Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

(No I don't mind...they had to be friends....because of their Royalty nature they wouldn't let just anyone play with their child.)

Flower glares at him. "I wonder what would happen to you if 'That time of the month' would pop up soon?" She said and then smirked with a wide smile. She shook her head and then looked at the king again. (I couldn't resist when you said that lol!) She sighed and then looked down. "Yes....your father kills your mother and this idoit who is you're real father killed my mother and father....of what messed up story!" She growls.

"Hmm, yes." He said and then looked at Jace. He smirks at Jace and then disappears. Flower smacked her forehead. "I hate him..." She said and thne looked at Jace. She removed her wings and then looked up. The sun was coming up but Flower didn't care. She jumped into the water yet again, it always calmed her down.
Faith takes in all of Raina's words without comment until she is finished, her eyes slightly narrowed in thought as she mentally notes all of it. She does not yet think on what she can do, on what might be possible to do, at least not in detail. Right now she simply processes Raina's descriptions, and does what she can to show little reaction. Even when she sees Raina's scar, she cannot read what Raina intends by showing it to her. Is this trust, or is this defiance?

But when Raina concludes, the wall coming over her eyes once more, Faith understands it for what it is- defenses, strong ones, and ones probably necessary for her to continue to keep going, day by day. She does not smile as she nods in response to Raina's last statement of boredom, knowing very well that there is no way the girl could genuinely be bored...afraid, is more like it. But there's no reason to point that out to her.

" can go," Faith tells her. "I think that will be helpful. Believe me, I'll look into all of this."

But she isn't finished yet, and she calls Raina's name before the girl can turn.

"You forgot one more factor of his weakness. Jace sounds like he has no one, Raina. No one he cares about, and no one who cares about him. And that means no one will help him...he's on his own. It always makes you stronger when you have someone to help you out."

She lets this linger for a few seconds, her eyes on Raina's, before her voice hardens.

"Also, Raina. If you truly do love Liza, like I think you might want to think about what you sneaking her around is costing her. Not just her safety, but her freedom, because if you think her father isn't going to be pissed off about her disobeying us, thanks to you, you're not thinking at all. And...if you pull a knife on me again, just keep in mind next time you won't escape a retaliating weapon against your heart."

She gestures for Raina to go.
Alex: *Passing Raina as she's leaving and smiles at her* Hey Raina, how's it going? *Seeing Faith standing there I turn my attention to her* Hey Faith can I talk to you about something important if you got a second. First of all I have to confess I knew Liza was grounded and I saw her at the dance but I didn't say anything to her and let her stay, I figured I was watching her so as long as she was there and I could watch her it would be ok...I know that was wrong cause she's not my daughter and I should have respected you and Macal and not only made her leave but I should have escorted her back. I'm sorry about that and I'll accept whatever punishment you and Mac decide on.
Faith looks up as Alex approaches, slightly more aware of her partial lack of attire with his appearance than she had been with Raina's, and just stares at him, shaking her head. The last thing she wants at the moment is to talk to yet another kid who screwed up, though at least this one is apologizing.

"Yeah, fine, Alex, whatever...go to bed already, what the hell are you doing hanging around here anyway this late? We'll talk tomorrow."
I wanted to make sure Sheena was ok and to make sure she didn't try to sneak out and meet with Eve by herself, that girl she's all smiles and acting sweet and sincere but she creeps me out there is something sinister about her. But you're right it's late I'll come back tomorrow for whatever punishment you have in mind and again I'm sorry for my part in this. *Turns and starts to walk out*
Mar woke up and got out of bed one hour ahead of his alarm clock at 0500 hours without anything more than a small yawn here and a light stretch there. Morning laziness or just 5 more minutes syndrome has never affected the boy, a little more than 15 years of his kind of life prevented it. He took care of personal hygiene, pulled on his usual clothes and ate two bowls of instant ramen before heading out but his door only opened half way, stepping out into the hall and looking down Mar spotted a medium sized U.P.S box that bore shadow companies insignia blocking the doors path(yes even years after the fall of man, U.P.S remains immortal) "probably just more ammunition or something... like i needed any more of that" he said to himself uninterested before swiping it into his dorm with his foot, closing the door and locking it behind him.

Mar had nothing to do. there where no morning roll calls, sentry duties or even scheduled drill times to report to here plus he was already competent enough to be teaching the academic courses for his age range at the academy so he didin`t have any required classes to attend besides Faith`s. unaccustomed to having this much freedom Mar found himself pacing back and forth for a good part of a minute before he decided that he was better off knowing what kind of mess he`d been thrown into rather then find out the hard way, and the best way to do that would be to search out one of the arenas and watch students go at it. looking at one of the wall maps he neglected to see on his first day, he located the nearest one placing a finger on its location; "normal arena forth floor" he said to himself before starting towards his destination.
Ginger and Trinity were practicing in the arena. Ginger yawned and rubbed her eyes. She was very tired and hardly wanted to try and do an early morning practice. She stretched out one arm the other still rubbing her eye. "Trinity...why so early?" She asked tiredly as she grabbed a weapon to practice with. She was a normal 14 year old human with no abilities of any kind. She was under Flower's protection but with no fighting skills and the shy girl she was, without Trinity to constently protect her she'd be dead by now.

Trinity looks at her and stomps her foot. "Because! You want the vamps to be sneaking about? Even they have to sleep!" She said and then looked around. "Come on try to wake up." She said and then fixed the armor she had on her arms. "Look I'm wide awake." She said looking at her.

"But you're not Hu-" Ginger blinked as Trinity's chains almost smacked her face. "Trinity!" She yelled and then backed up. She looked at her friend who seemed to hate the word but was just trying to protect her. Trinity wasn't the best at being less agressive.

"SHh! Come on now....let's try a new weapon." She said her chains floating beside her filled with energy, which was Trinity's power. She looked at Ginger as she grabbed a practice gun to shoot with. Instead of hurting the target it mearly caused a bit of pain to show that they got it. Not to much pain at a low setting that Ginger had it on.
Mar was leaning against a wall near the arena`s entrance there where only two female students using it besides himself and one looked tired & complainitive ,he was about to leave for one of the other arenas before he saw Trinity use her power, blinking twice he said to himself "chains? that's... interesting" the concept of wielding floating chains without the use of machines was alien to him. he was also unaware that with a key holders powers came supernatural hearing and that she probably heard the boy.
Trinity looked at the boy and then sent out chains from her armor on her arms and wrapped them around him. She pulled him in front of her and then glared. "who are you?" she asked glaring at him while Ginger hid behind her. She looked at him and then blinked getting a whiff of him. "Human." she said and then gently released him. "Heh sorry." she said and then rubbed her head. "To many vampires and demons running around....but I still don't trust you!"
Mar stayed calm despite being pulled in so suddenly, making a mental note about the range at which he was grabbed from he assumed the chains reach was probably close to infinite. the boy rolled his shoulders after he was released, grateful that his range of motion had been restored. he decided to go with the polite approach; "it`s alright. I should be the one saying sorry and you have no reason to trust me, my name is Mar by the way" noticing that Trinity had let him down after confirming that he was human he could`nt help but add "wait... you only let me go because i was human?" where his kind not even considered a valid threat here?
Trinity looks at him and smiles lightly. "Yes, but only because of Ginger here. She's Human too but hasn't even seen another human before..." she said and then looked at Ginger behind her. "She very shy though. Oh by the way my name is Trinity." she said and then tried to push Ginger pit from behind her.
Mar returns Trinity`s smile and gives a quick nod of recognition to Ginger, he was slightly confused at how the situation changed from hostilities to introductions so quickly but he was`nt one to make complaints; "never seen another human? but this place is HUGE i`m pretty sure one would run into another human ...eventually." the boy had only seen no one BUT humans before now and was not aware of the human<other races ratio in the academy.

Ginger shook her head no. She looked at him and then slowly came out from behind Trinity. "'ve yet to find more humans here." she said very quietly and then looked at the ground her shyness getting he best of her. She didn't look up at him again. Trinity let out a sigh and then patted her shoulder trying to convince her but it wasn't working.
Seeing Ginger look down made the boy take a step back to give the two girls a little more space, he tried to think of something to say that would take her mind off the subject but he could`nt find anything; "um- i apologize Ms. Ginger i guess the concept is just weird to me" the boy said raising an arm to scratch the back of his head, thinking that his questions was causing her discomfort. the logical part of his brain told him to just stop asking questions before he steps on a land mine and leave but the other half told him that he wouldn't be able to go until Ginger was comforted.
Trinity looks at him. "Nah...It's not that....she's always this shy around people...she'll get more comfortable with you after a while." She said and then looked at Ginger who looked up at Mar. Trinity smiled. "See." She giggles slightly and then looks at him. She grabbed Ginger's shoulders. "Hey! If you're here...then....are you here to train? Maybe you can help Ginger....she doesn't know a lot about fighting and we're trying guns out for her." She said smiling.
Mar let himself relax, relieved that he had`nt offended anyone; "well i did`nt originally come with the intention to train but if you need help with firearms you`ve found the right person." the boy turns his attention to Ginger; "what kind of guns do you think you would be the most comfortable with?"
Ginger looks at him and then holds up the fake hand gun. "It's for doesn't shoot real bullets but causes a little bit of pain if you shoot it at someone...kind of like a paintball gun." She said and then unlouded the fake bullets. "The tips glow red so you know they are fake...if you wanted I think this gun can shoot real bullets." She said quietly and then put the bullets back in. "It doesn't hurt much...." She said and then looked down again.
Raina, as Faith seems to be finished, is about to go, but then Faith carries on, and Raina lets her eyes drop back to meet with Faith's. Her brow furrows at Faith's words, her gaze becoming a mixture of confusion and almost disbelief. She doesn't understand Faith's concept. "Someone to help you out?" She doesn't realize she has repeated Faith's words in a lost tone - showing her lack of experience in that scenario. She thinks back, to when Jace killed her Mother and Sister, she had no-one to help her escape. All those years with her Dad, surviving each day alone, she had no-one to help her out. She was used to doing things alone. So someone helping her, it confused her and she rejected it.

Raina, realizing she had slipped up, rolled her eyes and dropped her gaze to the ground, "Pffft, whatever." Then Faith begins to lecture her about Liza, about her freedom. Then she slips a little threat in at the end about Raina's earlier knife reveal. Raina shrugs, commenting lightly as she seemingly disregards Faith's words about Liza, "Don't piss me off and I won't have a reason to put a knife to your throat."

Then Alex comes up, with a greeting to Raina and she immediently stiffens, her eyes on Alex for any signs of a threat. Even as she finds none, she doesn't relax, at all. She listens to Faith and Alex talk, smirking lightly at how polite he is to her, even a kid wouldn't be that polite to their parents. Accept whatever punishment? She scoffs lightly. Turning her cold eyes to Faith, "I just want you to know, Slayer, that even though we just had an almost non-violent chat, it doesn't change anything. And you should know that if you get in my way of killing Jace, you'll find a weapon against YOUR heart." She smirks now, turning her back and walking away as she speaks, even though her back is turned, she's ready to defend an attack from behind aswell as the front, "Au revoir Faith!"

Chameleon stands, lost, as Rosa walks away. He steps forward, his hand reaching out as if he was about to grab her, "Ro---" He sighs and stops himself from talking, withdrawing back into himself as he falls silent. Placing his hands in his pockets as he watches her go. It's for the best Chameleon. He looks down at the floor, knowing his inner voice was right, it was for the best. But then why did it feel so damn painful? He remained where he was, not going after Rosa.

Jace's eyes widened as Flower mentioned her time of the month, "EW! That's just wrong! And I'm sure if me getting kicked in the nuts doesn't affect you, then whatever happens to your.....down south area....shouldn't affect me!" Then the King vanished after smirking at him creepily, and then Flower leapt back into the pool. "I barely know him and I already hate him." Jace muttered, he glanced to Flower, wondering if she was still annoyed. Probably. Maybe he should give her some time alone. (I want Jace-y to run into Rosa again xD ) "I'll see you later Flower." He mutters, barely heard, before he walked off. Not only was she probably still annoyed, what his Father had said about being jealous had affected him and he needed to distance himself from her.

Jace was on his way to who-knows-where. Couldn't go try and sleep in his room, because it was wrecked to pieces not to mention he was avoiding Flower. And well, after what he'd done to Flower, he wasn't too sure about going to his brothers. So he was wandering the school, hoping to find something, when he spotted sweet little Rosa, looking just a tad lost. So he walked infront of her and did a mini-bow, noticing her beautiful dress and her perfectly styled hair. "Well hello Rosie-Posie." Then, just like a magic trick, he pulled out a black rose to match her outfit, placing it in her hand so that his own fingers brushed hers. He pulled back slightly, so that he wasn't close enough to be invading her personal space, "You seem a little lost, need some help?" He only noticed this because of the fact that she was counting her steps and not heading in a straight forward direction.
" I see " Mar said considering the weapon, he thought the red tipped bullets where incendiary ammunition before Gingers explanation , he was never trained with fakes when he was first learning how to use guns, his drill instructors would tell him and anyone else who had sense to listen that transitioning from practice guns to the real thing would only steepen the learning curve

"hold on a bit" the boy requested when he saw some target boards propped up against the far side of the arena`s walls in his peripheral vision , he jogged back and forth retrieving 7 of them and setting them up at varying distances and positions in front of Ginger before returning to her side and reaching into his overcoat; " I`ve been told that it`s better to learn with the real thing rather than with practice guns" Mar stated before pulling out and handing Ginger his revolver, holding it by the muzzle so that it was pointing down at the ground to prevent injury due to premature firing and so she could grab it by its handle; "revolvers tend to have heavy recoil so don`t hold it too close to you when you fire it. I got my fore head bashed in the first time i tried to shoot this thing" Mar said remembering that after the incident he got stuck with the nickname "red-head" for a few weeks, he did`nt tell Ginger that though.
Flower got out of the water and went to her room. She got changed and then started cleaning up the room. She sighed and then looked at the distruction. SHe sighed deeply and then continued to clean up. She looked at the broken glass and then sighed deeply, she leaned back into a corner and finaly broke down. She put her head in her hands feeling like such a child.

Ginger looks at the gun and then grabs it. She points it at the target and then shoots. It hit the bullseye and she blinked. "I hit it?" She said and then looked at Mar. "I hit it?" She repeated and then smiled brightly.
That's it for Faith. This is her final straw. She's been interrupted from a night with Macal to deal with her child, her sister, her sister's dead sister, her unfailingly infuriating, cocky little b*tch of a student, not to mention an apparent serial killer on the premises, and now, when she's been trying so hard to be logical, calm, to not get overly angry or upset...this is it for her. For Raina to completely deny help, and then to actually threaten her, to dismiss her concern over Faith's daughter when Faith had been trying so damn hard to be more. Now she was pissed.

Seizing Raina by the hair, she pulled her back to her, using all of her weight and momentum to seize her shoulders and slam her bodily down to the floor. Ripping out a chunk of floorboard with one hand, using her other and the weight of her body to keep her pinned, she holds the wooden piece of floorboard in her fist, jamming it against Raina's chest. She holds it there, her eyes slitted so much they barely seem open as she hisses at her.

"You attack me or threaten to attack me again, and you see what happens. You are a f*cked up little girl who doesn't know how to take a damn good offer when she hears one because she's too deaf and blind to know what's going on. I /know/ how you think, I /know/ where you are, I know what you do and why. You want to push everyone away. You want to think you are the only person in the world who has had terrible sh*t happen to you, that you're the only person in the world who has suffered and lost and been tormented. You want to think that it's not worth it to let anyone in because you'll lose them or they'll hurt you. Guess what, maybe you're right, but maybe you're not. Maybe if you would actually let go of your damn pride and your FEAR then everything about the life you're NOT living would be different. Guess what, you might not want my help, but you're getting it, because it's the right thing to do. You may not want me to give a shit, and you might want me to hate you, and maybe it's true. But I'm still helping, and I'm still looking out for you and your sorry ass, because it's the right thing to do. But you, you are putting my child in danger by being so damn stupid, so as of now, don't you dare hang around her until you're willing to accept help without being an asshole over it. I'm not saying I'll kill this Jace for you, or even that I awnt to. But just because it's your kill doesn't mean it's your job, all alone. When it comes down to it, you hate yourself, not everyone else, so don't even try to say otherwise."

She backed off then, throwing the stake aside, and stared at Raina for a second before opening the door to her living area. "You could be dead now. Think about that."

Disappearing into her room, she slammed the door behind herself and locked it, immediately heading to her bedroom to wake up her much-too-asleep-for-her-liking husband.

(let me know if that was a bit controlling...but Faith /is/ older and more experienced, and really, really pissed. lol)
Mar did`nt expect much from Ginger`s first shot so he was moderately surprised at her success "you sure did" he said smiling, this girl might have some natural talent but the verdict was still out on whether or not it was just beginners luck "don`t look back now when your doing so well, you still have 6 more to go." the boy motioned with his head towards the remaining targets to encourage her.
Ginger looks at him and then blinks. She shoots at the remaining six targets getting more comfident each time. Four of the six shots hit the bulls-eye and two near the middle. She looked at Mar and then smiled lightly. She was good at this, although she was surprised, she's never fired a gun before. Her tallet was much surprising. She looked at Mar and then at the gun. "Um...I think i found my weapon." She said and then giggled as Trinity hugged her. "T-thanks Trinity." She said and then looked at Mar again.

Trinity giggles and laughs. "Wow that was great!" She looked at Ginger and then at the targets. "Some shots!" She said and then rubbed and messed up Ginger's hair. Ginger pulled away from Trinity, very careful about holding the gun pointing at the ground and not having her finger on the trigger.

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