Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Evangeline is almost smiling as she looks first Alex, then Raina in the eye. She does not care at all what either of them think about her, or whether or not they know that her 'sweetness' is only pretense. She cares only for Sheena and what Sheena thinks, and she knows very well that at this point, at least, her sister will not believe them if they say anything different from what she wants to think. She knows she's covered.

Shaking her hair back from her shoulders, she shrugs, totally nonplussed. "Whatever...I REALLY don't think either one of you should be worrying about me and MY survival." There is a hint of a threat in her voice as she looks at them, before she turns to Raina, her voice deliberate.

"I must say, Raina, I'm a little jealous of you and your...shall I say, SPECIAL place in Atherton's heart? I never could get him to look at ME with such affection. Aren't you the lucky, lucky girl...your bed will be cold and empty about now, won't it?"

WIthout waiting for her to reply, she turned and entered the area where Sheena was now lowering the rope from above for them, having climbed up pretty easily. Evangeline climbed up first before Raina could attack, then from above, called down to Alex, seemingly concerned. "Are you okay? If you need help, Sheena can come down and help you and I can pull at the same time."
When Evangeline threatens her by speaking of survival, Raina narrows her eyes at her. Then. Then she speaks of Atherton. Teasing, no MOCKING Raina's relationship with him. Her FORCED relationship with him. Saying how he looked at her with affection, saying Raina is lucky, even daring to say Raina's bed will be cold and empty. She was speaking as if Raina wanted Atherton. And that was enough to make Raina want to kill the girl. Evangeline had no soul.

But then she was up the rope before Raina could tear her head off, and when Evangeline calls down to Alex, Raina turns her back to them all, speaking stiffly to Alex and Alex alone as she hides her face from him, both hands gripping either one of her biceps, almost as if she is hugging herself, "You can go Alex. You better get daddy's little girl and her soulless sister back home by yourself." She looks around the place, looking at Atherton's ashes as she speaks, "I'll find my own way home."

Home. Even that sentence bit at Raina almost as much as Evangeline's words had. She had no home. She had no-where to call home, and no-one to call her own. Maybe she would be better off not going back at all. Liza would find a new bad girl to turn good, Sheena and Evangeline, heck, she didn't care what happened to either of them. Faith, well she wouldn't miss the slayer and she was sure the slayer wouldn't miss her. Macal..he'd get over the disappointment and live with his perfect little family. Faye had Myra. They would all be fine without Raina, maybe even better off.

She wasn't needed anywhere. She wasn't wanted anywhere. So why should she even bother going back?
*Alex grabs the rope then looks back over his shoulder at Raina and Eve and grins* You're both welcome to try and kill me but before you try look around you at the carnage of all these dead vamps, think about the ones that were locked in that trap with me, think about that and remember one thing, I'm Alex Sage Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D, Knight of the Silver Dragon and I did all this without knowing what I was getting into, think about that and then think what I can do if I know exactly what's coming for me, you think about that and finally think this to yourself..."Have I done everything I want to do before I die?" *Right now he's talking big but's it's all smoke and mirrors, he can barely stand on his feet and pretty much used all the ammo and explosives he has, he digging out every bit of energy to climb out of here.*

*After the cave is empty a shadow flows out of the darkness surrounding Atherton's ashes reforming him pulling him back together back to life, he grasp for air as his head joins his body and his eyes pop open*


*The shadow takes shape into the form of a tall dark elf with white hair, wearing a pair of double swords on his back*

HardTime: Aww don't you remember...I suppose not, I would probably forget such a humiliating failure to a brat! You failed me Atherton for the first and last time you've failed me.


HardTime: Here? No this is just a mere shadow of myself, I'm still a good long distance from this pathetic rock of a planet. And I don't do second chances.

*HardTime's eyes glow dark red, Atherton's body is flung into the air and pinned against the wall right in the middle of the brightest sunlight filling the chamber*

I'll tell you what, since I am a mericful God of Death and Chaos I'll grant you true eternal life, but I remove your ability to resist the effects of the sun and pin you to that spot for all eternity..EVERYDAY YOU WILL BURN AND EVERYNIGHT YOU WILL WAIT IN FEAR KNOWING WHAT WILL BEFALL YOU AS SOON AS THE RAYS OF THE SUN FILL THIS CHAMBER!

*The skies darken and fill with thunder and lighting, a huge bolt of lighting strikes the ground near HardTime, after the flash fades Macal steps forward, his eyes glowing brightly tiny bolts of lighting flowing down his arms and shooting off his eyes*

Macal: I had a feeling you were somehow involve with this but this is unlike you, this is a complex plan that had to be set in motion years ago and all for nothing! Do you get off on this sick game of messing with my family?

HardTime: Well a God needs a hobby, it was either this or knitting, besides what's the harm, this fool ruined everything, he drew in the wrong Slayer, I wanted your Amazon of a wife! Not that puppy, by the way a Half-Lycan destined to be a Vampire Slayer, I have to say didn't see that coming.

*As they talk the sky clears up and the sun starts hitting Atherton burning his body but not killing him, his screams fill the chamber..At the same time they both shout at him.*


*Despite the intense pain he's in
Atherton quickly shuts up*

Macal: Turn away and forget all this revenge stuff, please old friend just live and let live, you do not want to face me again, remember you never win our battles.

HardTime: Everyone can be defeated...You showed me that and I'm sooo close to finding them Macal and when I do you will beg to lick my boots.


*Macal Draws his sword and charges HardTime and strikes him but found himself being launched out of the chamber and flying almost to the other side of the continent crashing into the ocean, knocked out for hours he sinks to the bottom of the ocean. When he wakes he shoots out the water and flies back to the temple, by the time he gets there it's night
Atherton is the only one there, still smoking from burning all day.*


*Macal floats down to his level his eyes glowing again*


*Macal vanishes leaving him there, to wait for the sun to rise and his torture to begin all over again...It takes Macal no time to pick up Raina's trail, after all she had no way to leave South America on her own, He appears right next to her*

Macal: You know if you're walking home you're heading in the wrong direction right?

Scorn(The vampire king.) looked at Leon and then smiled. However his smile fadded as he sensed someone coming. His smart comment wouldn't be heard as he turned to look. Ben was here and Ben was staring right at Scorn. The stare between the two was intense. The air suddenly seemed thick. Scorn took a step back as Ben grabbed his sword. Oh yes, Ben knew who killed him...and he was ready to kill Scorn. Scorn however disappeared in Shadow leaving Ben standing there.

Ben smirked slightly. "Thought so." He looked at the two who were left. He nodded slightly and then turned walking down the hall. He had a power and it could be felt. He was looking for Flower. (which is bad if he sees Sethos.)
Raina has been walking aimlessly for some time, not sure where she's heading, just knowing it's not back to the academy. Then she hears Macal's voice, and senses his presence beside her and she stops, looking at him with a raised eyebrow, "Home? You have no idea where my home was Macal, or if I even have one, unless you're a super stalker." She then continued to walk, entering a forest and pushing leaves aside as she muttered angrily, "I'm not going back to the academy, if that's what you mean. I have no business being there anyway."

Of course what she really means is no-one wants her there. But she wouldn't admit that to Macal. Or anyone else for that matter.

As she pushes angrily through the forest, her foot catches on a sticking out rock, but before she can fall she does a flip and lands on her feet, pausing and looking back to glare at the rock, "What a stupid place to have a stone." She mutters, then she looks to Macal, "So, you can go now. Teleport yourself back to your home." Raina is slightly bitter as she says this, thinking that Macal has a home. Macal has a place where he belongs, he has a family, and people who would actually try to find him if he vanished to another country.

Will Raina ever have that? A real family? A home of her own? Will she ever know who she is? Sure. Other people have gone through sh*t like she has. But at least they know who they are now. Even Sheena, no matter how messed up she may be, no matter what she's gone through, even though she is the same age as Raina, she knows who she is, she has a family now, she can safely say the word home and not feel like cr*p afterwards.


Sethos had left and was searching now for not Flower, but Faye. She was his next target. She was Kol's daughter and Raina's sister. The perfect victim for him to take down. He spotted the fiery girl walking alone, and didn't even notice that he passed Flower and two other girls as he sped over to Faye, slamming her against the wall without so much as a warning, "Hey Faye, wanna spar with me?" He smirked, his eyes pitch black as the girl looked up at him with surprise, "Jace?" Sethos tilted his head, all the shadows in the hallway swarming around him, leaving light everywhere else as they surrounded the two in darkness, "You know, I really hate it when people call me Jace." He grabbed Faye's shoulders and flung her across the hall, making her fly through the door that had been opened by the shadows and land on her butt in one of the sparring rooms.

Sethos sped in after her and the door slammed behind him, a chair flying over and wedging itself so that the door couldn't be opened by anyone on the outside. Faye leapt up, glaring at Sethos, "You gonna try and kill me now Sethos?" Sethos nodded, grinning as the room darkened and there was next to no light to be used as a weapon. "Why?" Sethos shrugged, "Usually I'd say 'cause I'm bored. Which I am." He stepped a bit closer and Faye took a step back, feeling herself heat. "But you." He smirked, running his eyes up and down the young girl like the pedo he was, causing Faye to look uncomfortable, "You are Kol's daughter. And dear Raina's sister." He grinned, "Which will make this all the more fun, especially when Raina gets back to see her other sister has been killed by me aswell." Faye frowned, "Other sister?"

Sethos let out a short laugh then, "Oh this is hilarious! You really don't know your own sister do you?" He looked back to Faye as she glared, snapping back in defense, "I only met her, like, a week ago! Not much time to get to know each other! Plus, she's always off doing her own thing!" "How about I enlighten you before I kill you?" Faye crossed her arms, "Go ahead." The more he wasted time speaking, the longer she had to charge, and maybe for someone to come along, look through the tiny window and see them both.

After Sethos had told her EXACTLY what he had done, Faye was ready to kick this idiots butt, and as he grinned at her, pulling out a blade, he spoke teasingly, "You ready to die, little one?" She rolled her eyes, "I'm not that little. I'm 15, that's almost 16 which is almost an adult." Sethos rose an eyebrow, "Only 15? You look about Raina's age. And 16 is not an adult" Faye glared at him as he got closer, and she started to back up, "It is! 16 year olds make their own choices." Her back hit the wall and he smirked, only an inch away from her. Faye's eyes narrowed and she looked him head on. "Now you're pissing me off." She growled out the words and her eyes turned black, a sudden intense heat hitting Sethos as he winced and got shoved backwards roughly by Faye's flaming hands. Then they started to fight, Faye grabbing a spare staff as Sethos started slashing at her with his sword.
(Now you've done it.)

Flower saw Sethos and then glares. "Oh crap!" She yelled and then looked at the two girls. "I'm so sorry...i got a demon to kick...excuse me." She said and then slamed on the door he closed. She let out yell. "DON'T YOU DARE SETHOS!" She yelled at him. She slamed her arms against the door. She growled and suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked at Ben who looked at the door. (Sethos you're in trouble!) Ben broke the door down. He looked at Sethos with an intense glare. Flower cringed and backed up knowing how badly this was going to go.

Ben looked at Faye and then grabbed the chair Sethos used and sat down going to watch. He looked at Sethos seeing if Jace would stop him before he really hurts Faye. Flower slowly followed her dad and looked at Sethos glaring. Ben put his hand up letting Flower know not to run in yet. He wanted to test Jace, if jace failed he would test Flower's skills before running in himself.
*Macal appears infront of Raina again* You do realize this isn't my homeworld right? But I've adopted this world as my home, Raina home isn't about the building, it's where you'll be missed the most and you know that there are people back at the Academy that will miss you, don't lie to yourself and say that there isn't, and it doesn't matter if it's not alot of people all it takes is one...That's home, from the signs back there at the temple I say your mission was completed, well done I knew you could do it. So now that I know I can trust you I need to tell you the truth. My daughter, Sheena is blinded by what she thinks is love, but I believe it's guilt, she thinks she failed her little sister, failed to protect her, so now she blames herself for Eve being what Eve is, despite if that is true or not Eve is an evil little cow that will try to manipulate Sheena into doing something stupid, one day soon Eve will need to be put down and no I'm not asking you to do it but you can tell me if when that day comes, You have no ties to either Sheena or Eve, so I'd trust your judgement, unlike Alex who will not make a move against Eve or tell me if there is a problem out of fear of losing Sheena. I need you Raina, I have no one else to depend on in this matter. Think about it and get back to me after a well deserve rest. *His eyes flash and the world around Raina gets blurry, when it clears up she's sitting at a cafe in Paris, on the table is a small package, inside a new passport, money and an ID Badge with her name on it and says S.H.I.E.L.D Freelancer Security L-5*
Mel chuckled to herself when Leon asked his question. "You could say that. Riff is my servant." What was that title the press called her by again? The Princess of Lucifer. That's it. Nothing but an empty name. Still, she liked to think of herself as a princess of sorts. She did have the wealth to back it up, thanks to good old mom and dad.

She smiled as she thought of their faces as they died by her hand. And everyone else who was unfortunate enough to cross her path and anger her. She recalled the names they called her as she loomed over their limp figures. Monster. Demon. Hell spawn. They were right.

At Leon's suggestion to go sparring, she smirked. "If Riff and I were to fight, it wouldn't be a fair for him. As for any other students, I've yet to find one that I deem worth my time." She turned her back to Leon. "Well I do suppose I should leave you to your home improvement project. You may address me as Mel, by the way." And she left and vanished into the shadows. (Not literally but I assume it's getting late and thus dark.) Riff followed soon after.

(Sigh, now to find someone else to pester. Hm . . . who can I try to piss off next?)
(I got quite a few avalible right now. Although he'd be hard to get mad.)

Deathwish was walking around looking for something to do. He looked around, the place was getting beat up with all the fights breaking out. He looked as a few people where reparing walls and doors. He sighed deeply and then looked around. His shadow seemed different. It was Orpheus' shadow. He sighed, that demon was just beneath the surface now.


Here is Orpheus
(Yay. More people to play with. Though maybe "piss off" was bad wording on my part. I just meant giving bad impressions. Also, on an unrelated note, I think I might have fought Orpheus in a game before.)

Mel and Riff went past many students while going through the school. None caught the black haired girl's attention. She stopped in her tracks as she came across a boy. Riff stopped and had a confused look on his face. "Mel, is there something wrong?"

She looked at this guy (Deathwish). She could easily sense it. Power. Whoever this guy was, he was definitely strong. There must've been a lot of demon blood within this school because she could also tell he had some in him as well. He was probably half like that girl from earlier whose Mel didn't bother learning.

Riff followed where he assumed her gaze was heading and saw the boy. Coming to the same conclusion Mel had, he tried to block her from him, but she pushed forward. She was intrigued by this guy. The blond servant though was worried. The boy's shadow didn't match his form. This half demon was dangerous. His green eyes narrowed.

Mel herself felt something familiar when she looked at him. Where had she seen him before? Then it hit her. He was one of the vampire princes. One of the twins, though which one? Her face then contorted in disgust. He was that creep's son. Though she was still curious about the vampire, her level of interest dropped knowing who his father was.

Riff was the first of the two to speak up. "Who are you?"
(Yes...tha name Orpheus is a persona in persona 3. That isn't Opreus's picture though...although when you first play the game Orpheus turns into that thing. Oh and that is the ending boss.)

Deathwish stops and his shadow turned before he did. Deathwish looked at Mel and Riff. He looked at his shadow and suddenly it matched him. The sense of power in him decreased. He made his demon side 'sleep'. He took a deep breath. "I am Deathwish...can I help you?" he asked his face emotionless. He stood tall more princely like since his demon wasn't awake anymore and now was baried a bit more. He was probably the most unlike his father. Nick wasn't to much like their father either. He looked at Riff and then waited for a reply.
Mel raised an eyebrow when Deathwish introduced himself, though it went unseen under her mask. "That's a stupid name. What were your parents thinking?" Riff placed a hand on her shoulder, signaling her to stop talking. As much as he respected her, the blond had to admit that she had a streak of impulsiveness about her. It was nowhere near the level of Vash's but it was enough that she rarely watched what she was saying. And when dealing with someone strong, it was best to tread lightly lest you offend them in some way.

Addressing Deathwish, he introduced the two of them. "My name is Riff and this is Miss Mel."

"We don't need help. Just looking for something to end my boredom. But so far nothing was worth holding my attention for long."
Deathwish looks at Mel and then looks at Riff. "My name survers a pupose...Death is litteraly what I am..." He said and then looked at Mel. "Then send your attentions else where...I do not entertain." he said and then looked at the two of them. Riff seemed sensible but Mel might have some trouble at this school. He turned around putting his arms into his pockets.
By the time Flower and Ben run in, Sethos and Faye are fighting full mode now, Sethos finding himself with an actual challenge here as the skill of Faye shows. They are fighting at a face pace, that of keyholders and vampires, and are spinning around each other in blurs, both occasionally landing hits on the other. Faye is on fire, literally, and her arms and legs are covered in roaring flames, lighting up the area around her and the demon even though everywhere else is almost pitch black.

"This is for trying to kill my sister you bast*rd!" Faye shoots a beam of fire from her hands as she speaks, hitting Sethos square on so that his t-shirt catches fire and he flinches back from the heat, burning himself before he rips the top right off and leaps at Faye, blade outstretched as he aims for her stomach. Faye sees his intention and does two backflips to avoid it, ducking down and striking her foot up to hit his chin with enough force to knock him back.

"Fu*k this." He growls out as he gets back up, "Enough with the fighting, it's time to die little girl." He still hasn't noticed Flower and Ben's presence, and as he speaks his voice is truely demonic, merged with millions of voices as he stands up and pushes his hands outwards, the shadows swarm at Faye and pin her to the wall as Sethos's eyes flash yellow and Faye feels the energy drain from her, her eyes almost closing before she opens them again. If it weren't for the shadows holding her, she would have dropped. Sethos is then with his blade at her neck, but before he can slice it open a sharp pain runs through his head and he staggers back, dropping the sword and clutching his skull. "Shut up!" He growls out.

Jace is currently at this moment shouting, no SCREAMING, at Sethos to stop, and is pounding inside their body with all his force, almost as if he is on the other side of a mirror. And it hurts his head like hell. He glances over to see Flower and Ben, his black eyes full of pain as they shift from a dark blue to a black, then blue, then black again. Sethos growls out his words, glaring at Ben as his voice sounds like a mixture again, "You" He spits his words out, "No wonder Jace is kicking up such a fuss, seems like his favourite role model's back." He then looked to Flower and smirked, tilting his head a bit though pain is in his black eyes, "And you of course, little Flowerbud. Jace wouldn't want to do anything to hurt the girl he's crushing on." His eyes narrowed into a glare and he moved forward, letting Faye drop on the floor as he spoke dangerously, intent on slicing Flower up a bit, "But I would."

That's it. Sethos falls to the ground with a yell before his body stills and he then falls back onto his butt, rubbing his head with blue eyes as Jace looks up at Flower and Ben, then glances to Faye, "Uh sorry." Faye blinks and looks at Jace, a pink glow covers her body as she notices the eye change and she rolls her eyes, standing up and going over to Jace. She holds out her hand, "No problem. Just try not to kill me again, okay?" Jace frowns up at her as she helps him up, "You're not mad?" Faye shrugs as she looks up at him, noticing how the light in the room had come back, "People mess up sometimes, the important thing is that I'm not dead. If you had stopped Sethos even a second later then I would have been dead, so it's important that you did stop him." Faye then looked to Flower and smiled, "Hey Flower! Who's the guy?" She nodded at Ben. She hadn't kept up on any subjects in class, so she had no idea she was standing infront of one of her kings. The other being the vampire king of course.

Jace rubbed the back of his head, looking around at the seemingly undamaged room before looking back to Flower and Ben sheepishly, not sure what to say to them besides another muttered, "Sorry"


Raina blinked and looked around, spotting the Eiffel tower out the window. Sh*t. She was in PARIS? She looked down at the package infront of her and opened it to see what was inside, her eyes widening at the contents. Once again, she looked out the window and around her at the french speaking people. SHE WAS IN PARIS.

As she got up, heading outside the cafe, she thought over Macal's words, he trusted her? Well, things were getting a bit too deep for Raina. Maybe she would have some fun in Paris, trying to forget Macal's words also about Sheena feeling guilty, guilty that she failed her little sister, that she had failed to protect her. Because if she were to linger too long on those words, she'd start to sympathize, even connect herself to Sheena.

Raina failed Mabel. She failed to protect her. Only difference is that Mabel was dead. Long gone by now, and she was never coming back. Despite how much Raina wanted to hug her once last time, tell her she was sorry, it didn't matter that Mabel was pure and good, unlike Eve, Raina still would never get to see her baby sister again, and she'd always have the memory of her brutal death in her mind.

So yeah. She was going to forget everything, and just have fun in Paris. But before she did that, she needed a ride home for when she was done, and she knew just who to call.


Chameleon watched as the girl left, shrugging and making a mental note to keep an eye out for her - as she seemed much too formal to be simply another student here - as he addressed the door's damage with his eyes. Raina was not going to be happy. His phone began to ring and he pulled it out of his pocket, answering it with a formal tone in case it was his Mother or Uncle,
"Hello?" "Jeez Leo, you sound like a banker or something." Chameleon rolled his eyes and sat on his bed, "Hey Rai, what'cha doing? did you get my number?" He could have sworn he didn't give it to her, he could almost imagine Raina nonchantly shrugging as her voice floated back through the phone to him, "I took it when you were sleeping the other day, just in case I needed to bug you about something, like right now" Chameleon couldn't help but grin at that, "What do you want to bug me about then Rai?" "Well, I'm currently in Paris---" "You're in PARIS?" Raina chuckled on the other end of the line, "Yeah Paris. Might stay here for a couple of days, but I was wondering if you'd come pick me up in a few days time? You can dragon up and fly over can't you?""Uh, yeah,'d you get to Paris?" "Long story. But you'll come get me when I call right? It's a shame you and Rosie-Posie aren't here, in the city of love, you two would have a hell of a time."

Chameleon fell silent, pain rising in his chest at the thought of Rosa leaving, her back the last thing he saw.
"Chameleon?" Raina's voice was surprisingly soft, and Chameleon frowned at this, "Are you alright?" Did she actually care? Was the first thought in his head. Would she be sympathetic if he told her? Or scorn him for it. He finally spoke up, deciding it was worth a try, "Me and Rosa broke up, she left the academy." There was a pause then, that seemed like an eternity to Chameleon. Was she going to laugh? Tell him he deserved it? Or was she going to---"I'm sorry Leo." His eyes widened and he stood up, woh. "Hey, if you don't mind being rebellious and skipping class for a few days, wanna come over to Paris? Sounds like you need a break, and I promise not to kill you." Chameleon frowned now, "Uh, did you just invite me to go to Paris with you?" He could hear the eye roll in Raina's tone, "Yes doofus. Paris would be a lot more fun if I had someone with me who could speak English. Plus, I wanna see what you're like when you're drunk." Chameleon laughed at that, "So you basically want me to come because it will benefit you?" "Of course silly, why else would I ask you?"

Chameleon had a smile on his face as she spoke, he knew she was being kind, it wasn't just because it would help her if he came along. But still. It would be nice to go to Paris. To get away. After a long pause, he sighed,
"I'll be there in two hours, where should I meet you." He could picture the smirk on Raina's face as she read him the name of a french sounding cafe and gave him a nice description of the place. "Alright, seeya in a bit." "Yup." The vampire hung up on him and Chameleon rolled his eyes as he shoved some clothes, money and essentials into a bag and headed out. Why the heck was he doing this again?
Flower smiled as Jace had regained control. She looks at Jace and then smiles. She wasn't mad either. She looked at faye and then giggled. "I sort of brought my father along." She said and then looked as Ben took a more commanding stance. He looked at Faye instently reconizing her as a vampire key holder. He smiled none the less not making a comment about it. Flower looked at Jace and then walked over. "You're getting better." She said to him to cheer him up. "taking control I mean." She said and then looked as Ben walked over. His aditude towards Jace couldn't be seen just yet. Making Flower a bit nervous.

However Ben proved flower wrong by giving an aproving hand on Jace's shoulder. He smiled and then looked at Faye. "My name is Benjamin Moon...I am King of Key holders as of today...Flower here is back to being a princess." He said and then smiled at Flower. He looked at Faye. "You're name is ms?" He asked walking over to her.

Flower watched Ben and then looked at Jace. "Everytime he approches you i sware he's going to hurt you....then of course he changes his aditude...I think he doesn't on purpose." She said and then crossed her arms. She looked at him and then looked away. It had just hit her. Sethos said crushing on. She slightly wondered if that was true. She looked at her father and wondered if he caught it to.
As Sheena helps Alex to the top of the temple, holding the rope for him and then grasping his hand to finish pulling him to the top, she is still smiling, feeling adrenalized after the kill. She does a double take, however, as she sees in open sunlight how injured he is, how he is struggling to walk, and quickly moves to support him, concerned.

"Alex! Did they bite you? Or is it the explosion? I KNEW you'd get out, you're a frickin' genius with that stuff. And everything...damn, that was awesome. You should have seen me cut off his head. He's smack talking me and Raina one second and the next, BAM, dustballs! Are you okay? Are you sure? Shit, you need a tank tonight..."

Realizing she's been rambling on about Atherton's death, she turns back to Evangeline and touches her shoulder, saying apologetically, "Sorry, sis...just had to be done, you know? He KILLED you. It was for you I was doing this...I know you probably sort of liked him but now that he's dead you're free! And you can see that he had to go, right? And it will be so much easier for you now!"

Evangeline nodded and smiled, though of course she felt nothing of the sort.

"Yeah, sure, sis, thanks."

Sheena is still talking as she leads Alex away, and it takes her a moment to look back. "Wait, where's Raina?"

(Should Faith step in with Mel? Or Liza?)
Mel laughed after Deathwish explained his name. He said it as if saying she should be afraid of him. Her? The one people called the devil incarnate. "Is that supposed to be a threat? Well, I don't exactly fear death," she told him. Riff stiffened up at the threat and he looked at Mel. Please don't do anything too reckless he thought. He wanted to say it, but it wasn't in his power. All he could do was try his best to protect her should harm fall her way.

As the vampire told her to go elsewhere, Mel held back stifled laughter. "I can't imagine you being much fun anyway, not with that stick up your a**." Still, she didn't leave quite yet. This boy was already amusing her in a way.

(Sure, if you want, Faith.)
Deathwish looked back at her and then smirked. "Hmm...I'm not much fun..." he said and then a coffin appeared on his back. Blood dripping from inside. He looked at her a wicked and twisted smile appeared on his face. "Death would be the lest of your problems if you keep that aditude ms. Mel." he said and then reached opening the coffin. A pure boned creature came out screeching and aiming to harm Mel. Deathwish held it back. "I'm not much fun." he said and put the thing back in his coffin. He had the power of blood coffin. A dangerous power. He started walking away.
Riff put himself in front of Mel as the skeletal creature appeared, but she wasn't afraid of it. She had an ability similar to that and she had seen much, much uglier. She smirked as Deathwish walked away. In her book she considered this a win since she did not lose her ground. Still, the vampire spoke as if he looked down on her and that pissed her off very much so.

Riff looked down at Mel. "Do you find that boy a threat?" He was a bit concerned. Like everywhere they went, it appeared all three of them would be met with hate and anger at this school. He didn't like being treated like that but it was the price for serving Mel. And he couldn't just walk away. It was also understandable adversary. They had hurt and even killed many people.

Mel looked back at her servant. "No. He can't kill me here or anywhere really. And do you think I'd let a descendent of that poor excuse of a vampire king touch me?" She was confident. After all, no matter what people called her, she was still only human. And it was illegal to kill or hunt a human. (I read this on a previous page somewhere. Please tell me if I've got it wrong.)
*Alex tries not to lean onto Sheena but he can't help it* Yeah I saw you did great back there, I'm proud of you. *Finally taking time to think about his wounds, he's pretty sure they he didn't get bit but if he did, as long as he gets back to Titan he can get the treatment so he'd should be ok.* I'm fine, nothing a good week in bed won't fix. I sent up a beacon there should be a rescue team to get us any minute now, so don't worry about anything. *Not long after that the shadow of a cloaked shuttle appears over the group, landing a few yards away a medical team rushes off and starts tending to everyone. See I told you not a thing to worry about, I'm gonna take a nap now.
Faith is still thinking about Lil and her warning of the new student she would be receiving as she finishes up in the weight room. She has no doubt in her mind that her daughter, once she meets this Mel character, would immediately set about trying to charm her, as she had with Raina. Somehow though Faith doubts that this girl will be quite as easy for her, if Lil's judgment has any merit.

Thinking of Liza, she realizes that the little girl has taken a considerable amount of time to return to her. Knowing Liza, it's more than possible that she's decided to go off on an unauthorized adventure of her own, so Faith starts off after her, apprehending her just as Liza is emerging through the academy's front door.

"Hi Mama," she says cheerfully, reaching for her hand, and Faith takes it, beginning to walk back with her to her class. "Did Lil leave already?"

When they turn the corner, Faith stops short, because the girl she is looking at, accompanied by another figure she does not recognize, has on the same mask as the girl in that Lil showed her in her photograph. Of course, this girl is older, but the dark hair, and what she can see of her has to be her, right? Very aware of Liza beside her, she starts to turn her in the other direction, intending to put Liza with her guard or her father for now. But Liza has already seen the woman and smiles at her, waving cheerfully.



Sheena is still torn between wanting to glow over their victory and her concern for Alex's injuries as he is tended to, and she stays close to his bed, periodically glancing at Evangeline. Every time her sister sees her she smiles at her, and Eve too remains close, hooking her arm through Sheena's, leaning her chin on her shoulder, and playing with her hair. But all the while Evangeline's mind is churning, formulating details of possible new plans.

She isn't about to let Sheena slip out of her grasp so fast.
Mel turned when she heard the voice of a child. Again, someone was approaching her casually. This time it was a little girl who was waving in her direction. She stood next to a woman, most likely a mother or older sister. Scanning the area, there didn't seem to be anyone behind her so the girl was probably waving to her or Riff.

Standing straight to make sure she maintained her posture, she addressed the girl. "I suppose I should greet you as well out of common courtesy. So hello. Do you have business with me?"

As Mel watched the little girl, Riff had his eyes on the older woman holding her hand. She was old enough to be a teacher here and probably was. And to be a techer, she must've been strong. Damnit, where was Vash? This school was riddled with threats and that boy was who knows where, wasting his time.
Kesson waved a dismissive hand at Zelda's question of if things were rough for him. Then he realize that might be rude. He shook his head instead this time and gave her a small smile.

"Things have been okay. The fangirls are annoying, but other than that it has not been bad. And I think I made more friends than Sky," Kesson said, his face turning a little warm. "Unless you don't consider me a friend."

He looked away and cleared his throat. "But you're right. It'll be a nice chance to relax."


"Is not," Lekki said with a giggle. She knew she was going to have fun with Vash. She watched him make his arm all metal and "oohed" at it before he struck out at her. Her first instinct was to teleport, but she didn't want to keep on doing that and so inside flickered, teleporting to the same spot.

Because of this flickering she was nearly hit and barely had time to dodge the attack. She let out a small shriek as his fist scrapped against her cheek. She grabbed his moving arm and then tried to swing him so he hit the wall or at least be off-balance and give her a better chance to attack him again.
Zelda looks at him and smiles, a small pink blush creeped up on her face. "Well uh yeah I consider you a friend." She said and then looked around leaning on a tree. She looks up at the tree and then saw a bee. She looked at it as it tryed to land on her hair. She moved a little looking noticably uncomfortable. She tried to shoo it away but it just came back. She let out a little whine and then tried to hide behind Kesson. "This is because of my hair right? I'm not a Flower..." She said and then tried to shoo it some more.

"Aw Kesson can you blow some smoke at it?" She asked. "I can't unless I'm in my dragon form." She said and then added as one more came. "I really dislike bees." She said as it insisted on landing on her hair. She looks at him and then cringed as it flew by her ear.
As his fist grazed Lekki's cheek, Vash almost stopped to say sorry. But before he could do anything, the demon girl had grabbed his arm and swung him into the wall . . . hitting his head again. He groaned as he got up and rubbed his head. If he kept taking hits to the skull, he'd probably start getting stupid.

The white haired demon took the chains of his shackles and connected them so that there was not a four foot chain hanging from one arm. He swung it at the ground near Lekki's feet, trying to trip her foot.

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