Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Sethos didn't even look at Flower, ignoring the pain of the light as he re-ran at Kol and slammed him against the cave wall, speaking furiously, "I'm thinking that I'm gonna kill this bast*rd then his daughter." Kol laughed at him, not caring that his grip on his neck was getting tighter and tighter, "You 'aven't killed 'er yet? I tought you'd work faster than that mate." Sethos rose an eyebrow, shadows now having pinned Kol to the wall and were creeping up to wrap around his neck, "You honestly don't give a **** about your own kid?" Kol shrugged, "Not really, afterall, I did kill yer precious little girlfriend so that you'd kill my wife and kids. Too bad ya missed one." Sethos hissed pulling Kol away from the wall to slam him on the floor hard, letting his head bounce, before pinning him again, "Don't talk about Meili, you don't have the right." Kol laughed again, "I tought demons didn't love nobody. You must be a disappointment to yer daddy"

Another slam to the wall and Sethos growled again, "Flower. Unless you want to me to break my promise to Jace and kill you, then I suggest you get the fu*k out of here while I kill this assh*le."
Flower blinked and then glared at Sethos. "Shut up!" She said not wanting to tell Sethos that the jerk could have a key holder power now. She looked at Sethos. "Sethos you don't understand what you did!" She said and then looked at the man he just revived. She bit her lip in fear of what he could have. She looked at Sethos staying out of his way but still fearful for some reason. Why was she so afraid?

Micheal found Faye and then smirked walking up to her. "Faye." he said and started messing with her emotions. He leaned against the wall. "Sorry we didn't get to talk...but you left...I wanted to spar with you." He said frowning. He then smiled a bit. "At least i found to hang out." he said and then secretly smirked as Nick was watching behind a corner. He looked at Faye.
*Alex really wants to pistol whip the hell out of Raina but the explosion makes that impossible, and he goes into full on soldier mode.* DAMMIT! WE'VE BEEN COMPROMISED WE NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS AREA NOW! *He doesn't wait he just takes off as fast as he can to clear the area before whoever it was that shot a cloaked jet out of the sky would be right on top of them in no time. But it happens sooner then he thought, he almost runs smack into a group of rebel soldiers being lead by a small fire team of Hydra Agents. Alex quickly stops and throws up a hand signal to stop, take cover and let them pass, he's confident Sheena will understand but he's stressing over if Raina will, why Macal asked an untrained annoying person like her to come on a mission is beyond him, normally he wouldn't ever question his orders but he will be sure to bring this up when he gets back. Alex quietly slips his rifle behind him the magnetic clamp secures it onto his back, then again quietly he draws out a long black combat blade from behind him, it's a good thing cause a soldier steps close to him and notices him, about to raise the alarm but before he can do it Alex leaps up driving his blade up through the man's chin and pushes it until it punctures his brain, then in one swift movement pulls the blade out and throws it hitting another in the throat before he can say a word, both men fall into the brush and appear to be out of sight but that won't last long, so Alex slips back into the brush also, these men can't make it back to where came from so they must die!*

(5 soliders 3 Hydra Agents, 2 soldiers dead just in case you wanted to know :P )
"You need to TALK to him about something?" Sheena repeats with growing incredulity, her eyebrows rising, and she crosses her arms, staring at Raina with increasing suspicion. "Talk to him about WHAT? What's happened in the past few hours that you have to talk to him about that you couldn't before you left?"

She jumps when the jet blows up behind them, turning around in a circle fast, and then uses her senses of smell and hearing to try to see what, exactly, had just happened. She sees no reason that they should have blown up, and certainly no one is close by...a bomb? Some sort of landmine? Whatever the case, this was definitely going to make it more of a challenge to get back...and probably much longer. Great.

"Raina...just shut up," she says almost wearily, then gestures to Alex. "It's dusk. He could be anywhere. I don't smell or sense him, so he's probably not way close by...any sort of tracker on us?"

Macal's post: (was out of order)

*Alex really wants to pistol whip the hell out of Raina but the explosion makes that impossible, and he goes into full on soldier mode.* DAMMIT! WE'VE BEEN COMPROMISED WE NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS AREA NOW! *He doesn't wait he just takes off as fast as he can to clear the area before whoever it was that shot a cloaked jet out of the sky would be right on top of them in no time. But it happens sooner then he thought, he almost runs smack into a group of rebel soldiers being lead by a small fire team of Hydra Agents. Alex quickly stops and throws up a hand signal to stop, take cover and let them pass, he's confident Sheena will understand but he's stressing over if Raina will, why Macal asked an untrained annoying person like her to come on a mission is beyond him, normally he wouldn't ever question his orders but he will be sure to bring this up when he gets back. Alex quietly slips his rifle behind him the magnetic clamp secures it onto his back, then again quietly he draws out a long black combat blade from behind him, it's a good thing cause a soldier steps close to him and notices him, about to raise the alarm but before he can do it Alex leaps up driving his blade up through the man's chin and pushes it until it punctures his brain, then in one swift movement pulls the blade out and throws it hitting another in the throat before he can say a word, both men fall into the brush and appear to be out of sight but that won't last long, so Alex slips back into the brush also, these men can't make it back to where came from so they must die!*


(mine again)

"Uh huh, I can change anyone," Liza says with confidence. "I just gotta make them listen is all. Plus also yes, you don't gotta wear a dress to be a pretty princess. It's just pretty, is all."

Liza smiles as she takes the ribbon, fingering its satiny sheen. "Thank you! It's pretty. Do I wear it in my hair? I can get my mama to tie it...hey, you wanna meet my Mama?"
Kesson thought about it. What could they do? He didn't want to stay here really. But where else would they go or do? Kesson looked at Zelda, trying to figure out what she might like to do. He then shrug.

"Want to take a ride on my bike? I mean it won't compare to flying, but I've always loved riding around."


Lekki nodded at Vash then gave him a knowing look.

"Well maybe something was going on at the school. But she doesn't sound the...brightest. Not to be mean, but you have to listen to people sometimes. Like I said it could be important. I'm sure if it put her life in danger, she'd rather know. But that was mean. I am sure she's done well enough with how she is."

Lekki paused for a moment and looked away and a shiver went through her. She smiled as if she had just heard something she found amusing and then looked back at Vash.

"Well it doesn't concern me anyways. I guess I know now to just avoid her and Riff if he's always around her. And it's not common that I met a full-blooded demon. I am only half-demon. My father was the demon." Lekki heard his use to be. She would remember that for later. She was going to be sure about that. But she npdded and pretended she didn't hear it.

"I'm sure the school is just lovely, but some of the people here...well so far everyone I've meet is okay. And you'll be able to learn a lot. I am sure of that."

Zelda looks at him and then nods. "Sure..." She said and then started walking. "I've been on bikes before....they're fun." She said and then lightly smiled at him. She looks at the ground and then pushed her hair out of her face. She looks at him and then watches his fan girls stare and giggle. Zelda glared and they ran off almost laughing at her. She blinks and takes a step back. "Weird...." She said and then looks at kesson. "Um...shall we go?" She asked.

Tell Atherton...Raina had just threatened to tell Atherton?!

If it wasn't for the explosion, then Sheena would have killed her right then and there. But the blowing up of their jet was just a bit of a distraction.

Sheena starts to run when Alex says to, then halts when he does too, backing up and starting to jerk Raina out of the way when he signals to take cover. But it is too late, and as she sees the Hydra agents come at them, obviously intending violence, she reacts quickly. Drawing her sword out of its scabbard, she jumps into the fray. After some back and forth she succeeds in cutting the head off of the first agent who approaches her and doesn't pause before moving on to a soldier, spinning around to cut him too with her hair flying out in an arc around her. Then, tossing the weapon back to Raina, she shifts into her Lycan form, letting out a snarl before diving at a second agent.

This part should be fun.
Sethos looked to Flower then for a second, his eyes blazing as he growled in a loud, demonic, mixed voice, "GET OUT." The shadows were going crazy and Sethos's eyes flashed a bright red colour.

Kol looked at Sethos as he growled at Flower, watching as the boy's eyes turned red. Sh*t. He was going to kill him. He didn't want to die so soon after waking up again. He had things to do, people to scare, lifes to ruin. He had to visit his dearest Raina and scare the cr*p out of her. Maybe check up on this new daughter of his, Faye was her name? And Myra. Oh sweet Myra. He HAD to visit her.

And with these thoughts, of wanting to leave, of needing to leave. Kol vanished. No puff of smoke, no fancy tricks or light vanishing. He was just gone.

Sethos, thinking Flower had done something to make Kol disappear, turned on Flower, eyes furious and as black as they could be. "You bit*h!" He cried out, eyes locked on her, "I almost had him! He has to pay for what he did to Meili!" He could feel Jace struggling inside, wanting to stop Sethos from swearing at Flower again, from hurting her. But Sethos was driven with emotion.


Faye smiled as Micheal came over, suddenly feeling the urge to listen to him, to want to be near him and do what he wanted to do, she even stepped a bit closer as she spoke. "Hey Micheal." She smiled up at him, forgetting her want to find Raina and only thinking of spending time with Micheal now. Then when he frowned and said he wanted to spar with her, she bit her lip lightly, feeling bad about his upset, "Sorry, I was so busy with Hayley and then I left quickly because I...I.." She frowned, going to say she wanted to find Raina, but forgetting that for a moment, as if her mind was telling her she didn't want to find Raina, she wanted to spend time with Micheal. "I can't remind." She shrugs, looking back to him, "I guess it's not that important if I can't remember."

Then, when he asked her if she wanted to hang out, she smiled at him, "Sure. I'd..." She frowned then, stopping her sentence as a pink glow came over her - that she obviously couldn't see, but both of the boys could - and then she looked back to Micheal, a bit confused, and stepped back, "Um, can we hang out a bit later? I just remembered I need to find Raina.." Suddenly, it wasn't so important to hang out with Micheal, infact, it wasn't really important at all. "Maybe we could spar together after lunch or something?" She moved to walk away then, thinking maybe Raina might be in the training room.

(He can stop her if he wants. Seems Faye's harder to get than he thought she'd be ^.^)

Raina doesn't answer Sheena, rolling her eyes at her, "It's nothing to do with you Sheena. So you don't need to know"

Then, as the soldiers and agents attack, Raina smirks. Yes! Time to let off some steam. Without hesitation, she pulls out her sword - the new one Macal gave her - and runs it straight through one of the attacking soldier's chest. She senses something behind her and spins around instantly, a weapon is aimed at her feet so she flips right over them, turns around and pierces her sword through the back of their neck and through the front, pulling the sword out as blood pours from the wound and they drop to the ground, dead within a few moments, unable to scream.

Raina groans lightly at the smell of the blood and the sight of the delicious liquid, and you can see hunger in her eyes before she turns and chops down another agent effortlessly. It is then when Sheena chucks her a weapon, and she catches it, watching for a mere second as the girl shifts before putting Sheena's weapon down beside her and then taking down another with impeccable skill, she senses another behind her, but when she turns they knock her weapon from her hand and she sees they have also been disarmed. She shrugs and swings a punch to their jaw. The two began fist to fist combat and Raina is moving around them like a blur, landing a lot more kicks and punches than they are. Then she declares lightly, "Bored now." Before doing a perfect flying scissor kick and wrapping one leg around the back of their neck, the other around the front of their neck. She then flicks her ankles and their neck snaps before she lands on her feet, watching the body fall.

She picks up the sword to see all the soldiers and agents have been taken out by both her and Sheena. She looks at the werewolf silently, she doesn't want to admit it, but her throat is burning from the smell of the blood and she looks to the dead guy on the floor, her gaze lingering.
Flower looks at Sethos and then glares. "IT'S YOUR FAULT! YOU BROUGHT HIM BACK!" She yells at him and then walks up shoving him back. "I did nothing...this is the place where key holders were gave him a key holder power stupid!" She said and then stomped her foot. "You're an idoit!" She said and then her eyes widen. Myra....Myra! She blinks and then grabs Sethos. "We have to stop him!" She yelled and then tugged his arm. "We need to stop him now!" She said worried.

Nick blinked and then walked out. "Faye?" he asked and then looked at Micheal suddenly stormed off. Nick blinked and then ran after Faye. "Faye!" He yelled woundering what that pink glow was. (Sorry....I'm feeling lazy...My posts have been crappy lately.)
Kesson smiled, glad that Zelda had said yes to his offer. He was really happy to be able to spend time with her. He noticed his fangirls and sighed, shaking his head. At least they didn't try to attack Zelda or get angry or something. Though he didn't think what they were doing was any better. A few whispered as he passed and he wondered what they might be saying.

But Kesson forgot them when he got to his bike and threw Zelda a helmet. Then he realize something. Zelda was going to be really close to him. Sure she was going to be behind him, but she had to hold onto him. Should be awkward.

He got on the motorcycle and waited for Zelda to do the same.

*Alex stands up and rubs his temples and sighs* Cut the flashy moves and get the damn kill next time! *He hates to admit to himself, it was a pretty damn good display of skill, her and Sheena and he's jealous cause if he had super powers like that he'd probably do the same flashy moves.* Get the bodies off the path and lets keep moving, still got a long way to go. *Of course he won't admit that Sheena and Raina with their speed could have been there and back several times if they didn't have to wait for him.*
Sheena has made short work of the agent and comes up with her teeth bared, as close to a vicious smile as her Lycan form can manage, blood damp on her jowls and paws. Her eyes, still the same blue as in her human form, shift quickly to check on Alex and Raina, and also to make sure that no other agents remain to take down. She is semi disappointed to see that all have been taken care of, and reluctantly impressed by Raina's moves. Okay, so the girl can fight....she still could have killed all the rest with just Alex helping.

Heading his instruction to get rid of the bodies, still in her Lycan form, she takes the remains of the body she has just mutilated in her mouth and drags it into the bushes, motioning with her head for Raina to help. With this taken care of, she goes still, sniffing the air; in her Lycan form, her senses are even stronger than usual, and she knows immediately Atherton's direction. Jerking her head in that way for Alex to notice, she hesitates, knowing he cannot move as quickly as she and Raina, and then positions herself in front of him, nudging him to climb on her to ride. She gives a slight growl, as if to let him know that she's serious and won't take no for an answer.

Evangeline, meanwhile, from an opposite direction is still sprinting towards Atherton's location, calling out to him in her mind, unsure of if he was paying enough attention to hear. The others were closer, but with her head start, it was possible she could reach him first.
Zelda looks at him and then puts the helmet on. She looks at him and then gets on the bike with him. She blinks and then swallows, she grabs onto him and then sighs a bit. At least he couldn't see her blush. She sighed a bit trying to calm down. "Um...ready to go.." She said and then looked down. She tried to keep some distance between them. She looks at the bike admiring it and then looks at Kesson.
(Sorry. DX Writer's block at the moment.)

Lil was happy that Liza liked the ribbon. "You can wear it in your hair or even on one of your princess dresses if you'd like." It would seem as if she made a friend in this girl, which was good. People can't do a lot of things without help from others. This especially rang true for her own goal. She smiled. "I would love to meet your mama."

. . .

"Well, if you knew her like I do, you'd know she isn't that afraid of dying. Riff's an okay guy though. He just . . . follows Mel's order to the t. As long as she doesn't order him to kill you, it should be safe to take to him." Sometimes Riff's perfect butler act pissed him off since it always made him look bad. But there were a lot of things she needed done that Vash simply could not bring himself to do. That's when Riff comes in, more of a slave than a servant. He was able to do anything Mel requested without even thinking about it.

He smiled at Lekki. "I hope you're right. It wouldn't be pretty if everyone here pissed Mel off. I need to get stronger though. She doesn't approve of a weak servant." He looked to the ground for a bit. He had only been a demon for about a year now and he was still getting used to the powers he had gained. With what his job entailed, being weak was not an option.

(Hm . . . wonder if Mel and/or Riff could play with someone.)
Raina shrugs at Alex when he tells her to cut the flashy moves, "Whatever. If you could do flashy moves then you would too." Despite the situation and her earlier anger, her voice is cheerful as she speaks and there is a grin on her face, but then as she moves towards one of the dead bodies to move it, she stops suddenly, eyes filling with hunger as she stares at the blood. "Sh*t. That stinks." She grounds her words out with a bit of pain, ignoring the desire to tear at her throat viciously to stop the burning. She obviously means stinks in a good way, like an appetizing way. Shoving down the desire to attack the dead body and take all it's blood, she chucks it into a nearby bush, she looks up at Sheena and Alex once all bodies have been hidden, hunger in her eyes before it dissipates.

She manages a slight grin as she notices Sheena is trying to get Alex to climb on her back, "Jump on Alex, you said we needed to move faster right?" She picks up Sheena's sword and slides it into Raina's own scabbard, showing enough courtesy towards Sheena to look after her weapon - even though she doesn't need to. "Ready when you two are."


When Flower shoved him, Sethos glared back, reaching out to actually hit her when suddenly his hand stopped mid-air and his eyes flashed blue. He growled, very pissed off now, as he stepped back. "Stupid Jace." He muttered furiously, eyes back to black as he crossed his arms and looked to the side. Jace wouldn't let him strike Flower. Then as she grabbed and mentioned stopping Kol, he smirked dangerously. "Sure. Got any idea where he went then Flowerbud?"

He was all up for stopping Kol if it meant killing him.


Kol opened his eyes to see he was in a dorm room of some sort, he frowned, how did he get here? But none of that mattered as his eyes landed on a form on the bed, his back was to her but he could see the familiar white locks of hair spread across the pillow and he matched the body size and shape to his very own dear Myra. An evil smirk spread across his face and when he took a step forward, the person suddenly shot up. Danggit. She wasn't asleep afterall.

Myra heard a noise from across the room, and sat up in bed, looking over to the person who stood there. Her eyes widened and fear settled inside her as all colour seemed to leave her face. Kol. The very first thing she did, was scream. But then Kol was infront of her, his hand over her mouth to stop her screaming as he smirked at the girl, "'Ello Myra. Glad to see me?" His other hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her up so she was standing infront of him. She shook her head, tears gathering in her eyes as she found it hard to breathe, "You..You're de-dead." She stuttered out as Kol moved his hand only slightly away from her mouth, cupping her cheek as he grinned, "Now that's a funny story." He leaned closer, whispering in her ear, "Guess I'm 'arder to get rid of than ya' tought." He had her pressed against him now, and Myra was unable to move from fear.


Faye heard someone else calling her name this time, she spun around to see Nick and smiled, "Hey Nick." She then frowned a bit, biting her bottom lip, is he still mad at her? "Um, are you okay? You're not still mad...right? I'm sorry about the other day when I burnt you, but I didn't know it would hurt you, I thought it would only hurt Ogy" He didn't look mad. Just confused.

(Anyone could have heard the scream. If no-one wants to check it out, I'll just say Faye and Nick heard it.)
Flower opened a portal. She jerked stuggling to keep it open. "Come on....give me a little help here." She said and the portal got bigger. "Thank you." She smirked and then looked at Sethos. "I can't believe I'm teaming up with you...but I know where's he's at." She said and then grabbed him shoving him through the portal. She went through. They were at the school. She looked at Sethos and then ran in. "This way..." she said and then ran in. She had to get to Myra....she couldn't believe to let Sethos do this. It was her was all her fault for bringing Jace there in the first place. She ran as fast as she could.

James heard a scream. It was Myra. He ran and busted the door down. He saw myra guy. "You..." His eyes went wide and then narrowed as smoke started coming from his mouth. "How dare you touch her." he said his wings ripping through his shirt. He spread them wide. "Let her go..." he said with a loud hiss. He was ticked alright. He looked at Myra and then at the discusting idoit. He was so angry right now, his nails turned to claws.

Nick looks at her and then blinked. "Still mad?" It suddenly hit him. "ugh i'm such an idoit." he said smacking himself in the forehead. "Faye I wasn't mad at you I could care less about the burns. I mean i know you didn't do it on me anyways." He looked at her and then smiled. "Fyae I was mad at myself....I was mad at Peter...I'm still mad but never at you." He said and then rubbed his head. He sighed deeply.
Sheena nudges Alex again, then paws his chest lightly as though to again emphasize to him that she means for him to mount her. Her eyes shift briefly to Raina, noticing that Raina has taken her sword for her, since Sheena can't carry it in her Lycan form, and wonders if the girl means to keep it for herself, or is actually being considerate and doing her favor. No matter at the moment; her sword will not be left behind.


"Oh good!" Liza declares, clapping her hands again briefly and beaming at Lil before seizing hold of her hand. "Okay let's go see my mama now!"

She appears to concentrate for a moment, scrunching up her eyes, and then, still holding Lil's hand, suddenly teleports into a training room several hallways from their location. Showing no signs of noticing whether or not Lil is stunned by this abrupt manuever, she drags her over to a slim but very toned woman with long, wavy brown hair in the middle of the room, who rather closely resembles Liza herself. This is Faith, having just finished a lesson and is currently putting up mats the students had gotten out.

"Mama, this is Lil! She's new," Liza informs her. "This is my mama, Lil. Her name is Faith. I don't call her that no more though 'cause she's my mama now."

Faith smirks slightly at Liza's explanation, knowing the new girl won't understand, and nods at her. "You registered yet, Lil?"
Lil let little Liza pull her along to meet her mother. She was impressed by the girl's teleportation ability. It was quite advanced for someone of her age. Her mother probably trained her well. Could she do the same for Lil? They landed in what seemed to be the training room. Liza dragged her over to a very beautiful woman. Noticing the woman's toned body, Lil brought her free hand up to her own flat chest. At her age it was simply embarrassing.

She listened as Liza introduced the woman as Faith, her mother. She noticed that the girl had said "she's my mama now". Was Faith Liza's stepmother? She decided it was best not to ask. (Seeing as I'd just get confused again.) As Faith spoke to Lil, the angel nodded. "Yes, I believe so. I'm pretty sure I've done everything I need to now that I've got my room. I'm looking forward to your class tomorrow. If you trained Liza yourself, you must be very good."


After an extensive tour of the school grounds, Mel decided to back to her room. Riff tailed not too far behind her. A scream from nearby made her stop in her tracks. She quietly followed the sound to another student's room. As she reached the corner, she saw a boy break down the door and charge inside.

Riff placed a hand on her shoulder. "It doesn't appear to have anything to do with us. Should we leave?"

Mel held up her hand to silence the demon. "Not yet. I feel as though something interesting is about to happen." She then proceeded to the source of the noise and for now waited outside the door, looking into the room to see three people: a girl, a DHH, and a vampire? No, not quite. There was something off about the filthy leech but she couldn't put her finger on it. She didn't feel as though there was anything too impressive about the group and didn't feel like intervening on behalf of either side. For now, she would just observe.

Riff stood silently by his mistress' side. As he watched her watch the commotion, he couldn't help but wonder where Vash was. If this matter got Mel involved, he was ready to defend her. That was his job, his purpose. But what if he was not enough?

(If you don't want her to be there, I can edit and have her watch from the corner or shadows.)
Kesson blushed himself when he felt Zelda holding onto him. It was weird. He didn't normally have people riding with him. Kesson had been kind of solitary after he had left his home, but it felt kind of good as well. Even if he didn't want to get a crush on Zelda at risk of her finding out what he had done, he still liked being with her in general.

"Hold on," he told her, before he took off. They moved fast from the grounds of the school and down a road. Kesson smiled. He loved the feeling. He liked flying as well, but riding was as much fun as that for him.


"Interesting," Lekki said with a nod. She wondered about that too. Something seemed different about this group of people and try as she might, her interest in them was growing. She'd rather not get herself involved in anything big or bad or something that could cause problems. But she knew that she couldn't totally keep herself away from it all. "Well I guess she has her reasons. Well thanks for the information. I have no idea why she'd want to kill me, but it's good to know."

Lekki smiled right back at him. She was glad for his presence. She was meeting good people today, excluding Mel and Riff for the moment. "Don't worry. I am sure everyone can take care of themselves. But I am sure someone may piss her off. Some of the people here... aren't so nice. But I'm sure it'll be fine."

Lekki looked at him curious. "I'm sure you'll do fine too. Faith is an amazing teacher and I'm sure you're pretty strong right now."


"So Hayley did your parents send you here," Jinn asked. Hayley paused in her tracks and in what she was saying. She looked at Jinn and then shrugged.

"It's just my mom, but no. I made the choice to come here actually. I wanted to...get stronger."

Jinn smiled at that. So maybe it was still possible. Hayley was a weakling now, but she had potential and she wanted to grow as well. Jinn might be able to make this work to her plan. She nodded though.

"Yeah. My parents wanted me to come. But I don't mind. I want to get better and maybe help some people out as well. I think it's good to help those out if they need a little extra push," she said, wondering if Hayley would take her hint. "And what happened to your dad?" "
Our dad" is what she wanted to say, but she didn't. She would be able to say things like that later once Hayley was fully on her side.

"I could use some help after class," Hayley admitted. She didn't like to admit to it, but it was true. She looked at Jinn though for her second question. She opened her mouth to say something whens she heard a scream. Hayley and Jinn arrived after Riff and Mel. Jinn ignored the pair and moved pass to see that someone had a girl by the throat.

"Violence. Always lovely to come across. Back off bastard right now," Jinn said, ready to fight if she had too. She didn't have to intervene, but if she made a show, maybe it'd make Hayley relax more around her. The shifter herself, looked in, but wasn't able to go in. She glanced at the others, not recognizing them, but then again she didn't know many people either.

"Ji-Jinn, don't."
*Alex gets the picture and climbs on her back, why the hell not this day couldn't get much worst right* Never talk of this again are we clear! *It was getting dark which is what Alex wanted to avoid, cause any vampires in the area that have to go to ground during the day are about to be up and hungry, luckily he's prepared for the small fries its the ones that will be close to the the master that will pose a direct threat. Alex looks back at Raina still pissed that she wanted to go over his head and talk to Macal on his Op, does she not understand how hard it is for him, to live in the shadow of this family, even the 5 year old could take on a hundred men with a smile on her face and giggling as she pounds them into the ground, then she'd probably make them apologize for her kicking their ass! Raina has no clue how much Alex struggles to seem relevant to this family, hell to everyone that thought he as a brainy bratty trouble maker. Alex may seem secure and confident but he has a huge fear of being discarded if he's not up to par, which is why he's constantly training, researching and taking on missions that no one else wants.* Remember not only is this place full of vampires but I'm sure there is a Hydra base around here somewhere close, so be careful.
Sheena nods, letting Alex get settled on her back, and then looks back at Raina pointedly. Though she of course cannot speak, the manner and tilt of her head makes it clear that she is asking her "You gonna keep up, or what?"

She doesn't wait to get an answer; if Raina can't, well, then she's just left in the dust and that's all there is to it. Sheena takes off, sprinting in smooth, long-legged strides that are almost as though she is gliding through the air, her paws coming down to the ground only briefly enough to get momentum to spring back up.


Faith notices the girl's hand on her chest, looks down at it briefly. Observing her lack of a bosom, she wonders briefly if the girl is younger than she appears, or simply underdeveloped. She cannot immediately sense what species she is nor what her supernatural abilities might be, though she is sure the girl is neither human, vampire, nor Lycan. Maybe mutant, but Faith doesn't think so. She seems to her to be more.

"No, I didn't teach Liza all by myself," she shakes her head, smiling slightly at the ridiculousness of that idea. "Nah, I've helped her with fighting with weapons and hand to hand, but mostly I'm just her mom. Her dad's trained her in her skills stuff, her grandparents and some other instructors older and better than me taught her a lot too. I don't have most of her powers, so I can't exactly do much to help train her other than try to hold her back. I can help people practice and grow in whatever it is they can do though."

She raised an eyebrow at Lil. "You have something in particular you want to get better at, or get help with?"

(was thinking Eve would already be there when they got to Atherton...Macal is playing him right? Just bring them to the entrance point your next post? and i'll write in Eve's part?)
“I don’t know why your sorry and if your thinking it’s your fault your mighty wrong. If I wanted to stay here I would but I don’t so I am leaving and you have nothing to do with it,” Rosa replied a hint of bitterness in her voice. Her voice seemed nonchalant as if his very existence bored her when in reality it was the exact opposite. She still felt the same about him but that path had dead ended leaving her hurt and frustrated. Rosa walked around to Leader’s opposite side and hoisted herself into the saddle her. She busied herself with the reins before pointing her eyes in Leo’s general direction and saying “I’m leaving and who knows if I’m coming back, so I guess this is good bye and I guess Thanks.” With that she nudged Leader’s side and asked him to move on.
Lil was glad that Faith seemed nice. She shook her head at Faith's question. "I just need to get stronger in general, so there isn't anything specific I can think of at the moment. There's just something I have to do and I can't do it until I get stronger. Lil thought about it for a minute. What did she need to improve on the most? Well her general strength needed work. She also needed to find out how to use her wind powers offensively in battle. Maybe learning how to handle a different weapon besides a whip? And some experience with hand to hand would be good. There was certainly a lot to improve on.

"I'm afraid I'd have to say everything. I'm not that strong as I am now."
Zelda looked around and then looked at Kesson. She moved a bit closer and then looked around as they were driving. She smiled loving the ride although trying to ignore that it was with Kesson. She looks at the road, it seemed a little fast but then again Zelda hasn't been on a bike like this in a long time. Her hair waved and blew up with the wind. She kept her arms around him loss although strong enough not to fall off. She tried not to focuss on Kesson.
View attachment 6763

Name: HardTime Zwei

Title: God of Death and Chaos

Place of Birth: Oberian

Race: Demon (for the purpose of this rp)

Date of Birth:Oct 31, 2009-current reincarnation

Age: Apparent age 40/ Actual age est 550,000

Marital Status: Marie Zwei Deceased

Military Rank: General

Group Afiliations: Desperados (Macal, Abe and Ethen), Travelling Hit Crew, Hand of Hextor, Former Paladin of the First Order

Bio: If Macal Cord is the Light then HardTime is the Dark, HardTime is the exact polar opposite of Macal, where Macal brings life and hope HardTime brings Strife and Death. HardTime is a former Paladin who sold his soul for the power to defeat Ethan Cord, this power corrupted him completely and for thousands of years HardTime has made it his sole purpose to defeat Macal Cord once and for all.

HardTime is everything Macal is only evil, their battles have been known to destroy planets in the crossfire and some have lasted for decacdes. HardTime has every social defect you can think of. Sociopath, Psychopath, Pathological, Bi-polar and Paranoia.

HardTime is by far the biggest threat to all living creatures on this world and any other.

(Wish I had his original bio, this one sucks but thinking of bringing him into FA)

Current Afiliation: None

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