Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

(Hope noone minds we move to early morning)

*Just like I said 5 on the dot Liza and myself are in the clearing to train, we start by sitting on the ground with our legs crossed to meditate with our swords laying down infront of us* Remember Princess, clear your mind and shutout all distraction, just focus on the sound of your own breath. Lately you've lacked focus and direction we need to get back to basics. *Peeking out of one eye watching her to make sure she's following instructions, I can see all kinds of forest animals coming out of the clearing sitting next to her on the ground, deer, rabbits, birds it's like a freaking Snow White movie here, I swear I'm starting to wonder if they're gonna start singing and sewing dresses for the grand ball next.*
Liza had eventually fallen asleep in Faith's lap the night before, and Faith had simply lay down with her, not wanting to leave her alone after everything that had passed that night. Liza had awakened almost instantly, in a much better mood than the night before, much to her mother's irritation, and Faith had curled into a ball with Liza's pillow over her head as Liza left for her training.

Meanwhile, in Sheena's room, Evangeline had pulled away from Sheena in their shared bed about twenty minutes before dawn, leaning close to her to kiss her cheek and whisper in her ear. Sheena had barely stirred, her eyes only partly open as Eve whispered. "Night sis...gotta beat out the sun, okay? But I'll see you tomorrow."

It may be a myth that vampires sparkle, but Evangeline was so pleased with herself as she slipped out Sheena's window and began to make her way to her own dorm that she did almost glow.

Liza grins when all the animals surround her, starting to get distracted looking, but when you remind her to focus, she obediently sits down and takes a long, noisy breath, her chest rising and falling. Closing her eyes, she attempts to focus, but like her mother, this is something she often struggles with. She fidgets for a few moments before her breathing falls into a rhythm.
*Peeks out my eyes again grinning at her as I pick up a leaf and lean over and tickle her nose* Focus little one focus don't let anything distract you. *trying real hard not to laugh myself* Mind over matter Liza, you and your mother really need to learn how to do this.

Alex: *Next morning come back to Sheena's room and knocks on the door* Hey you up sleepy head, I'm starving lets go get some pancakes and a metric ton of bacon, hey you up or what? Sheena get your lazy but out of bed. *knocks a few more times*
Liza's nose scrunches, and she rounds in her shoulders, trying to hold in a giggle. Slapping a hand over her mouth, she sits up straighter, then screws her eyes shut tighter, lowering her hand and attempting again to concentrate. It takes a little while longer before she settles again, but this time she is focused and calm.

From Liza's room Faith can be heard muttering something nasty from under the covers that includes a threat about what she's gonna do if someone can't figure out when to stop banging on doors. Sheena, however, although she does not threaten, is very slow to come to the door. When she finally opens it she is still in the clothes she wore the night before, her hair mussed all about her head, and she yawns, stretching slightly, as she blinks up at Alex.

"It's're all cheerful."
Faye was on her way back to hers and Myra's room after an eventful night of tree climbing and hopping - gosh she needed to find a better way to spend her time. She pushed open the school doors, only to feel that the doors hit something....or someone. She let out a yell and sped around to see she had just smacked that girl Hayley down with the doors. "Ah! I'm so sorry!" Her eyes widened and she dropped beside the girl, offering a hand to help her up, "Are you okay?"

Raina had fed on an animal in the end, thanks to Liza's influence. And now she felt a lot better. But still, as she headed back, she found herself thinking over Macal's invite. She would get to see Liza, and she could get a read on how Macal fights. She finds herself absentmindly heading to the clearing Macal pointed out, not even realizing she was heading there until she spotted Macal and Liza sitting side by side. Her footsteps were silent even before she froze, looking at them both from a distance. She smiled lightly, a genuine smile, as she watched them mess around together, even holding back laughs.

Had she ever been like that with her dad? With anyone?

She took a step back, not feeling right here, not feeling right anywhere, she shouldn't be invading on their happiness, ruining it with her broken presence. They were happy, they were part of a family, bonded together by the unspoken laws of blood relations. She was neither of those things, she was nothing. She wasn't a part of their family, of their lives even. Maybe Faith was right, maybe Raina should stay away from Liza, keep her safe from Jace.

But, in the typical annoying fashion, she had stepped on a twig and it snapped much too loudly for the silent clearing. Sh*t. She turned around, her back to the two at the clearing as she begun to walk away, hoping they hadn't heard.
Name: Damian Rockwell



Species: Vampire

Powers:Blood Manipulation,enhanced abilities,Reproduction.

Weapons:A weapon attached to his arm which can turn into a chainsaw with blades of pure blood or his silver desert eagle strapped to his side.

Vehicle:A 1980 GTO

His pet Raven Shadow

Family: Dex Rockwell,Demetri Rockwell,Rave Rockwell,Raphael,Zophiel





Name: Dex Rockwell




Powers:unimaginable speed and strength,eyes turn color of emotions

Weapons:Giant Axe

Cererus the hell hound

Vehicle:A yamaha racing bike

Family: Damian Rockwell,Demetri Rockwell,Rave Rockwell,Raphael and Zophiel





Name:Rave Rockwell



Species: Demon,Vampire

Powers:Telekinis,Pyrokenisis,Shadow Manipulation

Weapons:He uses a giant red sword made from the flames of Hell

Vehicle:Yamaha Racing bike

White wolf:Rex,rest of pack:Rex,Killer,Boss,Striker

Family: Damian Rockwell,Dex Rockwell,Demetri Rockwell,Raphael,Zophiel


Girl friend:None



Name: Demetri Rockwell





Weapons:Claw hand blades,sword,kunai

Vehicle:Rides with Damian(looks at Damian for vehicle)


Family: Damian Rockwell,Dex Rockwell,Rave Rockwell,Raphael,Zophiel





Name:Raphael Rockwell,Zophiel Rockwell




Power:Using the element of light.

Weapons:Hand to hand fighters.



Family: Damian Rockwell,Demetri Rockwell,Rave Rockwell,Dex Rockwell




(sorry for OOC but im a little bit more than confused here, is Raina and Co. in the same clearing Mar was in ( or going to be in in the case that they got there and left before he arrived) or are they in a diffrent clearing all together?)

P.S (yay new charecters! :3)
*I heard Raina long before she stepped on that twig and I know Liza did also, so I fight my first instinct to appear in front of her, seeing how our relationship is fragile as it is I don't want her to think I'm a threat. Moving to my feet I hold out my hand so that my sword floats into it* Are you ready Liza? How about we just go through a few forms till we're warmed up, so just shadow me. *Drawing my sword then dropping the scabbard onto the ground it lands with a huge impact leaving a very visible imprint about a foot deep, hinting at it's massive weight.* Now Liza tell your friends to get back a little so they don't get hurt. *leans over and whispers into her ear* If you want you can invite her to join us I'll wait. *referring to Raina in the shadows, I figured she'll have no problem if Liza was the one that invited her.*
Liza too had heard Raina's footsteps and grins, happy that her father appears to be okay with her joining them. She picks up her own sword, but instead of joining her father in drawing it, simply carries it with her as she runs after Raina, waving with her free hand.

"Hi! It's not even morning yet silly. How come your up? Did you come to see me? I'm playing with my daddy. Do you wanna come? Do you wanna play too?"

(Macal, you didn't post for Alex)
Raina mentally cursed as Liza's voice is heard, shouting after her. Spotttteddd. She spun around to face Liza, neither a smile or frown on her face as she greets her, "Hey Liza."

She is not fully out of her shell yet, since she is distinctively aware of Macal only a few feet away. When Liza says daddy, so sweet and innocent, she feels a tug on her heart.

She smiles softly now, forgetting Macal is there - as usual when she is with Liza, she forgets the others - and letting herself out slightly. "I dunno Liza." She glances to Macal now, and her eyes harden in the slightest and a small smirk places itself on her face, time to push him away too. She looks back at Liza, the smirk is gone and she frowns, looking genuinely upset, "I don't think your mummy wants me playing with you anymore, she doesn't like me at all."

This isn't a lie. Faith has made it extremely clear that she doesn't want Raina around Liza many a time, and everyone knows the slayer and Raina hate each other's guts - the display in class was surely enough for everyone to guess their mutual dislike.
"Awww, Mama says stuff like that and then sometimes she changes her mind. Or else I make her change her mind. Or else my daddy does. And my daddy says it's okay. He don't care I don't think. And guess what, he still loves me even though I was bad so it's okay. And anyway you won't even be bad, right? You'll be good so we can still be friends, right?"

Without waiting for an answer, Liza tugged at Raina's arm, half hugging her as she looked up at her. "Come onnnn Raina..."
Liza talks in such a blur that Raina has only processed her words by the time it has taken for Liza to manage to pull Raina right over to Macal. We can still be friends. Never before has Raina heard those words in her life. Still be friends. Be friends. She blinks, looking to Macal numbly, "Uh, sure." She muttered in response to Liza. She then looked at Liza, who was still clung to her arm, and looked at the sword she was sporting.

A genuine smile crossed her face, "That's a wicked sword Liza. Where'd you get it?"

It doesn't occur to her that Macal can see her smile, see it's real, and even see she is real. She doesn't stop to think of how this weakness could be used against her, how she is SUPPOSED to be hiding any possible good from him, not flaunting it in the form of a smile directed at Liza.
(All accepted welcome to fighting Academy!)

Flower sighed and walked around the castle. She sighed and then crossed her arms. Her bird Sky was on her shoulder trying to cheer her up. She petted Sky. "Please girl...I'm not in the mood. Hunter is dead and The Vampire King is up to something." She said and then sighed. "Sky stop it!" She said as Sky started to mess with her hair and ear tickling a bit.
Liza is very pleased with herself that Raina has followed her and continues to hold her arm as she holds up her sword with her other hand, displaying it proudly. "Mr. Stick gived it to me. He's my granddaddy only he's not daddy's daddy, he just is anyway, that's all. Mr. Stick likes to call Daddy and Mama a dumbass and he helped me learn wind stuff and stuff. See Daddy, Raina's here now! She can play too right? And watch? And Mama won't care, or she'll get over it or something I think."

Looking up at Macal again, she adds, "What are we gonna do now Daddy?"
Hayley wasn't expecting to be knocked out. She thought, maybe, that someone would see her. Would try and stop her from going. Who? Well that part Hayley couldn't figure out. A teacher was mostly who she thought of. She didn't really know any of the other students here.

So when she got hit by the door she was surprised. She looked at the person who did it and then looked around.

'It''s okay," Hayley said frowning. She retrieved her bag and gripped it tightly, not sure if to just go or wait until the girl left.
*Watching the interaction I can see there is some good there and some rather sincere feelings for my daughter...Sometimes that's all it takes for me to give someone a chance to really prove themselves to me. I lean over and grab a long slender bag it's pretty apparent that it holds a sword, I smile and offer it to Raina as I slide it out, a long slender katana with a blade almost as tall as Raina, it's sort of our style to handle very long blades and even tho it looks thin and light it's actually a very heavy sword due to the sacred metal it's made of* Of course she can join us, after all I invited her last night. Here Raina this is yours..Now you two fall into line we're going to do the shadow exercise like I mentioned before. *Moving back and getting into my stance I wait for you both to join.*

*Alex smiles at Sheena* What's not to be cheerful about, yeah I know there was some drama last night but all in all it was still a pretty good night for us, I really enjoyed myself and I realized I need to loosen up more and just enjoy life instead of letting it pass me by. *Noticing the form in your bed finally* Umm your bed is really lumpy.
"Do you know how to do swords, Raina?" Liza asks brightly as she takes up her own and copies her father's motion. "Swords are fun. Sometimes they're big too. I like big ones. People are so silly, they always act real surprised just 'cause I got a sword. Daddy is this one of those exercises where I gotta be quiet?"

(Macal...Evangeline already left, lol. She told her good bye and went off before sunlight :P )

"Just tired, I guess...Raina started up stuff with Faith, and broke down our door, the repair guy just fixed it a couple of hours ago," Sheena yawns, then slips out of bed, glancing towards where Alex is looking. She realizes after a few seconds that Evangeline had let her pillow slide down in the bed, along with her jacket, which she had apparently left behind, which was causing the lumps. Sheena pulled up the pillow but not the jacket, letting it remain hidden for the moment.

"Ha, you always make fun of me not making a bed?"
Rosa looked down trying to gather her thoughts; her feet were killing her and her eyes felt fuzzy from crying and the make up. She dropped her face into her hands while he spoke and rubbed her temple, she then pulled them across her face until they had fallen from her head and were now resting on her neck. She felt her pulse and knew that right now she could take her own life so fast and so painlessly that nothing could stop her. It was frightening and at the same time empowering, Rosa knew she would never do it but she could if she ever wanted to. Jace was obviously trying to be nice but he had to have some kind of angle, however right now she needed a little help and he was her only option. When he said he didn’t bite it was all she could do not to laugh she just thought to herself “No you don’t bite you kill,” instead she said, “Yes, just get me back to my dorm…please?”
Raina, listening to Liza's chatter about her grandad who isn't actually her grandad, she chuckles lightly, thinking of how Macal is Sheena's 'dad', yet Sheena is Faith's sister even though Faith is Liza's mum and Liza is Sheena's sister, it sure was messed up. "What is up with your family not actually being related to each other? I still don't get how Faith and Sheena are sisters even though Macal is Sheena's dad. Wouldn't that make Faith his kid too? Or Sheena his sister in law?" She then falls silent as Macal shoves an elegant, long katana at her. She takes its weight easily, smiling as she spins it expertly in her hands, "This is awesome." She mutters lightly, almost to herself as she lets the early sun ray's gleam off of the blade.

As Liza asks her if she can handle swords, Raina looks at her, smiling lightly, "Of course I can do swords Liza." She manages to refrain from adding how she learnt to fight with a sword, her mind flashing to the many times her Father had slashed her with the sword when she didn't duck or dodge in time, she even had white scars criss-crossed over her lower and middle back, the skin she never showed.

She grinned at Liza as she spoke of people being surprised at her having a sword, "Well of course they'd be surprised Liza, usually sweet little five year olds don't tend to carry around swords."

Liza's speaking to Macal reminded Raina he was there, and as she looked at him, the smile dropped and her eyes became a shield again, hiding all that was behind it and stopping anything from harming her. She copied his stance effortlessly, as if she had done it a million times before.

Jace watched Rosa as she seemed to struggle internally, he noticed the way her legs wobbled slightly, she must be tired from walking around in a circle. As she finally admitted to needing help, he had a sudden thought. "Don't freak out and punch me in the eye okay?" He asked, then without giving her time to respond, he swept her up off of the floor in a princess carry, one arm behind her back, and the other underneath the back of her knees. The princess carry. "Please don't kill me Rosa for carrying you, but your legs looked like they were about to give way!" He started to walk down the hall, heading for where the dorms were, her weight barely noticeable to him, "Do you know your room number?" He looked down at her, her slightly smudged make-up and red-rimmed eyes, yeah, something was up.

Faye frowned at the girl, "Are you sure? I'm really sorry, I didn't realise anyone would be there, it's like, 5 in the morning right?" Her eyes then flicked to the girl's bag and her brow furrowed further, "What's up with the bag? It looks like you've got everything in there."

Faye looked back to Hayley's face, recognizing her as the shy girl from class, "Hey, you're Hayley right? I'm Faye." She stuck her hand out with a smile, "The school's resident fire ball"
Hayley looked down at her bag and moved it as if she was trying to hide it from view. So she had been caught trying to leave after all. Maybe a lie would be useful. But what could she say? She was going to visit her mother maybe? That wasn't a complete lie.

"Hayley...yes that is my name," she said in a quiet voice. "It's...nice to meet you....Faye." She shifted her bag again and looked outside. "I..." she licked her lips not sure what to say. Lie or not? "I have to go," she said vaguely after a short debate. Maybe Faye would just let her go.


Kesson moved to the door to Flower's garden and almost knocked on it. He hesitated for a moment, Lekki's words still sharp and clear in his mind. He wouldn't mind another talk with her, one more direct this time. He slowly opened the door and looked around.

The place looked amazing and Kesson could help a large smile. He moved inside completely distracted by the scene, but something felt off. Kesson frown and stayed near the door, wondering what it could be.
"They just are, that's all. You don't gotta have gived birth through your tummy to be a mama, you know. And you don't gotta do eggs and sparm to be a daddy. Sometimes you just are and that's all. And sometimes you just come outta their heads. And sometimes you just get alive again and then they just say that you're Daddy's new little girl 'cause he's older than Mama and plus also Mama knew her when she was a little girl too and so she can't be her mama 'cause she said that's just weird. Plus also my mama can't be daddy's little girl 'cause she's his wife and stuff and they kiss and stuff and it's on the LIPS and you don't kiss your daddy on the lips if you're his little girl 'cause that's wrong. Plus also Mama is a grown up."

She doesn't seem to see anything wrong with the fact that she has referred to the 5'9, late adolescent Sheena as a little girl several times, as Liza also sees nothing wrong with referring to Sheena as her "big little sister."

Overhearing Raina's comment, Liza grins. "Yes these are very awesome, Raina. And wicked. Swords are totally wicked. Daddy can we fight? Please? I could kick her ass again just like last time. And you know what, Raina, that is just silly. 'Cause five year olds like swords too."


Sheena slipped out of bed before Alex could comment any further, heading towards her closet to pull out something to wear. "You said something about breakfast?"
Dog tired from practicing with the Sherman, Mar went back to his dorm to refuel. which for him meant downing two more helpings of instant-microwave meals to help him replace the calories he lost, while still in his room he decided that then would be as good of a time as any to check the contents of the box he received earlier this morning.

Sitting up on his bed with the box on his lap , Mar sunk the tip of a combat knife with a removed Co2 cartridge into the packet, slowly gouging open a length of tape holding two cardboard tabs together until they almost soundlessly popped out revealing two small boxes of revolver ammunition that he quickly placed under his bed finding that the bullets where hiding a black laptop with a skin that bore the same insignia that was on its container, the laptop looked identical to the others that augmented humans use to wirelessly program AI`s and preform maintenance/diagnostics on their nano machines, the only hint Mar got that it was was a new model was that it was considerably slimmer and lighter then his old one placed on a computer desk behind him. dragging a chair from his kitchen to the desk after relocating the new laptop next to the old one he booted both up, using a flash drive to transfer all of his important data to his new piece of equipment before walking out of his room.

Closing and locking his door behind him with the obsolete computer under his arm, he passed Hayley and Faye on his way through the hallway but did`int seem to notice them. Protocol required Mar to destroy an old device after being issued an upgraded one and the boy was heading back outside to do just that.
Ok Liza today I'll let you free train but only because we have a guest but you can't go all out with her, this is just sparring so neither of you should use full power, if you do I'll step in and stop you. Now I'll be over here continuing my workout but I'll be watching. *Steps back and gives you both some space* Raina you two enjoy yourselves ok.

Alex: Hey my place is spotless, I make my bed everyday. *leans over pressing my forehead to yours* So how you feeling about what happened last night? Have you decided what you want to do yet? I'll start researching for any vampire nest or sightings in the area around the time she was suppose to have died but I'm not getting my hopes up, most people don't report stuff like that and when they do the local cops don't really take them serious but I won't quit and I'll find the bastard it just may take me some time.
"Okay Daddy!" Liza beams, dimples flickering into view, and she turns more fully towards Raina, her eyes glinting with excitement. "Raina, let's fight!" She barely waits for Raina to have even heard her before she swings her sword towards her in a strong arc, aimed towards her middle.

Sheena wraps her arm around Alex's waist, leaning against him and breathing in his scent slightly, keeping her forehead pressed to his as she considers. How does she feel about last night...which part of last night might be a better question. There had been so much going on, and now, she doesn't want to process it, any of it....

"She's my sister," she says simply. "I loved her then, and I love her matter what she is. And anyway...I think she loves me too. And that has to say something for her, right...and some vampires are different. Just because Faith is all worried...I mean, Faith's a Slayer, it would be weird if she didn't like vampires. And Lina's different...Lina's mine. I mean...I want to know what happened. I want to know how she became this. But...knowing won't change how I feel. You know?"

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