Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Flower looks at him and nods. "Don't worry about it, yeah i'm fine...mostly." She said and then sighed. "My light power really runs deep...without light I myself become weak...guess that's why my hair is white." she said and then pushed her hand through her hair. She blinked and then looked at the strand. Her eyes widen as one strand had turned black. She blinks and then watches as light hits it and goes back to it's normal white. She stared at the strand for a while. If she had one big weakness it was the fact that she really was like a flower....needing light. Her power comes from it, although her life is not dependent on light it still provides a key need. She looks at Jace. "Hey...thanks." She said and then looked at the ground.
*I look at Raina then stood straight up so that I'm towering over her again and smirked as I snapped my fingers, behind me 4 figures dressed in what look like white ninja gi with S.H.I.E.L.D patches on their arms appear behind me kneeling with their heads down.*

Macal: Did you get that? Faye White is the name of your new assignment, you are to remain hidden and strike from the shadows, she is never to know she's ever in danger, any threat level 4 or higher I'm to be summoned without delay.

Claw: Yes, Faye White, we are now her shadow!

*They vanish as quickly as they appeared*

There, my Sweepers on on the case they will eliminate any threats to your sister and anything they can't handle I will personally take care of myself.

*I hold out my hand a that very same badge appears in it.*

Take this it will lead you to Alex and Sheena at our base, it will be all you need to enter it without being stopped. And I won't push the family issue Raina, just know we're here if you need us. *Grabbing my sword from the ground and sliding it onto my back.* I think you're gonna have a bit of fun on this mission, and I think you'll be impressed with Alex, he's not as weak as you might think he is, he just like to make people think he is.
Raina blinks as the 4 figures appear, watching them carefully before they vanish, she blinks once more then looks up at Macal, a bit of surprise in her eyes but not a lot - she's very good at controlling how much of her emotion people see.

"Well. That'" She folds her arms, eyeing him in a jokey suspicious way, "Were they there the whole time? Do you use them to stalk people?"

She then eyes the badge suspiciously before slowly taking it, ignoring the fact that Faith is watching them, "This doesn't mean I'm joining your little S.H.E.I.L.D thing, does it? As mentioned earlier, I'm not good at commitment." She then raises an eyebrow at his words, meeting his eyes, "You mean tech-boy?" She shrugs, "Yeah sure. Never judge a book by it's cover, got it."

She then looks to the school and then back at Macal, "You do know I'm only doing this 'cause I have a major craving to kick ass and NOT get reprimanded for it, right? It's not because I actually care. Which I don't." This is true, Raina doesn't care about Evangeline, or Sheena, or even Alex. But it's not just about kicking ass. Liza asked her to. Liza asked her with such hurt to try and get along with her sister. That's why she's doing it. For Liza. But of course she wouldn't want Macal to know this, to know she actually CARES about something other than killing and beating people up.

Raina then lets her eyes slowly drift over to look at Faith, and she smirks rather coldly - who could blame her? Her and Faith weren't on the best of terms lately - never had been. "Hey Slayer! How was class? Anyone try to kill each other today?" She loved throwing that nick-name around, Slayer, it showed she hadn't forgotten what Faith was, and how that affected herself.

(Quick two questions Fire, could Jace have known Ben before Flower was born - he would have been four when she was born - because of the whole friends with his mum thing, and was Flower born with black hair - because there's no light in the stomach?)
(In a sense yes, her hair would have turned white as soon as light touched it... like her mother who also had the power of light. And yes it's fine that he known Ben before flower was born.)
(I guess Sheena will leave after cheering up with Chameleon then)

Sheena blinked, surprised by Chameleon's proposition. HER, afraid of heights? Clearly he hadn't been talking to Faith or Alex, who could have told him all about Sheena and her craving to be up high. Asking her to race him would have been fun as it is...but to race him to the top of a tall building? That was beyond simple for her, considering that she'd once gone mountain climbing in freezing weather while carrying Liza AND a fifty pound backpack on her back.

She smiled slowly, then more fully, nodding to him. "You're on. Ready...go!"

Without looking behind her for half a second, she sprinted towards the building, immediately making use of her long arms and legs to pull herself up.


Faith of course heard Raina's sarcastic tone, and her use of her nickname for her, Slayer, as she drew close enough to be within hearing range. The girl obviously thought it bothered her to be called Slayer, but honestly, Faith took it as sort of a compliment. To her, no matter how sarcastically Raina said it, it was an acknowledgement of her title and skill, and how could that be anything but a compliment?

She didn't fail to notice, either, that Raina's eyes were red as if she had recently been front of Macal? What had her wily husband pried out of her, with Liza nowhere in sight?

She ignored her question about class, watching with growing surprise as it quickly became obvious that somehow, Macal had managed to get her to agree to go to South America. Well....that was definitely more than she'd expected. It took her quite a bit of self-control to keep from blurting out "How did you do THAT?" to him even with Raina standing there, but Faith bit her tongue, literally, and just managed to refrain.

"See someone's going south of the border...try not to eat all their chiauahas, some people like those ugly little ankle biters, dunno why," was all she said for the moment. She had a lot more to say once Raina was gone.
*Directed towards Raina before she leaves.* Yes, my Sweepers are always close by, they are my personal guard and are very good at their job, you be surprise how often I get through the day of assassination attempts that I wouldn't know about until I read their reports at the end of the day. As for joining S.H.I.E.L.D even with your skills there will be test and hoops, I can only strongly recommend your recruitment but this mission is a good headstart..Not that you're interested in that...Right now. *Grins and turns towards Faith walking next to her slipping my arm around her and starts to walk in the opposite direction, grinning at her.* Why is it you always seem surprise that I can get even the most stubborn women to eventually open up to me...You did and you are by far the most stubborn woman I've ever met in my 12,000 plus years living, so any woman after you is a piece of cake, once I find a crack in their armor it's pretty much over.
"Me the most stubborn? I am NOT, what about Sheena? What about LIZA?" Faith blusters, though the fact that she's even arguing about being stubborn doesn't exactly help her case. "What about YOU? I'm not the one who bludgeons people over the heads until they give up just to make you get off their back already..."

She shakes her head, still walking beneath Macal's heavy arm as she looks up at him, partly scowling, partly trying not to laugh. She can't contain her curiosity any longer as she demands, "Okay, what exactly happened because Flower ran out of class screaming and in pain over that Jace asshole, then all her pals started getting heated up too and next thing I know you're out here with Little Miss I'm So Badass I Probably Cry Blood, and she actually IS crying...though not blood, from what I can tell. AND you got her to go to South America...though hell if that one is gonna end up with all three of them coming back alive. What did you do to her...or more accurately, what did you charm and/or threaten her with?"
(Hello fellow RP Nation inhabitants, I am copying and pasting this message to all of the RPs i`m currently engaged in because i have both good and bad news to share with you)

The Bad News: Due to time constraints related to both; school and the need to find a part-time job I will no longer be able to stay as active in RP Nation as i need to be in order to keep a high post density, therefore i must drop any RPs I am involved in, i really am sorry about that fact.

The Good News:
Just because i cant RP at the moment does not mean that I wont still read some of your posts and pay a visit to the shout box whenever i find the time. I will be able to return in ernest no sooner than the middle of May (when school ends) or sooner if i can help it.

Once again I truly apologize if i screwed up anything in the story by just leaving like this : -_- :

I hope to write with all of you again real soon!

What happened was Raina is starting to realize that she can share some of her burden with us, that no matter how hard she fights, she's not ever going to be alone. *Explains what happened with Jace and Flower also.* I'm starting to see what Liza has been trying to tell us about her and in the end she's a lot like Sheena when I first started talking to her, only a vampire. Do not worry I have no intention on adopting Raina, not that she'd let me anyway but I will support her and help her as much as I can, and I don't mind Liza calling Raina her sister, after all you would probably have ripped out someone's throat if they told you Buffy wasn't yours...You made the choice to make Buffy and Sheena your sisters, there was nothing biological about or legal, it's just something you felt, I believe Liza is in the same place..And I know you're gonna say but she's 5 but she's always gonna be 5 but that doesn't mean she isn't maturing when it comes to things like this...Hell honestly I don't know anything except I'm going to trust my daughter's choice...For now.
"No intention of adopting her, huh? Isn't that what you said about Sheena last year?" Faith says with skepticism, eyebrows raised as they continue to walk. "Look, I get what you mean about Raina being all...something I can't think of the word to other than "irritating." And need of help or whatever. And I know Liza looooves her...but you gotta admit, Liza loves everyone and you're a softie with troubled girls. But...if it gets results, I'll trust you. Doesn't mean I want to spend all this time with her or adopt her as my new bestest sister, because frankly she annoys the hell out of me and pisses me off...but if anyone can make her half all right to be around, it would be you and Pip."

She pauses, still thinking, before saying with some intensity, "I mean it about the adoption thing though, you really think we need one more teenage girl when the one we have is probably gunning for us to take in the little b*tch she calls her sister? No way. If we're having another kid, and that's a BIG if, it's gonna be our own, not another stray. No offense to the ones we've got."
*Smirks at her* Hey I admit growing up it was just me and Ethan and since he was centuries older then I was, we didn't have much of a relationship until I was able to join him and my father on the battlefield, so the idea of a big family does appeal to me even if I have to bring them in from outside natural means, I don't mind but and this is the important thing, I can not bring another female heir back to my kingdom without a considerable risk to losing my throne, you saw what happened with Sheena, I'm afraid if I did it again and a vampire at that, the loyal generals and nobles that still support me will no longer think I'm capable leading them and most of all producing a male heir to take my throne if something were to happen to me, so even if Raina wanted to and we all agreed to do so, it's impossible right now, cause I will never let a civil war happen in my kingdom. But I will continue to treat her with kindness and respect as it is what she deserves..And I will speak to her about disrespecting you, it does nothing but push people away when she does that. Now what do you know about this girl Faye White she asked me to protect?
"Whoa, whoa, talk to her about disrespecting me? And you think that will actually solve something?" Faith laughed, putting up one hand as if in protest, then playfully nudging his side. "Babe, if she can't respect me all on her own I don't want someone twisting her arm to do it, that's kinda insulting, honestly."

She treats the rest of what he says more seriously, looking up at him with concern and frowning slightly, bothered by what he's telling her. "It's still that bad...their reaction to Sheena? Shit, they're all a bunch of sexist little pr* you're telling me now that it doesn't matter if Raina was Miss Sunshine and Flowers, we couldn't adopt her because of THEM?"

Just knowing that almost makes the stubborn, rebellious Faith want to, just to spite them...almost.

"Are you serious? We can't take in another girl even if we wanted to? That's f*cked, what, we're basically getting our arms twisted to only take in boys, to only have a boy? What is WRONG with them?"

She calms only slightly at his question about Faye, shrugging. "She's a student, and a pretty promising one. We clashed a few times, she's the one with the fire issues, remember? Temper, out of control, but I've been training her and she's doing better, we get on pretty good now."

Gender: female


Species: human

Powers: hypnotizm and and the power of light

Weapons: two small swords and always carying one gun straped to my back and one straped to my belt

vehicle: none always running or walking


family: dead

husband/wife: none



View attachment 6556


Gender: female


Species: human

Powers: hypnotizm and and the power of light

Weapons: two small swords and always carying one gun straped to my back and one straped to my belt

vehicle: none always running or walking


family: dead

husband/wife: none



View attachment 6556
Jace's eyes also widen as a strand of her hair is black, but then as it goes back to white he smiles, "Ha, I still remember when you were born, your hair was raven black." He looks down, still smiling lightly, "Then when Ben held you, and the light hit you, BOOM, white haired little baby." He smirked at her, "I remember asking if something was wrong with you, 'cause you had old lady hair." He grins almost childishly, "Sara smacked me around the back of the head then. Even at four years she had a good swing." He shuddered and touched the back of his head instinctively, almost as if he could feel the sting of her slaps even now.

He then frowned lightly at her as she thanked him. "Thanks for what? I just almost got us killed." He doesn't change that to Sethos almost got us killed, it was true, but he was worried Flower might snap at him and tell him it's his fault for not having more control over Sethos.


Raina smirked at Faith's snarky comment, answering back just as quickly, "Aw, but I was hoping to drain every last little yapping rat they had there." She grinned, "Don't worry, Liza would kill me if she found out I killed a puppy." She then blinked and looked down, frowning at her own words.

What the heck was wrong with her? She couldn't even considering biting the bottom of the doggy chain now because of that kid?

She looked back up with an eye roll, speaking to try and make that sound less like she was getting soft, "Plus, I haven't had human blood for agessss. I'm sure southies taste awesome." She smirked and practically ignored Macal as she sped off, heading into the school and planning to find Faye, tell she was going for a bit and then to go to her room to get some weapons.

She had a stash of guns and knives that could rival even the world's best assassin.


Chameleon grinned as she sped up the building, shocked at her speed, "Woh! Talk about a headstart!" He called up before beginning to clamber up the building aswell. Still a way behind Sheena even as he slowly began to catch up. He was defiently a skilled climber, way better than expected, but Sheena surprised him with her speed and her own excellent climbing skills.

He chuckled, glancing up at her as he carried on climbing, "I'm guessing you've climbed before? Or won a gold medal in it?"

(Can Sheena win please? :D I have an awesome idea for the 'prize' Oh, and anyone can bump into Raina on her way, if anyone's character is bored or wants to speak to Rai-Rai)
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "Ha...glad my birth was interesting." She said and then looks at him. She smiles as he asks what she was thanking him for. "When that stupid king trapped me in shadow." She said and then shruged. "I would have loved to remember everytime my sister smacked you." She said and then jokingly hit him on the head lightly. She seemed to be in a pretty good mood for just getting her butt kicked by Sethos' father. She looked around the room and then sighed sitting on the bed. She felt like something was off though. She looked at the door.

Meanwhile in the library the book of Keys was still making a fuss. It was shaking and trying to get out of the seal that was placed over it so no one but Flower could touch it. It sensed Ben somewhere in the castle. Flower felt like she had to check on it.
(Oh, Sheena would win...she's been climbing trees, buildings, mountains, poles, etc, since she was a little kid...n the book she's in, she won a pole climbing contest at 13 years old against grown men, lol. Also...if Eve questioned her, do you think that Raina would let slip she's going to South America? She doesnt' have to say that it's to kill Eve's sire...just her knowing they're going to South America would help me a lot)

Evangeline has of course not headed to her next class after the one she shared with Sheena had ended. Instead she had watched as Chameleon paraded her past her, angry, jealous, and more determined than ever. She would either prevent Sheena from going wherever it was she was going, doing whatever it was she was doing, or she would go with her. That was all there was to it. She had a lot of lost time to make up for, and she would NOT let them pull Sheena further away.

She had been watching as Raina walked off with Macal, as Faith approached, though she did not come close enough to overhear them. She doubts that whatever they were talking about was significant or of importance to herself or to Sheena, but she did know that Raina knew more of Sheena than Evangeline herself did, on some matters, and if she was speaking with Macal and Faith...

Making the decision then to probe her for what had been discussed, Evangeline came up behind Raina, speaking silkily.

"Making friends, Raina? I must say that I myself, as a vampire, would not lower myself to befriend a Slayer. But then, I suppose I value myself and my life enough that I don't have to go looking for attention and affection from the likes of them."


"Not a medal, just $75...but that was kid stuff, I was only thirteen. That was nothing compared to Mt Everest with Liza and a backpack full of ice on my back," Sheena called down to him, not seeming at all winded or troubled by the exertion as she carried on a conversation as though they were walking in a park. "No big thing."

She reached the top within another fifteen seconds and stood grinning, hands on her hips, as she waited for Chameleon to come up. "Need a hand?"
Jace grinned, "Yeah. I swear I spent more time at your house than I ever spent at mine." He then shrugged at her reason for thanks, "I can control them too, guess they got scared when I got mad and decided it was more important to listen to the pissed Prince rather than the Kreepy King." He grinned at that, then his eyes widened, "Oh sh*t. I'm a Prince?" He blinked, "That's going to take a while to sink in..."

She then smacked him on the head and he winced, "Ouch. I'd rather not remember it thanks, and don't you start smacking me everytime you see me." He rubbed the back of his head again, "I swear she left a dent there or something..."

He then looked at her and frowned lightly, "I'm sorry Flower. For not being there.....when they died." He still couldn't believe he was training to kill vampires when Flower's family was murdered. If only Malcolm hadn't found out about the affair so soon, if only he hadn't of killed Jace's mum. Then maybe Jace could have stayed, maybe he could have helped save Flower's family.

Raina spins around instantly as she hears the vomit-provoking voice of Evangeline, guard up, crossing her arms and raising a brow, "Befriending?" She smirks, "Of course not. Like I'd ever be friends with a Slayer." She shrugs, "I was infact just telling her how I was gonna munch on some South American humans on the little trip I'm going on with YOUR sister." She tilts her head, black emotionless eyes boring into Evangeline's own blue ones, voice thoughtful, "You think their blood tastes any better? I've always wondered."

She glances behind the girl then, as if she has spotted someone and she glances back to her, "Guess I'll find out won't I. Though it'll piss Sheena off majorly if I drink infront of her. But who cares what she thinks, right?"

Raina is infact enjoying this very much, getting to talk to Evangeline is always fun since she can be as much of a bit*h as she wants and not have to worry about any sort of kindness being thrown back at her from the blonde. And she grins lightly, "Oh right, you do don't you? Although I'm not even sure on that anymore." She carries on speaking rapidly before the girl can butt in, "You don't actually care if she has friends, a boyfriend, a subsitute family, you don't care if she loves them or not. 'Cause all that matters to you in the end is that she'll always love you, that she'll only ever want you, no-body else."

She has been staring Evangeline down as spoke, now her grin falls and her eyes turn empty, no emotion in them, nothing. "Am I right Evangeline?" Even her tone is flat, lacking in a feeling of any sort.


Chameleon grins up at the girl as she stands above him, clearly having won and kicked his ass at this particular endeavor, and restrains himself from flipping his body upwards to land behind Sheena on the roof. He could imagine it now, the feel of the wind as he soars just above her head, the look on her face when he lands, the exhilaration he'd feel afterwards. Yeah, that would be so cool.

"Yeah thanks. Guess I'm not as good at this as I thought I'd be." He gives her an apologetic smile before taking her hand and letting her pull him up. Flipping over the girl's head would not be the best way to stay low and camouflaged like the good little Chameleon he was.

Once he is up on the roof beside her, he looks around at the view, smiling lightly. "This is pretty awesome." He then looks to her again with a grin, "Oh right, you won. Wanna know what the prize is?"
Flower looks at him and laughs as he asks her not to smack him everytime she sees him. "Don't give me a reason then." She said and then looks at him as he says he's sorry then sighs. "It's ok Jace." She said and then looked at the door. "Come on....I have to check on something." She said and then and then walked out. She looked around and then went down the hall towards the Book of Keys. She looks around and then sees Hunter in human form for a second. "Huh?" She started running towards it.
Pulling Chameleon up by his hand, Sheena releases him and spins in a slow circle, enjoying the feel of the slight breeze rustling through her hair, caressing her face. She keeps her head tilted back as though to soak in the rays of the sun to its fullest effect, her eyes partly closed for a few moments before she turns to face him, raising an eyebrow.

"Prize? You didn't mention a prize...well just know one thing, if it's something lame like I get to kiss you or whatever, first off, that's dumb, second off, no, third off, I'm taken...just in case you didn't already know, which I'm pretty sure you did. Other than, what do I get?"


South America...Raina was going with Sheena, where she was going? RAINA was going, RAINA, who Sheena didn't even like, as far as Evangeline knew, who didn't even like Sheena...RAINA could go, but not EVANGELINE?!

And the moment Raina said Sheena's oh-so-secret destination so carelessly, with so little understanding, of course, of what it actually meant, Evangeline knew precisely what Sheena was doing and why, and why she couldn't go too. Atherton...this had to be about Atherton.

Of course, the story that Evangeline had told Sheena about her sire and his abandonment was perfectly true. He had in fact left her to struggle through her newfound vampirism alone after turning her, without teaching her, without helping her learn control and subtlety in her actions as a vampire. He had not given her the skills to be able to control herself, and only Evangeline's own self preservation gave her now as much control over her feeding as she had. He did not care for her or her survival at all.

What Evangeline had neglected to tell her, however, was that between each vampire and its sire existed a mental bond, in which each were aware of the others' thoughts and whereabouts at all time. If the sire did not sever the bond early in their interactions, it could remain indefinitely. While Atherton, as the sire, could choose to block out his connection to Evangeline at will, Evangeline as the sired vampire could not do so. At all times she was aware in the back of her mind of Atherton's movements, and if she thought of him carefully enough, she could at all times know exactly where he was and even pieces of his thoughts and feelings. And she knew now that Atherton was currently in South America.

It was true that he had abandoned her in the worst way a sire could abandon his childe. It was true that Atherton cared nothing for her and never had. And yet Evangeline had only gratitude and affection towards him, for he had ended her sorry human life and given her a life where she was not only strong and healthy, powerful and feared, she was immortal...a life where she could have her sister, forever.

She could not let them kill Atherton, not after what he had done for her.

She barely listens to Raina, so caught up in her thoughts that the girl's words are of little consequence to her. Already her mind is whirring with her plans of what she must do now. She replies only to one part of it.

"My sister will always matter most. She belongs to me and I belong to her...and that's just how it is and will be."

She walked away from Raina without further elaboration, a grim smile toying at her lips. It was interesting that in fighting to keep her sister, she would have to end up going head to head with her.
Jace smiled lightly as she said it was ok. He nodded as she spoke of checking on something and jumped up, following her with no problems. "Sure, so long as you're not checking up people. Not in a particularly social mood at the moment." He shrugs, "Plus, pretty sure everyone here hates me."

Once they get to the library, Jace happens to be glancing in the same direction as Flower and his eyes also widen as he sees Hunter. Dead Hunter. Who doesn't appear so dead. Then Flower begins chasing her, and his eyes widen as he chases after her, calling after her, "Flower! Slow down!"

Not only does he genuinely want her to slow down so he can catch up, he's also a bit scared. Didn't Sethos kill Hunter? No. He KNEW Sethos killed Hunter. He was stuck inside the body, watching through the eyes that were black at the time, feeling the blood on the hands that he couldn't control as Sethos murdered Hunter. He knew she was dead. So why did they both just see her?


Chameleon can't help but laugh as Sheena speaks, taking her phrase and using it as his own, "Well, first off, It's not a kiss or anything romantic like that, second off, I know you're taken, and third off, my heart has kind of been stolen already by another girl."

Wow. That stung more than he thought it would. Mentioning Rosa - even if Sheena didn't know it was Rosa - hurt, especially since he had been the one to ruin it. Thinking of her was not good for him right now.

He ignored the last words he spoke and glanced around, the wind blowing his black hair out of his face, as he grinned, "I did so mention a prize earlier. might want to stand back." He made sure she stood aside before he thought back to when he turned into a dragon to calm James down. Then, he looked to Sheena, "Your prize, as lame as it may be, is a free ticket to fly across the sky, go anywhere you want, on a dragon's back." He grinned still, "How does that sound? Lame or not?"


Raina rolled her eyes at Evangeline, calling after the girl as she walked off, "Sheena doesn't belong to you, you psychopath. She's her own person." Her voice lowered in volume but she was pretty sure Evangeline could still hear her perfectly, "You'll find that out sooner or later." She mutters as she begins to walk away, "Hopefully sooner. I can't wait to see your ugly ass leave this building."
"Your heart's been stolen by another girl?" Sheena blinks, genuinely surprised and curious. "Who? Raina?"

It seems incredible to her that anyone might like Raina, especially a nice guy like Chameleon, but if she thinks objectively, Raina isn't unattractive...she's kind of hot, actually. And they do hang around each other sometimes.

But his next words are even more surprising.

"A DRAGON?" she blurts, her eyes widening. "You mean like the ones that breathe out fire and try to eat people? Where exactly are you gonna get one of those, and how are you gonna get it to take me without making me roast Lycan?"

She shook her head, smirking. "Unless you're getting Liza to come with you and be Dragon Whisperer...she used to have a dragon she'd talk to and poke with a stick, you know. It about killed me if I came close, it let Liza stand around POKING it. Faith's friend Kate could turn into a dragon too, but she never let me fly with her. She never even let me touch her, actually...she was...kind of weird. And she sort of hurt Faith a lot...where's this dragon?"
Flower looks at the book of keys her eyes wide. "WOAH!" She said suddenly blasted by the force she put on the book to keep intruders from getting their hands on it. She looks at it. "Whoah! Calm down! Book's are supose to float!" She yells at it, the spirit of the book calms and sets itself down. She walks up and grabs it. "Naughty book." She said picking it up. She looks at it. "Are you making us see things? I will burn you if you are!" She yelled at the thing as if it was alive. The book opens up to the old pages of the first Queen's wrightings. The wrightings of the secret place.

She blinks and then looks over at Jace. She blushes a little. "heh...this thing as quite the mind of its own....I wounder why it stired up." She said nervously. She probably was freaking him out talking to a book like she would a person. She hid her face in the pages embarrassed. "Darn you book." She says and the cover smacked her head. "OW!" She rubs her head. "you do this to entertain yourself don't you." She relized she was talking to it again and sighs.
*Back at the hangar, Alex has finished his pre-flight checks he then moves to the back of the jet to a weapons locker and throws his bag inside, even tho it's a few hours before they leave, he decides to shift into his combat suit, so pulling his key off the chain on his neck he slips it inside a slot on a bracer on his wrist, activating the nanobots that pull out of it covering his body until they form into a very thin, flexible but very strong combat suit, for the moment it stops at his neck but in combat it would continue to cover his head and face, at first the suit is white with the S.H.I.E.L.D logo on it but once Alex places his badge on his chest and locks it in the suit turns black, the logo vanishes, now in this mode no one can tie him back to S.H.I.E.L.D if he's captured. Once the armor is set he continues on to his gun belt and the rest of his gear. Now ready for action he presses his badge to activate his comm to call Sheena and get an ETA from her, they were already leaving later then he wanted, at this rate it will be dark when they get to South America and hunting vampires at night in pretty stupid, even with a lycan and a vampire with him.*

Sheena we need to get a move on it and were is Raina is or isn't she going, cause it's not like I'll be upset if she isn't.
(I found a picture of Flower in her key holder form!)

(But with black wings!)

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