Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

But as it turned out, Sheena did not have to look very hard to find Evangeline. As is Evangeline’s usual way, she appeared seemingly from the shadows, coming up behind Sheena and enveloping her in an embrace that was warm in nature, though her skin was cold to the touch.

“Hey sis,” she said, her mouth tilted up towards Sheena’s ear, though not quite able to reach, and she tugged on the ends of Sheena’s hair playfully, smiling. “Guess who?”

Well, it definitely wasn’t Faith or Liza, so that left exactly one sister for Sheena to guess. Turning, Sheena smiled at her, genuine, but guilty, turning to hug her back.

“Hey Lina. You don’t have class?”

“I’m in no hurry, what is academics when compared to time with my sister?” Evangeline said dismissively, wrapping her arm around Sheena’s waist and leaning her head comfortably into her side. There was a slight edge to her tone as she added, “You took long enough to finish eating, sis.”

Sheena swallowed, then briefly caught her lower lip between her teeth as she slowly slid her arm around Evangeline’s waist in return, her expression shifting slightly to show her growing guilt. How was she supposed to explain this to her…how was she supposed to break a promise so soon after they had finally been reunited? How was she supposed to explain something she wasn’t allowed to explain at all?

And what if Macal was wrong…what if Evangeline wasn’t in love with her sire at all? Surely she wouldn’t be…wouldn’t she have said something when she explained to Sheena, if it were true? Surely not every vampire was, Sheena hadn’t been in love with hers, had she? She hadn’t cared at all…and Evangeline was her sister, she must be more like Sheena than unlike her. So why would she love her sire?

“Sorry, Lina,” she said quietly, before turning, breaking in part from Evangeline’s embrace as she looked her in the eye, taking in a slow breath before plunging ahead. “Lina, I’m sorry, but we can’t hang out right now. I have class, and I can’t really skip it, you know?”

Evangeline frowned, and Sheena could feel the way her body suddenly grew tense and still against hers, the way she furrowed her brow, hurt.

“You can’t miss class even once, even to hang out with your long lost, long DEAD sister?” she asked, and the edge in her tone was clear. “I didn’t think you were such the scholar, Sheena.”

Sheena cringed slightly, reaching for Evangeline’s hand as she tried to make her understand…but even as she tried, she was beginning to think that Evangeline was right. Couldn’t she have even one day off without people making a big thing out of it? Especially when they were going to have her go to South America for so long…

As though reading her mind, Evangeline adds casually, “I bet if your guardian’s sister came back from the dead, she’d take a day off too. Who wouldn’t? It’s kind of harsh not to let you have that day off too.”

The way Evangeline had said “guardian” for Faith rather than “sister” or “older sister” vaguely bothered Sheena, but her words bothered her more, and she didn’t bother to correct her. Sheena thought about this…it did seem right. If Faith had Buffy come back from the dead, yet again, Sheena knew she would be immediately spending as much time with her as she could. And Buffy had already been dead and alive four times…this was Evangeline’s only time. Hopefully her last time too.

Maybe it wouldn’t be a big deal just once…

“Maybe…I’m going to be late anyway,” she decided, but then, remembering that there was a part two to their encounter, she sighed. “Lina…I’m about to leave the school for a while, though, really soon. Probably tonight or tomorrow. I’m going on a…mission…with Alex…and I might be a while before I get back. So…I won’t be able to see you…I’m so sorry. I promise, when we get back we can have all the time you want, I promise I’ll make it up to you. I just…I have to do this.”

She reached for Evangeline’s hand, but her sister pulled it back, staring at her with such stiff hurt in her gaze that Sheena looked away, biting her lip. The blonde’s words came out controlled, but hard in tone.

“You’re leaving…where are you going? What kind of mission?”

“I can’t…I’m sorry, Lina, I’m not allowed to say,” Sheena said quietly, and this only further provoked her.

“You can’t say…what, you don’t trust me? Is that it?”

“No,” Sheena said quickly, immediately shaking her head, and stepping towards her, reaching to take her arm. “No, Lina, it’s not that…it’s just…it’s a mission, and we aren’t allowed to talk about them with anyone. It’s just-“

“I’m not just anyone, Sheena, I’m your SISTER,” Evangeline interrupted with a vicious edge, and she snatched her arm back as though Sheena’s touch had burned her. “You tell Faith, I bet. And Faith isn’t your BLOOD. I’m your sister, you haven’t seen me for years, and not only are you ditching me the first chance you get, you’re not even trusting me enough to tell me why.”

“Lina, no…it’s not like that. If I could tell you, I would…if I could take you-“ Sheena started, but Evangeline shook her head, her tone final.

“No…if you could, you would. And if you did, you would. That’s all there is to it.”

When Sheena tried again to reach for her, Evangeline stepped back, and she too now was biting her lip, her shoulders hunched, tears standing in her eyes. It made Sheena’s throat choke with guilt and despair as she watched her, knowing that she could not make her understand.

“No, you go, sis….I’ll just wait here, and hope that your Slayer sister sees fit to have me in one piece when you return. You ever think that maybe she’s sending you away just so she can kill me? Wait until you’re out of her hair and then bam, no more me…she’s very jealous of you, you know. She wants you all to herself. I would be wary of anything SHE tells you.”

Sheena blinked, looking at Evangeline with some incredulity at this ominous phrasing. “Faith…no, Lina, you don’t understand. Faith wouldn’t do that. You just don’t know her…she…”

“She’s a Slayer,” Evangeline shook her head, her words final. “Slayers hate vampires, even ones like me, who have been trying as hard as they can to better ourselves and be more than what we are…all I want is to be able to be with my big sister again. That’s all I ever could want…but if you are going to just blindly take your guardian’s word and go off and leave me alone, all over again, I guess that’s your decision. Maybe I’ll still be here and alive when you get back, maybe not. I guess you’ll just have to trust your SISTER and her word that she wouldn’t do that…obviously you trust hers more than you trust me.”

With that she stalked away, leaving Sheena standing there, fighting back the guilt, shame, and doubt rising inside her.

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*Macal, pretending to just be wandering the halls but truthfully, Faith had her turn to talk to Eve now it's his turn to, waiting around the corner for Sheena and Eve to finish talking and then for Eve to put some distance between them, moving though the halls and cuts her off, leaning against the wall in front of her.*

Well hey there little one, those were some heated words you had with my daughter, you know that you're wrong, Slayers don't hate vampires...well not all of them, some of my wife's best friends are vampires, no what slayers hate is evil, doesn't matter if your a lycan, demon, witch or vampire, if you're evil then chances are you're on borrowed time. But that's not what I'm here to talk about, I just wanted to get a read on you for myself, to decide if you're a threat or not. *His eyes glow for a second as he looks at her, when they stop he smirks and stands up straight showing just how much he towers over her.* Your aura is dark, chances are there is a lot of innocent blood on your fangs. Anyway that's not my problem at the moment but I will tell you this, do you know what's more dangerous then a Slayer? I'll tell you it's a pissed off God of War who's family is being threaten, so my advice for you little one is....Don't start nothin...there won't be nothin!

Now I suggest you find a new food source cause there are many other vampires here at this academy and the last thing they need is for you to have the villagers get the torches and pitchforks and come up here I suggest you find something small in the forest around here.
Evangeline looks up at Macal with little expression on her face, simply assessing him. As of now she has not encountered a god, particularly not a god of war, and she allows him to finish speaking without comment, her arms crossed over her chest. So he can read her aura, he has guessed her source of nourishment...big deal. Who hasn't by this point, other than her very own clueless sister?

"I'm not starting..."nothin'"," she says, deliberately putting emphasis on the word that Macal himself had used. "I simply want to know my sister...your...did you call her your daughter? Your daughter. I think I have a right to know my own blood. I don't think very much or many can put barriers between that."

This is a thinly veiled ominous statement, and she smiles up at him without genuine happiness before beginning to walk away.

"Nice to meet you...would this make you my stepfather of some kind? I wouldn't know, I have no idea how the group of you determines familial positions."
(Think it's time for another Faith class! :D That is what Faith went to do isn't it? Plus, it would give them a chance to ask Raina if she'd go with Sheena and Alex. Why did Macal suggest that anyway? xD Oh. Macal. Just thought I'd let you know that Macal may infact recognize Chameleon as the heir to the throne of Shape-Shifters. Nephew of the most skilled and talented Shape-Shifter fighter in the whole world - who is also the King. Only if he knows about the King of course though, just thought he might since he's a God and Spy and what not.)

Raina and Chameleon are walking side by side down the hallway, both heading to Faith's class. And though they are not laughing and chatting happily, they are also walking close enough to be seen as close. Not at a 'romantic' distance though.

Raina looks up at Chameleon's profile as they walk and she murmurs lightly - not knowing Macal and Evangeline are simply around the corner, "You better not tell ANYBODY what I told you back there. Got that Chameleon?" He glances down to her with an amused grin, "Hey, same goes for you, you're not the only one who revealed a secret back there." He nudges her playfully as they round the corner, speaking in a jokey tone, "You don't have to pretend that you're a bit*h around me Rai." Only to get a muttered, snappy response of, "I'm not pretending Leo. I am a bit*h. Deal with it." She spoke these words only to bump into Macal, Chameleon's arm snapped out in unnaturally reflex response and pushed her back a bit, looking at Macal skeptically before the look vanished, like he had summed the man up in seconds and looked to Raina as she noticed Evangeline walking off and Macal standing there.

Raina turned to the man and grinned, "You just tried to talk to the blonde bit*h? I don't think anything's gonna get her to fu*k off besides a stake in the heart." She tilts her head, her cold eyes looking at the vampire's back. "I could do it if you want. No need for Sheena to hate you Macal when I'm around for that."

Chameleon rose an eyebrow, "Raina. You're not killing anyone." Raina then rose her own eyebrow at the shifter, clearly unimpressed. "Who died and made you King?" Chameleon ignored that as best as he could. There were no signs at all that he had been affected by those words. So he simply shrugged, "Never said I was King Raina, but I'm so not letting you kill anyone." Raina 'pffted' at him, "You think you can stop me shifter?" He shrugs, "I can sure try." Her eyes narrowed into slits and she spoke in a low, dangerous tone, "I wouldn't recommend it. I've got a brand new sniper I'd love to try out." She stepped a bit closer, voice dropping to a low, ominious hiss as she looked up at the blue-eyed, black-haired guy. "I don't care on who."

Chameleon rolled his eyes, "I'm real scared Rai. It's not like this is the first time you've tried to kill me." Raina chuckles at that, stepping back even though the chuckle had no humour and her voice is still pissed, "Yeah, but the others times I tried to kill you I used a blade, or my fangs, or even my fists." She shrugs, "Haven't tried with a gun yet." She smirks, "Not much you could do if I shot at your skull, although I'm half expecting you to stop it mid-air and send it back, what with your...." She pauses, eyeing him supiciously, "Hidden ninja skills. What's up with that Chameleon? You don't want anyone to know you're a secret fighting expert? What are you? A spy, ninja, assassin?" She grinned, "Working for FBI are we?"

Chameleon shakes his head silently, he glances to Macal, Evangeline and then Raina, "You coming to class or what Rai?" She shrugs, "Maybe, maybe not. Why don't you go ahead?" Chameleon shakes his head again, "Nuh-uh. Gotta make sure you don't kill anyone first." Raina smirks at that, but doesn't turn to face him as she keeps her eyes on Evangeline.

"Where you going Lina? Skipping out on class or going to try and bite Hayley's neck again?"


Faye noticed the two boys sit down slightly on their table. She ignores it for a moment before looking to Hayley as the girl speaks, "For talking to you?" She smiles kindly, genuine warmth in her amber eyes, "You shouldn't have to thank me for that Hayley." She tilts her head slightly, as if intrigued by the girl, "You're actually a really interesting person. It's fun to talk to you." She grins, "By that standard, I should be thanking you for talking to ME." She nods her head, almost as a mini-bow, "So thank you Hayley, for talking to me." She picked up the cup of hot chocolate she had gotten, frowning lightly at it's coldness. "One sec." She murmured almost to herself as she hovered a hand underneath the cup. A flame leapt from her palm and heated the liquid inside the cup. After a moment she smiled and the flame went as easily as it had came, taking a sip of the now hot drink she grinned at Hayley, not knowing she had a chocolate 'mustache' "Pretty cool right?"
Evangeline continues to walk without comment, completely ignoring Raina's attempt to bait her. To her, her business is finished now that her sister is gone and she has played as innocent as possible with Macal, while still not submitting to him. It is time for her first class now, with Faith as her instructor, and the fact that Liza and Raina will be present, and in particular Faith, is of little concern to her. She has no intention of challenging them in class. It is her intention to play the perfect pupil, all the while giving Sheena looks and comments designed to further guilt her for her choice to go on her mission.

As she disappears into the classroom, her blonde hair swinging behind her, Faith is waiting for the students to arrive. She gives Evangeline a hard look but has no comment for her. Liza is already there, bouncing around eagerly, as this is her first time that her mother has allowed her to attend a class with older children. Her behavior in it will determine whether she can continue to do so. Seeing Raina outside the doorway, she makes a beeline towards her, grabbing her arm.

"Raina!! Guess what!!! Mama's letting me be in her class with the big kids today! And I'll kick ass I bet. Plus also you get to go to South America with Sheena Legs and Alex, Daddy says!"

Sheena is coming up behind them to enter class at this point and looks decidedly less than enthusiastic. She tries to slip past Liza without her detecting her, but this is not to be.

"Sheena Legs!!! You and Raina will go to South America and be friends now, right?"
Raina's eyes widen as Liza grabs her suddenly and blurts out stuff about being in the class with the 'big kids' and kicking ass and about Raina going to SOUTH AMERICA! With SHEENA! And ALEX! Her eyes widen even more, "Woah! Calm down Liza! Who's going to South America? Why do I have to go to South America, I can't go to South America Liza! I gotta look after Faye"

Then, as Liza directs words at Sheena, who is behind her, Raina glares momentarily at Sheena before looking back to Liza, "And I will DEFIENTLY not be friends with 'Sheena Legs' Ever." She hears a chuckle and is pushed lightly into the room, her instant reaction is the grab the wrist of the person who grabbed her and flip them over her, but as she flips the person, they land on their feet somehow and grab Raina's own wrist, reversing the effect of the flip so skillfully and efficently that Raina doesn't know she is about to hit the ground until Chameleon has grabbed her hand and pulled her up.

Chameleon had chuckled and moved Raina forward to put her in the room so that Sheena could get past, when she had grabbed him - intending to flip him. But his instincts kicked in and his bright blue eyes darkened as his hand shot out of it's own accord, his feet landing sharply yet silently on the floor as he grabbed Raina's wrist in return and flippd her instead. Only a very skilled fighter knows the moves he just performed on Raina, and he grabs her before she can fall, eyes back to bright blue. "Sorry. Shouldn't try to flip me." He murmurs almost silently, and Raina rolls her eyes, "Shouldn't push me into a room then." She then pushes past Chameleon, who glances to Sheena silently before leaning up against the wall and looking down at his feet.

He needed to stop messing up like that.


Raina had walked right over to Faith, frowning lightly as she spoke with no discreetness. "What's this about me going to South America with Lycan-Girl and Tech-Boy?"
Mar nodded in response to Lekki, he kept his voice casual despite the fact that he was holding back a very unprofessional urge to hug Lekki right there while thanking her ten times over for referring to him as a "friend" ; "I have had a bite in my room, but I can still accompany you to breakfast if you wish." he said feeling thankful for once, that his body required more calories than normal.

Mar looked up, spying an analog clock propped up high on the wall reveled to him that if he started breakfast now he`d likely be late for class; "or would you rather go to class first?" he added.


Besides the occurrence`s that spanned a few minutes earlier , breakfast ended on an uneventful note for Hal and Santos

The pair disposed of their trash and got rid of their trays before stepping outside of the cafeteria. emerging into the hallway Santos was dismayed to see that his half brother was headed in the opposite direction of their first class; "Hal?, where are you going?"

"I`m looking around, i`ll show up for class in a bit" Hal called back dismissively as he turned a corner, prompting Santos to chase after him...

A few minutes later and
Santos could be seen dragging his older half brother by the arm into Faith`s classroom, they took seats near the center side by side from each other. Hal didn`t look like he was to happy about it.

Flower entered the class as well. She stopped right in front of Santos and Hal. She looks at them and then raised an eyebrow. She pushed her hair behind her ear and then smiled at them. "This class is getting big..." She looks at him and then looked at her seat. She walked to her seat and then sat down crossing her arms. She sighed deeply and then looked around the room. BOTH Nick and James seemed to be in depressed mood. She sighed deeply. This room was only making her mood worse. She looks around and then glanced at the two new boys. What was it about them that bothered her.

Age: 17

Gender: female

Species: Key Holder

Powers: Darkness, Fire, And and wind

Weapons: a long dagger, that is pinned to her back, she had a few razor blades that she keeps attacked to Amon's collar, But thats about it.


Pets: Amon

Family: Mother and Father, live very far away, They dont visit, and Had a little brother, that died from Toxic Poisoning

Husband/wife: Hmm. No

Girlfriend/boyfriend: No

Crush: no

Looks: View attachment 6415 Key Holder Form: View attachment 6417

Name: Amon

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Species: Key dog

Powers: Toxic venom in his teeth and saliva, with long front claws, and Electricity.

Weapons: No, Im a dog.

Vehicle: Listen to me, ill say it slower, D.O.G Dog.

Pets: Im Adaline's Dog.

Family: Um, No.

Husband/wife: No.

Girlfriend/boyfriend: Noo.

Crush: Nope.

Looks: View attachment 6418Human form: View attachment 6416
Adaline and Amon began to walk aimlessly, they knew they were going for Faith's class, but were un-aware of their surroundings, They walked in in awkward silence, They both had been fighting more often, they had been friends for so long, but now they seems to be growing apart, Amon doesn't talk as much as he used to, he gets aggressive easily, doesn't like the word No, & he hates to lose. When Adaline does something wrong even a little bit, he gets aggressive and agitated with her way faster then he should, and used to.

Adaline doesn't like how silent it is, but has nothing to say to him, her perspective right now is that he is being rude and a pest, She feels he hates her presents, and she sometimes has tears come to her eyes when she thinks about all the laughs and the good times Amon and her had, She sighed lightly and put her hands in her pockets, Amon was breathing slightly heavily, he was in his Dog form, and his breathing was heavy and you could see small sparks of electricity come from his mouth.
Sheena watches the exchange between Chameleon and Raina with seemingly little attention or interest, only briefly meeting Chameleon's eyes before entering the classroom. Evangeline's eyes are on Raina as she enters the room and approaches Faith, but quickly shift to Sheena as her older sister follows Raina inside. Evangeline does not approach Sheena, nor does Sheena approach her, though she looks at her frequently, seeming to be silently asking her permission to approach. For now, Evangeline continues to play the hurt victim, deliberately meeting Sheena's eyes and then looking away repeatedly. Sheena looks very distracted and very miserable by this treatment.

Liza, meanwhile, is still cartwheeling her way around the room, jabbering with excitement to anyone who will listen or pay attention to her. "And I"m gonna do good. And I'm gonna kick ass. And I"m gonna beat you guys up and do real good and guess what, I get to stay here with you big kids even though I'm not big! 'Cause I'm doin' better than the little kids! Plus also there aren't hardly any little kids here. Actually I"m the littlest one in the whole place. So now I'm with big kids!"

"Liza, that's if you behave yourself, you remember that part of the deal?" Faith reminds her, raising an eyebrow, as Liza beams back at her.

"I am behaving Mama!"

Faith rolls her eyes but she smiles briefly before controlling herself, turning to see Raina coming up to her. At her blunt question, Faith shrugs, starting to answer, but then, casting a glance towards Evangeline, thinks better of it.

"Come outside with me a second," she mutters out the side of her mouth to Raina, and then, raising her voice to the rest of the class, she says, "Back in a couple of minutes, all of you be warming up and stretching, got it? Alex, Sheena, you're in charge til I get back, that means no half killing each other, no weapons out now."

She subtly gestures with a finger for Raina to follow, then leads her into an empty training room two doors down. Once they are alone, she says with bluntness equal to Raina's, crossing her arms, "Yeah, couldn't say in a group of kids, especially with Vamp Girl 2. Yeah, Sheena and Alex are going to South America to track and kill Evangeline's sire, only they aren't allowed to let her know it. Macal thought he'd ask if you would want to go. I know you guys aren't pals or whatever, but they could use your skills, probably, and it would mean you got to kill a guy that probably means a lot to her. Who knows, you might even like it. But whatever. Wasn't my idea, I told him you'd probably say no. Either way, I could care less. This one's up to you."
Adaline finally found Faiths Training Class. She walked though the doors slowly and cautiously, she held the door open Amon, He walked inside, and she shut the door she saw the people and she watched curiously, Amor watched as well, he changed quickly back into his human form and shoved his hands in his pockets What do we do here? he though to himself Do i fight other Key Dog? Or do i fight with the Key holders? he was confused and was waiting for a introduction, or an order to fight or train.
Lekki thought about the question. She was pleased to see that Mar wanted to spend time with her. Sure she didn't like Mar in that way, she rarely liked anyone in any way except for platonically, but she did want to be his friend. If she was honest, she wanted to be everyone's friend, but she knew that was unrealistic.

"Hm. Well I do want to eat. And I can teleport us to class if you don't mind being late."


Hayley blushed a little at Faye's words. Interesting?
Her? It was almost laughable to the shifter. She was anything but that. She was awkward and shy and not at all that interesting. But she felt happy to hear Faye thank her for talking to her. She blushed a little deeper and then nodded at her.

"It's no problem. Really. I am glad you stopped me." When Faye did her trick, Hayley let out a yelp of joy and smiled.

"That was so cool and.." Hayley laughed a little. "You should wipe your face."


Kesson looked at Sky, not sure why she flew to him. He petted her again.

"Thanks for listening to me. It was nice getting some of it off my chest." He then nodded at the door. "But I got to head to class."


Jinn didn't like being ignored very. She followed the girl who had ignored her. She was sure she could get an answer out of her about Hayley's whereabouts. If she tried hard enough. Besides the girl looked weak, so it shouldn't be that hard anyways.

The half-elf followed her into a room and saw that the girl was no longer alone. Jinn stiffen for a moment, taking in the others there and then relaxed. She put on a fake smile. So no torture for today? Well that was fine. As long as someone here could tell her where Hayley was.

"Oh sorry. I was just looking around. New here." She waved a little and laughed nervously.
(gonna squeeze this in before everyone walked off :P )

Macal: *Smiling at the couple as they talked, I enjoy getting sized up, if anyone new me well they know that I I live for a battle were I'm tested to my limits and beyond, a true god of war is only comfortable in war and I am at my most powerful when my enemies is virtually unbeatable, thousands of years of training I have mastered hundreds of fighting styles from just as many worlds, I train in gravity 2 to 300 times Earth's gravity, I've been at the center of a super nova and the only thoughts that went through my mind was "Wow look at the colors!" Faith may be here to teach but I'm here looking for the next generation of heroes, so when I leave this realm I know it will be in good hands.

My first thought is to reach out and place my hand on Raina's shoulder as if we were closer then we were, but I remember that we're not and not even a powerful sword created on Abernathy's forge could change that, so I cross my arms over my chest and look down at her.*

She is a devious one isn't she? I do believe her intentions is to get to know Sheena better but that one is a rabid dog wrapped in a pretty package with a bow on top, her true colors will show and I just pray Sheena will know what to do and who she can truly depend on. Raina I want you to protect yourself but please do not seek out a fight with her. Like they say in Texas, Lets give her enough rope to hang herself.

Anyway did you consider my idea to assist Alex and Sheena in South America, I would consider it a favor and I would reward you for your help. *Reaches into my pocket and pulls out a badge.* How about it join S.H.I.E.L.D on a provisional basis, maybe even longer if you like it. *Holding the badge in front of her.*
Mar`s eyebrow's furrowed for a few seconds "is it acceptable to be late?" he asked Lekki, unsure of rather or not there would be repercussions for failing to arrive at class on time in the Academy. But then again the concept of teleporting seemed interesting to him, the boy shook his head, dismissing his previous question before he took Lekki up on her offer;

"I wont mind being late this time... but not again, o.k?


Santos noticed Flower glancing at him and offered the Key Holder Queen a friendly smile, if what Hal said was true, it definitely wouldn't hurt to be on her good side.

Hal on the other hand could care less about who Flower was looking at, his eyes where fixed on the new arrivals hosted around the front door, none of then looked very strong to him, however he recently learned from the force that Evangeline used to choke him a while ago that it wasn`t very wise to judge based on first impressions, the Key Dog who just changed into human form had caught Hal`s attention in particular, the Key Holder shifted his scythe which was currently leaning against his desk to a better position so he could get a clearer look at Amor.
(Uh, um. I'm gonna assume Macal asked Raina this infront of Faith, after Faith spoke to just makes more sense... Since he was outside the room and Raina and Faith just went outside the room. Oh, by the way, HUGE AVENGERS FAN! ....Not to mention Loki and Tony fan girl ^.^ Yes, be afraid, very afraid. I love them even maybe possibly more than I love Damon and Jeremy from Vampire Diaries...)

Raina follows the slayer outside, wondering what the heck was going on. When Faith began to explain she frowned. Macal thought it would be a good idea? Before she could respond to the ludricious idea of her accompanying Sheena and Alex to South America, she heard Macal's voice from behind and instantly spun around to face him, not feeling comfortable knowing Faith was behind her.

Nice and easy for her to stake you then, isn't it Raina? Move. Now.

As if the voice controlled her body, she immediently stepped to the side so she could face both Macal and Faith, body tense, fists clenched as she listened to Macal speak. When he pulled out a badge she fake rose her hands in a sign of innocence, voice flat and bland. "Ah please don't arrest me officer, I've only killed like, a hundred people."

She then drops her hands and crossed her arms, "Sorry. Never been to Texas. Infact, the only reason I haven't killed that blonde faker is because she knows the one thing that will get to me is killing Liza, which she's subtly threatened to do if I mess with her or Sheena."

She shrugs when he speaks of joining Sheena and Alex on their little journey, ignoring the odd tinge she felt when he mentioned it would be like her doing a favour...and that she'd get a reward. She looks at the badge like it's a plastic toy, "No thanks. I'm good. I don't do commitments." She pokes the badge, "Plus, it's not much of a shield is it? A bit on the small side..."

She glances between the two. The strong, heart-of-stone yet secretly soft Faith and the seemingly kind, protective, knows-everyone and can beat anyone Macal. Standing side by side. She ignores the throb in her heart, allowing herself only a mere second to imagine how her life would have been if her Father was more like Macal, if her Mother was strong like Faith. If they were both still alive, both normal, loving parents. She allowed herself only a nano-second of a moment to imagine that this could be her and her parents if things had turned out differently. Maybe she'd rebelled slightly and stayed out an hour past curfew, or maybe she'd starting dating the new cute guy at school and snuck out to see him, and this could be them, telling her off for being reckless - but only because they love her and want her to be safe. Then they'd make up, sit down with Mabel and watch a film together. Like a family.

But then the moment was over, she was back in reality where her Mother was dead, her Father had ruined her life and made sure she could never be even the slightest bit normal, she didn't have Mabel anymore, and she couldn't even allow herself to smile infront of people because she was scared that they'd see good in her, that they would decide that they maybe even liked her, that they wanted to be her friend and they wanted to HELP her.

So she smirked at the pair of them, fake yawning lightly and covering it with her hand. "Look, I know you two." She glances to Faith and then Macal, "Well, I know you might think there's something good in me. Something, worth finding or saving or whatever." She waves a hand dismissively, not noticing how bad her use of the word 'save' sounds, like she's admitting to her needing saving, before locking eyes with Macal, "But there's not. 'Kay? So just, just stop giving me stuff and, and stop inviting me to your little family breakfast things." She shakes her head, now not meeting either of their eyes, "I mean, it's cool and all that you guys have your little, family thing going on and whatever." She glances past them both, her eyes a bit blank now, "Just..just leave me out of it alright?" She glances back at the classroom, then at Faith.

Yup. She was going to bunk right infront of the Teacher.

"I'm done being part of a family. Was a while ago." She mutters, walking past them both as her hair falls down slightly infront of her face. She calls back once she is about half-way down the hallway, her tone flat, "Sorry Slayer, think I'm taking the day off lessons today. Feeling a bit sick." She does grin lightly as she says this though, before turning the corner and carrying on walking down the hallway.

Maybe a kill would cheer her up.


Chameleon has been leaning against the wall, blending in to the point of no-one actually knowing he is there when he notices the exchange between Sheena and Evangeline. How she is purposely giving Sheena hurt glances now and then, and how miserable Sheena is becoming to look because of it.

He recognizes this treatment oh so well. He used to receive it from his own Mother when he didn't do what she wanted. That was when he was little of course, as he grew older and realized her game, she just used other methods.

So to see this girl, whoever she is, doing this to Sheena, it irritates him, a lot. He glances at Evangeline suspiciously before going over to Sheena, "Hey, you okay?" He asks softly, noticing how distressed she looks. He figures since they've shared a few moments, and she probably knew the most about him than anyone else in this room, that it was okay to talk to her and have a conversation with her.


Faye smiled as Hayley blushed and then even smiled at her AND laughed! Well, Faye felt accomplished now. But she still wasn't done with bringing this girl out of her shell. At the comment of wiping her face she frowned, "Huh?" Then, upon wiping the chocolate mustache away from her face, and seeing the remains on her hand, she laughed. "Oh great, thanks for that, wouldn't want to walk into class with a mustache!"

Faye then looked up at the clock, her eyes widened slightly. "Speaking of which, we're late for class!" She leapt up from the table, grabbing Hayley's hand and practically dragging her out of the room, "My sister's gonna kill me!" Little did Faye know, Myra had skipped class herself and was still lying in her room, alone. She had ignored James.
Faith noticed the subtle increase of tension in Raina's posture and expression when Macal stepped behind her. Was the girl nervous, or worried that the two of them would physically gang up on her? It wouldn't happen, of course, not without extreme provocation on her part, but Faith isn't exactly sorry if she thinks that, if it gives her some added intimidation or inclination to obey.

Of course, this being Raina, there was no danger of that, and instead the girl continues to play the part of the bored, sarcastic rebel, even going so far as to fake a yawn. And of course, as Faith had well predicted, she said no to going to South America.

And yet…Faith had noticed the long hesitation between mocking the badge and saying no to the trip entirely. Faith had noticed the flicker in her eyes before they hardened again, the way she had looked at Macal standing with her as if part of her wanted to say entirely different words. She had heard the remark about having nothing worth saving, and again to Faith, it was all too familiar, for very similar words had once left her own mouth.

“No, YOU don’t get it…I don’t care…”

“I’m not here to hug and cry and learn and grow…”

“You’re NOTHING! You’re nothing…you’re disgusting…useless, murdering b*tch, you’re NOTHING!”

“Just kill me…just do it, Angel, just do it…just kill me…”

All words out of her own mouth, at Raina’s age…all directed in self-hatred at herself. At seventeen, Faith had wanted nothing more in the world than to have somewhere to belong, someone to love, someone who would love her back. She had wanted nothing more than to be part of a family. It had taken years to finally fill that deep, gaping hole within herself. And yet if anyone had suggested that, if anyone had implied that they believed this to be true, Faith would have reacted in vehement denial, even going so far as to take steps to make sure they could not help her get to that point where it might be true. She had been afraid of what might happen, if it did become true- how she might lose it. How she might screw it up.

Was this Raina?

Raina did not meet her eyes as she again asked them to leave her alone, in a manner that to Faith was entirely unconvincing. She even went so far as to say that their family was “cool,” and it didn’t seem she was being sarcastic. And so when she announced she was skipping class, Faith didn’t feel anger, only faint resignation at what the girl was choosing to do to push herself away.

Shrugging, she looks up at Macal and spreads out her hands. “Told you. Got class, looks like more newbies… is there not even ONE other teacher in this whole place?”

Going inside the room, she clears her throat, calling for order, and points one by one at all the new students she sees. “If you’re new, tell me your name, age, and powers, and then give me a brief demonstration- but nothing that will hurt someone. Today those of you that have been working on hand to hand, can move on to weapons, those of you who are new or don’t have a go ahead yet, it’s still hand to hand.”

“Where’s Raina, Mama?” Liza asks with some worry, her head swiveling as she looks for her, and Faith rolls her eyes slightly, only briefly responding.

“Out somewhere testing my patience. Okay, which of you new ones is first?”

“I’ll go get her!” Liza announces, and though her mother opens her mouth, she is already sprinting down the hall, finding and overtaking Raina in only a few moments. Cutting her off, she tugs her arm, saying brightly, “Raina, it’s class time and you should do weapons with me! Don’t you wanna see me fight? With the big kids? Plus also are you going to South America with grenades?”

Sheena looks up, startled, when Chameleon approaches her, and tries to smile, shaking her hair back from her face. Still, she glances again towards Evangeline before replying.

“Uh…yeah…just…I kinda screwed up, I guess.”

Evangeline is watching her closely, totally ignoring Faith’s instructions, which include her because she is a new student. Faith focuses on her specifically, raising her voice.

“Already know your name, Evangeline Sadovsky, doesn’t mean you’re excluded. Come forward with the other new KIDS.”

There is a specific emphasis to the word kid, making it pretty obvious that they not only have met, but that Faith dislikes her extremely…that she is attempting to assert dominance in her realm of the classroom.
Chameleon notices how the girl glances to Evangeline before responding, and as Sheena replies, saying SHE screwed up. Well, Chameleon feels like he's watching the past.

"But Mummy, I don't want to play with Raymundo. I just want to go home." Felicity looked down at her child, faking hurt and upset, as she looks away, deliberately not meeting Chameleon's six year old eyes, "You do not have to play with him for long Chameleon. Just for a little while until you can lead him away from the house." She goes to move away, speaking lightly, "I thought you would do this for Mummy, I thought you loved me." Chameleon's eyes widened and he flung himself at his Mother, hugging her stiff body, "I do Mummy! I do!" "If you loved me. You would do this for me Chameleon." Upset was written on the boy's features, and as his Mother pushed him away, glancing at her son with ice in her eyes, she muttered, "You obviously don't love me then."

Chameleon remembered how only a few moments later he had given in and done as his Mother asked, leading young Lord Raymundo away from his home so that his Mother's 'hench men' could kidnap the boy. Looking between the two girls' now, he decided the best thing to do was to keep Sheena away from the girl who was obviously trying to do to her what his Mother did to him. "How did you screw up?"


Raina had been almost out the doors when - as usual - she was blocked. Looking down to see Liza, she actually for once feels very subtle exhaustion. As much as she loved the little girl, and liked that she could be herself around her, it was still hard to pretend she was good around Liza. Because she wasn't. Raina knew she wasn't good, but she also wasn't bad. So either way she had to pretend. She had to pretend she was completely bad around others, and she had to pretend she was completely good around Liza.

There was no-where she could just be Raina. If she even knew who Raina was anymore.

Raina shakes her head, "I'm feeling a bit sick Liza, so I won't be going to class." She rubs her temple lightly, "Got a killer headache." Now this part wasn't a lie. All this thinking and confusion had done a number on Raina and too many thoughts had piled up in her head - causing it to throb.

At the mention of South America again, Raina frowned, "No, I'm not Liza. I need to stay here, and I'd probably only cause trouble if I went with them."

Sheena glances again towards Evangeline, briefly catching her lower lip between her teeth. She flushes slightly, guilt flitting across her expression before she turns herself away from Evangeline, trying to keep from seeing her out the corner of her eye. Evangeline is then called up by Faith, who has been watching their interaction between them as well, and Sheena is somewhat relieved when Evangeline is made to move with the other new kids. Sheena hesitates, feeling disloyal to even consider saying anything negative about her sister, before moving closer to Chameleon, her voice low.

"My sister...Lina, she's new...I've...I"m supposed to be spending time with her, but I have to go somewhere soon...and she's disappointed."

Liza continues to frown with concern for Raina, then brightens, extending her hand towards her. "Ooooh I can heal it Raina! I can do that. I can, really. Here!"

She stretches her fingers up and touches what she can reach of Raina's face, concentrating hard, and it seems that a faintly glowing light is emanating from her skin before she pulls back expectantly. "Did that help Raina? Did it?"

At Raina's reply about South America, Liza frowns, looking up at her in disappointment. She crosses her arms, and takes several minutes before replying softly, in a hurt tone. "I wish all my sisters would like each other. Or at least be nice. 'Cause it hurts my feelings when they're not...and I really would like it if you helped Sheena Legs. A whole lot. 'Cause her sister Evil-ang-line...I don't think she's nice. And I don't think Sheena Legs even knows it...I just wish you could help 'cause my mama won't let me, Raina. That's all."

She sighed deeply then turned around, beginning to walk slowly back to class.
Macal: *I grin at Faith's words "told you so" I know she just loves it when she gets to say stuff like that to me, but I think my wife has forgotten who I am and what I'm capable of and just how strong my resolve is. I wonder if you would remember saying to me, "I'll never be with you!" But she is, then "I'll never kiss you" But she was the one that asked me to kiss her, our past is full of things she said she'd never do, "Never say I love you, never marry you, never have kids" And look at us now, Raina will eventually turn around, as long as I'm patient and give her space then extend an olive branch when the opportunity arises, In the meantime a little slight of hand and a little luck, I manage to teleport the badge into her room under her pillow.

I decide to walk the grounds until I find a shady area to meditate until Faith is done with her class, I figure she'll want to gloat a little more when she's done, as I sit there my concentration is broken and I laugh to myself thinking about poor Alex, if Raina did go that poor guy would be deep into hostile territory with a pissed moody lycan on one side of him and a pissed moody vampire on the other side, all while hunting a probably pissed moody master vampire and god knows what else is waiting for them, but this is one of those things that even tho I could be in and out in 2 minutes with this vamp's head on a stick, I have to let Alex and Sheena do this on there own, they have to face strong enemies to grow as warriors, so I have to trust in their training and their wits to survive and to succeed.*
Jinn walked into the classroom. Surely she would be able to locate Hayley this way. But she didn't see anyone that might match Hayley discription. She sighed deeply and went over into a corner, making sure she meshed well with the other students. The last she wanted was to be called out. Jinn would prefer to keep a low profile as possible. She didn't plan on being here long after all.

She looked at the people in the room, memorizing them as best as she could. She wanted to remember them so if she had to fight or pursade them, she would know enough to make it simple. Not that it would be easy to fight against her. Jinn felt she could take a good number of people here.


Lekki wasn't so sure. She didn't want to get into trouble, but then Mar agreed. She smiled wide and took his hand.

"That sounds fine to me. Let's go!" She was so glad that Mar had said yes to her. She was worried he'd want to go to class and while that was important, she was happy to be able to spend time with him as well.


Hayley went a little wide eyed.

"Oh no! We better get going." She stood and got ready to go to class. Her second day and she was going to be late. That was noot good. But then she remembered that she at least was still here and not gone.

Of course she also didn't know Jinn was here as she slipped into the classroom. She did not see the stare of the half-elf assassin who smiled.
(Sigh....I sware I am slowly losing my place in my own role hurtful. Hmm...)

Sky looks at him and then settles in on his shoulder planning on going to class with him. She looks right at him and nods towards the door. She starts to groom herself by straighting her feathers while she waits for him to start moving. She was a strange bird, however this DHH boy would be a good friend to Flower....Flower needed more friends like that. Jace probably should stay low after Sethos killed Hunter, Nick was annoying and upset right now, Deathwish well he has a crush on Flower, and James is having girlfriend related problems that have made him depressed...none of her friends are in a good mood and she probably has other problems back at kingdom Kira that are becoming to much of a pest.
Both being new,Hal and Santos inferred that Faith`s last order applied to them as well, the pair stood up and joined the procession of new students in the front of the classroom.

Upon joining the bundle of new kids Hal observed that his younger half brother was standing next to Evangeline, defensively he moved himself so that he was in between the dangerous Vampire and Santos, he wasn`t going to let her near his little bro after the incident in the hallway even if it was him who had started it. The Key Holder looked to where he was sitting earlier, while his weapon of choice was still leaning against a desk Hal was sure he could still take Evangeline on if things turned for the worse. Hal`s actions earned him a puzzled look from his half brother who didn`t feel like he was in any immediate danger, Santos idlely waited for someone to be called. --- Mar allowed himself to be led to the cafeteria, on the way he wondered how such a happy-go-lucky person could even exist in this kind of setting, but nonetheless he was glad for Lekki`s company

( I love your new signature Fire.)
Faith rolls her eyes back at Macal before he leaves and she enters the training room; she knows all too well what her husband is thinking. Every time he gets something in his head that she disagrees with, she knows he's thinking about all the things she had previously declared and then backed down on. Well this was different...Raina was every bit as stubborn as she was, and much less attached to Macal.

Faith's eyes rest briefly on Hayley as she enters the room, giving her a quick once over just to determine that she seems well, that Evangeline did not hurt or shake her up too badly. The girl seems well enough, and she takes in the others as well, looking over Jinn, Hal, Santos, Adaline, Sky, and the rest, though she of course does not know or think of them by name. Her eyes linger on Evangeline, who is now dividing her attention between Hal, Sheena, and Hayley, and appears both restless and hostile from the way her fingers drummed on her crossed arms, the way her eyes narrowed to near slits. As the new ones come forward, some more readily than others, Faith gives them- all except Evangeline- quick smiles, though she continues to stand tall and with firm authority. That much she wants to make clear from the start.

"Okay. That one's a vampire, I know that much," she said about Evangeline, barely indicating a nod in her direction before addressing the others. "How about the rest of you? Names, abilities, ages, and types, and also, how much control or experience do you have, both with your powers, and with fighting overall?"

(lol you used to complain because people had stopped posting, Fire...)

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