Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Raina, as soon as Sheena moved, followed right after, even being fast enough to run beside the Lycan, looking at her to grin before she sped up a bit, going ahead of her. Then she kicked up her senses and caught Atherton's smell. Her eyes hardened and fixed ahead as she sped up a bit more, locked onto his essence and ignoring the memories that came with. She knew Sheena was very very close behind her, the wolf occasionally getting ahead of her before Raina sped back up again, it was extremely hard to tell who was faster, since they kept swapping places, Raina sometimes behind Sheena and Sheena sometimes behind Raina.

They were almost there now, and Raina was determined to kill the son of a bit*h.


Sethos rolled his eyes at Flower, "Please don't call it a team. I'll puke if you start spouting nonsense about working together and cr*p like that. It's bad enough I'm stuck with a softie like Jace, I don't want you to get involved in our mental arguments too." He followed Flower as she raced down the halls, keeping up easily, "Why the heck are we back at the school? You think he's gone to reunite with his daughter, 'cause it would be so much easier if he has, then I could kill two birds with one stone."


Myra's heart was thudding so fast anyone with advanced hearing - which was probably most people here - would just hear a thrumming coming from her. She shut her eyes tightly, trying to remember how to breathe as she panicked mentally. She knew others were here now, it wasn't just her and Kol, but she was still so scared. He could do anything, and he was so close to her now that she felt physically sick.

Kol smirked, he was now holding Myra so her back was pressed against his stomach, one hand around her tummy and the other hand actually on her neck, ready to squeeze and strangle at any possible moment. He brushed Myra's ear with his lips, whispering in a way that made her cringe, "My my, you sure are popular Myra..." He paused, then grinned sadistically as he thought of the perfect way to terrorize, and maybe even get what he wanted from the girl infront of him. It seemed like he had some sort of power since he was brought back to life, he thought of a place and then went to it, so maybe, maybe he could use this to his advantage. But before he could plan anymore, his body was suddenly flung backwards.

Myra, while having her eyes closed, had ignored Kol's hands on her, and found all possible sources of water in the room, each one lighting up blue behind her closed eyelids, so she could see the water with her eyes closed, feel it and hear it. And there was a whole lot of it in Kol's body behind her. So she focused her mind and clenched her fists, as she did so, Kol's body flew backwards and she immediately stumbled into James's arms, not caring that he was almost in attack mode as she wrapped her arms around him and hid her face against his chest.

Kol looked up and glared at Myra, muttering, "Little Bit*h. " He looked to James and smirked then, "I'll be back for her, don't worry." Then, just like that he was gone. One minute there, the next he had vanished. Myra however, remained where she was, hiding against James as her heart thudded impossibly fast, she managed to whisper, "He's dead. He's supposed to be dead James. He..He tried" She trailed off, unable to say the man who took her virginity almost just used her again.


Faye smiled widely as Nick told her he wasn't mad at HER. Just others. And she took no time in wrapping her arms around him in a hug, "You're not?" She was practically beaming now, unaware of the situation with her sister as she pulled back and pressed her lips to Nick's lightly, a soft gentle, happy kiss. When she pulled back she rested her head on his chest, facing sideways as she spoke softly, "I'm glad you're not. I really missed speaking to you the past few days." She murmurs, a smile still on her face.

(Macal is playing Atherton? Does he know about Raina and Atherton's past or should I message him about it?)
Flower turned sharply and then grabbed him by the shirt. "And that stone might find to be crushed before you even throw it." She said and then sighed. "It's not Raina I'm worried about." She said and then continued till she reached Myra's room. She saw James and sighed in releif. "Oh thank you.....crap he's gone isn't he?" She asked and James nodded.

James looked at Myra. "He didn't get her....." He said and then held Myra close his wings wrapping around her. He looked at Myra. "I'm so sorry..." He said and then kissed the top of her head. He looked at Flower. "How?" He asked and Flower looked down. "How Flower he just Disappeared!?" Flower looked away. "It's my fault....I..." Flower started but when she looked at James, he was mad but he held himself. He would never hurt Flower. He tightened his wings around Myra.

Nick wrapped his arms around her. "I really missed you." He said and then kissed the top of her head. "For crying out loud after Ogy showed up my fan girls are afraid of me I had no girl for a few days." He said and then sighed. "If you thought I was mad at should have talked to me." he said and then kissed her cheek. He held her tight and then smiled down at her.
(he knows, I told him, but you guys can talk more if you'd like, of course)

Irritated because Raina seemed to be every bit as fast as she was- and occasionally even faster- Sheena made sure that Alex was hanging on tightly enough, then sped up faster still, not wanting to be left behind and not wanting Raina to appear to be in the lead in any way. They were very close now, his scent more strongly identifiable, and as they drew close she began to slow, then stopped, giving Alex time to slide off her back. She would not be most effective by bursting in on Atherton unprepared, full speed ahead, not when there could be any number of traps and baits set for them.


Faith looked Lil up and down again, appearing to be assessing her, before she shrugged, giving a small smile in answer to her frank reply.

"Everything, huh? Well, at least you're honest. Some people come in here, start shooting up the whole classroom or half killing people, and think it makes them some kind of superstar or superhero. Like hell it does, being able to do something doesn't mean you have the brains to know how or when or why to do it."

She looked her over again, more briefly this time. "So what is it you can do or want to do, then? And what are you? 'Cause I can tell you're not human. Not all the way, anyway."
Lil looked down at her feet a bit embarrassed. There wasn't much she could do in this condition. "I'm an angel." The race itself painted a picture of a peacebringer rather than a warrior. "I can control wind, though I am more of a passive player with what I can do with it. I haven't found a very effective offense yet. I can also fly with my wings though they're pretty small now."

The blonde angel closed her eyes and concentrated. A pair of white wings appeared from her back. It wasn't very impressive seeing as the wing span was probably four feet at most. The wings themselves looked delicate at best, certainly not something that could be considered useful in combat.


As the vampire disappeared, so did any interest Mel had with these people. No conflict makes for boring conversation. She signaled for Riff to follow her as she left the scene. There wasn't anything to hold her attention anymore.

(Though there can be.)
Jinn was angry that the guy had gotten away and swore. Hayley blinked at her, surprised at her sudden anger and Jinn just shrugged. She watched the others that had arrived walk away and scoffed. She was going to be sure to remember them. She wanted to remember them all. Jinn was certain they'd all be enemies or marks in the future. She moved over to where the girl and another man were.

"You're not hurt are you?"

Hayley actually almost threw herself to the side to avoid Mel and Riff, shifting slightly as they kind of intimidated her. After all, all the pair did was stand and watch and now they were leaving without a word. Besides they didn't feel right to her. She watched them go and then turned back to the events inside the room.

"Are you alright," Hayley said, almost echoing Jinn's words.


Kesson could still feel Zelda's presence as much as she tried to keep a distance. She was still touching his back. There would be no way she could hold on well enough without doing so. He didn't want her to fall off though even if she might be able to fly or something.

He turned a sharp curve, tilting the bike slightly as he rounded it and he let out a cry of excitement.

*Alex can't help noticing that the two girls are having a competition even now.* Are you two racing to see who can step into trap first? What part of get your head in the game did you not understand. *Just them Alex sees a microwave transmitter barely covered by the jungle, making a mental note of it's location and then focus on the task at hand. Fortunely traveling by Lycan 10 miles goes by pretty damn fast, reaching the edge of the jungle where the Mayan Temple Ruins that Atherton uses for his lair but it's already night and there is a good chance they're are vamps out hunting now. Alex jumps off Sheena's back, he seems to be tracking something on his bracer, walking around for a few moments till it looks like he has his bearings and makes a straight line for what looks like an old water well. Alex leans down besides it pulling a 25 small silver and black balls out of his backpack, and throws them down the hole, he waits about 30 seconds before he stands up and climbs over the side of the well and drops down about 20 feet to the bottom, quickly he grabs his rifle and kneels down as he scans the pitch black cave while he waits for Sheena and Raina to come down, He has to rely on his visor to light up the cave for him but since it doesn't project any light the can is still dark for everyone else, not that Raina or Sheena car since they both can see perfectly in low light situations.*
Evangeline has arrived at the temple some five to ten minutes before the others, and she has already hastened her way inside. She, like Sheena and Raina, is able to see in the dim lighting of the inner walls, and she can feel her sire strongly. She is sure that he too much sense her presence, and that of the approaching others as she comes to him. He is directly in its center, and Evangeline stops before him, giving him a smile and a mock curtsy as she looks him up and down.

"Hi, lover...remember me?" she asks, tilting her head in an overly cutesy manner. "No hard feelings for the way you left me behind without so much as a text or call. I'm still here to help you wouldn't turn me away, would you?"


Sheena drops down into the hole after Alex, still in her Lycan form. She plans to remain as such for as long as possible, because it is in this form where she draws her most strength. She leads the way before Alex, now able to easily smell Atherton...and there is another smell as well, a second presence as well that causes her fur to bristle. Even before she sees her she knows who is there.

Evangeline...somehow, her sister is here. Somehow her sister has followed and even surpassed her.

At Lil's showing of her wings, Liza's eyes light up with interest and excitement, and she claps for her as though she's performed a trick.

"Wowww! Cool! And guess what Lil, I can do wind stuff too! Mama am I an angel?"

"Nah, you're more of a devil," Faith smirks, then ruffles her hair to let her see she's playing. Looking at Lil's wings, she nods, appearing very casual. "I always sort of thought angels had to be dead, like my mom Diana...she pops in every once in a while to check up on me, tell embarassing stories about me, that kind of thing. So are you dead, or were you born an angel? I haven't actually come across any of your specific type, or whatever the right word for that is...have to ask my husband, he might know what might specifically help you. But...we'll work with what you've got and go from there, alright?"
* Atherton sits there silently, he doesn't even acknowledge Eve is in front of him as if he's not in his own body then suddenly he twist his head and stares at her* Ah the ungrateful one has returned..I hope you're not here for your mortal soul because sorry no refunds. *For a guy that lives in an abandoned temple and is over 600 he dresses like he just stepped out a boardroom.* Now give me one reason why I shouldn't drain you and take back my embrace. *Suddenly to vampire females drop down and grab Eve's arms and hold her.* You the betrayed me, you spit in my face and now you show up and make light of your crimes! I should peel you like a grape and feel on your flesh! THE PUNISHMENT MUST FIT THE CRIME AND I CHARGE YOU WITH TREASON!...But since you brought me a Child of the Calling and I sense a old soul I haven't seen in a long time. I will commute your punishment and allow you to take your place at my side once more but there must be at some cost for you of course.
Chameleon watched as Rosa left, remaining emotionless until she was out sight. Then he crumbled. He fell to his knees and held his face in his hands, not crying - because according to his uncle boys and Princes aren't supposed to cry. But he does squeeze his eyes shut so hard he's surprised they didn't rip from the pressure, and his throat begins to choke up.

She's gone. He just watched the girl he loves walk away, well ride away.

He remains there, like that, for a few moments before slowing uncurling his body and standing up, wiping away the liquid from his eyes - which is defiently not classed as crying of course - and turns around, walking right back into the forest.


Faye smiled as he told her he missed her too and kissed her head, loving the fact that he hugged her back just a tad tighter than she had hugged him, it felt nice, like she knew he wanted to hug her. She shrugged lightly as he mentioned talking to him, letting her eyes look up at him as she smiled back, "Sorry, there's just a lot going on right now." She then pulled back from his embrace, grinning up at him happily, taking his hands in hers, "So, what's up with Deathwish? I think us three should throw a party, there's been way too much almost-death lately, I think we all need a bit of fun"


Sethos resisted the urge - well, Jace made him resist the urge - to push Flower as she grabbed him. But he did grumble as they carried on running, the words coming out as they passed Mel and Riff, "I'm not Jace. Touch me again and I'll tear your arm off." When they arrrived, and everyone seemed dandy and loved up, Sethos rolled his eyes. "Urgh. This is gross. I'm so out of here." As he walked off, he bashed into Mel, then glanced to her, narrowed his eyes and walked off without so much of an apology, turning translucent and walking straight through a wall. He needed to find Raina.

If Flower followed him, he swore he was going to rip that girl's head right off. Whether Jace liked her or not.


Myra knew Kol was gone, but she was still scared, she remained motionless, closed off from the others as she stayed against James's side, only opening her eyes when someone spoke to her, asking if Kol hurt her. She opened her eyes and looked to the girl, she shook her head very lightly, "No, not just now." She murmured, implying he had hurt her in the past, which he had of course.

She looked to Flower as she said it was her fault, still a bit pale as she stuck to James's side, "Flower? What happened? He's supposed to be dead..why isn't he dead?" Her voice was soft, timid, not to mention scared. When she looked to Hayley she managed a weak smile, closely resembling Faye with that expression as she nodded, "I'm okay, thank you."


Kol watched from the shadows as Faye and Nick hugged, kissed even. A malicious smirk spread across his face as he watched the young girl smile, grin and even act a bit teasingly towards Nick when she mentioned a party and held his hands. Yes, a party would be fun. He could check up on all of his girls.

But this boy of Faye's, he had to go. He couldn't let his daughter have a boyfriend, or any happiness or sorts. He had broken Raina, now he decided it was time to break Faye.

Though, thinking of Raina, he wondered where his special little vampire was, he smirked, knowing all he would have to do is close his eyes and think of her. But maybe he'd wait until he knew she was at the school. He had heard talk of her not being around, having gone on an adventure of sorts, and decided he'd wait until she got back to say hello. He closed his eyes and transported out of that spot before Nick or Faye could notice his presence.


Raina drops down after Sheena, keeping a pace beside the Lycan as they walk through casually, she can also clearly smell Atherton now, and then she catches another scent, and the biggest smirk spreads across her face as she matches it to that of Evangeline. She leans a bit closer to Sheena, so she can whisper quietly enough for only them two to hear, "You might want to re-think what I said earlier Sheena, seems your baby sister is here already, probably setting a trap for us with Atherton." She then pulls back away, glancing to Sheena incase she leaps at her.

She is silently preparing herself to see Atherton again, it has been about three or four years since she has seen Atherton, maybe she can hope he doesn't recognize her, as unlikely as that is. Then again, he may remember her scent, which would suck. A lot. She knows if he mentions what happens between them, if he says it infront of Alex and Sheena, that she'll have to act tough, pretend she doesn't care. Though, she isn't sure whether she fears Atherton, or hates him. Perhaps a bit of both. She just knows he took a liking to her, and that disgusts her more than anything else.
(Oh great....if he messes with nick...that's going to be bad for him...I'm telling you the prince of Vampire's is not one to be messed with.)

Flower growled. "Let's just say A certain...DEMON! saw me bring my family back to life and got a stupid IDEA in his stupid brain. Well Jace had to stand by the demon took my keys brought back the man that killed his first love and tried to kill him...only thing was he got a key holder power and disappeared. Now I got another thing to pin on Sethos and while Jace is also punished if you'll excuse me...I got a demo n to go punish." She said angry.

Flower knew Sethos was watching but still. She brought Jace there. She looked behind her. Oh great. "Crap..." She said and started running to find Sethos...before...his father visits him.

James' eyes widen as Flower explained. He sighed and looked at Myra. "I'm so sorry...if we killed him once...we can do it again." He said and then looked around. He looked at Flower running and saw a shadow following behind. "Aw man....even though I'm really angry at both of those two....right now I bet Flower has got a lot of trouble on her hands." He looked at Myra and then frowned.
(I've made a few changes to my charaters including adding flower's family and even changing a few pics Tell me what you think!)

My Characters

Name: Hunter

Age: 16 years

Gender: Female

Species: Key dog

Powers: I can turn into a human and have a poison in my teeth that kill vampires.

Weapons: Um I'm a dog...

Vehicle: Your not listening are you HUMAN!

Pets: I am flower's pet

Family: Not that I am aware of.

Husband/wife: Nope not really looking for a mate

Girlfriend/boyfriend: Um no.

Crush: No


Name: Nick/ Deathwish

Age: 101/ 101

Gender: Male/ Male

Species:Half Vampire half demon/Same

Powers: Vampire powers, shadow/ Death claws, shadow, and blood Coffin.

Weapons: bow and arrows and sword/Hand gun, swords, knives.

Vehicle: None/ none

Pets: None/ none

Family: Vince, nick, and deathwish are all brothers. Vince is dead

Husband/wife: None / no

Girlfriend/boyfriend: Faye/ No I get enough girls trying to sit on me

Crush: Faye/ You’re kidding right?

Nick and Deathwish are twins (second picture.) Nick and deathwish:

Name: Ginger/ Trinity

Age: 14/16

Gender: Female/Female

Species: Human/ Key holder

Powers: none/ I can control energy, water, and wind

Weapons: Um a small knife/ A sword, and chains.

Vehicle: None/ no....sadly.

Pets: none/ nah

Family: um.../ Um i consider flower my sister

Husband/wife: No../ NO!

Girlfriend/boyfriend: No.../ NOOOOOOO!

Crush: Little one on someone (Not telling just yet)/ nope.

Looks: Trinity:

Trinity's key holder form:

Name: Flower

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Key Holder

Powers: Light, Shape-shifting, portals

Weapons: Sword, Sniper, Hand gun. Bow and hand to hand combat.

Vehicle: Motorcycle.

Pets: A Key dog and an Eagle.

Family: Dead.

Husband/wife: No


Crush: Nope

(Black wings)

Name: Peter

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Demon/human/ Vampire

Powers: Give anyone nightmares, turn invisible, has a demon form

Weapons: Basicly anything

Vehicle: Nope

Pets: Nah

Family: HA! yes....

Husband/wife: HA! your joking right?

Girlfriend/boyfriend: Nah find them to be.....annoying

Crush: Nah

Looks: [URL=""]

Name: Zelda

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Species: DHH

Powers: Fire and then power to call other dragons.

Weapons: a staff

Vehicle: My wings

Pets: Nope

Family: James is my younest brother and Seeker, along with my parents

Husband/wife: no

Girlfriend/boyfriend: Nope

Crush: a small one of Kesson my mind can be changed though.


Name: James

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: DHH

Powers: Fire, Earth, I can turn into a dragon

Weapons: Sword and knives.

Vehicle: Motorcycle

Pets: A white tiger

Family: My brother and sister but they aren’t here. My mom and dad visit once in a while.

Husband/wife: no

Girlfriend/boyfriend: myra

Crush: Myra


Flower's family. (Comming soon)

Name: Benjamin

Age: Unknown

Gender: male

Species: Key holder

Powers: Earth, shifting and fire

Weapons: Sword, knives, and bow and arrow

Vehicle: none

Pets: none

Family: Flower and Sara are my daughters.

Husband/wife: Kira

Girlfriend/boyfriend: nope I'm married

Crush: I love my Kira


Name: Kira

Age: unknown

Gender: Female

Species: Key holder

Powers: Light, air, and control over plants

Weapons: Just as spear

Vehicle: none

Pets: none

Family: My daughters Flower and Sara

Husband/wife: my husband Ben

Girlfriend/boyfriend: I'm married

Crush: ...


Key holder form:

Name: Sara

Age: 22

Gender: female

Species: key holder

Powers: she senses emotion, controls plants, and teleporting

Weapons: the sword

Vehicle: ...

Pets: a white lion

Family: my sister Flower, mother Kira, and father Ben

Husband/wife: Nope

Girlfriend/boyfriend: no

Crush: nope


Here's Flower's old pic.... please tell me which you like better the old one or the new one? [URL=""]

(oops I forgot these two replies)

Nick looks at her and then smiles. 'Yeah I party sounds nice....hopefully it can calm everyone down." He said and then looks at her with a smile. "You know...your beautiful." He said and then winked at her with a chuckle. "Seriously though a party would be good." He said and then stretched out his arm that wasn't holding her hand. "You know...not sleeping get tiring." He said chuckling a bit.

Zelda giggles as he turns the corner. "Having fun i see." She said and then smiled looking around. She looked back at Kesson and then smiled slowly letting herself relax. She looks around and then laughs having fun. (Sorry it's so short....)
(Your brother did that last post i'm assuming. Lol one time my sister tried to do that while my nephew held me down and he is one year older then me...didn't work...they didn't get to post it. lol)
(Hm . . . I'm not sure. I mean I personally think the face on the old pic was prettier but it also seemed a bit sad. The new pic in general is prettier though. Also, what time is it in the Academy and where is this Academy anyway? America? Europe?)

Lil giggled when Faith mentioned her mother. "I think that's sweet that she still wants to watch over you. I never really knew a mother or anything about a previous life, so I'm pretty sure I was born an angel. Though born probably isn't the right word. I think I was . . . poofed? into existence. Just like nothing and then boom! you're alive." Lil herself was getting a bit confused by the answer she had given. She never really gave much thought to how she became an angel before. It didn't seem very important. She was an angel, end of story. Lil nodded as Faith said to consult her husband and then start her training. She pushed a bit of blonde hair behind her ears and waited for a moment when Liza wasn't listening. "Is there a way to kill someone without . . . killing them?" Lil was completely serious. Mel needed to be defeated but killing her was not an option since she was still technically a human.

(You don't have to answer this since Lil is going to find out a way later.)


Mel watched the boy that had shoved her before he disappeared through a wall. "Disgusting. That thing actually touched me. I'm going to have to have this dress burned."

"I'll get on it as soon as I can, Miss."

She looked at the place in the wall where the boy had disappeared. He seemed to be a keyholder but Mel was also able to detect demon blood within him. Still, he didn't look like anything impressive. But he did earn Mel's immediate hatred. "Riff, make note. I hate that boy."

Riff continued to guide Mel back to her room. "Should I punish him?"

"Not yet. He doesn't deserve to be dealt with, even with a servant."
She then went into her room and locked the door. Riff went into the room he shared with Vash to await further instruction.
"Traitor?!" Evangeline cries, but she remains still in Atherton's hold, not attempting to pull away from him. Such a move could be fatal. "You left me, do you not remember? You left ME. How do you figure that I'm the traitor?!"

She lifts her eyes to him, somewhat put out, but bold as she says to him, "I came here to HELP you. To WARN you. It's my sister who's come after own sister, and I'm still standing against her. For you. Now, I don't want you to kill her or hurt her at all...but the others, feel free. If you'll just let me deal with this...we can kill the others, but spare her. But you have to kill them, not me...if I look like I cared if they died, we can work her to our side. She's Lycan, Atherton...she'll be useful."

Of course, Sheena had already smelled her sister as well and known she was present, and so completely ignored Raina's taunt. Winding her way through the tunneling insides of the temple, she stops just outside its center, knowing from the strength of Atherton's scent and that he is just around the corner, and that her sister is with him. She will not think now of what her sister is doing or intending, or how she got here...not now. She looked back at Alex and Raina, making sure they were prepared, before she would enter.


Faith's eyebrows rose at this question, and she put a hand on her hip, glancing at Liza before responding. "Well, you're talking to a woman who's been killed, had a sister who was killed four times, has another sister who was killed yeah. Question is why do you want to know, and why should I tell you how to do it?"
*Atherton's eyes darken and he hiss at Eve* You dare tell me who to kill in my own lair, little girl I think you forget your place. *Walks over to her as the two vamps slam her hard face first into the ground and hold her there while Atherton puts his foot on her neck* If you did let me remind you, it's under my heel! I will feed on them all and then I'll decide if I'll kill them or not. But first I wish to be entertained. *Walks back to his seat and has Eve released* You will stay here with me as I amuse myself with out guest. *He nods at one of the vamps in the chamber who takes off and vanishes.*

*Back in the tunnels, Sheena is in lead, Raina close behind and Alex is a few feet behind, when Raina takes another step a huge stone wall comes down separating Alex from the two girls, it's solid rock at least a foot or 2 thick with a small 1 inch slit that is almost at the very bottom of the stone, if someone kneel down they could see through. When the stone came down it was mere inches from hitting Alex and the impact knocked him down and dazed him, slowly he gets back to his feet. he yells as loud as he can, luckily the slit seems to be so people can communicate, most likely so who ever built the trap could heard the people in in dying or something like that.* Are you two ok? Anyone hurt? *Poor Alex slowly realizes he's not alone in this trap, moving around in the shadows is at least a dozen maybe two vampires, the reports of the numbers of vamps in this place was seriously off. Alex takes a deep breath and steadies himself, dropping his rifle to the ground he turns to face the vamps in virtually a pitch black chamber, he draws his two Peacekeepers from their holsters.* Sheena listen to me, this is a direct order..Keep going, stay on mission...Take care of yourselves both of you. You two are gonna have to rely on each other for now own. *Alex's visor gives him a pretty good idea of what he's up against but he can't tell Sheena and Raina that he's surrounded by hungry vampires.*

(Raina is going to have to makes sure Sheena keeps moving forward and not waste time trying to get Alex out. Don't worry he's resourceful
Getting up slowly, her face stinging almost as much as her pride, Evangeline gets slowly to her feet, making her way back to Atherton and glowering in his direction. Taking his arm and squeezing, she says up to him with both urgency, anger, and resentment glowing in her eyes, "You don't get it, do you? My sister is here to kill you. Annihilate you. Take you out! And she has a team with her. People in SHIELD. And you know who is her guardian now? A god. A god of WAR. I know a little bit more about the situation that you do, and maybe if you listened to me, then it could actually work out to our benefit."

As the stone divider falls between them, Sheena jumps back, realizing moments later as she collides with Raina that it has blocked Alex away from her. She cannot speak in her Lycan form, but she starts to scratch and paw at the stone as though to try to force it away from him, giving a low whimper of concern and anxiety. When Alex orders her, she continues on for a few moments, but then, glancing back at Raina, swallows and turns away. Still, her ears are laid back, her tail down as she loops around in another direction, looking to see if Raina is following.

She can smell the vampires with Alex and knows, KNOWS what this takes everything she has to keep going.
Raina, as the wall comes down, jumps back, she barely feels Sheena bump into her, and she watches as Sheena paws at the stone wall. She hears Alex clearly, and like Sheena she knows there is many a hungry vampire inside. She actually opens her mouth to protest, stepping forward to say there has to be a way to get him out of there, but then she shuts it and her eyes harden.

She doesn't care about Alex. She tells herself. Why should she care if he dies? Maybe it would make Sheena shut up for a while, or for good. She only cares about finding Atherton and killing him, maybe even proving to Sheena that her sister is a lying bi*ch in the process. Of course, this is only what she tells herself, and maybe, maybe it's what she believes aswell. Maybe the real Raina is like this, a cold hearted bi*ch who doesn't care who falls as long as she stays up. Maybe.

So she follows Sheena, and as they carry on, even though she knows the girl can't respond, she speaks out into the silence softly, Atherton probably already knows they're here anyway if Eve has told him - which she would have done of course. "He'll be okay. He's tough." Raina has no idea why she is trying to comfort Sheena, she should be laughing, scorning her and telling her she'll never see Alex again. But somehow those words weren't the ones that left her mouth. She was being nice, and that wasn't good.

"We'll go back for him as soon as we can." Yet more kind words. Raina needed to go kill a deer or something, there was way too much goodness floating around her lately.


Sethos was marching through the halls, grumbling to himself as he headed to Raina's room. "Stupid fuc*in vampire. I'm going to rip his damn hands off then shove them into a blender and cut open his chest and put the blended hands inside his guts and..." He carried on muttering messed up ways of torturing Kol, saying some pretty fu*ked up ways like making the man eat his kidney stuffed with his eyeballs inside. Yeah. Sethos wasn't the nicest guy in the world.

He reached Raina's room and kicked the door so hard it flew off the hinges and hit the wall, shattering into wooden splinters. He growled upon seeing no-one in this room, then, seeing a note on Raina's bed he stalked over to it, lifting it to his face to see it was addressed to Faye and said something about a trip to South America, that she'd be back soon and to stay out of trouble. He smirked. Raina obviously cares about this girl. "She told her to stay out of trouble? Right. Time to go cause some trouble for.." He re-read the name, "Faye."


Myra nodded lightly, "Yeah. We can..." She looks to James, "I'm sorry I was ignoring you. It's just...." She looks down, "I'm not good enough for you James. You deserve a girl who's better than me. One who hasn't been..." She trails off before starting again, "One who's not messed up like me." She lets go as she says this, stepping back. As she looks up at James, she doubts herself slightly. Can she do this? Does she have the courage to break up with James? Or will she chicken out?


Faye blushes pink as Nick calls her beautiful, looking even more so when she does that. She grins at his words, "Yeah, have to find something fun to do every night otherwise I just sit there being bored" She swung her hand lightly in his, grinning up at him with a sparkle in her eyes, "So, when we gonna have this party? Tomorrow maybe? Day after?" She smirked, leaning in a bit closer, "Either way it's gonna be awesome, 'cause we're throwing it." She looked around, wondering where Deathwish was, "Hey where's Deathy anyway? I've haven't seen him since his demon showed up. You guys usually stick together as tight as glue."

(Oh dear O.o Will Myra break up with James?)

(Ooooo, I so want Faye and Jace to have a mini-showdown now! :D They have so much in common, both found out their dad wasn't actually their dad, both got a new half-sibling, both had lives ruined by Kol, both misunderstood and both are "troublemakers" or used to be.)
Nick looks at her and then jerks back. "His demon is more dangerous then mine so he's a sense sleeping....more or less." he said and then sighed. "Orpheous has been giving him trouble." He said and then looked down. He sighed and then looked down. "Yeah....and um...the party...probably...I don't know." He said and then shrugged.

James looks at her and then blinks. He backs up a bit. "Myra stop cutting yourself short. I don't care ok....I never did I never will. it wasn't your fault and it never will be." He said and then looked down. "You know....I never see you that way and most of the time I don't remember that happened to you because I see you more then that. You may not deserve me...or whatever yoiu think...but I want you...I hated it when you wouldn't talk to me...believe me my sister almost beat me up I was so depressed." He said and then sighed.

The king appeared behind Sethos. 'Faye huh? Oh Nick's girlfriend." he said and then laughed. "Glad to see my son...for once." He said and then looked around. 'You ticked off flower....and now her daddy's back. Not the best Idea if you ask me." He said and then sighed. "Oh how did that idoit come back to life....I thought I was rid of him forever...I mean come on...I had his keys over my fireplace once." He clenched his fist. He truely feared Benjamin.
*Alex stands there in the darkness, his hands shaking with the two handguns gripped tightly in each, the vampires all over the chamber from the ceiling, crawling alone the walls and all in front of him see his hands shaking and perceive it as fear of dying but Alex rises his head and he's smiling. Alex is very much like his two mentors Jirro Mochizuki trained him how to kill vampires and Macal Cord who lives for a battle that can't be won, so he can win it. Alex's hands shaking wasn't fear it was excitement. Looking directly at the closest vampire crawling on the ceiling above him and mouths the words.* I can see you. *Raising his right gun and fires a 50 caliber Silver-Tipped Round straight through it's skull blowing it's head completely off. Now the vampires are shocked but only for a second they start their attack, Alex steps forward into the chamber giving himself room to move* Protocol Sage 6, playlist Drowning Pool Track 8 Bodies. *Alex leans back into a low fighting stance as the entire chamber is filled with the song he just picked but they don't get time to enjoy it...For the next 49 seconds the chamber fills with muzzle flashes breaking the darkness when they stop the glowing red barrels are all that is visible until they slowly fade as the barrels cool off, Alex drops to his knees knowing that wasn't a clean exchange and that he's hurt probably pretty bad but he needs to get out of this trap and catch up with Sheena and Raina, but first he's just gonna sit here and catch his breath..Or pass out either one works for him. I'm right behind you Sheena Legs. *falls over out cold*

(I'll post for the big bad after you guys do your next postxD)
Lil looked down at the ground. Perhaps asking such a thing so soon was a bad choice but time was of the essence. She faced Faith again and tried speaking in a voice low enough so that Liza couldn't hear anything. "There's someone who has to be stopped. And I know she won't stop until she's dead. But . . . she can't be killed by normal means. Well, she can but she's technically human and it's wrong to kill a human. And . . . I . . . I can't talk too much about it now. Not in front of Liza." She looked away. "Maybe I should go. I shouldn't be wasting any more of your time."
We'll go back for him as soon as we can...but what if it was too late? He'll be okay,'s tough...and Sheena knows that. But even Faith had been badly injured by vampires before, and she was a Slayer...what if Alex was unlucky? What if Alex would not survive?

Sheena cannot conceive of losing him. She cannot conceive of a world where one more person she loves must die.

It doesn't dawn on her until a minute or two has passed that it is RAINA speaking those words, RAINA who is being reassuring, even kind. And what reason would she have to be, if she was not speaking the truth? Raina hated Alex and Sheena both...she must really think that it were true, or why else would she say it?

Somewhat relieved, Sheena stops, turning towards Raina and gesturing with her head for her to too, and then shifts back into her human form. Because the clothing she is wearing has been designed especially for her, to shift with her when she shifts, she is still fully dressed, and she reaches for her weapon back from Raina, leaning close to whisper to her. They are moments from her sister and Atherton, and she knows very well that whatever they are walking into, it will not be good.

"We're going in. Watch out for any traps and watch behind you too, because they will find a way to trap us. Lina doesn't know what she's getting herself into trying to protect me, and he may have hurt her. He may have her tied up or out of my reach. So this is how it goes. Something tells me this guy is gonna take more than a stake, even a stake Faith is holding, so we go for decapitation or dismemberment. Scope out the room fast before making a move, whichever of is , is more convenient, gets my sister out. The other takes him out and we both take out whoever comes to back him up. Got it?"

That said, she steps forward into the center of the temple.
Raina stops as Sheena gestures to do so, watching Sheena shift before she takes in her words. She cannot hide the eye roll that happens when she mentions her sister, but she doesn't verbally protest, yet. Decapitation or Dismemberment. Raina could do that. Raina could so do that, and grin while she was doing it. Maybe she'd cut his d*ck off first. That would definitely be a way to teach him a lesson. Yeah. That was do-able.

When Sheena mentions getting her sister out, she does manage to mutter stubbornly, "I'm not touching that girl. She'd bite my arm off, not to mention I'd catch a seriously bad case of lying bi*ch. Sure I've had the bit*h part covered for the good part of five years, but I've never been a lier and I'm not starting now." But then once Sheena is done, she nods at the rest of it, "Got it." She quickly follows Sheena into the center of the temple, guard up, hand on sword already, eyes roaming the area for one person. Atherton. Her senses up kicked up a notch, so if anyone is to make a move towards her she'd dodge within seconds. She can't help but feel a bit self-conscious, knowing she's about to see a guy who she unwillingly had sex with and yet she's wearing black shorts and her legs are clearly on display, aswell her hair being pulled back from her face, which she's not used to in general.

Here goes nothing.

(Fun fact: Did you know Raina's name was mentioned 35 times on page 314? She sure is a popular vampire. xD )
"Of course I am," Kesson responded back to Zelda as he drove on. He thought he knew of a good place to go and drive to so that he could turn around without too many problems. He was going to be sure not to get them lost either, though he realize he might not mind being lost with Zelda for a while. Kesson was glad that Zelda was behind him as he blushed at the thought, shaking his head slightly. "Are you enjoying yourself back there?"

Kesson hoped she was. He hoped he wasn't going to fast of anything. He really wanted to enjoy this time with Zelda and have her enjoy it too even if he didn't think they could be together.


Jinn nodded and glanced back into the hallway as the girl and guy disappeared.

"Yeah thanks for f***ing helping," she called out to them, before turning back to the scene that was unfolding. Obviously the girl was distraught by what had just occurred and was not trying to? Break up with her boyfriend? She couldn't quite tell, but what she did know was that someone else had come to join them. Jinn could tell just from a look that this - Flower? - was strong. She wondered at how strong. She itched for a fight, but she knew better.

Hayley finally came to join them, still flickering between her form and another. One moment her hair was long and black then it was short and red, her eyes changing almost all the time. Jinn found it a little distracting.

"Hayley are you okay?"

"I'll be fine," she said, nodding. "Sorry if we are intruding. We just wanted to help. We can go."
*The center of the temple where Atherton uses as his sanctuary, is a massive chamber the Mayans once used to bury their dead in, but Atherton and his children have violated this place and discarded the dead, the room is surrounded by what looks like balconies all around the edges, unlike the rest of the temple this chamber is well lit so as soon as Raina and Sheena enter it they clearly see Atherton sitting sideways in his chair with his legs casually over the arms, reading an old Archie Comic Book, Eve sitting on the floor at his side.* Ladies welcome, wait wasn't there 3 of you? Oh that's right he's being torn to shreds and slopped up with biscuits by now..Hey is that you little Raina? Wow you certainly have grown up....But really Daisy Duke shorts on a vampire hunt, it's so tacky and really disgraceful when people don't dress properly for work, I mean look at your friend, shiny new battle suit and all the spit and polish to go with it, see that is a person that takes pride in their work. *He turns to Eve and smirks* Your sister looks good enough to eat.

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