Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Flower liked around and then looked at Jace. "Hmm I think after they tried to marry me off to a vampire...actually one of your half brothers. His name was Vince and he was a pain in the neck. That was months ago though." she said. "Hmm h was killed." she said with a smirk. "He bit me quite a few times." she said rubbing her neck. She looked as a bunch of children were playing everywhere and laughing. Flower looked at Jace remembering a few times when they were little. She smiled and kept walking. She turned and went inti the farm fields. In the middle of a field was a stone in the ground.

Flower looked at it and kneeled down waving her hand over it. Her keys glowed and the mark on the back of her neck flashed once. The stone opened and flower stepped away. "After you." she said looking down at the ladder that was carved into he rock walls of the cave.
*Now Alex is starting to get annoyed* HEY! BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP! I'M JUST TRYING TO MANUVER A 532 MILLION DOLLAR SCRAM JET HERE SO UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO BURY US INTO THE SIDE OF A MOUNTAIN SHUT THE HELL UP BOTH OF YOU! For god sakes you both like to think of yourselves as professionals then act like it or I swear I will turn this jet around, go home and play some god damn Skyrim! Look it doesn't the only thing that matters is our mission so if you're heads aren't here then you don't do the mission or me any good, so both of you Stow that crap for later and get your damn heads back in the game!
Raina is seething as she barely listens to Alex speak, eyes trained on Sheena or any moves the girl will make. Her chest is heaving up and down rapidly, and once Alex is done speaking she blows a bit of hair out of her face, sits back down in her seat and straps herself back in. She crosses her arms and looks to the side, still watching Sheena out of the corner of her eye, "You got it. Boss." She speaks stiffly, but you can hear the tone isn't directed at Alex. She's just pissed off in general.

She has let it out, now she's done, though she's not sure if Sheena is or not, so she speaks casually, "How long we got until we land Alex? I'm starting to feel contained." She can't help but look at Sheena with her last word. A subtle way of saying she wants to get the heck away from her A.S.A.P. She figures Sheena will either leap at her now, or try and kill her later.


Jace raised an eyebrow at that, "Another half-brother?" He 'pffted' at the declaration of his death, "Good. If he bit you then I'm glad I didn't meet him. Sethos would have kil...." He trailed off, looking down, "Yeah, he doesn't like vampires."

Jace himself didn't notice the children playing, and when they got to the stone that somehow turned into a cave with a ladder. When she motioned for him to go first, he shrugged, looking a bit confused. "Uh. Okay....." He moved to go down the ladder then paused, "Wait a minute, you're not gonna trap me down here are you?" After her answer, he shrugged and carried on down the ladder, dropping to the ground, he stepped back before calling up. "It's clear, come on down."
Everything Raina had said had been more than enough to set Sheena off, to make her kill her on the spot, mission or no mission, self-control or not. Self-control was becoming dangerously short, and when Raina threw her down, the knife at her throat, Sheena felt herself starting to shift into her Lycan form, without her voluntary decision to do so, but certainly not against her will. She would not let Raina get away with this. She would not let her talk to her like that, about her sister like that. She would definitely not let her stick a knife to her throat and survive this intact.

She was starting to snarl, her body tensing and the first signs of her shifting occurring- rippling skin, popping bones beneath Raina's hands- when Alex's shout broke through her instincts, halting her stops. For several moments she remains staring, well, actually glaring, up at Raina, her skin still rippling, threatening to sprout fur. But after a few moments she lets out another snarl and shoves Raina away from her, even after Raina has already backed off, roughly enough for her to hit the wall before she stands, beginning to pace the packed quarters rapidly. She says nothing, but she does not attack anyone either. Sheena is still barely under control, but there is no way she's letting Alex take her back.

How dare Raina keep lying to her like dare she call her a pup, a mutt, a blind idiot? Before the day was out, she was going to rip that tongue out of her little vampire head if she didn't watch it. If they weren't on a freaking jet, if them crashing wouldn't take Alex down with them, Raina would be a dead vamp.

Despite her rage, however, part of what Raina said did stick with her. Not trusting wasn't that. It wasn't that she didn't trust her, or think that Faith wasn't her sister. But Lina was her sister too. And Faith...she didn't understand Lina like Sheena did. She didn't always know everything.

Still, it bothered her. And that pissed her off even more.
Flower looks at him and then climbs down. "Jace if I haven't done anything to you yet i'm sure your safe." She said and then looked around the cave. She blinked looking at the different passage ways. Her eyes widen and she suddenly started walking suddenly a hidden passage appeared. She went down that one as if drawn there. In fact she had no control. She walked down it unabled to be stopped. She entered a cavern. She looked at the pool of clear water and took off her cloak. Since the secret place was basicly controling her, she had no nervousness she normaly did with the shortness of the tunic. She set the cloak on the ground and went into the water. She looked up, her keys floating in the air.
Raina watches as Sheena paces back and forth, not seeming at all surprised by Sheena's reaction or her skin rippling - she's fought Lycans before. Her eyes remain on the girl as she paces, eyes flicking back and forth to follow her. She remains silent, desperately wanting to ask her if she was annoyed in a baby tone, just to piss her off that bit more, but she's not stupid, so she remains silent, allowing Sheena to calm.

She does however sigh, she pulls her feet up onto the chair so that her knees are sticking up, and she wraps her arms around her legs, resting her forehead on her knees so she is curled up in the fetus position. Her long black hair drapes around her, covering her face from both Alex and Sheena as she still doesn't speak a word. Of course, she doesn't realize she could be seen as weak right now, in the curled up position, she just thinks it shows her boredom.

She is desperately trying now - as Sheena is - to control herself, to control her emotions. Except her emotions aren't of anger and fury, but instead of sadness and confusion. She needs to stop now, stop thinking. Stop thinking about herself, about anything to do with who she is. She needs to shut up the millions of conflicting thoughts in her head, some even telling her that maybe she's still stuck in the mind of that ten year old girl who lost her family, another one is claiming Raina's stuck at the age of fourteen, when she lost her virginity in an unpleasant way. Some say she's not stuck in an age at all, that this is who Raina is now, and that she should deal with it.

But she needs to ignore all of that. If she breaks infront of Sheena and Alex - as she seems to be doing so often lately - then she probably would have to kill herself. So she lifts her head, allowing only her eyes to show as her nose and mouth hides behind her knees, still hugging them. She watches Sheena again. Not speaking. Maybe even waiting for her to speak.


Jace shrugs, she did have a point. "Ok, I'm trusting you Flower." Jace then began to frown as she walked away, becoming almost in a trance like state as she moved quickly, more and more secret passageways opening up. "Flower? Flower are you okay?" When he didn't get a response, well that freaked Jace out even more.

He followed her quickly, pausing as she took off her cloak and entered the pool, he averted his eyes in the space between her removing her cloak and her entering the pool, looking back once he heard the splash of water. Sethos may be an insane, sick murderous demon. But Jace wasn't Sethos. Sure when he first arrived here, they were merged, almost one person, but since attending this school, since spending time with Flower and Raina, they had become more and more separate, more easy to tell apart, and they both seemed to have grown their own personalities, their own views on people.

He frowned as her keys floated, "Uh, Flower? What's happening?"
It took Sheena almost ten full minutes of pacing and glowering to begin to slow her heartbeat to a normal pace, to have her aggressive instincts calm. She is far from sedate or happy, but she is not a split second from attacking. Still, she is on edge, harboring continued anger as she finally comes to a stop. She speaks to Alex first, her voice very deliberate, stiff, but her eyes are on Raina.

"Sorry, Alex. If it happens again I'll just go ahead and kill her so I won't have to control myself later." She isn't able to keep from that comment; however, immediately after she knows that it will undoubtedly provoke yet another fight from Raina, and she backs down. Somewhat.

"Okay, okay, fine. I won't kill her. If she doesn't make me." It's not much of a promise, and Sheena knows it. So she tries one more time, this time looking directly at Raina.

"I'm not here for you or anything to do with you, I'm here for my SISTER. To help her. So what you think or doesn't matter. You're here because my dad wants you to be, I don't know why, maybe to punish me for something I did months ago or something. And I'm not gonna let you being here keep me from doing what I have to."

That said, she looks Raina over more closely, and is surprised to see the girl hugging her knees to her chest like a child. Is Raina upset over the talk about Atherton? Is that why she's being such a b*tch and lying about Lina?

It shouldn't matter. Sheena isn't going to feel sorry for her.
*Alex hates to admit to himself or to Sheena that Raina is right about Eve, no he hasn't witness anything Raina has mentioned but his gut is telling him Eve is a twisted person and is playing games with Sheena, his biggest fear is he's going to have to kill Eve, which would probably make Sheena hate him forever, just as things were getting good for them. The thing is Raina was being all smudge about all this, after all who is she to talk down about Eve, I bet you need a super computer to count all the people she's fed on.* Listen to me both of you, there is enough stuff out there that will be trying to kill us, the only edge we get is to go in with our minds clear and the only way we can have our minds clear is to leave all the problems and drama from home behind, once we're back from our mission if you two want to battle it out that's fine but for now, you need to keep your focus. *Finally getting to the drop site, Alex hovers the jet about 50 feet above the tree tops and unstraps himself.* Ok let's get the show on the road, we'll drop into the jungle from here and fast track it 11 clicks to the temple.
Flower looks at him and then falls back. She catches herself. "AH!" She looks at herself. "AH! What the heck!" She said and then pulls the tunic down. She then looks around. "Ok...when did I get here?" She asked Jace and then looks at the wall with three key holes in it. She blinks and slowly walks over putting her keys into each hole. A bunch of light flashed at Flower and the bones of her family appeared above her. "Ok...that's creepy." She said and watched as they reanimated. She felt compelled to get out of the water so she did.

Ben opened his eyes and gasped. "AH!" He and the others dropped into the water. Ben slowly got up and looked at his dripping clothes. "Not what I wanted for my awakening." He said and then slowly helpped Kira up and smiled. He looked at Flower and then ran to her. "Flower!" he yelled and picked her up spinning her. "Look at you!"

Flower screamed and laughed. "Dad!" She said and then hugged him tightly as he set her down. Kira and Sara joined into the hug untill they all fell down. Flower laughed and looked at Sara appearently she was aged. "Ah...and I was looking forward to being the older sister." She said and then screamed as Sara rubbed her head hard to mess up her hair.

"NEVER!" Sara yelled and then looked at Jace she smirked. "Jace dear boy." She got an evil smirk and held up her fist. "Come here Jacy boy i got a long over do smack." She said and then rushed over to him.

Hunter got out of the water and then shook out her fur. She still had Sethos' mark on the back of her neck. She looked at Jace and then growled at him loudly. "Jace."
Lil stiffened when Liza asked about what this bad girl did. How was she going to explain this to her? Mel killed hundreds of people for no apparent reason other than she could. She forced two people into becoming her demonic servants. She . . . she . . .

"She . . . she hurt a lot of people, Liza. She's a big bully and . . . she hates cats." Lil thought more. This probably wasn't enough to convince the little girl to avoid Mel. "She's just a very bad person. She doesn't care who she hurts and I don't think your mama will like you getting near her." Lil didn't want to think of what could happen to Liza should she anger that person. She herself knew all too well.

She smiled at Liza. "Well that's pretty long. I bet you're super strong right now. I hope your mom can do the same with me."
"She hates cats? I got a kitty...I like cats!" Liza says with her brow furrowed in continued concern, for the moment skipping right past the part about killing people. "How come she hates cats? They're soft and cuddly and nice..."

Then the "hurting people" part sinks in, and she frowns more deeply. Finally, after some thought, she says, "She sounds bad. I'll have to help her be good, I guess." Already this is a goal in Liza's head, and once she gets an idea, her stubborn ways make it rather hard to shake her of it.

She nods and smiles up at Lil, agreeing with her readily. "Uh huh I'm strong. Real strong. And I can fight and stuff. Plus also my mama is strong. But guess what, I'm even stronger than my mama I think. 'Cause she's just a Slayer and I'm a keyholder. Plus also I'm a princess."
Lil laughed at Liza's determination to change Mel. "I don't think she can be changed, Liza. She's been hurting people for a long time now. When you've been at it for so long, it might be hard to change back." Especially when you've never been good to start with, she thought.

"A keyholder?" Lil said with an amazed tone. "You must be super powerful then. I've met a few keyholders before. They were really strong. What sort of powers do you have?" Her ears perked up at the princess comment. "Really? What sort of princess are you?" Mel herself was a princess, but not by blood or right. She forcefully took the title of Princess of Lucifer. And she was even proud of it. Only someone like her could even enjoy a title that meant you were evil. She was going to keep Liza away from Mel. If not, her innocent mind could be tainted by her.
"It might be hard," Liza agrees, but then shrugs, undaunted. "But I can do it. I can help her. Plus also everyone really wants to be good, I think. Sometimes they just don't even know it is all. And no one's been nice to them so if I'm nice to them then they'll be nice."

Pleased at Lil's compliments, she nods again. "I can make lightning. Plus also I'm strong. And I can heal people when they're hurt and I can teleport. And I'm a princess 'cause my daddy is a king. He's got a place he's king of and he just made Sheena Legs a princess there too on her birthday. She don't like dresses but I do. You're supposed to wear dresses when you're a princess, you know."

Stepping inside the academy with her, she began to lead her down the halls, pointing places out as she goes. "That's where we eat. That's where we fight. That's where books are. That's where we gotta learn like reading and stuff. That's where the boys sleep. That's where the girls sleep. I think you gotta go up to the front office to say you're new though."


Sheena nods tightly as they land, barely waiting two seconds to grab her gear and exit the jet. Looking back to see if the others are following, she takes a deep breath in, lets it out. Focus. Control. Not letting that b*tch get the best of her...yep.

Some ten miles away, Evangeline is landing as well. As her hijacked pilot lets out a breath, his eyes darting towards her, Evangeline stretches and smiles down at him, patting the top of his head.

"A deal is a deal...don't worry, I won't kill you," she announces. "But I never said I wouldn't feed on you."

With that she jerks back his head, her sharp fangs piercing his throat, and begins to drink of him deeply, enjoying the man's cry of pain and terror, the way his arms batted at her weakly. But as usual, once she was drinking, she could not stop herself, could not pull back and regain control, and it was not long before the man was lying dead across the pilot seat. Evangeline shrugged, wiping her lips with the back of her hand, as she casually stepped off the plane.

"Oh well...if wishes were ponies."
Jace shrugged, "You walked here, you were in a trance or something." Then, as the bones appeared and the three began to reanimate, Jace's eyes widened. He watched as they fell into the pool and as they hugged Flower. He found himself smiling at them all, he was glad they were back. Jace's own step-father Malcolm worked nearly all hours, so he and his Mum spent nearly all day everyday at Flower's house. Since his Mum was best friends with Flower's parents, he felt almost like Ben and Kira were his second parents, maybe Ben was even his first in his eyes, since he never really liked Malcolm anyway. He watched Ben with a grin, feeling like his own dad had just came back to life. Of course, he hadn't seen Ben, Kira and even Sara since he was ten, so he wasn't sure if they would feel the same way anymore...especially after what he had done.

Jace chuckled as Sara messed up Flower's hair, still standing a bit away from the family when Sara noticed him and raised a fist, his eyes widened, "No no no! Stay back Sara! I've still got a headache from the last time you hit me!" He moved backwards, to avoid her smack, when he heard his name being growled. He looked over to see Hunter clambering out of the pool and his eyes widened even more, his face paled to the point of looking like a ghost and he held up his hands in defense. "Hunter! PLEASE don't kill me!!! I'm really, really sorry that Sethos murdered you...but you're alive now!!" He pleaded desperately as she got closer, "Plus, IfYouKillMeYouKillFlowerSoDon'tKillMe!" He blurted out the last few words so fast it was hard to understand, since Hunter was now in attacking range. His form shimmered and he turned translucent, so if Hunter did leap - or even if Sara did slap him - she'd go right through him.


Raina merely rolls her eyes as Sheena says she'll kill her, and even dares to mutter a, "Go ahead." Still keeping her nose and lips hidden behind her knees, she watches Sheena as she speaks to her, she doesn't say anything in response, and as Alex announces they are here and unstraps. Raina drops her feet back to the ground and unstraps herself, looking to Alex before he drops, "Have I got time to call Macal, or do you want to go kill Atherton right now?"

She needs to speak to Macal either now or when she gets back. She needs to ask him what he meant, when he called her his family, whether he actually meant it, or whether it was a slip of the tongue. Maybe, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if Macal considered her family. He was powerful, really powerful. He helped her almost kill Jace the other day, gave her an awesome sword, not to mention he was impeccably strong. And, she wouldn't have to worry about losing him, because he was strong enough to beat any enemies she had, the only worry she had with Fathers was what her Dad did to her - and Macal didn't seem like the type to do those sort of things at all.

Yeah, she needed to speak to him.
Suddenly everyone stopped. Ben looked up and then looked at Hunter who slowly backed up with her tail between her legs. "Jace...Come here." he said and then glanced at Flower who was confused. Kira walked over to Flower and smiled. When Kira stepped close to flower it was like Kira was an older verstion of Flower. However all eyes were on Ben. He knew what had happened with Jace but what was he going to do?
*Alex glares at Raina* If you have important information for MY Op then you tell me and then I decide rather or not to send it up the chain, remember I'm in charge here and my orders stand this Athertonand all his children are to be terminated *Grabbing his rifle he drops out of the jet to the ground, and looks back at the girls* Anything you two want to say, you better say it now cause once we get moving it's silence and hand signals. *He waits for them to speak especially Raina who he now suspects is holding back even more information then she said on the way here.* Sheena you got point, Raina support and I'll sweep, is everyone clear on this? Now weapons tight and suppressed for now. *Last thing he does is type in something on his bracer, suddenly the scram jet cloaks and slowly rises back into the clouds. *Jet has about 9 hours of fuel left, the trip back will take 3 so we have a 6 hour window to finish this op.
"I'm ready," Sheena tells Alex, taking up her sword and sticking it into the sheath strapped over her back and chest. She looks at Alex's rifle, wondering what in the world he can really do with that since you can't SHOOT a vampire to death. Although she wouldn't mind trying it out on Raina just for the enjoyment of it.

Cutting her eyes towards Raina, she wonders what she wants to call Macal for. What, did she want to tell on Sheena fighting with her? Or ask him to send someone to take her back home? Why would she want to talk to her dad?

"What do you want to talk to Macal for?" she asks stiffly. "Alex is in charge. He knows what he's doing. What does Macal have to do with anything?"

Miles from her landing site, Evangeline is running at full speed, her hair whipping back, everything a blur about her. With her connection, she knows exactly where Atherton is, and she has every intention of reaching him before her sister and the others can first. She is not sure how he will react to her presence, but surely, he will thank her, even welcome her. He will help her win Sheena over...perhaps even turn her. Surely, he will be grateful for her help.

Enough to help her rid herself of the others, even.
Jace frowned as Ben asked him to go over to him, the freaky thing was that everyone had stopped, fallen silent, so that put a bit of pressure and subtle fear on Jace. But, as he looked at Ben, pausing for a moment, he realized that he didn't need to worry, he trusted Ben. Even more than he trusted himself. So even if he did strike him, he wouldn't hold it against the man. He sure did deserve it.

So, after about a second of hesitation, Jace nodded and walked over to Ben, stopping infront of him to look up at the slightly taller man. It was odd now, he was only the tiniest bit shorter than Ben now, whereas he used to have to crane his neck to look up at the man.


Raina rolled her eyes at Alex and followed him as he dropped down, "Oh calm down both of you." She spoke her next words with a hard tone, as if she didn't want to be questioned on it, "It's nothing to do with the op, I just need to talk to Macal about something." Her eyes cast to Sheena as she spoke sharply, "Got a problem with that?"

It was obvious she was outnumbered here no matter what she said, if someone were to get left behind on this op, it would be here. It was clear neither Sheena or Alex liked her in the slightest - not that she cared of course - but it still sucked that no matter her opinion, they wouldn't care anyway. She was expendable on this op; and she didn't like that.

She then looked to Alex, her body is tense and it is clear she is not comfortable in their presence, "Can I call him or not? If not, then yeah, I'm ready."
Ben looked at jace and smiled. he grabbed Jace pulling him into a hug giving him a rough rub on his head. "When did you get so tall!" He asked and then held Jace there just messing with him. Flower and Sara bursted out laughing while Kira stood there with a wide smile. Ben didn't blame was Sethos he blamed. Ben knew very well how hard being a half demon was. In fact....he blamed the king most of all.
*Alex turns to Raina he looks truly pissed now* You got a comm badge call him if you want, just remember before you do that and compromise our position cause we are in a known area were a hostile enemy would love to get their hands on 3 S.H.I.E.L.D Agents and you haven't met evil until you've met Lady Viper who I'm sure will take pleasure in cutting on you for months..Not for information just for the fun of it. So whatever you have to say to him that is about this op you say to me, if it's not about this op then shut ya trap do your job and then you can tell Director Cord when you get back! Until then like Sheena said, this is my mission so get on board or get out the way, now move it we're wasting time! Oh and Raina since I know you're a petty ill-tempered little girl and will think what I'm saying is personal, it isn't I actually have no problems with you but when you put my mission and my team in jeopardy then we have a problem.

*Back on Titan Macal is sitting at his desk, saitisfied that this new threat is being prepared for, he allocates a spy bird over South America, locking in on the teams badges he watches their progress of lack of, they're stalled for some reason, so maybe they need a push or a shove. He pushes his comm* This is Executive Order, 42 has been compromised.... Protocol 66 is in affect..Flash and Burn. *Back in the jungle high above the tree line 42 the scram jet the team came in on blows up, the trail of a missile the only evidence to what happened to it.* Ok kid, you're in charge how will you adapt now that your extraction is gone?
Lil smiled at Liza. With a will like hers, maybe Mel could be changed. But then she thought of what Mel has accomplished and frowned. Lil just couldn't find it in herself to forgive the masked girl enough to wish that she could be changed. Her solemn expression turned cheery before she went back to Liza. "Well, I think if you try hard enough, you might be able to change her."

She listened as Liza listed her abilities. "Wow you really are strong. I can only control wind and fly right now, but I hope I can get stronger with just these powers." She giggled as Liza commented on princesses and dresses. "Yeah, when you think of princesses, you do think of dresses. But not all princesses have to wear dresses. I mean, there are lots of different types of princesses out there. If they were all the same then no one would be special."

Lil thanked Liza as she showed the angel to the office. She went and got her room assignment before returning to the young keyholder. As she opened the door to her room, she quickly rummaged her bag and pulled out a white ribbon before tossing the bag into the room. She then handed the ribbon to Liza. "Just something to thank you for all your help today."
Raina glared outright at Alex as he snapped at her now, speaking harshly. "Excuse me commander stressy, but I asked a simple question. Yes or No would have done just fine. No need to freak out." When he speaks about not knowing evil until she's met someone called Lady Viper who would cut her for months, just for the fun of it, her lips press tight together and she holds back from blurting out something she'd regret later. She knew evil that sounded worse than that, evil that HAD cut her for months just for the fun of it, not to mention doing some other pretty twisted things to do. So she instead snapped back with, "You don't know the level of evil I've met Alex. So you shut YOUR trap. Misson or not unlike you two I don't actually care what happens here, so piss me off too much and maybe I'll ruin this whole mission for you by rushing off and telling Atherton exactly what you're doing." She threatened darkly, expecting a retaliation of some sort.

But before either of them could snap back or even leap at her - in Sheena's case - an explosion occurred behind Raina and she spun around to see the aircraft was gone, a missile trail the only thing left. She groaned, "Sh*t. Someone blew up the plane." She spun around to face Sheena and Alex, serious now. "Ok. Fine. I'll play good for now. Lead the way Mr. InCharge."


Jace grinned as Ben rubbed his head, laughing and struggling out of Ben's grip as he grinned at him, eyes lit up for the first time in a while, a very blue colour right now, "Thanks for that Ben." He muttered, trying to put his hair back, you could tell he wasn't really mad though, because of the undeniable grin on his face. He paused, "Uh, sorry to ruin the whole, 'yay!' moment....but how the heck are you guys alive right now?" He glanced to Kira, Flower and Sara, "Flower told me you guys passed away a little while after I left."

He was worried one of the three would mention his Father and Mother's death, how they knew it was him - well Sethos - who killed Malcolm. Maybe even ask if he killed his Mum.
Kira looks at Jace and then smiles. "This place is where key holders were's magical...if you will. We did die...but this place sensed Flower really needed us." she said and then hugged Flower who started getting watery. "M-mom!' She said and then looked away. Ben smiled and then nodded to Jace. He walked over and patted Flower's Head. "It's ok dear..." He said and then sighed. "They will pay for taking advantage of my daughter." he said and then looked around. "I think it is time we leave." He said and then started walking back.

Nick was looking around for Faye. He looked around and then sighed putting his hands into his pockets and then smiled. He looked as a few girls were whispering and he looked away walking around. He really was beating himself up about what happened. He looked around wanting to talk to faye. Even worse he was iching for attention.
Jace frowned as he listened to Ben's words. This place is magical? It sensed Flower need them? He looked down as they started to walk off. Then, he heard the one voice he never wanted to hear ever again. Sethos.

Can't you feel it Jace? There's someone we need to bring back. We can do it, now.

Sethos! What the heck are you doing? Go away! Flower sai---

I don't care what that bit*h said. Listen to me. We can bring back Raina's dad. Finish the job we started.

You mean the job you started!

He killed Meili.

Jace's hands started shaking and his eyes widened. He had nothing to say back to that. Sethos had won. "F-Flower!" Jace managed to stutter out in a panicked tone. He noticed Ben, Kira and Sara had already gone, but Flower paused as he stuttered out her name. Then a smirk spread across his face and he looked up with black eyes. Before Flower could understand what he was doing, Sethos had sped over to her, stopped infront of her and grabbed the keys around her neck, ripping them away from her, "Thanks Flowerbud." He grinned and then moved away from her, looking to the pool as he shouted out, "KOL! KOL SHARPE! GET THE FU*K OUT HERE SO I CAN KILL YOU!" He held up the keys and then watched as the body of Kol appeared and reanimated. He groaned and Sethos took no time in dropping Flower's keys and rushing over to Kol Sharpe, Raina's Father.

He grabbed the man by the throat and slammed him to the floor before Kol could even realize he was alive. "I'm going to tear your limbs off." Sethos hissed, his voice merged into many. Kol blinked his black eyes up at Sethos before a smirk spread across his face, "'Ello Sethos. Where's Jace? I'd love to talk to 'im instead." Sethos growled, and the shadows crept towards him, heading straight for Kol.

(Just to let you know, I'm hoping to make Kol flash out of there before he can be seriously harmed, so just don't make Flower stab him through the heart or anything O.o )

Faye was actually looking around for Raina, planning to spend some time with her big sister and also ask her about what happened to Hayley. She sighed as she padded around the academy, dressed in her usual outfit of a colourful top, - today it was blue - denim shorts and bare feet. She peered around corners, making twists and turns down hallways before she groaned and sat back against the wall for a minute. Maybe she'd go train for a bit.

(Oooh, who's gonna find Faye first? Michael or Nick? >.> I could imagine Nick getting really protective if he saw Michael and Faye together)
Flower eyes widen. She drops to her knees and then blinked. Her keys suddenly were around her neck again. If they were off any longer she would die. She looked up and her eyes widen. "Oh crap." She said and then jumped up. She blasted light at them both. "SETHOS!" She yells at him and then glares very angry. "You fool what the heck are you thinking!"

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