Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Hayley did the best she could against Faye, but she knew she was not that good at all. She was tempted to say something to the girl, maybe ask if they could hang out, when she felt a tug on her arm, and then someone almost yanking her away from everyone else.

Class was over it seemed, but Hayley wasn't paying attention to that part. She looked to see that someone she didn't know was now standing in front of her. Hayley didn't recall her being in class nor being introduced. This confused the shifter. Did she just get here and missed the class or was she not new after all but doing...something else until now. Hayley couldn't tell. She was new herself.


"You are Hayley right? I am Jinn," Jinn told the shifter when she nodded. There was no question. She was his daughter. But sadly her skills were not up to par. But Jinn could change that.

"I'm new here and I wanted to look around. You seemed new yourself. Would you like to join me?"

Hayley thought about it, looking back at Faye and then to the half-elf and nodded. "Sure why not."

Jinn did well with keeping a friendly face, but inside she was smirking. She was sure it wouldn't be that hard to get the girl to leave.


Kesson was disappointed (and sort of relieved) to see he had arrived late. He looked at Sky and bowed at her. "Thank you."

He saw Zelda was still around and despite his earlier thoughts, approached her. He bowed a little, smiling at his friend. "Hello Zelda. Did I miss an interesting class?"
Zelda looks at him and then shook her head no. "no not really. Flower ran off and James and Nick got into it a bit. Other then some instruction...nothing else happened." She said and then looks at him and then stood up. "I see Sky took you to class." She said and then pushed her hair behind her ear. "Lose your way?" She asked.
Chameleon grinned at her, "No, not Rai. She's sweet, but there's another girl I like." He smiles, looking down almost nervously, "She's really kind, and pretty, she's great with animals." He said, thinking of her pet Swift and even how she had a horse, though he didn't know it's name, "She can stand up for herself aswell." He then frowns as he remembers how they had last spoke. "But I messed it up." He murmured and then looked up at her distractedly.

He then grins lightly, "Where's the dragon?" He repeats her question before closing his eyes, picturing the dragon he had shifted into when he calmed James. "Just watch." He muttered, then, his skin colour began to change to a greeny-blue, and in a few seconds he had shifted into a green-blue dragon. He opened his eyes to look at Sheena and they were a bright yellow, it seemed almost as if the dragon grinned as he bowed down so that Sheena could climb onto his back easily. When he spoke, his voice was a bit deeper than usual, matching the dragon appearance, "I promise not to make you into a roast Lycan."


Jace watched with wide eyes as the book blasted Flower, "Is it supposed to do that?" He asked, standing behind her a bit. He glanced around nervously, as if Hunter would leap out at any moment and attack him. She was dead. He watched Sethos kill her. She was dead.

He then, as Flower calmed the book and began to talk to it, grinned lightly, watching her with amusement in his eyes, especially as she blushed. Resisiting the urge to tell her she looked cute when she blushed. Yeah, that would go down well. You kill her life long best friend then tell her how cute she is. He's surprised she's even letting him stand beside her right now.

Jace was unable to stop himself from laughing as the book smacked Flower in the head, then, as he caught a glimpse of the page it was on, he stepped closer, just behind Flower's shoulder now, close enough for her to feel his body heat as he spoke, "Wait, what's that?" He reached over and pulled the book away from her face, so that they could look at the page. "What's that place?" He asked, pointing to the wrighting of the secret place. "It says secret place, right?"


Raina had cleaned herself up, tied her hair back in a long ponytail that fell to her lower back and was dressed in black shorts, black top, long black boots and a gun strap that could be hidden if she put on a skirt or dress over it. Her face actually looked sweet and feminine with her hair back, she didn't look so harsh and you could see her prominently pretty cheekbones.

She was currently searching for Sheena, having finished her search of the school, and she pushed open the doors to go outside. After a while of strolling around, she spotted two people up on the roof. Rolling her eyes, she clambered up the side pretty easily and got there just in time to watch Chameleon transform. She grinned and looked to the dragon, speaking loudly enough for both of them to hear, "Mind if I hitch a ride aswell?" She then glanced to Sheena, the smile going flat. She was still sour about Sheena getting her sister back. "I'm coming with you and Alex, got convinced by Liza and sort of Macal."

Chameleon turned his head in dragon form and blinked at Raina, shocked at seeing her with her hair all pulled off of her face. She looked really pretty. Like, princess material sort of pretty - which he'd know all about of course, considering he'd met nearly all of them.

(P.S Haha, just remembered Chameleon never got to the dance so he never saw how pretty Raina looked in her dress with her hair back. And oh dear, heart broken Chameleon!!! [MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION] , could you just post a leaving scene where Chameleon sees Rosa leaving the school, he flies down and says goodbye? So that he knows she is gone? Oh, and Jace should be able to touch it right? 'Cause he's a key-holder and right now there is no trace of Sethos, he hasn't spoken a word/thought since Jace screamed at him earlier.)

(P.P.S Raina's outfit!
Sheena snorted aloud, unable to contain her amusement at Chameleon's description of Raina as "sweet." "Sweet? What the hell, now I KNOW you're in love with her."

But as he continues to describe his wannabe-lover-girl, her expression becomes more thoughtful. It sounds like he's talking about Rosa. "Mess it up? How'd you do that?"

When Chameleon shifts into his dragon form, Sheena is startled, taking a few steps back. It doesn't take her long to recover enough to grin back at him, her eyes raking over his form with some admiration. "You really are a chameleon...can you turn into those too?" She laughs, then reaches out to pat his neck before somewhat awkwardly beginning to climb onto him. "Cool, never thought I'd touch one of these without ending up with a missing hand."

The one in her hair, given to her for protection by her father, didn't count; generally it looked like a decorative comb and barely moved, and it certainly wasn't a full sized dragon like this who could fly her.

"Um...can you fly me to this certain area though? Well, I need you to drop me off sort of in the middle of nowhere, but close to where I need to be, because where I need to be is sort of a private area."

Hearing the sounds of someone climbing the building, Sheena turns and sees Raina, pulling herself up to the top. She stiffens, bracing herself for another verbal war, but Raina's announcement is not at all what she'd expected. She blinks, then gives her a hesitant smile, an attempt at civility.

"Yeah Liza's good at that. The whole pretty please guilt trip thing." She doubts this one will work out well, and she has no idea why Macal would allow it, let alone endorse it...but whatever.

Turning back to Chameleon, she says, "Ready, I'll tell you when to drop. It's a field about half a mile away, we can walk from there."


Outside the academy, Evangeline is rapidly leaving the grounds. Once she is off of school property, she will take off into a run. It is her intention to steal and drive the first car she can find and then drive it to a private airplane hangar, not the one which Alex will be flying out from, but one a good ten miles away.

She will be going to South America, and she is already planning out what it will take to get herself there.
Flower looks at him as he stepped close to her. She raised an eyebrow at him and then shook her head. "Yes the place were key holders were in a sense born." she said and then read the book more. "Um." she closed the book. "Maybe I shouldn't let you read this." she said. "Not that I don't mind you it's Sethos I'm worried about." she said and then looks at the book. She had gotten the information she needed. She turned to Jace. "I have something I need to do...would you mind coming along?" she asked. __________________________
Kesson was actually glad to hear that not much had gone on when he wasn't here. He would have hated to miss something important. He was also glad to have avoided what sounded like a fight. Kesson hated unnecessary fighting and he wasn't in the mood to see one happen.

Kesson looked at the eagle with a small smile. "Yeah. I was in Flower's garden and Sky followed me from it. I guess she's taken a liking to me," Kesson said with a small shrug. He wasn't entirely sure about that. But she did help him out.

"And yeah I guess I did. After that tour you did, I feel a little bad about it."


Lekki wasn't sure where she was going as she teleported. She had learned that she had missed class, but it was worth it to get to spend time with Mar. She saw that she had teleported near a couple of people just as Chameleon turned into the dragon. She paused for a moment, to register what had just occurred, but it didn't faze her too long. At this school, she was sure she had to expect everything.

She looked over at them. It seemed two of them (one of the girls and the dragon) were going off somewhere. She thought she recognize them from class, but she wasn't sure of their names. Lekki felt bad for not remembering them. She wondered if she could talk to the remaining girl, though the others had yet to leave, or just go off on her own. She was always open to making new friends and she did have time. But for now she stayed back.
*About 3 miles above Chameleon, Raina and Sheena, 2 S.H.I.E.L.D Katana Fighters on patrol spot an unusual sight and decide to get a closer look, using their optical cloaking that fly a bit lower.*

Fighter 1: I think something is wrong with my O2 output cause I'm seeing things.

Fighter 2: Well then something is wrong with mine to, cause I'm seeing it two...2 girls on a dragon right.

*Both pilots double check their oxygen mask and find it's all good.*

Fighter 2: You better call this in.

Fighter 1: Me call it in, why the hell would I do that, how am I suppose to call this in?

Fighter 2: Hey I'm flight leader you're my wing, so call it in!

*Pilot sighs and clicks on his throat mic*

Fighter 1: Umm ummm Titan this Jeopardy Wing...Umm we seem to come across a couple of girls riding a dragon on the edge of our airspace.

Titan: {Static} Come again Jeopardy Wing, please repeat last. {Static}

*Pilot is cursing his bad luck silently, just a few yards away he can see his flight leader laughing.*

Fighter 1: I repeat I have 2 girls riding a dragon on the edge of our airspace, please advise.

Titan: {Static} Let me get this straight, you said 2 girls riding a dragon correct? {Static}

Fighter 1: Umm Rodger Titan 2 girls riding a goddamn dragon!

Titan: {Static} Son check your O2 output.

Fighter 1: O2 is fine I'm not imagining this, my flight leader also sees them, Titan please advise!

Titan: {Static} Standby Jeopardy Wing.

*On Titan Macal had just arrived in the War Room, he can hear what's happening in Comm, pressing a button on the table to connect directly to the Comm Officer*

Macal: It's fine, tell Jeopardy Wing to stand down, as long as the dragon leaves our airspace once the two girls are off of his, if he continues into it without them you are authorized to contain and detain.

Titan: {Static} Jeopardy Wing, Executive Director Cord's order are to back off, once the dragon delivers it's package it is to clear our airspace or be detained.

Fighter 1: Rodger Titan, remaining cloak and pulling back for observation.

Fighter 2: You're lucky Director Cord was there otherwise they were gonna fit your ass for a straitjacket when you get back.

Fighter 1: What's next Santa and his reindeer?

Fighter 2: Hey! I don't care what anyone says Santa can fly where he wants!
Chameleon looks to her as she snorts, quick to defend Raina, but he still sighs before he speaks, "Hey she's not that bad. She's just deeply misunderstood." He then tries to change the topic, ignoring her question about how he messed it up, and taking her words about him being a Chameleon instead. "Yeah I can turn into those aswell. My dad was the one who chose my name because of it, it was the first animal I shifted into aswell." He grunts lightly, muttering, "My Mother wanted to call me Jonathon or William." You can hear his clear distaste at those names.

Chameleon decides against nodding, since it might shake Sheena a bit, and instead begins to answer, "Yeah I can drop you off wherever."

Raina had clambered just in time to hear Chameleon say she was 'deeply misunderstood' and she rolled her eyes, barely giving Sheena a second glance as she also climbs onto the dragon. "Deeply misunderstood? That's a bit over dramatic, isn't it?" She grinned lightly as Chameleon took off suddenly, looking down as the ground got farther and farther away. "If anyone's misunderstood here it's the dragon-shifter-Chameleon boy who attends a Fighting Academy yet refuses to fight." Chameleon rolled his yellow eyes - which of course neither of them could see - and responded in the same tone he had been speaking with earlier, "Says the vampire girl who pushes everyone away yet secretly wants someone to actually care about her." Raina 'pfft's' at him but her grip tightens slightly on Chameleon's sides, "I don't want anyone to care about me, it's just a waste of everyone's time 'cause I'll find a way to fu*k it up anyway."

Chameleon didn't respond to that, he felt a bit strange suddenly, like he was being watched. But as he glanced up with yellow cautious eyes, nothing appeared to be above him so he looked back down and carried on his way.

Raina, now that Chameleon had shut up, decided maybe she'd see what this whole trip was about anyway, "So, why are we actually going to South America?" She directed her words at Sheena, "And why does Macal think it'd be a good idea for me to come along?"


Jace frowned as she closed the book, announcing she shouldn't let him see it. He initially felt hurt rise inside of him, stepping back from her, but then she mentioned Sethos and he nodded, still feeling a bit dejected as he looked down. "Yeah, that's probably true. He can see everything I can. He just can't comment or move.."

When she spoke of having something to do, and that they'd have to go somewhere, he shrugged. "No I don't mind. Guess it's probably best to stick with you for a bit anyway. You seem to be the only person so far who can kick Sethos back where he belongs." He then began to follow her, "Where are we going though?"
"Misunderstood, huh?" Sheena smirked as Raina joined them. "Should I start calling you Misunderstood Raina...Missy for short?"

But she was listening as Raina denied Chameleon's description of her as wanting people to care...especially when Raina said that it was a "waste of time" for people to care, that she would "f*ck it up anyway." Because that sounded all too familiar to Sheena. It was exactly how she had felt about the Cords at first, and exactly how she had felt about Alex for almost a year.

She knew better than to say so aloud to Raina, but she refrained from further teasing as she spoke to Chameleon instead.

"You know, kinda surprised Faith hasn't made you fight know she's gonna sooner rather than later, right?"

As Raina questioned her about their upcoming journey, Sheena turned her head towards her, her hair now whipping around her face and partly into Raina's as well as Chameleon's wings beat through the sky, carrying them smoothly.She relished the feeling of being up high, of the wind again her face and back, of the feeling that she, too, was flying, and it took concentration for her to focus enough on other things to answer.

" know Eve? We're gonna kill her sire. The vampire that made her a vampire. I guess he thought you'd be good with it because you can fight all right, and you're a vampire so you know a lot about them?"

She shrugged. "I know what Faith's taught me, and I've killed some sometimes. But it's not the big thing I've worked I guess he figured the more the better."

Coming to a plain about a five to ten minute walk from the hangar in which they needed to be, she gestured to Chameleon. "Land here, please...thanks."
Flower smiled and walked outside. "Kingdom Kira." she answered him. She walked to her motorcycle and took offf the blanket covering. The bike was black with dark pink flames and a white lunar flower on the front. She smiled. "Ah been a while." she said and held up the keys. "This is faster then a horse so bare with me....get on." she said and then sat down the the bike turnin it on. She smiled wider at the roar of he engine. She looked at jace waiting for him.
Zelda looks at him and then nods. "It's a big castle...and your fan girls can be distracting." she said and then got up. "Sky Flower is off with jace. Seems he or Sethos got into a fight." she said looking at the bird who flew off as soon as she stopped talking. She looked at Kesson and then looked away rubbing her head.
Raina lightly glared at Sheena as she spoke, "You call me Missy and I'll bite you." She threatened, but it was more of a muttered protest than anything, she was distracted by thoughts. But as Sheena mentioned killing Eve's sire, she smirked. "Oh gosh, why didn't anyone tell me sooner? This is gonna be funn"

Chameleon rolled his eyes and focused on Sheena's words, he didn't like them. So he didn't answer, not knowing what to say. He simply nodded as she told him where to land and once both girls had climbed off his back he switched into himself again, standing up to grin at them both.

Raina frowned at Chameleon, "Why'd you switch back? Aren't you about to fly back to school anyway?" Chameleon shrugged, "Thought I'd walk back. Plus, if I was still a dragon, I wouldn't be able to do this." He walked over and wrapped his arms around Raina in a tight hug. She struggled for a moment, but then for a split second, for the tiniest amount of time possible, she relaxed, she let him hug her. Then he let go and she instantly snapped out of it, pushing him back a bit, "What the heck! What was that for!" Chameleon chuckled lightly, "You're acting like I just punched you, calm down Rai." Raina glared at him, crossing her arms, "Don't ever hug me again." Chameleon rolled his eyes at her - again and spoke, "Come back in one piece, alright?" He glanced to Sheena briefly, "Both of you." He then nodded at them and turned around, walking away from the pair.

Raina still had her arms folded across her chest and she glared after him, shouting out, "Why do you care!!" Chameleon's grin could be heard in his voice and he spoke without turning, "'Cause your my friend Raina. Whether you like it or not." Raina growled lightly and within the space of a few seconds had pulled a dagger out of her boot and flung it at the back of Chameleon's neck. He effortlessly stepped to the side then flung his hand up and caught the weapon before it could pass him, flinging it up into the air. Raina watched as it did a perfect 360 spin and landed point down in the ground.

"Nice try Rai." Chameleon looked over his shoulder at the two girls, grinning with a sparkle in his blue eyes. Raina 'pffted' and grabbed the weapon, sliding it back into her boot and turning her back on Chameleon. She looked around skeptically, "So...where's the plane?" She let her eyes drift back to Sheena, "You haven't tricked me out into the middle of no-where so you and Miss.Slayer can kill me right? 'Cause that would piss me off."


Jace's eyes widened, "Kingdom Kira? Seriously?" His eyes only widened further as she showed him her motorbike. "You're taking ME to Kingdom Kira?" He glanced nervously at the bike, he wasn't scared of them, just scared of visiting the Kingdom. "Are you sure?" He met her eyes, "What if know....decides to show up?"

That would be disastrous, if Sethos took over when they were in the kingdom. He'd either become hunted and hated, or dead, either one.
"Missy's out then? about Prissy then? Or Sissy? No, I've got it....Sissy Missy Prissy!" Sheena snickered, shooting Raina a mischievous grin that rather rivaled Faith's, and in fact, her current teasing words sounded rather like something her older sister would say as well. "Yeah, I like it. Sissy Missy Prissy it is...I'll tell Faith about it too, I'm sure she'd be glad to call you SMP."

She smirked again as she watched the goodbye exchange between Chameleon and Raina, enjoying the fact that Chameleon not only didn't let Raina and her bad temper get the best of them, but also forced her to hug. She called out to him as he started to walk away, waving.

"Bye Leon, don't worry, we'll both be back with all our arms so you can hug Raina all over again! Aw, Raina, you've made a FRIEND, then?"

She grinned at Raina again, unable to stop her amusement at the girl's prickly reactions, and started to walk, indicating with a jerk of her head for her to follow. "Nah, it's this way, didn't want to have him land us exactly there because it's sort of supposed to be a secret. Where it is, I mean. We wouldn't want Jace or anyone else coming there you know..."

She continued to walk, not bothering to check and see if Raina was following her or not. If she did, fine, if not, well, Sheena wouldn't exactly cry into her pillow at night. But then again, she had just told Raina that they were killing Lina's sire...what if she decided not to go, and went back and told Lina? Lina would be so mad at her, even more than she was...

Trying to hide her discomfort at this, Sheena continued to walk, reaching the hangar about five minutes later. Walking up to Alex and giving him a quick hug, she said, "Sorry so late, kinda had a building climbing championship at stake. Not to mention a Sissy Missy Prissy to drag along."


Evangeline had never driven a car before. That didn't stop her from lurking in the closest parking lot she encountered outside of the academy grounds some ten miles away, under the cover of the darkening night sky. And it certainly didn't stop her from throwing open the driver's door, ripping the female driver from her seat, tearing the keys from her hand, and holding them tightly in her own while ripping out her throat with her teeth.

Evangeline drank from her deeply, but did not drain her; she would save her appetite for the main course, considering this human to be only an appetizer. Leaving her discarded, barely breathing, on the asphalt, she got into the car and started it up, driving with a heavy foot to the gas pedal in the direction of the nearest small, private airport. Surely it could not take long for someone to decide to make a flight.

It was some fifty minutes before she managed at last to locate it, having taken a wrong turn, had to stop and ask for directions (and immediately kill the unfortunate soul who had passed them on), and had enough of a time mastering the gas and brakes as to have the car's fender rather dented and several signs and mailboxes a casualty of her first driving experience before she pulled up to the gateway. To her, the supposed "airport" looked like nothing more than a very large field, with a gate about it, two small planes, and a few windsocks blowing in the night breeze. However, she was delighted to see a lone man walking about...pilot?

Within an hour's time, a small family was pulling up in their vehicle beside hers, and the man came to the gate, unlocking it to let them through. She watched them make their way leisurely towards the plane and knew that this was now the time for her to act.

Slipping out, she followed after them, blending in with the children as though one of them. It took until they were actually boarding the plane for anyone to look twice at her. And then it was too late.

The family father opened his mouth, blinking, as though to question her, but Evangeline moved fast. Seizing two of the three children by the arms, she broke their bones with a sickening crack, then threw them against the far side of the plane's interior. As the mother screamed, running to them, this effectively put her further inside the plane- trapped. The third child tried to run past her out the plane's opening, but Evangeline took its neck and snapped it, tossing it back as well, then faced the father, a cold smile lighting itself across her lips. This would be all too easy.

It did not take long for the parents to die, and the children, she did not bother to drink from; they were too small to be worth it. The pilot had attempted to run, but one command from her to stay, if he wanted any chance whatsoever at survival, paired with her seizing and harsh squeezing of his throat,had convinced him of the futility of this thought. With five bodies scattered about the interior, Evangeline had then turned to the pilot, sated, color now flooding her pale cheeks, and commanded him as well.

"You will fly me now to South America, and you will land me where I tell you to. Do that and you will have a much higher chance of surviving."

The pilot was not stupid enough to disobey, and as Evangeline sat beside him, leaning back and idly cleaning the blood from beneath her nails.

"Thank you. I like a guy who can take direction."
*Alex was standing by the hangar doors in his combat suit that is so form fitting you both girls can say without a doubt that Alex is truly ripped, despite how awkward and goofy he may seem, he's in better condition then Olympic athletes, when Sheena and Raina walked up, he's a little pissed cause they're behind the timeline he set but that can't be helped now.* SMP? Nevermind I don't want to know, you two need to get changed, wheels up in 10 minutes. *He turns his attention to Raina* Welcome on my op Raina and just to be clear it is my op, I'm the senior agent on this mission and what I say is law, if I give an order I expect it to be followed to the T, First order of business is you need to put this on. *Hands her a bracer that looks straight out of some sci-fi movie.* I know you being a vampire you're all "I'm the perfect predator but you won't be the only one out there, so this suit will give you and edge as well as keep you from being vaporized if we have to use our Ultra-Violets in closed quarters. Now follow me, I want to introduce you to my new favorite thing. *Alex walks to a panel by the doors and places his hand on a panel after a few seconds it opens the massive doors revealing a very bad ass black jet.* Ladies this is 42, or as I'm going to call her Ebony Arrow, this is a brand new off the line S.H.I.E.L.D Paladin Scram Jet, she does Mach 9 so smoothly you could put your fine china and a carton of eggs on her nose and not lose one of them, doing a sling shot we'll be in South America in 3 hours.

*Lowering the doors so they can board into the cargo bay, which has smaller vehicles in it and a small armory, Alex points to a glass plate mounted into the armory bench* Raina put you hand on the glass and hold it there till I tell you to release it, gonna issue you a new firearm, don't want you tracing about the jungle with a pea-shooter. Sheena your gear is ready in the cockpit you should hurry and gear up. *The light-hearted Alex is gone for the moment, this mission is to important to fail and the operators on this mission he can't dare lose, Sheena is Macal's daughter and Raina he's not sure what Raina is right now except he can't lose her because of foolish actions and egos.*
"My fangirls?" Kesson looked at Zelda a little confused about why she would bring that up. What was her intent in mentioning them? Was she jealous? Did she think that he was not at class because he was too busy talking or flirting or doing who knows what with one of the many girls who seemed to have decided he was someone to pine for? Kesson then realize that she was probably talking about when she gave the tour. His fangirls were a little annoying.

Still Kesson wondered. He also wondered why it would matter if Zelda was upset about that. After all he didn't really think of her that way right? And sure he didn't want her angry at him or anything. He liked having her as a friend, but he wondered if he could have romantic feelings for her down the line. Kesson thought it would be better if he didn't. If she learned of his past, she was sure to leave him. He was sure of that now.

"Well I'm sure I'll get the hang of the place eventually once I am here long enough." He nodded. "Hey, you okay?"
(If there is a problem with my characters, tell me and I'll see what I can change without altering the story I have in mind too much. I hope my late entry isn't too much of an imposition.)

Name: Melidianna "Mel" Lecarde

Age: 16

Gender: female

Species: technically human


  • Summoning: I can summon things, whether it's to change my clothes, call my servants or summon spells out of my tarot cards etc. (Example: If I draw a 3 of swords, I can summon 3 swords to come out. This is also a chance ability. I'll be using an actual deck of tarot cards to draw a card and that will be the spell.)
  • Emperor Aura: Also known as the Pied Piper, when demons look directly into my eyes, or vice versa, my voice has a bit of a hypnotic or commanding effect to it. This ability affects the body and not the mind, like if I were to tell someone to bow, their body would bow but their mind would be kept in tact. This works best on full blood demons and even then it isn't a perfect ability. (Let me tell you now, this is more of a plot device. She probably won't actually use this ability more than two or three times in total. And even then I won't use it on any of the other characters without any permission.)

Weapons: I use a sword, three part bo staff, a pair of tonfa, some handcuffs, some poisons and venoms, and a set of tarot cards.

Vehicle: I have a motorcycle that I like to use, but sometimes I get Riff to drive me around in his hearse.

Pets: . . . Does Vash count?

Family: They are dead.

Husband/wife: No.

Girlfriend/boyfriend: No.

Crush: No.


View attachment 6651 As you can tell, Mel has long black hair. She's always wearing that domino mask if she can. If you want to know what her face looks like, you should take the mask off.

Other: Mel carries the title of "Princess of Lucifer". It does not make her royalty. She is not a demon. It was only given to her because of the Emperor Aura power. Also due to the things she did in the past but that is not important right now. It's more of a nickname or alias though and is part of the plot I have in mind.

Name: Riffael "Riff"

Age: 18

Gender: male

Species: demon


  • I can form and control ice.
  • I can cover my body in a scale like armor that protects me from most attacks. (The weakness is that if an attack was thin enough, it could squeeze through the scales. It's also possible to catch him off guard.)

Weapons: I mainly use dual pistols but I am known to use a scalpel or two if nothing else is available.

Vehicle: I drive a black hearse mainly to drive Miss Mel around.

Pets: I don't have one.

Family: None.

Husband/wife: No.

Girlfriend/boyfriend: No.

Crush: . . . no.

Looks: (Consult picture above.) Riff has green eyes and golden blond hair.

Name: Vash "His Royal Freshness"

Age: 18

Gender: I'm all male, baby.

Species: Demon, and loving it.


  • I can control metal, like change its shape or temperature, and move it and stuff. But I can't summon any like Riff can do with his ice. It's a bit of a downer really.
  • I can change my body into metal. It tends to increase my strength and it means I don't have to be as careful in battle. Sweet, right?

Weapons: I mainly use the chains on my handcuffs, but I'm pretty good at hand to hand. I also love explosives.

Vehicle: I don't have an official ride but sometimes I sneak Mel's motorcycle out. Don't tell her.

Pets: I . . . am not allowed have a pet. You let your cactus die and suddenly you're not caring enough for a live animal.

Family: Nope.

Husband/wife: Nah.

Girlfriend/boyfriend: No one . . . yet.

Crush: Huh?! Isn't that a bit personal?! . . . er . . . no one.

Looks: (Again, consult picture above.) Vash has violet colored eyes and white hair.

Name: Lilith "Lil"

Age: It's not polite to ask a woman's age you know.

Gender: I'm a female.

Species: I'm an angel, a low ranking one but an angel none the less.

Powers: I can fly with my wings and also control wind.

Weapons: I use a whip most of the time.

Vehicle: All I need are my wings.

Pets: nope

Family: I don't remember much about when I was alive so I'm going to have to say no.

Husband/wife: no



Zelda looks at him. "Most people do." She said shrugging and then walked past him. "Yeah I'm fine, what gave you the idea I'm not?" She asked and then pretended to look at a weapon that was left there. She pushed her hair behind her ear before having to blow a stray peice fom her face. She seemed calm enough, yet something was bothering her. However it is most likely she wouldn't tell anyone her problems.

Flower looks at Jace and then gets up leaving the bike on. She looks Jace in the eye. "One reason you shouldn't let Sethos because I held back a lot last time....and I'm even angrier. If I have to kiss you again be warned...I will see to it that you never have peace again. What little you have now." She said leaning up a bit her eyes serious and full of the fire that was normally there. She set her mind to something, something that will save her family. She backed off and got on the bike once more. "Now get on." She said looking at him. "And Jace....I won't have any trouble kicking you off at a hint of Sethos go it?"

Sheena changes and readies herself in the cockpit, emerging dressed, her hair tied back in a messy ponytail as she rejoins Alex and Raina. Listening to Alex address Raina and show her what is what around the plane, she grins to herself, crossing her arms as she leans slightly against the doorway.

"You just love having new people to instruct, don't you? Soooo serious."

Coming a little closer, she pats his side, saying in a mock whisper, "It's kinda hot."


In the garden area of the academy grounds, Liza skips around, humming herself and hugging her bear in one arm. She stops and instructs it of all the flowers around her, teaching it earnestly.

"That's one's a rose. And that one's a tulip. And that one's a clover. And that one I don't know what it is but it's blue and that one's yellow. And that's grass. Plus also that is a ladybug."

She continues to talk to the bear as if expecting it to respond, content with herself and her day thus far.
(Awesome. Thanks. Also, sorry for this sucky post.)

Lil landed in front of the Fighting Academy with a single bag in her hand. She took a deep breath before walking in. Her fist clutched her bag tighter as she studied the building's walls. She was here to train. Train so that she could finally defeat her. The girl who was able to kill hundreds of people without batting an eyelash. The thought of her made Lil cringe. She pushed the girl out of her head and headed forward, trying to find her way to her room.

She pushed some of her blonde hair out of her face to see that she was in some sort of garden. She was definitely lost. Looking around and spotted a little girl who was apparently teaching her toy about the plants. Cute. Lil walked up to the small girl. "I-I'm sorry. I'm a bit lost. Can you point me to the student dorms."


Mel walked through the halls in long strides. Vash and Riff were about one or two feet behind her. She reached up to secure the mask on her face. Having it fall off was not an option. As the three walked, the black haired girl studied the layout of the academy. The three had already secured their rooms with the boys having one right next to their master's. Now it was time to survey the school and get a read on the students here. So far, Mel had yet to see anyone that piqued her interest.

Sighing, she said, "There doesn't seem to be many people here worth a second glance."

Riff was the next to speak. "Miss, forgive my boldness but we have yet to see all this academy has to offer. There must be some strong people in this school if it has been able to survive this long."

"I don't know about anyone strong," Vash said. "But there are some serious cuties here. I wouldn't mind getting to get to know them a bit more."

"Shut up Vash. Stupid people don't get the right to talk."

"Chill out, Mel. I was just saying."

"You will be punished tonight for your impudence."

"Seriously?!" He turned to Riff. "Dude, help me."

The blonde boy stared at the floor. "You're on your own, I'm afraid."
Liza looks up, interrupted in her monologue as an older girl approaches her. The girl is blonde, very pretty, and with hardly more than a few words exchanged between them, Liza is sure already that she is "nice." She smiled at her, then raises one hand, the one not holding her bear, up in a wave.

"Hi!" she greets her. "Uh huh I know where the rooms are. 'Cause I live here. Are you new? Are you gonna be in my classes? 'Cause Mama is gonna let me be in the big kid classes if I'm real good and do good and don't talk too much and stuff so I might be, maybe. I can show you. You want me to?"

She jumps up, then holds out her bear to her as if on second thought. "This is my bear. He don't got a name. The other ones do but not this guy. And I'm Liza. Liza Kathleen Cord. What's your name?"
*Alex looks at Sheena with a "I'm being serious" look and stands there with his arms cross waiting for Raina to comply.* This is serious you two, there is to many iffy things on this mission which is not making me feel any better, Sheena everytime we've faced a large force of vampires, we always had some sort of support, your parents, or the Mochizukis, this is our first sanctioned hunting mission and I'm doing it with my bosses daughter and the most illtempered vampire I've ever met, wish I could just drop a bunker buster on this dude and be done with it, but there is no way to be sure it would get him.

*Macal had returned to Titan because he's been feeling a presence all week long, an evil trying to break into this dimension, he can't quite put his finger on it, cause since the return of his powers a few months ago, not all of them are at peak conditions, including his ability to manipulate the time stream but that is not his issue at the moment, despite his recent displays of power lately, he's still quite weak because he did not spend nearly enough time in his world to fully recover, something he's beginning to regret with this presence he keeps feeling. One thing for sure it will be here soon and it may be more powerful then he can handle on his own. Pressing the comm button on his desk.*

Get me Psi-ops to the War Room and start doing Level 8 Combat Drills and I mean all Divisions and Sections and I want all Sentinels on standby for deployment! Someone get me a damn pudding cup...Chocolate, I swear you bring me a butterscotch I'll push you out an airlock!
Sheena too is worried, but this is not something she's about to show in front of Raina. The less she thinks about what they're doing and what it will actually mean, the sheer difficulty of it, and how Evangeline will react when she finds out, the better. The less she worries about it and treats it seriously, the more likely it is that she will not freeze up and find herself unable to actually accomplish it. None of this can be said out loud, though, so instead she shrugs, responding lightly.

"I know, Alex. It's gonna be okay though, I've killed vampires before. How much harder can one guy be versus five, or that whole cave full that had been biting on Faith? We've got this. Just stay focused, in and out, and we can go back home."
*Alex moves to one of the computer terminals and starts typing, until a hologram pops up in the middle of the floor, displaying a young man probably not to much older looking then Alex, he has long black hair, about 6 foot 3, well dressed.* This is our target, he wasn't a registered vampire so where we got this info from I have no clue..Maybe Black Moon did something worth while anyway, this isn't a young vampire, this guy is older then Jirro by at least 2 centuries which in case you're doing the math would make him over 650, this is a master vampire, who's on record as siring at least 40 children all are still with him in an underground temple. Now my question is. if Eve was only turned last year, why is she so far away from her master? Sheena I'm no expert on vampires but something is seriously messed up going on here. But if you want to still go then you know I'm going with you!
Taking in this new information, Sheena frowns, somewhat disturbed. 650 years old...older than Jirro? Older than the vampire who had sired Sheena, in her first WOULD they kill this guy? Why were she and Alex being sent on this instead of Faith? Faith was the vampire Slayer...Sheena was just Lycan, and only half Lycan at that.

Still, as much as this knowledge bothered her, Sheena didn't like the implication of Alex's words. So Lina was far from her what? What was he REALLY trying to say?

"She said he abandoned her after he turned her," she says somewhat defensively, crossing her arms. "And of course I'm going, we're here, aren't we? And I never said you wouldn't go with me. Obviously you are. You're here too...we'll figure it out, Alex."
Sheena young vampires don't just abandon their sire at least, most spend years sometimes decades with them but hey I'm just thinking out loud, if there is one thing I've learned as an agent is to question everything, I only trust my gut and my partner which is you. So just be prepared, as for how we'll take a 650 year old vampire out, well my ultra-violet grenades would probably be useless, he could have a tolerance to sunlight like Jirro and the others, I'm afraid you and Raina are gonna have to get up close and personal with him. *Points to his chest on the hologram* Most vamps his age have some kind of boney plate over their hearts it would be hard even with both of your power to hit his heart with a stake or sword. My plan is to hit him in the chest with a couple of rounds for my sniper rifle to crack open his chest enough that one of you can hit his heart but that won't be enough, you're gonna need him alive cause we want him to release your sister from his hold, some vampires have been known to put a self-destruct image in their offsprings minds so he can take them with him. Don't think you want to risk Eve having one of those in her head do you. After he releases her, take the bastard's head. Well that's my plan of course chances of all this happening like I planned is about a million to one.

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