Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

"Well you kept on rubbing your head and..." Kesson shrugged, not sure what else to say. "It was just a feeling. But if you say you are fine, I'll believe you," Kesson told her. Still he was a bit worried about the girl. Maybe something else had happened and she just didn't want to tell him. The thought of Zelda keeping secrets both hurt and made sense. It hurt because Kesson wanted them to be friends enough for her to confide in him, yet made sense because they still barely knew the other.

Kesson also rationed in his own secret keeping. "So are you free right now?"


Hayley watched the half-elf out of the corner of her eye. Something about her, but Hayley was far too polite to say anything. She knew how it was to be new here as she was just barely getting adjusted, but Jinn just seemed, well, a little to interested in her. Hayley blushed and shook her head. What was wrong with her? Anyone who showed interest was just being friendly, but Hayley always misread signs.

Still she was sure that Jinn seemed more interested in her than the school. She just couldn't understand why. Hayley was uninteresting. She was boring, nervous, klutzy and was never sure of what she was doing. She just didn't get it and so she was probably taking the attention the wrong way due to her not being familiar with the attention.

Jinn watched the girl with curiosity. It was clear she was not her father's daughter. Sure she had his genes and she was a shifter as well and not human like her mother, but she weird. She seemed to draw back into herself, not answering questions about herself well. She was why and awkward and Jinn found it both interesting and a little annoying. If she was to become a Black Acid member, she needed to come out of her shell. Jinn wasn't sure how to get her soon-to-be sister to do so.

"So here are the rooms and stuff," Hayley said, not sure what she was doing. Why did she agree to give a tour of a place she didn't know well? It was stupid. "I am sure you already have one?"

"Oh I do," Jinn said, even if she didn't. No one knew she was coming here and so far Hayley was the only one she had talked to. "Where is your's?"


Lekki was a bit disappointed that they all went and she decided to head back inside. Was it really that hard for her to find someone to talk to? She thought she just might go and feed herself, when she came across three people she did not recognize, two male and one female with a...mask? Yes that was a mask.

"Hello there," she said in her normal cheerful voice.
Zelda looks at him and then blinks. "Yeah why?" She asked turning to him and crossing her arms. She didn't have anything to do exept try to console her brother but unless Myra either comes out of her room and James talks with her or he's going to be miserable as he said, 'For the rest of his lame Dragon life.' She sighed and then looked away. Nick wouldn't be any fun he's having trouble with Faye and Flower is off God knows where with Jace.

She closed her eyes thinking about it. From what she had heard Sethos was the real bad guy and jace was a victom....just like all half demons who's demon sides have manifested. Flower seemed to be determand to somehow free Jace from Sethos and give Sethos to Raina for revenge.

Zelda looked at Kesson putting her attention back on him. She didn't feel like she should completely stop being his friend....maybe after time he'd become more of a friend then a crush. Zelda sighed on the inside. She was stupid....that was all.
Lil smiled at the Liza, as she called herself. The girl seemed so innocent. It was cute. She bent down to the same level as her. "Well, hello there Liza and Mr. Bear as well. My name is Lilith. Lil for short. I don't have a last name anymore though." She smiled. "I don't know if I'm in your class or not, but I hope I am. It'd be a lot easier for me if I knew someone here. I would love it if you showed me around."

Lil was glad that Liza was here to help her. If she continued to get lost she might give a bad impression on the staff and students already here. She was already weak. She didn't need other people looking down on her as well. Lil then thought of the girl she was after. Her reports indicated that she was coming to this school but Lil had no idea how well she had integrated her way into this place already. "Um . . . Liza. Have you ever seen a girl with long black hair that wears a mask? She usually has two guys following her everywhere." She figured that the girl was here long enough to know about the students already here.


(I apologize if Mel is rude. It's just her personality. Villains are usually mean though, aren't they?)

Mel turned when she heard a voice greeting her. Someone actually had the gall to speak to her casually?! She saw a girl around her age, if not a bit younger than her. Mel could tell that she was part demon though she couldn't sense too much power coming from her so Mel could be bothered with her. "I suppose I should say 'hello' as well out of common courtesy. But I am a busy girl and can't be bothered with shallow relationships. Good day." She then proceeded to walk off.

Riff turned to Lekki. "I apologize for my mistress' behavior. But in her defense, she is on a very tight schedule today." He bowed before following after the girl.

Vash stayed behind and studied the girl. She was also a cutie. Doing a little bow to mock Riff, he spoke. "Don't let it get to you. Mel and Riff are both tighta**es. I'm Vash by the way. No last name, just Vash. Though I am also referred to as 'His Royal Freshness'. And you are?"
Sheena takes all of this in without comment, though her lips tighten, and she continues to stare at the screen she is presented with. She had known mentally that Evangeline must have some sort of feelings towards her sire, even if only confusion about her feelings towards him. But for him to have that sort of hold over might he be controlling her? Maybe he was sabotaging her every attempt to be like a regular human, a vampire in could she know? Poor Evangeline, they had to help her.

She nods, then says more seriously, "I'm taking it seriously, okay? I am."


"Hi Lil!" Liza greets her, and makes her bear's paw wave at her, still smiling. "My bear says hi too."

As Lil appoints her tour guide, she gestures for her to follow her, pointing things out much as she had for the bear. "This is the garden. And those are its flowers and trees and stuff. And this is the path that goes out of the garden and if you go that way, that's the forest. I'm not supposed to go there 'cause it has bad stuff. And over there is teh gate outside and over there is the stables with horses and stuff, and over there is the lake and you can swim there. And that's the academy. We're gonna go to the front door and then I'll show you inside..."

Her question about the girl with the mask doesn't give Liza pause; she simply shrugs and shakes her head. "Nope, never seen her. Is she nice? Is she your friend?"
Raina growled lightly at Sheena as they approached Alex, muttering darkly under her breath, "You call me that again and the first person I'll be snacking on during this trip will be you, pup." She then added as an after thought, a bit louder and more stubbornly this time, "And Leo is NOT my friend. I don't have friends, they get in the way and expect stuff from you like good behaviour and kindness." She speaks the words like they are a bitter disease and then focuses on Alex as he speaks.

She doesn't speak yet as he goes into 'I'm the boss' mode and takes the bracer without a word, but when Alex leads them to the plane and speaks of S.H.E.I.L.D again, she raises an eyebrow, "S.H.E.I.L.D again? Who the heck are they and why did Macal ask me to join? Are they assassins or something?" She then nods as he tells her to put her hand on the glass, being surprisingly compliant. Once he has told her to let go, she turns to see Sheena walking over, dressed with her hair back in the messiest ponytail Raina has ever seen - not that's she being snobby or anything. She rolls her eyes and looks away as Sheena tells Alex he is hot, muttering to herself, "Please remind me why I said yes." She obviously knows, since Liza went all sad on her and Macal went as far as to call her his freakin' family! Dang, she needed to do something to stop that, to stop it all. She would just leave, but she has to look after Faye - since Myra isn't very stable at the moment.

She doesn't make a complaint at Alex calling her ill-tempered, she was. But then he brought up a picture of this guy, and Raina frowned at it for a moment. Why did he look so familiar? "Where have I seen him before?" She mutters to herself, forgetting Sheena and Alex are in the room with her, eyes focused on the oh-so-familiar face. Then her eyes widened, and she actually stepped back. A bit of fear seeped into her eyes before it quickly hardened and she stepped closer now, her widened eyes had turned into a glare as she stared at the hologram. "Fu*k sake." She muttered furiously, cursing her bad luck. It had to be him didn't it?

With a glance to Sheena and Alex, she nodded, "Got it. Serious." Her lips seemed to tighten before she walked further into the plane, "He's seriously a dead man." She growls almost before glancing back to Alex, "You said something about weapons right? Where do I get them from? Do you have a FN-2000 Assault Rifle?" She doesn't cared she has just asked for the most dangerous weapon on the planet.


Jace widened as Flower stood up and got close to him, she was being extremely serious and he watched as there seemed to be fire in her eyes. He nodded, eyes still wide with a bit of fear as she told him to get on. As he did so, clambering on the back of the bike, he muttered in the same way a scolded child would, sounding exactly like he was a little boy again getting told off. "I don't purposely let him out you know. I don't even like him. I'd kill him if it didn't also kill me." With the last sentence his tone grew a bit angry, but then he calmed himself and held onto Flower as she started the bike, ignoring the fact that his hands were around her waist. It helped keep Sethos away, but he wasn't going to tell her that of course.

"Why are we going to the kingdom anyway?"


Chameleon grinned at Sheena's words, heading back to the Academy with his hands slung casually into his pockets. He was glad he had made the choice to walk back to the Academy, it was peaceful out here, tranquilic even, and it had none of the usual fighting, death screams and sounds of swords clashing. He closed his eyes for a moment, allowing the breeze to whip his black hair out of his face as a small smile found it's way onto his face.

Yeah, it was nice out here.
Flower tried to ignore where his hands were, she knew he would have to but still it made her nervous. However to try and open a portal right now could be deadly if they went through it. Kingdom kira was so far and after having a sword being runed through her she didn't have the strength to open one that far. Riding a horse would take to long....she wanted to have her family back now. She kicked up the kick stand and then started off. "You'll see." She said rather not taking any chances, if the king or one of his spies were watching she would be stopped, even more would Sethos react? Jace was close to her family so it should be ok for him.
*Alex smirks at Raina's question and request for a pretty dated weapon but once the scan of her hand was complete, the armory doors opened up, this for some reason was his favorite part of a mission, showing off all his modifications on S.H.I.E.L.D Gear* Ummm no but I'll be happy to stop at a Walmart and get you one, until then try this out. *Tosses her an assault rifle* PeaceKeeper Assault Rilfe MK IV, Fires multi-Purpose Nano-Rounds I've taken the liberty to set you up with our Old Blood Rounds, anything with fangs you don't like is dust, think of it as a stake that travels 320 feet per second. Completely silent it being a gauss weapon it uses magnetic force instead of gun powder. *Alex charges the weapon then points it at Raina and pulls the trigger, then drops it to the floor grabbing his hand.* Keyed to your DNA can't be fired by anyone buy you, it also can't fire at anyone wearing a S.H.I.E.L.D Commbadge. *Pulls out a pistol and passes it to her also* Also Peacekeeper Mk II set to the same settings as your rifle but only has 60 rounds so spend them wisely. And whatever happens do not leave these behind, set them to overload if you need to. Now you asked what S.H.I.E.L.D is well I'll tell you this. We're not assassins...Well not all of us, if you really want to know more ask Macal when you see him again. Now both of you strap in.

*Moving back to the cockpit, Alex closes the plane's hatches and starts to prime the engines then taxi out of the hangar, outside there is no close runway but that's find since the jet takes off vertically, quickly rising straight up to about 10,000 feet, when the primary engines kick in and moves the jet towards a high orbit for the sling shot.*

One till we're in position for the Sling Shot, so if you got a magazine I suggest you read it.
Sheena's eyes narrow at this sneering threat from Raina. It's not the threat that bothers her; she knows very well that Raina isn't about to chow down on her and would easily be stopped if she tried. It's the pup part. Pup she might be, but there are very few people that Sheena lets get away with calling her that, and Raina has definitely not made the cut.

"You just try it, Leech," she shoots back, crossing her arms. "Or should I take a page out of the book of Faith and just call you Chameleon-Lover?"

She doesn't bother trying to explain to her about SHIELD, because truth is, she seriously would be much happier if Raina didn't end up joining. It would be a lot less conflict for her, anyway. But when the other girl looks at the photo of Atherton that Alex shows her, unlike Alex, who appears oblivious to her reaction, Sheena noticed the way that Raina stepped back, the way she blinked and ever so briefly shifted her expression, the way she swore...and then her renewed conviction, her seeming turnabout to total commitment to the mission, to the point of asking for a gun. Sheena eyed her, seemed to her that Raina recognized him.

"You know him?" she asked with some suspicion, still crossing her arms. "He a relative of yours or something?"

She strapped in when Alex indicated, showing no sign of being surprised or bothered by his impromptu gun show. She had long ago grown used to and accustomed to handling a wide variety of weapons, even the guns she had once so feared.
Lil followed Liza, nearly giggling at the girl's tour. It was just so cute, the way she explained everything in the school. When Liza asked her questions, Lil shook her head. "No. She is not my friend and she is not a nice girl. She is a very bad person and you have to promise me that if you see her, you'll stay away from her." Lil stiffened. Five years ago, that girl ruined her life as well as many others.

She realized that explaining anything would probably be too much for a little girl. Feeling awkward trying to figure out an explanation as to why Liza should avoid Mel, Lil opted to changing the subject. "Have you been here long? Are the teachers here any good? I really need to get stronger fast."
(Per request of xJobozx Rosa’s final posts)

Rosa stumbled about her room drunkenly slinging the essentials into her bag. She had to get out of here now. She felt stagnant and burnt and she knew the only way to fix that was to keep moving. Taking refuge at the Academy had been a long shot to begin with but now she knew there was no way she could pull off the quiet life because no matter where she went there was no quiet. And the longer she stayed somewhere the louder it got. The sound of boredom, pain, frustration and confusion were deafening and to a blind girl that’s something she could not risk.

Swift kept trying to push thoughts into her mind but the girl blocked them as she slung her backpack over her shoulder. The bobcat was practically glued to her military booted leg as they made their way down the winding hallways and to the stable for the last time. Leader was waiting for her already saddled and ready to go. The stallion nickered softly to his owner as her lithe fingers tied down their supplies and grasped his bridle. All the while Rosa kept their minds separate from her own, she needed space to figure out her next move. She had already been notified of some demons up north that needed to be handled and she figured that was her best bet. As she did one final supply check in the courtyard she realized that she was not alone, Leo was present and would likely want an explanation if he saw her. She redoubled her efforts trying to move as quickly as possible.
Raina remains silent as he tosses her a weapon, catching it easily and listening to him with a steel focus, taking in each word and actually showing signs of listening for once. Of course she always listens, but she never shows anyone the courtesy of letting them know that she's listening - that she cares. But now with Alex she is, she is showing she cares.

She doesn't show signs of fear as he points the gun at her, she doesn't even tense up, and she stares at the barrell of the gun, letting her eyes snap back to his once he has dropped it. "Only I can use it?" She picks up the weapon, "That kinda sucks. I mean, I guess I can see the advantage, the baddies can't use it and all. But what if one of you guys get disarmed and this is the only weapon around?" She tosses the weapon lightly in her hands, as if testing it's weight, before she appears satisfied. She groans lightly now, looking down almost in a mock of embarrassment, "Oh dear, did I just say baddies? I've definitely been hanging around with Liza way too much." She looks up as Alex chucks her a pistol, she nods seriously at his words then strapped in as instructed.

She then turned her harsh gaze to Sheena, "Chameleon-Lover? Seriously?" She rolled her eyes, "Firstly, Leo's in love with his little almost-girlfriend, and secondly, Chameleon would be the last guy I would EVER think of dating. He's way too secretive and....positive."

Then Sheena asks about the hologram guy, even going as far as to ask if he's a RELATIVE. She scoffs immediately at this, clear disgust showing on her face as she snaps back furiously, "No of course not." She looks away then, turning her face from Sheena's as she speaks stiffly, "I don't really know him. He was a part-time friend of my Father's. That's it." She then looked to Alex, trying to change the subject, "Do you---Do we have a plan anyway? Or are we just going to bust in like, 'Hey, we're gonna kill you, but first could you release your mystical hold over my creepy undead baby sister'?"

Yeah, that last comment was most definitely a dig at Sheena and Evangeline.


Jace frowned at Flower's ominous 'you'll see'. He shrugged lightly, "Well okay then. As long as you're not taking me there to be hung and shot at, then I'm cool with whatever it is we're doing." He relaxed on the bike as they drove along, and kept his hands at a respectable level. There was a while's silence before he spoke again, "I won't get attacked on sight will I? I mean, they don't about Sethos at the they? They shouldn't, he always, um...he doesn't tend to leave witnesses.." He trailed off at the end, remembering one of those 'witnesses' had been Flower's best friend, Hunter, she was like her family. "Sorry." He mumbled again.


Chameleon was nearing the school now, and as he revelled in the peace of the outdoors, he glanced over at the courtyard, hearing the horses soft sounds of contentment, then he frowned as he noticed Rosa. Yes, that was definitely Rosa, and that was her horse, and that...that was her stuff. Packed up and ready to go. His eyes widened and he found himself running - no sprinting over to the courtyard.

"Rosa!" He called out and stopped as he neared her, still a few feet away for fear of scaring her off - like he hadn't done that already. "Rosa?" He frowned, voice confused as he took in the situation, "You''re leaving?" He murmured, loud enough for her to hear, but still quieter than intended.
Flower looks at him. "Jace you're with me they won't shoot you unless I say so." she said and then glanced at him. She sighed. "I'll protect you besides we won't be in the kingdom long." she said and then looked up at the huge wall that surround kingdom Kira. She looked up at the huge guards at the gate. "Hey! Open up!" she yelled and the guards looked at her in surprise. She sighed. "I've been away to long again." she said and then drove through as they open up the gate.

She looked at jace as she stopped inside the grate. "We're walking the rest of the way." she said and then waited for him to let go of her.
*Alex looks over his shoulder and grins at Raina* I'm a high ranking agent of S.H.I.E.L.D of course I have a plan..But you just said them out loud so I guess I'll think of something on the way. *Pounds his chest, mockingly* Don't worry I got this. Oh both of you don't forget do not look him straight in the eyes, even you Raina could fall pray to his will if you're not careful, don't need you two turning on each other. *Thinking to himself, it wouldn't take much for that to happen.* Sheena remember no running off on your own.*Finally reaching position for the sling shot, Alex rotates the jet upside down, for a few moments everyone is weightless, the engines shutdown and there is just the silence of space while Alex does a few quick calculations, then fires the engines again sending the jet around the outside of the planet, for the entire hour the jet is still upside down the average person would blackout or throw up after about 4 minutes of this but Alex is loving it, rocking out to "I Can't Drive 55" he's playing over the jet's intercom.
"Liza's dangerous like that," Sheena agrees with a nod, only a slight smirk on her lips this time around. "Why do you think she still calls me Sheena Legs a whole year after mistaking my name? She gets an idea in her head, she doesn't let go of it until she's brought you around to thinking the same way...before you know it you'll be down on the ground playing trolls and ponies with her....if you haven't already."

She can't just let the Chameleon comment go, of course. "Uh huh...that's why you're always hanging all over him and talking to him and not trying to kick his ass for being so...positive." She snickers, but immediately loses her sense of humor with Evangeline's comment about her "undead creepy baby sister." Glaring in her direction, she says in a dangerous tone, "You're not talking about my sister. We're here to HELP her, there's a lot of shit I could say about you and your screwy genes if I wanted."

She hears but doesn't acknowledge Alex's direction about Atherton's eyes, though she is pretty positive that Raina will not obey him. Nevertheless, she remembered her reaction to his picture...her father had "known" him, was what she had said. Sheena was fairly good at drawing some conclusions from that, but her dislike for the girl caused her to quickly try not to think about it, lest she feel sympathy towards her right now.

She too showed little reaction to the volatile movement of the jet, just waiting for it to land.
(I'm such a dork, just realized they could have used Titan's Body Slide and been transported there, gonna have to come up with some excuse why Alex doesn't like that. Anyway I guess we wait on Jo, don't want to get to far ahead.)
Lekki actually laughed a little when Mel was rude. She didn't seem that rude to Lekki. If she had things to do, then she wasn't going to get in her way. Lekki, after all, was a nice person through and through and in the end, little bothered her. It was just the way she was.

"Well she could have been nicer. She had no idea why I talked to her. Could have been important," Lekki said with a sly smile as if she found Mel's action to be funny more than anything, then it returned to a normal cheery one. She nodded at Vash. "I am Lekki. It's nice to meet you Vash. At least one of you stayed behind."

She looked Vash over, wondering what to make of him. "You guys must be new here. I am still relatively new myself. You also aren't human. I can tell. But it's rude to ask such a thing so I won't."


"Well I was wondering if you wanted to spend some time with me," Kesson said. He had no idea why he phrased it like that. Maybe he was slowly losing it? Still he wanted to be polite and he waited to hear what her answer would be. Maybe hanging out with her would get his mind off his trouble.
Zelda looks at him and then blinked. She thought for a moment confused however she would refuse to get her hopes up. She shifted her weight from one leg to the other with her arms crossed unsure. "I guess so." She said and then nodded conferming her decision. She rather spend time with him then having to walk arounbd bored to death. She turned and then looked around. "Did you have something in mind?" She asked looking back at him from over her shoulder.
Vash stifled a bit of laughter at Lekki. Not many people tolerated Mel's haughty attitude, in fact, most down right hated her for it. This half demon was either extremely nice or extremely stupid.

"Trust me. For Mel, that is nice. She almost never listens to anyone. You could be telling her that the apocalypse is coming and she'll still regard your warning as menial. Though you are a complete stranger. Why would you have something important to tell her?" Vash grinned as Lekki introduced herself. "Yeah? Well, Riff is always following Mel around so she hardly needs me to do anything. Not that I'm complaining. It gives me a lot of free time."

"Yeah, we're new. Just came today. You could say we're fresh off the boat."
Vash was glad that the first person he met was nice. Most places he went, he was hissed at or attacked because he worked for Mel. It was a nice change of pace. "You kind of did . . . But you're right. I'm a demon, well now I am. I used to be a . . ." Vash closed his mouth before he could slip up. Mel didn't like them revealing things about their past, especially things that others didn't need to know.

A bit desperate to change the subject, Vash turned to Lekki. "Is the school nice? We were hoping to get some good training in. I'm not very god, it would seem."
(sorry, forgot to respond to Lil with Liza)

Seeing the serious look on Lil's face, Liza goes serious as well, nodding her head solemnly, but in all reality she is bursting with curiosity. She has no intention of staying away from this bad girl if she sees her, and every intention of finding out about her. Liza is already sure that this bad girl, like Raina, she can make her friend.

"How come she's so bad?" she asks. "What did she do?"

She is only slightly distracted by Lil's questions about herself. Looking down at her fingers, she counts out loud. "One, two, three, that's how many months I've been here I think, maybe. And uh huh, my mama is a teacher. You got her in a class I bet."
Rosa heard the rapid footsteps approaching and based on the fact that Leo was the only one in the courtyard aside from her it was obvious that he had seen her. “Damn it,” she hissed fumbling with the last of the straps. She always had trouble working the leather through the buckle on this last one and she had not figure out why yet.

Leo’s voice was one of distress and confusion, it sounded as if he was hurt by her decision but couldn’t be true. He was the one who had pushed her away and that was exactly what he was going to get. “Yes,” she punctured this word with a tired sigh, “I’m leaving. I am not thriving like I hoped and I knew that within a week of arriving at this school. I stayed because I thought something was holding me here but now I don’t feel that way.” Her voice sounded steady but her throat was beginning to clench.
Raina rolls her eyes at Alex, "Don't look him straight in the eyes? Got it." She didn't think she could anyway. Not after what happened. What he did.

When Alex spun the aircraft around, she at first was a bit confused, but since Sheena and Alex seemed fine with it, she allowed herself to relax and be fine with it aswell. Raina smirks as Sheena glares at her furiously, Raina's own black eyes seeming to light up as Sheena's tone becomes dangerous. Raina thrived on danger, it was what she was used to, it was like home to her, and you're always at your most comfortable when you're surrounded by home.

"Oh Sheeny, but I AM talking about your sister. Creepy little Lina who tried to kill your besty-Hayley the other day, good thing Raina showed up to save the day like the super hero she is!" She smirks, not caring she let that one slip, she then lowered her voice to a whisper, "Just don't tell her I told you that, otherwise she told me she'd hurt Liza." She sighed then, dropping the fairy tale tone and smirk as she glanced away, "That's the worst thing about being nice to people, they start to like you and sometimes, only sometimes you like them, before you know it she's calling you her sister and then a certain blonde vampire can see that you care about her, so she uses it against you." She lets her gaze swing back to Sheena, then suddenly smiles again, "But enough about that, what's that about MY screwy genes?" She leaned back, as if expecting a tale, "Go ahead Sheena, take a shot. Where you wanna start? With my fuc*ed up Father? Oh, what about the dead mummy and baby sister? Or the insane demon murderer who wants to kill me?" She leaned a bit closer now, eyes glistening with hidden anger, "I know! Ask about the half-keyholder, how'd that happen right?"

Show no weakness Raina. By telling Sheena all of that, by offering it up on a silver platter, Raina is showing no concern over the issues, pretending she doesn't care. She growls lightly now though, really wanting to tear Sheena's throat out to shut the girl up, "I know I'm messed up Sheena, I don't need YOU of all people to tell me that."

(Ouch, Raina's definitely not happy right now O.o )


Jace let go as soon as she said they were walking, jumping off the bike he looked around almost in awe. "Woh. Haven't been here in a while." He then looked to her, "Won't be here long? Is that a clue as to what we're doing?" He began to follow her as they walked, glancing around every so often. "How long has it been since you've been here then?"


Chameleon frowned as Rosa spoke, but rather than bursting out in emotion like he wanted to, rather than questioning her and telling her how he really felt, he fell silent. Using his Mother's favourite trick, he straightened up, let his eyes become clear and shut his mouth, trying to appear strong in the face of upset.

"Ok." His voice disobeyed him and rather than coming out strong and steady, it wobbled in the slightest, quieter than he wished. He knew it was best for her to leave now, if she was going to stay who knows what could happen between them. What if they got close again? And then Chameleon's Mother showed up, or worse, his Uncle. Rosa would be deemed not to their liking - they obviously wanted to give him a bride who could manipulate him to do their bidding, they wanted to give him a wife who they knew and liked, who they knew would listen to them and make Chameleon listen to them; he knew Rosa didn't fit that description.

He turned around, deciding it would be best to go now before things got worse. But as he took a step forward, he paused, closing his eyes with his back to her, "I'm sorry Rosa." He found himself freezing in that moment. Stuck between leaving now and hearing what her response would be.
Sheena blinked, at first taken aback by what Raina is claiming. Lina, try to kill Hayley? Why would she do that? She didn't even know Hayley, and Hayley was so shy and sweet, she surely wouldn't have threatened her. Hayley hadn't said anything to her about it... Lina, try to kill Hayley?

There was only one explanation, and it made perfect sense to her. Raina was lying, trying to make trouble, trying to turn her against Lina. That was all there was to it.

"You're a f****ing liar, Raina the HERO," she spat back at her, shaking her head. "She didn't lay a hand on Hayley. And she didn't say anything about hurting Liza either, Liza is five years old, why would she do THAT? I know what you're trying to do. Just because YOU can't get a guy to save your life, just because you're so damn miserable and hating yourself, just because you can't actually show love to YOUR own sisters, that doesn't mean you're turning me against mine, and don't you dare try to make Liza afraid of her either."

She lets up only slightly when Raina gets to the part of describing her own family tree, recognizing in her words the pain that Raina must have experienced, pain that Sheena herself knows all too well. Still, to Sheena that is little excuse for her actions now, and her voice remains tense as she continues.

"So your family is messed up. You look under my family tree, you look under Alex's, Faith's, Liza's, even Macal's, you're not gonna see much more than a bunch of twisted, broken roots. That's not your fault, but how you act about it now is. You want to go around tripping over your own, fine. But don't start kicking around mine."
Raina rolled her eyes at Sheena, you could almost feel the tension around the pair of them. "Oh please Sheena. She's got you wrapped around her finger hasn't she?"

She focused her steel gaze on the girl, "Let's get one thing straight, PUP." She hissed the word, remembering Sheena's reaction to it earlier, "I don't lie. Steal, cheat, kill, fight and blackmail, yeah sure I do all those things. But lie? That's one thing I don't do. What's the point in it? There is none." She tilts her head, "Think about it Sheena Legs. Does anybody besides you actually like your sister, like Faith does she like her? Or do they all see her for what she is?"

She paused, intending her next words to do damage."A lying, sneaky, manipulative little bit*h."

She then carried on now, fueled by Sheena's harsh words, "Of course she wouldn't tell you she tried to bite Hayley, and she didn't tell you she threatened to hurt Liza, why would she? She wants you to think she's an angel. And so what if Liza's only five?" Her eyes narrowed, "I know A LOT of people would have and would willingly kill a five year old without blinking, and Evangeline is definitely a potential member of that group." She still didn't let up as she carried on, "What about this trip Sheena? Don't think I didn't notice what she was doing earlier, deliberately trying to make you feel guilty for leaving her behind." She smirks, "Lemme guess, she told you how she hadn't seen you in so long? She doesn't like referring to Faith and Liza as your sisters, right? Maybe she calls them something else. Maybe she asked you if you trusted her?" She leans closer, eyes hard and vicious as she keeps replaying Sheena's words in her head. Just because you can't actually show love to YOUR own sisters. Yeah, she noticed the plural there.

"Did she tell you that Faith or Liza wanted you all to themselves? You ever thought maybe it's the other way around Sheena? That maybe Evangeline wants you ALL to herself. Did she declare you didn't trust her maybe? It's because she wants you to trust her, and ONLY her." She leant back now, arms crossed, eyes still full of rage and her seething tone still there as it had been throughout the entire speech. "I don't lie Sheena."
This is more than Sheena can take. For Raina to stand there and say these sort of things about her sister, Raina, who is far from lily white herself, Raina, who is herself violent...Raina, who is herself a is more than Sheena can take. Raina not lying, Raina telling her the truth...Raina presenting herself as virtuous compared to Lina, who has been trying so hard to overcome her vampire's nature?! No way is Sheena listening to this. She will not and cannot accept this, not from her, not from anyone...but especially not from her!

Beginning to undo her straps with jerky, clearly pissed off motions, she throws them aside and stalks over to Raina, very much invading her space. Though she doesn't touch her, her posture and attitude make it clear that she's certainly not opposed to doing so, and immediately, if Raina provokes her much more.

"You don't lie?! Are you kidding me?! You'll steal, kill, cheat, blackmail, and you won't LIE?! Give me a f*cking break, Raina! Like hell you won't! You don't know ANYTHING about Lina, you saw her two times in two days and you think you know all about her, and I'll trust you over my sister, are you kidding me?! All you've done since I've met you is try to cause trouble! You seem to forget that YOU are a vampire too! You're telling me you never bit someone, you never killed someone, are you SERIOUS?! Get the hell over yourself! You tried to kill Liza when you first got here, or have you forgotten that?! You've been threatening to kill Faith since the first time you saw her! Even if Lina did try to bite Hayley, which she DID NOT, then it was an accident, she's learning to control herself! She wouldn't have WANTED to!"

By the time Raina gets to the part about her other sisters, about Evangeline's clear jealousy of them, Sheena is too angry to really think about what she's saying. A part of her knows deep down that Lina is overly possessive, but that part of her is certainly not enough to overcome her anger at the rest of what Raina is saying.

"I DO trust her! She's my sister, Raina, and I don't blame her for wanting to be with me. I haven't seen her since she was a BABY, I didn't have her all her life, and now I do, of course she wants to be with me! She doesn't have anyone else! Just because you don't know how to love anyone doesn't mean that everyone else is just like you!"

She deliberately throws that part out again, because it seemed like it had hit Raina, somehow.
Raina is now pissed aswell. It is clear that she is ready to leap at Sheena's throat as she too unbuckles and stands up adruptly, seething with anger as her chest heaves up and down with rapid motions.

She growls out, voice raised, tone furious. "I know more about Lina already than you do! I've seen her when you're not around, much more than twice and she's exactly what I just told you she was!" She hisses, fists clenched at sides as she feels her fangs coming out, ready to bite. "I fuc*ing know you won't trust me Sheena! But don't you trust Faith, your SISTER. Or has Evangeline already got so in your head that you don't even think Faith's your sister anymore? 'Cause she is."

She is becoming more and more peed off now, and she snaps back as soon as she can, "I never said that you stupid bi*ch! Of course I've bit people, of course I've killed people, I just don't LIE about it. And yes, it's true, I don't fu*king LIE!" She spits her words out bitterly, she has her reasons for not lying. Sheena doesn't need to know them. At Sheena's words that Lina didn't want to bite Hayley, Raina actually lets out a laugh, her words mixing in with the sound, "You're such a blind idiot Sheena. She wanted to. I was there, and she WANTED to. Yeah, I'm a vampire, so I can tell the difference, and yeah, I DON'T lie. So go ahead and ignore me on this, but she wanted to."

But when Sheena throws in that last line, about Raina not knowing how to love anyone, ANYONE. That's it. Raina hisses furiously and actually leaps at Sheena, smashing her to the floor and knocking her head roughly against the ground. A concealed dagger finds it's way to her hand and presses against Sheena's neck as Raina growls furiously, hissing her words inches away from Sheena's face, "You shut the fu*k up mutt. You don't know sh*t about me. Or about your own sister for that matter. You're just a blind little pup who needs to wake up and smell the roses." Her eyes are trained on Sheena for any move as she presses the knife with more force onto Sheena's neck, "I know how to love." With the next words, her tone has simmered down a bit, her voice quiet now but she is still glaring, "But I also know that it always ends badly. So I CHOOSE not to. Not anymore."

She then pushes herself backwards, getting off of Sheena as she holds the dagger still in her hand. Glaring at her silently.

(Maybe wait for Macal to respond xD He's got a lot of cat fighting to catch up with ^.^)

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