Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Deathwish nods. "it is a curse on all of us Jace." He sighed deeply. He looks up and then closes his eyes. "No matter what we never truely excape it." He growls as Nick hits him in the head. "Stop being a downer Deathwish!" Nick yelled at him and thne looked at Jace. "After a feel anger towards him, right? If not I'm wrong here but after he killed hunter and you saw how Flower reacted....then you used you're emotion to take control right?" He asked and then sat down. "I do believe you have control over Sethos....but Sethos doesn't want you to know that." He shrugged. He sighed and then looked at the door. "Oh crap..." Both Deathwish and Nick say at the same time before...bang, the door was shot all the way across the room.

Flower looked in and saw Jace. On her wrist tightly bound....was Hunter's collar. She looked at Nick and Deathwish. There was one thing in her eyes....that was hate. She looked at Jace and then created a swirl of red light in her hand. She looked straight at Jace. With all her anger towards him, she ignored her need to rest after changing into her key holder form. She walked past Deathwish, but when Nick tryed to stop her, she blasted him into the wall. She walked up and grabbed Nick by the throat. She threw him on the ground and then stomped on his chest hard, his ribs back a cracking sound. He yelled out in pain.
Jace listens, still sat on the couch as they both talk, cracking a grin when Nick hits his twin, "I see why your name is Deathwish." He comments lightly, almost to himself as they carry on speaking to him. He notices how he has to keep trying to keep track of which twin is which, but he's pretty sure he's got it figured out now.

But then Flower kicked down the door and Jace's wide, even frightened eyes flicked over to see her standing there, Hunter's collar bound on her wrist, "Ah s**t." He whispered, panic in his tone. He planned to run for his life, but then Nick, Nick tried to stop her. He frowned. Why would Nick try and stop her? Flower was his problem, not Nick's. His eyes widened at his yell of pain and he moved without thinking, shadows reaching out and grabbing Flower's hands and feet and pushing her against the wall, away from Nick. He made sure it didn't hurt her though, his feet moving at Key-Holder speed so that he was infront of her, his eyes wide as he pleaded, "Flower! Don't hurt Nick! It's not his fault!" He braced himself for pain, "Just kill me instead! I'm the one who you're mad at! They were just trying to help me learn how to control Sethos!"
FLower looks at Jace. She blasted light at Jace and then looked as Deathwish stopped her. "Flower you and I both know it wasn't Jace's wasn't wasn't his..." Deathwish said and then looked as Flower stopped. He smiled lightly at her and then jerked in surprise as Flower hugged him and started crying again. "Shhh..." He looks at her and then looks at Jace.

Nick gets up after healing and then holds on his hands. "You hug him! HIM! And I get my rubs broken!" He sits down. "That's just unfair." He said and then frowned as he saw how upset Flower was. He sighed and then looked at Jace and then sighed. He looked at Flower and then walked over kneeling down and rubbing her shoulder. "it's ok..." he sighed.
Jace was prepared for the pain, but that freakin' hurt. He hit the wall, hard. Hearing a few ribs crack and his skin stung from the light itself. But then the worst thing yet happened. Flower started crying. He slid down the wall so that he was sitting down on the floor, back against the wall as he silently watched Flower cry.

Jace didn't fail to notice how both twins looked at him before hugging Flower. It was his fault. He growled very lightly to himself, "Dammit." Before pushing himself up from the floor, ignoring the pain that came from his ribs, and opening the door, he glanced back for a mere second before leaving the room. It was his fault. He couldn't watch her cry.

Jace carried on going, down corridors and corridors, passing Raina and Evangeline without so much as a glance, pushing open the exit doors and walking out into the dark cold night. He looked around himself, eyes scanning the stars before he carried on walking into the forest, muttering to himself, "Such a damn idiot. She cried! She fu**ing cried!" He punched a tree before running his hands through his hair, pacing in the forest, "I should just let Raina kill me, then at least Sethos's evil a$$ would be dead too!"

(Hey Flower, I got an idea after reading through some of our old RP on here xD It's about Nick's Father always trying to ruin his relationships, feel like making him send someone to try and seduce Faye or something? Or any other way to ruin their relationship, should be fun if you decide to xD )
(Is he forgetting Flower would die to?)

Flower was so exhausted she cried herself to sleep. Deathwish picked her up and then looked at Nick. Both of them were silent. They have never seen Flower so upset. Deathwish took her back to her room, but when he got there, the whole room was distoryed. 'Wow...when she's upset...she reallly takes a toll on things." he said and then looked at her bed which seemed pretty untouched. He set her down on the bed and then walked out, he looked at peice of papor from Sethos on the wall. It was pinned on the wall and Flower's nail marks on the wall wrote death beside his signature. She was planning on killing him, that was clear...but it would kill her and Jace as well. He saw in her torn emotions, and considering her crys in her sleep....she was having a nightmare. He sighed deeply and walked out shutting what was left of the door.

(Well she did think Nick was mad at her....I could do would be fun.)

(He's no perment....but here he is)

Name: Michel

Age: 18

Gender: male

Species: Demon

Powers: he can mess with people's emotions. (DANGER DANGER! FAYE NO DON'T FALL FOR IT! lol XP This might be to much fun) He can also teleport

Weapons: Bow and Arrows and sword

Vehicle: none

Pets: none

Family: nope

Husband/wife: HA! no

Girlfriend/boyfriend: Girls wish

Crush: No way!

Rosa laughed at every twist and turn trying to lighten the mood. She really did not care if they missed the silly dance, it wasn’t like she wanted to look at the decorations or anything. “Are we lost or did you plan it this way all along?” she teased gently spinning a little so she faced him properly. It was funny how even without the ability to see she still wanted to be in front of him, facing him dead on when she spoke to him as if she could see him better that way. Yet there was so much she did not know about him, what Sethos had said still remained in her mind. What was Leo really capable of and what wasn’t he telling her?
(Okay! Well, since Faye doesn't sleep......)

Faye had just talked to Myra, and after ages of trying to convince her that she WASN'T ruined, and without any luck, she had managed to exhaust Myra right to sleep and had tucked her in. Now she was headed for the kitchen, hoping they had some chocolate or fizzy. She noticed how not many people were around at all, most species in this school slept. Heck, her species slept too, it's just her stupid power that kept her away. She had always wished to trade that power when she was younger, and even now, but it had come in handy during those few years that her and Myra were orphaned street kids. Now it was just plain annoying, finding a new way to amuse herself every single night when everyone else was sleeping.

She sighed aloud at the lack of people, and stuff to do, amusing herself by skipping along lightly with her feet. She had changed out of her long ball gown and was wearing her typical outfit, jean shorts and a tank top with sandles, tonight opting for a baby blue tank top that actually went really nice with her subtly crimped ginger hair. "I'm sooo boreddd" She hummed lightly to herself, then spun around in a circle, considering no-one was here to see her. "Sooo bored!" She giggled lightly as she stopped spinning, a little bit dizzy now as she stumbled back. "Oh great, I'm laughing to myself, insane or what?"

(It was actually Jace who said it ^.^ But I understand the confusion, they are practically one person xD )

Chameleon found an undeniable grin growing on his face as Rosa's laugh easily lightened the mood and kept making his heart skip a beat. "I did so not pla---" He began to respond but then she had spun herself around to face him and in the process had made their bodies a lot closer than Chameleon could manage to handle. "I-I didn't plan for us to g-get lost." He commented breezily, finding that he had leant his face slightly so that it was a bit closer to hers, not noticing how he had bent down slightly just to be that bit closer to her. "I..I just.." He spoke almost in a whisper as he gently cupped her face in his hands, leaning down to softly press his lips to hers.
Michel caught her as she stummbled back. "Bored huh? That tends to make people act silly to amuse themselves." He said and then looked at her. "Hm...Sorry I hope I didn't scare you...I'm new here....and I got here late." He said and then rubbed the back of his head. He smiles nervously. "Heh...So um...I'm kind of lost." he said, once he had touched her, he tried to stir up her emotions. He had came here late since he heard from the King that Faye didn't sleep. How the creep knew that wasn't said. He looked at Faye.....this might be easy, she was kind of pretty. He always did better when he thought they were ok looking. (I'm so mean! I mean he's so mean!)
(Oooo, he thinks this is gonna be easy? Faye's not an easy girl ^.^)

Faye practically jumped as she was caught and a boys voice flittered out across the hallway, as soon as he spoke, she spun herself around instantly to look at him. Raising an eyebrow she folded her arms, then, after hearing his story, she kept the eyebrow raised and the arms crossed but a small smile crept onto her face, "Scare me? Pfft, good luck. I only jumped because no-one's usually around here at night time." She stuck her chin up a little bit in the air, looking the boy in the eyes as her cheeks turned a subtle rosy pink colour. She then smiled properly, looking very pretty when she did so as she let her crossed arms drop, "Lost? Did you see the map on your way in?" She was still being very careful as she spoke, this guy could be anyone, of course she couldn't make any sort of accusations or act strangely in case he was really just a nice new kid and not a killer new kid. You never knew at this Academy.

(Does Michel have a power to project emotions or something? Oh, what does he look like? :D )

(Oh nevermind, just saw the form xD )

Michel looks at her and then rubs his head managing to blush a bit. "There's a map?" He asked. (Wow he's convincing isn't he? lol) "heh....Sorry I didn't see it." He drooped down. "Ugh I'm such an idoit." He looks at her and then sighs. "Would you mind giving me directions?" He asked and then held out a piece of papor with his room number on it. He looked at her and then looked at the peice of papor. "Am I anywhere close?" He asked looking back at her.
Faye smiled at him as he blushed, "Don't worry about it, usually most people are too busy getting into a fight or running into the middle of a fight around here to even notice a map when they first get here." She stepped closer as he held out the paper, not noticing how she was right beside him now as she took the piece of paper and looked at the number, her hair draping slightly over her face before she flicked her head to look up at him, slight shock in her eyes as she smiled, "This is so odd, your room is right next to mine!" She handed back the paper, "I can show you there if you want, but I gotta go afterwards, I'm thinking about going night tree-climbing."

(Shes an odd one, this Faye xD And yes, he is convincing, nice tricks do ^.^)
Michel looks at her and then smiles. "Yeah...thanks." He said and then looked at her. He would take this slowly, it tended to work more. He looks at her and then blinked. "Don't you sleep?" He asked and put his hands into his pockets. He started walking and looking at her. "I mean it's getting late."
Rosa smiled as he stumbled over his words but it was his touch that made her freeze, it was tender and she knew there was something more to it. And she was right; the kiss was a welcome surprise. A soft gasp escaped her lips but Rosa did not resist she returned the kiss savoring the moment. When Rosa broke away a smile played at her lips and she wished she could see him more than anything in the world. The kiss was not passionate it was more gentle and sweet, it really meant something to her which scared her. How had she fallen so fast for Leo; a man that she openly admitted knew very little about? Rosa’s first instinct was to run, this was getting too serious you are opening yourself up to too much but she did not she just stood there not sure what to say. She knew at her core that she was happy but could she really listen to that?
Even as Raina half threatens her, Evangeline stands her ground. Unblinking, she allows a slight smile to curve her lips, and she does not shift her stance as she stares back at Raina. She has no doubt, regarding her, that Raina is serious about her dislike of Sheena and the woman who calls herself Sheena’s sister, Faith. She has no doubt that Raina can see through her. Though Raina was born, not made, a vampire, she is correct…they are enough alike that Raina can accurately read her, whereas many could not.

But whatever Raina is, however dominant she may or may not be, there is one thing that Evangeline will not stand for from her.

“You were carrying the child,” she states, smirking up at Raina. “You don’t have to say it for me to be able to figure out you have FEELINGS for her. Whereas I, I care about my sister. So let’s lay it all on the table here. You do whatever you think you have to for the little girl…and my sister, she’s in my hands. You cross me, I cross you.”

With that she turned, beginning to walk away.

As Sheena opens the door to her, Faith, and Liza’s living quarters, Liza is still talking in a perfectly normal tone of voice, despite it being after midnight, and despite the fact that her parents, last she knew of, were in their bedroom together, not exactly far away. Sheena is now just together enough to attempt to shush her, realizing with her eyes darting towards the Cords’ closed bedroom door that Faith and her Slayer hearing aren’t exactly likely to not notice their arrival, but it’s too late. Less than thirty seconds later the bedroom door opens, and Faith, in a long, hastily buttoned man’s shirt stopping on a few inches above her knees, comes out. Seeing Liza awake and animated, and dressed in a party dress while still balanced on Sheena’s hip, she blinks, confused, and then immediately narrows her eyes as suspicions begin to click in her head.

“Liza, you wanna inform me here why you’re dressed when I put you to bed hours ago?” she raised her eyebrows, crossing her arms, and Liza, seeming to have completely forgotten the fact that she is supposed to be grounded, launches into her tale, her arm still looped around Sheena’s neck.

“Oh, I went to the dance party, Mama. Raina comed and took me, and said get dressed pretty, so she helped me button up and buckle and we went to the party, and I drank ALL the juice plus mixed them all together, and I wore a mask, and I saw Sheena Legs and Alex and they were onstage dancing and stuff, and Alex acted all mean like he didn’t see me for a long time, and Sheena Legs pulled his pants down and it was funny,” she started off, barely warming into her tale, before Faith interrupted. Faith’s lips were already pressing together tightly, eyes narrowing, her jaw clinching, and it was with tight control that she spoke.

“Liza, are you telling me that you got out of your bed and went to a party? That RAINA got you out of your bed and took you to a party?”

“Uh huh,” Liza nodded, oblivious to her mother’s growing anger and frustration. “Uh huh she did and it was fun. It was-“

“Liza,” Faith interrupted again, her voice rising slightly more. “Did you happen to forget the part about being grounded?”

Liza stops short, then frowns, comprehension flickering briefly across her face. “Ohhhh…oh yeah, I did forget that.” She isn’t troubled for very long, however, because she immediately launches into the rest of her story. “ It was fun though Mama. But then those bad guys came. That bad guy who don’t like Raina, he tried to get me and Raina. And Sheena Legs ran out before he came so she wasn’t even there and Alex too. So I-“

Faith rounds on Sheena now, glaring more fully at her than she had at Liza. “Okay, you not only know she’s there and not supposed to be and DON’T take her home right away, you go running out to make out with Alex or whatever and leave her in there alone, leave her in there alone with RAINA? What the hell, Sheena?!”

“So that bad guy was being bad, and I was gonna kick his ass,” Liza continues as if no one has ever spoken over her, yawning, though still animated. “I told him so too. But Raina got him and some other people got him and he left so it was okay.”

Faith is barely paying attention to her, still focused on Sheena, who is not meeting her eyes. “Sheena, how the hell do you think I like it that everyone knows more about where my own kid is and what she’s up to than I do? What do I have to do, make her sleep with me every night, tie her to her bed? Keep a baby monitor? Because it sure as hell looks like no one else is willing to help me out here!”

“And then we met Sheena’s sister in the hall,” Liza concluded, and now Faith blinks, actually paying attention. Narrowing her eyes at her daughter, she says, “What are you talking about? Sheena’s friend? That Hayley girl?”

“Nuh uh, her sister, she said she’s her real sister,” Liza shook her head, her arm tightening around Sheena’s neck. “She said her name is E-van-ge-line,” she sounds out carefully, then giggles. “That’s a goofy name. I’m gonna just call her Eve. Sheena called her Lina but I like Eve.”

Faith, of course, knows all about Sheena’s dead little sister, Evangeline…she had heard quite a lot about it the day that Alex presented Sheena with Evangeline’s death certificate, and witnessing Sheena cry for hours after. She had heard even more about Evangeline again the day that Erisdelia Grimstoul, the keeper of hell, and her two daughters had tricked Sheena into believing a hallucination they had presented her with, one in which they showed Sheena her sister and her mother, happy and at peace in their kingdom of hell. Sheena had been so upset when Faith burst her bubble over that one that she could do nothing more for her but hold her until she was too tired to cry anymore. It would take a lot for Faith to forget Evangeline, even though she had never met her, and all the pain knowledge of her death had caused Sheena.

And so knowing what she knows, just hearing the name in her little girl’s mouth, hearing her describe some creature claiming to be Sheena’s sister- her REAL sister- is enough for Faith’s stomach to drop with dread. Whatever the truth is, this cannot be good.

“Mama, we’re Sheena Legs’s real sisters too, aren’t we? Aren’t we?” Liza presses, and Faith nods automatically, even as she reaches to take Liza from Sheena, her anger at Liza’s disobedience forgotten for the moment with her new concerns. She smooths a hand over Liza’s head as she looks at Sheena, lowering her voice.

“What is she talking about, Sheena?”

Looking down at her, Sheena’s lips quirk into an uncertain smile, and she nods slowly. “My…Faith, it’s, it’s amazing. Evangeline…she’s back. She’s…she didn’t die. Well, she did…but it wasn’t because of her disease, they just thought so. She…she’s a vampire, Faith. And I know you don’t like vampires, and I don’t either…but she wants to be here, to learn control, and…Faith, she’s back. My sister’s back.”

Seeing the joy sparking in Sheena’s eyes, the awe in her tone, does absolutely nothing to set Faith’s mind at ease. In fact, now she’s really worried.

“Stay here,” she tells Sheena, “don’t move.”

Carrying Liza back into her bedroom, she lays her back in bed, tucking her in and kissing her forehead. Liza is already sleepy, her eyes drooping, and Faith strokes her hair, telling her softly, “This isn’t done yet, Liza, do you hear me? We’re having a talk tomorrow, and you’re not gonna forget again you’re grounded. Good night.”

Kissing her again, she returns to Sheena in the living area, immediately taking her by the shoulders and searching her face, her eyes lingering on her neck. No, Sheena has not been bitten, at least not in an obvious location…but she doesn’t like the look in her eyes, not at all.

Still holding her shoulders, Faith says quietly, but with conviction, “Sheena, you know why I don’t like vampires. Because the majority of them are bloodthirsty killers who do what they want, when they want, to who they want. Because they have no conscience and no soul, and little self control…and they don’t WANT it.”

“She wants it!” Sheena says quickly, shaking her head, and attempting to shrug out from under Faith’s hands. “She said-“

“She’ll say whatever the hell she wants, she’s a VAMPIRE,” Faith contradicted. “You don’t think it’s weird that of all places she might show up in her undead life, it’s here? Why now? Why so long after you’re both back? Why not give you a call first? She never even knew you, Sheena, why does she want to now? You have different lives, you have-“

“You never even met her, Faith-“ Sheena started.

“I know she’s a vampire. And since I’m a freakin’ vampire Slayer, I pretty much know about vampires. I screwed two of them, one with, one without a soul, and hello, Jirro? Mitsy? I know about vampires, Sheena, and I know that most of them deserve a stake in the chest!”

“Like you did to me?” Sheena blurted, and the air froze between them. They stared at each other, Sheena’s breathing growing shallow, Faith’s hands stiff around Sheena’s shoulders, before Faith forced herself to speak.

“Yes…like I did to you. Because you weren’t YOU, Sheena…you had no soul. You…you killed the woman I loved like a mother. You know this. You know what you were. And this Evangeline…”

“Is my sister,” Sheena said fiercely. “Is different. Don’t get your stake anywhere near her. She’s my SISTER.”

The unspoken words that Faith could plainly hear, whether or not Sheena meant to imply them, was that Evangeline was her /real/ sister, her /blood/ sister…and Faith was not.

Abruptly Faith released Sheena’s shoulders, and Sheena looked at her in silence for a moment, then turned, disappearing into her room. Staring after her, Faith’s fists slowly clinched.

For once, she had no words.
Raina stayed silent as Evangeline spoke, her eyes turning blank and empty, hiding any emotions she had from Evangeline in that one moment as Evangeline perfectly hit the nail on the head with Raina's weakness. Liza. She listens to her words, and gets from the jist of it that Evangeline means, if Raina hurts Sheena, Evangeline hurts Liza. She got it.

As the girl began to walk away, Raina stared at her back, a small smirk placed itself on her face as she responded in the same volume level she had done when they were speaking face to face, knowing Evangeline would very well hear with her vampire senses, "Ah, but you cross me, I cross you." She takes one simple step forward, allowing her heel to hit the floor with a clack, "I know you want Sheena all to yourself Evangeline. Now Faith, I really don't give a f**k what you do to her." Another step forward, she wasn't purposely trying to intimidate her, it was Raina's way of doing things was all, "But, just like you said. If I find out that you've harmed Liza in any way....." She tilted her head, watching the girl, "Well then I'll have to add you to my list of people to kill, maybe Sheena too."

Raina shrugged, walking away to the exit, her back to the blonde vampire as she spoke, "So, guess I'll see you around Evangeline. I'm super thristy so I'm gonna go grab a bite to eat. Adios!" She waved a hand in salute before leaving the girl behind.

Raina had been meaning to go outside, and had even gone to her room quickly to change into black three quarter lengths and her signature black tank top, but as she passed the Cords' room, she stopped, picking up a rather juicy conversation between Sheena and Faith. Starting with the sentence, “Sheena, you know why I don’t like vampires." Raina grinned to herself and leant against the wall beside the door, listening silently. Once the conversation has ended, and Raina hears Sheena walk away and shut a door, she let out a small chuckle, shaking her head, "Faith screwed two vampires?" She mutters to herself, pushing off the wall easily and beginning to carry on walking down the hallway.

Faye shrugged, beginning to walk beside him,
"I don't need to sleep. It's one of my 'powers'" She put quotation marks around the word powers, before carrying on talking, "It's not even that, I physically can't sleep. My body doesn't allow it. If I get tired, which is super rare, I just have to..." She trailed off as a very, very faint pink shimmer happens around her and then vanishes, she was about to say drink blood before she mentally slapped herself, she barely knew this guy and yet she was blabbering everything to him. What was wrong with her? "I just have to eat food to keep myself going." She offered him a smile, that was half of the truth anyway, hoping he hadn't picked up on her stopping herself.

Chameleon smiled under the kiss as she returned it, then as she pulled away, he looked down at her flushed lips, his forehead against hers, seeing her smile and feeling so glad she hadn't pushed him away or looked disgusted. Then again, why would she look disgusted? She didn't know what he had done. And with that shocking reminder, his eyes widened slightly, how could he forget? How could he have been so stupid to have kissed her when he knew what was waiting for him when he returned home? He didn't want to return home. He didn't want to have to worry about falling in love because of his Uncle and Mother. But he had to. He stood with her for a moment, then silently he stepped back, breaking the contact with her before he reached out and gently grasped her hand again,
"I'll walk you back to your dorm, I think the ball's over now anyway."

Michel looked at her. "I see..." he said and then kept walking checking to see where they were going everyone in a while as if mapping out th place. "Oh um...I'm Michel....since we apparently will be beside each other, um may I ask you're name?" he asked and then rubbed the back of his head. "I um must seemed rude to not introduce myself." he said.
Evangeline watches as Raina leaves, her head slightly inclined, eyes still black, narrowed. Oh, she understands the game, all right. And though she is never one to play by the rules...she does understand more now what she may be getting into.

It may not have been her intention to harm Liza, or even Faith, not at this stage of the game. That would do nothing to endear her towards Sheena at all...but subtly maneuvering her against them, that was a given. And Raina had mentioned nothing against that.

With nearly silent steps she exits the academy, heading out into the night. She has not fed, and she cannot stand to wait even another hour without doing so- as messily as possible.
Faye walked beside him, there seeming to be a bound in her step as she glanced to Michel as he introduced himself, a smile on her face not only because she was generally happy, but also because he hadn't said anything about her sudden stop in words. "Oh, I didn't even notice." She frowned to herself, she didn't notice how he didn't introduce himself, she was too busy talking. She was usually always on guard of people, why had she been so chatty with him? Sure she was always nice to people, but she was still careful. She mentally shook herself and the frown dropped as she smiled pleasantly at him, "Nice to meet you Michel, I'm Faye." She was tempted to add, 'the school's local fire-starter!' But held herself back, she didn't need to reveal all to this guy.

Faye looked around as they reached Michel's room, "I guess this is your room then" She nodded to the left, "I share that one with my sister Myra." She turned back to face him, "You should probably get some sleep." She spoke as she looked up into his eyes, not noticing how temptingly innocent she looked right now.

(Faittthhhhhhh, you know Raina just eavesdropped and then spoke outside Faith's room? ....Welll, uh, could Faith possibly confront her? I love Faith v Raina scenes :D Only if you wish to of course)
(lol sure...btw, in Castouts, it's up to you, Xander can always call Katarina Rina, or he can just call her Rina when talking to her)

Faith is still standing in the living room area of her shared quarters with her sisters, her arms crossed across her chest, her brow furrowed with her conflicting feelings of what had just occurred. Evangeline was back. Evangeline was not only back, but a vampire. Not only back and a vampire, but a student in her school...meaning Faith may very well teach her. Meaning Faith, no matter what she did, could not kill or seriously injure Evangeline, not unless Evangeline first killed or seriously injured another student.

Meaning that this chick, this girl who would undoubtedly have enormous influence on Sheena, this girl who could take away everything Sheena had fought so hard to earn for herself over the past year...this girl could take it all away, and Faith might not be able to do anything at all against her.

How the hell did things like this always end up happening to HER family?

She would be happy for Sheena, she should be...except for the little fact of Evangeline being a vampire. And that, Faith just knew was nothing but trouble ahead.

She clinched her jaw as she thought of the way Sheena had already, not even knowing Eve for one day, acted so defensive towards her...the way she had looked Faith in the eye and practically said to her that Faith's sisterhood with her was different, not as real. After everything they'd gone through together...after everything Faith had done for her? After Faith had grown to love her as much as Buffy, as much as ANYONE, maybe even could Sheena even imply something like that?

And Liza! What the hell did she have to do to make that child actually listen to a word she said?! And RAINA...Faith knew, KNEW she had told Raina that Liza was grounded. And Raina had deliberately come to her, got her out of bed, somehow, and taken her anyway- for what, just to get to Faith? Was everyone in the world trying to get to Faith?

When she hears a noise outside her hall, Faith is already upset and angry enough to be looking for an excuse to be able to yell at someone besides Macal- because she already knows how that conversation will go. He'll be all calm and "let's not worry yet," and that is exactly what she is not in the mood to hear.

Still clad just in Macal's shirt, she opens the door abruptly, and is further angered to see that Raina is moving out from the doorway. So she not only takes her grounded child out,she then listens at the door? What had she heard, what was she doing?

"Shall I get you a hearing aid while you're at it?" she asked sarcastically. "What the hell do you want, Raina?"
Flower woke up and slowly sat up. She looked around, suddenly getting the disire to cool herself off by taking a night time swim. She got into a two peice white swim suit and then climbed out the window. She jumped up grabbed a ledge and climbed the mightly castle to the top. She sat herself down and looked up at the sky. She sighed and pulled her knees up to her chest. She looked around and then saw the water-fall that fell down to the outside pool way below. She created wings and then got into the stream heading for the water fall. With a sigh she jumped off, her wings slightly out to slow herself down. She stretched out her arms and then splash! She swam to the bottom and then swam up to the surface. She took A gasp of air, suddenly feeling at peace in the sparkling water. The moon was htting the water just right and ever her hair looked as if it was glowing. She sighed and swam about feeling much calmer now.

Michel looks at her and then smiles. "Yeah thanks again, faye." he smiled at her and then leaned towards her slightly. "Yeah probably...unlike you I need at lest two hours of sleep." He chuckles and then looks at her. He started stiring up emotions in her again. For now only keeping them to a friendly state. He looked at her very tempted to kiss her...or at least her hand, but it was to soon. He looked at his door and nodded. "Yes it would have taken me hours to find my room without you." He said smiling while rubbing the back of his head. "I tell you I'm helpless in a large place like this." He chuckles.
Raina was thinking about what kind of human to go bite tonight, and then, in a really odd moment, she had considered not killing a human tonight. Because of Liza. She had somehow imagined Liza finding out, and then she'd give her that disappointed look and tell her that she thought she was going to be good and does she want to still be Liza's sister - like she did earlier.

Raina hated that look so much that she was now planning on killing an animal instead, just to spare Liza giving her that look, when she heard a rather pi$$ed off voice coming from behind her.

She instantly spun to face the voice, her eyes hard and her guard up even before she saw it was Faith. But then a smirk spread across her face and she crossed her arms, "Hey Faith, I don't want anything, just passing by on my way out for a bite when I happened to hear your little Evangeline argument" She tilted her head slightly, "She's a real bi**h you know? That Evangeline girl? I mean, I know I'm a total bi**h too, but at least I don't hide it by sneakily trying to bite students." She grinned, her head un-tilting, "Good thing I stopped her when I did, otherwise that Hayley girl would have been drained within a few seconds."

She shrugs, "You're right about Evangeline, but for the wrong reasons, not all vampires don't have souls Faithy. Only the ones that got killed as humans and bitten." She smiles, but it's not genuine, it's acted, "Ones like me, who were born this way, we've got souls, as annoying as they are."
[QUOTE="Fire of Hearts]Flower woke up and slowly sat up. She looked around, suddenly getting the disire to cool herself off by taking a night time swim. She got into a two peice white swim suit and then climbed out the window. She jumped up grabbed a ledge and climbed the mightly castle to the top. She sat herself down and looked up at the sky. She sighed and pulled her knees up to her chest. She looked around and then saw the water-fall that fell down to the outside pool way below. She created wings and then got into the stream heading for the water fall. With a sigh she jumped off, her wings slightly out to slow herself down. She stretched out her arms and then splash! She swam to the bottom and then swam up to the surface. She took A gasp of air, suddenly feeling at peace in the sparkling water. The moon was htting the water just right and ever her hair looked as if it was glowing. She sighed and swam about feeling much calmer now.
Michel looks at her and then smiles. "Yeah thanks again, faye." he smiled at her and then leaned towards her slightly. "Yeah probably...unlike you I need at lest two hours of sleep." He chuckles and then looks at her. He started stiring up emotions in her again. For now only keeping them to a friendly state. He looked at her very tempted to kiss her...or at least her hand, but it was to soon. He looked at his door and nodded. "Yes it would have taken me hours to find my room without you." He said smiling while rubbing the back of his head. "I tell you I'm helpless in a large place like this." He chuckles.

(Just making sure you see this lol....REPOST!)
Faith's eyes narrow, and she steps forward, arms crossed, nails slightly digging into her arms as she assesses Raina, very much paying attention to her now. She can't tell yet if the girl is lying or not...but then, she has not yet known Raina to lie. Spite and hurt through the truth is more her it possible that she does have a soul? And if she does, does that mean that Liza is correct, and it is possible to "tame her?"

But that is the least of her concern over Raina's words.

"Hayley? What about Hayley? From class, the new girl?" she says sharply. "What exactly are you running your mouth about now? And by the way...what the hell are you doing, sneaking a kindergardner out of her bed at midnight?"
Faye smiles at Michel, suddenly getting an urge to stay and chat to him. She grins as he mentions getting lost, "Well I guess you're just lucky you ran into me, aren't you?" She bounced slightly on her tippy-toes, not noticing how she got a bit closer to his face. "I'm used to navigating around big places, because when me and Myra were homeless we sometimes went to abandoned places and I had to lead her around and look after her. One time this demon showed up and I had to figh---" She suddenly frowned as the pinkish glow happened again, too subtly for Faye to notice. But it had cleared her thoughts.

What the heck was she doing? Telling her whole life story to this guy she had barely met. She shook her head lightly, "I-I'm sorry Michel, I gotta go. It was nice to meet you though." Without waiting for an answer she sped away, pushing open the exit doors to find herself welcome by the fresh air, the stars shining at her.

(Thought I'd make this a bit harder for him ^.^)
Rosa began to lean against him wrapping her arms about his waist but he stepped back, a look over hurt passed over her face as she lost contact with him. Even if it was a millisecond she felt so lost and alone at the moment, as if everything around her was truly black. She was disappointed by how much she already depended on Leo and she barely knew him. Rosa tried to understand why the moment had ended so rapidly but not comprehend and answer, he was hastening to take her back to her room but why? “No,” she said not angrily and there was no whine in her voice it was just a simple no. “Why are you rushing me away?” The girl needed an answer even if it was; I just wanted to see if I could kiss you. Maybe it had been a game to him, let’s see if I can seduce a blind girl and get her to trust me.

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