Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Raina smiles back at Liza as she seems to love Raina's secret message idea, as Liza asks a question, Raina begins to respond, "You could act all supicio--" But then a smooth, velvety-fake voice is speaking and Raina's black eyes snap over to see little miss I'm-going-to-pretend-I-don't-suck-blood-even-though-I-do-to-trick-my-sister behind Sheena. "Speaking of suspicious acting." Raina muttered sourly, not caring if anyone else heard, her eyes locked onto Evangeline.

She already hated the bit*h. And that was a record for even Raina.

As Liza speaks so innocently to the blonde faker, and as Evangeline gives an ominous reply Raina finds herself smirking lightly, "Things like getting some fresh breakfast of your own?" Raina asks, her politeness is now obviously fake, so exaggerated that she wants Evangeline to know it is fake. She also speaks the words with deliberate meaning, knowing Evangeline will understand Raina is implying that Evangeline is about to go bite someone's neck.

Where the fu*k was the slayer when you needed her? Didn't she want to meet this lying, Hayley-attacking faker of a vamp?

When Rosa speaks to him, her eyes seeming to soften as she mentions it being a burden, he shifts his weight slightly, feeling uncomfortable now. He didn't like talking about Sethos, he didn't like thinking about Sethos. He didn't like Sethos.

The feeling's mutual Jace-y boy.

Go away.

You're getting weaker, can't I say hello just for a bit?

No. She's a key-holder, there's nothing for you to kill here.

Jace hated to admit it, but Sethos was right, his anger was slowly dimminshly, his emotion weakening, and he was getting mentally exhausted, tired of constantly fighting Sethos. He'd been a lot worse lately.

Jace nodded as she opened her door, "It's fine, uh, thanks, thanks for not immediently saying no earlier, when I asked you if you'd be my friend. I mean, I know you didn't say yes, didn't say no straight away." He feels a slight happiness rise inside him, genuinely happy she didn't immediently refuse his offer, and he smiles. Then looking to her he nods in her direction, "Night Rosa." His voice is unusually soft, yet it is not faked, as he begins to walk down the hallway. A rare joyful smile on his face.

Faye grins as Hayley accepts her offer, maybe Faye could make normal friends after all. Ones that didn't take drugs every day, burn down buildings and drink 'till they threw up in someone else's vomit. "Come on then!" Faye's enthusiasm is slowly beginning to show more and more as she grabs the girl's hand and leads her to the cafeteria. With a glance around the room, she is slightly disappointed to see Myra is not infact here, must still be in her room. She looks to Hayley with a smile, "Wanna pick where we sit?"
Evangeline eyes Raina with seeming neutrality, her expression still appearing casual, even faintly friendly, to any person who might glance their way without truly observing. But for Raina, it would be obvious to see the way that her eyes darkened just a little, her eyebrows drawing in ever so slightly, and there was still a hidden undertone to her words.

"No, actually, I had a late dinner last night, I'm not hungry this morning," she said to Raina evenly, her eyes on her, before she turned to Sheena and smiled with genuine warmth and happiness- now seeming to completely ignore Liza, and block out her presence a mere two feet away from the older girl. " Good, I'm looking forward to having all day to catch us, sis. See you soon?"

"Yeah, of course," Sheena smiles, already sitting up straighter in her seat, her expression much more animated than it had been previously. "Yeah, I'll just be a minute, okay?"

She starts to eat pretty rapidly then, which makes Liza frown at her, scolding lightly.

"Sheena Legs, you're not gonna hardly even be here any...didn't Mama want to see Eve-geline?"

"Oh yeah," Sheena said, slightly deflated, and she glances back at the blonde. "Lina, my sister- my older sister, Faith- she wanted to meet you. Can you wait a few minutes, she should be back soon..."

"We have another sister?" Evangeline raised her eyebrows, seeming skeptical, and Liza smiled, as always, loving to get to do the whole complicated explanation.

"Uh huh, Faith is her sister but she's my mama, but I'm my mama's little girl but Sheena Legs is my mama's sister. Get it?"

"No," Evangeline said shortly, but she is looking at Sheena, not Liza. " Faith is your guardian, you mean, right? You don't have the same mother or father."

The implication is that Faith is not Sheena's REAL sister, whereas Evangeline is. Sheena looks slightly uncomfortable at this statement of hers, looking down, and again it is Liza who beats her to answering.

"My mama and daddy say you don't gotta have blood and guts and stuff to be real sisters. 'Cause me and Sheena Legs don't got the same mama and we got different last names and stuff and we're still sisters, right Sheena Legs? And me and Raina too, right Raina?"

"Oh, of course," Evangeline says, but it is clear that she is being dismissive as she focuses again on Sheena. "I really wanted to have time alone with you today, sis...there's so much we have to learn about each other. There's so much lost time to make up for."

Sheena nods slightly, continuing to eat faster than she normally would. "I know...I'll meet you in five minutes, okay?"

"See you then," Evangeline smiled, and she kissed Sheena's cheek before walking out of the cafeteria, from a different direction than the one that Faith and Macal had left from. Liza frowns at Sheena from across the table.

"Are you not gonna go to school and stuff Sheena Legs? But that's playing hookah!"
Alex: Liza you're absolutely right, it's not blood or dna that makes someone family, Faith and Macal are your parents cause there is nothing they won't do or sacrifice for you and Sheena. Anyway Sheena I thought we had plans today, did you forget that when you made plans with Eve? Remember we have that "Research Project" that we need to work on.

Macal: I don't have a plan for Raina just yet, I think I'm gonna have to take it slow and play this by ear, I think giving her the sword and inviting her to train with me and Liza in private was a good start, but the girl is like a vault. But think about it if she loves Liza that much, she should be able to bring herself to get along with us and become actually sociable. *Takes her hand and starts to walk back inside cause Eve is inside and he wanted to talk to her also* And if push comes to shove and she turns out to be a threat to our family....I'll take her pretty little head!
But Evangeline is already disappearing out the opposite exit as Faith and Macal reenter the cafeteria, the door swinging shut behind her as they come up on Sheena and the others' table. Sheena blinks at Alex, her face blank.

"What research project? We don't even DO research in this place, except like of weapons and battles and people with our sort of powers...and we don't do projects on them."

"Plus also Sheena Legs is my sister and my mama's sister, right Alex? Right? And Raina is my sister too?" Liza persists, looking over at her parents as they approach. "Mama, that's right, right?"

"Yeah, it is, why are you asking, Pip?" Faith asked as she sat on Sheena's other side, giving Raina a look as though to ask if she's the one saying otherwise to Liza.

For her part, Sheena is not mentioning that Evangeline had been there, two minutes ago. In fact, she's almost done eating, and Faith raises an eyebrow.

"Jeez, Jinxy, hungry much?"
Alex: *Leans over and whispers in Sheena's ear* Remember we're suppose to track down the vamp that sired Eve so we can dust his ass. *Moves away and sighs* I swear do the things I say pass say through one ear and out the other.

Macal: * I catch a tiny bit of blonde hair going out the door on the other side or the room* Hey Faith she just went out the other door, I bet you can catch her if you hurry. *smacks her on the butt* Go get her women! And bring me back a cup of coffee.
Rosa just nodded and whispered, “Goodnight Jace,” as she closed the door behind her. Waiting for her was a furious bobcat who wanted to know why she had been standing out there with that killer. The girl tried to soothe Swift as best she could but the bobcat was furious. It kept leaping for the door handle in an attempt to open the door and its hissing filled the room. Sighing Rosa finally gave up and counted steps until she found her bed. There she began to take her hair down and undress so as to hopefully get some rest. That was when she found the corsage Leo had given her and she lost it once again. The tears flooded down her face and she wanted nothing more than to make them stop. She felt so weak at this moment but she couldn’t get a hold of herself.

Finally she just gave up, Rosa threw the dress across the room and pulled on a baggy shirt she had left on her bed. Then she curled into a ball and sobbed softly, Swift purred beside now trying to comfort her distraught owner. The bobcat kept trying to enter her owner’s mind but Rosa kept blocking her. Right now she just needed to feel bad for herself.

The next morning Rosa awoke well before most other students. Even Swift was reluctant to crawl out of bed when her owner was getting dressed. The girl pulled on a pair of yoga pants and a tank top, she wanted to feel comfortable and this was ridiculously easy. When Swift tried to prod her owner into the shower she was ignored, the girl really hadn’t a care what she looked like she just needed to get out. Rosa swept her hair into a ponytail and plodded out of the room counting steps hap hazardously. If it had not been for Swift’s guidance she would have never made it to the still dark courtyard Rosa so desired.
Sheena blinks, startled, as it dawns on her that she had in fact promised to go with Alex to track Evangeline’s sire, that this was definitely something that needed done. Between seeing Evangeline again last night and then this morning, she had entirely forgotten. She toyed with her fork against her plate, her hair coming forward to conceal her face partly as she frowned, appearing bothered.

“Oh, right…I forgot,” she said in an undertone to Alex, not wanting Liza or Raina, and especially not Faith or Macal to pay attention. “Yeah, we’ve really got to do that, I guess we need to pretty soon, and fast…but Lina’s going to be so disappointed, she’s probably been up since the crack of dawn. She probably never went to sleep in the first place. I mean, I know we need to, so I will, I guess. Still...she really wanted to see me.”

She sighed, shrugging, as she continues to muse, “ I know we can’t take her with us because…well, that just might work out, she might get upset, or be in danger. So I guess I’ll have to tell her that we can do it later, or another day…just…dammit, I don’t want her to be disappointed when she wanted me to go with her so much.”

She still looks rather apprehensive and torn about the prospect of telling Evangeline that their semi-plans would have to be cancelled, and if she really expected Faith not to be listening in on the whispering with Alex, she had sadly underestimated the level of Faith’s nosiness. Her sister’s Slayer hearing had caught most of the words, and she was looking at Sheena intently before Macal pointed out Evangeline’s disappearing back. Faith glowers at him when he playfully slaps her backside, socking him fairly hard in the side.

“If I return with a cup of coffee, the only place it’s gonna find yourself is directly down your pants, and not the backside of them either.”

But she does take off after Evangeline, speed walking with purpose out of the cafeteria, weaving through students to follow the girl out the closing door. She can see Evangeline a distance up the hallway and momentarily marvels at her size- that Sheena would have an exceptionally thin sister is not surprising, since Sheena herself has probably never made it to 120 in her life, despite her height, but this girl is also exceptionally short, and more than simply thin, she is almost childlike in her appearance. It takes no effort, despite Evangeline’s brisk pace, for Faith to overtake her and stand directly in front of her with crossed arms, blocking her path as she looks her up and down.

“Leaving so soon, huh?” she said with a raised eyebrow, looking down her nose at the girl pointedly. “Without even having breakfast? Ever heard about it being the most important meal of the day?”

For her part, Evangeline stood her ground, looking up at Faith with complete confidence and lack of disturbance at her confrontational stance. In fact, Faith was irritated to see, she even crossed her arms in a likely deliberate imitation of Faith’s body language.

“I take it you’re Faith,” she stated, with just the right balance between a calm and slightly derisive tone to her voice. Faith stiffened; she had had reason to distrust her before, but the girl’s stance now, and that hint of disrespect in her tone, was enough to swing her fully over to definite dislike.

“Oh, yay, my reputation precedes me far and wide, about time I got some recognition around here,” she said sarcastically, shifting her weight to one hip. “Most vamps pass my name around like a spooky campfire story.”

“That’s not the case with me,” Evangeline shot back, allowing a smirk to twitch her lips. “I just figured looking at you that you’re much too…advanced in age…to be a student.”

Faith stiffened, not liking the implication of age- what was it with teenybopper kids thinking that she was “old” because she was 26? Since when, in anyone’s book, was 26 OLD?

Okay, maybe she had actually lived a few hundred years in Macal’s world, maybe she was only 26 in human earth time…but still. What was with being called OLD all the time now?

“Yeah, well, forgive me if that doesn’t sting too bad coming from a ten year old,” she said deliberately, again looking Evangeline’s nearly curveless form up and down, and Evangeline shrugged, still smiling very slightly.

“I may be small, but size has little to do with power, you know,” she said casually, but to Faith, it sounded like a challenge.

“Power? You think you know about power ‘cause you can suck on a few necks and kill a few people with a surprise attack?” she snorted, and her voice dropped as she took a step closer, becoming more intent. “Let me tell you a little about power, Eve. ‘Cause what you’re looking at now is a Slayer…a VAMPIRE Slayer. You know, she who slays vampires. That’s my job. That’s my calling. That’s what I got CHOSEN to do. I didn’t pick the job, it picked me, which means as far as slaying vamps go, the universe picked me as the best person in all the world to do that job.”

She gave that a second to sink in before continuing. “I’ve killed hundreds, probably thousands, Eve. You might think I look OLD next to your puberty-neglected bod, but I lived hundreds of years on another plane of existence, so I’m pretty damn well preserved if you think about it like that. I’ve saved the world I don’t even know how many times. The reason you exist today is because I’ve bothered. I’m the queen in another world, and there are thousands, maybe even millions there, who would kill or die to protect me or my family. And…I’m your teacher.”

She paused again, making sure Evangeline was getting the picture, before taking another step forward, staring her straight in the eyes. “You got a little more than bad grades to be worrying about, don’t you think? So let’s lay it out straight here. You’re a vampire, I’m a Slayer…do the math. You’re at my mercy here. You hurt my sister, my daughter, any one of my students or a single student at this school who didn’t have a torch to your face and a stake to your heart first…I’m gonna do the teacher thing and erase the incorrect equation. Get what I mean? You might want to start checking your sums again, because right now, you ain’t exactly showing me your best.”

But the girl was even bolder and cockier than she had anticipated, because she didn’t back down. She didn’t even nod. Instead, she gave something like an amused noise in her throat, her blonde eyebrows arching.

“YOUR sister?”

That was more than Faith could take. It was two words, but everything about the way Evangeline had said them, the way she was looking at her with such assurance in herself as she said them, as if to deny that Faith’s view had any meaning at all, was what made Faith seize her by her scrawny shoulders and slam her back against the wall, holding her there roughly as she put her face close to Eve’s. She could feel the bones of the girl’s shoulder’s, hard and unyielding beneath her fingers, as she squeezed hard, her voice rising slightly.

“Yeah, MY sister, MY little sister who is part of MY family and always will be, that is EXACTLY who I am talking about. My daughter’s sister, my friend’s cousin, my husband’s child, who he has adopted by heart and soul if not by name. My sister, who my husband just named as a princess of his land. My sister, who I took in as my ward over a year ago while YOU were roaming around ripping out throats with your teeth. I put a roof over her head, I put food on her plate and clothes on her back, I spent hours talking to her and listening to her and helping her, I saved her ass over and over from her own dumbass actions and pigheaded stupidity, I survived day to day with her from the time I was younger than you look, I brought her back a hundred times from the brink of death and suicide and self-destruction…so yeah, that is MY sister, don’t you EVER try to imply some shit about her being NOT because of some technicality of blood and genetics. I EARNED the right to call Sheena Sadovsky my sister. What the hell have YOU done for her lately?”

She gave Evangeline a vehement shake and then, taking a deep breath, forced herself to release her, taking a step back. Even despite all of this, Evangeline continued to regard her calmly before she spoke, and her pale eyes still gleamed.

“You seem to be going to an awful lot of trouble to convince someone…or is it just yourself? What, are you worried about blood being thicker than water?”

She turned, beginning to walk down the halls as she called out over her shoulder. “I guess I’ll see you in class, Faith. I have to be going, I wouldn’t want to be late on my first day. It was VERY nice to meet you.”

And as she walked away, Faith stared after her, her jaw gritted so much she could feel her teeth grinding, her nails stabbing into her palms with the tight fists she was making. She wanted nothing more than to grab her by the hair and sling her to the ground…

And yet, the girl had not threatened her or anyone else. She had not harmed Faith, even when Faith grabbed her. She had done anything at all except piss Faith off.

And that meant she couldn’t touch her…DAMN it!

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Raina smirks - yes smirks - as Evangeline's eyes darken, as her eyebrows drew in subtly and as her words came out with an underlying threat in them. When she spoke to her, Raina nodded, smiling at Evangeline - in a way such that it looked like a smile to the others but to Evangeline it was so obviously faked. "Well, that's good isn't it? Though you must remember that breakfast IS the most important meal of the day." She then falls silent, deciding to listen and watch the rest of the conversations.

She notices Evangeline's way of questioning another sister; it's obvious now that she doesn't WANT Sheena to have another sister, she doesn't want Sheena to have any sisters expect her, and, as the conversation carries on, and as Evangeline walks away, Raina is smiling. Because she knows the girl's game now. She has no idea what she's going to do about it - if anything at all - but she knows now.

When Liza asks Raina to confirm her speaking she nods, "Yup. That's true Liza." She stood up and without thinking she ruffled the younger one's hair fondly, "Sometimes even the family that are related to you by blood and guts are WAY worse than the ones who aren't." She is not only thinking of Evangeline as she says this, her eyes flicking to land on Sheena as she says the sentence, but she is also thinking of her Father. How he was never really family to her, yet Liza is already so much better than her 'real' Father, so much more like family to Raina.

Raina speaks to Liza as she begins to move forward, "I'll be right back, 'kay Liza? Need to go grab something" She smiles at the younger kindly as she gives her something to do - just to make sure she stays put. "Why don't you tell your daddy about the milk and paper idea? About being a spy?" She says the word daddy a bit oddly, not on purpose, it's just an unfamiliar word to her.

Raina then proceeds to follow Faith - being unnoticed by the slayer. She follows her down the hallways silently, sticking to shadows as always, and stops to watch the two interact. She leans back silently against the wall, hidden by the early morning shadows. She smirks lightly as Evangeline walks off, deciding then, once the girl-vamp has gone, to step out from the shadows and pluck a flower from the nearby vase - a beautiful pink one. She clearly doesn't care for Faith noticing her presence and that she has been there the whole time, because she speaks to her, "Not very nice is she? She's got a very clever way of being a secret bit*h." She shrugs, turning her back to Faith, "Guess that's how she's gonna get Sheena." Even though her words may sound rude and disrespectful in themselves, Raina's tone is normal, there is no snarkyiness behind it and no purposeful intention to piss Faith off. She looks over her shoulder at Faith, "It's probably best now to try and make sure Sheena doesn't go cutting class to hang out with her new 'sister', since Evangeline hasn't done anything major enough yet for you to cut her head off or anything." She grins lightly, having spoken the word sister like it didn't belong in the sentence; like Evangeline isn't her sister.

She then holds up the pink flower, speaking simply, "Does Liza like pink?"
Sheena watches Faith practically run out of the cafeteria to catch Evangeline, and frowns. She knows her older sister well by now, and anyone who's had a single conversation with Faith knows that she isn't one for subtlety and gentleness when there's something she wants to know, and especially something she distrusts in another person. She can only imagine what Faith is grilling her with, and she even starts to stand, her brow furrowed.

"I should go see what they're doing."

She is not listening to the meaningful manner in which Raina is answering Liza, nor does she see the way that Raina looks at her, as though to drive the point home. She has almost forgotten that Raina is there at all as she looks to Alex and Macal quickly. "She's not even going to give her a chance, just because she's a vampire. Lina's TRYING."

When Raina affirms her again, Liza smiles happily, nodding as she drinks more of her milk, then turns to Macal as Raina suggested. "Daddy, don't you think that's a good idea? I like the spy toys you got me, I think I"m gonna be a spy. I think I'll have spy lessons and do secret missiles probably. And I'll know all the secret stuff and it will be wicked. Don't you want a secret spy milk message, Daddy?"

When Raina steps into view, Faith stiffens further, her eyes narrowing almost to slits. She does not want to deal with Raina now, not for the rest of the day, if she can help it. She had been so focused on Eve that she hadn't sensed her presence nearby; she may not have anyway, since they were both vampires. She does not turn immediately, just trying to gain control of some of her anger before she does something she will regret.

But when she actually listens to what Raina is saying, and the way she is saying it...she isn't starting a fight. She isn't mocking Faith, or provoking her...if anything, she's backing up Faith's feelings with observations and opinions of her own. It seems that Raina knows exactly what dilemma Faith is faced with, by observation alone...and the way she says "sister," as though in quote if she agrees, that Faith is more of Sheena's sister than Evangeline ever would be, shared surname or not.

This is as probably as close to empathy with her as Raina would ever come.

She turns towards her slowly, her eyes moving to take in the flower in Raina's hand, and she nods, her voice quiet. "Yes. Her whole bedroom is pink...kind of kills my soul a little."
When Faith speaks to her, Raina notices the quiet voice, notices the lack of fight and without even wanting to, her guard drops just that bit. Just enough for her to smile - yes SMILE - at Faith. And no, it's not a fake smile, it's not a mocking smile or a bitter smile, it's an actual, extremely rare smile. When Raina smiles, her eyes seem to light up a bit, and her features become more complimented, smiling suits Raina, it makes her look so beautiful, yet she does it so rarely no-one gets to see it. But Faith just did. And Raina can't seem to think of that right now. She can't seem to think of how she needs to hide her good before Faith can really take note of it. She doesn't think of how Faith may use this against her, or how her Dad 'trained' her to be emotionless.

Right now, in this moment, she is smiling and she speaks almost with a bit of a laugh in her tone as she turns to face Faith, "Yeah. I figured she might. 'Cause when I was a kid I loved pink, so much, I loved pretty much every colour." She grins, still not hearing her own words yet and how she is speaking of her PAST, her secluded past, to the slayer! Of all people! "I once even told my Mum that I wanted a pink bouncy castle for my seventh birthday" She then laughs, it's light and short, but it's a laugh, a very pretty one at that.

Then her mind catches up. She suddenly looks down, hiding her emotion from Faith before she turns. Sh*t. She can't think of ANY snarky comment, any sarcastic words that can cover THAT up. She folds her arms, back still to Faith before she allows herself to speak, her tone neutral again, "You should probably get back to the others before they send out a search party or something." She is still looking down at the floor even though her back is to Faith, biting her bottom lip as she wonders why the fu*k she just told the slayer something about herself. Did someone spike her drink?
Mar nodded in response to Lekki when she asked him if he was new, as far as sleep was concerned it was commonplace for people to wake up this early where he came from, so he wasn`t wondering why the half demon would be up at this hour, when she asked him how he`s adjusted to the academy the boy shrugged ; "This place feels

Bizarre to me", Mar paused for a second and broke eye contact with Lekki to consider his words "it`s not like I don't like the academy it`s just that I don't think i`ll get used to it anytime soon."
Faith had had no idea where Raina was heading with the question about the flower for Liza. Was she planning to give it to her? So when she just answered, hoping with some weary cynicism that Raina simply wanted to know, she was surprised- and also increasingly intrigued, when Raina smiled at her. A real smile...a full, genuine smile of actual emotion, showing itself in her eyes and her entire face. She was stunned by how different the smile made Raina look, how alive and friendly and...pretty. How looking at her smiling, Raina looked like any other girl, like Sheena, even. Looking at Raina when she was smiling, it was almost enough to forget she's a vampire.

And then Raina is going on, Raina is talking with amusement, affection, and enthusiam about Liza...and about herself. Raina, apparently, had also been a pink fan. Raina is telling about her childhood, well, one detail of it...and about her mother. It sounded like Raina had liked her mother well enough.

But then she's closing off, the smile slipping, her usual guarded self returning, and though she isn't being rude, she certainly isn't smiling. Is she bothered that she "slipped" in front of Faith, that for a moment, she was acting like a normal, friendly girl?

One thing about this looks like she and Raina are on the same side over her. And THAT makes Eve that much more suspicious, because if RAINA can't stand her, and is willing to talk almost nicely to Faith over her...

"Yeah, I'll do that," Faith says back, in the same neutral tone as Raina. She waits, then when Raina is turned, says, "Raina? About her. Evangeline. She could hurt Liza, you know."

She pauses, letting her think about this, before adding, "So I'd appreciate you letting me know, if you find out anything about her. Because I could do something about it."
Raina listens silently as Faith speaks. Then, deciding the ONLY thing she can do about the slip up, is pretending it never happened. And as Faith speaks of Evangeline hurting Liza, Raina's fists clench of their own accord, and when Faith is done talking, she turns to look at her again, any trace of upset gone as she meets Faith's eyes.

"I know. I spoke to Evangeline about it already." She shrugs, "Well, sorta. She basically told me that if I messed with Sheena, then she'd mess with Liza." She rolls her eyes, "And as much as I may dislike Sheena, I can't mess with her anyway because Liza cares for her and stuff." She turns to go, then turns back around, "She did say, when I spoke to her..." She looks up for a moment, eyes full of thought and she takes a minute before she speaks, slowly, like she is speaking from memory. "I'm Sheena's sister. I'm her blood......There's no other. She has no one else. In the end, that's what will matter to her." She blinks and looks at Faith, "Something like that anyway." She crosses her arms, "Seems Evangeline wants to isolate Sheena from everybodddyyyy else."

She then holds out the pink flower to Faith,
"Can you give this to Liza please? I think I'll skip breakfast." She mutters the last bit, not wanting to admit it's because she isn't sure about being part of their family breakfast. Although she does smirk at Faith, trying to pretend she's joking, "Wouldn't wanna invade on your family, seems you already got one vamp doing that."
Raina is quiet as Faith is speaking, letting her finish, and Faith watches her, seeing the slight signs of anger in the clinching of her fists. But the girl's words are still calm and civil as she it possible they are having a discussion without challenging each other? Especially after last night...

As she listens in turn to Raina, to her relaying of Evangeline's words to her, Faith's own fists form at her sides, and she can feel herself tensing all over again with her checked anger. It definitely seemed that this was Evangeline's if Sheena needed more confusion in her life of her roles and relationships. Just when she had began to have peace and confidence in herself...just when she was this little b*tch wanted to try to take it all away from her, to hold her back from having her full potential contentment...from having anything but HER.

There was no telling what Eve planned to do once she did have Sheena to herself...but Faith would never let it get to that point. She'd kill her before she got halfway there, whether or not it got herself fired or on the lam as a result.

She did not expect Raina to hold the flower out to her, to ask her to give it to Liza...and to say PLEASE. She looks at her, trying not to show that she is studying her...but the more she sees of this girl, the more contrasting sides she shows, the more confused Faith is as to how, exactly, she feels about her. She had smiled...she had told her the truth of what she knows about Evangeline. She had said she wouldn't hurt Sheena- even if it was only because of Liza. Which meant, in extension, didn't it, that she wouldn't hurt Faith too?

Not that Faith would ever let THAT happen.

"I'll give it to her," she said finally, taking the flower. "She'll like it."

She doesn't thank her. That would be pushing way too much on the civility factor.
Flower looks at him and then smiled. "Yes, sky has been with me a long time." she looks up and then back at him. "I better get ready for class." she said and then slowly got up. "You may stay here as long as you like." she said and then looks at Sky. The large bird flaps her wings and Flower rolls her eyes. "Sky you snoopy bird." she sets sky on a tree branch. "Don't mind her, I can understand her mostly but I don't think you will." she laughs and then waves bye heading back into the castle. She sighed and then headed for her now cleaned up room.

James looks at the door and then sighs deeply. He looked at the door and then looked down. "Will you take the word of someone who just hates over someone who really cares about you?" he looks at the door. "I never thought o you that way I never wanted to use you...." he leans on the door. He looks at the ground. "You..." he closed his eyes. "If you think Peter knows you, your wrong. If you think I would use you, you don't know me at all and THAT hurts." he said and then started walking down the hall.
( they attempted to take the throne at some time in history but failed (not to mention almost all of them have a hatred for both vamps and werewolves)
*Mac, Alex and Liza sit there trying to eat their breakfast when out of the blue.*

Macal: So you and Sheena going hunting for the vamp that sired Sheena's sister?

*Alex gasp and almost chokes on his breakfast*

Alex: Excuse me? How did you know about that?

Macal: Hello! Dofus, I'm the director of the world's largest spy organization. Did you really think you could keep a secret from me of all people?

*Alex smacks himself in the forehead and smirks*

Alex: Well you did train me but I guess I have much more to learn from you..But yeah Sheena wants to end the one that did this and personally take his head off, I'm just going to support her and watch her back.

*Neither man seem to remember Liza is sitting there and continue their exchange*

Macal: Well I can tell you this much, you're on the wrong trail already, the one you're looking for is a woman and I can tell you this much she is somewhere in south America. That is as much as my sweepers were able to come up with. But for someone with as much as incentive as you and Sheena have that should be plenty to get you started. I hope you plan on testing those new Ultra-violet grenades.

Alex: Always one step ahead...Thanks Mac this is gonna be a huge help.

Macal: Don't thank me, if something happens to my daughter on this little hunt of yours, I'll skin you alive and dip you in lemon juice and in the end you'll pray to die.

Alex: Understood, trust me nothing will happen to her without it going through me first, you have my word as her knight.

*Macal grins at Alex while reaching across the table and with a napkin wiping frosting off Liza's face*

Macal: Good, and for god sakes don't tell Sheena I put you on this trail. Liza that goes for you to, Sheena needs to think her and Alex are the only ones involve here, I don't want her doubting herself.
But when Sheena goes to intercept Faith and Evangeline in the hallway, they have already finished talking, and Faith is making her way back into the cafeteria. Sheena looks past her, hoping to see Evangeline leaving, but sees no signs of her; she has already disappeared into an unseen room or hallway. She looks back at Faith again quickly, attempting to figure out from Faith's expression how the conversation had gone, but Faith, for Faith, is actually doing a decent job of pokerface.

"You met Lina?" she asks, and Faith shrugs, her voice controlled.

"Yep. Could say that."

"You don't like her," Sheena stated, and Faith looked hard at her, not bothering to keep her voice quite as neutral this time.

"Nope, I don't. I get about love and blood being blind and all the rest, but my eyes are open, Sheena. I just hope yours will be too."

She turns and walks back into the cafeteria, and after a few moments, Sheena follows her, her expression bothered. As they both sit down again, Sheena is not participating in the conversation much, glancing occasionally towards the exit door. Liza, of course, is not one to let things go in silence for long.

"Guess what Sheena Legs!" she says brightly. "You get to go to South America with grenades!"
(new character time!)

Name: Hal, Lionheart

Age 19

Gender: male

Race: Keyholder (keyholder form:Hal sprouts skeletal wings that are incapable of flight and his arms are covered in a dark mist-like aura from his elbows-down, (both the strength of his body and of his powers are nearly doubled while in key holder form )

Weapons: a scythe that he usually carries on his back and a Hogue avenger ( M1911 derivative pistol (9 rounds)

Powers: Black key: shadow manipulation

red key:
ability to summon a guardian he calls the reaper whom can also control shadows and grows stronger yet less resistant to damage depending on how much blood Hal has lost

other black key: allows Hal to cover a melee weapon in shadows that make the effected weapon weightless


(reaper looks):

Crush : N/A

Girlfriend: N/A

Family: has a father but his mother was killed for cheating with a lycan,
Santos is his half brother

Name: Santos Lionheart

Race: Key holder/Were wolf (has never seen his own Keyholder form, he assumes that he dosent have one due to being a half-blood)

Age: 17

Gender :male

Weapons: a Rapier and a Glock 18 machine pistol

Powers: Blue key: can breath underwater Light blue key: ability to manipulate water Dark red key: ability to control fire ant`s

Crush : N/A

Girlfriend: N/A

Family: has a father but his mother was killed for cheating with a lycan,
Hal is his half brother

"We all adjust differently," Lekki said with a nod. She smiled brightly at him. Sure he did make a bad entrance into the school and was different than most people, but Lekki found it hard to dislike anyone she had meet so far.

"I'm sure it'll get easier to become apart of the school as you spend time here longer and make friends." Lekki smiled a little more. "In fact I'd like us to be friends."


Kesson nodded and watched Flower go. He should probably do the same, but he felt a kind of peace in the garden. He didn't want to leave it quite yet. He looked at Sky and smiled, waving at her. Sure he wouldn't be able to understand her, but she was a beautiful bird.

"Oh Kesson. I think you finally found a place to hide at," Kesson muttered to himself, as he laid back on the grass. And hiding was sort of what he was doing. He would go anywhere to escape his past, his family and this school was perfect for him. He could meet people and train and be as far away and disconnected from his past as possible.

But Kesson knew this was not the right course of action. He knew he was wrong to run, but he couldn't help it.


Hayley smiled at Faye, wondering why she was being so nice and friendly. She looked around the place and thought about it.

"Sure," she said, heading to a currently untaken table. She had no wish to sit with anyone else, but if anyone came to join them, she would not send them away either. She put a hand on the surface and looked at Faye.



Name: Jinn

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Half-elf

Powers: She has no powers but is advance in all assassin skills

Weapons: She owns a knife named Mormo that is dear to her made of bone. She also has throwing knives, a small gun and posionous darts

Vehicle: None

Pets: None

Family: Jinn has no knowledge of her family but thinks of the assassin guild she is in as one and views Hayley as a sister she has yet to meet.

Husband/wife: None

Girlfriend/boyfriend: None

Crush: None yet though she'll flirt with anyone

(Accepted. Nice characters.)

Sky looked at Kesson and then tilted her head wondering what he was talking about. Even though she couldn't talk, she could understand humans. Of course many of the animals at this school had some ability that made them different from wild animals. Sky and flower had a bond that helped them to understand each other in a way most couldn't Sky new Flower more then anyone. Sky also may be an old bird but was far from death thanks to a gift given from only a key holder queen. The key holder Crown can change a key holder into a mortal human but can also give them longivity. Sky was the first to be given such a gift. Hunter was a key dog so she already lived as long as a key holder. Sky flew down to Kesson and looked at him in question. She tilted her head, her one eye staring at him. She stretched out her wings and then folded them back. She let out a loud call.

Flower had gotten cleaned up and was out in a training room beating up punching bags. She had wrapped her hands but with the force of her blows and her anger that was coming out from Hunter's death, her hands were bleeding. She punched the bag again and the chain broke as it landed on the ground she stared at it. She sighed and then looked around. Oh yeah....there was some damage. Ok there was a lot. Flower sighed and then got out her sword practicing on a dummy that lasted only five minutes. (lol)
Jinn dropped down from a tree a few miles from the school. She adjusted her jacket which was rather large on her body, but she wore almost everywhere. It concealed her body well enough, but did not hide it. Nor did it hinder her movements. It was the perfect jacket for her and it had meaning as well. It was one of the few items she owned that was not bought with her money that she received from assassinating someone nor a spoil from her kills. Rather it had been a gift from an old "family" friend.

Jinn did not keep close relationships but Kaeser was different. She had almost loved the man even if he had been twice her age, married and had a child. A child who Jinn eventually adopted into her mind as a sort of sister. She did not know Kaeser's family at all beyond his daughter was a shifter just like him. Many kinds of creatures wound up in Black Acid. The guild did not indiscriminate, but shifters were valuable members for their ability to change form. It helped them out a lot.

Jinn herself was half-elf, but she had no recollection of her parents. No one spoke of them and Jinn always assumed they were not apart of the assassinating business. Her earliest childhood memories were of learning to kill. Learning how to keep herself safe and unnoticed. To strike fatally or keep a mark agnozing for hours. Sure it didn't sound pretty and Jinn was tempted to kill herself a lot during her childhood, but now she loved her life.

She walked up to the school building, looking around. The place was rather large. Jinn hugged her jacket closer to her body. She knew inside was not a mark. She had no orders to kill anyone. Instead another person who was of interest lived inside having just gone out of reach of her dear human mother. In there was the girl Jinn had thought of as a sister even if she had never laid eyes on her besides a photo. She was not here to kill but to recruit. It was time the young shifter joined her father's old guild and took her place as a shifter assassin of the Black Acid.

Jinn walked inside, her heart set on one person. Hayley.


Kesson looked at Sky. She seemed to have taken an interest in him. Kesson did not mind this, but he did wish he could understand the bird. He smiled at her, reaching over to pet her neck with a finger.

"Hey girl," he said to her. "Do you think I'm selfish? Running away from my family? I didn't mean to, but I had to. But does that make it right?"

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