Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)


Kesson realized how rude that sound and cleared his throat.

"I mean I would rather not. I do sympathize with you, lost is horrible, but...I prefer not to talk about my past with anyone. It is something I'd rather keep private." He gave her a small smile. "I mean no offense by it. It is not you. It is me."

He moved towards Flower, taking a seat next to her and touched her nearest hand in a comforting gesture. "I am sorry again for your lost. I know we do not know each other well, but I can see you are a good person. I hope we can become friends. I feel so out of sorts here. I may not be forthcoming with my history either, but I assure you I am always there to help my friends out. I am a good person too, if a little too attach to tradition."
Flower looks at Kesson and chuckles.If my father were still alive he'd be bashing me about tradition." she looks at him and then looks up at the sky. "If anything I'm probably the worst keeper of tradition in key hder royalty history." she said and then looked at him with a smile. "I do hope to be friends as well. Be warned though I'm worse then Zelda." she giggles a bit.
Lekki`s sudden appearance caught Mar off guard, causing him to at first jump back and grab for a combat knife on his side, but seeing that it was a moderately familiar face the boy relaxed his grip and allowed him self a small sigh of relief upon realization that someone was`nt trying to assassinate him.

"`s okay"
he stammered, pausing for a few seconds to let his nerves recover before answering Lekki`s question with a nod "You are correct Ms. Lekki , did you need somthing? the boy scratched the back of his head, he said Lekki`s name as if he was confident that he remembered it, but on the inside he was afraid that he might have screwed it up and created an awkward situation.
( [MENTION=1434]Macal Cord[/MENTION] Please post for Macal D: )

Myra still didn't move as she heard James's voice. James. No, she couldn't speak to James. Maybe someone else - although that was unlikely since she wouldn't even speak to Faye - but defiently not James. She hid her face in her knees, having brought them right up to her chest so that she was hugging them as she sat on her bed. It was true. Myra was ruined and weak and she was just being used. She wasn't good enough. She was ruined.

Faye frowned, "A vampire girl?" She blinked, that sounded like Raina. "It wasn't Raina was it? Or else I'll have to do some serious butt-kicking." Faye then smiled kindly at the girl, "Of course you can become stronger. Being able to shape-shift is an amazing ability to have and I'm sure with help and training from the teachers you can learn to control it." Faye grinned, "Plus, you can make your strength and speed better and learn more fighting moves." Her words were spoken with such confidence, it was as if she KNEW that Hayley could get better.
"I am sure you are doing fine," Kesson reassured Flower. He wasn't one to reassure people and he didn't feel like Flower needed it too. He felt she knew what she was doing, though he didn't know her that well. He didn't know anyone that well and he felt he never could if he would not open up about his past. But he could not speak of it. Not yet. "I grew up in a strict family and it just stuck with me after I left." 'It is also my only reminder of home as well. What I was taught.'

Kesson wondered how long he would be able to go with hiding his past. It was not like he did anything seriously wrong, but he knew that eventually if he did not share, he would lose friends. But the DHH decided not to think about it.

"Well I seem to be doing fine with Zelda," Kesson said with a laugh, smiling. "But I am glad. It'll be nice to have female friends. I am sure most of my "fangirls" don't wish to be friends," he said in a joking manner, though he was probably right in his guess and he was happy for his new friendships.


Lekki was quick to notice that she had startled Mar in her appearance but she felt safe and unworried about his reaction. After all she did not mean him harm. She meant no one harm but to anyone who tried to harm her.

"Just Lekki is fine," she said to the boy. She then shook her head. "I needed nothing. I just happened to teleport near to you. Why do you need something? I am always open for helping people."


Hayley thought about it and shook her head. Then she nodded and then shrugged.

"I am not sure. I don't know a lot of people's names really and I'm not good with faces either. Well that's a lie. I am good at memorizing how people look. It's what helps me shift so easily into them."

Hayley just shrugged again at Faye's words. She found them hard to believe, but she realized that she was probably not going to be leaving today.

"Thank you," she said softly. She looked back at the school and then to Faye. "You won't tell anyone I tried to leave, will you?"
Flower looks at him and laughs. "Oh great another Nick...please don't tell me you're a pervert who is going to constantly make me beat him up?" she said and then looked at the grass. "Hmm I coul use something to take my anger out on." she looked at her hands. She looked at Kesson. She smiled and then looked at sky. "Oh! Have to met my other pet, Sky my eagle." she said an then hel out her arm sky flying to her. She smiled and giggled. (For James I am thinking at this point. To legandless if you would please post on collage 101 thank you.)
(reposting before it gets buried...Macal :P )

aina was glad Macal didn't question her about her scars, but she still felt herself tear inside as Liza asks who hurt her, if she could kick their ass. Well that's impossible because they're dead. She looks away as Liza talks of healing her. Macal's words annoy her. Deeply.

She's a vampire, so she should be able to heal her scars? What the fu*k did being a vampire have to do with healing? Did he fu*king think she wanted those scars? That she LIKED them?!?!? That she NEEDED them?!? Like she frickin' needed those ugly white scars on her back, reminding her how WEAK she was. Reminding her of how cruel a Father she had been given. No. She hated those scars, and she had no idea what Macal was talking about when he spoke of healing them.

Of course she didn't say this. She kept quiet, only allowing her narrowed eyes to land on Macal when he spoke of joining them for breakfast and behaving. She opened her mouth to respond with a snappy no, but then she felt Liza tugging on her hand, and she looks down, her eyes softening as Liza pleads. "Okay." She finds herself murmuring, not realizing she has let herself in for a family breakfast with the slayer, the werewolf and the freaky dad. Although, out of the three, Macal was currently the least annoying. She then looked up at him, re-hearing the bit about not harming Faith or Sheena, "I'll be on my best behavior, but if Faith puts a stake to my chest for the THIRD time, don't blame me when I react badly." Raina was clearly not over the almost-being-staked-twice thing.

"Oh Mama won't, Raina, not if I tell her to be nice and you're being nice too!" Liza assures her, then claps her hands, smiling up at her. "Yay, this is gonna be fun. We're all gonna have fun and be nice and they'll see your my sister and like you a whole lot. And maybe you can share my room even, I think. 'Cause Sheena Legs got a sister now and maybe they can share rooms too and I'll have so many sisters it will be like a sleepover I think!"

She grabs Macal's hand with the hand not in Raina's and swings it back and forth, beaming up at him. "Daddy let's go and get cinnamon buns!"

Faith has finally dragged herself out of bed but is in quite the grouchy mood. She's only glad it's Saturday and she doesn't have to deal with teaching class today, but she is not looking forward to the day, and especially Sheena and Eve. As she looks at Sheena and Alex standing in the living quarters, she raises an eyebrow.

"How many people have crashed through this place today?"
Rosa didn’t understand why Jace was so invested in this or why he should even care. It made her pause instead of slipping into her room without answer. She didn’t even understand why she was talking to him about this but the girl just wanted to get it off of her chest. “Leo and I were supposed to go to the dance tonight but we got lost on the way, which was fine we had fun and then something changed. He said something about this not working out, he tried to walk me to my room and I just could not do it,” the comment about punching him in the face actually made Rosa smile half-heartedly, “If that would have made me feel better trust me I would have done it.”
Alex: *I turn when I hear Faith come out of her bedroom and smile* Morning Faith, we're on our way to breakfast, do you want to join us. *hoping by now she's forgotten my hand in Liza breaking her grounding* Where is Macal and Liza, are they still sleeping? *Sliding my arm around Sheena, kissing her on the cheek* Hey you finish getting ready and I'll grab a broom and clean up this destroyed door, which I'm pretty sure is Raina's handywork.

Macal: *Look at Raina's scars once more before walking away with Liza* So Raina, how did you like the feel of that sword, was the balance and weight good for you, if not I can make adjustments for you and get it back to you in no time. By the way I meant no offense about the scars I don't know what your situation is with them, what I meant was there is a story behind them and it's not our place to impose our ideals or unwanted solutions on you..*smiles* I live with 3 women, you think I don't know the evil eye when I see it? Anyway I apologize if what I said to Liza offended you. I almost forgot Princess you look very impressive out there today I guess you haven't been slacking off on your training like I thought. *pats the top of her head* Good for you, I'm very proud of you.
Faith squints between Sheena and Alex with continued grouchy manner, about to turn down Alex's offer, but then rethinks this as the thought of Evangeline comes to mind. Not only does she want to stick close to Sheena more than usual now, with this new threat of her sister to keep in mind, but she also hopes that Evangeline will show up at this breakfast looking for Sheena. And she definitely intends to meet the girl today.

"Yeah, whatever...I'll go. Let me put some freakin' pants on."

Sheena half smirks, half smiles at Alex as her eyes shift to the door. "You SUSPECT it was Raina? Alex, I TOLD you it was Raina...great deduction, Sherlock."

As they make their way back towards the academy for breakfast, Liza smiles up at her father, puffing up her chest slightly as she slings her sword over her shoulder with her free arm. "See Daddy I do too practice and stuff. And go to class and beat people up. Ask Mama. Ask Sheena Legs. I do too." She peeks up at him from under her eyelashes, adding hopefully, "Do I still gotta have that lady follow me around since I wasn't lyin' or nothing?"
Nice try Princess, the escort stays around so you better be nice to them. *leans down and lifts her onto my shoulders* But I tell you what we'll do it on a trial bases, we'll give it a week and if they tell me that you've behaving I may change my mind.

Alex: *Grins up at Sheena while I clean up the mess* Haha very funny if you're sooooo smart how about you get down here and help me clean this mess up, what the hell is Raina's problem anyway? What the hell crawled up her butt and died to make her such an incredible *****, I mean was really stupid thing to do. We should make her clean this crap up.
(hey I will be gone for a week so...please try not to completely leave me out and be slow please! If I have to read like 10 pages i might be a little angry...please don't let me be angry. Lol thanks see you later!)
(Macal, I guess we'll be pming then...even though quite a lot of what's going on has nothing at all to do with any of Fire's characters...)

"I'll be good," Liza promises, as Liza always does, completely and totally meaning it in the moment. "Really really good. So good you won't even believe it, Daddy. And Raina will be too, right?"

She looks at Raina expectantly, smiling. "Right Raina? Right?"

Sheena rolled her eyes as she took her time kneeling beside him, muttering under her breath. "Has her the moment, I don't much care what they are anymore."

As Faith emerged fully dressed, raising an eyebrow at the two kneeling at the floor, she says to both, "By the way, don't think I haven't forgotten you two with the Liza fiasco, and if you think I'm not meeting this sister of yours today, Sheena, think again. Let's go."
Raina is feeling SUPER self-conscious now, what with Macal looking at her scars and talking about them.

However, he then asks about the sword and she nods, "Yeah, it was pretty good." She is trying her best not to be too enthusatic, but she honestly ADORED that sword. As Macal mentions adjustments, she shakes her head a bit too quickly, then looks away as if that will make up for it, "Uh no, it's cool, no adjustments needed."

Then he talks about her scars again and she becomes stoic, still walking beside the daddy and daughter duo though, not answering as he apologizes. Falling silent as they chatter between themselves. What the heck is she doing? Going to have dinner with the school's resident 'happy family'? Was she KIDDING herself? Was she going to join in their little messed up family now?

She couldn't admit to herself that she was incredibly jealous. SO jealous. Sure, she had Faye, but it wasn't like they spent time together really, it wasn't like she had a mum, or a dad, or even Mabel. Faye had Myra. Myra had been with Faye through her whole life, Raina was just the unexpected, unwanted big sister that showed up suddenly. Fu*k, she was the daughter of the man who raped Myra! Of course she didn't belong in their sister-fest.

She didn't belong anywhere. So why the hell was she joining Liza and Macal for breakfast with the slayer and pup? Then Liza spoke to her about being good, her face lit up in a smile as her big doe eyes locked onto Raina's with surplus amounts of expectancy. Oh yeah, that was why.

"Yeah Liza, I'll be good." As long as no-one pisses me off. She mutters in her head. Then cracking a grin, as if a joke will get rid of the annoying pile of issues she had right now, her own black eyes twinkled at Liza, "Just don't make me drink a mix of juices again okay? I can still taste the grossness of it." She remembers the mix of juices her and Liza had at the party, how Liza's face had scrunched up and Raina had almost the exact same reaction.

Jace grinned when she smiled. Mission completed! He made a mental note to talk to Ninja Boy anyway. Why had be blown Rosa off? Unless she had a split personality that wanted to murder innocent people, she seemed pretty perfect to Jace. He shrugged, "Well, if another dance pops up I'd be happy to take you. I promise I won't run off and leave you on your own." He grins, "That is of course if you can get past the whole 'half-demon' thing I've got going on. Trust me, the key-holder side of me isn't that bad."

I beg to differ. You're a stick in the mud without me.

Shut up Sethos.

Make me.

Fu*k off, I MIGHT talk to your twisted ass later. But now I'm busy NOT murdering innocent friends.

Jace watched Rosa for her reaction, adding as an afterthought, "As friends of course." He pauses, "That is, if you'd be my friend." He waited for her rejection.

Faye smiled as the girl thanked her, assuming that meant she wouldn't leave, at least for now. She spoke gently, "Of course I won't." She looked past Hayley, "You want me to walk with you back to your dorm? I have nothing else to do until my sister wakes up." She hoped Hayley wouldn't take offence, thinking she needed to be protected; Faye honestly did have nothing to do until Myra woke up.

seeing that he probably just overreacted Mar let his guard down completely and offered Lekki a smile; "no not really, but i appreciate you asking" the boy would pause a moment and try out Lekki`s name without the "Ms." in his head a few times, it felt weird to him to say someones name without a rank, title or an honorific in front of it but he assumed that he would get used to it the longer he stayed in the academy.
Rosa could hear Swift Mewing for her on the other side of the door however she did not slip in. Jace was being friendly, likeable and not at all demonic in the fashion that he had been before. She wanted to like him, and to trust him because right now he felt pretty but she knew that that always seemed to change. He would randomly go and kill someone or somebody and Rosa had no idea why; until he said something about being half demon. Then it became clear to her, he was truly split down the middle and just trying to function, unless of course that was a lie. Rosa shook her head to clear her thoughts than realized that probably looked like a negative.

“Wait that wasn’t my answer but Jace I don’t know if I can say yes to that. I mean I won’t to trust you but right now I’m feeling a little burned out and you seem like a lot of stress. I mean how well can you actually control uh…your other half?” she asked softly. She wasn’t being cruel which was conveyed in her voice she was just being honest.
Jace felt like cold water had been dumped on him as she shook her head.

Of course she'd say no. Why would she want to be friends with a murderer. But then she told him that wasn't her answer and his hopes shot back up again. She wasn't saying no?

A smile spread across his face, and then she asked how well he could control Sethos. "Uh.." He frowned, shifting his weight slightly, you could tell by his reluctance that he didn't like to talk about it. "It depends on the circumstances.." He looked away, his tone also showing he was uncomfortable with the topic. "Uh, Sethos, that's what I call him by the way. He sometimes takes over my body, and Nick reckons that it happens when I get a strong emotion, like anger, pain," He muttered the last word almost to himself, then coughed and carried on, "So...sometimes I can control him, it all depends if my emotion is stronger than his or not. Like right now, I'm frickin' annoyed at him so my emotion is stronger." He looked at Rosa, "I can control him enough so that he doesn't hurt key-holders though, I won't let him hurt key-holders."

Why don't I tell her all this? I'm sure she'd love to have a conversation with me.

Go fu*k yourself demon.

Jace almost fist-punched the air, he got rid of Sethos with only one snarky comment! "I'm hoping to learn how to control him better though, that's why I'm here at this school"

And of course to kill Raina, mind telling your new little girlfriend that aswell?

She's not my girlfriend.

She's a girl, and you asked her to be your friend.

Yeah, and she hasn't accepted yet. So piss off.

He wondered why she hadn't gone inside yet, talking about Sethos made him uncomfortable.
As Faith walks with Sheena and Alex towards the cafeteria, she is keeping her eyes out for any sightings of vampires she has not yet encountered in the halls, paying particular attention to any with long blonde hair. She does not encounter Evangeline, to her knowledge, by the time they pass through the cafeteria double doors and emerge into the throng of chattering students, and she doesn't hold out much hope for it. It's not like she thinks the girl will be casually sitting back sipping her blood in full view of everyone. It's been Faith's experience that most vampires are more subtle than that.

With the exception, it seems, of Raina. Because as they enter the cafeteria, Faith's eyes narrow slightly. She can see Raina across the room, slightly behind but clearly together with her husband and Liza. Had she not JUST told Liza she couldn't hang out with her until further notice....wasn't Liza grounded? What the hell was Macal doing?

Liza, being Liza, is just very happy to be with her father and Raina together. Earlier she had wiggled for her father to put her down and then reached for his hand, swinging it happily as she talked a mile a minute. She had extended her other hand to Raina, leaving the girl little choice but to take it, and now she talked to both of them at once, very satisfied.

"I'm gonna eat french toast. Or maybe a cinnamon roll. Plus also chocolate milk. 'Cause that's the good stuff to have for breakfast. Plus also my bear will have some too I think...hey look, there's Mama and Sheena Legs and Alex! Hi!!!" she called across the room, waving broadly.
Kesson smiled wide and shook his head.

"No I am not a pervert. I am very much a gentleman," Kesson said. "There is no need to worry. I mean I do have someone I like, but I would never just hit on girls randomly nor take up any of my fangirls offers. Well maybe depending on what they say. I wouldn't mind making friends."

Kesson looked at the bird and nodded. "Amazing. This whole place is so amazing."


Hayley nodded at Faye. She didn't want her to think she was weak, but she'd feel better walking with someone. Sure a vampire wouldn't be walking around really at this time, but she was unsure of the other dangers the place might hold.

"Sure. That sounds fine to me."

She headed back inside, leading the way to her room.


"Well okay," Lekki said, beaming. She looked at Mar and wondered why he was up so early. Surely he had something to do that require him to be up around this time, but she thought that most people would prefer to sleep in than be up right now. Maybe she was wrong. She hadn't gone her that long so who knew about the people's sleeping habits or what time they thought appropriate to be walking around school grounds.

"You're new too, right? How have things gone adjusting to the place?"
Macal: *I cross the room to meet Faith and lean down and kiss her cheek whispering* Can I talk to you outside for a second? *letting go of Liza's hand and taking hers, we walk back out the doors to the hall* I may be crazy but I think there is something to work with there in Raina, deep deep deep deep I'm talking like digging to China deep down there is something worth investing some time to developed, once you get pass the whole I'm Raina and I'm tough and I know all there is about life thing she has going, I think with your approval I'll keep working with her and use Liza as a bridge to soften her up. Cause I understand now there is not a damn thing we can do to really keep Liza away from her minus leaving this place completely, so at least if they are going to hang out, we can try to shape her into a half decent protector and possible ally.

Alex: *Slipping his arm around Sheena as they sit, he grins at Liza.* Hey there Liza, what's this about chocolate milk I happen to be an master at chocolate milk bubble making, some even call me an artist. *Turning my gaze to Raina, despite the lack of kindness she's shown me I smile at her seeing the sword at her side* Good morning Raina, that is a beautiful sword. *nudging Sheena in the side* Don't you think so babe?
Faith half scowls at you as you talk to her, raising an eyebrow. "Seems to be an awful lot of cheek kissing going on every time you say something I'm not happy about, isn't there?"

She sighs, then shrugs, however, before nodding somewhat reluctantly. "I know what you're talking about, though. I've worked with the girl, I've watched her and how she acts way more than you...and yeah. I think there's a chance...but it's gonna be Liza who gets through. Liza and maybe, MAYBE you, not me, that's for sure. I've been doing what I can but I swear, every time we both get under each other's skin. I don't know...maybe I SHOULD let Liza take the lead. It's just so frustrating to let her when I know Raina's dangerous...not to mention an irritating little b*tch. You know?"

She glances behind her, adding, "If I don't see that Eve soon today, by the way, I'm making Sheena bring her to me. I've got to see what's up with that."

Liza grins back at Alex, sitting across from him and Sheena and swings her legs back and forth, taking the challenge in stride. "You are? Me too. I can make big ones. Real big ones. I never got called an artist though. Except when I paint and make pictures and stuff. But I never did that outta milk...oooh maybe I should try that!!! Sheena Legs, do you got any paper?"

"Uh, maybe you should save that until after breakfast, you don't want to use the milk you already have. That's for drinking, right? And maybe you should ask your mom," Sheena smiled at her briefly, but her eyes are on Raina, not very friendly. When Alex nudges her, she jumps slightly, then narrows her eyes at him before making an effort with Raina. "Uh, yeah. Nice."
Raina, once again, wonders what the fu*k she is doing here. Letting Liza take her hand she is lead to a table where both Alex and Sheena are sitting, and takes a seat by Liza, remaining silent for now.

Best behaviour? Oh shizz, this wasn't going to end well.

She watches as Macal and Faith leave the room for a moment, allowing a small smirk to find it's way onto her face as she can only guess who they are talking about. Faith won't be happy that Raina has invaded her perfect family's dinner time.

Yup, the bitterness at the idea of a family is still there. Bitter jealously.

When Alex offers her a smile, and compliments her sword, she is about to retort with a snappy comment, but then she glances down to Liza, who is swinging her legs and grinning at Alex in the perfect image of innocence. "Be good Raina, okay?"

Raina lets out a sigh. As if that had blown the negavity out of her, she lets her gaze go back to Alex and she smiles politely - yes, actual politeness! - and the bitterness and disdain is gone from her eyes. "Thanks Alex, Macal gave it to me when we were training." And just like that, Raina is being NICE. Of course she is right now telling herself that it doesn't mean she's weak, it doesn't mean she likes Alex or Sheena for that matter, she is just playing a role. She looks to Liza, not needing to fake this niceness - although you wouldn't be able to tell she was faking with Alex - as she grins at the younger one, "You'd need coloured paper though Liza, otherwise the milk would just blend in with the paper and it would be like an invisible painting" She shrugs, eyes lit up with something that looks a bit like happiness, "That would be good for spies though right? An invisible painting with a secret message in it."

Faye smiled as she followed Hayley back to the girl's room, she felt like a regular day hero, stopping someone from leaving. As she fell into step beside the shifter, she looked to her, "I think it's actually almost time for breakfast" She looks to where the cafeteria is, "We can grab some breakfast together if you want" She then spoke about, thinking the girl might need sleep since she was probably up packing, "Or you can go back to your room and sleep, I don't mind either way"
Rosa paused as Jace spoke wondering what it would be like to live with something you couldn’t control. Some might argue that she could not control the fact that she is blind but that is different, it was not a power and did not bring harm to anyone but herself. Even now while he spoke she began to sense a different presence that would shift within him. The vibe never fully faded it just resided underneath the surface only rearing its head for a second than falling back again, as if pushed. This Sethos vibe was dark and gross, it chilled the air every time it made headway but Jace’s vibe was different. It was no different than any other person and this split Rosa.

He was definitely grey area, you couldn’t hate him for Sethos’s actions because they were not his own but you could not truly like him because the demon could always emerge. “So that would make me somewhat safe, this is quite a burden to bear,” she whispered her sightless eyes softening. The battle within himself most be horrifying and at that moment Rosa had the urge to reach out to him and comfort him but she did not because Sethos’s aura rose to the surface. Of course Jace managed to push him back but it was enough to break the moment.

“Thanks for taking the time to help me but I think I just need to be on my own for a while. I gotta figure out my next move, G’night,” Rosa whispered starting to open the door she had been leaning against.
"So...what are you going to try with Raina? Or are you just going to wing it?" Faith asked Macal, raising an eyebrow again as she let her arms drop back down to her sides. She glanced around to make sure no students were approaching or listening as she continued to talk to him. "I don't see Liza's guardian either today, by the way, did you decide to drop that too? You think we should let Liza be around her as much as possible but with the guard too?"

"Oooh that would be wicked!" Liza says with enthusiasm, nodding her head excitedly and grinning across the table first at Raina, then at Sheena and Alex. "I wanna do that! And leave it and people think it's just paper and really it's a secret message. I wanna do that." She frowns then, slightly confused, and asks, "Well how'm I gonna get them to know it's not REALLY paper after a while though?"

"I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" came a voice from just behind Sheena, and two small hands placed themselves on Sheena's shoulders, squeezing lightly, almost an embrace as a blonde head came down to rest its chin on the top of her head. Sheena looked back, then smiled, as she looked up into Evangeline's eyes.

"Lina, hey! Sit down," she gestured, but Evangeline shook her head, barely glancing around at the others with a quick, practiced smile before focusing on her sister alone.

"No, I'm just passing through, sis...was wondering if I could see you after you're through."

"Yeah, sure," Sheena says quickly, still smiling, and Liza watches, giving Eve a cheerful wave.

"Hi! How come you're not gonna sit down? My mama and daddy are coming soon too."

"I have some things I need to do," Evangeline told her lightly, but there's still a strangeness in her smile, as though it is not quite natural.
Hayley thought about it. She was tired as she didn't sleep that well last night. But she wasn't sure if she wanted to go back to bed. She thought about it and then looked at Faye. Faye was being so nice to her and she didn't want to walk to her room and then have to go back to get breakfast. After all Faye did try and help her out.

"I don't mind getting some breakfast," Hayley said. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad and she had later to sleep.

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