Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

*I stare down at Jace, my eyes start glowing as I look him over, that's when I see it..a link between him and Flower, invisible to the naked eye but not to me cause this is something that not only have I've seen before but I've done something similar to it a few times.* I don't know what you call this but on my world we call it a soul chain, their souls are linked, but this method I've never seen before, I don't see a way to break the link without causing Flower great harm and I sort of like Flower she's spunky. *sighs* Relax you big ole baby Raina has perfect aim, you won't die from your wound. *Kneels down in front of him my smile long gone, the ground starts to shake, the sky darkens and thunder and lighting start filling it. *Know this and be warned Raina has found her resolve, the next time you face her in combat you may not lose your life but we will see how many limbs of yours we can remove without killing Flower, then maybe I'll see about ripping your little demon friend from that fragile frame you call a body, then I'll do what I do best...I'll make him beg for death but I promise death will never come, I will spend eternity cutting the corrupt and the evil from him piece by piece..This is the price that is due when you mess with someone I care about...someone that has become a part of my family, cause harming my family is an unforgiveable crime in my eyes. Now begone before I decide to change my mind. *Turns and looks at Raina and grins* By the way Sethos or Jace or whoever is in control, this is not over it's only paused, so go count your blessings cause this is your one and only free pass, Student or not come after anyone I care for again and you will pay!

*Relaxes now that my point has been expressed, the sky clears up as well as the ground stops shaking.* Now Raina you wanted to talk to me, how about we go somewhere else and you can tell me what's on your mind.
Micheal looks at her. "Well i can teleport." He said and then smiled. "I have done some fighting. I'm not sure how much though....I guess I-" His evil side stops him. If he were to say he blacks out that would be bad. "Guess I try not to remember most of the time." He said with a smile trying to cover up his pause. He glances at Faye and then smiles. He notices Nick's death glare at him. He blinks and then looks back to Faith.

Flower continues slowly healing herself. She looks at Macal if he could get Sethos out Flower wouldn't care...but the limbs thing would be painful for her too. She looks at him. Raina found some friends. Although Flower probably should be happy, it means Raina now has the power to kill she had to keep him on a tight leash....great that comment of treating jace like a dog was really comming true.

She coughed a bit and groaned. "Darn it..." She said and then slowly stood up. "...I probably should die." she said and then looks toward her castle. She was hardly a Queen anymore. Oh if her father saw her now...he'd be disapointed. She slowly walked to Jace going to open a portal to their room. She felt all alone yet again. This whole thing...she was so weak.
Jace watched as Macal stared him down, seeming a bit freaked out - well, majorly freaked out - when the ground shook and the sky darkened.

Sh*t. Who was he dealing with here?

He listened to every word the man said, but none of it really mattered, not to Sethos. And Sethos was the killer, not Jace. But he kept his mouth shut, silently cursing Sethos in his head and telling him he was a fu*king idiot for messing with a guy who could make the ground shake.

Jace looked over to Flower, pain in his eyes. "Sorry Flower." He murmured, her healing was helping though, and he was able to sit up. His eyes flew to Raina and instantly became cold.


Raina glared at Flower as she spoke to her, "Selfish?" She smirked, "Yeah sure, let's go with that." She stepped a bit closer, eyes hardening, fists clenching and anger rising as she spoke through gritted teeth, "You know what that basta*d did to me and my family Flower. You HEARD what he did. And even though that's not nearly as bad as seeing, LIVING it. It's bad enough. And yet you have the nerve to tell me I'm selfish for wanting to kill this son of a bi*ch!" She laughed bitterly and shook her head, "Yeah sure. I'm selfish. I don't care if you die, It's not my fault you're bonded to a sadistic lunatic, and we're not particularly the best of friends now are we Flower?" She ignored her words about being willing to die.

Raina froze as Macal began to demostrate his powers. It wasn't the ground shaking, or the sky darkening, or even the lightning that made her freeze. It was his words. This is the price that is due when you mess with someone I care about...someone that has become a part of my family, cause harming my family is an unforgiveable crime in my eyes. She could feel liquid rising in her eyes, and before long her vision began blurred. Sh*t. No. She can't cry. Not infront of Macal or Flower, DEFINITELY not infront of Jace. Not infront of anyone.

So when Macal turned to her, she quickly looked away, worried he would see the clear liquid that coated her eyes, "Uh, um..I'll speak to you later. I need..I need to go." Her voice shook on the last few words - as much as she told it not to - and she sped off with vampire speed before anyone could comment, heading into the woods.

She found a tree and went around to the other side of it - the side that faced away from the clearing she just came from, and slid down it in despair as she dropped her sword by her side. Covering her face with her hands, her body shook lightly as she silently let a few tears drop. A part of my family. Someone I care about. She couldn't get those two phrases out of her head. She couldn't be part of a family again. She couldn't. She was broken beyond repair, she didn't deserve a family, she'd only end up disappointing them like she disappointed her Mum and Mabel.

(Macalll! Go after her! :) )
Flower looks at Jace. She grabbed Jace's shirt. "Appoligize later..." She said opening a portal. She walked through pulling Jace in with her. They were back in their dorm. she swallowed, raina wasn't the only one feeling like crying. This whole mess was Sethos' fault....his father's fault. Now she caught up into a mess she can't get out of and now Macal got into it. She fell to the floor and then tried to heal herself again but she was getting weak. Everything seemed to be against her. "I'm sorry....I'm so weak..." she said but not to was directed for her father. She continued trying to heal herself at least the wounds weren't to much danger anymore.
Jace frowned as she dragged them both through a portal, then he also fell to the ground, beside her, as she tried to heal herself. He heard her words, but because of the way she said them, because the way she was looking, her emotions, he knew it wasn't meant for him.

"I'm sorry Flower." He spoke quietly and he looked down, ashamed of himself for being so weak, for letting Sethos do what he did, for letting him kill Hunter, for letting him get them in this mess in the first place. For letting him be a killer.

He looked at his stomach as it slowly healed, " you think that guy could really do that? Take Sethos away? Would it hurt you?" He looks to her now, defeat, pain and upset clear in his eyes, he looked like the victim. He was the victim. Sethos did the crime, Jace did the time.
Flower looks at him. "I don't know..." She said and then looked at him. "i can talk to faith....she is the wife of that guy....I'll see if I can explain things maybe she'll understand that Sethos is the one that needs to be punished....if they do have a way to get Sethos out....would you be willing to do it?" She asked and looked at him. She stopped healing for now. She was tired and needed to soak up more light. She looked at the window and slowly headed for it. She kneeled in the light and sighed. As if a trick of the light a hand appeared on her shoulder. The slight scent of her father hit her nose. "Father!" She turned to look but nothing was there. (jace would have seen him too only Jace would have seen his whole body.) She looked to the ground. (I have a plan...heheheheheh)
(What's her dad's name? And what's their last name? Jace would know him aswell - he actually saw him as a sort of father figure, so would he call him by his first name or would he call him Mr?)
*I wait till I see Flower's portal close before I take off after Raina, I use my own speed to catch up with her, I can smell the salt from her tears, pulling the sword and scabbard from my back I slam it into the ground making a loud crushing sound as it goes a good 3 feet into the ground still leaving another 7 feet of the sword above ground, I place my back to the sword and lean on it, facing in the opposite direction of Raina so I can't see her crying.* Hey you did well back there Raina, I'm pretty proud how you were able to muster yourself and get back into the fight, you're a great warrior. *Thinks to myself about what could possibly be upsetting her and then I remember my words, it's strange how naturally they came out, thinking back now I'm shocked that I even said them, somehow this this girl has gotten me to care about her well being and happiness. Faith is probably going to kill me but Raina needs someone besides a 5 year old to remind her that she's worth something other then a stake to the heart. Look I just wanted to tell you I meant what I said and yeah it's a shock to me also, but I finally see what Liza saw in you the whole time, so Raina share your burdens with us...That's what families do.
(Hmm his first name her father is very kind....although Flower has his temper lol. Only he'd never strike anyone unessassarly like flower does to Nick. Let's see his name....I've never thought of it before but If I am going to bring her family back I guess I better come up with names. I guess his name can be Benjamin or Ben for short, his wife can be Kira oh and her sister is Sara.)

(there last name is Moon.)
Hayley noticed Faye staring at the boy Michael. Although she offered to spar with her, Hayley thought that she didn't want to. She opened her mouth to say something. She then decided why not?

"I would love to."

Jinn looked over Hayley. Jinn, first wanted to make sure that the girl was who she thought she was. Second, she wanted to watch and judge Hayley's skills. Even if Hayley was not as well trained as she wanted, this could be fix. She just wanted to see where the girl was already at. She wanted at first to get a sense of her soon-to-be sister.

Jinn also was watching the others in the room. She wanted to make sure she'd have no problems here.


Lekki lead the way to the cafeteria.

"So what do you think of the place so far," Lekki said, ready to get to know her new friend better. There was much Lekki knew she could not reveal at this point. Her past was not all that pleasant, but she still wanted to get to know the boy and share about herself. Besides she was sure he wouldn't tell her everything right now either. But she was looking forward to developing the relationship to the point where they could be as open as possible.


Kesson was lost. He felt really bad about this. One, because he was late to class and two, because Zelda did show him around before. He should know at least where to go. But nope, he was wandering around the school, once in a while looking into rooms he thought might be the class.

Kesson felt this was somewhat on purpose as well, but he didn't want to admit it. The DHH felt this guilt grow in his chest. Talking about his family always gave him that feeling, but it got worse the more he thought or talked about it. Kesson wondered if he would ever get over what he had done.

He could recall Lekki's words to him earlier. About hiding something. About maybe finding someone to share it with. Could Kesson find someone who would understand his choice? Who wouldn't judge him or look at him differently. He thought no. He always thought no on that regard. But he felt that was because he had always casted himself as a villian because of what he had done. Kesson, deep down, didn't want to be forgiven for what he done. In some ways he felt he was punishing himself and he wonder if there would be a point he went further.

Kesson also thought of Zelda - and even her brother James. They were DHH as well. Would they be the best to talk to? Would they understand or would it be the worst option to confide in them? Kesson could not be sure.

He knew he should just forget about it, as he had done time and time again, but he wondered how long he would be able to keep this to himself.
(Sky is still with him you know.)

Sky looks at Kesson and then rubs her head on his. She looks at him and then opens her wings. She jumps off his shoulder and flys down the hall. She screeches and stops looking at him wanting him to follow her. She was going to lead him to the class room. She makes a loud noise again and then flys off. She checks back to see if he was following her. She wanted to help him, although she wasn't sure herself why. It was just like when the large eagle found Flower....Sky was always different.
(Oh I didn't realize she followed him. Oops...)

Kesson was pulled out of his thoughts - probably for the best - by a screech. He had forgot that Sky, Flower's eagle, had followed him from the garden. He was kind of happy about it though. A bird was a weird companion, but at least he wasn't walking alone.

He guessed she wanted him to follow and he thought, why not.
(I'm actually not really sure what to do in the course of this lesson seems hardly anyone is actually in the room. So do you mind if I skim through it and get to the after the lesson part, because I think interactions will be more interesting if for example Sheena can hear that Raina is going and has to say goodbye to Eve, and Jinn can see Hayley after class, Faith can hear what happened with Macal and Raina and the rest, etc)

As Faith continues to get introductions from the new students, she then assigns all the students, except the new ones, a weapon to work with in pairs, going from group to group to demonstrate and observe. After it seems that everyone is at least not going to murder each other in their use, she then returns to the new students and has them begin to demonstrate their hand to hand combat knowledge, working with each individually in turn to improve one specific skill. Sheena attempts to focus on her work with Alex, but she is distracted by Evangeline easily and Faith sees that. At one point she goes to them and while feigning working with them, leans close to Sheena, saying into her ear.

"You'll be pissed to hear it, but I'm glad you can't take her with you, Sheena. Think about what could happen if you're out there fighting for your life and you can't concentrate because she's pouting at you. Now stop it and focus."

When she pulled away Sheena was scowling, indeed irritated and a little angry as Faith had predicted. But this did give her focus, and she performed better after that. Liza, meanwhile, flitted about from weapon to weapon enthusiastically showing her stuff, to the point that Faith actually had to tell her to simmer down and hold back.

"Am I being good though, Mama? Can I come back again and be with the older kids?"
(That's ok i guess Micheal can talk to Faye more then....I guess that leaves Kesson in the classroom as well seeing as Sky lead him there. I guess Zelda can still be awkward around him lol. oh and ugh...collage 101)

Zelda had been thinking while Faith was intructing the new students. She was surprised to see sky had brought Kesson to class. He was late....wonder what kept him. She looked away and thought more. Before she knew it class was over and it took hearing Deathwish scolding Nick to figure it out. She sighed again and leaned back in her chair looking around. Flower hadn't returned....what did Jace do this time?
Jace nodded instantly as Flower asked if he would be willing to do it, meeting her eyes, "Of course I would, Sethos's a bastard and he's ruined my whole life. Maybe if I got rid of him people could stop looking at me like..." He trailed off looking down, finishing his sentence in a soft tone, "Like I'm a killer."

You are a killer Jace. Don't blame it all on me.

Shut the fu*k up assh*le! You're the killer, you used my hands---

Our hands.

--To kill so many innocent people!

INNOCENT? Every person I've killed has deserved it.

What about Hunter?

She deserved it. She's probably killed many a vampire in the wars. It's in her name.

You don't know that. And what about Mabel? She was a five year old.

And a vampire. Vampire's drink blood to survive, they get what they deserve.

She was five years old Sethos. Now shut the fu*k up so I can speak to Flower.

Then he saw him. Benjamin. "Ben?" The casual word struck the silence and filled the room as he stepped back, blinking with his eyes wide in shock. He looked to Flower as the man seemed to just vanish, eyes still wide, "Ok. I swear, Benja--Your Father was just standing there, like this very second!" He raised both hands in surrender in case she tried to hit him, "I'm not being an assh*le. He was there."


Raina didn't look up, nor did she speak for a few moments after Macal asked her to share, but her shaking slowly stopped and after a while she pulled her face away and wiped the tears in seconds, hoping Macal wouldn't see them - but of course he would have been able to if he was looking at the time.

She stood herself up, tilting her chin up slightly as she spoke in a tight voice - pretending she hadn't just been caught crying, "I came to tell you I will go with Sheena and Alex to South America, on one condition." She walked around him, so that she was facing him now. Her eyes had a slight red rim to them but the emotion was unable to see, her gaze hard and closed off from showing any sort of weakness, "You have to promise me you'll look out for Faye White while I'm gone. Or Faith has to, I don't mind which of you it is."

She looks behind past him, past the tree and at the school as she speaks, "She's my half-sister. Though that doesn't make her of any less importance to me." She let her eyes, her hard, closed off black eyes go back to Macal as she spoke determinedly, chin tilted up slightly in a gesture of strength, trying to prove she was strong. "I need to know she's going to be safe while I'm gone. Can you do that? Look after her?"

She didn't answer his question of burdens, but she did speak in a quiet, yet firm voice, "Thank you, for helping me. But I'm not part of your family Macal. Let's make that clear now."

Gosh, what was wrong with her. How was she stupid enough to let people get this close? To let Macal see her cry, to see good in her, it was a massive blow to her pride, thinking he now looked at her as a weak little girl - as her Father used to call her. And now he was calling her his FAMILY. If he thought Raina was going to let that happen, if he thought she was going to willingly allow herself to become close to Macal....then he was wrong.

Raina was going to fight with all she had.


Faye looked away from Micheal as a sudden pinky/red glow covered her whole body then vanished as quickly as it had appeared. She then focused on Hayley and smiled, "Cool."

Faith assigned them the weapon of a staff each - not a magical one, just a long wooden stick basically - and Faye grinned at Hayley, her amber eyes seeming to be dancing like flames as she nodded at her, "You ready?" Faye loved fighting, it was the one thing in her childhood that she didn't feel fake in. When she fought she lost all memories of her Dad's anger, her Mum's ignorance and Myra's disappointment, she lost all thoughts of the bad boys and bitc*y girls who she was forced to hang around with and act fake with at school.

She was simply Faye, fighting as she did best.

(Yeah, I'm fine with a time skip/summary in class)

Chameleon had managed to slip into the background, leaning back against a wall as he began to blend in - hiding from others as he did best. It wasn't a power - blending in and 'hiding' Because if someone was to specifically look for him, they'd easily find him, but it seemed to work in most situations; it was something he had developed as a child.

He watched the other fight, allowing himself to smile lightly at the child - Liza - as she ran around, chattering non stop and showing up all the others. She was good for one so young.
Flower looks at Jace and then sniffed her shoulder. "Yeah...I know." She said and then looks at him. "What could it be though?" she asked herself and then looks at Jace. "I'll get him out...that idoit reminds me to much of his father...." She shivers. "Oh great...." She looks behind her and there he was. "Speaking of the devil." She said crossing her arms. "What do you want you stupid King."

He looks at Flower. "I sensed something was wrong.." That he's dead....I made sure he was dead. "i see you are injured." He said and then grabbed her. If she dies Kingdom Kira will crumble...I don't want that...I want to control it... He forces off her cloak leaving her tunic. He wanted to see the injury. He glared as flower stuggled.

"LET GO! GEEZ IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE WOUND GO BUG JACE NOT ME!" She yelled at him and then glared. "Why do you care anyways?" she asked and then blinks as he checks and then just drops her. She glares and grabs her cloak putting it back on. "Even Nick wouldn't do that." She grummbles.

He glares. "If you die I don't get what I fact it disappears. So i want to keep you alive." he glares and then looks at Jace. "Next time be careful you fool." he says and then blocks Flower's light attack. He looks at her in no mood to fight. "What now?"

"It was my fault! If I hadn't had held Sethos from running he probably would have gotten away from Raina. Still though I would like to have Jace in control so I held him with light till he changed back." She sighed and stood up. She held her hand up. "now leave you're ticking me off." She said glaring at him and light formed in her hand.

He looks at her and then looks at Jace. "hmm that reminds me...I still haven't seen my real son." he said and then crossed his arms. "Stop threatening me flower we both know you are in no shape to fight. I was checking on you because I was worried for Sethos and you..." he said and then smirks. "I would think you greatful."

Flower stares at him, her eyes saying 'drop dead idoit' She looks away crossing her arms. "Not on your life..." she said and then looked as he leaned in. "Not twice in one day!" She yelled and then blasted him. When she said twice she ment what Sethos did to her before he found out jace would come out if she got to close. She looked at jace. He was sure to be mad. yet it was odd that he would show consern for his son....even if it was just Sethos he cared about.
Faith was relieved as class came to a close and she could shoo the students out, though she knew very well that more would be arriving in sixty minutes' time. There are too many things for her to think about right now...beyond each individual student and their current progress in their skills, which is SUPPOSED to be the only thing she should be concerned with. Yeah much for staying distant and professional with the students. Even the irritating ones she can't help but be concerned with...and no, that does NOT mean it's because she's "motherly" or a "leader" or any of the rest of the things Macal regularly accuses her of before she can sock him over it. And it does NOT, does NOT, mean she is sweet.

Of course, there's Sheena and Alex and their new mission, but that's standard stuff, and she isn't really worried on that one. She knows they can handle themselves. Of more concern is Eve and the influence she already seems to have on Sheena, and what she might do to other if she loses control. Then there's Flower and Jace, Raina and EVERYONE, Liza...and Hayley, if Eve had really attacked her, who is much more shy and sensitive than Faith is used to dealing with in powered students. And that Michael kid too, who may or may not be all was she supposed to watch everyone at once, hire a crew of paparazzi?

She decided to go look for Macal, wanting an update on the Raina situation. She had a feeling her stubborn husband hadn't given up on his pursuit of her just yet.

Liza, meanwhile, her new if temporary guard at her side, goes off cheerfully to play in the gardens until her next class, babbling all the way. Sheena tries again to go to Evangeline as they leave the class, but the blonde slips away quickly and heads outside as well before she can stop her, leaving Sheena biting her lip, slump-shouldered, in her wake. Evangeline smiles to herself slightly as she walks fast; playing hard to get is every bit as effective as affection.
(Yay! I want Faith-y to find Raina and Macal! :D )

Jace glared at the man as he appeared. He barely knew him yet hated him already. It didn't help that Flower kept telling him that his 'dad' and Sethos were alike; since he hated Sethos's gut. He was like the murderous, possessive twin brother that he never wanted.

"Be careful?" He growled out his words, not noticing how the shadows were dancing unnaturally on the walls as he stepped a bit closer, not feeling comfortable with Flower being so close to his 'dad'

"Maybe you should tell that to Sethos, not me. He's the idiot who got us into this mess." He pauses, his eyes hardening, "But maybe I'll just pass the message on, since you'll never get to meet him." Though as he spoke, his eyes did flash black for a moment then back to blue. His thoughts turned sullen as the King called Sethos his 'real' son, it was technially true, since Sethos was the demon side and Jace was the key-holder side. But either way, the King still was Jace's dad, no-one else was.

Then, when Flower spoke, he misunderstood her words and glared at the King, fists clenching as the shadows darted willingly at Jace's feet, "He's kissed you already today?" He spoke through grinded teeth, stepping a bit closer


Chameleon, glad he got through yet ANOTHER class without actually having to fight, doesn't fail to notice Sheena trying to catch up with the girl she named her sister, and as the blonde walks past, he sees the smile. Oh yes, he sees it. His eyes narrow at the girl, glaring lightly at her as she reminds him so strongly of his Mother.

He then looks to Sheena, seeing her defeat posture and troubled eyes. He drops the glare and sighs lightly to himself, raising his voice to be heard as he walks over to her. It's not like he raised his voice so that Evangeline could hear - that would be childish - right? "Hey Sheena!" He practically bounded over to her, smiling at her encouragingly, "You look like you could use some fun, come on." Without giving her much time to answer, he grabs her wrist lightly - not the hand, that would be crossing the line between friend and romantically interested - and pulls her away with surprising hidden strength. He pulls her right past Evangeline, giving the blonde a glare that Sheena wouldn't have been able to see, before carrying on out to the gardens.

Yeah, he was acting wayy too childishly for a Prince.

(Uh, any ideas what Sheena would want to do/would cheer her up a bit?)
Flower looks at Jace. "I ment the trying to part...I ment what Sethos did eariler." She said and then looked at the King. "Run along if there is something I don't want to see again today that's Sethos." She said angry. She looked as the King looked straight at Jace through his eyes. Was he trying to call Sethos out? Could he do that? Orpheous pointed at jace once and Sethos came out....could demons call each other out? Probably, and flower wasn't going to let that happen. However once she tried the blast him the shadows in the room grabbed her and pinned her to the wall.

He walked towards Jace. "You think you can control them?" he said and then lifted up the shadows. "I will tell Sethos to be careful...but I want to talk to him not you." he said and then stared at him. He wanted to bring Sethos out....but why? Flower didn't understand, he wasn't hurting her at all. In fact he let her go. He just didn't want her to stop him. Flower growled at this.
As soon as the King looked at him, staring into his eyes, Jace's eyes widened slightly as he felt Sethos grow more uncontrollable. He met the King's eyes though, being brave as he struggled internally with Sethos. His eyes were now like a rapid party, being Jace's blue, then darkening to a dark blue, then back to Jace's blue again.

"Stop, it." He managed to grind out the words to the King, glaring at him as he stood rigid, Sethos's arguing and control was beginning to actually pain Jace now, holding him back was hurting Jace.

Come on Jace! Let me take over! It's not fair that you're the only one who gets to talk to our Dad!

He's not our Dad, he's a fuc*ing monster!

SO AM I! Jace winced at the yell inside his head and looked away now from the King, breaking eye contact as he looked down and answered back snappily.

Well I'm not! So NO. I'm NOT letting you out assh*le!

While Jace kept his eyes on the ground, he felt the King's hold lessen on him, maybe if he didn't look at him he'd be okay.

"Go away." He muttered furiously, not looking at the King. "I'm not letting him out again."
Faith suspects that Raina would have headed outside, and if not, then Macal probably had; he generally likes to meditate at this time in the morning, if he's not busy. She heads towards the gardens, figuring he might have gone to the circle of trees that she herself secretly thinks are pretty. From the distance as she draws closer, she can make out her husband's form, large and conspicuous as it is, and that of a girl near him...Raina? So he did find her...even before she approaches, Faith smirks to herself. Her husband has some Liza in him, he's definitely one to relentlessly hammer a person until they yield to his way.

Sheena looks up in surprise as Chameleon basically tugs her away, announcing they'll have fun. She glances again at Evangeline as he drags her by, noting the stony expression on her sister's face. Was Lina upset because she was spending time with Chameleon now?

"Chameleon..." she starts, glancing back again, before giving in. "I have go leave today, you know...for the...thing I have to do. But... guess it wouldn't hurt to do something..."

If Lina didn't want to be around her, maybe she should leave her alone.

Evangeline glowers as Chameleon leads Sheena away, her hands slowly forming fists at her sides. She knows the boy is challenging her, that he clearly enjoys getting a rise out of her, taking Sheena from many her are enthralled with Sheena, how many will she have to pry her away from? Since when did a Sadovsky girl become so popular that Evangeline would have to fight for her attention, her own sister?

She would fix that, and soon. In Sheena's absence she would take time to make a plan...and when her sister returned, things would be different.
Flower looks at Jace. "Crap...Jace!" She rushes over and then stands in front of him. "I really should kill you." she said to the King. The king looks at her and then sent shadows at her. She blocks them with light but shadows behind smack her down. She suddenly was pinned and covered in shadow. She stuggles and screamed but being seperated from all light in the room she couldn't do anything. "AH!"

He looks at her. "That ought to hold you for now." He said and then looks at Jace. He jumps at jace. "Sethos!" He yelled and then slightly pulled out his sword. It was a demonic sword. He wanted to give Sethos full control. That's what he planned anyways. He looks at flower checking to see if she was held down which she was. She was shifting to see if that would work but it didn't. Light couldn't reach her either, making her strongest power useless.
Jace watched as the King pinned Flower, and at her yell, a surge of emotions hit him and his eyes stopped flickering to turn his own blue. He watched as the king leapt at him but didn't move aside, standing his ground as his eyes showed fury and his fists clenched.

Let me out Jace! I'm stronger than you, you're just a wea---


It was Sethos who flinched away this time.

Jace glared at the King, hearing Flower's scream on repeat in his head, "I'M NOT LETTING HIM OUT!!" He yelled at the King, his eyes flashing yellow as the King's energy flew into him, probably leaving the King feeling like he was about to faint, unable to hold a sword or anything as his limbs become heavier for him. Whereas Jace felt stronger, renewed.

He glared at the shadows by Flower, his eyes now turning a bright, icy - almost white colour - as he yelled at them. "Let her go! NOW!" The shadows flinched away from his yell of pure anger, moving to another corner in the room as light filled the area around Flower once more.

His eyes snapped back to the King and he spoke furiously, maddened to the core, "Don't ever do that to her again. Come back when I'm calmer, MAYBE I'll let you see Sethos then."

Right now, there was no trace of Sethos in Jace. Jace's surge of emotions had swamped the demon inside, leaving him buried.


Raina is waiting for Macal to respond to her when she sees Faith approaching, she rolls her eyes, "Here comes Slayer." She looks to Macal, "You know she's put a stake to my chest three times already?" She then looks back to Faith as she sees her approaching, not knowing her eyes are red rimmed and that Faith would be able to see she had been crying.

Because if she did. She'd be outta here.

(Uh, before I reply for Chameleon, would does Sheena like to do? What wouldn't bore her?)
Flower looks at Jace and her eyes widen. She blinks and then smiles as the light reaches her. She looks at King who was surprised at Jace's power. She stood up and then smiled. She looked at jace and then smiled calmly. She looked at the King and slowly walked over to him. She put her hand up and then touched his forehead. Suddenly his screamed and roared. Flower sent light into him causing the demon much pain. At that moment the King saw Ben instead of Flower. She was just like her father and that truely caused him fear. He disappeared in shadow. Flower sighed deeply, the wound around her stomach was completely healed which means Jace was healed too.
When the King vanished, and Flower seemed fine, Jace had to try to control his breathing, slowing it down because he was breathing rapidly. He closed his eyes and he slowly unclenched his fists, his chest stopped moving so rapidly and he re-opened his eyes to have them at his normal blue colour.

He exhaled a breath and looked at Flower, "You okay?" He looked around, "Sorry about that.." He murmured lightly, but his eyes were on the shadows and they slowly went back to where they all should be. He then looked back to Flower, "Sorry for shouting, but he's even more annoying than Sethos."


Chameleon grins as Sheena gives in, "Trust me, you'll have fun." He smiles at her, "Well, more fun than moping around the school feeling guilty." He then took Sheena around to the side of the building and grinned at her, "You wanna race to the top? Fastest climber gets a prize!" He then paused and looked at her, "You're not afraid of heights right? 'Cause if you are then I'm not sure what else we can do."

He noticed there were plenty of sticking out bricks and other things they could use to clamber up the wall to the top of the building. "I promise I won't shift into a bird and fly up there" He grinned at her.

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