She mutters, seeing that they had just mutaliated the boy who headed for the exit, and not wanting that for Liza, she grabs her, pulling her back behind her. "Uh, just stay back Liza, I think we're in a bit of trouble here." She mutters to the girl as her eyes dart between the demon twins and the fearful Flower. Oh c**p. If Flower is must be serious. She looked to Jace, seeing his eyes turn black as he stared right back at her. Raina found herself wishing Faith - of all people - was here to protect Liza.

Jace watched as his brothers turned into their own mighty demon forms, mentally noted that it was activated by human blood. But then Orpheus pointed at Jace, and he felt a tug, as if Sethos was trying to find a way out.

What are you doing?

Taking over. Sethos answered coldly.

We're not like them Sethos, human blood doesn't bring you out. Sethos chuckled darkly before making Jace turn his head to stare at Raina. His eyes turned black.

Ah, but she does doesn't she Jace? Come on, let me take her. You know we both want her. Let me out.

No! Not now! That little girl could get hurt, Flower could get hurt!

I won't touch your precious Key-Holders.

Jace let out a groan of pain as his head pounded, his hands twitching.

Stop it Sethos!

Make me. Sethos answered coldly before Jace felt himself slip. He had lost. Sethos bolted up in the chair, standing up as his black eyes flickered around the room, landing on Raina who was staring back at him, protecting Liza behind her. Sethos beckoned Raina with a finger. She shook her head. He smirked and in a flash she had been pulled forward by the black shadows that whipped around the room furiously. "I would ask you for a dance, but we both know I want more than that." He grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer, so that they were inches apart. She ripped her hand from his tight grasp, ignoring the bruise that was left behind as she hissed at him, "Since when did you want more than that Jace?" Sethos chuckled, "You really need to learn my name Rai-Rai, it's Sethos, and since I saw your lusicious body at it's best." Raina's face had paled slightly, but she clenched her fists as Sethos's shadows whipped at her feet, ready to grab her at any second, "Who killed my family? Jace or Sethos?" Sethos smirked coldy, running a finger down Raina's arm, she shuddered in disgust, "Why do you need to know Rai? I thought you were over that silly old thing?" Raina's eyes hardened, "So I know which one of you I need to kill." Sethos grinned, his lips twisted sardonically, leaning forward to whisper darkly in her ear, "Both." Raina shoved his chest and his eyes darkened at her touch, "Shall we take this somewhere else Raina? Or should I reveal your scarred body to everyone in this room?" His hand reached around and he ran his fingers across her scar at the back of her neck, "Shame really, Jace got to put his initials on your beautiful neck when it was a team effort" Raina spoke bitterly, "I'm not going anywhere with you." Sethos raised an eyebrow, "Really? Maybe I should just kill your little friend over there and see if you change your mind then?" He moved past her, heading for Liza until Raina's eyes widened. She grabbed his wrist and tugged him back, he looked to her and smirked, "Yes?" She shook her head, the fear and worry in her eyes vanishing to be replaced by a cold, emotionless glare. "Fine." Sethos's twisted grin returned and he grabbed her wrist so tightly that she winced before ripping her arm from his grip, folding her hands, "I can follow you just fine." Sethos rolled his eyes and began heading to the exit, Raina glanced back to Liza, "Teleport back home Liza, don't stay here."

Faye's eyes widened as Peter threw human blood in Nick's face, easily able to detect it with her vampire senses, "Nick!" Her eyes widened as he began to change, "Oh crapcakes." Faye muttered, watching silently as Deathwish also changed and hearing Flower's words. Assuming Nick's demon was called Ogy because Deathwish's demon seemed to be much worse. "No wonder you guys don't drink human blood." She muttered, watching as Nick--no Ogy leapt on a girl and killed her brutually. More people headed for the exit - stupidly - and she yelled over at them, "Stay put! You saw what happened to the last person who tried to leave!" Her eyes searched the room, seeing the four big windows opposite the exit. Her eyes turned a glowing orange-red and she flicked the hand closest to the windows, each one shattering with the heat she inflicted on it, "Myra! Your turn!" She glanced to her sister.

Myra watched with even wider eyes as the two twins turned into creepy demons. Glad for James's protection. But then Faye smashed the windows, and shouted to her. Catching eye contact with Faye, she knew what she meant instantly. She nodded and closed her eyes, the wind outside picked up incredibly, making loud wooshing sounds as it battered against the school, before anyone knew what was happening, the wind had swept into the room through the smashed windows and had began sweeping students up off the floor, tossing them out the window and safely settling them on the floor outside. She managed to get out a lot of people, but not all of them for it was tiring keeping it up. She glanced around at the people left inside. (Basically, if you want to say your character got swept outside, you can, if not, they stayed in the room)

Faye turned to face the two demons, her fieryness still keeping up with them as she stared them both down, no fear in her flickering red eyes. "How long are you two going to be demons for? Because me and Nick planned to go out after the ball and I was really looking forward to it." The temperature around her body had raised slightly, ready to burn off any shadows that dared enter her bubble.

Chameleon smiled when Rosa interlinked their fingers, feeling another jolt of warm electricity shoot through his veins and kick his brain into confusing overdrive as he felt himself staring at her lips, wanting to close the small distance between them both and press his needy lips to her tempting ones. He blinked slightly as she spoke, trying to focus on what she was saying as he dragged his gaze away from her beautiful lips, "What I'm wearing?" He chuckled, "Uh, just a black tuxedo with a dark blue tie and mask" He thought, as he glanced to her, that what she was wearing was much more important. She looked stunning.
Flower saw what Jace was up to. She felt sick to her stomach. She looked at Jace and before he could get out and slammed him with light. She felt how much it hurt but for now....she had bigger problems. She looked at Ogy and then blasted him with light. She suddenly had Orpheous behind her and he suddenly had a sword made of shadow. "OH crap." She jumps out of the way but Orpheous' creatures were after her now. She was doing her best but Orpheous was the more powerful one. Before she knew it, slash! She was on the ground bleeding from Ogy's long fangs. She looked up....they were just playing with her and she couldn't handle it. How?!

Ogy looked at Faye. He smirked and when he spook it was creepy and dark. "Faye....Nick's girl..." He jumped and landed right behind her. "wonder how long it will take to kill you off." He laughs and then looks at Orpheous. "Keep the Queen down will ya?" He looks at James and Myra. "Hmm..." He smirks and then stretched out his nails. He looks at James who blew fire at Ogy. Ogy blocked it with shadow.

Flower grabbed her side where a long gash showed. She sent more light out and managed to blast Orpheous away from her. She tried to get up but it hurt to much and she couldn't heal because her light wouldn't be as strong. She got up and then looked at them.
Liza is frozen at the doorway, her eyes wide, as they rove between the figures around the room, taking in Jace/Sethos, then Raina, then Faye, Peter, Nick, and Myra, unable to decide where her attention should best be directed. She is further horrified when she sees Flower's injury, before she makes up her mind. Running to Raina, she moves to stand in front of her, putting out her scrawny arms as far as they will extend and standing up tall, puffing out her chest and lifting her chin as she glares at Sethos. She does not fully understand what is going on, but it is clear that in her mind, she is every bit strong and powerful and large enough to strike him dead.

"YOU STOP THAT! YOU LEAVE MY RAINA ALONE!" she orders. "Or else I'm gonna kick your ass!"

Her eyes moving back briefly to Flower, she says more nicely, "I'm gonna heal you later if I can okay? I'm just gonna make this bad man go away first, that's all. Then I'll teleport Raina and the rest of you guys away, but ooh! Maybe I'll teleport him away first!"

She starts towards Jace, with every intention of doing so.

(this WOULD happen after Sheena runs out, lmao...I think after I see what happens next, I'll bring Faith in. Time for her to get in on some action)
Faye smirks as Ogy turns his attention to her, shivering lightly at his voice as she tilts her chin upwards and stares him down, she wasn't scared, as odd as it sounds, she had actually killed a demon before. "Is it odd that I'm still attracted to you? Of course, you are using Nick's body." She then glanced to Flower, her eyes widening slightly with worry, as if it was a reflex she shot her hands out and oddly enough, a pinkish/redish sphere flew out from her hands and hit Flower's wound. It healed. Faye's eyes widen as she glances at her hands, "Woh. That's new." She then redirected her attention to Ogy and smirked, "It'll be much more fun to fight you rather then Deathy's demon." She stepped back as James breathed fire at him, glancing to him, "Watch out will you James? I got Ogy sorted, you just look after my sister." She then faced Ogy and grinned, her eyes lighting up as her grin grew. "Show me what you got demon boy." She took a defensive stance, before tilting her head slightly, biting her lower lip in an irrestible way, hoping to somehow get to Nick, "Although you didn't answer my question, I do want to know when my Nick is coming back" Her eyes flickered before turning black, she felt her fangs grow behind her lips and the palms of her hands heated, ready.

Sethos let out a yell of pain as Flower blasted light at him, gripping his stomach as his eyes flickered blue. But then went back to black. He then let out another yell, staggering back, as Orpheus slashed Flower and his own side began bleeding at the same time as Flower, he winced and then looked down as the small child from earlier tried to defend Raina. He hissed at her, his eyes black and shadows whipping around him, "You're lucky I haven't got time for you today little girl. Or else you'd be dead." He felt a pound against him from the inside.

No she wouldn't. I wouldn't let you touch her.

You wouldn't be able to stop me.

Sethos then turned to Flower, watching as Faye healed Flower's gash, therefore healing his own. He then realized the little girl was headed for him and he growled at her, "Go away kid, I got more important things to deal with. Get your precious Raina out of here, I'll just get her another time." He then made a path with his shadows, them pushing away anything that got in his path before he stood right infront of Flower, glancing back at her coldly. You could tell it was Sethos not only by the black eyes, but by just the way he looked at her. "Listen up Princess, I'm somehow stupidly bonded to you just like Jace, so you get hurt, I get hurt, got it? So stay out of their freakin' way otherwise I'm gonna get pissed and kill everyone who you know and love, understand?" His voice was almost matching to Ogy and Orpheus's, cold and demonic, inhuman. He smirked, "Starting with that tiny human, what's her name? Oh that's it. Ginger." He spoke her name sardonically, like he was testing it out, tasting how it sounded on his tongue.

Raina's heart swelled with love as Liza stood up, trying to protect her. Yelling at Sethos that she was her Raina. My Raina. Her eyes watered with the unfamilar sensation that Liza was giving her right now. Being loved. Belonging to someone who truly cared for you, who wanted to protect you, not hurt you. Once Sethos had gone over to Flower, Raina swept Liza up in a hug, picking her up and placing her on her hip at the same time as she planted a kiss on her forehead, barely holding herself together. "That was incredibly stupid and brave. But thank you Liza." Her voice wobbled slightly on the thank you and she gave her a genuine smile. "Now, let's get you back home, feel like teleporting us there?" She looked to Faye, "I'd have to get back and help my sister though, that's her there with the orange hair" She nodded in Faye's direction.

(Haha, just realized, by the time Chameleon and Rosa get to the dance, they'll either walk in on demons and key-holders fighting, or everyone will be gone and the room will be destroyed, they'll be like, 'what the heck? O.o ')
Flower looks up at him and then growls. "Sethos...great..." She looked at Orpheous who stayed put. "Oh you attack me but he comes up and you stand there....UGH!" She looked at Sethos and then grabbed him by the neck. She looked him in the eyes with fury. "You touch her and I'll do more then just hurt you." Her grip tightened till her own neck started to bleed from her nails digging in his skin. "Deathwish will put you in his blood coffin....let you out just before he kills you and your power will be gone." She glared. "You'll be the human Sethos." She said....although she would love to do it now....the pain of it would put her to her limit and past, even more Jace would be human or something could go wrong and Sethos could gain was mostly a bluff....but Flower was a really good lier.

Ogy looked at Faye and then smiled. "Oh Nick? Probably after I kill you." He looks at her and then hissed loudly. He snaps at her his fangs getting close to her face. He looks at Sethos and Flower. He looks at Faye. Nick wasn't coming out anytime soon...there was to much bood that had gotten into his mouth. He slashed at her and then slashed his fangs at her. He hissed loudly.
Faye rose an eyebrow, "After you kill me?" She laughs coldly, a smirk on her face, "Don't underestimate me Ogy, I've killed a big bad demon just like you before." She stepped back slightly when he snapped at her, so that his fangs missed her face. She dodged the slash easily, but his fangs grazed her cheek lightly where she failed to move fast enough, she didn't even wince. A grin grew on her face and her eyes were pure black now, "Aw come on Ogy, I thought you'd be more fun to fight." As he hissed at her, she rose an eyebrow, "You think that's gonna scare me Ogy?" She hissed back just as fiercely, her sharp, perfect fangs showing as she did so before she grinned once more, "I can do it better than you" She smirked, "Let's see what this does, shall we?" She flicked a finger, and the temperature around the two of them grew to the point of a heatwave, blocking everyone else from seeing them through the waves of hot air. If she didn't have fire as a power, Faye probably would have passed out from the heat by now, anyone else would have too. She then spun her middle finger in a circle, purposely swearing at Ogy aswell as she sent flames at his mouth, planning to boil the blood in and around his mouth to the point of evaporation.

Sethos smirked as Orpheus didn't attack, but then Flower grabbed him and his eyes darkened and turned cold as she threatened him, blood dripping from his neck where she was digging her nails in. Shadows darted at her and slapped her hands away, pulling Sethos from her grip as they actually hissed at Flower for hurting their master. Sethos rose an unimpressed eyebrow, "You done now Princess?" He stepped closer, his eyes threatening, "You can go ahead and try. But I have two loopholes. First one's a secret." He smirked, "Second loophole?" He leant a bit closer, itching to tear her head off but knowing it would affect him too. "Your precious Jace would become human too, wouldn't he? He didn't do anything wrong, Flowerbud." He purred her nickname, his breath wafting onto her neck from where he was so close, "He didn't kill daddy, I did. He didn't kill all those vampires." He paused again, smirking, "I did." He pulled back now, smirking coldly at her, enjoying this teasing, "Poor little Jace, he gets pushed aside by big bad ol' me, watches as I tear out the throats of bloodsuckers and humans alike, just for fun of course, and then he gets pushed back to the wheel to deal with all the mess." He raised his hands in mock defence, "What'cha gonna do Queeny? Beat me up? Oh wait, that wouldn't work would it? I'd just push Jace back out and it would hurt you anyway. You gonna take my powers away and make Jacey suffer too? Maybe I'll bring some human blood with me and dash Deathwish in the face with it, that would be fun." He chuckles, "Go ahead, do your worst Princess, let's see what happens shall we?" He was clearing enjoying taunting her, he was a demon, it's what he lived for.
Rosa could tell that he seemed to become a bit distant while she spoke yet she could feel he was still focused on her but not necessarily her words. Leo seemed to get closer to her, his warm breath creeping closer to her and she shivered. She loved how, even in her heels, he was a good bit taller than her and she had to crane her head in order to feel as if she were “looking” at him. “Well since you are not going to help me any I guess I’ll have to figure out what you look like,” Rosa whispered, she began to run her hands across his suit feeling the soft fabrics carefully and at the same time giving her an excuse to be closer to him.

Flower looked at him. She glared and then growled loudly. Two rather large black wings rip through her back. "You asked for it sethos." She glared as her eyes glowed. This was her key holder form. She stretched her wings out and light surrounded her untill her clothes turned to armor. Her crown appeared on her head. Her voice became thunderous. "No demon is going to talk to me like that." She points at him her light blasting him but harder then ever before. A huge Light lion appears behind her roaring. "I am got that Sethos? ANd no one messes with me!" She said taking out a light sword. The heat of her light was sure to burn him. She slamed her light sword down and the ground shook. Her wings caused a wind. "Go ahead and cower back Sethos like the puny demon you are." She walked up. "Run...because that's what you're a coward and weakling and you are no match for me...bring Jace out...because you're to afraid to fight me." She smirks, suddenly chains appear around both of them. "This is the boind you speak of....but in this form...what I do to you....doesn't hurt me." She smirks, although it would hurt later....probably worse but she didn't care.

Ogy used shadow to keep himself cool. He blasted shadow at her and then ran so fast that he got behind her and then kicked her down. "Aw....sure you'll kill me...but you'll also kill Nick. And if you can't kill long will you last before I kill you? Always being on the defencive isn't the best way when I am faster then you..." He ran up infront of her again. "Sure you're a halfy too...those fangs are weak and dall...haven't bit anyone have you? Or have you? You think Nick is going to stay with you? You're half key matter how nice he is to you or any other key holders....he still hates them...he hates you. He played every other girl in this place....they all thought they were different that he loved them...but that never happens....he'll throw you away...take it from me...I'm on the inside..I know what he is thinking, where he is looking and half the time it isn't at you." He smirks and then laughs coldly.
Liza nuzzles her face against Raina's, then splays her palm against her cheek, looking her in the eye with concern as she wraps her other arm around her neck. "That bad man, I don't like him at ALL. He wants to hurt you Raina. I wanna kick his ass. Let me down so I can kick his ass, okay?"

Turning her head back towards Sethos, she glares, lifting her chin again. "I coulda kicked your ass! I still oughtta I think! I think you better go home and take a time out or I might! Plus also I think I'm gonna tell my mama on you!"
Sethos watched as Flower turned into her key-holder form, he smirked slightly, knowing she'd be weaker for it later. Then the pain started as the light hit him. He let out a pure screech of agony as he fell backwards. His skin burnt from the heat of her sword and he let out another yell of pain as he covered his head, collasped on the floor as he screamed again. The light was burning his flesh so much that you could smell it in the air. His bloodshot black eyes shot open again and he stood up through the pain, glared at Flower and spoke in a demonic, low, hatred filled voice, "I'm not being a coward Flower, I'm being smart." You could see his skin smoking slightly but he carried on talking, "I know I can't take you." He gritted his teeth from the pain, "But I can take your precious human." He grinned suddenly, a malicious and cold grin, "Bad move using your key-holder form, you're super weak afterwards, right?" He winced suddenly, his grin falling, "I'm done with this." Then, just like that, he dropped to the ground and let out another yell, but this time it was Jace's voice as he looked up to Flower with pained icy blue eyes, "What the heck Flower?" He winced, stood up and stepped back, only to bash into the chains, he then turned a see-through ghost-like colour and stepped right through the chains, backing up until the air was cool again. He looked at his burnt hands, "That frickin' hurt!"

Faye held up her hands as the shadow headed for it, fire coating both of them as the shadow burnt into nothing. But she wasn't expecting the kick and took it, falling on her butt and leaning over her shoulder to look at Ogy, pulling her body around so that she was resting on the palms of her hands as he spoke to her. She jumped back up to her feet as he ran over, speaking more about being a halfy, the air around them kicked up even further. She folded her arms as he spoke, about how weak her fangs were, then about Nick hating key-holders, and about how he played every other girl and would eventually do the same to her. She rose an eyebrow as he finished and laughed coldly, "Done yet?" She grinned, "Good." She flipped right over him with her combined vampire and key-holder speed before landing and instantly kicking his back with combined strength, blasting fire at his feet at the same time. She chuckled, "You think I care about any of that Ogy? Firstly, I'm half-vampire, so I hate key-holders too. But then again, I'm half-keyholder, so I hate vampires too." She grinned once more, "Confusing right? It's pretty hard to keep up with, but I manage just fine." Her hair flew up suddenly, like she had been shocked before it fell back down again, she clicked a finger and Ogy's top set alight. "Secondly, I'm not going to be always on the defensive, that's a sucky way to fight." Her hands engulfed in flames as she motioned for him to attack, still grinning, "I never said I wasn't going to fight you, I'm just not going to kill you."

Chameleon grinned even more as she shivered slightly, not in a bad way either. But then she muttered something about finding out what he looked like for herself, and then her hands were on his chest and he forgot how to breathe. Looking down to see she was roaming her soft, delicate hands over the material of his tuxedo, thinking about how their skin was only seperated by a thin layer of clothing. He stuttered slightly as he spoke, his voice sounding a bit drained of oxygen and a rosy blush was on his cheeks at the stutter, "G-Got any idea yet?"

Raina watched, smiling lightly as Flower made Sethos scream in pain. But then it was over all too fast and Jace stumbled back, past the chains and a safe distance from Flower. Raina's eyes narrowed, seeing how weak he was. Payback. She set Liza down, "Wait here Liza, I don't want you to get hurt." She then, without another thought, only focusing on the man who had sliced her family up, sped over to Jace, gripped his burnt throat and slammed him down on the floor, hard. He blinked up at her, suprise in the depths of his blue eyes before they hardened. "Rai--" A sharp, cold blade pricked his throat and he shut up as she hushed him, "Don't say a fu**ing word." She hissed the swearword so that Liza wouldn't hear it, he opened his mouth and she pushed the knife down, drawing a small amount of blood, "Not one word." He looked at her furious black eyes, she was pissed. "Now, Jace, Sethos. I want you to understand one thing." She pulled back her knife and then drove it through his chest, right next to his heart, only missing by a mere few inches. She made it miss on purpose so that it wasn't fatal. He let out a hiss of pain as she spoke again, "That. Was a deliberate miss. I'm not going to kill you now Jace. I could have. But I want to kill you knowing that I was able to because I'M strong enough. Not because your best-friend fried you to a crisp and made you weaker." She pulled her knife out quickly, earning another hiss of pain from Jace. "When is this going to be over Raina?" Jace murmured, the pain of the stab and the burns adding up to make his voice come out weak and tired. Raina smirked, leant down so she was closer to his face and spoke in a deadly, malevolent, threatning voice that had the tone of abouslute determination accompanig it. She was serious as she spoke, "When you're dead." His eyes widened slightly as she pulled the knife back and then stabbed it through his arm muscle. She then pulled it back, and stood up, looking down at him with digust before slipping the knife away, sending a cold glare in Flower's direction and then walking over to Liza, sweeping her up before speeding out of the room too fast for Ogy or Orpheus to notice she was leaving, let alone stop her. Only once she was past the room, once it was just her and Liza there to see, did she let one single tear roll down her cheek.

(Poor messed up Raina, I just wanna give her a hug! .....But she'd probably bite my neck or something.... xD )
Liza had observed all of this with round, stunned eyes, her mouth open, no longer sure what, exactly, her intention was towards Jace anymore. It had appeared that Raina was quite capable of kicking his ass herself, and so she remains quiet until Raina picks her up and carries her out. Putting her arm around Raina's neck, she looks back over her shoulder, calling out to Jace before they go.

"Yeah...she kicked your ass bad man, so there!"

When they are out in the hallway she continues, "Raina, you got him...I wanted to kick his ass too though. Is he gonna die now? Are you gonna kill him? Can't I help? I can do it, really. Real good I can. And I wanna okay? He won't hurt me, I'm strong and stuff. Plus also I'm gonna tell my mama and she can kick his ass too okay?"

Seeing Raina's tear, she grows worried, putting her hand against her face again. "Raina? Raina you're sad...don't be sad! Did he hurt your feelings?"

Four hallways down Sheena is walking with Evangeline, smiling faintly, talking to her earnestly, noticing nothing and no one around her. She is entirely caught up in her conversation with her.
Flower looked at Raina and then sighed deeply. She stood there and then looked at Jace. She walked over and then wrapped her wings around Jace. "Be careful Jace..." She sighed and then healed him. She then turned and blasted Orpheous. Orpheous changed back and then Ogy started to change back. She looked at Faye. "Careful Faye that still is Nick's body!" She said and then blinked. Yes tell her that after to burn Jace's body.

Nick screams in pain. "GEEZ!" He looks at his burns. "FAYE!" He looks at her and then sighed deeply. He looked at Peter who started to run. Nick grabbed him with shadows and pulled him back. "You boy are sooo dead." He said and then hissed loudly. He threw Peter on the ground. He was so angry but he kept it inside. 'DARN IT!" He looked at Flower and then walked off. He felt sick inside and then kept walking. Deathwish soon behind him, of course deathwish had Peter in his grasp dragging him out.

James looks at Myra and then slowly moves away. He looked at Flower and then at Myra. "You ok?" He asked and then moved some of her hair out of her face. He frowned and then looked at her remembering what Peter said but hoping she didn't. He didn't want to lose Myra....not ever.

Flower turned back and then fell to the ground having a wave of weakness. She looked up at Jace worried and then tried to get up. She put her hands over her eyes and even started to cry. She couldn't believe this. She looks at Jace and then opens a portal. She ran inside it, which was their room. She closed it and then sat down in the back of her closet not understanding this fear and saddness. She wipes her eyes.
Raina wipes the tear away fiercely as Liza comments on it, "No Liza, I'm fine." She then swiftly changes the topic, any remainder of sadness or upset on her face gone as she grins at Liza, like the tear never happened, "I am gonna kill him Liza, but I need to do it alone." She frowns before carrying on, the frown dropping as she finds an example, "Like if someone steals something from you. You're the one who needs to get it back, because it's your thing they stole." She shrugs as if it's that easy. She then smiles lightly at her, "Aren't you tired yet? It's like, really late." She is, as she speaks, heading to Liza's room.

Raina rounds a corner, only to bump right into Sheena. She stumbles back a bit, then glares at her bitterly, an instant built in reaction, "Watch where you're going much?" She glances to Evangeline, taking in the young looking girl with about as much interest as one would stare at a lump of poo before looking back to Sheena, Liza still on Raina's hip. She would walk past, but she guessed Liza might want to say hello to her big sister.

Jace lay on the floor after being stabbed by Raina, twice, glancing to look as she walked out of the room - without looking back - yet the small girl that clung to her from earlier shouted back to him. His eyes narrowed.

Now would you let me kill that pest?


But she just disrespected you like that infront of everyone! She obviously means something to that bit** Raina! So why not?

She's a Key-Holder. End of argument.

Jace was glad to hear no response and he looked up as Flower walked over, he merely blinked at her. But then she fell to the ground and he frowned, a bit of worry sparking in his eyes, "Flower?" But then she was crying and he made a move to go over to her, clearly worried before Flower had made a portal and vanished. He growled and punched the floor, "Dammit!" He then got up, and without a glance at anyone left in the room, walked straight through the wall and went to who-knows-where.

Faye blinked as Nick turned back to well, Nick and yelled out in pain. Oops. She hadn't meant to burn him that bad. Plus, she thought she was hurting Ogy, not Nick. She watched silently as he grabbed Peter, threw him down and then yelled out in anger before storming out, Deathwish and Peter following. She looked to Myra and James, Faye biting her bottom lip silently, Nick seemed mad, really really mad, at her.

Myra remained silent as James moved the hair out of her face, but she barely heard his words. Ruined. She was ruined. Peter was right. James could never love her properly, knowing that another man had already used her. Ruined her. She could never love James properly, knowing that some men could be so vile, knowing that nightmares would always follow her, ruin her. She was ruined. She glanced to Faye, finding a way out of answering, "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. I...I need to speak to Faye, she looks pretty upset." Without even making eye contact with James she grabbed Faye and pulled her from the room, both of them completely silent as they headed back to their own room.

(Hey Fire, is there anyone Sethos could kill, who are close/closeish to Flower? Obviously I can't let him kill anyone without your permission, but is there a character you could spare?)
(Here's one....Hunter...her key holder dog...that would really hurt her bad!)

Flower was crying pretty hard. She was getting a headache but she didn't care. Oh could he? It was Sethos though...but kill Ginger? Not little ginger! She looked around the closet. Great just like when she was a child. She rubbed her arm and then got up. Jace...he couldn't help it yet Flower couldn't help but be upset at him to. She wiped her eyes and then walked out. She looked at the dress and then sighed. It was ruined but she didn't care about that either. She swallowed and then got out of the dress and began to change into something much more comfortable and fimilar. Her tunic and cloak. (From her picture.) She wiped her eyes feeling so weak but she couldn't rest.

James looks at his empty arms. " seem upset..." He whispered to himself and then got up. He walked out and put his hands into his pockets. He sighed deeply and then looked as everyone seemed to return to the dance. It seemed to still be on but he went to his room in silence. He heard screaming and pain coming from Peter in Nick's and Deathwish's room. He didn't care Peter deserved it. That was before Nick's x-wife's husband ran out taking Peter with him by force. He sighed deeply. "Darn them all."
Rosa smiled as she heard him stutter a bit under her touch. “Yeah, I think I got it,” she whispered taking his hand again. “So where exactly is this dance, we better hurry or else an ever present fight is going to break out and ruin it,” she tease sarcastically not knowing how true that statement was. She knew she was being really forward but she was tired of fighting the urge and tonight she just wanted to let go. “Hey could you tie this for me?” she asked handing him the ornate mask.
(Okay, could Sethos just show up and drop Hunter's dead body? Or would you want to do a fight scene where Sethos wins? Oh, also, 14hca, would you rather Rosa and Leo make it to the dance, or get lost and have a mini-dance by themselves?)

Chameleon let out the breath he was holding when her hand returned to his, he then spoke again, his voice still sounding a bit drained before it slowly returned to normal. "Yeah, we'll be lucky if there isn't one. I'm pretty sure it's just down this next corridor." He spoke lightly as they rounded the next corner, he frowned lightly, "Uh, maybe it's the next one." He looked back to her as she asked for help with tying her mask, "Sure." He took the delicate mask from her hands and then stopped walking, gently placing the mask around her eyes before tying it up at the back, his hot breath spreading lightly over her neck as he tried not to think about the effect her beauty was having on him.
(Good, so am I xD )

Sethos dragged the motionless body, loving how the dead weight of the girl felt so natural and satisfying. A long blood trail followed and he stopped outside the room that Flower and Jace shared, a malicious smirk on his face as his black eyes stared at the closed door.

Sethos you bast**d! She's going to kill us!

Of course she won't Jace, she loves you, idiot.

You really think she'll spare us just because of that?

We're bonded, she can't kill us.

She'll turn into her other form.

I'll turn into MY other form and beat her.

You sure you can beat her?

Oh shut up Jace and enjoy what we've just done.

What you've just done you mean.

Oh whatever, either way it was still fun.

Sethos dragged the body of Hunter, Flower's 'pet dog' up slightly in the air, holding her by the neck so that he could examine her bloodied corpse as her feet dangled slightly off the ground. On the back of her neck, were the intials SK. Sethos Kalhorn. Sethos's first sign of defining his own person. On her left hand Sethos had taken a knife - probably while she was still alive - and engraved the words, 'Don't mess with me Flower. People die when I get mad.' Besides the personal additions to Hunter's dead body, you could see a long gash across her neck and her forehead, bloodstains and still some fresh blood dripping from both wounds. She also had a few slashes across her arms and stomach where she had tried to fight back. He smirked, loving how she was in human form when he had killed her, it made it so much more fun. He then propped her body up against the door, so that when Flower opened it the dead body would fall on her. He knocked rather loudly, and just incase she didn't want to open the door, he slid a note underneath, it read, 'Open up, I got you a present, lots of love from your favourite demon, Sethos x' He then stepped backwards a few times, turning translucent as he used shadow to hide himself in the corner and half merged with the wall. He wanted to watch, but not to be seen.
Flower opened the door and then growled loudly. She looked at Hunter's dead body. "H-Hunter!" She dropped to her knees holding the body. She bursted into tears. "HUNTER!" She cried out and hugged her around the neck. "How dare he!" She looks at the key dog and then saw the key around her neck appeared. When a key dog dies...the collar that was put on them when they were puppies appeares again with one key. She pulls off the collar and then looked at hunter. She wanted to faint....Hunter had been with her since she was a baby. They grew up together and Hunter became her guardian along with Sky. She looked up as Roger walked up to her.

"My Queen..." He blinked and then kneeled beside her. He touched her shoulder. "Flower." He looked how upset She was. Roger was Flower's father's best friend. He also became Flower's 'father' when she was found for the second time. (She didn't go with the key holders who saved her from the vampires.) He hugged her as she cried in his arms. "Do you want us to find him?" Flower shook her head no. She looked at Roger. "Please....I want to be alone." She said and pulled away.

"Flower....this isn't like're not alone." He said but when he went to hug her again she pushed him away. "No no no! Everyone always dies! I lose everything! Everyone!" She said and then looked at Hunter. She watched as Hunter changed back into a dog. Hunter's true form. Flower petted her fur. "I don't want anyone near me." She said and then picked up Hunter and Handed her to Roger. "Take her back..." She said and then turned around. Roger nodded and disappeared. Flower crossed her arms around her stomach. "I hate him!" She punched her hand through a wall making her knuckles bleed and her hand hurt a lot. She stummbles back and holds her head....still very weak from changing into her key holder form.
Sethos smirked as he watched Flower freak out, watched the stupid guard comfort her and watched again as she punched a wall. He'd got her. But one thing was bothering him intensely. He could feel Jace's upset at seeing Flower like this, and it was making him sick.

Do you have a heart Sethos?

Since when did you get one Jace? You've never minded me killing until now.

Well Sethos, since we share a body and all, and we were given one heart, I decided at least one of us should use it.

And that's your problem. Caring = A weakness. A weakness = Pain and Pain = Death. You wanna die Jace?

Maybe I do. It would take you down too, wouldn't it Sethos?

Sethos accidently growled at that, out loud so that Flower could hear him. Jace had won. Jace re-gained control of his body and the shadows fell as he stumbled back, going right through the wall so that he fell outside. He landed on his butt and turned normal again, blinking his blue eyes as he looked at the blood on his hands. S**t. He jumped back up, still looking at his hands as he looked at the wall he had just gone through. On the other side was Flower. An annoyed, sad, probably ready to kill him Flower. It was late enough and dark enough for people to be going to sleep now, he needed to clean Hunter's blood from his hand, but he could do that easy enough at the bathrooms, but sleeping...he needed to stay somewhere, preferably with someone who didn't want to kill him. Sadly enough, nearly everyone Jace knew wanted to kill him. Thanks to Sethos.

So that's how Jace found himself ending up outside Nick and Deathwish's room. He frowned at the door, he had cleaned himself of any blood, remembering earlier, and wondered AGAIN why he was here. Thankfully, Sethos didn't comment. He'd had his fun. He guessed...he guessed he had showed up here because of that tiny sense of normality he still had left somewhere inside of him. Didn't normal people do this? When people with normal families got into trouble and needed somewhere to stay, family would be on that list. They would go to their brothers when they got into trouble, since brothers were typically supposed to protect and help. Especially if they were older. And although Nick and Deathwish looked a bit younger than Jace, for whatever reason, he heard that they were really about a hundred plus years old.

So Jace pulled back his closed fist, ready to explain how he couldn't go to his own room - which he shared with Flower - because she would kill him, hoping they would have a couch he could sleep on, or even a nice patch of floor, and then with regret following, he knocked on their door.

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