Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Raina frowned at Liza as she touched her face, then as the girl's hands glowed lightly, she felt the headache slowly diminish until it wasn't there anymore. Well, that could come in handy. "Yeah thanks Liza, my head ache's gone now."

As the girl speaks of wanting her sisters to be nice to each other, Raina feels upset rise inside herself, and she does allow the young girl to head back to class without stopping her. Sisters. Did that make Raina part of the Cord family? Since she was Liza's sister?

Sh*t. She was going to South America with Lycan-Girl and Tech-Boy. She turned and headed out the door, planning to go find Macal and tell him that she was going to go after all. All because of one small little key-holder.

She finally spotted Macal sitting in a shaded area, he seems to be trying to mediate, but he's obviously not doing a good job because he's clearly laughing. She moves, taking a step forward to go over to him when she is thrown off balance, as if someone had thrown her, and her back smashes against a tree. Surpressing a wince, she looks up to see Jace has her pinned up against a tree, blade at her neck. His eyes are an extremely dark blue and as he smirks, they turn black.

"Hello Rai-Rai, skipping class are we?" His voice is demonic, a mixture of two people as he pushes on the blade and a small amount of blood appears, only a scratch, but he looks at it with intent desire, and it's enough distraction for Raina to bring her knee up into the man's crotch, letting him fall to the floor with a wince of pain. She wipes the blood from her neck and grabs his neck, "Who's the vampire here?" She hisses at him, "Guess you forgot you're a guy." He looks up and his eyes flash yellow before Raina herself drops the floor and he is now pinning her, glaring at her as he ignores the pain of his crotch, his voice is still merged and extremely creepy sounding, "Guess you forget I can drain your energy bit*h." He then jumps up from her and she frowns, looking at him.

Sethos smirks, "Aw come on Rai-Rai, you didn't think I was just gonna drop you and kill you like that? I wanna have a little fun." He motions her to fight him. She growls and in a second is standing up, baring her fangs at him, "You wanna have some fun bast*rd? How about I cut your head off, that would be fun!" With the last word she has sped at him and slammed her foot up to his face, but he has grabbed her ankle and spun her around, and slammed a hand into her back. As she stumbles forward, she does a flip to recover and spins to face him. He smirks. "You're much better at fighting than you was seven years ago Rai-Rai." She hisses at him, "Stop calling me that assh*le." She sped at him again, speaking at the last second as she pulls out a blade from her boot and manages to slice down his arm, "My daddy taught me how to fight. For almost seven years, every single day. So yeah, guess you could say I'm good." As she finishes her sentence she has sliced his arm and kicked his chest, causing him to fly back and smash into a tree.

They carry on fighting, both becoming blurred at times because of their speed, and you can clearly see in the fight that Sethos's intent is to both play and kill Raina, where as Raina's intention is clear from various moves - she just wants to kill him, fast if she can. Raina has completely forgotten Macal sitting a bit away from the fighting pair, and she carries on fighting Sethos, both of them using complex and fast paced moves with deadly intent.


Faye smiled and caught Faith's last instructions, "Fighting with weapons?" She turned to Hayley and smiled, "You wanna pick a weapon? I don't mind what we use." She realized she had just automatically paired herself up with Hayley to spar, and she frowns, "Uh, sorry, I meant only if you want to spar with me. You can go with someone else if you wish."

Faye glanced around the room, frowning a bit more as she noticed Myra is in fact not here. Myra never skips class. Ever. It was always Faye who was the bunker. Never Myra. Something is wrong.


Chameleon still watches as Sheena looks to the girl she labelled as her sister, guilt evident in her features and Chameleon smiles lightly at her as she explains. "I'm sure she'll be fine. It's not like you'll be gone for the rest of her life, right? It just means you get to spend more time with her when you get back."

Chameleon ignores the fact that everyone is supposed to be sparring, fighting, and he hopes Sheena won't ask him to spar, because he'd have to politely refuse. He thinks he's done pretty well actually, he's been here for a considerable amount of time and so far not had to fight properly with anyone. He'd slipped a few times, like when Jace tried to use him as a hostage, or when Raina tried to get him to fight her.

"I'm sure she's disappointed right now." He tried another approach, just in case she didn't get the first one, "But if wherever you're going is important to you, then she should understand that and let you go." He smiles lightly, "Like the old saying, if you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it loves you too." He smirks, "At least, that was always my dad's version." He still feels the tinge of pain when he mentions his dad, seeing a flash of his joyful face before seeing his murder. But he ignores it as he does with most feelings and waits for Sheena's response.

(Fire, Flower would probably right now feel like she's getting beaten up, since Sethos is currently fighting Raina, and she'd definitely get a cut down her arm. Also, why don't you send a few characters to Faith's class to get them to interact with the others there? Micheal could show up and throw Faye off or something? Or try to steal her away from Hayley as a sparring partner?)
(Hmm I could....but Flower is going to be pretty angry.)

Flower suddenly started feeling pain. "AH!" She fell to the floor blood going down her arm. "AH!" She looks up as James and Nick run to her. "Darn it JACE I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU!!" She yelled suddenly her eyes glowing. However her wings and armor didn't appear so she wasn't fully in her key holder form. She was just really ticked off.

Nick looks at her. 'OH CRAP!" he yells and then runs away before Flower could take some anger on him. "J-James calm her down!" he yelled and then smiled nervously as James glared at Nick. "Stupid coward...." James mummbled at him but Nick only hid behind Deathwish. "I'm like any other vampire....when key holder's go crazy it's time to run!" Nick said in his defence.

Flower turned her head towards Nick. "Shut up..." She said and then growled loudly like a wolf. "It's only my anger I'm not going into my key holder form...I'm still weak from the last time." She said and then opened a portal. 'If you'll excuse me I have something to take care of." She said and then went through. Once she appeared at the sene she rushed in and tried to kick Sethos down. "JACE YOU STUPID IDOIT!" She yelled and then blasted light toward him. "HAD YOU FORGOTEN I FEEL YOUR PAIN?!" She yelled at him and thne saw Raina here too. She growls loudly. "Oh this is just great." She mummbled and then looked at Jace noticing it was Sethos. "Oh great...the more annoying one."

(my characters are in the class room...)
(guys, I'm now co-running this with Fire, just as a heads-up :) )

Sheena looks unconvinced by Chameleon's words, not returning his smile as she moves to take a sword from the weapons cabinet. She fingers the hilt as Faith continues to get introdutions from the new students, her eyes on her sisters. She doesn't fail to notice the way Faith looks at and addresses Evangeline and inwardly chafes at it.

"You don't understand," she says quietly,still keeping her voice low. "I haven't been there at all, all her life. And what I have to do...she won't be happy about it. She...she just won't be."

(very confused...which of your students is in the class, Fire? Where did Flower get attacked adn where did she attack back? Raina and Sethos are not in the classroom currently...but was Flower? Are you saying Jace attacked her in the classroom and now she left to go deal with Sethos?)
(I hope I didn't complain to much....heheheh...oops. I'm sorry. TT^TT)

Nick looked to see Micheal coming into the room. He raised an eyebrow as he looked straight at faye. He hissed a bit and then looked at faye. Something about this new guy gave him the creeps. He looked as Micheal approached Faith. Nick leaned back now back in his chair. He looked to see James was worried, he was staring at the seat myra use to sit in. Nick sighed. "Ugh...what has Peter done?" he asked and to his regret. James looked at Nick with a deathglare. A dragon deathglare. Nick yelled out of surprise and his chair fell back. "OOF!" he got up rubbing his head. "hey what did i do?" He said and then jerked as james stood in front of him.

"Your son caused all this you stupid vampire!" He glared and then clenched his fists. He was taking out his anger towards myra's ignorence of him on Nick.

Nick looks at him and then hissed really loudly. "That's prince Vampire to you! Stupid half dragon!" Nick yelled back. After Ogy came out he hasn't been in a good mood either.

James glared. "Who are you calling half dragon you half vampire!" James yelled back. James started to breath smoke. His nails started to turn into dragon claws.

Nick hissed showing his fangs. "I may be a half vampire but I'm still a prince you low life dragon!" He said and then bared his fangs at James.

James crossed his arms. "You're no prince you perverted idoit! Even vampires make fun of your dull fangs." He said and then showed hsi dragon teeth. "Those would break if you even tried to bite a mortal." He said and then showed his claws. "Your so pethedic you can't even fight without your demon side."

Nick clenched his fists really mad now. "At least i fight you coward!" He yelled and James punched him in the face. Nick stubbled back and then regained his balance.

James roars at him. "Your the coward! You can't even face Flower!" He yelled and then blocked as Nick tried to slash him with his long nails.

"Who would want to the girl is a raging fire! Make her mad and your sure to get killed! She has so much anger every little thing Jace does sends her over the edge! You'd be stupid to fight her!" He said and then kicked James down.

James blew more smoke out of his mouth as he got up. "That's it I'm going to tare you to shreds!" He yelled but before he could attack, Deathwish stepped in and grabbed james and Nick's heads and banged them together. "That's enough you two are making a scene." He said watching blood drip onto the floor from both their heads. Both of them were so angry it was creating a deadly ora. "Oh brother." Deathwish said sighing deeply. Micheal watched the scene and blinked. He looked at Faye and smiled.

(Ugh.....Flower and jace are every pain and injury....other then Jace being kicked in the felt and appears on flower. Flower can open portals so she used a portal to appear where jace and Raina are fighting so she could stop them and also take out some furry on Sethos who is Jace's demon Ogy is Nick's demon side.)

(oh and nick, deathwish, and James are in the classroom as well as my temperary character Micheal who just walked in.)
(so Flower was in the room but not Jace? I guess? And all these other people are?)

When Flower started to yell and show signs of injury, Faith's attention was drawn away from the new students and their introductions to her. She is confused for a few moments, because it appears that no one is attacking her, but then remembers her bond with Jace, and the fact that his injuries will appear on her. Inwardly she groans; she is sure that Raina, leaving as she had, and with her history with him, is fighting him now. DAMN it...

Liza! Liza had gone after Raina...and if Jace wanted to harm her...

She is relieved when moments later, Liza returns to the classroom and heads straight to her, dejected looking and slump-shouldered, but physically unharmed. As Flower exits via portal and James and Nick begin to butt heads, she has had enough. Taking a crossbow from the weapons cabinet, she shoots an arrow between them, aiming carefully so it goes over their heads and is not in any danger of harming student- it's just to get their attention.

"Enough," she says in a dangerous tone, her eyes shifting between the two and then moving to take in the rest of the crowd as well. "If you want to fight with words, this is not the place for you, but there is a school kid playground a few miles away. If you want to be stupid and careless with what you can do, that's your business outside the school, but here, forget it. You can either stop it, right now, you can get out, or I'll make you get out, but either way, this stops. Now."
Faye was waiting for Hayley's response when she noticed Micheal enter the room, she also watched the scene between James and Nick, but did nothing to intervene. She still thought Nick was mad at her for burning him the other day when he was Ogy. So when Micheal smiled at her, she returned the gesture and smiled back warmly, nodding her head at him as to say 'Hello'.


Chameleon frowns at Sheena as she speaks. "What you're doing, what you're going to do. Why won't she be happy about it? If it's something that's going to harm her, then I wouldn't recommend it anyway. But if it's something that will do her good in the long run, then you should go ahead with it. She'll get over it." He smiles, "She's a vampire right? That means you got almost an eternity to make up for it, so you may have missed 16 odd years of her life, she's got hundreds more to come and you can be in every single one of them."

He ignores the blade she has now, not moving to get one himself, "I'm sure a couple of months is nothing compared to the hundreds of years you could spend together."


Sethos was in the middle of fighting Raina when Flower burst into the clearing. As of current, Sethos had a slash down his left arm, a bruised rib cage, a cut cheek and blood running down his forehead, not to mention various bumps and bruises. Raina also had blood dripping from her forehead, a small cut on her neck, a cut on the back of her head which was causing her hair to become red and sticky and also a few bruises here and there.

Sethos flew backwards from the force of the light blast and smacked into the ground, he groaned and looked up with black eyes, then smirked and spoke as Flower glared at him. His voice sounded like it was merged with millions of different vocal patterns and it sent a shiver down Raina's spine from how demonic it sounded, "Jace isn't here right now, leave a message after the tone." He then pushed himself up from the ground, glancing at Raina who was standing slightly apart from both Flower and Sethos, breathing heavily from the force she just exerted on him - not to mention the blood loss was beginning to become noticeable.

Sethos looked back to Flower and smirked, "Did you get my present?" He tilted his head, "That is what people call it isn't it? When a naughty little cat goes out into the wild, slaughters an innocent rodent - such as your precious girl-dog Hunter - and brings it back for their owner. They call it a present." He steps forward, eyes narrowed, "After all, that is what you've been treating Jace like, isn't it? A pet. Keeping him locked up, away from others."

Sethos! Stop it!

Make me Jace.

I will!

Oh really? Then why do I still have control? It's not so nice, is it Jace, being trapped inside this body, not able to do anything except WATCH. You think you're the victim here. What about me? I spent so much time just watching, watching you screw up day after day.

You make me screw up!

No Jace. I always save your sorry ass. Now sit back, and watch. It's about to get real fun.

Sethos looked over to Raina, a deadly smirk on his face as he sped over and pinned her to the ground. His eyes flashed yellow and she felt her limbs go dead. His face inches away from hers, he grinned and whispered as his eyes flashed blue then black, "I can't kill you just now Rai, but I will, soon. But for now, how about I just piss you off." He then - still pinning the girl down - pressed his lips onto hers and forcefully kissed her.

Raina's eyes were wide and as much as she struggled he wouldn't get the fu*k off. After what seemed like a life time to her, Sethos pratically flew off of her body and she managed to sit up, her head spinning from blood loss and Sethos's draining power. She couldn't find the energy in her to scream at him, so she sat there, looking behind her to see Macal and remember he was there. She blinked at him.

(I'm assuming Flower would have blasted him off of Raina)
(Yep she would have.)

Flower growled loudly glowing with light now. "You B*******!" She yelled and then looked at him. "How dare you...." She was weak from the pain she felt from Sethos, still she was going to kick his butt. "You took her away....and then you go and completely tick me off acting like your father...that blasted so called King sickens me..." She looks at Sethos and then pulls out her sword. "Want to see a new trick?" She asked and then opened a portal putting her blade into it. The blade appeared behind Sethos and aimed to stab him. She didn't care about her, her anger was like fire in a drout.
(Would have stepped in if I got here in time buttt oh well. lol)

*Despite the battle going on near me, I only open my eye after Raina sinks to the ground, I look at her and smile* Hey Raina and Flower, how long have you been here? *Looking around seeing the devastation of the area and frown.* Looks like I need a new place to mediate. *Stands up and walks over to Flower first, holding my hand over her heart, both my hand and her chest start to glow as the healing process starts, after a few moments it's finished. Then I repeat the process on Raina, standing over her until she's able to stand again.* That should hold you until you can feed, you being a vampire my powers won't fully heal you, sorry about that, so kiddo tell me why are you two out here anyway, don't you have class today?

(I think I got it right flower and raina still there and injured right?)
Sethos grinned, about to speak when he realized what she was doing. "Sh*t!" He ducked to the side, but the blade sliced right through his arm, just missing the bone but still piercing both sides of the skin.

He let out a yell as blood spurted from the wound and he glared at her, "Bit*h." He hissed, "Jace definitely isn't coming out to save your ass now that my emotion's on a high." He hissed and then pointed a finger at Flower. All the morning shadows leapt forward, diving for the Queen as they planned to grab her and drag her down, their claws trying to rip at her skin. Sethos also didn't care. If she was going to play hardball, so was he. He watched her with narrowed eyes, ready to defend himself at any possible moment.

(Uh yeah, Jace/Sethos is still there too, and still fighting Flower)

Raina frowned at Macal as he healed her, she was stunned from a head injury where Sethos had slammed her into a rock and it had punctured the skin around her skull. She simply blinked at him as he healed her and she shrugged at his comment, "Uh, it's okay. Thanks, I guess." She glances back at Flower and Jace fighting, then to Macal who is standing infront of her, "Um.. I came here to..." She frowns, "My head frickin' hurts..." She mutters, touching the back of her head only for her hand to come back covered in sticky, crimson blood. She looks back at Macal, "I came find you." She frowns, feeling dizzy again already. "I really need to drink, I can't think properly.." She looks to her left and then back at Macal, "Can you heal blood loss? I think I lost a lotttt of it."

She looks to her left and goes to move, but stumbles slightly, still on her feet though.

(Maybe Macal should take her somewhere to rest or something? I'm sure Faith would be so confused if she walked into their 'dorm' and saw Raina sitting on the couch xD )
Flower glares at him and then blasted the shadows away. She looks at him and then growls. She sighed and then calmly walked towards him. "Fine...." She said and then walked right up to him. She wasn't going to do anything....practicly going to let him beat her up. She wasn't sure if it would work...but Jace doesn't harm Key holders, however she wasn't sure of Jace's feelings toward her...if Sethos could....maybe Jace would let him kill her. She inwardly sighed at the thought and then looked at Sethos with furry in her eyes. She was so angry was because he was acting like his father pinning Raina down and kissing her. His father did that to her just last night. It made her angry....but she would try and get Jace out by letting Sethos hurt her. She deserved it....she was such a failer....she couldn't kill Jace....and couldn't let Raina kill him either...she barely had control over her own kingdom and let her best friend be killed because of her mistake of bringing Jace here. She wanted to cry but she knew she couldn't.
Sheena licked her lips as she avoided Chameleon's eyes, nodding slightly. She knows that what she's doing, destroying Evangeline's sire, is for her own good. She knows in her heart that if Evangeline really loves her, then she'll get over it eventually. How many times has Faith been angry with her and gotten over it? But that doesn't mean she feels any less guilty or any happier with making Evangeline upset.

As everyone quietens, Faith looks around again, making sure they get the message that she's serious and that no one is hurting anyone else anymore before she nods. "Everyone not trying to act out a cheesy Power Rangers episode now? Great. Now, let's try that again. Sorry new guys, I don't remember a single one of your names because SOMEONE interrupted...take two?"

Liza is watching everyone with wide-eyed fascination, and she looks up at her mother and then across to the others, whispering loudly, "You people are being bad I think...Mama said I could only come if I was really good and I think I'm being gooder than the big people." She smiles, pleased with herself.
Sethos smirked as she walked right up to him, he rose an eyebrow, "Giving up so soon Flowerbud?" He smirked, using Jace's nickname for her. His voice was still merged as it was earlier. He reached out and gripped her wrist, pulling her a bit closer, "What was that earlier? I'm just like my daddy?" He smirked, close to her face now, "Why's that? I don't know daddy particularly well. Infact, you probably know him better than me Flower, so, what's he like?" They were extremely close now, inches away as he and Raina had been, but one thing was stopping him from kissing her.

Jace. He was giving Sethos a damn piece of his mind, and as Sethos pulled Flower a bit closer, his eyes flashed Jace's blue colour and he pushed the girl away, stepping back from her with wide eyes that were back to black. "What the fu*k?" He growled out. His eyes staying black now. He looked up to Flower, glaring, "Stay away from me." He glared at her, stepping back and then looking to the forest. "Maybe I'll go kill something."

(Aha! Found a way to bring Jace back ^.^)
Flower eyes widen as she was pulled in. Darn it he really is like his father!!! She swallowed as he pulled her closer, she looked at him and then looked away. She jerked at her wrist before..his eyes. She looked to see and they turned blue for an second. She blinked and then smirked as he pushed her back. "I got you now." She said and then walked . She blasted light at him wrapping it around his ankle. I think the only flaw is I got to get close....great....getting that close...

Flower took a deep breath. "Darn it Jace you make me do the stupidist things!" She said and then tugged hard on Sethos' ankle pulling him back towards her. She jumped up and then landed getting closer as her light tugged on him. She looks at him.
Sethos's eyes widened as the light wrapped around his ankle, pulling him closer. He hissed at Flower demonically, shaking his ankle as he was pulled closer. "Stop it!" He growled at her, trying to pull back. He tried going invisible, but the light still managed to hold on. Now he was as close to Flower as he had been earlier, and he glared at her, trying to step back but the light was holding him there. He growled at her again, "Go away. Go have a funeral for your precious little rat-dog" Sethos knew he'd be okay as long as he didn't get close enough to kiss her again - or actually kiss her. He was glaring at the girl now, trying to get her to go away, or to hit him or something, "Who's being like my dad now?"
Flower looks at him and then pulls him closer. "I'm not letting go till Jace comes out you stupid demon!" She glares at him and then shivers. "Darn it do I have to be closer this is freaking me out..." She said and then put light around his neck. "I sware once I get Jace out....I'm never doing this again." She said and then put light around his arms and his other ankle. The closeness was really bothering her but right now she wanted to bring Jace out and hopefully not have anymore trouble for the rest of the day. She closed her eyes and then sighed. "Stupid demon...I'm wondering why it works but it does and right now I'm hoping I won't have to deal with you for the rest of the day after I get him out." She tugged him one last time. "Also this is painful more for me then you, you pervert."
*I look down at Raina and shake my head* No sorry little one you're still a vampire and my powers of healing come from my Paladin side, which is why I couldn't do more and my blood would poison you if I let you drink it, wait here I'll be right back. *He vanishes for about 3 minutes then appears right next to her with 2 pouches of blood.* I took these from the sickbay on Titan, I just hope they won't be missed. So I take it the young man with the demon with the deathgrip on his soul was Jace, the one my wife and daughter told me about right? So tell me this Raina why are you holding back so much of your power, I know you can win if you surrender yourself to the battle. *Holding out my hand I call the sword I gave to her and lay it on her lap.* Name your blade and call on it's full power then go kick that bastards ass before he gets completely away!
Sethos glared at her still as states she won't let go until Jace is out. Then light was being wrapped around his neck and he winced lightly as it burned, tilting his head up as if that would get him away from the light. And, as if that wasn't enough, it was now around his arms and his other ankle. He couldn't move, at all.


Raina takes the blood as he passes it to her, no questions, but she does sniff both of the pouches before drinking them. Although she thinks Macal probably wouldn't give her poisoned blood, it's still her instinct to check first.

Once she has gulped down both pouches she is feeling a whole lot better, then he mentions Jace and she nods, not turning to look at the monster, she then frowns, "Faith and Liza told you about Jace?" He then goes on to say she is holding back, not fighting as she could, and she frowns. Is this true? Could she be possibly not giving the fight 110%? Her frown deepened and before she could respond he had handed her the sword he had given her and told her to NAME it?

She blinked at Macal like he was stupid, "Name the sword? What on earth do I name a sword? And WHY?"


Sethos was getting worried now. He could hear Macal and Raina talking, and knew that at any moment Raina would stab him, and he couldn't move thanks to Queeny over here. He glared at her, hissing his words, "You want to die today Flower? I suggest you let me go, now. Because Raina is about to kill me, which will kill you." He still couldn't move and he glared at her still, "And the only way Jace would come out to say hello would be if you kissed me." He smirked, "Which we both know you'd never do. Kiss a murderer like me. So, let, me, go."
(You love pushing her don't you.)

Flower looks at him and then blinks. "I'm so going to murder him." she said and then looked back. Yep Raina was comming and letting Sethos go...well he'll just murder something. She swallowed. "Right...if you are lying I WILL make you wish you were dead." She said and then leaned up kissing him. She was probably going to kill herself later. She looks at him waiting for his eyes to change and the shock that she did it.
*Smiling down at her and nodding* You heard right, swords from my world are more then just steel, the souls of the strongest fallen warriors are drawn to our blades and if we are worthy of the honor and give that sword a name that warrior's power is shared with us, name your blade I can sense there is a soul in it waiting to fight at your side and really wants you to kick that guy's ass. Raina you're stronger than him cause you have people that will share your burdens and will stand at your side. Like it or not you're stuck with us and we're stuck with you, now get on your feet and show that freak what a true badass you are, then we can go have some puddling. *Grins at her*
Nick and James sit down. Nick of course looks at Faye and then looks down almost in shame. He looks away to the wall. He wasn't mad at her, he was mad at himself. Ogy hasn't been out in years....and yes Ogy was a weak demon, it was his falt that Orpheous came out as well...if they weren't just playing around everyone would have been in serious danger....and insult to injury his fangirls are afraid of him. Of course with Faye he never paid attention to them much anymore...but the attention they gave him was nice. He sluched in his chair feeling pretty bad. At least Ogy was a weak demon....faye could handle him...but Ogy controled Orpheous and Orpheous could kill Faye without a problem. He looked at Faith and then sighed. He truely was just having a bad streak.

Micheal smiled back. He started messing with her emotions. "Hey Faye....guess we have the smae class." He said looking very happy. "I'm sort of glad...your the only one i've met so far." He looked at the girl she was talking with. "Oh hello." he bowed nicely to her. He then looked at Faith and then bowed to her as well. "Sorry I'm late....Is there something you want me to do?" He asked very nicely. It was almost to real to be just an act. In fact Micheal had two was very nice and the other completely evil. The evil side was taking advantage of his nice side and controling it to fool everyone. In a sense this was the real him.

(Oh do know after this...Flower is going to give him a peice of her mind for helpping Raina to kill Jace/Sethos. Since she's bonded to him it pretty much is trying to kill her too. Not to mention if he didn't help Raina she probably wouldn't have kissed Sethos to get jace out. She's going to be ticked at him)
Faye suddenly felt a need to talk to Micheal, like it was what she wanted, and she smiled at him, she would have to wait until he was done talking to Faith. She turned back to Hayley, "So what about it? Do you want to spar with me?" Even as she spoke to the girl, she found her eyes drifting over to look at Micheal. Why did she suddenly feel the need to go and talk to him? To be closer to him.


Raina listens to Macal silently as he speaks, but her eyes are on her sword as she has one name in her head the entire time. Mabel. Mabel was her fallen warrior. Though she had never fought, Raina found her to be the strongest person she had ever met. Mabel would really want to kick Jace's ass. Mabel deserved to. And Raina found no-one else in mind who she would rather have fighting by her side - even in sword form - than Mabel.

So with that decided she looked up to Macal with a determined glint in her eye. "Mabel."


Sethos's eyes widened as Flower kissed him, he had been having an argument with Jace at the time, and his eyes had been flickering between blue and black, but as soon as her lips touched his, they snapped to Jace's blue colour and clear shock was in his eyes. Flower was the first to pull away of course. Jace just blinked at her. "Uh..Flower..." He then sensed something behind him and spun around to see Raina, with a sword, and it went through his stomach, right through. "Raina." He spat the word out with pain in his tone, doubling over as he gasped for breath.

Raina just stared down at him as his blood splattered over her clothes and a little bit on her cheek. She knew Flower would die too. She didn't care. She hissed her words into his ear, "I'm not some weak child anymore Jace. Tell that to your buddy Sethos." She then pulled the sword out swiftly and stepped back as Jace groaned and hit the floor, hand on stomach. "Flower..." He murmured, opening his eyes to look at Macal, "Flower...she'll die...if I die." He hoped his words would save him and Flower, the man surely wouldn't let an innocent girl die?

(Okay, so, the stab wound missed any vital organs, so they wouldn't die instantly. They either need some help or Macal will have to heal Flower - which will also heal Jace.)
Flower screamed and she fell to the ground. She closed her eyes looking at Raina. Of course she wouldn't care if Flower was the last key holder of royal blood....she wouldn't care about anything but herself. "You shelfish vampire..." She closed her eyes. "You don't what would happen if I die! It would effect more then you know." she said and then looks up at Jace and then at Raina. The book of keys that Flower had brought to the school started glowing shaking. Even it was making a fuss. Flower held her stomach as blood and pain started covering her. She looked at Raina. "Not only that....but you will have everyone looking for you...I'm guessing you're willing to die to?" She said and then held her stomach more. She started to try and heal herself with her light. She had to safe herself...before everything starts to go wrong. If Flower was to die...then all key holders will be effected and may even be weakened.

The keing of Vampires sensed something. He looked out and then looked back inside his room. "Something is wrong..." His wife who pretty much hated him nodded agreeing with him. That was odd. He looked out and then disappeared, it had to do with Flower he knew it. He had to get to his son....what the heck happened?!
Faith nods to Michael, but something about his demeanor, somehow, though she is not sure what. He isn't a vampire, at least from what she can tell, but something about him is raising similar vibes. Of course she'll be watching all the new kids, in particular Evangeline, but this Michael guy, she wants to watch a little more than the others, just until her odd feeling about him is resolved.

"What are your powers, Michael?" she says to him in response. "And experience level?"

Sheena has partnered up with Alex, though she had glanced often at Evangeline as if hoping that her sister will still come to her. Of course, Evangeline had deliberately turned away, and now Eve eyes Faith steadily, even giving her a cold smile, as if she is nothing more than just any other student, waiting for instruction.

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