Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Raina rolled her eyes, stepping forward, not in a threatening manner, just to show she is comfortable being closer to Faith and that she doesn't like to talk at a distance. "Yes, keep up Faith. Hayley, that shy chick from class." She then smirks wickedly at Faith's mention of her sneaking Liza out, "Oh lighten up, Liza had loads of fun and I made sure to look after her, I didn't even let her touch any fizzy and when Jace demon'ed out and threatened to rape me, my first concern was getting Liza outta of there, okay?" She grins, pointing to where her heart is and where she assumes souls are, "See, Soul?" Of course mentioned what had almost happened made Raina mentally cringe, but she needed to throw it out there like it was nothing, then Faith would think it was nothing and there was no possibility of her hearing it from someone else, even Jace himself, and thinking it was a weakness of Raina's.

"Running my mouth?" She folds her arms, raising an eyebrow, "I wouldn't call it running my mouth, more like informing you that Sheena's baby sister tried to make a meal out of one of YOUR new students, behind Sheena's back, and I was the knight in shining Armour that saved your shy newbie."
Faith takes all this in, still watching Raina with her dark eyes slightly narrowed, trying to sort out what she's saying enough to assess whether or not she believes her. Liza had definitely mentioned the "bad guy" showing that much seemed to be true. Rape her? Liza hadn't said anything about that, and she was always one to immediately point out "bad touches..." Had Liza missed this, somehow? Why the hell had this guy not been thrown out of school yet?

If Raina actually had acted to get Liza out of there, well, that was a point in her favor...but then again, the fact that she'd been the one to put Liza there to begin with was a point minus her favor. And all this about Evangeline...when had this happened, hadn't Sheena been watching? Hadn't Liza?

One thing was for sure, Faith had to meet this girl, and soon.

"What do you mean, Jace tried to rape you? Right out in the party, in front of everyone...really, or was he just fighting you?" she asks, and her voice is stiff, not wanting to betray to Raina what she already knows, what she has already overheard. Still, her eyes remain on Raina's, looking for signs of the girl's true emotions. "And what exactly happened with Evangeline? Sheena wasn't there?"
Chameleon looked down at Rosa as she replied with a No. Then he saw the hurt and he frowned. Dammit. He'd hurt her already? He sucked at this, at trying to protect people. But then she asked why he was rushing her away. He mentally swore. He couldn't tell her why. He could never tell her why. He couldn't tell her what he was, what he had done, she'd hate him. He couldn't stand to see the look of disgust and maybe even fear as he told her. So he just couldn't. So he shrugged, like it was nothing, "It's just really late, and...I-I don't wanna take things too fast." He frowned at her, his next words extremely genuine and honest, "I'm sorry if I upset you Rosa."
Michel smiled lightly. This was going to be a challange, but that just made it more enjoyable. He was starting to like that girl, he chuckled to himself and then entered his room. He shut the door. "This might be fun." He said and then sat down. "Don't you think?" He said turning to a shadow in his room.

The king of Vampires rose from the shadows. "Maybe...I hope you enjoy her." He chuckles. "Speaking of which I have someone to visit." He laughed and then disappeared. He appeared by the outside pool. "I see you are troubled....but you look so lovely tonight." he laughed mockingly.

Flower jerked and then turned to him. She scrambled to get out of the water. "Y-you!" She said and then created wings to cover herself. "WHat are you doing here?!" She yelled at him and then watched him get closer. (You know....Sethos really takes after the king...only the king has a thing for key holder women lol!) "Get closer and I sware I will kill you." She said and then glared.

"What did my boy Jace do to you? Or was it my favorite son Sethos?" He laughed as her anger spiked at the mention of Sethos. "Aww....good it was Sethos who caused you some anger." He jerked as the young Queen blasted him.

"SOME ANGER! THAT B******* killed hunter!" She blasted him again and again. She tried again but suddenly she was on the ground and he was over her. "GET OFF!" She yelled at him and he slapped her. She looked up at him with heyes wide.

He looks at her. "I'd sugest you stop that little Queen." He grabbed her by the neck. "That stupid mut of yours met her doom huh? She's caused many of my kind to die with those k9s and that vampire poison of hers! I couldn't be prouder of him." He laughed.
Raina watches Faith as she stares at her with narrowed eyes. Arms still crossed, almost protectively over herself as one of Raina's hands dangle near her hidden knife, the gesture looking natural since the knife is hidden in her belt.

She knew, annoyingly enough, that she wouldn't be able to kill or harm Faith without it being self-defence, that she probably couldn't kill her full stop without Liza freaking out on her. But she kept the hand there anyway, self defence being her main priority right now.

As Faith speaks to her about the almost rape, almost in a non-believing manner, Raina rolls her eyes, the emotion that should be in them was completely gone, nothing there to cling onto, "Not like that. He told me that if I didn't go outside with him, so that he could rape me and then probably kill me, that then he'd hurt Liza." Her eyes harden slightly, showing a flash of anger, not liking what she was about to admit, "So I had to, annoyingly, do what the bast**d said." She shrugs, the emotion gone as quick as it had came, "I was going to kick his a$$ once Liza was out of there or even once we were out of there, but Flower beat me too it."

Raina is still staring at Faith as she moves onto the next topic, showing the slayer that she wasn't going to look nerve by looking away, and as the topic moves on from Jace, she lets her guard slip for a second without knowing about it, and a flash of relief is shown in her eyes before she shakes her head, "Nope. On the way back from the party, me and Liza bumped into Sheena and Evangeline, chatting away like long lost lovers." Her eyes harden as she says this now, anger seeping into her last few words without meaning to as he remembers how her blood boiled at seeing that. Seeing Sheena's happy face. It wasn't that she felt jealous in any way, of course she didn't. She was envious, and even slightly betrayed. She was furious that Sheena got her sister back, but yet Raina couldn't? Why was it Sheena who got to see her sister again, who got to talk to her, hug her even! And all Raina had were the memories of her sister's dying hours. She had thought Sheena was a bit like her, having lost a sister and mother. But then Sheena got her sister back, and Raina felt alone all over again.

Ignoring her envious thoughts, she carries on, "Evangeline, after giving Liza the narrowed eyes and then the FAKEST smile I've ever seen, said she had to go." She shrugs, "I was on my own way out to get some blood, but the smell of fear in the air was so overriding that I had to check it out and I found Evangeline alone in the hall with Hayley, about to sink her dirty little fangs into Hayley's neck. Well, she wasn't exactly about to, but I'm a vampire, I can tell when they're about to bite, and Evangeline was minutes away from it and Hayley sure as heck wasn't going anywhere." She leans against the wall slightly, ignoring how she felt a bit weaker than usual, she needed blood, but she, thankfully, had pretty good self control. "So no, no Sheena nor anyone else was there. Just me, Evangeline, Hayley and perhaps a few spiders."
Faith exhales slowly through her nose, and her eyes finally shift away from Raina, however briefly. She has an urge to pinch the bridge of her nose with one hand, to let her shoulders slump, to show in some way the helpless frustration and anger she was feeling now...but there was no way she could do any of that with Raina standing there, watching, enjoying it. She remained standing tall and almost unmoving, trying to gather her thoughts, to decide what to say to the girl.

Sheena, she had to talk to Sheena, but what would her sister do except defend HER sister, and deny that Raina could be telling the truth? Faith had seen nothing with her own eyes. She needed to talk to Hayley, but what if the girl was so afraid of Evangeline that she wouldn't speak? She needed to talk to Evangeline, when it came down to it, and right now, that was the last thing she could do without causing Evangeline to exit the planet, permanently this time.

Still...there had been an odd flicker in Raina's eyes as she spoke of Sheena and Evangeline together, too much anger in her tone, the bitterness of her phrases "lovers..." Faith knew very well that Sheena would never be attracted to her baby sister in that way, but what was this, Raina's seeming resentment? Was it actually possible that the girl had a /thing/ for Sheena and was jealous?

Somewhat blown away at the thought, Faith tried not to show it, circling back to question Raina again.

"Thank you for bringing Liza home," she said stiffly, barely able to make herself say the words, and she couldn't resist adding, "Although she wouldn't have been in DANGER if you hadn't dragged her out of her bed."

She paused, then added even more begrudgingly, "And...thank you for...helping Hayley. If that's what happened."

It is then she realizes her semi-lack of clothing, and though Faith is hardly embarrassed by her body, and Raina in fact doesn't seem to have noticed, she does resent that it makes her seem somehow less strong to be standing in front of her without pants. Gritting her teeth, she says abruptly, "Raina, what is it with this Jace? He seems to have something against you specifically."
Jace was pacing in the forest, still wondering how the heck he could make Flower slightly less angry, or enough so for her to possibly forgive him...Aw heck, he knew she'd never forgive him. He and Sethos were basically one, which meant it was practically him who had killed Hunter. He knew how much she loved Hunter.

Then he saw a flash of bright light and heard the undeniable screech of Flower. "SOME ANGER! THAT B******* killed hunter!" He didn't need to think as his feet instantly took him to the source of the sound and light. He got there just in time to see his 'Dad' ontop of Flower, pinning her to the ground as she yelled at him to get off. Then he slapped her and his own anger spiked. "Well you're about to be a lot less proud." He murmured to himself as he stepped forward silently.

Jace, don't do this, he's our dad. Our REAL dad.

Oh, look who's back, I don't fu**ing care Sethos. I'm pi$$ed at you. I'm pi$$ed at him. So stop fu**ing talking to me.

No answer. Score one for Jace. He held out his hands and the shadows - despite the King's own powers with them - obeyed Jace's order, feeling his anger, and hit the King, causing him to fly right off of Flower.
"Get the f**k off of her!" Jace was clearly the youngest of his brothers, he looked a bit like a child having a tantrum, but more serious. His fists were clenched, his breathing rapid as his chest heaved and he glared at his 'Father'. "You may think you're so smart. DAD." He growled the word, obviously showing how he didn't think of him as a Dad at all, "But your stupid freakin' bond works both ways." His hands shook and his eyes seemed to grow even bluer, if possible. Just like Nick said. He can override Sethos with emotions too.

Raina grins at Faith's words about Liza, loving how she added on the last bit at the end. She knew she would, which made her grin at how well she already knew the temper filled slayer. Then she almost grimaces at Faith's thank for helping Hayley and she speaks sharply, almost like she has to defend herself for being good, "I wasn't helping her, I was just trying to pi$$ Evangeline off, I don't care what happens to some shy little girl."

But then Faith's next words literally freeze Raina. Her whole body tenses and her fists clench, her eyes at first when Faith had asked, they had widened, even shown a bit of fear, but now they had narrowed and hardened as the walls shot up. Speaking through her teeth, her tone as stiff as she is right now, she speaks, eyes locked with Faith as she hates that Faith just found the trigger, "I don't think that's any of your business Faith."

She knows it is odd of her to deny Faith this information. Since Liza practically told her almost everything about Faith and her past. And as far as Raina knows, Faith doesn't know anything about her. But still. She can't...she can't tell Faith. Because then - what with her emotions lately - she'll start blubbering and that would mean she'd have to kill herself, if she cried infront of Faith.
Faith notices Raina's almost-smile as she thanks her for Liza, and she is by now absolutely certain, from watching her, speaking with her, knowing how she's been with Liza, that she does in fact care for her. Unbelievably, this girl who works so hard to make Faith actively despise her, who goes into overdrive proving herself as a total badass, appears to be wrapped around the little finger of Faith's little girl. Or maybe it's not so unbelivable...who, who spends more than five minutes around Liza, can resist her? Faith can resist her more than anyone, and even Faith has a hard time standing her ground to deny her if it upsets her.

Raina is defensive in response to her thanks for Hayley, and Faith raises any eyebrow, half smirking at her as she too crosses her arms. "Well let's put it like this, piss Evangeline off all you want, if that's all actually going on like you say it is. Just don't get anyone else hurt in the process."

But it is Raina's final reaction that is most interesting to Faith...she is certain then, watching her, that Jace must be the one that she had told Liza about...the one who killed her sister. The one who Raina had cried over...that man, Raina's enemy, is now one of Faith's students.

If Faith ever met the person in charge of admissions, she swore they would find a stake to THEIR chests, with the excellent judgment they'd been showing lately.

Raina is obviously fighting emotion, and obviously tense, ready for battle...or maybe for tears. And yet Faith cannot resist pushing further...just to see what will happen. Just to see where this will go.

"So far, this Jace guy has attacked you in my classroom, and then the same day, gone after you at a dance...and both times he was surrounded by dozens of people who could have helped you out," she says, her voice dropping slightly as she looks Raina in the eye. "You said he wanted to rape you. It seems like he's desperate to harm you, no matter who's around or what's going on. Obviously, he's unbalanced...and obviously he knows you. If he keeps going like this, one day you won't have anyone around you, and one day, you might win. It might be to your advantage if you told other people what was going on, so they could help make sure it doesn't happen."

She pauses, then adds in the last point in her favor. "If he keeps doing this and Liza is around you...she could be hurt. And I'm telling you now, Raina, if she's hurt because you were too proud to ask for help..."

She lets this sit, watching her.
He got up and wipped his mouth. "Hmmm...I see." He smirks and then looked at Flower. He looked at Jace and then raised an eyebrow. "Where is my son....Sethos." He asked crossing his arms taking Jace as no threat. He looked to Flower again as she stood up. He looked back at Jace. He took control of the shadows and rose them up, just like vipers they snapped at him. He looked at Flower.

Flower looked at them both and at Jace in surprise. Where the heck did he come from? She got up and then glared at the King. She looked at Jace, why was he so mad? She had to deal with his constent sexual harrassment. She looked at the king and then raised an eyebrow. What exackly was he doing here anyway? Something was off and she could feel it.
Raina stands silently as Faith begins to speak to her about Jace. Certain words hitting her harder than others. And for some reason, it's how Faith mentions the dozens of people who COULD have helped her. She narrows in on the word could, noticing how effectively it was placed there. People COULD have helped her. But then her built in inner voice kicked in, telling her that she didn't need help, that she could take Jace just fine by herself, how she almost did until the Vampire King showed up.

He had someone to help him. Jace had his Father to help him. That stung. Jace's Father had stopped Raina from killing Jace, yet her own Father was the man who started this whole thing, he was the reason Jace went after Raina and her family, he was the reason Jace still wanted to kill her now and why she wanted to kill him. It was her Father's fault, he was never there to help her. Yet Jace had people to help him.

And as Faith carries on, staring Raina in the eye, Raina loses nerve and drops the eye contact at the word rape. She is now officially extremely uncomfortable. He knows her. Yes, Jace knows Raina. He knows a lot about Raina. But not all. He doesn't know what happened after he killed her Mum and Sister. He doesn't know about her Dad, and he doesn't know her now. He knew the old Raina. The innocent one.

But then Faith strikes the final nerve, beginning to use Liza against Raina, just like she knew people would, telling Raina that Liza could get hurt, Jace could hurt Liza. She snaps. In a second, a knife is in her hand and she has managed to get Faith against the wall, her own face inches away as she presses the knife to Faith's neck, her eyes flaming with fury, "Don't you fu**ing do that! Don't you tell me that he's going to hurt Liza! I won't let him touch her! I won't let him kill another kid! Not again! Not after Mabel!" Her chest is heaving and her furious gaze falters to that of a shocked look as her baby sister's name leaves her tongue, then she is suddenly slammed herself against the wall opposite from Faith, still close as this is a small hallway, but not close enough to stab her or anything. She let it slip. Her head hits the wall as she looks up, "Fu**'s sake. I can't even kill you 'cause you're Liza's mum." Her chest is still shaking as she tries to control her breathing, letting her gaze drop back to Faith, "Gonna stake me now slayer? Gonna tell me how all vampires are bloodthirsty killers who do what they want, when they want, to who they want. Because they have no conscience and no soul, and little self control?" She remembers the exact words, glaring at Faith though you can see her heart isn't in it, "Imagine if someone killed Liza Faith? Sure she's your kid, so it's different, maybe." She pushes herself off of the wall, but still remains a safe distance from her. "But could you imagine that? If someone forced you to watch while they cut off Liza's tongue, and then you had to watch as her mouth filled right up with blood, and then, then the worst part comes when the blood starts dripping down her cheeks, and she just stares at you, wondering why the fu** you aren't trying to save her? But you can't move, 'cause some freakin' key-holder has used one of his stupid-a$$ powers on you and you CAN'T move." She blinks then, feeling empty as she looks away, "And then she dies. And you didn't save her." She lets her eyes go back to Faith as they suddenly fill with anger again, "And then the same bast**d who killed her, he shows up at YOUR school, in YOUR new life, and you see him, living every day, knowing that he did what he did, and you think how unfair it is how he gets to spend each day alive, breathing oxygen, while your baby sister is a pile of bones low in the ground." She pauses, looking coldly at Faith now, "You'd want to kill him too. You'd need to kill him." She shakes her head, biting the inside of her cheek lightly, "So yeah, I need to kill him. He wants to kill me 'cause he made some sort of promise to kill the whole Sharpe family because of something my idiot of a Father did to him." The word Father sounds different to the rest of her sentence, a lot more bitter. Her eyes then narrow, "And I don't need help. I never needed help and I never will, okay?" She doesn't notice how she sounds slightly defeated when she says okay, tired even.

Jace glared at his Dad openly now, "Sethos isn't here right now, don't leave a message after the tone." As he rose the shadows and they snapped at them, he glared down at them, "Back off." His words were venom filled and the snakes backed down slightly, being controlled by Jace and his anger. He looked back up to his Dad, also beginning to wonder why he was here, "What are you here for? Sethos's isn't coming out to say hello while I'm pi$$ed off so don't get your hopes up." His fists were still clenched as he stared with anger at the King, still not sure how far he could push him since he hadn't grown up with the guy in his life.
When Raina had grabbed her, her knife to her throat, Faith had gone perfectly still, slightly unsettled by how she had been caught off guard. How could she let herself get in a circumstance where she was so cocky and unprepared as to let a seventeen year old student, a vampire at that, actually have her in a place where she could be hurt?

Still, she seizes Raina's wrist with one hand, squeezing tightly, prepared to break, just as her other hand goes to Raina's throat, encircling...just as Raina suddenly lets her go. Faith does not back up, but she is more than ready now, her entire body tensed, prepared to slam Raina to the ground, to snatch the knife from her hand, to use its hilt to stab through her heart...

But Raina is talking. No, Raina is RANTING, and in spite of herself, Faith is listening. All her rage, all her pain...all her loss...and yet, she can understand. She knows this story, not just because she has heard it spoken before...but because she has lived it. Other people, other circumstances, other lives...but in the end, it comes down to the same thing.

Faith's mother...dead. Faith's father...dead, by her own hand...twice. Faith's mother by heart, dead, tortured to death before Faith's eyes. Faith's lover, Angel, the man who had saved her life more than once, when Faith wanted nothing more to die...dead, by Faith's hand. Buffy, Faith's sister Slayer, her soulmate, she had once believed...dead four times over, once on Faith's own birthday, once, by Faith's own hand. Sheena...dead, by Faith's hand. And then there was Esme...Logan...god, so many...and each time, Faith had not thought she could continue. Each time, she had wanted to die along with them. Even now, sometimes, when she thinks back to all she has lost, all the suffering she has witnessed, all the deaths she has been forced to cause...even now, Faith can still hardly believe that she is able to go on.

Looking now at Raina is looking at an eerie, slightly skewed reflection of her younger self, hell, herself even two or three years ago. And Faith doesn't have a clue what to do about it. Hell, she can't even really be enraged about the knife to her many times had she done exactly the same thing, when she was pushed past her ability to bear?

"I don't need to imagine, Raina," she said quietly, looking her in the eye. "I've been there. Not with my daughter...but believe me. I have been there. You have no idea how many times."

She is silent for a moment, then continues slowly, "You may not want help. Maybe you don't even need it. But you're getting it. There are other students who can get in between you two, students who would be hurt. You may not care, but I do. And there is my daughter, and my sister. You may not care about Sheena, but I know you care about Liza. And if you want Liza to be protected...then you will tell me what I need to know about Jace, to keep her safe. I won't pry in your business. This is for Liza."
Hayley let out a whimper. Was she about to die? She didn't want to die, let alone by a vampire's hand. She tried to look away, break free of Eve's grip. She was happy when Raina came by and didn't resist the push. She wasn't sure what was going on with the two girls, but she was happy to be free and able to run.

She nodded at Raina's words, but she didn't know if she'd do it. If she'd tell Sheena what had happened to her. She ran as fast as she could, not sure where she was headed. She began to cry, hating her life, hating herself. She was weak. That was why Eve could have killed her, though why she didn't from the get-go made Hayley wonder. The shifter shivered in fear and her form shifted for a moment, before solifying once again. She kept on running, not sure of her destination. She wanted to leave the school, go home. She finally reached a dead end and just collapsed onto the floor, crying. She buried her face into her knees.

She was such a stupid, weak girl. She didn't belong here. That just proved it. She wasn't able to defend herself and she didn't want anyone to know. So she would leave. Soon.


Kesson looked at Zelda with a curious glance. So she didn't realize he did not want to talk about it? Good. That way she would be prompted to try and get him to speak. She spoke shortly herself on her family.

"Is James you're only sibling?"
He looks at him and then smirked. He chuckled. "Nothing....just checking on you two..." He laughed and then looked at Jace. "Hmm...why are you so mad? Was it because I was pinning Flower down." He said and then walked over to Flower putting his hand on her head. He just laughed and caught her fist as she tried to punch him. He tightened his grip on her hand. He smiled at Flower. "Hmm nice swim suit." He laughed as Flower covered herself with wings.

Flower blinked as she tried to get her hand away from him. His questions....his answers...what was his plan? She growled at him but her light was weak...and she barely had her powers since her fight with Sethos. She jerked her arm but she couldn't get away from his grip. "I know you to are up to something." She growled at him.

Zelda sighed. "No but my other brother is annoying and stupid...he's a pervert." She sighed and then crossed her arms. "That's it just the three of can see how I became so tough....growing up with two brothers. I don't care if I'm the oldest we are half dragon." She chuckles. "You wouldn't believe how many times we all went back inside the house with bloody noses....My other brother Seaker use to drag James into our fights....I did say he was so shy." She smiled lightly.
Rosa could tell he was not telling her something, if the kiss had been as thrilling for him as it was for her there was no way he was tired. And she believed that he had been as enchanted by it as she, but how could she be sure? Maybe she had read this whole thing wrong, “Leo I am not about to lie to you, even coming out tonight was scary and thrilling and that kiss. That kiss terrified even though I wanted it but never was I upset until you tried to push me away. Just tell me the truth, I can’t stand another lie,” she whispered. When he had apologized Rosa had believed him, she honestly believed he cared for her yet she still doubted herself. But everything else had felt like baloney, Leo was covering up something and she needed to know what.
Raina has, since finishing her rant, recoiled in on herself, hating everything. She has both arms wrapped tightly around herself, each hand gripping the bicep of the other arm as she doesn't notice how she has pushed herself right up against the wall, as if she is trying to get as far away from Faith as possible, her eyes on the floor.

Faith knows. Sheena knows. Flower knows. Liza knows. Everyone knows. They all know. She can't let them know. She's weak. Raina is a weak, pathetic little girl playing a game that's much too big for her to handle. Her eyes close as she looks down, a few tears resting on her eyelashes, her body hunched up against the wall and in that moment, Raina looks like her inner self. A scared young girl, hiding from the world behind her bit**y persona that she was forced to build in order to survive. She listens to Faith with some part of her mind, hearing her words crystal clear.

Faith knows. She doesn't want Faith to know, she doesn't want ANYONE to know. Because then they'll be nice to her, they'll PITY her even, and she'll have to carry on being a bi**h to them, to protect herself. She'll see what she missed out on all these years, what was taken away from her by Jace and her Dad, and she'll want it. She'll want that kindness so badly that it will break her, but she'll never be able to have it. She'll be tortured by thoughts of what happened to her Mum, to Mabel, by what her Father beat into her. She couldn't have weaknesses. And that's what friends and family were, weaknesses.

Finally, she opens her eyes, looking up at Faith blankly, a thin layer of water coating her eyes but not going any further than that as she speaks blandly, "What do you need to know Faith." She pushes herself off of the wall, keeping any part of her body an inch away from it as if trained to do. Not allowing herself to lean on it as her arms drop to her sides.

Jace eyed his Dad supsiciously as he said he was up to nothing, he rolled his eyes, like he believed that.

Why shouldn't you? He's our Dad.

Since when did you care about family Sethos? Jace used Sethos's own words against him. Sethos growled in response and suddenly Jace's body shuddered, his eyes flicking between black and blue before they landed on blue and stayed like that.

Jace glared at his Dad as he flirted with Flower, "I'm mad because you're flirting with a girl who's WAY younger than you." Jace couldn't explain why the heck he was so mad, probably because his dad hit Flower and flirted with her, but still. Why did he feel so....jealous? Jace walked over, a bit surprised that his Dad hadn't done anything back to him after he smacked him with the shadows. But still, he didn't know where he stood with this man. "Let go of her." He spoke through gritted teeth still, moving to stand beside both of them, glaring at his Dad.
He looked at Jace and then at Flower suddenly smirking. He considered Jace no threat to him so at the moment he was calm but it wouldn't last long. He looked at Flower who was staring at him with anger. "It's not that she is younger then me is it? I am immortal and so is she it doesn't matter." he looks at Jace. Maybe one last push and his plans would be complete. He grabbed Flower and then kissed her. He wouldn't let her go and he held her wrist so tight it started to bruse. She stuggled but he had even shadows surround her which her light instinctively tried to fight off.
Chameleon remained silent, looking down as he listened to Rosa speak. He couldn't tell her. He knew it was a mistake getting involved with her. Chameleon sighed, hearing how upset she was in her voice. In other circumstances, he might have considered saying he couldn't tell her and then leaving, but he couldn't leave Rosa. She'd be stranded here, he was pretty sure she didn't know her way back from this isolated spot.

Chameleon sighed, "Rosa...I'm sorry, I really can't." His voice is pleading and he looks at their joined hands, "Please, please just let me take you back to your dorm. If you don't want to speak to me again, I understand. Just let me get you back safely?"
Jace's anger turned to fury as his FATHER, the man who was supposed to be genetically linked to him KISSED Flower! Against her will! Then the fury grew to full blown rage as his own wrist started to sting and an identical bruise appeared on it, guess the bond was back now. Within a few seconds he had slammed his hands against his Father, the shadows that his Dad were using recoiled back at the dark aura surrounding Jace as he pushed his Father off of Flower. "A$$HOLE!" He glared at him and as he stood, standing inbetween the King and Flower, his chest heaving as his form flickered between normal and translucent. The shadows whipped around them, steering clear of the light she had around her as they snapped at the King, grabbing his ankles and tugged, pulling him away from Flower and Jace even further. Jace stood infront of Flower, fuming with anger, so if his Dad wanted to touch her again, he'd have to go through Jace first. Jace's eyes turned a hint of yellow, his draining power threatening to come out.
Flower of course was spitting. "GROSS!" She yelled wiping off her mouth. She looked at Jace and then blinked. She slowly stood up staring at him in amazment. She looked at the king who only laughed more. She raised an eyebrow. "This is mildly unnerving." She said and then looked at Jace. She looked at the king and then sighed deeply. She didn't have it in her to fight him right now. Although it looked as it Jace did.

He looked at Jace and then smiles. "I see...Of course I am Jace....just like you are." He said and then looked at Flower. "Of course I have no intrest in the young Queen...I mearly was testing you." He smirks. "You were jealous...because I kissed Flower you got angry...just like I planned." He smirks.

Flower looked at him. "Jealous?" She looked at jace and then at the King. "Dude you are insane!" She said and then jerked back as almosted blasted her with fire. "You and I both know I am." He smirks at her as she glared. "It is just purfect that you don't have it in you to fight me right now." He said and then laughed.
Faith can see all too clearly how Raina is struggling, nearly drowning in her own emotional turmoil. She can see the weakness of her frame, the tears standing in her eyes...and the self-loathing, nearly radiating off her. Faith is still angry, but now, it is not pity, but empathy she feels for her too. Oh yes, she's been here. Sometimes, it feels as though she'll never quite leave that place that she can see Raina straddling now.

She does not expect Raina to answer her. She expects her to run, to lash out again, to scream...but when Raina turns dull eyes in her direction and asks her what she wants to know, Faith knows this is the one chance she may have.

"Whatever will help," she tells her quietly. "Whatever will protect Liza and everyone else from him. Whatever is his strengths, whatever is his weaknesses. His patterns of behavior, his motivations...anything you can think of."
By this point Rosa was frustrated beyond words, she could not understand why Leo was doing this to her. She pulled her hand away from him, “I can wait, I’m not going anywhere but until I get an answer I might as well be gone. I can’t fall into something I don’t understand,” she whispered taking a step back. She needed to put distance between them if she had any hope of being able to leave. Rosa took a shaky breath fighting back tears, how had this evening gone so wrong so fast?

“I will figure out how to get back to my room, knowing where I am should not be a problem of yours,” Rosa knew that finding her room would be a struggle. She really had no idea where she was but she had to be independent. She had to show Leo she could take care of herself even if she couldn’t. Before brushing past him she managed to whisper, “Goodnight Leo.” The click of her heels was muffled by the carpeting and she slowly began to count her steps as she measured the distance. She tried to send out a message to Swift but the cat was not within her range so she had to wait and hope that she eventually got close enough.
Faye was on her way outside, about to go tree-hopping/climbing to amuse her bored mind when her own half-vampire senses picked up crying. Her brow furrowed. Faye was used to hearing sounds of fighting, swords, guns and yells of anger in this school by now. But crying? And such sorrow-filled crying too.... Now that was a new one.

So, Faye switched her direction and following the crying sounds, knowing she was nearing the source because of how it grew louder. Eventually, her light footsteps lead her to a dead end, seeing the shy girl from class earlier curled up in a ball against the wall, her face hidden in her knees as she shook with sobs. Faye's amber eyes widened and she took a few careful steps towards the girl, "Hey? Are..are you ok?" She shook her head at herself, getting closer now but not close enough to seem a threat to the girl as she sat down across from her, hugging her own knees as her long ginger hair draped around her, her eyes gentle as she watched Hayley. "Of course you're not okay, silly question I know." She rest her cheek on her knee so she could still look at Hayley, "What's wrong?" Her tone was concerned as she watched the only slightly younger girl.
He looks at Flower and Jace. He smirks and then puts his sword back. "Well I think I should be leaving....seriously Flower...I wouldn't think such a foolish girl would come from a wise King. Of course...I had him murdered." (By the way the sword is how he spread fire at He said and then smirks evily, this of course was to get her away from Jace's protection.

Flower's eyes widen. "!" She ran at him and then turned into a tiger and lunged at the King. He jumped out of the way. "Yes, yes....I've ruined more families then you know. Of course I'm so old I can remember when the first Vampires and Key holders started appearing. So I've ruined many....but my power is more then you know my young queen. In power spreads into your kingdom as well...I have no control then you know." He said and then kicked Flower as she lunged again. He looked at her. "Not going to happen're to weak." He smirks and then looks at her. "I don't know why you try Flower..." He crossed his arms.

Flower looked at him and then wipped her head. She looked at the blood and then looks at him. She glared. "Because one day I'm going to be your end." She said and then slowly got up.
(Yeah sorry, was going to do all the characters but I starting writing Faye's bit first and then got dragged away from the laptop by my sisters -.-)

Raina growled lightly as Faith finished, looking back up at the ceiling with her eyes closed as she often had in the past few moments, "Okay. Strengths...." She didn't notice herself shudder, seeing a flash of Jace's face as he burst into their house, Raina had been playing with Mabel and their Mum had been watching TV/watching them play. His eyes had flashed yellow and they had dropped like flies. Her eyes shot open and she looked back to Faith, her eyes slightly glazed, like she wasn't there, "His eyes, his eyes turn yellow and he drains your energy completely. He said it works best on vampires. Figures." The glaze vanished as she spoke the last word, rolling her eyes. "But I've got my own way around that problem." She folded her arms again, letting her back lightly rest on the wall behind her, "He can also control shadows, use them to pin you down or hold you in place. Uh, only way around that I have is being smart. He grabs my legs, I use my arms, he grabs my arms, I use my legs, he grabs both." She shrugs, "I use my head." She paused, another strength? Her gaze hardened, "And besides physical fighting, which he's alright at, he doesn't care about anybody else or their lives being lost. So he has nothing to lose."

Raina then shifted slightly, "Weaknesses?" She frowned, struggling a bit more with this one, Jace was the scary man who had killed her loved ones and in turn left her with her Father who finished ruining her life. "Uh...Because he's half key-holder, biting him hurts him a lot more than it would others, and slightly weakens him..." She grinned at Faith, you could see Raina was slowly coming back now, rebuilding the walls, "Which you can't do of course." She then regrew serious, "Um. He's linked to Flower, so if she gets hurt, he gets hurt." She shrugged, "He's not a perfect fighter, and he's a guy, so shooting him in the balls takes him down." She spoke confidently, she knew that one was a fact 'cause she'd shot him in the nuts already, twice. She looked down, thinking, she found his last weakness and looked back up at Faith, a glint in her eyes as she spoke in a barely controlled voice - not sure if anger or despair was the emotion about to burst out. "He underestimates people - especially girls." She was tempted to add on the end, especially me, but she kept quiet.

Raina thinks of the last two things Faith mentioned, his patterns of behavior and his motivations. So she starting listing anything, "He..He likes to kill his victims in private, he doesn't like to be rushed either and he likes creative ways of killing or cutting up the people he kills. He always carves his initials into the back of his victims neck right before he kills them." She paused and swept her black hair up, spinning around just long enough for Faith to see the 'JK' engraved into the back of Raina's neck before she spun back, dropping her hair. She carrying on talking like she hadn't just shown the scar of her survival to Faith, "His motivation is...." She rolled her eyes, hating what his motivation was. She looked Faith dead on in the eyes, a hint of protected Raina coming back as she turned slightly bit**y again. "His motivation is me. He wants to see my blood splatter across the walls and he loves seeing fear in my eyes." She wasn't making up the words to make it sound worse than it was, he told her that after he killed her sister.

Her back lifted from the wall again, not leaning on it anymore as she tightened her folded arms, her fists clenched at either end as she suddenly turned cold again. Walls built right back up again. She had to show Faith that she wasn't weak. She had to make sure Faith still hated her. She didn't want her to care, she wouldn't LET her care.
"We done now? This conversation is boring me."

Jace became more and more confused as the King spoke, Jealous? He wasn't Jealous!

Oh give it up Jace, you like Flower.

No I don't! I just don't want that pervy slimeball putting his lips on her! We're bonded! It's almost like he's kissing m---EW! I'm not even gonna go there.

No response as Jace heard his Father's words about Flower not having it in her to fight him. He was about to respond, but then he spoke again about leaving. Then he said he was the one who got Father's flower killed. His eyes widened slightly. Growing up with Flower...even though he was a few years older than her, they were pretty close, and he was always playing around her house, since her Father and his Mother were friends when they were younger. (Hope you don't mind!) And Flower's Father, well, he was like Jace's second Dad, maybe even more of a Father figure to him than Malcolm was. "You got Flower's Dad killed?"

But before he could get an answer, Flower lunged and then was kicked, he winced VERY lightly, barely noticeable, as a trail of blood ran down his own forehead, he growled slightly and wiped it away as Flower had done,
"Frickin' heck Flower, mind bleeding less?" Jace looked back to his Father, glaring, "Why do I get the shi*ty Fathers? First one kills my Mum and the second one kills pretty much everyone."

(Sorry! Will post Chameleon tommorrow, I gotta go! Oh also, Faith, another weakness Raina wouldn't have noticed about Jace but Faith might, is that because he has no-one who he cares about, that also means he has no-one who will help him. She could point that out to Raina if she notices it and if you wish. Night guys!)

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