Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

*Walking pass Raina after being dismissed, not realizing she was still there, not exactly happy about hearing her threaten my girlfriend's sister, but I'm in no mood to get into anything, I just want to go to bed. As I pass her I smile again* Good night Raina, sorry if I interrupted your talk I just needed to apologize to her, see if not for Faith and Macal, I'd probably be dead or worst in prison..yup if not for them my life would be hell right now with no purpose of direction and I wouldn't be with Sheena. Anyway I'm boring you I can tell so again Good night Raina, I hope everything turns out well for you.

Rosa had never felt so frustrated and torn in her life. She hated Leo for obstinate close minded lack of care but at the same time she wanted to run back to him and beg him to talk to her. She wanted to feel his hand in hers and to whisper for no reason as they walked through the halls but that was over. He had made it perfectly clear that he did not want that. She ripped the mask off of her face but could not untangle it from her hair; instead she just left it hanging in disarray from the back of her head. Rosa rubbed at her eyes which were starting to tear up trying to stop the inevitable tears that soon fell. Oh how she loathed her eyes right now, they were betraying her on all levels. They could not show her the way and all of her emotions were on display for any passer by.

Rosa was not paying attention to anything going on about her, she was just trying to put one foot in front of the other and count each step precisely. It seemed she had already made twenty turns and yet nothing was familiar. She kept moving from one side of the hallway to the other trying to find familiar pieces of furniture or artwork but so far everything was obscure. All the while she was still trying to reach out to Swift which was she totally missed Jace’s approach. When his voice broke the silence, she jumped stumbling back a few steps. Her heart pounded and she wanted to swell with anger and yell at him for sneaking up on her and using that ridiculous nickname but she was just too tired to fight him. She did not drop the rose mostly because she wanted something to hold onto even if it was from him. “What do you want?” she whispered ignoring his question.
Mar was genuinely very impressed, a score of five bulls eyes, two hits and no misses could`nt tell lies , the girl turned out to be a natural after all; "you definitely have some kind of talent , are you sure that had been your`e first time shooting?" Ginger had surpassed the boy`s beginning scores by leaps and bounds, if she progressed at a steady rate through practice Mar would`nt be surprised if the girl would be able to out shoot him within the month.
Ginger nods and then looks at him. "Yes...this is my first time." She said and then looked at him. She looks down and then back at him. "It kind of scares me." She said and then rubbed the back of her head. She looks at Trinity who was just happy they found something that works for her.
Raina is ready to defend, but when Faith grabs her hair she expects a kick or a punch, not a throw to the floor. So she takes it and is about to throw Faith off when she feels a pressure against her chest and the sharp point of a stake. Her body tenses up as she glares back at Faith, she is about to headbutt the Slayer's stake away from her chest and possibly take a chunk out of her with her fangs when she begins to speak.

As Faith talks, Raina becomes more and more infuriated, but not because she doesn't believe Faith, or even because of the fact that she has a friggin' STAKE to her chest. But because nearly everything she is saying, is completely correct. Raina finds shock added to the anger; no-one has ever understood her this well; and here is the VAMPIRE SLAYER understanding her? And as right as Faith is, Raina decides there and then that she won't change a thing. What did Faith expect? For her to turn around and apologize like that wimp Alex?

Speaking of wimps, right after Faith goes, leaving Raina on the floor, Alex comes up and speaks to Raina, she casts her maddened eyes in his direction, regarding him as if he is an annoying fly. She sees no point in his speech besides another person trying to convince her to turn around and apologize for being a bit** to Faith. Pssh, like she cares. "Whatever Alex, I don't care." Even she can hear the pissed off tone in her voice looks to the door and then him, "Give me a sec."

Raina flicked her body and pushed herself off the floor using her tippy-toes. She then slammed herself against the door, purposely not using enough force to break down the door as she practically screamed through it, knowing Faith would be able to hear her fury filled tone, "F**K YOU FAITH!" She slams against the door with her hand, the wood cracking slightly with the force, enough to need repairing, but not enough to break. Yet. "You know another GOOD thing about having no-one? It means you don't have to worry about who you kill 'cause you have NO-ONE to disappoint!" She knew Faith would be able to hear the threat behind that, the threat to kill Faith. She then looked to Alex, blowing a bit of hair out of her face, "You might wanna suggest they get a new door." Before she roundhouse kicked the door and sped off, the door completely smashing to broken splinters a second after she left.

(You happy Jace ran into her? xD )

Jace had not at first noticed how distressed Rosa was, a bit too focused on her nicknames and his magic trick, but now as he looked at her properly, rembered her jumping back just a few seconds ago, and even how she whispered. She didn't even bother to shout at him for messing with her.

She's weak. Let me take her down.

No. You killed Hunter, you can f**k off.

Woh. Someone's pissed.

Oh you noticed? Leave me alone NOW.

Jace stepped a bit closer, now that Sethos was momentarily gone, he was simply Jace, the key-holder. "Hey Rosa, what's wrong?" His voice was genuinely concerned, his hand reached out without his own accord and wiped a tear away, "You're crying. What happened?"
As Faith slips back into bed with Macal some forty minutes after she had left, she is obviously tense, staring at the ceiling before she speaks. "We are royally f*cked and I don't mean literally."

Macal: *Reaching over turning on a lamp and sighs* What happened now or should I say which one of the girls is it this time?

How many girls can I include?" Faith mutters, still not looking his way. "Liza. Sheena. Raina. New girl Hayley. And oh yeah, Sheena's supposedly dead but actually vampiric sister."

Macal: Sheena's sister is a vampire? *Quickly sits up* Dammit, Fury told me his files were accurate! What is she doing here, is she after Sheena? *holding out my hand, my sword flies to it* I swear she'll be dust if she hurts my daughters!

Faith holds up one hand, sitting up too, and turns to face Macal, her brow deeply creased. "She's...she's a student, Macal. But that doesn't mean we're not in deep shit. Believe me. This is bad. I havent' even met her, and I know that much. By the way, Liza ignored the part about being grounded tonight, but that's the last thing to worry abotu right now."

Macal: A the hell did that happen and for that matter how did she become a vampire? DIDN'T ANYONE CONFIRM SHE WAS IN HER DAMN GRAVE! GODDAMMIT WHAT ELSE COULD POSSIBLY HAPPEN TO SCREW WITH US? And Liza sneaking out don't think I'm letting that slide, Eve showing up as a vampire is even more reason why she should obey us!

*Starts pacing the floor, outside the window you can hear thunder and lighting kicking up* I am beyond pissed off Faith at both situations!

Faith laughs with absolutely no humor at all to her tone. "Oh, you don't know shit yet, Macal.How the hell you just slept through all that is beyond me. So, I just went out there to find your girls in the living area, Liza all dressed up, and NOT in her nightgown either. Sheena's holding her. So I ask what the hell is going on, and Liza tells me, get this, RAINA sent her notes through the door asking her to go to the dance with her. You know, the one lasting all hours of the morning. So your daughter follows her out, and your OTHER daughter, and apparently her guy, don't say a word about her being there. THEN they leave her to go make out or whatever while this student that I JUST had attack another student in MY class storms in and tries to rape and kill Raina. So RAINA, of all people, keeps Liza safe and brings her back. THEN, Evangeline, who is a vampire, tries to kill my student Hayley, or so says Raina. THEN, Raina actually put a knife to my throat when I pushed her too right now, we have Sheena's sister, who she actually almost yelled at me in defense of, we have a student who killed Raina's family and is trying to kill her, and we have Raina, who is so psychotic when upset she about tried to kill me. And that is what you just missed."

Macal: Wake them up Faith WAKE THEM ALL UP, Liza, Sheena, Alex, Raina and Eve I want them all in front of me right now, I will put an end to this childish shit tonight. *Feels the uncontrollable urge to punch the wall and destroy it but I hold back* Either these games end or I'm pulling everyone out of this place!

Faith puts up one hand, raising her eyebrow. "Macal, calm down. First off...they are children. Remember? Most of them, anyway. Second off, no idea where Raina or Evangeline are. I've never even met Evangeline. You want Liza or Sheena, they're right here."

Macal: *Moves towards the doors swinging it open* LIZA WHAT PART OF YOU BEING GROUNDED DIDN'T YOU UNDERSTAND! DON'T SAY A WORD, I THOUGHT YOU WANTED US TO TRUST YOU AGAIN WELL GUESS WHAT THAT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN NOW! *takes deep breath* You are forbidden to leave our quarters without an escort which will be here in the morning, they will be with you 24/7 and don't worry one of them will be a female since I can't even trust you to use the bathroom without sneaking out. And if you disobey us one more time I will pull you from this academy and you will be place in a home school where there will be no friends, no dances no anything just you and your instructors..And since your little friend Raina seems to think she can play games with us you are forbidden to have any interaction with her outside classes and that will be only with your escorts with you. And if one think happens to your escorts I will punish you by pulling you out of this place....By the way Liza if you had asked us to go out we probably would have let you, but since you went behind our backs you will never know!

Even Faith is somewhat stunned by the harshness of this punishment, though she has to admit that when she wracks her brains for one that might have a decent chance of making Liza listen to her, she is coming up empty. Still, she can't say she's too happy with it. And Liza, as she comes stumbling sleepy-eyed out of her room and opens their doorway, seems barely able to comprehend it. Leaning against the door frame, rubbing her eyes, she frowns at Macal.

" come you're yelling at me. I didn't even mean it, I just forgot."

Wrong words, Faith knows the second they leave her mouth.

Macal: No excuses Liza you know better, we just talked about you doing this exact thing and I guess you didn't think I was serious...Liza you have no idea how badly I'm disappointed in you, you've completely lost all trust from both of us and I don't know what you can do to get it back, but I know this you will be escorted at all times for now on, and kid you have no idea how much I want to pull you out of this school right now, but your mother still thinks you need to be here..I disagree but I'm trusting her instinct on this, but consider this your second strike one more and I will pull you out of here since it seems this place is starting to become a bad influence on you. So forget again I DARE YOU!

Liza is still blinking, only half awake, and her face crumbles. Starting to cry, she runs forward and attempts to climb between both Faith and Macal on the bed. "Daddy...Daddy, don't be mad, I just forgot. don't like me no more, I don't get to do nothing? I'm not bad, Daddy, I just forgot...don't think I'm bad!"

Faith exhales, then picks her up, carrying her back to her own room without saying anything. She doesn't return until a good twenty minutes later, when she's finally put Liza back to sleep. Sitting on the edge of the bed now instead of slipping beneath the covers, she eyes Macal.

"Don't think that's really the solution. Think about it, and dont' give me the same reply about how when you were five you were fighting battles. Is what we're expecting of her even something she's capable of, because by this point I"m starting to wonder. It's not like she likes being in trouble. Not that I know what the hell else to do."

Exhaling again, she shakes her head. "Macal...I told you, Liza isn't the main issue right now if you ask me, even if she's a pretty damn big one. What about this Evangeline. Have you thought for a second what that means if she's everything Raina claims she is? What that could mean with Sheena? The fact that I can't lay a hand on her because she's my STUDENT? And this Jace guy, the one after Raina, it's not just Raina in trouble here, it's the entire school. I swear if I find out who admits people to this place, I'm strangling him with barbed wire."

Macal: First you tell me I'm too easy on her and I let her get away with everything, now after she violates her grounding you're telling me what I'm being too hard on her? What the hell Faith am I supposed to do when she feels free to sneak out in the middle of the night and even worst that Raina had to actually enter our quarters to even slip that note under her door..So yes don't think I've forgotten about her but as you informed me she's not my daughter and she's not here right now so I dealt with half the issue right now. And Jace whoever he is doing what he's doing is all the more reason I have to get Liza to obey us, cause if he hurt Liza student or not I would slaughter him! So you need to decide are you going to side with me on this or do you want to handle it yourself, cause being honest right now I don't give a damn about any kid but ours right now.

Stiffening at this, Faith crosses her arms, her voice getting a lot more heated now. "I'm on the side of my kids' safety, Macal, you f*cking know that, but that doesn't mean I don't have to worry about everyone else in the whole damn school too. If you haven't noticed, I'm one of the only teachers HERE, and unlike you they actually are my responsibility. It actually is on my head if one of my students gets killed on my watch, that would be MY fault. So yeah I do have to worry about someone other than my own child, and if you don't think I'm not worried about Liza right now you better f*cking think again!"

She is really starting to get upset now, her voice dropping to a hiss as her hands form fists, leaning in close towards him. "The reason I have to worry about Raina is because her issues are YOUR KIDS' ISSUES,because if Raina is having some guy after her, he will be after Liza, because she LOVES Liza and because, oh, HE KILLED HER FIVE YEAR OLD SISTER! Who, guess what, Macal, sounds like Liza to me! And because if he attacks Raina constantly with my students around, he'll hurt them, or he'll get her riled up enough to hurt them, which means Liza too, and Sheena, who you didn't even mention. Your daughter, not Liza, SHEENA, is in huge ******* trouble if this Eve is what Raina said, and if I'm going to have anyone telling me the truth about Eve, someone who isn't blinded like Sheena or intimidated like Hayley, or loving everyone in sight like Liza, guess who it will be, macal, it will be RAINA! And if I want Raina to tell me anything, guess who has to actually make her on my side to want to tell me! Don't tell me shit about taking sides when I'm the only one seeing the damn picture! Not to mention if you do that to liza she’ll get frustrated and seriously rebel, and then what?”

Macal: Well guess what I don't know what else to do, I'm sitting here with my hands tied behind my back cause I can't touch these damn kids and my own kids seem to think they can make me look like a fool. So excuse me for thinking that when I tell a 5 year old to stay in her room that she would actually stay in her room. As for Raina you said so yourself she's your student so maybe keep your damn student in line so she's not luring our daughter out in the middle of the night..Eve is another one I can't touch her cause she's a damn student, so tell me what am I suppose to do Faith cause I'm lost here...seriously I'm not being a smartass I need to know what am I suppose to do, cause at the moment all I can think of is pack our shit and get the hell out of here.

"So we can here about the bloody massacre that takes place in our absence the next day? We don't flee from trouble, Macal, I can't believe you're even saying that," she grinds out, her face turned partly away. Despite you saying you're not being a smartass, Faith can't quite believe you based off your tone and words. "You think Liza couldn't choose to pop back in any time she wanted to check in on the bad man who's ass she wants to kick? You think Sheena, the day after finding out her dead sister is walking around, is going to just go with you when you say it's time to leave and leave her behind? I don't know what the hell to do, Macal, but I know a lot of things not to do!"

Macal: I'm serious Faith I don't know what else to do except putting some distance between us and this place. You know me it's killing me that I can't do anything to these damn kids.


Faith just looks at you, still less than thrilled with your and your response, her arms still crossed. 'I'm not telling you to do anything...I'm just telling you what's going on," she says a little stiffly.

Macal: This sucks, I have my powers back and the resources of a Trillion Dollar Organization and I'm freaking helpless cause they're just kids, I bet Fury would creep in at night and grab them and put the fear of god into them all.

"You want to, fine, but don't blame me when it blows up in your face. Let's see, so far I have to figure out how to deal with LIza in the morning, try to deal with Sheena, actually meet this damn Eve girl, try to get that Raina to open up enough to tell me useful stuff, try to figure out a way to kill this Jace where I'm not getting my ass killed or fired or whatever else...and maybe try to figure out how to kill this Eve without making Sheena slip back to what she used to be like. No big deal, it's just kids." Faith rolls over, staring at the wall across from her with her eyes narrowed.

Macal: Well shit Faith why didn't you say that in the first place instead of letting me go off like a damn mad man..Seriously were you enjoying that? Nevermind answering that, just tell me what the plan is so we can put all this behind us and for the record I'm sorry if I over reacted I'm just confused on how to handle these girls which freaks me the hell out cause not knowing what to do about a situation is not something I'm used to..You may not have ever noticed this but I'm a bit of a control freak. *Sits down on the bed and pulls you onto my lap* Help me cause I'm losing my mind here.

"I thought I DID say that..and a BIT of a control freak?" Faith mutters, stiff against you at first, but gradually she relaxes back against you, sighing and covering your hand with hers. "I don't know what to tell you. I don't even know what I want. I don't know what to do, okay?"

She is quiet for a few moments, then tries again. "I honestly don't know what to do about Liza. It feels wrong to basically keep her prisoner, but it's not right for her to be able to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. And I really don't think she understands how serious it is when she does it. Sheena...I don't blame her, Macal. She wants her sister, how can I fault her for that? Hell, I clung to every damn screwed up variation of Buffy that came our way before she was finally at peace...Even Raina. She's dead wrong in how she is, but she's a kid, she's just a f*cked up kid who's been through hell. I don't know what to do except just keep trying sh*t."

Macal: So what you're suggesting is me being more patient, I guess I can try but it's getting hard to not just snap especially with Liza, I wonder if this is payback for how I was when I was a kid? I swear I don't know how my parents didn't drown me if I acted like that its so damn annoying and I feel helpless to do anything but keep her on lockdown.

"Yeah...I know." Faith sighs again, then looks up at you with a slight smile. "It's definitely payback. You remember all the stories Di and your mom were telling about us when we saw them...and guess what, she ain't growing up any time soon, so we're stuck with this forever. Guess everything has a drawback."

Macal: I just miss those days when we were all she had and she only wanted to be around us, now I don't know who she's around or where she's going half the time and I really don't like the idea of a freaking killer on the loose in this school that is targeting someone Liza always wants to hang around..Why can't she still be Sheena's shadow like before?

Faith sighs again, muttering, "No sh*t, never thought I''d want her to be clingy, but it would be nice about now. And don't forget that killer is targeting LIZA. He wants her too, because Raina likes her. Because she's five. Because she's a key holder...the list goes on."

Macal: If he's after Liza then the escort is a good idea right? And student or not he's dead if he hurts Liza we both agree on that am I correct, damn the what this academy will do to us, I will take off his head and shit down the hole if that rat bastard harms a hair on her...Dammit I wonder if this means we need to train Raina so that she is better prepared to defend herself if Liza decides to hang around her again and he attacks.

Faith nods slightly, though her expression is still not happy. "Yeah. I guess. For now, anyway. Oh, believe, me, I'll kill this thing if he's after Liza or Sheena. All I'm saying, is that I don't want to leave all the other kids here wide open and vulnerable to him." She scowls, then decides to not mention every detail of what had taken place between her and Raina. "Raina and training....not thinking that will go so well. Tried it once. Not sure I'm even in the mood to try again."

Just then Faith hears Raina’s screams, and the sound of the door splintering and breaking. Pushing away from Macal and getting to her feet, she takes a deep breath, speaking through clinched teeth.

“I am not f*cking dealing with her without killing her right now. Go do whatever the hell you want.”

[MENTION=1434]Macal Cord[/MENTION]
(Thought I'd clarify where she is if Macal's gonna go after her)

Raina has by this time, made it outside, into the fresh air, noticing how the sun is coming up, guessing it must be about 5 in the morning, she growls to herself, "Fu**ing hell. What a day." She begins to walk, just walk, heading into the forest as she has done a few times now. She finally spots a tree larger than the others and walks over to it, pushing her back up against it and then letting herself slide down to the ground, her knees up against her chest as she leans steadily against the tree. Pulling out her knife and putting one finger on the tip of the blade and the other finger on the bottom of the handle, spinning it around thoughtfully before gripping it normally again and moving it so that the light flickers off of the blade.

Faith was right. Raina was f*cked up. Majorly. But she knew others were messed up too. It was just that she didn't know how to deal with it, how to deal with any of this. Watching someone de-limb and butcher her Mum and Younger Sister? That messed her up. Not being able to protect her baby sister? That messed her up. Knowing her Dad planned for all of them to die? That messed her up. Losing her virginity to her own blood related Father? That messed her up. There was so much more that she didn't even want to think about. But it all messed her up and fu*ked with her head. Now she was just a shell of a person, too much substance beneath the surface that she had to lock it all away.

But still, she sat against the tree, playing with the knife in her hands, just thinking and staring at the weapon.
"Scares her?" Mar thought to himself, he couldn't sympathize with Ginger`s notion. the only real reason that he was born was to kill and be killed so that the lucky humans could sleep well at night knowing that there civilization wont be pillaged and ruined any more than it already has, saying guns scare you to an augmented human is like saying your scared to live, he knew why many people feared guns, the weapons could only result in making widows, orphans and mourning wives. but still the boy just could not fear killing and death .

"That just means your a good person" Mar told her good naturally " i`m going to need that back but I do have a spare Smith and Weston in my room. i can bring it to you if you like."

The arena was quiet enough for Mar to barley hear the distinctive sound of a large piece of wood being broken a floor above him. he looked up before thinking "none of my business" quickly getting on task, returning his attention to Ginger.
Fine I'll deal with her myself. *sighing as i look at the sword in my hand and leaning it against the wall* Call someone and have them replace our door and you better check on Liza I'm sure she's up and curious about all the noise. *Takes me only a split second to pick up Raina's trail moving to the window and jumps down the 5 stories to the ground, landing softly, I start walking in the direction of Raina's trail, after a few minutes I eventually come across her by the tree she's under, I press my back against it on the opposite side and slide down to the ground and sit there quietly for a minute getting my thoughts together and push back the anger I have before I talk*

I have to admit you got pretty good taste in quiet little spots, I like this a good shady tree with a good view of the sky perfect place for us to have a little talk don't you think? Or if you like, you can talk and I'll listen, either way I think tonight is as good of a night to do this..So let me start you off...Where is all that rage you have coming from? What's your story Raina, help me understand why you're so anger.
It is Sheena who has come bursting through her door and is now standing in the living area of their living quarters, gawking at the broken door. She has recognized Raina's voice and is almost bristling, her hands in fists. For the moment Evangeline is forgotten as she turns to Faith, protective, standing partly in front of her.

"Raina...she's threatening you?"

Faith waves her off. "Sheena, go back to bed, it's okay....actually, call a repair company for the door."

Walking into Liza's room, she sees that the child is sitting up in bed, her eyes wide, but she hadn't dared to go out of her room after she's just been yelled at. Going to her, Faith picks her up and holds her on her lap, smoothing back her hair. "We're all fine,'s just your little FRIEND Raina having a tantrum."

"Raina's being bad?" Liza asked solemnly, shaking her head. "I told her to be good."

"Well she sucks at listening," Faith muttered.
Hayley wasn't sure how she was able to sleep that night. She barely got any sleep though. She looked around her room sighing. She had to go. She wasn't strong enough to stay here. She barely scratched the surface of the danger of this place. She saw that now. She had to go back home. Go back to her mother and tell her that she was through with trying to be strong and tough. That she just wanted to live a normal, simple life.

She wasn't good enough after all.

Hayley felt tears sting her eyes and she brushed them away. She wanted to cry though. But she wouldn't. At least she could leave with some dignity still intacted. Hayley began making plans for her departure. She was a bit glad she had only kind of befriended Sheena. At least no one would miss her.


Lekki teleported again, this time finding herself back in a garden. She yawned and shrugged, laying back. The sun was low in the sky and the air was still a bit cold. Lekki didn't need much sleep, but she thought she might fall back asleep in the garden. She'd thought she'd be a funny sight for anyone who happened upon her. Well unless they were dangerous. But Lekki did not worry. She knew she was capable of defending herself.

She thought about her night. Deathwish had run off fast on her, but she didn't mind. She had fun with various people. Just thinking about it now brought a smile to her face. She wondered though about Deathwish and any of the other half-demons who might be in the school. She seemed so different from the half-breed, but she meant what she said. That everyone progressed at their own speed. Lekki knew how to live a safe life. She had never really worried about her demon side. It never was a split with her either. It was just apart of her.

Lekki, and others, had always assumed she was more human than demon and that is why she lived with it so well, but Lekki had founded out the hard way that it wasn't true. She sighed and pushed her negative thoughts away before they could enter. She smiled and closed her eyes, enjoying the smell of the garden.

Deathwish's eyes open. "Lekki..." He said to himself and then looked through a bush. "Hmm the poor girl I keep running off on her...yet it saved her life...if Orpheous would have got her she'd be dead in my coffin." He sighed and then turned his head away. He closed his eyes again just sitting there in the grass. He was trying to gain control of his emotions once more. Flower's sorrow had effected him deeply and his anger toward Jace for causing it was still firey, yet....he had saved Jace from Flower's rath. Jace was his half brother and Sethos was the cause of Jace's killings. Either way...Deathwish had anger towards anyone who would hurt Flower like Sethos did. Killing Hunter...even now Flower was crying like a child, Flower probably feels like she is six years old again. Hunter was the last thing Flower had of her parents, and Sethos ruined it...killed her. "How dare he." He opens his eyes and they go red for a second. "No..." He closed them. 'Stay out of this Orpheous." He demanded and once again was calm.

Ginger looked at him and then nods. "Here, thank you." She said quietly and then held out the gun to him with a small smile. She looked down at the ground again still having the gun held out to him. "Thank you for helping me...and letting me use your gun." She said and then looked back up at him.
Mar Ginger a nod and gently took his revolver back and holstering it under his overcoat. "see you around Ms. Ginger and Ms. Trinity " he said smiling before exiting the arena with a new more friendly air around him. " it must be nice being innocent" the boy thought regarding Ginger as he walked through the halls, eventually finding his way back to his room he let himself in and retrieved his spare revolver as well as an unconcealed waist holster to carry it in, he would give them to Ginger the next time he saw the girl, but for now Mar was heading outside, he needed to try something out that would require a large amount of space.....
As Evangeline Sadovsky walks with brisk steps, her head held high, she keeps her eyes focused ahead, unblinking. She maneuvers her way through the academy halls, avoiding coming near any other students, using their scents to serve as a guide to move as far from them as possible. She is very aware of the fact that if they draw too near, she will not be able to control herself for much longer. Already she is on the brink, barely able to make herself continue to move forward and away.

Outside the academy gates she continues on, surpassing the lake and the woods, her pace quickening as she gets further from the academy front door. Once outside the grounds of the academy she is nearly running, her thirst driving her forward as fast as she can possibly go.

She must feed, and she must feed now. She can hold herself back no longer.

It takes her less than five minutes to reach the outskirts of the nearest town, a sleepy little downtown area where at this hour of the night, there is little in the way of traffic or people out and about. She cannot break into homes, being a vampire, and this leaves only those inhabiting the dinky corner bar for her to choose from.

Even before she steps inside the bar Evangeline can smell them, their sweat and blood so strong as to be intoxicating…even before she sees any of them, saliva is filling her mouth, her pale cheeks appear nearly flushed with anticipation, despite her lack of blood, and she is smiling. No, she is grinning, but there is no joy in the expression- only malice and anticipation.

Evangeline has barely stepped through the front door before she grabs the first person she sees, the closest to her, with small, thin hands that grip with surprising, inhuman strength. Her hand on his arm, she says in a voice more childish and thin than usual, “Come on, Daddy, come with me now..come home. I’m scared.”

The man glances down at her, blinking with confusion, and she can almost see him attempting to figure out whether he knows her, whether she is in fact his little girl. But he is drunk, he is willing at this point to believe…he is the perfect victim.

He allows her to lead him out with her hand still clamped around his wrist, to lead him just outside the door. She intended to take him around the corner, to an alley, but Evangeline’s self-control can last no longer, and they have taken no more than two steps before she turns on him, tearing into his throat with vicious savagery.

It takes him longer than she would have expected to die. Crouched over his twitching, gasping form, Evangeline attaches herself to his neck, drinking deeply, her hands on his chest, pinning him down. He could not have escaped her if he had tried. When the last of the living blood was gone, and the man lay pale and still on the ground, Evangeline pulled back, licking the blood from her lips, and smiled, her pale eyes appearing darker, deeper, and dangerous.

As she began to walk back to the castle, it was Sheena’s face that she was envisioning, her steps and demeanor slower, lighter, more casual than before.


Still holding her daughter on her lap, rocking her slightly in reassurance to her, Faith waited until Liza had relaxed back against her chest before she tilted her chin up, making her look at her. She had intended to wait until morning to talk to her again, but if none of them were getting any sleep tonight, she guessed now was as good a time as any.

“Liza, listen to me,” she told her quietly, still hugging her, but her voice was very serious now. “I want to talk to you about what happened tonight, with you not listening to me and your father and going off with Raina without telling us.”

“I forgot, Mama-“ Liza started, but Faith put her hand over Liza’s mouth, shaking her head.

“Nope, if I gotta keep my hand over your lips until I’m all done talking just so I know you’re listening, I will. No excuses, Liza, no defending, just listen to me, okay.”

Liza nodded, but her eyes were growing anxious, her body tense against Faith’s. Faith lowered her hand, petted her hair again, and resumed.

“Your father and I told you that you were grounded because you didn’t listen to me. Maybe you forgot then, but you remember now. When you don’t listen to us again, even when you’re grounded, that makes us pretty mad at you, Liza. Because that’s like you’re telling us that you’re the boss and you know what’s best for you, and you can do anything you want. That’s like telling us that what we tell you doesn’t matter. Do you understand that? That when you don’t listen to us, it’s like telling us that you don’t care about what we tell you to do?”

Liza shrugged, looking away, and Faith exhaled, trying again. “Pip, you love me and your daddy, don’t you? You know that we take care of you, and we keep you safe. You need us, don’t you? You wouldn’t ever want anything to happen to us, or for us to decide we don’t want to take care of you. Right?”

“You don’t like me no more? You don’t wanna take care of me? Are you gonna give me away?” Liza said with growing alarm, her eyes widening. “I didn’t mean to be bad, Mama! Daddy don’t like me anymore…Mama don’t give me away, I’ll be good! Really really good!”

She looks near tears, and Faith, seeing that this direction is not computing how she wants, tries yet again to take a different tactic.

“No, Pip, no,” she sighs, kissing the top of her head in an attempt to calm her down. “You know that won’t ever happen. But what I’m trying to say is, when you don’t listen to us, what that says to me and your daddy is that you think that you don’t need us to take care of you anymore. And that’s not true, is it? The reason we get so mad at you when you don’t listen, is not only because it’s not nice not to listen, but because we tell you to listen so you’ll be safe. We’re trying to keep you safe, Liza. And you might be strong and powerful, but we’re older and we know more about these things. That’s our job. Your job is just to be our little girl and try hard at school and listen to us. So if you don’t do your job, it’s really hard for us to do our job to keep you safe and take care of you. Do you understand?”

Liza nods, but Faith is pretty sure she doesn’t.

“Liza…what I think is happening here is that you don’t understand how important it is to listen to us. I think maybe you’re too little to understand, or remember, or know what might happen when you don’t listen. So you’re just going to have to trust us. And for now, you’re getting an escort, until we feel like maybe you understand better and we can trust you’ll listen. Because we love you so much, and we don’t want anything bad to happen to you because you didn’t understand that you need to listen. Because this time you didn’t listen, that bad man tried to hurt people, didn’t he?”

“I coulda kicked his ass,” Liza muttered. “Raina wouldn’t let me.”

Faith grits her teeth, knowing, just knowing she’s still not getting it…not to mention that Raina is someone she really wants to avoid talking about now.

“Raina was right,” she said tightly. “And speaking of best buddy Raina, she’s been very, very bad, Liza, and I don’t want you hanging around her while she’s being so bad.”

“But I gotta teach her to be good,” Liza says earnestly, widening her eyes. “I gotta teach her and then she’ll be better. She’ll be-“

“This is one of those times I’m talking about where you need to just listen to me and understand I’m keeping you safe,” Faith cut her off. “Remember? That’s what you gotta do now about Raina. And anyway, why don’t you just hang around Sheena more? She’s your big sister and she’ll just love to have you around. You can help Sheena be good too.”

Not to mention that with Liza hanging around, with her escort too, it would be hard for Evangeline to try anything.

Faith continues to talk to Liza, trying to settle her back to sleep before Macal returns. She can deal with Sheena tomorrow.


Meanwhile, Sheena has returned to her bedroom, but sits up on her bed, far from sleep. It is not until a knock sounds at her window that she turns.

Evangeline’s face is in the frame of her window, pale, almost ghostly in the moonlight. She taps again, playfully now, and smiles, raising an eyebrow.

“Hey sis…can I come in?”

Sheena’s face softens into a returning smile, and she opens the window, reaching for her hand to help her in. “You have to ask?”

As Evangeline wraps her arms around her, then keeps a casual arm over her shoulder, leading her to her bed, Sheena does not notice the small trace of blood at the corner of her lip. And as Evangeline lays down with her, the same arm wrapped around one shoulder as she keeps up a light flow of conversation, she does not notice that her arm gradually tightens until it is almost a restraint.
(Jace always makes things interesting, he always seems to cause trouble or maybe it is more like Sethos causes the problems)

“And why would I want to tell you?” Rosa spat recoiling from his touch. She hated how vulnerable she felt right now even though, she was confused and out of place in this huge mansion. All she really wanted was to find her room, pack her things and leave. She loved her classes but there was nothing here that she could not learn somewhere else. Rosa was nomadic; she always lifted herself out of places before she got too attached. She had tried something new and stayed and this was the result, a crying blind girl lost in a mansion with a known killer trying to comfort her.

Sighing she straightened up trying to push the self pity down and away into the depths of her mind. Right now she needed to be strong for just a moment and to move past this guy. Jace was trouble, Rosa knew just how erratic he could be but other than that she knew nothing else about him.
Raina does not jump or seem at all surprised by Macal's sudden voice in the night, for she had infact heard his approach and chose to do nothing about it. Why should she move? She was here first.

But as he speaks almost trying to be casual with her as he speaks of the spot they are sitting in, she finds herself rolling her eyes, gripping the blade in her hand tightly now, ready for a battle as she answers stiffly. "Why should you care Macal?" She can almost feel a threat under his words, the way he is taking charge of the conversation and assuming that Raina will just open up to him willingly, "What makes you think I want you to understand?" She remains in the same position she was before, showing she wouldn't let his presence affect her. She'd already broken down with Faith, there was NO WAY she was letting Macal see the real her aswell.

She guessed it didn't help that even she herself didn't know who the real Raina was. Her theory was that she died with her Mother and Sister, and now she didn't know who she was. Was she still that innocent ten year old girl, unable to age with all the drama taking over her life? Was she indeed this bit**y teenager who couldn't trust anyone at all? Or was she somewhere in the middle? Raina was so used to faking who she was that she had no clue.

"So why don't you go back home and play happy families with your wife and kids Macal, you won't be getting any stories out of me." She speaks bitterly, waiting for him to show violence.

Jace shrugged in response to the girl, "I don't know, everyone needs someone to tell stuff to, right?" He looks around, "Plus, you seem pretty lost." He looks at her again, "'re crying....that's never a good thing." He could understand why she didn't want to be near him, he had killed a lot of people, one extremely recently, and he had almost let Sethos kill her. Thankfully Raina had shown up and distracted him. (Haha, if you think about it, Raina has saved quite a few people recently, looks like Liza is having some effect on her.)

But still, it hurt. Knowing that she wouldn't talk to him. Knowing that no-one would. It wasn't like Jace asked for this. He didn't ask to be half-demon. He didn't ask for Sethos to kill people. And now here he was, at the point where he couldn't even help one person without them fearing for their life.

"Do, do you need help getting back to your dorm? I don't bite." Jace looked at her.

You don't, but I do.

Fu*k off.

Ouch, still mad? Aw come on Jace, it's been, like, a few hours already!

Stay out of my head bast*rd. I don't EVER want to hear your voice again.

Nothing. Jace looks at Rosa still, waiting for her response. Sethos was under lock and key right now. Jace's emotions overrode his at this moment.
When he found a way out side Mar`s nano machines noticed a sparse nearly microscopic trail of what was identified as blood droplets that where too small too be noticed unless one was looking for them, oblivious to Evangeline`s recent indulgence the boy ignored it thinking the blood was most likely from someone who had cut their bare feet on some rocks or something, looking around Mar noted that there was plentiful space in front of the academy but decided against testing any thing there, people where probably still asleep the noise would just wake everyone up.

Pressing on he strolled around the border the local forest of until he found what he was looking for, an animal trail that he ducked under a low branch before following into an almost strait, bird song filled path to a large and more importantly almost empty clearing, circling the wide area he chased off a few rabbits to make sure he would`nt be breaking any animals eardrums before he positioned himself in the middle of the clearing and began.

Replication is accomplished via pulling single atoms using ones nano machines from their surroundings and bonding them together in a certain manner, shaping them into more desirable forms, the only parts of anything created in such away that bore nano machines by the time it was complete where the moving ones, such as gears, pulleys, loading mechanisms & ect . How exactly pulling atoms from grass, leaves and wood could allow the boy to temporally have and mentally control an M4A3 Sherman tank that was primarily composed of metal and usually only operable by five people was unnecessary for the boy to understand, all he needed to know was how to use the technology, but he couldn't help but have questions as a thick silver cloud of atoms and nanos took form and solidified into a Sherman at his right side

Firing the anti personnel heavy machine gun and actually maneuvering the tank was second nature to Mar by now, getting the tank to shell anything was another story as he made the tanks main turret aim to the air plugging his ears he ordered it to fire. but got nothing, not even a small draft air came out of the war machine, he shrugged and ordered his nanos to disassemble it watching as the tank blew away atom by atom like a sandcastle in heavy winds, knowing that he was probably just a few minor calibrations away from success he would have to try again .

Replicating the Sherman for any amount of time took a good amount of energy and not to mention calories from the boy each time so it was`nt a surprise to see him with his hands on his knees catching elusive breaths of air before replicating the tank again "forth times a charm" he said before aiming high again attempting to fire a blank shell.

This time
Mar`s good efforts where rewarded as the blank shell made a muzzle flash and an explosive sound but did not fire any warhead "YES!!!" the boy shouted jumping in the air with his fist held high as he disassemble the tank a final time, his tiredness forgotten in the excitement, depending on how sound proof the castle walls are someone in the academy would have to have really good ears to have heard it but someone else in the forest would easily hear the false shell going off
Did you know where I come from there is an eternal battle of Good vs Evil and no I'm not talking about like cops and robbers I'm talking about both sides raising kids from birth with the sole purpose of fighting in a war that will never end, like most of us raised to fight this war I know lost and pain better then anyone. So I'm going to tell you something I've never told anyone not even Faith. When I was a kid I saw my mother die right in front of me I saw the man that cut my mother open and pull out her heart and I stood there helpless...Me I froze like a deer in headlights, I've been trained to fight everything from dragons to your kind since the day I could walk, by the time I was 9 I've been through 2 dozen war campaigns and faced beast 10 times my size and I never backed down...But that day I froze like a pathetic coward! I might as well been in diapers with a bottle and then after she laid there dying and I heard my father and guards running to the site I ran as fast as I could I ran away. Anyway in the months after my mother's death I guess I had to prove to myself that I wasn't a coward and I started charging into battles with no regard of my men or my own safety, I caused the deaths of hundreds of loyal soldiers and yet I always survived I thought I could always get more men. Well I was no longer a coward I was now a selfish and wreckless and I didn't care.

I lived like that for almost 300 years Raina in that time I lost even more loyal soldiers and friends, my father took away my command finally and placed me under my brother's, I hated them both for that at first I refused to follow his orders and made him look foolish in front of his own soldiers but you know what's strange not once did he get anger at me, in fact the more I messed up the more he would trust me and give me more and more important duties. Took me a long time to realize that he knew what I was going through and came up with a plan that the best way for me to get back on the path was for me to understand no matter what I did or how anger I was that he wasn't going to give up on me.

*Sighs* My daughter trust and loves you Raina, rather or not I like that I have to respect that cause for my daughter to be that devoted to someone must mean somehow you've proven yourself worthy to her. I see that and Faith sees that otherwise she wouldn't be trying so hard to help you...I admit her way of helping is not always gentle or polite but she's invested in it. And I think you've impressed her...Hell you've impressed me which is why I'm out here talking to you instead of yelling at you like you're probably expecting me to be. Raina believe it or not you're not as a big of a hard ass ***** as you think you are. Anyway I'm probably boring you now so I'm gonna sit here and shut the hell up and enjoy this breeze but if you want to talk or yell, you can even cuss at me if you want I'll be right here. *Reaches in my pocket and pulls out two puddling cups and reaches around placing one next to her, then opens mine* You know I'm obsessed with these things, my mother used to make me huge batches of puddling and hide them from my father and brother she said that it was my very personal reward for being born.
Raina listens to Macal silently, not speaking a word throughout his whole speech. Sure what he has said has affected her slightly. Not all of it, but the bit about his Mother. About freezing and not being able to do anything. Sure it may have been different since Raina was tied up and unable to move when she watched Jace murder her Mum and little Sister. But still.

She could have saved her. She could have saved Mabel, even could have saved her Mum. But she was too damn weak. Many people in her situation would say they wished it was them instead, that they wished they had been killed instead of their loved one. But Raina didn't. Because if Mabel had gotten away, and Raina was killed instead, then Mabel would be just like her right now. She would be 12 instead. But she would have had to deal with what her Father did. She would have been the punching bag for him and his friends, she would have been the one to forcibly lose her virginity. And Raina wouldn't have been able to tolerate that, even the thought made her sick to her core.

But she couldn't let Macal know that, she couldn't let him know ANYTHING. So she kept the same bitter tone, looking at the pudding cup, "Am I supposed to open up now?" She rolled her eyes, still gripping the knife as she pushed herself up off of the tree without using her hands, "Whatever, I'll find another tree." She takes a step forward, but then stops, not looking back as she speaks casually, no emotion in her tone, "I don't think I'm a hard ass *****, I don't think I'm anything, so don't go assuming things without knowing what you're talking about Macal." She then, without warning, sped around the tree so she was facing him, only taking about a milisecond to do so with her vampire speed. She tilted her head to the perfect angle, letting her long black hair drape to the side slightly as she locked her black eyes with Macal's, "On another note, how is Liza?" Her tone was neutral and there neither a smile or a frown on her face, she was emotionless on the surface. She expected a snappy response.
*Calmly looking up at her.* Liza is Liza...She's a bit upset that I was angry with her for not obeying me and going out with you, but she'll be fine in the morning being her usual bouncy happy self, I think tomorrow I'll take her with me to train for a bit, I don't spend as much time with her as I wish I could, but her Sheena and Faith they're my entire world and I've done somethings that would probably make them fear me if they knew the lengths I've gone to protect them but hey you don't care about that you asked about Liza. I get it she's important to you but Raina she's my daughter and if something happen to her I'd be lost, so please don't ask her to disobey us again and please I'm asking you nicely cause I know you enjoy how Faith reacts when she finds out Liza has done or gone somewhere she's not suppose to do or go..But please don't use Liza to get under Faith's skin it's not fair to Liza, cause she's the one that gets in trouble.

Now do you know the clearing on the other side of the lake? That's where I go to train while I'm here, it's out of the way and know one really comes near the place, that is where Liza and I will be tomorrow morning, I want you to come and watch us for a bit, then maybe you can join us...With this Jace person about I feel I need to give Liza a refresher course in combat. *Slowly standing up* You can have you spot back but if you don't mind I would like to use it again once in awhile.

By the way Raina the one the killed my mother, I never found him again he may or may not be dead after all it's been thousands of years but I no longer live to prove myself or for revenge, now days I live for two things my family and to protect those that can not protect themselves. I know that is what my mother wants me to do and how she wants me to live...I'll never forget failing her that day but living like I did was doing her life no honor no respect, that person I was would have made my mother a shame of me....Anyway we start at 5am on the dot.
(Hah, so much for Faith saying Raina couldn't see Liza until she stopped being a bit*h xD Hehe, I also think Raina's new nickname for Faith is going to be Slayer)

Raina watches Macal as he speaks, even though she seems nuetral, there is a defiant glint in her eyes as he speaks of her using Liza to annoy Faith. It's true, she does, but how else is she supposed to annoy the slayer? She can't go after the pup because she's got a leech protecting her not to mention she'll probably pack a punch herself. She can't do anything to ancient daddy 'cause he's probably as powerful, if not more, as Faith. And going straight for the slayer herself wouldn't do much good either because even though Raina's a bit*h, she's not stupid.

Raina tenses as Jace's name leaves Macal's mouth, so even the old man knows about him now? What the fu*k has Faith told him? If the slayer was gonna go around mouthing off what she knows about Raina now, Raina could play that game too. Thanks to little Liza Raina knew a fair bit about Faith. She also doesn't appreciate how Macal has worded his 'invitation' to join him and Liza for training. It sounds more like he expects her to be there.

As Macal stands up, his height causing Raina to look up at him slightly, he carries on talking about his Mother, and Raina can hear the message behind it that he is trying to tell her. She was doing her Mother shame by how she was living now. She rolled her eyes at him, she didn't need any lessons from him, what did he think she was? His daughter? "Whatever Macal, I'll probably be asleep at 5am or grabbing a bite. Whichever one happens first." As she stared at him, her black eyes seemed to gain a tint of red, "Although it's probably best if I go aswell right now." She could smell the blood pounding through him, but she seemed completely in control despite her throat burning, "I haven't had blood for a while and you reek of it." Her ears picked up a shuffling deeper in the woods and her head snapped to look in the direction of it. "Later Macal."
(Thought I'd post this picture of Faye, it's her after her makeover/when she turned 15. She looks like this now thanks to make-up and a hair stylist: View attachment 5668 It's also on the first page with my sign-ups)
Lekki heard the sound of wings flapping before she saw Kesson descend into the garden. He gave her a look as if he did not expect her to be in the garden this early in the morning. Lekki smiled and waved at him, not moving from where she laid. She was too comfy.

"Lekki right?"

Lekki nodded as best she could laying down. "Yes that is my name. And your's is Creston or something."

"Kesson," the DHH said looking down at the half-demon girl. She seemed so relax he had almost thought she was asleep at first. But clearly she was not. "I am sorry to disturb you. I was going to head elsewhere I just wanted to land."

"You aren't disturbing me," Lekki said with a small laugh. "Trust me that is hard to do."

Kesson gave her a curious look which amused her. She didn't see the worry in his eyes though. Kesson wasn't sure what to make of the girl. She seemed so calm which surprised him. Was she truly half-demon? He wasn't sure how other half-breeds of the demon variety acted but he felt it was different from this. But he did not know so maybe this was normal. Or maybe Lekki was just putting on an act? He could not be totally sure of either.

Kesson watched her as he strolled around the garden, making glances also at the exit. Lekki continued to lay on the ground, but she noticed the DHH's movements. Did she bother him in some way? Lekki had always found she was somewhat uneasy to be around at times. She didn't mind it all that much. She couldn't force people to like her or want to be around her so why trouble herself? You could not please everyone. Besides Lekki was too upbeat to let it get her down or bother her. Kesson's actuions were more amusing than offensive.

"You can leave if you want to," she said. Kesson looked at her unsure and then shrugged.

"If you want me to. I...I have nothing to do really. I am unsure of why I am out at this hour anyways."

Lekki sat up and looked at Kesson. He looked back for a few moments, before looking away, clearly, anxious. He shifted under Lekki's stare and the silence dragged on between them. Lekki smiled and laughed quietly.

"The people here seem so odd, don't you think?"

Kesson gave her a questioning look. Lekki picked a flower and twirled it between her fingers. "You don't see it all too clearly sometimes, but it's always there beneath the skin. All their problems. All their troubles. Their history, their past. It shapes them and we seem to have many who aren't quite shaped as how they should." Lekki looked back at Kesson who was beginning to fidget more. He had something to hide. She could tell by the way her words effected him. She wondered what.

"But no one likes talking about it. What happened to them that made them just a little bit off. I mean we all are off. It's just the way of things. But some veer off so much it's hard not to notice once you open your eyes."

Kesson was getting more and more confused by Lekki's words. What was she talking about? What did she know? Did she know something or was she just spewing nonsense at him? He couldn't be quite sure and felt rude to ask. Lekki stood, brushing dirt off herself. She passed by Kesson, handing him the flower.

"I guess in the end we all just need someone there to confide in. Just one person to know why we are odd." Lekki looked at him, a bright and cheery smile on her face. "Have a good day Kesson."

"You too," Kesson called after her, still confused by her previous words. If anyone was odd it was her. But her last words made him think. He thought about Zelda's question about his family last night and his short response. Could he tell someone what happened? And would they understand his actions? He didn't know. What he did know was that he hoped to see Lekki again. She was an odd one but something about her seemed to give Kesson a clear sense of things.

Shaking his head he headed towards Flower's garden. He had permission and he wanted to see what it looked like.


Hayley moved out into the hall. She had only packed what she needed. She could either do without the rest or get it later. She had to go now before anyone knew what she was going to do.

She moved quietly down the hall, her hair and skin and eyes shifting as she moved, her nerves on end. This was not something she'd thought she'd be doing but she knew it was for the best in the end. She had to go before she got herself hurt. She was all her mother had left. If Hayley died or got serious hurt she could only imagine the grief and pain her mother would feel.

Hayley stopped shifting and took a deep breath. She had to do this. It was the right thing to do. She didn't belong here.

(Anyone is free to run into Hayley)

(I edited my character sheets a bit (pg 140 for t
hose who care) and changed Hayley's appearance to if anything is bad I'll re-edit)
(I don't think I have to many characters for Hayley right now. Nick and Deathwish both are not in the best of moods. Flower is a reck and my other characters aren't the best for her lol)

Flower's garden was a quiet place to be. The stream was nice and cool and it even had a willow tree growing in it. The flowers were always blooming because of the clear glass that kept the place warm and Flower's light abilities. The grass was sort and soft and lightning bugs gave a nice light show at night. Of course Flower often danced here and showed off a different side of light abilities, one that was most beautiful to watch. Flower was in her garden, another place to clear her mind from Hunter's death and Jace himself. She had music playing, that was helping her relax. She created different colors of light around her. They changed color at the sound of the drums. She bent down while stretching out her leg, her hand reatching her feet. She took a deep breath and started dancing gracfully. The light changing colors around her as she whiped light in her hands like a dance flag.

Her breath was calm although her eyes showed much sadness and grief. Her dear Key dog was taken from her. Nick had told her Jace felt remorse as well but...Flower couldn't let it go not yet. She had cleaned up her room she had torn up and it was like nothing happened. She was glad the ordeal was over and just wanted to do something fun before classes start.

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